GREENSBORO DALLY NEWS THURSDAY. JUNE 16, 1910. Teh Thousand Attended The World's S. S. Convention (By F. 8. Blair.) Guilford College, June U. After at tendu). m deleirate. th world'. Bundaj school coaventioa in Waahinrtae IX C I visited Philadelphia, AtlaaUa CUT, and Cipeeullf my aoa -in-law, W. v. ; Allea, jr., ad issei'Ij in Csmden, N. J, city of 100,000 peoplt. While there I visited th. beautiful town of Haddon- weld, K. J, a. a guest of tie Frieuda' Historical society, of Philadelphia, on the 4th erf May, This meeting included 1 in ita program, which wa. carried out aDBipletelv, an Extended i o spec t ion of the property on which stood the historic horn, of Elizabeth iH addon 1 Strange, ha foundation of ahich, with Hie old tirew house, atiH remain., and oa thi. . baa beea built a aplendid mansion. The fardea and th ancient treea .till are there. m ui lawn under tne yew tree.' 4de, aa intertwting arid res wit given by Samuel N. Rhoadei to a larpe ; atsemhled company of people from J'hiladi'lftia, Germantown, Camden and the region around about. I must not fail to not. th. presence of Dr. Isaac Sliarplres. pre.ident of - Haverford college, whom many in - Korth Carolina know; also hi. wife, and Mperialiy his daughter, Misa Edith ftharpleaa, who wa. for two year, i member of th. faculty of Guilford col lege and who. in Aujrust, expert, to aail for Japan a. a missionary to that coun try. Mr. Rhoade, the speaker, slid much of the exact boundaries of th. once large landed estate of KlimbeU Had don, la all about 1,000 acre.. Til. address finished, th. large party was led bark through the back lawn to Hopkins Manor and on across to the mill dam, noting the Banoroft training rehoal grounds, to the Tohn (tilt mansion, where John Gill and Anna Kastburn Villetts received Uie visitors and gave opportunity to see the box bush garden and examine relic, of Kliuheth and William Penn, and were refreshed with , the best lemonade the writer has ever drank. Them to the Tavern house, railed tlie "Indian King." in which Vv'kshington had been and where the colonial legislature met and first sub stituted the name "state" for that of "colony' in the legislative enactments. Thi. building has been purchased by fne state and i. fitted up with relics, antique colonial furniture, etc. The rhairm.n of the elate commission for the instruction and care of the build, ing, made a speech oei the occasion, iriving an account of its history .nd aaid Tt was to be kept an a memorial through future time. Tt is located on the main street of TTaddnnfleld, once called the "King's Highway." It seems that Kliiaheth Haddon. Oeorge Wash Iflgton and Dolly Madison had been in It and figure, in it. early history. This writer told the speaker, what the lat ter uid he had never before known, that Dolly Madison was born in North Carolina at Guilford College, then call ad New Garden. -The company then moved to the ex tensive grounds of Friend. Haddonfleld meeting hoijee,, where, aeated in chair, they wer. treated by Haddon,field friends to a verv satisfactory lunch on ice cream, cake, tea. and coffee, in th. shade of the tree. After luncheon the party Crooeoded to the old home of Samuel Xroaolson, known a. "Boxwood hall," where many of th. Elisabeth H.ddon heirloom, were viewed. Very rare, val uable and interesting ar. these article. lrst proposed th. marriaga and ha far his assent." nation being added to a display ataad aa WmnXXSEMffrrrSSSSSXIMN ye the figure Iran that land war givwn., ft f Th. total showing ia 7,88b.47 member.,' Tf A ftti of whom abov 160,000 ar found ia' 11111 If i 1 th United Slates and Canada. Thi ia- I Kill . Weather elude. 