GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS. TUESDAY. JUNE 21. 1910. f SPORTING NEWS BAShBALL KKSLLIS bTANBIMi Ur THL CLIBS ' . -- , CAROLINA LEAGUE Ch.H , I.. . I Ac. ; EASTERN7 CAROLINA t iO. ,- tfn ( Win r ! "i 1 1 -. -n I i: , i. , VIRGINIA LEAGUE Norfolk, f. T "i - fit m ; t 1 Ikiliv .1. . I'. n .... Huh li'k' ' I ' , I . i i L-' ;i J I AMERICAN LEAGUE Cl.v, land 0 l 1 1 . . a.-.. I Iktro.t. .' "I I,..,.- I NATIONAL LEAGUE llcoklvi, I V i I'liliaiielphi., I : ... flu. I, . . . ' I M I ..hi - r I. . i SOUTHERN LEAGUE Hi. m.m h .ii. M. .ii. . ii . i J hi . gam. . Hiriniiiii .... . .i !.. , , ond gun.. "'I'" I'-1 I I SOUTH ATLANTIC In. I, l . - , i t EASTERN LEAGUE I'.hiKi.n . i; . I. 1 -,i . iii ...... i. . KlL. I M... ' I. . I II. ll! III'". 4 It III i . ' .1 . 1 Ii VIRGINIA LEAGUE Roanoki.-, g, Kn hmond, i Ro.ii I .id form t od.i nd 1 1, , Ii,. in j. nl Ii hard in .!,... .lit',,,.-.,! .him:..- I till -i - in. i 1 ' ' 1 I ' I -1 1 i... t ..... , V n-it ill III. Nlll, v-lh ii I:., inn. fclioved one ocr Si-ore 1! K. Ii.jIiuuiihI . . . niHi minion i i i linalioke . oiio ,io4 it." ;i h Ii sKe and Mee-iti I .-li.l.i, s, nnd l-'lelier. Danville, o; Lynchburg, a. I Spi-cni I to 1 lull Nl'MS I Dsn die, .Inn., i - I'll.- great pitilnnfl id l.loi itnd l.iin.iinifj ..) Int. in tuo 'liiaren ge I.yn. Idling a victory over Danville, thus lirMjiUn the -trir.if ol i.'l .traijilit vi. I. me- lor Diim ille l.lov.l allouid but oi.c Int. runnel! Ins firt game. Seine It. H K. I. n. 1. 1. org . . . imoiooimi - n II. iin.Me . oon noil olio o 1 l n.f and li.ove; hiuiuell and laliiali- lln. Norfolk, 6; Portsmouth, i. I Speeni ! to lail N . w, ) Vint" I- I .mm .11 M.m hi nl-li pilolicl gleal ll ...i I ... ... tolkv w ..lie I lie I' . I. ll;,i.nifn ii op,i l uii. U-. The i i-it,.r- I, hi ,,n ..(I d i in i l. licl.l tlieir i Mill" I.e. 11 ! Mil ich! si iKjc Sorri n.H.K Tortmnoiilli , lino .mil n;'.! j ,', 4 Norfolk Km luj 'ir . 11 7 Hiilinilnri nrd Knnkle. W.1K1 ,! Miin.n SOUTHERN LEAGUE BirmmRharn, .1-3; Montgomery, Hn miny Ii.hii. I 'i in Jti Himui tnok htn Urf - inin Uiui! jtrti.'i H 1 1 e I" tli m t n 1 hi- nl .. .1 I n- .i Hue ) I n..', x ,. v 1 1 I Iip ruric in l 't Ii ,'im. Set-, f,,.t ,j j 1 1 , 1 III! M'lM.'ll Mil 'MM '"' n: M. -MM-. N O Mill- 1 I -111. 1 1 . S4..11 . -.,..,. I n" I Mn niin.i,i 'ii ""ii lion Mnill 'J.iHIi 1 HIHI JOC II Cmnle-kie iii.-l V. ..- I '.mm flurt '1 Hue I I" I n.pi" - Cm.). .1 rif) ( 'iTiiili.iri. cli.ii V till FOR MEN IliEEWEAl There's no disputing the fact that this is the kind cf weather for thin undergarments Bad weather has made this season backward, but it's here now. This department of our store has been bountifully provided with the comfort-giving kinds of underwear that will compel you to SIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE. Vanstory Clothing Co. C. H. McKNIGHT, Gen. Mgr. FOR EASTMAN KODAKS CAROLINA LLAf-Ufc. 4X E A S r L K N lAKOLlNA LEAGUE JO 1 i, . VIRGINIA LEAGUE. AMERICAN -Inn... I , II.' Jl . NATIONAL. W 1. )'. . Ifl j.ii i.. SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE I ' hlH I .1 I- l.,.