(THE NEWS, DRBBN3BORO, N. C, S UNDKY.'jUNB J,l9ia LOWER HALF OF CHILD'S DRESS ARTS AND CRAFTS TILE MAKING DRAWN BY SARAH HALE HUNTER I ran kabar (topping by tha way potter thumping his wet watoh olay- Wm uetng thla printed daalgn from the paper tha direction! are u fauwro If the aaaterlal need la very w Iki eealeet war la to lay tt ewee Um aeatga, whloh will ehow through plainly, aai draw evar each Una wMh a hard, eharp peaotl. If rear linen la heavy, bur a plaea o( tmpraaaloa paper, the kind thai doe not rub eaT. la? It oa your material, placa tha aeelgn evar It and traea with hard pencil Too will find tha daalgn neatly traBararrad and raadr to a embroidered. Xa traaeferrlng a daalgn whan only ona part la given fold your linen ao that tha two right aldaa eoma together. Batwaan thaaa two aldaa tnaart two pteeee of tha tmpraaaloa pa par, plaetng tha wrong aldea of paper toward eaeh othar, than plaoe your daalgn oa tha foldad material and draw aach Una thinly with hard, aharp panell. Tha lowar part of tha panal for an Infant a draaa and tha bottom ecel lopa flnlahea laat week'e daalgn. Tha acallope ahould flrat ba paddad and than eloaaly buttonholed. Tha bow la warkad aolld, with tha atama In tha outltna atltoh, and tha dota aolld or aa eyeleta. Tha bottom of tha aktrt may ba flnlahad with a ham or a row of acal lopa. Tha malarial af tha draaa ahould ba gatharad Into tha yoka on althar Ida. Marearlaad eotton. No as. la uaad for tha ambroldary. Design No. 225 No Patterns of These Designs Are Available Miss Hunters Correspondence To Mre. Cr. F.: I am giving below dlraotlona for a Tary prattr alght-polntad hawl which I think you will nnd moat aatlafactory: Malarial i Shetland wool. hanka. 1 bona orocbat hook No. a. Inatruetlonai Make a chain of I and tain. Flrat Raw Chain t. yarn orar hook and draw a loop through hole, yarn orar hook and draw a loop through hola again i do thla 4 tlmaa In all; ram over haak and draw through all and faatan with a ehaln. Count thla aa ona atltoh. maka II of thaaa and Join. aoond Row Chain t, and In tha eee ond apaoa yarn orar hook and draw loop through, itpaat. than yarn Tar hook and draw loop through flrat apaca. repeat, yarn ovar hook and draw through all and faatan with a chain; thla makaa a twtated plnaappla atltoh Tarn arar hook, draw a loop through apaca, rapaat I tlmaa. rarn ovar book, draw through and faatan. rapaat onca. than yarn avar hook, draw loop through neat apaca. repeat onoe, than rarn ovar hook, drap loop through apaca behind, repeat, yarn over hook, draw through ail and faatan with ehaln. Thla will ba ona of tha polnta; In tha next apaca. rarn over hook, draw loop through, rapaat I tlmaa. Repeat thla T tlmaa mora, making I peinta, alwaya putting I etltor.ee In oan ter af two etltehee to inoreaae each row; continue thla way, making rowa. than onion wUh a ahell with ploot adga In doubling ehawl, ene point muet lay Mnai two peinta, aa aa to abow tha t and on each and of the hoi Iv faitened a hraaa handle Shaving Pad. To Katharine: A ahavlng pad makea an aoceptable little Rift f i a n mi. well aa a pretty ona. I'ae for the cover a otrcle of thin water-color board, about I mehea In diameter, and on tbta paint a aprar of pink and violet eweet-poas. tied with groan ribbon On the bark faatan a pad of ahavlng paper with green ribbon run through into nolee la tha pad. and alee In the card-hoard Tor BbT Olotfcaa. TP Mother: A pretty boa few balding the baby- belonglnga an be oajUy and uouoaarnlli mad at hem, and at a : about t (oat long, ( with a htoa-ed tap, as hater unDieaflhed en, aaintw Ha mat aaa ba ewrtitkJe. between a A ataaw af tha an mshee wide la . and I wide. II Ant with and than Orrta root tha two Ba aen abant pockete. for holding tha claa. The outatda oaa bo blue or pink, or CO ear ad held In place with hraaa diet dad Into mailer