2.4OU.000 officer, aad teachers the number af school. remrtad heinjr WiMi. All age f root aetogeaartari. N and ether adults by the Bull Ma ta ia- fant. oa th cradle roll aad ia th kia- S dergartca department ar bow found in 9 ia Kuaday aohaoL 1 bis vast company f i ' sositoraa vr xne aaosiaoi. gtoo., The poet. Lomrfellow. in "KliiabeU." has imHortalizad Klixabeth Haddon, bar proposal to him, and th eoaauBuaatioa of it. The whole poem should b read ta be fully appreciated, but the follow- j tB, increu, i bob chriatian leads berng ing extract i given aa an utareattug aampie; But aavthey started, Elisabeth, ling ered a little, aad, leaning aver her horse's nock, ia a whisper, aaid to Joha Eataugh: "Tarry awhile behind, for I have something to tell thee, not to be spoken lightly, nor in th. preaenc of other. "Item it coneerneth not, only thee and me it ooooerneth And they rod .lowly alone throuih the woods, conversing together. Than tlirabeth .aid, though with eon- sidcrable reluctance, a. impelled to re veal a accret ah. fain would hare guarded, "l will no longer conceal what i. laid upon m. to tell thee; "I have received from th Lord a charge to lor thee, John Fataugh Unpraeendented for it. cosmopolitan Ism, unaqualed in the magnitude of ita constituency, and unsurpassed aa a spec tacle, th. World'. Sixth Sunday "School convention in Washington, D. C, May IS 24, marked aa eveat in rtligioua his tory. President Taft was not alon. in ex pressing smsseinent over the air. and character of the convention. He looked out over a sea of 6,000 face n the especially noteworthy. Various factor combined ta make the convention a minioaary oecaaion. Many distictlvely missionary nddraase war made. Tha present of several hundred sia.ioB.ries helped. a So did th ait- i sionary and educational exhibit. Tha ry lector. 9 is upoa the 5 em to have nj u. 8l Is Coming! Th hot weather oomiag will require laundry work that will aland up, and not wilt dowa at th. tret signs of perspira tion. Wa use special stare k and ex traordinary ear ia starching your collar during th. sum mer months. Wa aim to make the tinea heavy -eut aat so tiff as t be uncomfortable. Tin. i. another reason why youll like our laundry work better. Why aot try us ? Phone us. realisation that th agency which deals with cnUdaood ia the moat potent evan gelising foroe contributed powerfully. The widespread observance of World's Sunday School day, in more than 200 language, and dialect., as reported to the convention by cable, from various land., waa a real missionary factor. Literally thousands of sermons upon the religious training of youth beea preached upoa that day. 7Voo in Few Hauls. For th first tim. in Its history the worm, association tried to raise a budget for the expense of the ensuing s) triennium. Th .urn naked for. t7.u00. f was all secured in a few hours. This will be used largely ia placing field worker ia foreign lands to develop th dubosv acnaoi loea ana orwanieaunn. as Th. eonveauon sessions were too au-!c PfctDCS 17(-633 marou. to be mentioned in detail, (m Sunday afternoon there were 85, and onaaSSe7a Sunday night over a hundred, all m it fa regularly appointed speakers from Columbia Laundry Co. I opening, while outside th convention wide area. Convention hall holds n.OUO D. HoIIodbb Married. "o'l iinDiiivr. lirrnnitir hall s still larger number of persons ' persons and it was packed moraine a. I ffllllllllllll II I II III I 111 congregated, unable to enter. Nearly j well .. eveuings, and the siniuitsneous ! 