-k-..iu - ..'ihlhll. " I i I III I . I.I I. r- i SOUTHERN. ( Ink. W. 1.. IV Ml. ml, 1 :i.i '.'I .'.ill f ' '. !-a ns I . ..'.II M..nt);oiiien .... .1 'II .HlH 1 hi.. noova . . . . I'd o I'1 Nn.tiiiib .... i .vi H.niiii.crihiiu -" -."i ml Memphis J1 M) -l:t Mobile it :i7 :i'i MEBANE AND CEDAR GROVE PLAYED A TIE GAME 1 (Special to Drnly New ) j Mt'bane. June 0. JkleLun' nd Olai (.ioo played h fftt and 'nnappy guni il ljn4Ahi.fl Haturday to a 1 mi. KWeu jiiiiiiiiTH were pUyftd, the tinal Brora le )fl li to 3. I mlrr ajfrenifnt of the two raptMini Itlic anw wbr called at thv end ot the i lllli iiininj: Tlie game is to be playfd i m(1' til M.-hnne on t hi- 4t ti of luh n'.thirlv tHit'd the twirling for Meh liiil, on aivnilit ol ii snrc tiliprT, p ai. rf!icc.l tti tiir .it'kjrinuing of thf i ihinl by UliMtfht (the I'M H.-liablel, I who pitched ' m chj;ih" bull for mm . ,nn mil ' . When lull nieint nin. t he ' 'niL.Mit .fni'" wruild not h How 1 he I'.m baltcic- ot ( -Ur .rovf t i con ! iici I with the "liottf hide." ielinp only ;iw.t ImIi dnrinj; hu inm- mi the fring lim i '1 he ttMluir ot the panir wrre th" ! pit'-nitiL; "1 Mbn'it t't Mcbflnr- and Well 1mi i dar ' 'i'ii f and I hi- .ill rm nd pl.i iny "! I' Snut h Htid 4-llar. and 1 Ii.' tUMilllir; nf ( Kilt: to. MrkulMV Mild I'MLtnt Hint Malonr tii '(.--iHr Urovr SCARKD INTO SOUND HEALTH. Mr M. V Kellry. Sprmfftiehi, 1)1. I i 1 t - ' I' M 11 yO 1 twp-l II t O Trf tr.Mil.U-d vl!tl m k Mhi' v n ;im blrtdiit-r. w! i it r w mi-- unlil 1 iMiiitiic al.mi; i d Ml ti v r, n-hi urn 1 MitTci'.-d ulmo w it !l dull hf.n hcjidio tws .,d the Hfti.-n of it v" U. ,i . '.' I ' i .i i rin i n ntj ,i nd pa i n I ii i I ..',,d m; r,.!,., K,dn,- P.1U and iift.-r t : i k I T ttiftit .: fpw vtt-k- ' lie hrdHe!,-n WW in'-, i Kc iiM urn nf in v bladder ' ;.L' lii'Mh.i1 Mini I v.:. ! re- of all dm IT. - ' 1!mv;,Ti (,;,m,,. AND BOYS GOLDSBORO BEAT BOTH CLOUDS AND THE SAILORS EASTERN CAROLINA LEAGUE. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I ' i '.'ft H 1 W hMJIi W 1 1 n 1 1 lltf Ul) tit tiolrMKiro K( k M(ut at Fa fiin 1 lit, Ifcur$4y, Fnday and Stir. day at Fidlcigh. r t -1 tevillr i VYilrniiljrl oil ..son at Rotkv Mount. ipfrittl to Daily News i .o(d,rro. J un 20 Hea w cloud ,t,...i t. ,.,,t . ., ... , '. until! .-..nte-i before C.old.boro --cored .1 il I . , , J ""Ii (ill. I I Uf Ullltli .Ildlll p "ii ltihlp' tumble, and took, second a .fd Nrflt. vva- ad it need another i. mi olt . Mu-rihYe, and moi-hI .in a fl'l :..M -lllimrp. Tilt M - dwi Kluttz- beautiful .... ht- if tr n il niin't'.n . rxm omi iki ...I Nh. in IKKI (MHJ IUM 1 'i I) i.liiini: mihI liilnioli'. Iiim.Iii -on and IV,. 