r GHEZXSBOBO DAtLT . HETf 8. THURSDAY. JUNE 16. 1910 GENERAL APATHY UYLVG SEICE TO STOCK MARKET NEW WHEAT COMING IN CAUSED KIAKER FEELLN'O Frclesdcnal Traders lailo DepeDiPremluni ol December Over Septem Cpoi Tbemselves For Bnsloess. Naw Tork, June II. Tha stock mar ket at prMMl yowaMM n disiiactive (Mtur except Its aait.y. Ia ths course f tba day this amounted to stag-na-tloa. The professional traders found vary light offerings of etutvk. tor sale, and they argued from ibis a strong undertone and operated In cuDseo.uem e for tr. advance. Attempts to sell stocks, however, developed as thin a de miui d us tliere wcj offennsju and pitiee yielded readily to light seUing pressara. The strength of Erie was supposed to be due to the evidence of improve ment in its terminal facilities. The home coming of J. P. Morgan waa trrven aUo as an Influence on that ker Considerably lldenett Chicago. Juae II. New wheat from Okiakoma kegraa to bo sold kero today, and la under contract to bo delivered la this city the first half of July. The effort was a prompt lowering of the relative value of nearby options and at the same lime an improvement in the quotations for the snout na more f erred. The ereraluin for 1 December over September w (defied to 1 t ent aaainst Uc last nlabt. Official fore cast of clear weather for the northwest was coupled with denials that there uaa oeeu any rain nu n was neavy enough to be of material benefit to the spring wheat, and gave the market here considerable strength the last half or ins day. i ne eioe mas steady ttOC.k k"dlU "",b11ne.?t fromi V e Jvance for distant deliv yesterdsy e estia dividend declaration on tentral Kailroad of New Jersey controlled hy Heading. Announcement of a traffic agreement bet sen the e)ouihera Pacific and Ht. Iouis and San Francisco involving business between St. Louis and the gulf ports, hud a strengthening Influence on the Harrl inan property. A pronounced recession in foreign exchange rates was a feature of the day. Bttls aaalnst the ttouihern Pa clrlc bonds placed in Germany were supposed to affect that market. Home large sums were disbursed In dm denda, Including 9.0d,vu by I he Hi an da rd oil company, but the money market was not appreciably effected. Bonds wrf i Irregular. Total sales. par value. M.IJU.OO United States bonds were unchanged en call. Total sales, of stocks for the day were 351 s0 shares. CLOSING STOCK LIST. AUU-Cbalmers, pfd. Amalgamated Copper Am erica u Agricultural American Beet Sugar American Can American Car Foundry American Cotton Oil , American Hide leather, pfd. American Ice (Securities Ajuerfcan Linseed American Locomotive American Smelting Y Refining, Amer. Hii.e.tinV Kenning, pfd American Steel Foundries ..... American Sugar Refining American Tel. Tel American Tobacco, pfd. Amerloan Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atchison . , Atchisoa, pfd Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore 4 Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklya Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific Central Leather Central Leather, pfd , Central of New Jersey Chesapeake sV Ohio . Chicago et Alton Chlcage Or eat Western Chi cage Oreat Western, pfd. . . Chicago A North Western