2.500 of the olficial delegatea wore red i sessions often overflowed also. Kspecial ) ribbon badge, with the legend "Northjly notable among the speeches aerriyi n-ft(. Vannha arhlta ami U II America." Some 600 other wore bluel those of Pre.ident Taft, Dr. S. Psrkes,"l55 ralHB ISUyDQ WUHC 8011 If. D. badges bearing the usnies of more than j adman, of Brooklyn; Hon. Joha W ins 50 different nations, as remote as China : maker, lie v. S. M. Zwemer, of Arabia; and South America, Turkey and Auetra- Bishop J. C. Hartzell, of Africa; Mr. 1 : I . - , l tutft A. .... I 1J . .1,-. , v c.a ..J Ttm I 1 1 " . t L. ,11.-.. .H renroentstiue HeWatea from everv man. Rev. )r. K. B. Mever. of Ijlndon.' (Special to UBIly Mml tat and province in the I'nited State'. , ho presided, hsd a profound influence1 Mebane, lune At .30 o clock this and Canada and from foreurn lands.! unon the convention. I morning, at the houi ot the bride'. there were about 7.000 unoftici.l dele-l The retiring chsirmsn of the execu I aatea or visitors. Sometimes three and five oommittce. Dr. Grorce W. Bailev.1 four simultaneous convention seesrouswas elected President for th next three -Miss Pattie eurh were inadequate to hold th throngs. I Tears, snj Mr. E. K. Warren, of Three lorsey Hollomaa, of Rich Square, Ike a r tri u Oaks, Michigan, executive ehairaian : Kv- Daniel Albright Long officiating, opect" Because of its siie end representstne; "'" the, ring eerviea. It w.s a spectacular convention. The i capacity, and because the delegates acre Te beautiful home waa made even great men', bible class parade on the nf- j for the most part middle and leailera in more beautiful by elaborate decorations. ternoop of Way 20 opened the eyes of chntLan work, and also because of the' ferns, daisies, mierofellow rosea and Washington to the virility and mascu , no,. f wor,j peace, world chris i potted plants being used fur this pur linity of modern religion. In order that t,aniiation, and virile allegiance to the poe. some members of Congress might msrch Bibl., the convention will doubtless exert The bride wa. simply, but elegantly, in the parade, aa they did, and thatj. extraordinary influence over the im j g"aed in white silk net and Irish lace, other, might witness it, Congress sd- mcdist. future of .11 churches. Her veil of tulle was caught with lilies journed early on the nay ot tne demon-,' : of th valley, and she carried a aaower IT WILL PAY YOU TO SHOP WITH US We Sell it for Less For Saturday and the Coming Week Our Ready-to-Wear Depart ment Has Some Splendid Offerings at a Big Saving in Price. LADIES' P0ATSOTTS, All new spring style, ta be sold at a big reductioa. COLORED WOOL SKIRTS. Vew styles and colors reduced ia pries. SHIRTWAISTS. We eaa sell you pretty, wall mads waist cheaper than you eaa buy trie materials. Prices, the., 75 eg.. BIG LINE DIESSEJ. Ia ailk, lin.n and cotton. Wide rang af prices. MnxnrEiY. W. ha, reduced tha arm. aa all trimmed Eaan. Now la th get that sxtra has. silk rrmcoATs. A set her let af th rastUnf aklrts, la slack only. Mo K M LACS CURTAIITI inTBCI PRICE. This asTsrlng isolndea ewery aaaaJI lt tt I, I ar I parr, alaa every cartaia that ia slightly sailed. Th Brio has been out a early on-half. You Will Always Find Our Prices Less, the Quality Right and Tour Money Back for Any Purchase Not Satisfactory. No Trouble to Show Goods Here. BROWN-BELK BROS. COMPANY j mother, Mrs. K. . White, "The Kver-TK green," ess celebrated the mainage of . 'TSf Miss Pattie Vaughn White to Henrr i s" IF YOU DON'T TRADE WITH US WE BOTH LOSE MONEY. stration. Torrential rains immediately fireceded sad followed the parade, large y reducing the ranks; nevertheless a.000 men in a bannered procession a mile long marched down Pennsylvania avenue, and DEATH 0P CHARLES EIMEL; .bouquet of daisies and .wee. peas. Iler,er 10 .":. t?' T' J?5 . ' TESTERDAY.jnster. M,a. Jr-i. ,te wasaid of "T- 0?.' Winston cWlem, Jun. .,.