s. ViliSTEUT U0KF0I- EASIER HONEY MARKET Utfli mspwttloi, imrer, b Shows Ii Iqj or Sell Stocks. Hew York. JMae ft. The weak ee ia laa ateoa market Sreugtil lulls dis- poeiupa as the perl f Uis uperatei to aie mt eoainuiaient. h only lb ' siaruediate uaerlaluues of tiie wealber muIiUom in ibe spring wheat ataies la th aortnwest. but the probable r cumufM double aver Ilia crop iurur Julv had their effect in quiel- , Ins (paculatlv activity, reslaidsr I Ut eslllug left a residue at uacov rad sTuirtl eaieugst tea tradere wki bought saadeiately to cover, tbu eup- airing .iiaieiiMug innuancf au uncee Ta renewed preseur on slocks bs- , far tna elose wax du partly to next . jseeeVa ttaey proepecl. L'oeddeace 4re.u.eiai us'wpairea tbat a seasoa f greet aa af money 1 to follow. Yae bank atatement failed te shew taaj expected gain la caati iu the actual iaurea. atesaover. an aetual loaa ia craase by the clearlug house panga ef iai.eee.lM aa4 aa sx pension la tna lea avragee of atner banks by H -(11.0U dieaiesed the worklnif ef de- - maada for oredits outside toe dull tack market af the week. lesa Were pleady. Total sales, pur wafUe. 14I.. United slates I t have declined it per eenl. in the bid price ea call etnee iaet week. fatal ealea of stock tor U day vara Jingo shares. CLOflftte ITOCK UT. Aaaertcan augar Heanlng ..... Aeckleon Aloalaea. pfd. Atlantic Coast Una rJell'uiore at oble ftelhlehenx Steel Hrecklys Rapid Transit - Central Lieether Chaaareake Ohio , Chicago it Alton ' Ciiicea Great Western Chicago. Mil. at bit. Paul ' coloiudo Fuel Iron ayToloTeUo southern T pern Products , bakeware Hudson teaer et ftlo Orende PistUlara Securities Erie i Krl. 1st ptd Ulnola Cee-ral InterborGueu-laatroDolilan I-ni eerobth-etetropoiitea. pfd.. a,aeas lliy aoutliern lxausa t-'lly fcoulheru. pfd. .. Laulevflle I Nashville ..7.... MtaJraaaiolls A tit louls Mine- bu V at baull His. M .. UUaularL Kansas a Texas MLssoerf, Xsnsss a Tsaas. pfd . Mkweurl Pacific Katieaal, Lead er )rk Central Nov ok. Ontario A Western. Karfalli A Wtstara Nwrthara Kadnc Fautei Mall Faaairlvaala raeplea Gae feaeead Bieel Car Pullmaa siaoe Car patlway btael aprlng Iteadlna Eapubllo ti'l FtepusUo Steel, pfd. j ttvck Island Co 4 Jtork Island Co.. pfd Bleas-fihetneld Ktsel A Iron Southern Pacific loutbern Hallway loutharn Hallway, pfd,. Teaaeaeea Coiper fesas A Psclho . Union acinc ilea Paulnc, pfd. . . Hrally lilteA Statee nlted nt.t.u N.ii.k.r Vulted States Hterl t'nlted States Steel pfd. tttsh Conner ... Vlrrtatn-cer Ttaeaait Carolina Cbsmloal 3 1S 101V lit J10V. : 8te i 7V!t It 27 126V4 U'l il 114 17" Hi 1 i'i a . 147 , .. n . 137 . Ill . 7 . .'T, . 71 . 1 1 a Vs . u . lusts . 1J. It . lit . . n . 127 . 21 . 165. . 12 . et . H . t:i . 1214 . 25. . 69 is -W r -in . 171S, US . 7:1 . if 7JS . 1H', . 4i . t . 1 . 41 Vi CWITBD STATKH BONDS. U. 8 refunding :s. rs( IKOV U. B. reuiSlii Is. ceu l0 U. 8. Is, ri lillU U. S Is, cou ims U. 8 tm. r,f U. ft 4s. eeu lilts tATWAJUt A CLANK' COTTOW LETTKK l-o J. IC LATHAM New Orleans. Juns 11 lit tiis fare af an enceurasinir visihls supply stais- lumii, wvffrpuiti wsm if ry pour Wlin I old craps sbout I Knaliuli pumls low 1 er thsn due, spot prices lower, exits 1,00 bales. New crops were sbout 1 point lowrr Thaa awe. Auaust.