Chicago, Mil. et 8t. Paul C. C. 0. St. Louis Colorado Fusl aV Iron Colorado e Kout hern Consolidated .as Corn Products .Delaware A Hudson penver aV Rio Grande Leavr & Rio t.rande, pfd Dtattl.e.re' Securities Kris , Krie, lat pfd Krle, 2d pfd. . . (eneral Klectrlo tlreat Northern, pfd Oreat Northern Ore Ctfs Illinois Central In tor borough-Metropolitan jnterborough-Metropotitan, pfd. I ulsr-H e,rvester I iiter-Marlne. pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central , Kansas City Southern Kansat City Southern, pfd Laclede Oas Louisville Nashville Minneapolis eV ht. Louis Minti., St. P. Sault 8te. M Missouri, Ksanas A Texas ...... Sflssourl, Kansas A Texas, pfd.. Missouri Pacific NBtHmal Biscuit National Lead National Rys. of Mexico. 2d pfd. New York Central New Tork, Ontario A Western.. Norfolk A Western North American i Northern Pacific Psclflr Mall : Pennsylvania People a Oas . . Pittsburg, C. C. A St Vputs. Ptttshnra Coal Pressed Steel Csr Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Spring Beading . , Republic Steel Republic Steel, pfd Rc k Island Co Rock Island Co.. pfd St. Louts A Pan Fran. 2d pfd.. St. Lou la Southwestern . PI. Loula pout h western, pfd . . . Slnss-Pheffield Pteel A Iron ... Southern Pacific Southern Railway Southern Rail war, pfd Tenneasee Copper Teset A Pacific , Toledo, Pt. Lonia A West. . Toledo. Pt. Tenuis A Weal., pfd. Union Pacific Union Pacific, pfd United State Tlty United Ptsten Runner United States Pteel United States Steel, pfd Utah runner Virgin Ih -Carolina Chemica wabsah Wshanh. pfd WeMern Msrylsnd ... inghnuae Klertrte Western Union Wheeling A Iake Kris 1'MITRn STATKa IODH. S. refunding s. reg 6 refunding 2s. cou S s. rear S. Is. con P 4a. rear. R. 4s. cou 29 42 31 9 65 SI 14 u 42 HV 103 62 1 IT 32 3S' lllSTv lOa l.'O 111 2ft 77 37 1"6 27ft 146 1-'I4 7 ll 6(1, II H 7K ! 30 11 1IJ 13S l'Z 13! 1 H 17(4 11 31'. ', 11S lilt, 211 I3 3H T me i ll I'l 1 S4 Vfc lf. .12 H3 SI 5H n :., :, n ui SI U. 29 :j 5 i:'i 3 74 rip and wiih (h July l. livery at ck avtly last niglil'a Afurea. Cam flnlah o V v. to up. ana oata w Final fliuie, fur proviaioiiii wara lr- revular, 7Vfer lower to &r tiirtier. rash wheat closed: No. 2 red. 1.914k 1 IJ No. 3 red. !: No. I hard. 49a: Kn. i nard. i'sf, no. 1 nurtn ern. ltl el; No. : northern, 1D14) ! No. i spiiiiK. oiei il. Corn: No. 2, X; No 1 whits, 3 Ilk: No. velluw. II V .,',: No. 1 t;Ui7S: No. S white. (1SI1V: No I yellow. lVv, No 4. 144 IS v.. r.o. t wnite, a.vhejH: no. yellow mi;. (1. No. ! white. 37H43,; No S white. 37 4) 17V No. 4 while. Ip37; standard. 18 . tiJS 1'he leading futures ranged ma fol low a Woeot Julv Sept Ie- Corn July .... Sepl Dee Oats July Wept .... Der Mess Pork, per hhl Julv ....'.'2 110 3.100 Sent . . . .It.tm SS.II lrd. per UM1 Ihs Julv ... 1! li 55 Sept . . 1 50 11 S6 Short Rlhs. ner lot! lhs Inly l:l 17j 11 17 v, 1 3 00 Open. ! 5 17 vj II 16 High. Low. Close. Si, u :'S 10 i lla ii 1114 17 U IIU IK 17 '2 II 4a 14 Vi 16 4, 3 is 'a II liH lit I4H I'S 8 tit. ill ( :s.7o s: 20 1! 10 i: 40 Sept 11.70 9120 11 40 12 40 II Oft .12 i( 12 l 1J 62 vi i:.62' HALTIwORK PROUI'4 K. Raltlmora, June II Wheat, quiet, aoutharn on grade. vIV Corn: Plead ; .pot, IV Onts: Steady; No 1 white. 414J44H, No. 2 mined. 