-Th. fi.ner.. j V-wower aVuS . tiVlT him" Z services over th. remain, of Charles . could be .uiumoned to take him to Ox- lora. hip yesterday and asked tor something under hi. iastruction. Mr. Newell is to eat. At that time th. only mem- the regular agent for Warren county, her. of the family at home were two and also spend, about half of hi. time young girls and a baby. They gave the ! in other counties, assisting the state negro something to eat and asked hiai agent, C. K. Hudsoa. to leave. H showed aa dispositioa In, . obey, end the girls, becoming frightened, ' Performance is th. theater at . ran to the houae of the nearest neigh "o 10 f ; with a change of progr bor. Two me. from thi. house proved "tT7 'ht Llndley Psrk. themselves with rearms, and going Newell, nf Warrenlon, came several .ere reviewed at the caoitol bv a thronr! rUmel, "no "ed veslerilsy mnmi.gfroml Tll, SHHemeids. coMeur friends nf the, I dropsy snd Bright s disesse, were eon -j ..a. .., m,.. M.rv ,... mi, , Mr. V. B. All these msrehins men belong to tbei?""" lB" ,,a J " ,ro!"!aux. of Morgsnton: Irms Bovce. of Pick to Oxford yeelerdsy to spend seve All tnese msrening men oeiong vo i ,b, fc( followed bv the interment in v. ' Jlj . A.,, with A. O Ilanie . Ihe fs th. Moravian graveyard. The devoted 1 noi0ma n nf AlioskiV- Uke MeN'airv 'demonstration work la tirenvillr county. WVLburJ',f dd Fellow.' honor.. o( p.reen.'boro 1 Ix.uie'B,md Adams, ofM' Da'l reporU great Interest .mong The fellowing served ss psllhearers: 1 1h,rh., r.nnrirh u.rri. ..4 1.1m. th. farmer, of th. ominty in this work. Messrs. Iwis tnrad. Hariey Kbert. , l-,i f ii,, ti... - - jnoiHi has shout 100 men on hia list who Sunday .chool, and the thought upper most in the mind, of many of the apec tntors who lined the sidewalk was ex pressed on one banner, "Wher the-men Lead the bovi will follow." A huge maas- - . . . . ' .'tiiin miuiu meeting lor men, witn ringing .peecnr. Rrjpt n y ny nev. nomrr ciunix mnu w. S. Psrkes Cadman, folkiwed the parade. At the ssme time two big meetings of women delegatea were in session. Another spectacular feature of the convention waa a great open-air gather- fen 1 the marriaee certificate of John : ,n'..T"? "tef" ,cp"?'' JfaUuirh and Elisabeth Handon. in the " "ullitude ot people jomeo in tne Quaker .tvl. of the earlr colonial I ainging of christian hymns period, with thi. difference, Elisabeth signed her neme immediately after that of John F.stugh. She signed her maiden name, "Kliazheth Hsdrlon." and stopped there, instead of assuming the name of her husband, aa is the custom of Friends, ali.. fk i. u .... f- J.,,nkt l . . with me, Mid.' 'KlUsbeth ought to hsve tion through the P.ind.y .chool. aimed the certificate drat thnai 'F.liu. Met UndST a World Map. . " . 1 ntaniiai nnrinil at Hhwidon. and hr hufbanfl tifxt.l Tht onnvention Hat with a motiptar , ' j .lolin Iforri, Hnry Brandon, RjTinond Mr. Kimt-1 had n ill for abnut two months. He had brn motorrnan and watrhmaa for the Krifi Manufart lyinf nd Pow(r company fnr a number f xrmr and waa 47 rar of ap- Ht purvivd bT a wifr and thr chiliiien SCARED INTO SOUND HEALTH. Mr. B. K. RrllT. Sonnfti-ld. 111.. TV. J.aaH...;M. ...rrlaul Pea.J.nt ' 1. A .... . I k. a. and Mra. Taft whom th- formrr intro- j troubled with "my kidnefi and bladder. poun,.T in 1hp ,,,,tf mtr ,or w,r1 rlitewl ii t Wa g.kasarinr tVirnntT H h rll ' earKi.4, rn-atanr Wet raws until t Kr net. .Lrm. termS. Prwidnt"-Hitirrid th nation's clmf'ed at my rotvtition. I uffrrrd 1U0 with xeouliv ffiratlv. lit