ertt- pelnted white. with denim headed tacka. circle, and fseiened In a hnw In front A loop nf rlhb'Hi nhnuld be f t at the lark to hang It by The edges of th circle may be touched with Hi Id paint as a finish French Seam. To Inquirer. - A double French eeam In used l'r Joining materials which are likely in lii) The two pieces of ma terial (.huuM be tun together- hark to bark, with perfectly even tlgea. after which they ate turned around close to the seam, and another ni of silteh ing made, whlth will completely inclose the raw edge? Tins fiHm i espet .ally nutted to tin t )il 1 1 materia'. hich will fray without itne pmtettlon Table Cover. To Mn I) it M An unusually at Iiki i e (able cm er ca n ie made of cream color linen with a detKn of tu lip and lfav appll-.ued on UFlng green and yellow liner with a tou h of jolt, making t he irrf,, more promi nent than the other shades Th tia!gn tn arraticd In 1 b lour . orneri", end outlined with l.ivy flr-ss, which may be couched down with ni Ik. or nlmply out lined. A border of gren flnlfhcw The edga Thla will make an atti active eovar for a porch table. Stock and Jabot. To Mr l p.:-A dalntv stock and jabot to wear with a llnirerle waist is ont of lawn or sheer linen embroidered it. satin stitch, with dota worked aa ey letn or aolld Tha stock Is buttonholed on both edges with smalt, shailow seal lopa, with a prajr of flowers and dota from tha canter toward both end. Tha jabot la also flnlahad with eoailops on tha adara, with a dot In rary othsr acai lop. and tha am broidery on th outalda plalta. Th plalta ara turned la to meat In tha oantar and praaaad to kaap la placa. A small ambroldarad tab is uaad on the Jabot at tha Up, which makaa an tract Its finish. Lingerie Hat Mr c. H I am so gltd that yotj like tha pattema, and will (ire ona for a child a llns; fie tat as aox& aa poaai- THSRB la oartavln faadnatlon that oomaa from working la clay Ilka unto no other. In avary atkar kind of handiwork, a aartaa af oratamaii and manufacturara moat ooma htwm you and tha matarlaJ In which Ton work. Thtek f tha pmasaaaa aaoaa aarlly u&dargona bafora r ara raady to lawart a allk thraad in tha ay a of a autl aaadla, preparatory to ambroldary an .want But tha clay worker harks back to tha oomraon dust of which wa ara all mada and tharafrom eraataa Bomathtng. Lat ma warn you not to try any elay work If yo abjaot to putting your Angara Into tha atioky anaaa, Tou must learn to lora It and by and by tha Tary feai of tha alay will ba plaaaant to your flngara. Tha tlla haa bean aal acted as iha sub ject of thla flrat laaaon. In tha belief that it la tha aaalest thlngr to attempt. You ran acaroely fall If you follow directions carefully. To get tha clay you muat ga to aa art a to re or pottery and buy a roll of clay, tta plica la vary low Tha contents of a tlla are worth from two to flva cants. Tha firing and glazing bring up tha price to fifty cent or mora. Buy ready mixed clay, If possible, and kaap It In a dampened cloth (preferably canton flannal) rolled about with a btt of oilcloth to keep tha moisture In. re watting It dally. Tou mlfrht begin your work by making a tlla for the tea table. It la used to kaap tha teapot from scorching the bur ntah of tha table. Such tiles ara from wfc to Inches aqua re and about one half to three-quarters of an Inch thick, when finished Begin by drawing, on a piece of manlla wrapping paper (It must be quite free from creases or folds) a equare tha alae you desire. Let us sup pose that you will have ona five tncht square. The design given Is this site Be sura your square Is square and that Ita four corners ere four right angles. On this square begin, piece by place, to build a tile three-quarters of an Inch thick. Knead each small piece into each othar small placa until tha entire tlla Ilia f''A!mVi.MiiS; lvli'"S'' haa become