-liepteitiher Is now 40 polata under August in New York, whereas It enmild he sbout loe points abova Tills shows both a ftprssied condition In I.lvsrpoei end ei'eptioual Support In New York. It Is believed that prespect for unsettled weuther over Sunday la Teias were lergel) re sponsible for the action of lb Kna- llab market today. Weather develop ments over nlghi were more favorable, temperatures in Texan src tower end llgbl showers were pretty well scat tered aver the Hist.'. Some toon ralus fell In Eaat snd ktuutli 'IVxss. tleiv-r-ally fair weather prevailed in lite Al lantlo statss with precipitation con fined to the Immediate coast. 'lite central ststes had showery wealher. but pracipltallon was mostly light than aeneral. Indications ate for un aettbM, ehowery weather through the belt, more rain over Sunday in Texas. The Journal of Commerce reports ssy the Carolines havs dein lorsied be cause of too much rein, fidus grsssy. The disposition wss to sell on improv ed waatatar in Texas, a poor Liverpool snd a favorable weekty summary hy fT tba Cbronlcle. bat July and August in . New Tark showed such manipulative strength that It scared off trsrie. Thei-e la a rumor that about 30.000 bales will ba gblQpod out of the New York stock In the near future, and July and Au gust aborts are at be mercy of the bull clleue. rroen the way the market urted to day, Igmoring a ery diMuppolnnng Liv erpool, Improved wwaiher proHpei tsfor Teaae. etc.. It lookK an if professional Operations In July and Aukiipi in Nr Tork are the all controlling market fast org. HATWARD A CLARK. Wabash, pfd:. western unia BAK ITAl'RMK.NT. stsw Tark. June 2fi The statement of aleaHng house bunks for the week glioma that the bauk 1,-1.1 I74.il:;, laora than Hie re(uireni,MitH of the -5 per oant reserve rule Tins is au in creee., of 2.7I9.7.S In the proportion ate cask reserve as compared with last week TAe percentage of acLual reserve of the eJeering houne banks today was I' 11. The statement of bai.k snd truvt companies of fleesier New Yoik nol renarllng to the clearing house sIiowb laam 11.173.114 100. increase 16 714. SD: scene 1129.612.100. increase 2:i4 -an; dsgsl tenderi $:i.S6".400 decrease I4.se. total deposits ll,:7.2ll.tOO, In cresse ta."30,700. GRAIN MARKETS UNDEt : CROP IlEWiTMllENCEw leoewil pi tumors tf Greotlj Short' coed Yield Boost Prices. - Cbleac. June II. tirought damage to spring wheat In tba norihweat was today devlared Irreparabla for at least a auarter of the troa An eaae'rt ior one ef the leading arms bare nada tba asaertton in a telegram rrom niiisporo, . I. Pessimistic reaorta from invas. tigatora for fflhar arautluaat houses joined in causing unusually active buy lug lr a weak sua seealM. la eon se quence the close was strong at practi cally the high prlcea af tba stay, with net gains of 1. Tba close In uorn showed an advance of nd 'H oata a shade to" . Provislona finished unchanged to I centa higher. The leading fumres langed ga fol-loa-s: Wheat July September . iiecember . Corn July riepiember . Lhaismoar . Oats July , September , i iiecember . Mess Pork, par bbl. juiy : , September K .....i fjird, per 10 Iba July , , Keplsmber Whart Rib, par 1 lb. . July September Closa SS4 .. s ls ... tl .. . .. (t .. iM .81 40 ..22.50 ..11.41 ..11.41 ..1! IH ..11.47 COPKKH MiBKET. Tork. Juns it -ripot New quiet: No. 7 Rio, mild oeffas, caff as. 1-14: No. 4 Santos. auisti Cordova, Ittd AI.TIMORK PHODIICB. flaltimore, Juna 15. Wheat, easier; spot contract. II; new southern by sample, e2tfcl. Corn: tjulel, spot contract, IS. I lam No. 3 white, 46; No. I mixed, 44i? nominal. Rye: tjulet; No. I western domostic, tin nz. Local Markets (These price ere strictly wholesale, end represent price. obtained on actual tales. (Br Tk Ftireoa C.) rat back, I lib., haiua, auger eurad. , tier Pun Laid: Pure, tierces, 14Vai compound, tierce. 