41 nominal. Rye: Iull, No. i western domestic. Ittjll. Local Markets IT hue prices ire itrictly wholesale, and represent prices obtained -on actual sales. ir4relalaaia (By-The Patterson Ca. Tat back. 1.; bama, augaj eurad. compound. COTTON FIGURES (MINED 1 UITUIU ITIDDAUr DllCr M 1 nilUiil MAIkUn HAiiUL Liverpool Trade CondltioDS leported b DBSfltlsbctory CoBdllloi. New Tork. J uaa II The eottao aaar kei continued quiet tudar with flu tuatsn8 irregular within a range of I ui j poinis, and the ilosa aaay at a net los ttt l i (eoints. The opcalug wna attMdy at a decline of J to s points lu resjpounto to disap pointing cabiea. Ther was not a gieat ueul of eotton for aala, ho ever, and during the middle uf the day prices steadied up to a net gain of about 1 to 4 points on the generatl list, as the re ilt of scMiteied vt coursged toy reports uf imIh lit the east- of staitei eu covet tua and a little hull aupport which appeared to be en- DON'T StruggU alont against difficul ties khilr 4ht Ntbs Wants art at your ter ttee. Thtcostts crn belt. Mid apprehensions tbst tna wet weather would load to a les bear- ( ish July bureau than anticipated tsup- I port did not be, a me at ail general, I however, and late in the day the mitr- ket eased off under realising with lst piMs at pi act it ally the lowest Pri vate cable attributed the indifferent showing of t he A et pool uis rket to lees satisfactory trade condition, and said that short time was being resort ed to iu manufacturing circles. The reports of curtailment abroad in con nection with the increasing curtail ment among domestic nulla is having some influence in the direction uf off eitiug the strong statlaiical poaiiiou while views as to the outlook for the new crop sis confused by the feorable reports ir.u weeiern ana cennii - ,.. tions of the belt as t on u Hatted ith tlie talk of too mu h ram in the eastern i . . -r, . ., Kelt isnd numerous advies repoinngl sn i lc Word MINIMUM W CKXT. roi BINT. IOR RENT KVKN ROOM UODIFtN kausa an Oonell atraaL V. C. Ma Adoo Phone IS. l-17-tf ausrBiAJNBuc. the presence of boll weevil in all Hie districts lnfeted last jear. A wek from neit 'luesday will l,e the lust I July notice day In the locul markrl I and there has been nuthlng id recent tradlna to ludleata any bla .peculatlva short Interest still outstanding. South ern spot markets warn generally un changed. boot cotton eloasd quiet. I points lowur. Middling uplanda, 1121; mid dling gulf. 11 if Sales, 1,141 bales. ruturaa opened aieauy ano cioseo aaay. Open. High. Low June IS 13 16 13 July li lt 16 : 16,15 Aug 14 72 14 10 II kV Sent U 26 li lt 13 22 1, t 12 52 11 6S IS 10 Hoc 12 .12 12 12 SO Jan 12 31 1? 36 12 21 March 1121b 1 2 33 1 2.12 12.29 AT PtJBLIl": AITPTHIN OK ourt Square, one J. I rase thresh ing machine. Wind stacker and Hflthtr and k.e.er H.m anlv ihre.hed my own crop of wheat three' rrmmrmw. oomp. 111 I V ei y M. Will sell Saturday, June II. L. R. Huf Bne. l-l-tf FOR SA1.BWEARINO APPAREL, household and kitchen furniture, typewriters, baby carriages, pictures, bilc-a-brac. thlnga ussful and orna mental. At the ten days' bargain' Close me rugga ouliaing, north side .- flfll rorbl street.. Open Salurday, June f;.