GBEENSBOBO DAILY NEWS. SUNDAY. JUNE 26. 1910 ADVANCEMENT Of KACE AN ELECTRICAL STORM EVIJTTS OF THE WEEK IN STATESVILXK SOCIETT MORGANTON NEWS; NEWS FROM HIGH POINT Kegro Doctors and Professional Men Makiuy lireai Heatiway. Animals hilled aod Much Damage lione to Fruit. Special to Daily Newa.j Toe ,e. . !, ... . , i . ,.t -r ' L 'iti ' ' i : ' it , June !. A violent Oiu, M- 1 !'- ' ' " ' " ' ! ' r-luriii, an-ouipaiio-d by heavy t. r " ' ' ' 11 M . i rv i .jut Ito-k.i.-.a Miburb 1 J11JW " ( nr.- ,,uJi H . - T tin.-, -j l v 11 iiighl, 11 ' '' '"' ' " ' , . j !d j: wl) liim.i.''- I w - houses, ' ' 1 '"' '" .i, (nr ).u rf.- -ine-k F lightning ' ' ' 1 - '' ' i t i i J ! mi i ut'.i I nu "iif a- injured, i wo rt!1''' f' ' , ,n a, n !'mJ rifii ru were k 1 1 I'd iJJ" 'V u 1 " '' " "'' r ,,-t.Miti tre ems li'ut ami (tlicr " " ' '' n . i . i. i.-wi Jow n nd uijurrd bv - L 11 I ' ' ' ' 1 - , , , , ' Mi. In- I ii - in t lit' nature r'111!"" : t ! ii,,rl u,i- l, ill ml '' 1 ' ' ' " "" U'U " " ' . I in- I h k HiLlll 1,1 ' I ' '' - ' 1 "" " . . .i ., I m . I ..... HiriuKli 1 r' ' ' ' - 1 ' ' ' ' 1 " ; . i Hi i ' I'll'- in in hi upn u ''" ' '"' ' " ' '' '" -I..H. i-' '1 lli' rm l.'fli tdr I'' ' ' ' ' ' 11 1 '" i I . i..i K I I tip unit liuJiij (Fieut " 1 '"- ', '"' 1 ' ' ' ' t , . m- ii 1I..1I M..lion Tf l.Trjbli !v", ' ' ' ' u . .. i , I',!, n. I. ,, l.i.iun .ill w. - '. hi1 1 , ' ' " , . t . . . , . i i . . 1 1 1 w 1 1 i j 'i II :i ' ) ii o I 1 1 ' 1 M- : ' I ' - 1 1 '' . i - ,,i .1,, N ..I-.- .I..I... Hi llli IliMllr. I I 111 !... i 1 ."J - a .,,,.! Hi , 1 li il .-in mil Ih- allth'nll la -iui.1,,11 .i 1111(111., v ..k i,- in.- t. ( ,,M, 4 M uii.-k liy Hie j f.i (oi ii, .1 n ' . , ,' i .' '.' j, .,,, al,.i .' -,tn iiiiui-ril. I l. iii..,..i V., '.'...i.r row l.-t in lo hmiri. i in,p,,-'rt ,.i ! - I'l.'"" ,. ir tbr lake ..1 Uki-i! rk. i,(l ci.J it- - - ii 'M , , t!wr, llunklii!. ,uiH lh .-Jlv. ' f, ,ili in tin- j. , i I1 "-' ,, a , i,, i, t,,,,!,,,., floml j I" "" 1 '' ., i , .jr. ... , , ..,.,.,:,.,,, ,t.,r, ,,, i h,, rkanl. n - ' ' ' " , . -t I ,i ,, ! , I ,, i'- n I I, -t n , t ' ;l " '' -' 1 1 ,1( iM,r I,,,,! ii,.,ti:;i uric ii.wo due in ""S !. . ' ' ' in tt.eir V" "I "' ' I'." ' ' " '"' I', u,,ti,ei mn Iknl it n ' i i ,. ..j ... , ., n i that h Iwil no I 'i1;'" 1 ' ' 1 . ,i , ,, i ,,i , ii.ifn,.r 1 HIr . STLTO GETS GUILFORD 1:1:1 ; 1 iVOTE ALMOST SOLID Special to Daily Nw.) StatMvillf, .Tun 25. A turpriu mr iiam of much 1st erect to tkt many fiifiids of tbe bridegroom here owurrvd at Hydro, Okl.f Wednesday evening, when ttobm O. Miller, of StatesTtllf, wn wedded to Miaa Hi n ton, a jmiog laJy of that place. Fartjculart oU tbe uinuge are nl jet knows here, Mr. Miller ha ing planned it a kurpriae lor run hoDiefulks. J be bridal pair are now on t lie i r way to N ort b Cro 1 1 na . and ure expected m Matsaville at auy time to iit .Jr. Miller's pareaU. Mr. nd Mr. J 0. Miller. They will re main here until alter the marriage of Mis Mary i. Miller and Kev. Obcar .Vim nest eilnesda y, Mi -lllian Irene Sliarpe. of States j ille, and J.ernuel Hal! White, of Win- i tini, were inai ned 'ediieda v after noon at the re.