10c. Flour: Fancy patent spring wheat. 14.20 per barrel; fancy patent winter v. heat, I.').! per barrel; choice straight, $5.2!, Ileal; Bast bollsd water ground sleady, per bsg of It pounds, ll.ll. Usala, Hay, late. Corn; While, 0i , mixed, IJ4sC. Oats: 40c. Wheal: 1.10120. Hay: No. 1 timothy, 121; No. 1 mixed. 124 oo, mill feed, bran. o stuff, 1100 Cavalry Preaaea. (By FersYth A Co. Chlrksns: Young spring. I &c per riling, Tie pound; old hetis teachi. tiitrOc; hui-,nsrv. 7 .tl. ler, lt2ft; eggs , jecrtic; country hams, lHc per pound; beeswax, 26c per pound; lailww, be per pound. (By Farsytk at Co.) Oreen hides, pec pound, Itia: ft. S. hides. 7sc per pound, dry suit, ilwliic ter -isund: dry nint. 1447 ITo per puurd; sheepklns, lila each; geatekla. lis; pelt, tisyiaa skip- CUTTUN MARKET WAS QL'IET Z litlvn a iteeristv ri er - J WITH A STEADY CLOSE Salines Attributed to tbo Loog Boll day JhDt-Doii. tug Inau Kew Tork. JiiB !I.--Tha eotton market waa very quiet today, there ba- ! nothing apparently in tna aewa w aca freau oaeratiou of any tawse-: ausnce.for star the weet-eaa wn lli acalierlug Intereet had prooaoiy itnel up pieity i lonely earlier la the, weak. ' The close waa quiet and sieady, net 1 u i poluio. lower. There was bulking ta iedlcat that ths paaamg of tua Scott bill by the House of Rep resentatives yesterday to have any liinueno on either the volume of pus- naa or the cours of prices. feopl iu aag evil the loccj liad have expected the pas re of the bill la tna .House, but are .deatly conndenl that il will not pass the Senate, and the dull trade af to day was attributed to the usually re strictive rnnueuca of the weekend ad journment at a season-when weather conditions are f prime importance. Moreover, nest week is one of many uncertainties, as Tuesday is the Arst Juiy notice day, the July purgeu Is due en Friday and all markets will be closed from Friday until h following TuMadav momma. 1 :otton dosed ouu, s pomes euot hialier on lie has diriii.- uplands. Sales, 111 bales. Futures opened steady uiat. Caen. .11.10 .14.74 .11 20 :lf!i .12.24 basis of 14 1 far mid dales. and closed July Aug. Srpl Ot-.. Dec. Jan. Fan. High. .T 14.74 13 20 1117 12.21 12 24 Low. 11.11 14.70 11 II 12.44 13.24 12.21 Close. M OS 14.71 IS 19 11.41 12.27, 12 22 J2.21 UIJJsa.all.al. l.x-uxkaiJaiija-. ' '- 1 - ? ' "SV mil aai B ..ai awsaa -saaaaaaA. DON'T StrvtgU ml0t against difficul ties khH$ tht Ntlps Wants art at your sir but. Tht cost ts lc Word MlftlaJIN CaWTfl. NEW OHJ.ltUI.tt COTTON. Ki;w (ir.at.UB, Ji.n H. Cotton -pot, UiM-hangtKi, u iddi.tiaf. 14 ta- t'ftton futupieu opntj quiet at so .dvitht-e of 1 to S point on the oru inomliH jtnd a J ii ne of J If 3 point ou tit ttw crop, t'ablca war "t aJltotMl a jtpei-tftd, but iiie bull oftitrKiT't.upport lo the old nop iiHint.i will, ilio itauli UiMl Jult. tulil ai ait advanw