drlarrd hia b dull heavy hradachei aud the action of lief in tha fundamental imvortano of my bladder waa annoyinf and aainful reliuioui traininar of the routn or ibe white linen (and carried btMiqiieta of!ar cultivating from one to three acrea riaJftiea and ferni tied with pale yellow tulle. The uher war William White, rf Mebane. and the brother of tha Wide, Mi a litre White. The beat man waa .1. V. Hnllonian. brother of the bridegroom. t , Mr. Ilolloman. the brsdrrniofn, ia a otinf man of tterlina; wortb. He came' i from one of Northampton' beit fami ! j lttM, belna; the aon of tfce Hon. Ceorpe VraeT fTolloman, ho reprfaented hn! I ' wr 1 MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN. A Owvue Belief tea feverlebeeea. l iieailfa, neaeeree, AiesiarE Tveable,J'eeihla( 1) I . r ill, ..s l e a i rev W,ra. TVw Break ! Trseal, lllk fJ ( Diw.!.. Ui. Dsa'l ieset tUatiin.'Mrsn. s.i!im, I Clear your f f A Complexion ii iii aw n ex pa i O. D. Boycott fioaoaiealaj sad BaUdiaf Qraait Work, Beat prtoas for ftrat Oass Work. Cot. Walker araan aad Bprtng street, flraeaoro. N. C i a ii ii gg-aea Dr. Charles E. Moore iURCEOH AID FHYSICIAIL lUHff AwflASK. OfSoe hours i UstU 10 a. m. I I I aad 1 U t f. m. Teltpheoeei CMBaa, U3j raalaaasoa, 1004 beth John Miss White, the bride is s lady of un usiisl altraetivenes.. ?he ha. a .weet snd suiinv nature that brirhtens even- I read of Foley Ridnev Tills and after i m ror"" w"h n' " takina them a few week, the headaches I ,h' """'r ' Ur circle of sdmirmg left me. the action of mv bladder wss ' 'nende. will regret .e much to eee Kstaugh Haddon,' becaua hr normal, and I was free of all die Uardner. SCOTLAND NECK NEWS. CORSETS Model B67 is very popular. map or the world nefore ita erea. l he ofhVial button abowed the (rlobe with a red croaa auperimpneed thereupon. Part of each day waa given to a "Roll Ca!l; of Nations " The ei-da of tho ertb I came together at Washington. Strikingly, the note of international peace rebounded from aeaaion to aeaaion; the dept h of convict ion upon this sub jert which poaaeaRed the delegatea made the gathering worthy to rank among the great peace confereneet. On the rloaing night of the conven tion there waa a tableau of 75 children reproducing the picture which thia con vention haa made famous: "The Twen tieth Century fruaadeni." The children of many nation gathered under the Sunday achool flag. At the aame time delegatea from many land Korea, China. India. -Japan, Mexico. Braril, Tur kv stt a arat (lawrsnrl nn 1 h front of the platform and all aant: together ta the Mitiniml ra nptin.t K. K. Power. )r one tune, but each in hia own tonmie ' f'r ""inn '"l" heT. mnrt ronve one of the familiar christian hymns that ia aung the world around. Tht World! Larfett Organiratfon. The statistics of the convention were presented at this time, the flap nf each her leae Mr. Holloman ta an enterprtalng com mission merchant of Rich Square and a cotton broker, a gentleman of nrnmi - nence and growing popularitr, and is to (Special to Daily News J ronr-a tula ted nwon winning so esti nm""1" 'rrR' M,nr "rai ;mihle a roung la-lr from our aection evinings ago an impromptu danoe was J Mr B Mra. rfollornan will he at giren br the young men complimentary j hAni. vfl-r .Inlv 1.1. in their new resi to visiting young Jadiea at the Acad dence. em t of Music. A number of couples ' . enjoyed the dan re until a late hour. anJ all were agreed that it was an ideal affair. Those present from oiit of town wera- Miss I.ilhan Hurch, of Oreenville. V. C ; Mia llallie Powers, of Wake Forest ; Miss Iaii-iIc Cobh. of Greenville, N. C.; Miss Gunnie Davis, of ISan Fran cisco, fl; Misa fld, of Rethaven; Mist. Iucie Farmer, of fireenville. V. C. ; Miss j Martina Rnckton, of Bluefteld, W Va ; ' Miaa KUie Finch, of Hamburg. Ala.; and Misa Ruth PitUlnrry. of VnMoata. C.. It i aH ihst there will be T-rtl d STUDIO Do you want high -class workf Ws eaa fiv. you Just whst you srs looking for. W K. IUTSLER, PbstoraFhsr. 