-idence nt Mr and Mrs. 1 M Johnson, on Haee street . I he John-son home a beautifully rleeoraledl fur the occasion, and the marriage uaa. a, vury pieiiy one The hall and Bitting roiim wvrv dn-oiat d in potted plants aiui pink luicc. while in the parlur there' ueie man v while rar nations and terns. A nr 1 1 v a n li ac roei a corner of t he ! vr, parlor bore a beautiful adding bell of daisies Jut pi ior to the oeieuiony h-i Krlith Buinbam, of Savannah, (.a., Atif "A Ireani," and the bridal pair entered the parlor 'n the strums of the w eddi ne match pin ved v Mihk Pearl nl hn beneal b t he 'hdny li.'l I tin- t in pi evi ve cei e Baseball Craze Is on Many Interest-'Street Car Tracks Connected Mrs. log Happenings. Coltrane Dead Kotes of Interest CURES RHEUMATISM ill lent) una bufev busings men out en niastee patriotically to do honor i to the national g mv. .Mania and aia- j tnnH likewise wcr there and the ever: prttariit it mall boy u&a alo in ev ideiu-e. ' Tw o beautiful gamea were played on , 1 IiuimIuv ai d J riday afiernooni 'ttetwcen M r;a n t on a ud Forest Cu y , and whi le , t iiH vim tor were the victors the fcoiue 1 ifiim played bprlendid bail and with uwiu team practice work thv would be able to make things interesting for any ot I the .-IiiIjh in the Carolina, league. 'Hie i -.-ore.- stood, firt-t g-ime Forest totj, 1. Nlorganlon, 1 Second gamer- Forest ( (1tv. 5; Morganton, A. i Mia Awood riunta birthday gt to i the trolley rame off. but after thia mia- her mother on Friday waa a urpri-.e j fa4p WM adjusted it went on iU way hndye farty The ffuests wr mw I rejoicing and the reaidenta all along lrs of Mrs. Hunt's dub and a lew hpe- j t ie rout welcomed it wil flas nd cial Iriends. Mesdamea t rwrTce, Mi1- j shouts. Saujlhton, (laitlier, I'osn. Dickaon. Sil No c&ao of Rhfumati&m waa aver curod except by a thorough purifiofr tion of the blood; just aa long as the blood remains charged with ferment ing urio acid poison the painful disease will continue. The pains and aches oi Rheumatism are only symptom, and it is true these mar be scattered and temporarily relieved by the application of plasters, liniments and home remedies of rarious kinds, but the person who trifles with this dan gerous disease by depending on local treatment alone is bound to pay for I. S. cures Rheumatism It noes down into the 4. 1010. His prediction, however, wm! Wood and removes the urio arid from the circulation, so that the nerves. exceeded at 4 o clock thia afternoon j bones, muscles and joints are all lubricated and fed with nourishing matter, when he was asWed by the Public feerdinstead of being continually irritated and inflamed. with the sharp, uratio vice company to drive the leal apike impurity. When 6. 8. 