a aolld maaa of clay with no Interatlcea of air, which are detri mental to aucceeaful completion of the tlla Tou need no tool for thla work other than your ten Angara and a rule to "equare up" the eldoa of the tlla. Smooth the tup of ttie tile, aee that tt la of the aame thlckneea In all par la and then you are ready for the deeign. The eaaloat aort of daalgn la compoaed of acratched or li deed llnei. A good tool for thle aort f work la a wooden ikewer auch aa la uacd by butcbera for keeping the Sunday roaat In ahape. With thla akewer you will transfer a line de algn prevloualy drawn on a I Inoh aquara of paper, to the tile, drawing right over the dealgn. The damp clay will receive thla daalgn aa though It were t r ana f erred with carbon paper When the paper la removed, the dealgn may be atrengthmed and accentuated by going ovar tha llnee with tha ekewer. Should you have aa akewer at hand, a to underatand why your own baka aeon will not 6Vx Thla firing oaueee a eofneleta change la the chemical aubatanoo of tha tile. The oheralat will tall yon tt baa changed from Hydra ted auioata of Alumina to a vitrified maaa or slay to pottery. If you are Intending' to uaa your tlla aa an arohltaoturai deooratioo tt will require no further deoor&aoa. But. aa our tlla la Intended foe a tea table. It will be glaaed after firing. A workman at th- pottery wffl dip the tile Into glaae mixed with water, acrapa the glaae from tha under portion of the tile, and put It bach lata taw kiln for another burning. Tha tea tile pic tured waa flrat fired: than glaaed with a clear glaae, fired a aaoond time; glaaed with a bright blue glaae aad fired a third tlma It came out of the Klla at tha laat firing, a rVh. dark blue, aa It waa Intended to matob a blue and white tea eat. When ordering Mia aaior glaae reel da. e aerv, -4r-f . a f"1 ""S'l wM,l " at al 2 it wm aw y , t - , 1 f-?i I iC r v'V. .ill in aTtfp, IbJa ,irve-, ,. f . . r ; , V... 71 ,tS(wt.l.a r-. a. : i.ir I' li I fate pencil with a rounded point Is an exi"!lfnt p'lhsl It mIm, Another, nnd moi i ierorat methnd of maklne; tltf In hcwn in fh ihoto graph of the tile with a tr Right line pattern Ilnre the entire background bHfl been lowered with a btt of pine wood. f-nr Inches a uartT of an Inch wide and thick, shrived to a wedg-e point by means f a penknifo The Hyaanttne t . I e In rn a d r v f n c r e t e It h aa be n poured tntu a planter parls mould, which hss ben mad from a clay tile Rome of (he ti)'S pliturd have been burned 1n a kiln but not jrlaxed. The burning and jrlaslng are Interest In e; i-perattons but not ponsible to the ntnafur r-raftsnian Whun the tile la i t. it piid end iu'Ih dr1-d out thrr da to a week will le nfdd f-ir thli tMj will take your tile to a pottery and have It fired, that la burned In a ki n A the temperature nedd approxi mates 17U0 degreea Kahrenhelt. It Is easy aire, b sure tn irtBfa wh ether yoa wish a brig ht or a matt glasa. The brlgrht a:1 are hns a shiny and giaaay ourfaoa, the matt gisxe haa a dull, dead tone. For giastng tea tiles a bright glaxe is oaual ly preferred. Ir some original and artlatla bride-te-be should orminilt the Intnticr daonrvvtnr as to aort of tile he Intended using In the vestibule or bath-room of bet new home, she might find It poealbla to maka and Incise tiles enougrh to form a varied border around auch a roorn. a border of four plain oblong tllee, than a aquara, hand-made tile, four oblong (Ilea, fttc . would make, the roon distinc tive and attractiTe Or the 1 1 ring room fireplace might be made entirely of her own tiles or els denoTated with such tiles aa arc here pictured. He sur tn . nnsult the 1nt-ior dKXTtor aa to tile length, breadth and thick nests af t, tt'.es and the number nsoaawaxy to eorn I'lete the decoration. i ' ' " F '

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