- It, at I o'clock. U j l" R Kor SAT. K AT BARGAIN A PRAl' l50 "'ally new No. 10 Visible Remlng ion see li. w. Wharton, at Whar- ..... s-i. 1.14 KRPOOI. 4'O'l-lltK. j SUMKTHINO NBW IN QREKN8HOKO. I.lvernooi June 15 4'otlun sdois In. i,r., i.'...- .... Il.l..j-j - V,.h-r '" " m ine ........ ima nuuniiiK north side of East middling. I. .11: middliug. t 17, low mid-i 107, good ordinary. 7 11. ordl- II. Tl Siittg I Muiket. slrnels. beiaeen Datle and Korbla it dllng, ' " in,'';.0, OKNTI.KMAN PKS1RF.S TWO IN- h.ibi, oi win, ii wrr. .,,1 ... ruriil,lied rooms. Prefer. .rival. RANGE F X l I 1 J a. illation and supori snn imsiuucfl t.nnu. bath Nlats n in. I , a, n.i i hut . . ' i. ii . I.. ,, ... inciuning ..uv Dale. Aiuerii an. all particulars. fins 1-14-Jl futurea opened stead and closed youNO MAN WANTLH TOR OK- du I. June, . 14 June and Jul , .4 tl.- position. Htnte. full particulars ; July and August. 7 .41. August and Boa lo 144 " pry.y.'.,t Kepiamber. f it,; Seplember and O. - 144. ' '" I toher, I I: October and November. I IT H ; Not ember and le, embei', 1.51 , liecember and January. 4 14'.: Janu ary and February. .t3; February and March. l2tt. March and April. 1.62; April and May, 1114; May and June, THE fOUORED PEOPI.B WILL FIND niany uaaful and ornamental bar i.iii. at I he , n days' bargain aala which begin. Saturday. June II. at o'clock. In the Huggs building, north aide of Kant Msilcet, between i'vie and I'orlilw wtiec's. I.l covered, per pound. It Wo. iai a j'urn, tiercea, is tlarca, 11c I llS 41 l'I ! 4 I 10, ini , mi , UK, 114Vi Flour: Fancy patant aprlng whaaL 11.41 per barrel; fancy patent winter wheat, 11.21 per barrel; cbolca straight, peas. 12.76; colored paaa, 12.40. Meal; beat bolted water ground steady, per bag of t pounds, 11.14. urain. star. a&4e. Corn: White, tltt. mlaed. He Oata: 10c. Wheat: i :130. H: No. 1 timothy. Ill: No. 1 Balled. 124 00. null feed. bran. 130.00. ahln- atuff. 111.00. 1 ...irr r-rwnaiaaw (By torsytb Jk Co.) Chickens, per pound, 12016c; young spring 1'hlrksns, 20c per pound; old nens lOMcni, 4Ufj.ec; ouuer, j.fS2.: eags, lift 20c; counlry hams, lie per pound; bee. wax. 3 60 pel pound; tallow, u per pound. Pink beans, 1111: waits beans. 11.71; country colored beara, 11.71; srkile peaa. 11.00; colored poaa I1.7S. a.ngiisn peas ii. . .1, 41.4. per Grata. HUM. (By Forsyth A Co.1 Oraen hldea. per pound. 7c; G. 8. hidaa, o per pound, dry salt, lltjrlto i.er vound: dry hint. liOHc Der 0,1 111. 1 aheepklns, IIQIOO each; (oataklna. lac; pelts, iv vise Track. (By W. I. Anderson Co.) Onions: Bsrniuda, 11,76 nsr crata. Cabbage: tiouth C'arollua, 12.00 par urate. New Florida snapp beana. 12.10 per crate New potatoes. I:i 7l,tj 4 26 per barrel. Frnlla. (By W. I. Anderson Co.1 Florid, oranges. 64 uo. Apples. I5.f0 ',ei barieL lainoni, Ki t, IS. 00 per boa. llanan.s per I un, h. , .. n 1 5 California oranges. II.IOvl.00. ar. tBy C. 1. Kenny Co.) Crystal Domiroes. 2-pound packages, 17.66; crystal Oomliioea, 6-pt.und pa, k agea, 7 .6; cut loaf. I 60; ciibaa, 1140; powdeied, IA.2I, granulated. In barrels. 11.00; granuiaien. in t-... ,..,.. TRFAHfRV STATKIICJIT. Washington. June 16. The condition of the treasury at the t,eglnning of business today wss as follows: Oold coin i(it(i P'"s Rllver dAll.r. 41 414 rtoii. 