8. has cleansed and punned the blood the pains (Special to Daily News.) (Special to Daily News.) Morgautou, June SJ6 The ha e ball High Point, June 25. About one year tae struck Mores n ton and t ataui i asro J. J. rarrua predicted that Hich turned j Pomt would have cars ruwimg ea both . the mistake with constant sutferine. later on. North and South Main streets by July in the only way it is possible to cure the disease. which would connect the North a lid South Main street tracks. He did ao, and within an hour afterwards the car atarttvi on its first journey down South Main street. Packed to iU utmoet capacity the street car thia afternoon at & o'clock made the first trip on the South Maui .-.ireet track. The onlv acident that be fell the car on it trip southward was and aches cease, all inflammation disappears, stiffened muscles are made supple, and every miserable symptom of Rheumatism is corrected. Book an Rheumatism and any medical advice free to all who write. THE Sf7T SPECmc CO. ATLANTA, CA Hobble, I.eMie, lavia and Missus Ivy rtayea and Annie t.ordon were pre t ent. The club presented Mra. Hunt' w ith a lixn-lsome set of plates. She was I sr the recipient oi other remembrance? j now covers ever two ItKUl V W till I Wile 1 1 f'-r-dv. ut" t hi m lined hv .1 lli. II. .I.kI .I I- . ) .'li I. ' p.- Hi- 1,1 ... 1 . I"' - ' f" I " ' ' "' '"' "" ' " ' - imr a b-inv r' l.nj;i.- i" pa fV Mnk. ! n Thifii'i i t (fl hl peOJi'i y.Hr ,1 ' tin .'flUil Ii-lt prfert n mi tV.n' ' ' iia .fi'ii" 1 lran''r' tn ff-'-l- m m i-im--- r nfMnwIu' ui-i'i'if Mt i- !.'--.. J ui liufTteiiaJit . n i. ,! t In , inki cjt v e i' H.. t v Tl Hrl O di.l..i Mfevl!li' lft Snrih Omluia. Ia I-k i r Mtumiir 'Wm believe in entiu.i-ir i tie pnn . oi fcfma f ia tv'i I . Ph- VaA i a ! Iik' 1' r in -f ih 'e(iin' i'r - t ., t '.ins ,i: i,i . i t m i a numr r ot h - . injr m thi MP po-fce1! " ' t b t p'i'1" TV men ir. tb.- S.MMt iMJol'n Mcti r 1 1 Pharinm- ii ' " ' I n i n ! h -s. h-,m 'OP, "f wildi Ur .isl, M r,,.,i, the lemtem ure HoiiK a .ontc'ii- t ve art4 make their t.ue n h-nltliv Hti.1 pin durtfve eleiti.iir n No'lh (inilina fAfT.AKi t-MOKl R, 5c AlX II A (Continued From Firat Page.) the man rh 't he hi nie i ngti w a ' .i , i,,,,,. i, h-iii- Ml, i ,i l uU I inn "I i hiirrifi In iiii.I Mr. While I rmn Viler "llHT I- - l',.,l,l hiiHe ' l, pill i luirf i I lie VAN A. TIIEROBBERS WERE BOLD Bandits Attempt Bold-Dp With Fatal Results. (Py I he Afthoeiated Presd ) liVTie, rMase , bine -.' Ii.t lia:i1i' frrmed witk .mi niai f c v -1 i o-lft Seot arid inttani'y i 1 1 1 I fi-m - AltttrJTan he mrvi(MOt'n - r, i,.t.ttl Wone4ed rSlinw(i liintr .ti "M eed rn ihv with k i '"iinm,. : j,0O0, ht-j r?'- um li of iw t ,n ei t.u Itfvauin wf Ukitif fr.nn a t.u . t ahee lenonr l W r-:.-M wt. I .i ndt m fM the weektv P.. I, .nnti lai "te j'l ! urn eitl lull in !, and Hi'lii'H Mi- i. :.: - i i ,m. rt ,n h, in': m l h ir i : I,., i I (i ui o! Hill . II n-iw i w nl -old lor llrrti.