113 I t East Market Street OXFORD HAPPENINGS COOK-LEWIS FOUNDRY CO. sounder aad afachialat. General Repair Work. Special Machin ery Built to Crder, eta. Hifk Orad. Iron aad Brass Castlac. sfseniBS Molded fullev. w. u It beautifies your skin often amoothe and heala. Vaseline Cold Cream is different from others in that ita bane, Vaaeline, ia a mineral product and cannot become rancid or decompose. 12 REMEDIES, each with special use?, all baaed l.terisl (o risily News) I Ovford. June IV - A m-sro. rivina his name a. .lohn Hamlin, from p j IV C. was Hrnuslit to Oxford todav and1 . -B . Indeed in jail lie went to the home 1 4SID 411110.81 tOIVCBUOl 1. 1. A of T. M. Cash in Walnut Orove town Capital Mock 130,000 SPECIAL SUMMER SESSION Big Reduction ta tll who Eater Now. A liberal dnM-un' on either a aing'e or combined course Position fjiranieeH, baefced by written con tract. Write for handome a!aryuc. Tt t tree. Addrcs Klt;' Bl'SI VF,. I.LFi.K. Rale.2h We R-vAkeepinz Short ha nd. Pen n-.ani-hip. etc. by mail. nA for Home 'ur Circular. For Quick Sale 7-Room House on Greene Street, ad joining Y. M. C. A. Site. All modern conveniences and will have 80 foot lawn adjoining. Easy terms. G. W. PATTERSON. AT 0. W. CARR & CO. "latere nrr utiade ten. nd if ot hera found nyain-t him, hia utav wav from i'i.tlnH k will be quite a Inns time V her thnt the indTendent TVmo rrat i will x e iiior-t mjf at H life VKin lonkiiiir t ihr ai xitabfl it t of pjt tillp out a ti'kft to nppn. the "rinir" rornineea term it W do not kno- irVirthcr tli i tnir" or not. hut thev rmd iek rt in the (iel-) two Vir ajro, and poltoH atiii' 'arar minihwr of o1e anr no donhf if thev put i tirket out ' hi rBr Bnr1 put up pood men. tliei- irntrti wiM e greal'" in fientved iw hat of two re r B(fo 1r '"n fnr pieniri nd pletntir" pprr ppmajhinp anH eu f n nurnVr of .) ffrrrnt rorti n nd amnr men ar. nf nrr-dnjred Tv the TOiitllT prnnlf t n '" ' ' 7 'ioreH 1 n iti pini' t hf mi'' oonH dne to th rivrr K'H rVi'-" p i. at' rr hi-ILr plaiVPffj P. -"h1-"' ni" os-ejin in full m s aortp a ' h" ' ' her r!rn lip oiT B00I01 Mass. RHEUMATISM Cured bjtbi Marril it thi Century, B. B. 6. Tasted for 30 Ytarx. At him iiM, awellan Joint perma nently cured throuah the hloo.j with pure Botanirnl j r. j i1ifntt wPI.E TKK AiafT m KWa. If oj hn hne pains urtaitt or hooting pains tip tttii rlfltn i leu, a hlna I'H' k or ahoultlajr hlrii, nmolien iotnt or t.wrijen nuiet-laa, iil rl u 1 1 s In itin m mn'ind you hrt v e Id une . rim l . : . hlnotj thin or Pkln rule, slttn lifftf uni turnti hlfiinat pain ban hrevgth lunahnao. gout, ak block frooi Bl-Oavdwa, Konnir Hi'. on Mr im tm. n. n.) w huh Crevtif red need Rieuraioa Farea wia. V'orfoU Southern Rail war, June tt h to htw 2d Travel via Norfolk n-l teamer. Delirhtfiil aea orre,. Twket include meaia and tte room. berth while aboard ateamer For e-nnlrte mformatioa, apply to D. V. Onn, I'aaa. Agt., Raleigh, or addreaa h. c. HrrniiNs. r, r a Norfolk, Va The NAVARRE Hotel Seventh Avenat at Mtfc la If A ff a aV llk CI K " tha nam sua. 1 ft k ante, hiskeat 1 111 jk. renoemmt and pro. M II led. you eainat sirs, U V less "petroleum ialue fc ' ot less punty. CHE5EBROUGH MFC CO. VrMm t f.frr " laiirf I j j New Yarfc Phoenix Cafe (Fonarl7 Alas'a Csfe.) I'nder new and experlssred nsnage- ment. Neat in