1 1, i Mrl tirr llll. lillllllt.ili. I l.i.ld I...... 1 Hast, on lllw. ( . un.ierion. 1. i . -h . 1 1 j 1 Mmrk out. b liuliTi.ii. .. I. Lihririf. 2 1 wo Iim- lut. Sluiip mid ' Ilailcv IVmhle .lvs V,lf to ( riKk.-ll ..n !. t . ikUlmrn. II. 1 1 in i n;-t "ii h I'uiftt-d liullt. Wilmin l on I Inn... 17 I lnuiii-. H.rr At I i rnlali. .'. t."0 RALEIGH BMEOllTS IN nruTB on nmii rinriRi,L,ri- Liuinn Aitu nun uaric (Special to Dally w e ) 'il..n, hine '0 Ksleih defeated o iim locidy n nuneiiing una in eigiiLn inning, one tin three bjgh. Raleigh also did I base i ..riniiu. W ilson lnini' Hd lull! lilt ft in I h li'.irlli inning but netted onlv one run. Seoif; R. H. E. I Ali.ltll.lii. R.ilrlgh tMKl 010 (r.'O .) 8 1 ehrell. el. WiIm.ii (Km inn (.- I K 2 1 Sum h. . laeobson and l, oruia.-k ; Lane snd1''". if Westlake. I A. McCarthy struck out, hv ,lolon. 4, l.v lane, h I or I..-I t . 2h llae 011 liall. off lobM.n. 1 ofl laine I . ! 1 .01 I111 m :ib. Ibree Iih- flits, I'lemmon. Hoblis. At -lendiince 4HO I mpire, Davi. RAIN STOPPED THE GAME IN THE FOURTH INNING t i y-. . i " ' i springs. l.Hjtt an IwIIk, off Hvrd 1, off Kavetteulle, dune 20.--Today- game Hamrn-ilr. , H. Strurk out, bv Bnd. 5. b.-twr-en Kooky Mount and Uettevill Stolen bav. Smith, J. Mtrthv. A waa called in the fourth inuinK n MX'arthv, Welrlon. Spring. Pastil ount uf ram. with the ..ore 3 to 1 in ; bail, Mrannon. Left on taf( anena favor of the locals. The Highlander I ,oro, 4; Anderaon, 9. Hits, off lla-m- wero rmunp .viyera ai opportune time,' and the Railroadera pur.ued dilatory tartica, whioh it would awm ahould have 1 been prfvinted. Kayetteville had a man im first w it ti (jne duwu when the jtauie wan railed. Noore R H K Ku4.-k Mount 000 1 -1 4 1 l ayettevillp 102 ' 3 4 0 Myera and looney; Mayor and (ialvin. SOUTH ATLANTIC Jacksonville, 1; Savannah, 4. ls. krtonx ille. June 211 Savannah bunched hits off HremmerhofT in the sixth inning and made three runs be fore thev could lie retired. Score R H. K Savannah ... 000 00.1 001 - 4 14 2 Jacksonville . . .000 Oil nio2 S 1 Martina and I'etit, Bremmeihoff. Iee and l.uzon nd Ms.sing lime, 2 00. j (1( 1 mpire, rears , niplr. Columbus, j; Augusta, o. 1 olurnbiis. June 20 In a fast, snsppv gan.e ( olumbu" imtsy won from Ail gu.ta I to t) Seill. f..r the visitors, weak.n.d in I he fourth and Wilder went in lerttliie. of the game were Mc Mabon'. snd Benson's fielding Scire R H V ( ol..ibli Ir.'l OlSl (Ml ;t 'I II il IKKI ISIO 11 I I ..1 en and l nobis: Seal. lid. r and'e 'lime. 1 30. I ( ol Columbia, I ol.iinhia. I ... t he pit,. I.-' ( e Mn. ,,ii hundih . i; Mscon. i. June 20 R.v hitting itmhis l-idav deflated :o 1 Macon tilled tin- I (..' in 1 hr ninth on t hi hit, wit h imnf i .tit , ""!