of itolnui In ihc em ly tinl JUB The uaw ciopa wia iot an lion; and uld al a nai aa t 1 to 2 point. I'uriiiK lit largr part of tli morn ing l lie rantta of prii a ofr only I lo 3 points Jul wmh the onh m on tli tlii raall moved ami It -trtne raitKt wi ,r point. lM(e in the raamri i liet e wus fnriie iiitui In ell Allium, whuili f It pfsinca from tit Yi Ik host . Thi iiiriiket lufd ts'l, at a net advanra of ;t pot it in Ati July and a nt dsthn of i poini on the 0Oir actlvp iiionih. fldsjug- bid: June, 14 70, Julv. 14, K; Augim,. 14 Hi-pitiuhar, I'i 9t ' ---iter, 1-.38, I'uretnbfr, 1-4, Junuaty, it X Cotton future! tn ad little nt Chanae In prlc- laday, July Htandini? on tlie rloni 9 points lown than lwt wrk c I o a. while lha othar acilva mofithn were 4 to 7 point up t omparod will. Iai Wfek. tSpot rfnialiiPd unchanged through out ih week at 147. and II rnt t K a week laat ear tSalaa n lha p.i amounted to 1 . 7 bHlt-e thi waek, I. 50 lawt week and 1,1fU bale thi week lat year. Kale totaled th(t hit lpr. against 770 bit le laat week and 3,..t bale thi week last year. SAisKSMliN 1J1KICCT TO USBfl ON new electric auction gloajier of won derful efnclency at naif price of other cleaner. Treeneadou de mand, IIUO weekly to hustler. Magic s.l'i t'o., Unidowne, Pa. It a g'kn f r wanted wliXINA t6 earn 10 weekly. Agent earn ig money with our faat seller. Broth ers Co . Dept. J , U tpruLe Ht.f Win i Kton-Salein, S- C. jt ri-7) rwlV4fOnAtt?sv)MWAiuf: ed lo call on country trade in North arellna; 111 monthly and expenses. I Los Angeles Cider Co., Atlanta. U. HXCI.l'SIVE TKRRITOBT 1NSTAN' tausaus lighting systasn. Triumph of mechanical genius. A marvel, scisiittric application of natural laws. A iiinney-iiiaker Gloria Light t'om- pauy, Ma. 12T7 washing-ton, t nutege. 1 1 If BUT Bat vrtlXTKts 111 WaKTRD MAH. to learn and capable of acting as our i epreweiual ive. n, canvassing or so 1 1. -1 1 1 1 1 a; . goiHl Iniome essured Ad dress National t'eoperellve Really t'o 1224 Mantra Hldg , Wsshlngion, i f U KALKSMRN WANTnlD TO KLL ORO ceie. itiuggims. confectlonei s; 1125 monthly and expensea. California I'ldei K L'xlracl Co., Hi LelOngwell. rit Loulx, Mo. It FOB SALE MISCILLAaTKOUa. FOB p A L VOt!N0 DMIVINO hois, safsiu of qualitiss. together with betness Slid new rubbvl tiro Hrockawev buggy. Ooee el a bar gain if reld aaVm. For Inferatation, riions No ill2 4 11 tf RL'elJftSS. FOR KALE MTLLTNBRT oldest and bsst establisaed in town if I4M. Only one other In lown. I llwnsr retiring. Uig bargain 10, buyr. J. C. Hurabls, aanrorj, ' S-.l-.v (By W. X. Anderson A Co.) IjOal: tapp bean, . ic per crate. New potato: No. I, lit per barrel. Troita. (By W. I. Anderao o- Califoinia oranges, $4 o p, box. Lanione, 3-0. ill. a, !. per boa. . Haiiananrper eunca. wfi.i. Florida pineapple. 2.7s. Florida water-iielona, iH pound erer- age, lc (By C. JVVonny Co.) Crystal Domleooa, S-oound DateKaa-. 1 tj, crystal uominon, s-pvuoq ik a, 7.4; cut loar. ; rueea. ir.v LATHA-M. ALKIAMIKH A AD COWPAJtV!! COTTON ncrTtn New Tork, June 25. Heports of hewer In Texan indica ( irns of mora vr Sunday faile'd to stimulate m-iiv- ity In the 'unmuni markxi ioiIhv. rlcee ahowad a tandem y to rt ede. but the market ws. narrow -and dull, the trade being Inclined to ewu fur ther ajvleea from Tenn and Oklaho ma before making new oinmitnieiit. "pot jjjsela were S4 hai. at 5 point advswice orer esterda v IATHAJf. ALEXANDER A CO. 40; aianuUied. iu 4-15. $i 4 b.itO, granulated, In 4-.