0c Par In Silver doil.r. of ltn sunoono f"-, 1 juniper shingle Mirer rertlflratea oui.i.nd. luntper shingles. 14 00 , Kesusleel CaaTeea. (By C. -. Kenny Co.) C. C. R. No. . 111.60, C. C. R. No. t, 112 00. C. C. It. tlo 1. 11260, (lanloa No. 1, 112.10; Santos No. 2. 111.11, C. L. iL 1-pound package coffee. 613 00. Handled Material. (By Hhaw-tJlupp Lumber Co.) Bhort leaf framing 114.00, aiming ax .a, long leaf (raining 111.60, aixins avrs, 1x6 146. No. 1 and 1, Itltl. lxl L4S, No. 1 and 2. 126.00; III! Dt.S. I30 I. 1x10 I 'IS. No 1. 127.50, 1x12 IMS, No. 1. 16 00, 1x12 1)4S, No. I. IJUtlO. sheathing, II. I. S. 116 SO. No !n?r!IJ l. I22JO, No 1 flooring. l-a! 117.60; No. 1 7-14 celling, 20 00. No. 2 i ll celling, 117.60. No. 3 7-14 celling. 112 10; No. 1 bevel aiding from 4-4. 11710. No. 1 bevel siding from 4-4, 116 00. No. t bevel s,dlng from 4-4. 1100. No. 1 bevel siding from 6-4, 20.00; No. 2 bevel aiding from 6-4, No. I bevel siding from 6-4, No. 1 heart Dine shlnslea. 14 26: heart pine shingles. 62.2.; No. 2 ningles, 61 .; KEW Oni.EAS lOTTOK. New Tork. June 11 bpot cotton steady and unchanged, middling. 15c Kales on the spot, 140 bsles, to arrlva, 100 bales. t'otlon futurea opened aulet at a decline of 3 10 I polnle Liverpool was. w ANTMD THIlKia Oil FOUR CALVES irom saia to three yeara old. John M T HANDSOME RKHIDENCE. CIOSK In. 262 Ballemeade avenue, for sale. Al.o household and kitchen furnl luie. No trlflers or curiosity seek ers need apply W T. Buchanan, 2l Helleineade avenue. l-ll-2t We have arranged so that any lady can enjoy a handsome Cabinet Gas Range free of cost, or if she is enjoying one at present then a first class Water Heater may be added to her comforts also tree of cost. Call at the Office We Can Interest You PUBLIC SERVICE CO. vui disappointing on th near posi- tions. which led to talk of selling by A Tnusia 6-M-t DON'T ORDER ANY SEWING MA- .cbttis or repairs, supplies or needles for ens till you 1 see or rorrespond with J. A. Wright. t he sewing merhine repair end Mipplv mn. 10 Wilt W MShlnatfm at rei OraeiiKhnrn V ( '. Phone No H74 -H- TOO i ;K1 M F, OA SKXTR V. roomi hy calling No 100 1 after 7-30 p. m., in s very desirable portion it the ritr. Charife ressonahlf. H- Vi 21 WANTKD KMAIX PrACIC. KOCR OR fla St re. nesr town. In good stste of cult i vat ten with stall for hot ae sun iqw. Hour must he in good mnrlttlon. Add rent. J. W. Wataoii, T.'-i Per y street. Tlty -li-lM JUNK and HIDES prominent long Interests. The wewthar map was favorable rat-apt In the ex tieine eastern portion of the belt, where heavy rains wore agsln indica ted. The ring was Inclined to be bear ish and held the market down to i he Initial decline In the flret hulf hour of trading. ltepmte from two points in ths esr Item nection of Texas IttMt cotton open ing In sufftrlent qunntitv to mke po siiile the belief that tint baled. aouil come on the market hefnr the end of June, hii reewed heHt ih aeniiment. hut Miound tiie middle of the morning aup port wii offered July snd ths price vaa quirk I v put up unit) It an 8 polirs over yesterdsy s r toeing Other month followed, hut were not s atrong. At noon the market was aulet ml vtesdy at about the highest of the morning In the efiernoon eeion the maiVet developed sn easy tone under roem-wed short aellina; an, the Mat fell until a l J n clock 1 1 wes i to . point down from the hiaheat of the da The rne s steady at a net decline of .? io 7 points flowing bids. June. HIS, July IBAR.i A Haunt. 