( ln 1 1 cht enrd up a nd, . ilh ""i r-'ipp-Tt ;.lw-ii luit 'in' run s-nr-- U H K n "-Ml (MM (M1 I 7 1 i niuint-i., ojm loo oo' ; i v,h;it ind Kdhlk"ff: and Pm. .11 ! tme. 1 'ft. I m pi i c Mill PKF DEF LEAGUE IS PUTTING UP SOME FINE BALL I'liio ta.n .ir. i T hi i - i i4 -1 i. '.n t ho pro-ix-cl - for I'm- V,. It'Sji ip tin l.tiui'iii i -lrr h tjikti t h-- '.d ".iK 1 h r . id (1 -i fM.tilit "'1 "f K- illil :.! -Imrn , t -.-(. i ni h v m z -1 1 hi t 1 1 1 1' a - id -1 1 -.t 1 h ti- z i ii t p M 1'hp hi -t t M i-1 . a ot I'M- r k a If-t'i ro h rid .Ion--' - ! o-vn n ot d Pi.ft on th lornl lamni,-!. a nd ' -t i 'ire .1a i 'he 1 , t m pl t'ljf.'thrr at Sanford i aiirm-urp : nd R't'-kinffharn pln r$ohrT t ii yrfl, i :' '1 st I j iirinHiirjr a ! thrn thrr si Horkmirha in AH f'Hir ft lb"' town, an1 nnrkffi up ovrr tho g u1 sr'1 r"toit ai ani-Mi.)T aaM"d t iImv SPFC1AL PULLMAN TO WJLMIIfG T0!f, W C In ord-r to af-rrtmrnodate the attending the Bankern' aftoriatinn at. Wilmington, t TS Southern Ratlwav will operate through Pullman le?fin car t rom Charlotte to Wilmington, lea-inp Charlotte on tram Xn. Iii, ,!nne 21t. tame beinp handled from Oreenbnro to Goldhrro on train Xo 1 12. nift-ht M the' 2Nt Any peron deirmff renena tjon in thii oar should make applica tion to the underaijriw. at once. V. H M't;l AMFRV. P A T A (;rwn--horT, X. C. AND SUPPLIES FARISS-KLUTZ DRUG f 001 ' EH ALL RIGHT "Pag" Piloted tbe Patriots to Another Good Victory. iSpocul to Daily Xew.) Ander-aou, S June 20. - The Putri ota juinpt-d all over Mr. Hyrd, who -a--ayed to ilo 1 1- twirling lor the kx-ai toitay. in the tourth inning, and made erjoiih runs to rihi-h the game. The visitors rrnll atarted ruht Hi to trim the iude off Hie ball, but jfoo.i fielding heid them down to a run )u each of the first and S"''1"'rl '""'" The Flectncians then n ii. tin. .turd kitting Hm- mfr.kv Iwrd enough to gpt thrw uUUcil V lTom lBe od . W,l ot one run Thing, looked l'x?' b' K0" 3 to, -r., ,r a f,. hr..-l Imppv ronment. nudl ' UB1 " leaturwl by the trong fhi, -oh. .-M. Mi IlITd ,.t ,ml,li.'l f h'S'i f Swindell and the batting of, t.rt!l uithin tk i.'i,. tht naiit klKHki-ii inlii gni-ii (itujes i ...U .t... i,i...: :.. I u "oipir nit- r-ininoinn orw jmjl me , ftn,ifi,l Fue grvat bi; tallies reaulte I ih'iu ' mi nitiiiiii'i ami me uihhii lmiii in j(d humor. Awtei-Hoit '1"'M "t "hen tliey itt HrtmirirrpltM tor enough hits to ir tlnee more men . the crowd again sat up and tiok notice. "(Hi. well, ... ..r., m.m.kru IV..... "I'lh.,,1,1, II, "", "" !" ' WK-r. -.l H,,n-1 ineiH,. - plarp and lioin thi'li on t'"'rt , whi- iiotlmif; doir.j; hvrd. an Krkllle i-ollice hov. did good wt.ik exipt inj that aw ful fourth ininnji. j I Kroui t h. litth inning on it was a U'Htltlfill aine ol IwM. , .. I ( reensboio-. AB. n H. rt. A K. 0 2 1 4 n 13 1 I Springs, It. liill.T, lb . Hentle rf 11 i.