-rt M.l -ih-l i U't b.-- la( -nisei 1..I M I i I pb-i i .tm n- iru ' ..'dWMl -10 " it n! Oil olefr in P'.'ir-nti 1 1 A I 1. K inn-. ii ' i I , i link in I .r.l in aie hoi Ii in) . li- h -...I in, ,1 v hi PU.IeM. but ll ii-.k. :i thi wiiiiriy liKf I Ih i k vvili ,-.. nt the .UMIi'V .,r!M't1 , s.i H to be il. .1 arid i m.i 1 i .oiUviii u 'II I i-f A i Jlt or II ('li ( ohi Hlblls I Hi i Hi. 1. 1 1 I V f f I I'M I i i j u - ll'1 1 N A "'lit 'nly Ulvi.l'il btUn (lark ami '."-I u i n V iHrti:irv wan hdil n only one pi r -i 'i in Untn-w k k ami l ha I gave U ' l.i in hi v ! J .mI ..t t he P; v.-tt m -1 .i.inMi '! ol.ii v ;i i n mm - T y of v ol e in H' ',n- . I. v inp I o t lie w arm in;' t in.i I tiht. pr tfa 1 1 y iri atltlilion was p.n.l In ' li'T olln-es. In Anson, c-pis-ial to i Kt j I y New t W'.4df-hon.. June 2i A lifiht ot.- whs , ,it Ml the pnnnir today in ikmiii i iit,t v Mlrn and ;ilk": 'can the ' 'tut'tv fot ii-ondte justice, Prawn e lid l.f tot i im i'-n i uiiinii-MiinT 1 hrri' i no o'ioil Kin to link Inr '-hull juin-, Xil.itn1! wmi lor ( i id rw irt tht-i -r;'i!l! -Ii-!)i.'l -tji k !' hOlirltor U IK i j I'.-U'r- t-i ' HCie'- I noi,.'Ntl irrMMlB pive Allen 4'Vi wilh t u n-lnjin (o hfv liom In til"1 am lon-liii MannniL' if.Tinril l't( 'I he nDii-ial I''mtU will nut m,i I l'l l m 1 1 T i iiM Tfcf I en 1 1 1 1 ( In Rowan ipr.-i.ll In l..lly e Si 1 - l.,i , . . I m iU- -l' lpi'i Is ii I I en jv miai t d 1 in H" nil count T I dn r in fit. i be ih-hmimh ' ion oi l.ii stair Sen V li i'.n Im ooiui1 ndffe. b l: hl ,., :oi d:c ,f I H f. Kcn?ie I I f r i c I.e ween H. D I olcni.i n. V It ivh. n,t '..ur-e 1 1 Par re. for W t a W li lllo bo Ih Mid Mr id or huobainl and llev I. H. i t- Informed ifir nl the erv h 1 1 rtt i e in itne i( tan. she i'l ot Kii-tcr lihci et i tip t fie hea i t v fftitu, the bridal i nt i t in n. w hero M i ded t he est bound ! o aishmgtrm and ' II Lh ui home in White j-. out ) with lieadii imrt it" i p the f,.it o I (nun y u ' r s here a 1 1 i it ion. r and Mm. " W h"-. ot U m-toii, p,i is bn..' . Mi- Ivipka. Mil lit. Mi- Maty lielhd b'V. ot Mooies ille. to Miw Miai pi . who d.iy hsHi Kdit h nteriaiiied 'iinte .i irnlier of nuii? ttiendi h tew eininps i t to the inarii:iJte. '1 he cmii-' of t h'1 -nun e of much In idc' pnre n as ;i nw 1 1 iu t he un me hhc The ear track miles of ground. Death of Mi" Coltrane. Miaa Cornelia Colt ran, died at the home of her father at Coltrane' Mills from her iarsre eirvle of friend. Af ter ; ? -eelernay a(teriwoji at H ocioek, at the the pame a delicioim lunoh waa served ot tZ years. Jimeral wiU taks .lo-eph Kincaid, a prominent eit izen , plaes tomorrow, and wealrriy mil) owner of Griffin, da , Death of Aged N'egro. and a former resident of Morgan ton. la Alex I-iuaay, a darkey well thought in the city for a few day. Mr. kittcuU'of by the white people of this city, died im or an automobile tour thrrmph thejat an advanc-d ae at hi heme on 'tirolinii and speak hiphlv ot the reada j Leonard How this morning, that haw thus far been improved in j Di-: William, of Decatur, the dab?