arraasament. Prompt in scrrio. Ballsfaetory in methods. Dinner, Us. Aa Bill of fare for orders snd lVunchee. All the Delict' ciea of the Seasoa. TaM for Ladies. Laxative For Stomach Trouble, Slugfiab Liver an4 Habitual CoD.tipabon. It curea by aiding all of the digestive organs fently atirau lat'ea the liver and regulates the bowels the only way thst chronic constipation can be cured. Especially recommended tor women and children. Clears blotched complexions. Pleatanl to take. Rr-hte nibttitutes. HOWARD CARDITES, DRTJGOIST. LIBERTY BRICK CO. , LIBERTY, N. Long Distance Phone 45. C. Ill a. n. ri. wnim. ri'h ptt Id 1 i t"e T Ri'ini a tm. Moo. ho 'in Mr,. noAi nf Hoottil i fltrer-t to tha . , ne- an4 joint,' iimim tt tn k i n a H. B. rf rb 1ll-. Ill h-lp n1 m rni h Juat af1(i and in -hi wav fer lllr a i wt of n 'I t: forma. mri ihn inrl of eu'ee " f ' r all oi her ni"t- noc- ha failri II The 'fid..- rneid a Hit renlifed oniti Ther had r need's or! , r-efed ot" h- Fpjsv-ona ' -hnrrh svia. fa tiii 11 eo. and a nt. e um for h1 --huT'-h , r V a nif-e lot nf faner at H retrehment wer- I : e T Rl'dl Uh di-e. ni - ,- ,,mi rre A M- ru: kent ri f k wrMtn aitMM Rl ( w . Mania. I. a. rvtrrtba oor trouble and fre rne1i a) al'1a given at reel, aaort MW YOkiC CIHTEB OF EVtlYTHIWQ ami, a bwth for a oollar aad a Ult A rwoaa rtth a hat a for a dollar and a half. A rooan with a hat a for a wUtlar ad a half. Dutri Onll. fawet I tew a (a ia emit.) MlMU. T1taatpare4 Tiooklet wa11e1 frwtia Fdiar T r. mlt a. Ce L Siikan Every Yeoman to tatTe'1 ta4 arwaaM aavaw Marvel WHAT A SUMMER COLD MAT DO. A aufntTe- rf!d if nete-ted ia fnet apt to develop intfl hrrvtrhitia t pneumonia- a, at anv other on To not a. ntr)1 it Take Folrv'a Hooer and Tar tt it ha eawnat aa: ,iw t. h. -v ,v, tka MABVItU aroert W and heal the tnnatned arr and I -..-i ik aa.ta Tt w faB etpe, te cold from the ftTtem " How- i mmrnj rmcrtrm 'TV,Ki. ard f-ardner V YsV--B. eer -r Tea ' M Ctieaaava aa 'larooaw iiti.ii-" . KaJVll. C. 44 LtMK-wi Taw t S0UTHEUN S COSVENILHT SUM MER SCHEDULES TO THE "LAND Or THE SKY " j Southern rail war aiiaounea thatl jppnnf and Sutnmer rwa ngr in h"d ' ; nlei to Western r rth Carolina teaorta ' f will take pla-e StindaT. Jtme S, with 'through Weeptnf far arrtf from alt important potnta, afford. njj moat eirel lent eerve. Tt ta ejpeotd that eren creiT ierowda than erer before will viart theae i famoua moiintam reewirta diiniif the . com i n7 Summer aaon Buffalo Uthia Sprinfls Hotel OPENS JUNK 1Sth ti orfolk dni-ion Vvitfoftn railwav. milea eat of r;in' ' !. 'a Hound tnp ticket yood to return until ""apt. Hh, on aale al rrrlurcn r t . from ull pnnipeil roifii Mot nnl fn!d mineral water hatha, t.tie-t- hmi' ua of thi med irina 1 wa t rr I "i med ui I tetiraon t-, ratea and f nM mfortna on, addrt-i A. W. ARCHER, Manager, DR B E. htYS, PreTident Buffalo Ltthia Spnngi, Ta. FLON COLLEGE (Coeducational) FaailV a' e- ble to Ore. born. Modern in equipment F i v nie; j.-n' . Four tir'afff- 'fli '-.c. pevrial eaure for la'brs. .ii '",rd 'n I rnHoraH St Ilr .1 Y loi n" Mu: Art, Krorution. Hu'-neva jt i Pr.-pi'atorT I u fm r nin . Term mod r. t- froni 1 1 J.(f to HIST ffi r r e-n tm mori r h. .-,r rnXa lffie ir t ri r mtortT'ation, aHdn EMMET L MOFFITT. PRESIDENT, t W. A HARPER. Dean, Elon College, N. C. OAK HALL An Ideal Mountain Hotel AliitiHe .2ft feet, roolrnt hn-ei. ctand, lublime ureneTT, in th heart of the mountain, hot and o.d water bath, aonthern hoapitaht v. E BROWNLEE. Prop. TRYON. N. C. Trusses, Crutches, Fountain Syringes, Etc. Large Assortment of New Goods at Howard Gardner's Drug Store

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