-k-, v I I Hen )tl, n -h ' Ha mmeslev; ltr I To' a Is Ti 7 S 27 IH H PO A n 1 1 I 2 4 0 1 n 3 1 0 1 Hi o 0 4 ti 1 0 1 0 0; 0 i I M. I arth , Hranuon. c. Hvrd. p ... lb. Totals Score by innillgr iieenshoro Anderson .17 f 1 1 27 1 , i la mo ooo : (w.! ooti (xk -; McCailhv. Rvrd, Two buse hits A Diiak irinit, .TH i r 1 r I rr nils 411 I 'tr 11. rHTR1 IH , -... L... a, I.1 J nioralev, ti in four inning; off Walter, 5 in fivp Time of gmme, 1.45. rri,nif Maekey ' '. CHARLOTTE TOOK BRILLIANT GAME FROM THE SPINNERS (.Special to Daily Vews.) Chailotte, June 20.--Charlotte won one ..f the most uamelv fought games of the KCBft.tri lierA 'I'h. u'nrl. The work of Flowers was brilliant, though he oould nowln th' .,, remarkable from the number of strike he bad to (in eredit. Of the toUl i..A .1. f .1,. ih. nr.. .. l 11,. ..J .nx one ech thereafter in everv ex rt. . . .... AR P H PO A F Charlotte, rrimiphiry, rf. H.irprave, rf. darunin. lh. t row, 'Ah. . . Coiitta, If, . . I iba rd. William, 2h, Tanu. r . . Hr...' p . . TotaU . . Oi 89 2 ft 27 f '4 AR. R. H. PO. A. E. 1 .rcenville. Workman, b. . oojiti. cf. I". IVnick, lb . C. Derrick. . . Vhs. rf. . HIektone, If. . O 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 n 1 1 0 n o (i .1 0 0 n 0 0 1 Winuo. 1 4 0 0 13 1 0 stmiA. b 4 0 0 3 1 o Flowers, p 1. 4 0 0 0 1 0 Totals SI 1 14 24 7 0 .oore R Girenville otinnniom I Charlotte 200 (Wlfl 00' 2 MiminrT 1'hree-base bits. Humph .ev -acrib.e hits Blackstone. Ilumoh lev lee oil llls. off Klowens 4: ofl Hrarille (i struck nut, by Flowers 10. by Hraille 1 stolen bases. Noorin I l eft on bae. Greenville tl. Chark.lte k Tune. I 4 Cmpire. Rudderham Attendance. I .mm AMERICAiTlsEAGUE Cleveland, o; Chicago, 1. Cleveland. June ZO-Clllcao defeated 1 lerlai.d I to i snoring the only run ot tbe game on three inneld single and I s wild pitch. I'lmsteed was very i-rTec- j t n e j Score R H V. 'cieveiand . . otwoonono 0 R 0 I Chicago 1 no ft.10 ono 1 in 1 Falkcnberj. Kieter and Ea.terly: jnirn-tead and Psyne. Time. 1 ..'0. I m- pires. Kiran snd r.van. St. Louis, 4; Detroit, t. Detroit. June 20 Ray held the Ti gers to five hit here today, while the Browns hit Summer hard and took ad vantage of tbe wildness of Wjllett. who stsned the game. A hit batsman, two base on ball and Willettt' error gave the Browne two run in the Bret. Kour single produced two more in the third Seore R. H. E. St. I-mns 202 000 non 4 11 1 Petmit onnnon 200-2 s 2 j remarkable pitching of SWINDELL VON THE GAME CAROLINA LEAGUE. GAMES THIS WEEK. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Greenville at Charlotte. Winston at Spartanburg. (jreensboro at Aiideraon. Thursday. Friday and Saturday. Charlotte at Greensboro. Spartanburg at Greenville. Winston at Anderson. j (Special to Daily Xewa.) j Spartanburg, June 20. The Twins, Ii".tbe nirUbl. work of PtU'her "Ul UI tune. up e i-iired three hit... one of them three i f:-i, icil DTOUfint in TWO Of tft i- ... . v, . , Twins' runs in the third. U uiston: AB. R. H. PO A. E. p 0 0 tl 3 0 0 1 1 (ijjj- rf ' i Templin. 