&. & . Iffetaaatw4 CTo. (By C. Kenny C'O.) C C. R. No. t. IU C. C R. No. I. 112 00. O. (- R. No 1. I2 (0. 8antna Ko. I, $1 Z.; Santoo No. 1, fll C. O. L- i-pouna pu aage conee, 9 1 1 Bll41tB.aj aWOIVriaH. (By tJuil.uid Lumber Ce Khort leaf framing. !, aisiag - tie, long leaf framing 117. , aiaing .-.ra, lx Uik, no. 1 ana z, . 00; li U4H, No. 1 and 2, JJUO0, 10 P4H, ISO WO, 1x10 148, No. 1.10. 0; lxll 1MB, No. 1, l.fcOO; ml 10414. No. :. :.tj.00. sheathing, !. 1. S., $16 0U; No. 1 nooring. 13-1- flOOe: No. t aloorliiK, 13-14, $21. M, No. I flooring, l.-li 117. -4; No. 1 7-14 celling. 10.00; No. 1 T-l celling. la 60; No. .1 7-l ceiling, M uu. io. 1 uevei snima: rrom 4-4, 17.60. No. 2 bevel aiding: froaa 4-4, wan; o. J nevei aioiug from 44, 11. if. No. 2 bevel aiding from 6-4, .0.00. No. 1 bevel aiding from 6-4, 17.60; No. 1 bevel aiding from 6-4, 14.60; No. 1 heart pine eTiinalea. 14.16: No. 1 heart pin ablngloa, tile; No. I heart pine ahingle. 2 09, moulding, 30c Dr inh; Dlapterng lath. IS. 00; No. 1 Juniper ahingUa. fit. No. 1 juniper shiiiKles. 64-60. 1- heart No. 2 flooring, 146.00; 1- heart No. 1 flooring, tlO.Og. NiOW YOIK MONET. New York. June 26 Money on call, nominal, time call, dull artd a trifle stronger; 60 day. 3 per cent ; 00 day, li.4l, nr cent ; Rlx months. 4 - if? 4 y per rent., prime men aniila paper. 4 S v tj per r ent , steruiig eacnaftge. st eaiy. with actual hnniness In bank - ern bill- at 4K4.XOt 4M. 40 fer 0 day bill, and at 4 24) for demand . com mercial hills, 4K3 1 3 484 ; bar atlvar, 65 H. Mexican dolar. 44. NAVAL UTORKI. "lii -lejit on. June 25. Turpentine firm, r.4j i.if HoBin. Ami Qiiot" A. B. C 4 8r.'f?4f, T 4 95 .r 1 . K. 5 :'!.& . 10; K. 6 30 6 6.36; G. 6 H -tl 6 35. H S :,0r5 35 1. n 30 r ?h, K. C0 4j 6.35, M. 5 ?.0tp f. 3S, N. - V7. W G. 5 706.95; W W, 6.90 4 5 li. Ni:annah June 2 i Turpentine fii'i 5t. receipt". K4(. ehip- i- f :. 4 f T ; slot k 1 1 ,!! ; rls. non fi mi ; recri,tn, 2.120. pliinmenU. Niock fltur. sale. 1,004 te K 4 7 . 4. 4,0. P. n.flfl. K R 154 I", fc.204ri Sr.; i, 6 Jf. 6.10; If I f :;0 4r R 5. K. h 3R4i f, 40- M 1i 4i.. N. i,.M.ff 5 00. W ii, 6 904 t i"0 ... rivKnptMi. roTTOiv. Liverpool, June 35. flowing cotton: Cettnn dull. prices 0 point lower Amerh svii niidaltliig. fair. 41; good middling I U, inlddllng. V tl, low inirt- aorxi ordinary. 73. ot di- 1'lie sale ef the dav were 1 000 hales, ail American. Ini-ludlna S00 1 nates ior spei-niHi ion mnn enjmrt. ite raipts 2 00U twles, inc luding 300 bale American. Futurea openiul barely ateady and closed aulet June, 7.44; June and July, 7.5l; July and Augusta 7 40: Au gust and Sei'taniber, 7,U, Heptamber and October, .;; October and Novem ber. I 61, November and IeretMber. 4; Iecember and January, 6 44. Jan uary and February. 4 ; February and alareh. 4 44 Km bALK tii Bi'iLmNos on the Hmith lot, corner Graene and Sye a mora at reel e, recen 1 1 y purrhaeod fnr the Y. M ' A. Bide will be re ceived until Saturday. Juaa 6 Je J Htona. rrfaliliiL -21-4t RANGE FffiK eisT tiaiWea 4 r-r j Ji Jl , ' ""J ' We have arranged so that any lady can enjoy a handsome Cabinet Gas Range free of cost, or if she is enjoying one at present, then a first class Water Heater may be added to her comforts also tree ot cost. -Call at the OHIce We Can Interest Yon- PUBLIC SERVICE CO. tort MiirKwiT or rTTD. Galveslnn Qulel: nilititllng 14 11-14 net receipts. 