- j Ala., is in the city viailing frienda, Dr. A dehyhtful garden party and re. ep- i hn.more is one of the prominent doe tion ii" given by Mr M.Aeely DulldM" I torn of Decatm, ;md Mrs. !. T Averv ,t the latter lad , Ir K. K. iOchardson. of Leaksrille, home. Mountain view on Thursday hI Kpnt the da v in the city. tetitoon in honor of Mr, and Mih Kiog i of xe;, Tenn Thin wa the Utg i ACI.AKA SMIER, be AU, HA t-st nfTfiir of the heason over I On gue.t V ANA I dug i in id Mane and Kha ' " 'm; imfr. Tilrt::! ; ROOSEVELT WILL FIGHT V. W ,il.i. and Kl lUllr Kil.i- B. N. DUKE. T. B. FULLER. J. B. MASON, Prui4aL Vk-PrMidaat. CaskUr. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Of Durham, N. C. Capita! $100,000.00 Surplus $75,000.00 Resources over $1,000,000.00 Organized May, 1905. Special attaatloa (lva lu iba callacllaa ar cottoa draft aa4 all commercial papara. ACCOUNTS INVITED eeweni y i; j Twer" Id- hr,.,.jiu., h 1 1 tner l . K ni I l.i in . Mr r on i ph ine i: t ,h v s. HiHt riPfl n(n 1 Itetilah milh nerved deln iou reti eahment s to l he rnimeroiti nurxtd l iss Hut h Mca ugbton ent erta ined n muhII coiei ie of frietirin at bridge com pnipcntury to (l. MarT Rliyne, of Mt Holly, on ednesdv night. FUR REPUBLICAN SUCCESS I he 1 I- o!t. Mth i. npr ml e .hovwr of h; t renh ment nd k r r were die! hoif I ..i The t borough, t-e in ' Ina uuNiM urine the noiie ol 1 1 - i -cwder nu k' . .i " 1 andi'n ei , . , i t i pof!e ot I i ' iMt 1 Jater one o the 1 r a -df mflo'ifd . -$ he ho. it-ii "i w hile t he i h nd .i rn T vmiv h- i -t e WOiid- b L r i f.f the rd.hei s v 1 1 o ii pursrier II b t ' ' .. stolen lv t 1 , t'.'.'.. - I'Vi" r dv ' t5 " r I i e pea r f 1 1 ..m i n Mil. 1'int w ill be re'iiui d to c noin ma 1 n n . Repeated Last Trar's leal ol T&klnrj Three Lents. In Rockingham. N-o. ial t" l;iil v pi m - i ' ' ' ine 'J I wei e out of pie. 1 1 1- f- n e M di;ill.'. tor ( -Mipie. mi -t m -so 1 id oi M h mi i n g ha two I- loir oi it ' ' ' 1 1 ll t lie ll Ull pt'i ! - v ' i h 1 pre, ''iM ot i up . i' ! v l..i ' i (.p i or .i.doi- ol th. i lie .HI, Mi.i ' oi p i not 't r 1 1 ! ni mUi ,i'ii In Sun y. i ie , , i 1 to IMilv ew ) n-l i .M !), . I nne 2,'i. Returna ,r'"i t i 1 t. ni-' i .t ! ir priin.ii ie in uirv 'ndi"r. M.inniri. h,i thtee ' ol ' i - .. . h, o i-:V I-m n -.vte ' '' 'lo " ;"i-iii lOiiM jitld 1 'if ote 1 - is 1 ! Le l.,Mf s Si rd 'mil, 1 " I - I 1 .-. i Mi il. nr ' .nne " I" ' 1 M ' d" ' la Randolph, M ml to Da il v i '.h.M.- lune i n loHiihlup !, '..I'd troiu pue 1 ten T pet cent Ft TV An F'Highkeeps.ic, S Ji,n. . . f repeated er a' 1he thl-e . i' e nt" t t . .'o ga'ta t ja I i. mi-iu i T 4 f WJ.. 1 ' M .III . 