2b un. e 1 4 2 1 , fyj.-j , , t l ' ... " 0 () 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 10 I 7 0 0 MrCunnarlii, V Swindell ' ' P- Total Spartanliurg. Kail, rf, Wynne, b. .13 3 7 27 11 0 AB. ft. H. K). AK. 0 2 3 3 0 0 0 2 lar-kaon rf " Fairbanks, ss 4 n j Wlker. If 3 u 1 Thompson, lb. ...... 2 I ' Widemsn 3b. 2 1 Roth, c " I rouoh. p 1 7 0 I ! 0 Total 31 0 4 27 14 4the teams in the Carolina association 0 Score: H. I bum-bed together. 0 Winston 020 O00 00131 . .. Spartanburg 0O0 O00 000 (J Greensboro will have a say in th 4 Summary: Two base hits. Midkiff. 1 pennant question. Watch. ' Bivnt and Crouch. Saeiiric hits. Swin-1 ,- T? K 1 dell. Base on balls, off Swindell 1, off "hllr ,h" "'rlotte team w. going "'Crouch 4. Struck out. bv Swindell ;. !" thy were boosting the bunch of (l l.v 1 ,.h 1 ,,iun u'.,n.,a o umps that President W earn had gotten Thonipsnn. Roth, Midkiff. Double plavH, Walker to lioaeSw indell tr Templin to lirubbs, lft on bases, Winston Salem 7. Spartanburg 4. Time, 1-io. I nipiro, Handiboe. NATIONAL LEAGUE I 1 in pi r Wtervelt, the but that ever Brooklyn, 4; New York, 1. held an indicator, ra run out because Brooklvn, dune 20. Cy Barger regis- " too good for this lugiia, and tered his fth straidbt' victorv today , ''k 'ht the result has been. Hide when Krooklvn defeated New York 4 to, the birth of the Carolina association 1. Burger had the New York's puzzled estervelt is the only umpire that has in eieri inning except tlie seventh, when '""i any license to umpire in this league. Devlin tripled and scored on a hit that! .. .. . was fielded to first. Witt.e was effective I " te price that the umpires get, ,n all but three chapters. I" 1"ok9 " tbo we uld dmnt um' Score: R.H.K..P"" m York 000 000 1001 A c t h d t umpir,,. Brooklvn . .010 001 20" 4 9 0. 8 . 1 Wilts and Vlyersi Barger and Bergen Time, 1.33. Cmpires, Klem and Kane. Philadelphia, 5; Boston, 1. Philadelphia. Juno 20. Philadelphia defeated Idwton today 5 to 2, the for' mer bunching three of their four hits and two sacrifice flies, with two errors and three base on balls in two innings Score: R. H. E. Boston 000 010 0012 5 3 Philadelphia . .000 230 00' 5 4 4 Brown and Craham, McQuillan and Mooin. lime, 1.411. umpires, u iy inn nr'nnn- St. Louis, 3; Pittsburg, 5. St. Louis, June 20. Pittsburg won hf . rst ga me of the series from St. .uw j;.' ,.Iuis todsr. 5 to 3. sfter iMMiri uii. - Icouraging start. The visitors I l"ne narmon nam in rne nin.n inth in - 'nins: f amntt held M. L,ouia' mm arter I relieTing White I Score: R. H. E. St. Louis "00 000 0002 4 0 pi ntuumrg iasi isu irk i j 2 I.uh, llsrmoti and Brcsnahan; White, o'Oaninitr and C.ibson. Time. 2.15. Urn u pire. lol.nstone snd Moran. i . -. rr , Chicago, e; Cincinnati, 4. 0j huago June n.