14 , September. U 0. fV t- I hri 1 2 40, December, 1 1 2 . Jsnusiy.i l Ws buT all kinds of ,)unk snd Hides. pout voyrnrt or roTTOi. 1 Iron. Rubber and Metal. (.aivetHon hteadv . middling, 1 net Wt also hgtrs for sal all kinds of :ViWuo;liTeaS- 200 bles';Prt. fr .cWy, also shafting, pul- New tirlesns .steady m ddling l . j Belting etc. net reieipln. h4 bavlea, a!, .4" bttjen, sio. k. 7 J hHlek. Miihile Kl-nt middling. 1 4 . net reeiptx S7 hHlen, nalee. 100 bit I ft, atoi k 4 33(t tuaUs n na h Kbnv, mid'Hins. H.tiet reeipt-. 2i blen, valeic, l,0(i0 hetlce, to'k. :.r,L'5H bale ' 'har lest mi Nomlnil . net receipts, l.i lMle4. Plot k 4 is:tn Oaieai R It lmn re Nominal . midiiltng. I i S . S10 k .'. 0ai liteleo New i h Wuiei. middling. sales. 1 L'4 Imleh. wti k 1 7 J . iT s 7 bale. Hop 1 4ii i Quiei . mldd ling. U" . si o. k. . .9t; bril s I'd ila 1e I phi Steady , middling, 1 h , . , si k. 1 ir... hale. ToIrI tods y. at all porte, net. 2 . bales rontment, .Vll bales. fin. k, .tl.L'.o.'l i.Hle-- J onani iitm ed. st all ports, net. 1.1 11 hHlft. linn' Hrituln, M fi.i; bnlei-, Kran-e. 4 . : 4 -t Imles. continent, bal j Interior Heeaeet. Moijstnn Quiet. mMdllna 1 4 Tfc : net j re-elM 484 ha , fin- k, :i T: hales ' Augusta ejuil. iiiuiiiiiiiK lb 1 1 .. T i : CAROLINA AND NORTHWESTERN Northbound Daily Paarn(er III. 10. Lv. Chester 7.66 s la. I lie Southern Junk & Hide Company Offhre nn4 warrhouee 228 8. FaiTi. Iron rsrd, MoAdoo ae., near the R. R track. DR. J. VV. GRIFFITH Dentist Opposite Postofhee, over (JStrdner't Drug Store, rboae 7;4fl. bale. bslei sh ie.. hales i sv.VV , in 60. No. 2 I eto k. 4 lltltl OI TK ( OTTO. 4'Nt littf .l itie l.i pt ti e. paid for intlon on 'he loi al mat ket follows Strict mxldllng . IH ;Knt ntiddlinK 14' Middling . 14' niouldtnga, i 41 A34 nun . uc Pr mean, piaa'ering Minn, u vu. m juiii lsci i ii i ata. v , i u. a Ing Geatenil Famd. Hands rd silver dollars In renersl fund $ r-urrent Kshillt les Wor k i n g ba 1 a n e In t rea s - ury offices In hanks In credit nf tres,-- orer of the I'nlied State.-. Puhsidtary stiver coin .... Minor coin . . Tosl hh.nca in general fund 41. SX4 ftflo inc. flooring. Hl OS I OTT4.N M 4) RK FT WAS IPI K I 4.BK.T P4RTIO OF Sr.SIO , iS)im ih1 tn I n 1 1 e ) New V nr k . .1 1. ne 1 .'. Titers wm no pprermbli H' tiit in the rntin JiiV HPUl pill I - W heart No. heart No. 1 R I.I-:I4.M tT11. llaleiKti Jin, I- Pr i. r pMid fnr OMon i. li "r al iu: k"t Tallow Clem G. Wright ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. N. Elm St.. Opposlts Ourlhouss " Yorkrilla . Ar. (.ailonie . I.e. Gastonia . M Lincolnloa " Newton . " Hickory . " Lenoir . . Mortimer . Ar. Edgrmont . . 42 a. in. . Ml a. m. . 1U. a. m . 1 1 o.i a. oi .1 1 ..6 a. m. . 1 10 p. m. . 