1. lit "X'iOrk lH MIO' ." tli'- '-MltsJ M t- 1 '.ii mtn i'ki '" hidi nuifi i -1 in r"1-- ' o d -t i;i;i-h t h - 1 r, , . , ..I- I .,, Hi 1 , o-i .IL-ho '! .. .U d M,o L , .j ( I p1 p hlM A! II, p 'Til- ' I r'-.i. .i !'kmi i miTi l tin,ri . - : I,,',, mi d a- per i f a i e ii n.i in nm i t or H :' i ' I . rb . L'l I ... C Pe Anaignefl Fnr Asauii e . 1 . ; IH -mi. t W i lif. tri)vi i - 'i J ' i I'..- N.w V 1 -r aai nth " i-- :i..;. eii' ei i sn l erwl 1 fcutt ' . I t - ! e -il r I t n h, ' , " " Unv k: Tl ( , rg- - v I I ' i . 1 ' ?'ne-- i Hi ; "'' -m' j ' i fel w p rod 'in' 1 1 .l i i ' i t ,ii t tier he ing KreMT n n et-'n n i n ll attrT fr .SIfty dan-ats n 1-pt- In Wilson ' 1 .i" 1 nord-Lil returns ' ' ! '.. ..t rdp.-er. nbe v ,! . - ...d l .-.b', o! W,l ' s ' .oi A1.,,, im 'iti t-if rti)CLlfr of t ' I.,- i,.! dl-ttic! In Wake - .. ; ! . I ji i ' v r. , b d " " In ke c,.-,ntv t i ',.i ',in"vc eo-irt i ti - f m- li - t ' 1 v 'i 1 i. -1 1 onj irate, a m,i 'ot " i ' " ' ' . ii .11 i CTl'HIVn 1 1 1 '; ' - I"- M ft r t, Kh t a Octrimr of Quarrel. IU --. . ite.1 pre. i '''' . 1 i,e of m ti.'lc'.i d i sji g1 e T,e'i uthi'. ir p,'' 'wo month. T H. Sottoi a Minor Hem T'ftori. -(ml ii nd 'k! beil 'nrlnf bv Willi .m snmnei. a I- runt of ''iimiM Sumner )eili that Sutton ea no- t.- t he field .vlTT' be ws ph 'npl-mp . ured h.m c oil lh' ll :tiAlllt "d hllll. M ,i. Tfiip SlMII- r.F-T whot Sutton three time, one bullet entericrr the 'heart. Sumner aurrender H urirl . in jail. Old ManU -iinui tnenl beiHlhtill 1. 1 .m i-o ereit ilnM- .,, fci't v en !ll it it t oHiH leeeived in s t p vil le real tollous , Mnd Mr- . li Ttnul iiiihi ifpietii the honor ol nnr pieencn i.t tin iniiinape of their diiughlrr, Kdmi. io Mr Koikudl b L. Ihunl t nip on Wednesday eveiniig. lime '.'ni h. 1!I0. at 7 o'clock , 'l i out inn n. ort h Cat olina." Mms I'roiitruan, the bndr eitct. has tor I ho pa st lew ye;n I been jui Hi nerr t or Mc rely li ol here if Mooreav ille. mid h pi Mar it h n large circle of Iriends in .Momesvil!.. and at Trouirnan sln is :i ster ol Mi ,1. M fJeatnn. ot si a te v il lc. a nd is in nrt hi y know n h'-ie Mi dulp is a onng LiLsine.- man Ot ooie- ille. The fir-l Mt l he pr- .pUttl event sip tiithinp the ii pioOiichi up nuirnagp of Mi-h Mmv I Miller and Ibv. Oscar Maun, of VupMii.t. tixik plnce at the home ot Mr rind Mi A Brndv. when t he edne ta v tt ernoon club met 'th Mi- Mjryiirot Ibadv and lion oied the In ide fie, I . ,,iie ot the dub mo-1 pop u In r iu e m hi t , 1 1 h linen diower. Vml a number of guest I out nd the club ! e present, mid the affair u'aa an mt e rest tug n rid delightful one The handles of lnii-ii, which included rtinnv bui if ul handkerchief, towels, pie-e ft handwork er.. rj hidden in Ihc two looms (w iipied bv I he gueds .Hid Mi- Miller MMrehed for 1 hcei whde Mi-- Hi .of y played a weddinp march. Mfint' du e w a- placed and i he rn ire. ,i hand embroidered hdlidkerdiu f wa won - Mis AiKferon. who pirsenld 11 to the glie-t of hotioi. Vn- Miller ! he bride B pri?e a lulge Olineh ol niveet pea- AmoiiL' the ip'eial gtiesti ot the dub on ids ple;t,nnt occasion was Mt-s l.elia N nil, of V irginia, who is i-it mg in t own Mrt P si, ele u a the char rn ing hosi..