-4 lueagn won n nam nininir came irom 1 lneinnaii, o 10 ' , , , . , 1 ,i.. th.i,. Lb. . Lm.,.""1 lo" '""nd ,r'P --t" between all 'with two on bases in the seventh. ! Score: R H. E.! I chi,.,,n' 000-201 an-- 12 0! Cineinnafi O20 000 002 4 7 2 Cole. Richie and Kling; Rowan. Burns snd Mclean. Time, i hours. Cmpires. Kigler and Em. lie. FACTORIALS I Boh Gantt, one of the beat, known rol pitrhrr in th- aotit h, wan in the 1 i-it y ypatcrda v on hie. war to Trinity 1 law -trhoul at Durham. a ! rne morp 1 1 our credit, I Byrd hrok' into this Ir-ague with de jtrat chalked up against him. ) Hope that W hrell will refu-w tn pitch any more anie while the Champs are m that trrntoiy Kldridgr'' is diir today. .iieMi Manaor FritHta fjive them orip out of t hp t hree. Manager Hirk i ninK evrT meana to ni renyl hpn his Uam. Iae in loinfj ground am,jrid the top. Poor old (.reptivill,. she will wonder what bit her betoip the wasoti cloaea. '1 1 hrttrr to go eay than to makp the -whirlwind atarts and prt out of hrrath brfore the ffoal is renched. Scout MeKevitt hasn't lieen hpard from. Ridjreway left yeaterday for Raleiph. A yet. Rideev y hasn't been reinstated and club that it playing under the national rnle can ue him until he it re- : instated. Xo atone i being left unturned bT ' M ana per Hicks and President interne. ; Roth are trTtnjr to fnr Jircenboro a- wijininjr team, and by Tburday thev Saclara Smoker 5c STRAIGHT CIGAR A CLEAR HAVANA CIGAR FOR FIVE CENTS, WITH A MILLION FRIENDS A MONTH. Made in the balmy climate of Southern Georgia, (on the border of Florida) so well adapted for the manufacture of clear Havana Cigars. SANTA CLARA CIGAR MFG. CO., Makers BRUNSWICK. GA. J. W. JONES A CO., Wholes! hope to have all the weak spot oa th team in good order. Third Baseman Jackson left Sunday for his home at Louisville, lenn., to get into condition. Since Pitcher Braiille, of I the Charlotte tea.m, gave him a lick in ms iieau jai asun nun i iieen iigni, everything going against him. The fans, a well a the team, will miss Jackson, and hope his recovery will be soon. Winston and Creensboro are playing in hard luck: tnev have had more players Ion the sick and crippled lift than ati together, but in the slump they are now having they tell us that the umps werejfffiie and warehouse 228 S. Dari. the rottteneht thev have eier seen. 1 Iron yrd, McAdoo av., near th R. R. t hiekens will oome home to roost. We will admit that the umpiring is the wnrst ever put to a class D league. ! SACTJkRA SMOKER, ftc ALL HA VAN'A. SOUTHEASTERN LEAGUE. At Ashevitle: ' Cadsden Asheville . ... R. H. E. .7 10 3 3 g At Morristown: R H. E. .Morristown 6 7 1 Rome 0 24 At Johnson City: R. H. E. .4 0 4 .1 2 j .lohnson city Knoxviite THE CONSERVATION OF NATURE'S RESOURCES. Applies as well to our phvaical atate i, , . , ... n..ji . . , . 