314 bales, stock, lilt' bsles Kew Orleans Quiet: ml4llag 11. net recelpta, lilt Kales, selea it bsles; stork. 71, 71! hales Mobile- galet :inlt.lln.g, 14 II rel rerelpts. II belea, eelea, ZC bales, staek 4.7.1:; bales. HHvannah: Quiet: mldilllug. 1IH: net receipts. 30 bsles; sslss. lb bale stock. :? .', II bsles '-liarleston : Nentlnsl; net receipts, 211 hslsr. stottk. 1421 balss Wllmlagton Nominal, slock. M4I bales N'ortolk Quiet; mlo'illlng, IK: net re ceipts, ml bales, sales. Ill bales; stock ?! b:tle Baltimore: Nomlnsl; middling, ll, slock 4 M0 bales New York: Dull: middling II 1: net receipts, lnl IirIp.: sales, 314 bsles Slork. 111.7N3 bales. Boston: Quiet, middling. IRIS; net re-elptu Kli bsles; slork. I 711 bsles Philadelphia Steady; middling 11715' slock. 1.07 hair Total lodsy nt sll ports, nst. 4, 111 hales, slork. 174,131 bales lEP'.'S.gl. 4 .1 .4 ..4 .1 .1 ..II t-onsolldated. st sll ports, net- 4.113 bales Tots! since September 1, at all ports, net. 7 1 ? 1 1 hales lalerlsr Merea.eat. Heuaten Rleady: middling. 4 11-11: net receipts, 714 bales; ssles, l!s bales; stock. 11! bales. Augusta Quiet; middling. 14T4; aales, 33 bales, slock. 17.174 balea Kllll HM.E AT BAROA1K A PltAr. titslly nevr No. 1 Visible Reming ton. HVs H XV. Wherlen. at Wliar ion Bros. I K WANTKD- BXPKKT FlsOOR I.APT far overall factory. Keullism Manu facturing fo, l'llster, C. 4-21-lt LIS At.'rtltH (WH HARnWOon limber near gouthsrn railway; II an err far Ian and timber W. . Prati. Marloa. N f:. l-34-4t laratl.l. m BOH atKV I-k-ARW Al'fOMOBlLK BIH1 i.e.s H agee 1:1 weekly. W leach b. mall Moke lie weekly while laarala llocheater Auio aVheol. i't u-h. r'.er. K V 1 1 aaeletflra clerks. atenugra pliers. ba.k keeper and other government aweiilens Salary I4 l II. JO ftu leeu of Insliucllen III. Itocbestsr, s r it PAIKNTX I'llrhtt). A 10 SOLD an rommlaslon Positively no ad vanre fee latent Exchange, Jsnl far Building. Waaklngten I) t I tf tf su f fcvlt R"t r ifyf who has eeaania or any ekln dleea.e le write for aasnple ef Johnston's xlcseiiia alntuient The A. H Johnston Mtg lo Hmlthtlcld. rt i s-i-.t 1 PATE money. "How Joshua Inrton, delphla. I'D MAKE Hend for my new book, to tiet T hem Best service. R, H. Potts, lawyer. Wssh- D. C. Chluago and rnila- 4 HARI.OTTR ("OTTO". Tharlotte. Juns 2. Prices paid for rotton on the local market follows: Strict middling li liooa miaaiing .... Mtadllng RAI.KIfeH tOTTOW. Raleigh. June 21 Prires as id for cotton on the I at ail Market follow Oood m4dd)lna; II Strlrt middling 14 llddllng 14 Chesapeake 6 Obio Ry. l-lft-Ct-sun TTaCWATS PA T TtO IKVEKT 1Q A T tC our Immense iiotk of furniture and household good oeroi you u. Htirtner Furniture o. 24 -3t All kind ef w indow shades. 1 e urtaine, portlet. moaoultu canopie for ceiling, wood or uietal ba-ia Hurt tier Kurnlt ure ft-1 It JTJvf AKHIVKU MAOHINB NC. dlea, all kinds Half a car matting tiee our line be, bads, Iron bad and child or lba. Burma!