-. j( jinoth'T "ii o ,t Ide r.iM'ml tunc tion rhuiMlay HtliTjionti w loti fbe en tcrt a i ned t be Id nlge dub a ml n large number of other gueu in honor of Miss Miller, t he bride -elect The game was ptayid at five tHble- The tirst prize, y, hrwige seorr. wn won bv Mis Mart Long, and the se-ond pne. n (an, was warded to Mir Het h l' an. Th bride pure was a beautiful handmade girdle of pi tik. pink being t he color fc- heme in t he decora tioim. The punch Uid. which a unrounded bv pirk ro-e. w.i. presided over bv Mi Kthd lV.oer, of Son( , ! olina Ot her de liciini- refreshments were served. Hogi nning next Tueoiav Mias Arleare tiiliner. nf St atenv il !e. will give a lionise partv to a number of her young friend? !, the lilnd.iloTip hotel. Black Mountain, of v hit h hr tat her, V. U. Gilmer, ii proprM'tor Mis Nell S:iiiidT. of Char 'otie. 'vho ha been vi-iting Mim ) inner here, will asrom party her to Black Moun tain t attend the house pirtv. Other vftnn: ldie who will utti'tMl ,nr Misae Viltir idiol-ou of Stl"vtlle: Winnie Ueid. f ("a ta w Im . and t iertrude mit h. of .Mt Airv SUSPENDFJDTHE CHIEF Bead of Charlotte's "Finest" Lngaged In a Scrap. tt brr day. ua a'eevea 5 ik. ..i.. 9 (Special to Daily New l Chardt i e. lune 2" 1 he tK'nioct y ' ir uiuiiitip- in tin county today attracted idehpreail inleri'hl. The grrate-t in tercet whs ta ken in t lie race bel ween IV B Smit h a i id V. M. Shan nou hi u use, 1 ea tnlidiit es for the oilier ot sidn-jtor.1 Boi h liav e many ataunch ii ieiidi h put. up a game fight tor their choice A' the city hall thia afternoon Smith, j h ho i- the city recorder, and T M t li rt-t eiihui v , eh if I of pol ice. engaged , in a tight . in which no serioim damage j was done The duel called Smith a liar; and Smith went at him like a bull at a' nd llag. Friend part cd them Iwtoi h ii t li n r piore than a few scratches had, been node. Smith, however, put an umbrella out of busine. and the chief' vvas pus rinded from office until W ed I res.'av richt bT the executive board' ' wnich look tip ilia matter at a meeting Ituud.t. By Tlie Aaaoeiatcri Prea ) "v-ter Ba, N. V , June . 'I hcidoie , isooseveii nut never nuke anoLner po , liticHl epe h aa lie nan! the ot uri I but he i- goi ug t o t ol I up hn i and plunge into the thick ot the polit ' ma I light that will be wag-d due fall ; lor the t-ontiol ot mw ork St-te. 1 1 .ns he srfid will, rtutborily that lie will dfneitc hi- ever) rrmt to sate the He publ ii , n pa r( y 1 1 nm t he -In feat w hu h he think menace., it in 1 hi tate. and ( thai he Will noi sfurk the rwponsibihtv dneh na feen plaetd upon his ahoulder 1 1 t lin-f who look It him hh t he one nm'i who cm command the situation. 