1( took warning before It was too late. i He say : "I suffered severely from Kidney trouble, the disease being heredi- j tary in our family. I have taken four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy, and now consider mvself thoroughly cured. This should be a warning to all not to neglect taking Foley's Kidney Remedy until it is tio late." Howrd Gardner. j FOURTH Or JULY RATES Southern Railway announce the us- stationa for the FourHi of July. Tiik- "" ,0 '"' ""'0 3 ""d . gol fr fturn until July 8th. W. H. M'dLA.MKRY. P. 4 T. A. Greensboro. X. C. ft' DGHT GOOD REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY YOUR SUMMER SUIT HERE The Eighth is Our steadily growing business is Because: an indication that our customers are satisfied that you will be satisfied, too. Wallace's Summer Suits lor Men make friends and hold them. The dependence men place in them has never been found to have been mis placed. I If you are hard to please, just come in and have a look at our garments, and it won't take you long to understand why our list of customers is steadily in creasing. WALLACE CLOTHING COMPANY W Gire Yellow COMPANY IS Distributors, Greensboro, N. C. WHAT A SUMMER COLD HAY DO. A summer cold if neglected is just ai apt to develop into bronchitis or pneu- , monja at ,ny other season. Do not j neglect it. Take Foley's Honev and Tar ; nr0mntlv. It looaena'tho eouir'h. soothe and heals the inflamed air passages, and expels tlie cold from the ytem. Mow. . ard Gardner. JUNK and HIDES We buy all klnda of Junk and Hide. Iron, Rubber and Metal. We alio have for sal all kind of parte for machinery, also shafting, pul lies, Belting etc. Southern Junk & Hide Company t'aek. Why Experiment ? Buy th Standard Original Vlublt Ualararaad, ant ysu will aot k Ais apptrinted. Writ ar sail H. W. WHARTON. Pkan jsa. Improved Service on Raleigh and South, port Haflway, Effective May as, igio. Effective next Sunday, May 22, the following schedule will go into effect on the Raleigh and Southport railway, 4 s,vlng mree nains uaiiy oetween rtat- eigh and rayettevtlle. Southbound. Lv. Raleigh g-.oo a. m. Ar. Kayetteville 11.10 a.m. I.v. Raleigh 1 15 p nr. Ar. Kayettevillo 4.00 p. 111. Lv. Raleigh . US p. m. Ar. Kayetteville 9.35 p.m. Northbound. Lv. Kayetteville R.OO a.m. Ar. Raleigh 10., V) a. 111. I Lv. Kayetteville 1.00 p.m. Ar. Raleigh S-.4.3 p. in. 1 Lv. Kayetteville 5. In p.m. ! Ar. Raleigh 8.20 n m. ! ILV, f aveill i Lv. rayetti MERCHANDISF AV COST. We are determined to turn the greater mount of our large stock, dry goals, notions, shoes, underwear, shirts. ht, overalls, etc., into CASH during the month of June. Beginning June S, at n a. ni . every ar ticle in our store will be sold at FIRST COST TO I'S. This will mean a great, saving to the families in and mound Greensboro. So goods chsrgad. What we want is CASltl CASH! ( ASH! BROWN-RANKIN AND COMPANY 516 S. Elm Street. 5 Trading Stamps. THE PLACE