- Furniture Co. il-"31 A(jfeN4T8 tOKTRAlTW F RA HIES. pTT low top, ihee'a. picture. t' . st low prttes, rejertions credited. SO day credit; ratalngtie and sample free. 8. Culver Art Co., WesterviIJa Ohio. It DON'T ORDER Phone N ANT BRWING MA- chine or reoavlra, auppllea Durham 6 Southern aorTnaacBxa. I He. i. I Ha 41. Vtatleaa x7x Hun. Kx. turn. I Mixed. I aeaeaal ia BsTee Mar S. IMa. 1.. Durham . . , Duraaaa ... Oyama . .... - Ta " Carpeatar . . . Upcburek . .. Ar. Abe L.V. Apex . - 11 oily tprlng W 1 1 ken - Varlna " Angler " Bar. layavllls (oata urllngtaa ... uk Ar. buna - Qa I 41 a sal I 14 a axl 1 11 a sal I. Is a ia I 41 a iu I II a as 11.1 am 11.11 m 1 1 SB a m II dl d m 11 1 n ail lll.ll K ro l.ix p m t 11 n m 1.41 p ia I.2S p aa I.M v IB I I pa I II p as I IT ox I CI p m 4.01 p in 4 14 p ia 414 pat 440 pm 4 14 p ns i4pm 14 pm lip m I 45 p n I St p SB 141 pa I II v m I II p m fr it. aua. No I. RX. BUK. lalxsd. Puna Duke Tuillagtea . ('oata Msr. Isysvllls Angler Venae Wllbara Holy Springs. Aosx A pe I Lpehurrh . .. Carpenter . Tego (Kama IC liurbam ... tlurbani I.OO a ra t III a Hum II a at 10. lb a m II III a 1 1 1 a m 11 ta as I l.lu a in 11. 1 p ro II 1 b m 119a mil 2 41 p m 1.4 a m III in I. l s in n a ml 1.21 s 111 I II I mi 110 a m 11 a in lolls U II s 11 I SO a in 1117 s 111, 11.-4 s in II 17 s ml l: Oo a m 12.1 m 12 II v at 116pm 1 II p in 1 66 p ra 1.10 p m CAROLINA AND NORTHWESTEM Nortkkouad Daily Paatr I, ia. Le. Cbeeter " Yorkvill Ar. Gxstonia . ...... Lr. Oaatonla . ...... " Linoolntoa . .... Nswton Hickory . " Lenoir Mortimer lr. Edge man t Except Sunday, FasarngeT Lr. CTisster ' VorkTill Ar. Oaatonla Le. Gastonia " Linoolntoa " Kawton Hickory Lnoir ICixad, H. a. I.e. Inolr " Mortimer . Ar. Edgemont Southbound, Mo. 9 I.v. Kdemont " Mortimer . 7.ft8 a. . 1.42 a. a. . - a. ax. .ia.2 a. ax. .11.04 a. ax. ..H at a. ax. . 1.10 p. m. . 1.42 p. ax. . iu r m M. ao. 1.1S p. at. Z.40 p. m. 4.30 B. m. 8 40 fl 4(1 f. m. 7 40 p. aa. .SS p. m. 10.0ft p. m. S In p. t .lft p. 00 p. n) a. as, Ne. 17. dally. Maw Tark New Orleans Limited. Pullsaea No. II Peeeenger, aiali and axpresa Ko. 41 Paeengar. mail aad axpresa Caa aeettwaa. ' No. II aiakas cenaeetlon at Apex with oeeboard Air T.1ne Su II for Haleiglx, Norfolk, Richmond, Wash ington, Baltimore. eVSill&dslshla N, Tork and sll Northern points, and with Kalelgn ana wsispuri ireia no: S4 lor t urbani. mm si aiakes connection mi . u . or needles for ons till youjwitk Heaboard Air Line No. 41 for i Lr. rlgmont Seiiloro. riniiuiit, nuumr-s rinea Hamlet, Charlotte, ttockinghnm. Ath ena. Atlanta, viraiiagnaax, stonlgom- poiniv in in. west snd oiumoia. nevsnaah. Jack liMioir Hlrkary ' Ktwtoa - l.iaeoletoa Ar. Haatonia Lr. (iaatonia " orkvlU Ar. Cheater Southbound, aft. i. Lv. lnofr " Hickory Newton Linoolnlon ., Ar. (iastmiia Lr. (luntoma " Yorknlle Ar. Chester Southbound, rTo. ees or correspond with J A tVrlsrh' the sewing machine rcjlr snd supply msn 10 wpt WashlnKloh stisct, t;reensbero. N. C. fv 174 4-1 4- ary snd all po geuihweel. Col "Mortimer lnoir . F. B. .onviile. Tampa and ell points In Kloi un naieign ana aoulhport Ida, a nd ::.,-it . I. 1H f a-, t ii.. gCBHlC ItOtTXJ TO Tgg WBST. gaerteet, 4alrkeel aad Best Raata, raat Vaealbeaed 1 rale wltk IMa lag Car. TbrssRk Pallmaa wis .pare le Laieetlle, tlaelaaeL, t'bieage aad SL lwa Le Grsboro, sa Kr.iilia Lt. Denvlli 11 00 a in. Ar. Cbarlotteavills 4 01p.m. leave t'harioltee. C. a; O. 6 ?6 p m Ar Louisville ...u.a am Ar Cincinnati 4 00 a m. Ar. Cklrage 6 fl pan. m. WANTKD A OtXlO f BOOND-H A ND I rsin No. Is for rayettevllla lop nuagv 'jh m'.yip "Buggy, rare News end eat ef Dsrhsa a lba FOB BENT. 1 40 p. av 1. 