'nl o the coning iiiitor nce tetween ( oloi el floosevelt iiud Cmernnr Hughee 1 will i-stie an arlieulated pdn y. Alyn 1 hi color on ivorv ward VI Williams' Portrait of Lete King. July Century will reproduce m Alyn illia m1 minat ui e portra it of hi late majesty. King Kd- . painted 4or the cit T of ,on- don pul 1 1 1 ST to know I ure pa in 1 1 rig of nearly from t he v e thai I'm v It ik interest iev n a I of mina me. after a lap' i our en t II I , II I III 1 1 V IKO.'l when vr Lawn Hose The hot, dry weather is here, and nothing is so essential in keeping the lawn in good condition as watering it properly. This is impossible without a sufficient quantity of good, reliable hose. We have it at 10, 12 1-2, 14 and 16c a foot. Also nozzles and sprayers, of course. date d ham- joined in founding the Society lor Minature painters in London. In IHOd kl wa held in Ixuid on t he (ir-t exhihil ion fJ of minature painting 1t living arti-t- J Trti yi-ai later t he lat r King Kdw a rd , Military Tournament Closer! Vi hvillc Tenn lure J.S - a-hvill. 1 in i I it ury tourna nient who brought to dose this afternoon in t'he pre-ctue i another great erowd Aviator Uttiniltnn made a brifrf ftiirht. t lac niormnu rviug with him a paaaenger I.ienl i K. P ljiiiron. of (.eneral Mill-' fl I Hamilton lUw acain ai, 2 p. m . and let' J t on ight ov er t he 1 mii MTe a nd N n -h i ville railroad for Vow York. I. to nhtiW hT -Hiere-l ui i.iisrd the organisation lo a ' Royal . iet .' appreeia ODELL HARDWARE CO. Greensboro, N. C. "Oxford Seminary OXFORD. N. C. Illustrated Catalogues now ready foi distribution. Apply for one. F. P HOBGOOD. Pre tUWVWAWWV HOTEL HUFFINE. Greensboro. N. C American Plan. S2.03 to iJil i'lt U ' (loannlniU; Laaatad ErarjtUai Mndaia Tka Bast Sarrtai Tba honi. of tbi kilftit of tfca irrip aad trmralllng jiublla faaamDf. A well eonduatad CSia la aanaactlao. J P. SANDERS, Hra, BISHOP LEO RAID RAISED IN DIGNITY BY THE POPE , JU I he -ociat4-d Tie- 1 Belmont tunc '."i. Through th po-i oic ilele-ai ion at ashington, no t ice hi b.-e;i i ,.,-ei ed here t hat t he Pope i ni-ed Kdmont Abbev , of "hi. li lo-hop I eo Haid la ahbott. to the i ni! y of a bhM ;a tuilhu, or eat hedral ahbe with u- own territory and jur isdict ion. Thi honor i the higheat the wthohe cii-.-rh evufem on any ab bey, and thus Belmont take rank over all ahUv. tn Nortii America There .i" only IS ef the ehm in the world. BislMvp Ha id eejehiatea hit aiNer iiibihe m (Vtr4ernd at that time the canonical exaction of the abber & Mscount oi 2 Per Cent OF On All of Our Spring and Summer Woolens for Suits, Trousers and Vests ! A good selection of snappy and staple patterns on hand that musft go in the next thirty days to make room for Fall jftock. A chance for you to save from $5.00 to $10.00. The price is cut but the high quality of the tailoring is maintained. See them before they are picked over. J. E. CARTLAND & COMPANY -MERCHANT TAILORS AND SHIRT MAKERS' will be forms b v prowiilffJei in the aVRA MOKKH, o ALL HA IV A.V A. pTssnre of high d'gnitaries of th

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