2.42 p. ui. . l.bb p. oi Except Sunday, Psssenier Ma. go. Le. Oiesler 1 18 p. m. Vorkille 4.4(1 p. m. Ar. Gaslonin 4 an p. m. Lv. (.aslonia 6 40 " I.incolnton 6 40 p. m. Xeaton 7 4(1 p. m. " Hickory .Su p. m. 1-enoir 10.00 p. m. Mixed, No. 6a. Lv. Leiinir S 16 p. m. Mortimer 6..V p. m. Ar. Kdgemont H-l! p. m. Southbound, No. 9. Lv. Kdgemont p. J " Mortimer 12.13 p. m. " 1-noir 1 "M p m. ' Hickory !62 p. m Neaton 2" p. m I.inrolnton 3.67 p. m. Ar. Oa.innia I .'0 p. m. l.t . t.a.tonia ' N orkville 5 .Tl p. m. Ar. Cbeater 6 2j p. m. I Southbound, lfc 61. Lv. Inoir 7 no t. m. - Hu-kory H in a. m. N'rtrton nm a. m. " LincolntoB in i a. ni , r. I.a.lonia 114" . ro l.r. f.a.loiiia " Yorkrilla I-Is P m. Ar. Chester 2" p c Southbound, No. 63. Lv. Kdpemont 7.1', a. m l "Mortimer 7.'-, a. m. " Lenoir B in m. ; F. B. KEtn. (.. T. A. 1 I ! 'A Ox') M-.r jxv -r.v..).; j r , wr. Business Men Farmers Mechanics, United 47. 95. 4 1.TH0 4 047 71 T. ft 4fi 2-7 1 104 0"4 flood m i-id 1 n Si r'-'t in "j'il. 1 Middling 14 4 iirniM,i.ii (Hi.. 1 w 11 h on r 1 1 portf t he IN the 'ii th uf Ihe H I mar ' t lIH'a d I.) ! ' ptla hlmi( iif st r s re CHAHGH IN SOUTHERN'S PULLMAN SERVICE. Kffevl i e w 1 f h r,i -t i'S r lea ring V:n ion S.ilrm M.11 II Hnl t'rst car Irvine l r 11 fort ,1 un- 1 1 he prrs nt 'inst on '-jilrin sn-1 Hnl''!?ii l'iiilnta4M sliTpin(j rui Uf njll lie 'Alrti.jr.j nnf Irf'-nmr ilTi,ton :iirni and hejn'ort line, be- j 111H hMiidl-'! "i -etrne ;rsm s at pn- I Improved Sennce os RsleiEh snd South port Railway, Effective Mar 22, 1910. KfTeettve nffct Sunriae. Mar 22, th follow mp .( bf dttle Hill into 'fleet ..n the lnlet-h and rtuttipnrl rilr. in one opiat"-- as to Clnkei WOiikie. Thev ate dihtilleH from selerted crsin, properlf sged in wood, giigrsn teems the rontumer thst puntr snd mellow flsTor whirh have for yean larartened them the pcet of all othera. They are recoffnued ai the itandaid of excelleme. 4 WE PREPAY EXPRESS CHARGES on the folloejinff, to all potnll oo Adams snd Southern f.xpreat Lines. IU 1U llaav 12IJ0. nstl.'s 1leer v.m, r. H U..I. . las t.t H-H Cars. 2 IS 1 U.rt. I V4M 4 Cm 1 4 i i..i. . hat Im, (&4d n Ifflei - - Jrfc ft Sie.r Snelli a.. J Oerk. l (US T.I Hrrl Sl. J l.twhr Mne.fr am Irr. 4 " t:l.rh.' f.f. Sr. 'lUiitwl le heejl - Siieer Hrm Wltmli.r. (IWlM IS D..SI - O.rk. M.k hlr j;', Ctarkf t rre -Bt.h Wlli.Hr. 3 OM Pr.lf &i-k Aeot. Ilruiei, ... 4 taa PMrl 1..St 4 7J irXDIU MAY BE ASSOKTC.D II D4aID ) AH fnodi hirpl hv eiptew in plain packages the day order it rereieed. Oor prodtKt are guaranteed to contorm with he National Puis ord l.swv Remit Pottil or riprii Monrv Ordei, Registered letter or Cemhed Chatk Complete price list mailed upon request. MAIL YOUPI OROCM TO-DAY TO 7 at tin 7 at ia 71 IIS K 7J .1 H 4 on 4 74 5 74 4IW im 5 am 40 J 7J 4 IO) $7 7 SIM I a li.nt loan II i u m I! m I t (tl II an Id on 12 (si 14 00 , r.., OH r ' nf II File, weie 1 rler ve.',,a L A Til A M ll"it ni me 1 im I p i ha l.r, nt AI,FAMlKU s Ol. tra' .nuK ts n w ti'Mllv fr'iir. .ii, ..'..(. ' "-lion, nllh i," in,l i per rent.; clo.inB h' A t per rent : offered si 21. p.' ,rtr : tlmf I'tsn. verv easy and dull. o ,lsv., leli. per rent . 90 day s. 3 45 3 1 per rent.; rtx months. 44j4iti per rent , prime mer cantile paper. 4 S 4r h per rent . sl.r 11ns; eaf-hsnire steady, a' the re, overy. with artnsl hu.tn... in hanker.- hill. at 414 214 414 to for 40 day hills, snd at 4I4IO fir demand rommemsl hill. 4t! 441(1., fc,r .ilver. 53 S . M'li' ln 4ollare. 44: yoyernni.nl honde. steadj . railroad bond., irregular in from i. pr. rtif. I" w. ii m ui. Mhm r. rvrii'iorn. A 1 A., S (' jtvmj: 1 h i - trsm dailT i-h and rsvetieville Southbound. T.slnjjn Is" imprnn -"lie prt point" un- THE NATURE'S nav aUisinsi myiiii'T . . 1 1 01. ehipmentf. 10: mrw li. ? Ne Tork. June is T he dry srooda . BU , ., IM - T " . q , fit-any ",r inents ll. 4 t'4JM t4"rfl! Mlljlt'e.r I ft IIIJIU ratriy nrm. sitnousti in Mint ran in- j nrwMr ana ncmier y re retnr pnown i t -r , e i c . for Pfrinj at prtr-ep pprhtlv (n advance - ,-r (- tnfj h A' over la si yea r a t houa n t ton vRrns i 5 w W j 3t tnovt'na ani a he ter rj, 1 i. ri 1 eil for aome talaiilea unnil i ilie rifaTtiifm . N4V4L sitsiRFa. t'hat lent on Jure 1 s - -Turpentine Arm at .i?',ii; r:oiin firm Q'jo'e A B 4 io. r. 4A45 4 7f K Rfinfi;. v s ifli ?n r; S1541;. n H. X.'A. I 25. K. 5 S4J a :s M :- 310 : X. I hh . W G. 5 a 0 S fiA : w SAMintih June h Sni r it 1 11 men. tine firm. f lh 6 ft . pslet., re"etiMs ' fonjiw-E;nn an'1 Ro-m. Kidm v tiouble. the liiea- lteine ben -li 7S. ehin- a :" 1. 1 1 .1 . Vnote H. 4 hhij 4 I. 4 S" . K. : hott le ot tuify iMdnev i.rniffjt . and r ;i .2 . i. ft 1 a ft a . H. nnw fHitiid'-r tnva ff t horoil(ni'v ( in . i COfSRV ATION OF RESOURCtS. .pitf" a "I'M ( 1'iir pit -.na! taic to material thinz- ' Hmiinng yafi irifitnn P. I . rrp Irrd h i w i-nudit mip ni look warn in, iw-f.ie it At to. Ia 1 r Tie st "I nfTerpd eren-li fion Plural Subjecti With SiTtgulit Verb, iT. R. Loun-hurr in Harper Msgaine 1 The prin ipt I Hiffi-tilt ii h t ne rule t heit t singular nourv united hv the mu-t Hp 1 e the ret b in K. a 3: M. Tin to all not t-i .inp out to Lindlej Tark tonight e a wsmms nep!et takmi: V'-lev' K'-lnT H mt-J;. until it i too late." f.owan? (,innt LOW RATES VIA SOUTHERN RAIL WAY TO BOSTON, MASS.. ACCOUNT NATIONAL t DUCATIONAL ASSO CIATI0N. JULY 1910. orithrn railwv nrto;jn In" t,i' of l.tji imm t.rff n'Som tn liotiti Ms, nnd rrtnrp a-iount Va!ior--l Ci iii'St'on.il ji , 3 1 inp I M-k i a '-n - 1 1 lillie 'K 11 ? I r 1 0 IP'Iiiiim- I pI itmit 'ii' 14 litiril liriNt mav f tender! t H-p'-'i'tig tKkt and psmni of tee "t il 'Si A pprox ! n a t! T, I" w ra t r f nrn ot h' 1 point. For f iir; h' r nf :"f nm t !. n-'-r nt ' - -et.. pm- n in-' V ir l.-rn r m ' 1 1 - ' ar n! . 'r i1'Te . tl H.t,!l. i- A i A.. ijT' "ii- :0, aK. t". 1 .v I.P irijiii ni 1 ! - l iuM He 11 na.m. -. j i . II ijx.C'i I IS p m j : l IdMl'n.l1 J p OJ j jjJI I Nnrthbourd. ' j JpsiflV II.' - n"sm, ftftJ :: r;:,, . i fiiif l.i r a 1 .t tr il !. S o . ro r Fx'" ft, ii p id. . I 4T JIWAJ i THE McADOO, GREENSBORO. N. Z A Strictly First-Class Hotel The Pat Throe Yean the Mast Succes.tul sa Hutorir oi I Laiatoacs MONUMENTS V n ..: .,' ruiMinj oik. & IKCLIHART CO. r.RF 1SB0P0, N. C. ' J Boj tn. Phone ttt. CHANGE IN SOUTHERN'S SCHED ULES. Kf"rtiY. undar. Mat i vhwlii ol train V 'hinci 10 Irsir (,r,n boro a Jo r ni irt'-ed a. y l.i p m . and tram No Io lisv. a. In l.i p ni inte.1 of lo IK p m. H. V'l.l.AMI'RY. Ore, P A 1. ... atasoto, N. C. Why Experiment? Bar the Standard Orifinal Viable Csdrrwood, sa4 'nil "' be dis-, tppeintel Write ar call an H. W VHAKT01I. Pbane 326. j Kr borate at Mr.4nn Garage (Jo.