0s p. m. 7 II p. m. I 21 p m. All tickets ars sold by tbls compa ny and acepted by the pessei.ger with tk. aederetaading that thle comaanv FOR REKT ftvIN ROOM MODKR will not ba liable far failure lo tun house on floiiell street. V. C. Mc ! Its trains on schedule tlms. or for any Aden. Phons '0 l-17-tf suek delays as may ao incjscni te their operation care is esernseo to give correct time of conns, ting lines, but this compeny Is not responsible for er rors er oinleelene. FTTH p.KNT' SPECIAL THAIlf VIA SOUTHEtFJ RA1WAY FROM GREENSBORO 10 OXFORD AND RETURN. JUNE as. io.o, ACXOUNT ST. JOHN'S DA " CELEBRATION. Account of the (lrist Southern Railway M. sjV,a--JUong oofcodttlo Iguroo oulr liabed onljr et .atWaaatlea ore not guarantaad. BJsf at. aa--to. it. Now Tom and AWrtila lima ad. oaaeta at CnarliHta witfc blitnlnajuaaa eiMot. Tbrousn leepero New ler ta tffesiagiiaiw and JaA:a.eeavlUa. Dining oar awrvtoo . ia.li p. aau Ne. Ii, ail jr. Now York gad Now Or.. Ulsuteo. lor Waan Ington aad iroiata aartj-. uiimtva drawing roam aloIiig owra. oeeerva tlea aad eluo aavre 10 Now 1 or It, Pla ins car oervleox Noll. i"uHaasx irwln. l)L4a a. m No, ill. osug. few Kal elga and Ooldeboro. Tnle groin baa dlea Pullman alewor fream W-auiMn-Salem to Beaufort. Car oaoa I. II IV m- BVdg w aa. Ne. g, .lljr. istil to Caarleue, aoaaeeUag lot Atla.mt4i ut4 point aoutb. a-oa a. aNo. M. dally, far Wash Ington and petnt Mrt-w Aaadioa. alee. ar for New ark. r.ld av em. ie, a. aallr. for Mob. no ad, Norfolk m4 looaJ pelnio bortb. a. IS , sw-Na ft!7. o4l7. flow Wla eteu aai em aod daily ojmeept aWatdaf for Wllkeavboro and alt- A-lrj f see a. awv No. tolly, oxeeot ounua r. lur ntiMr. and Utawlaa! room aleeDlns cara. obaaarva- Oon and rlub oare New York to New Orleana, Pullman drawing rooaagleen Ing aar New York to Atlanta. Puil mio thalr oar t.reeneboro te Meitgen ery. bolld Pullman train, pining ear service r.eM n. am. Ne. 11. dally, for Cher- i lette and Atlanta, cotfrNUag fay A.tisrlll and -CaoavlJla. .aa a. sa. No. 1 wa.Hr. f Waab lngton and avolaio north. Ha a dlea day coachea Atlaain to Waahingtan and ateir Atlanta to UraenaborO. o.m a. aa. No. 144. a xil r. fwr Dot. I ham Kaleigb aod Ooldeboro. Uan41e-T i Atlanta and Halelrb oleener. Hum a. aa Na IL uat-r. raw Sal La. bury aAid Aekovtlln, Uaadlae Parley I'sr te Ab villa. l.ea p jm.ha. ta, daily, far Wub- ft .10 a. m. Uunuan drawlug room ateopar New in iH g. m. Oilcan to New Tork, PuKinaa. draw- 1 1 atd .. lag room alaeper Blrsninghiim to Naw ii a. m. Vork ftnd dfcf cMcAM l Waaaogxea. I inning car ear view 1.4ft p. m. , av-la T. dally, local train 3 20 p m ' 'r Cm"-riatl' connecting ler CehatKla, I p. a rfo. it. dally, oawept Sunday, for Wlnaton-talii, t k'nt connection for Wllkaraborn. !.& a. No wo. dally, tar San- feid and In termed lata poiute tbrougg Cur Kayettavllie and wUmiprtaa. Ie at .-mec No. tl, dally, for Dwr hani, Raleigk and (iVoldaboro dUnjadlaa Parlor Car te Goldaboro. lite p. am. No. 1L dally, except nndsy. for M adlaww. IN a avr-No, ZI0. dally, anoopt Biindaf. for Ramttur. S.45 av. sse Nia 111, dally, for San ford. 4 Aft p. am Na. Ill, dally, far alU Any O.ie . . Ne 91, datlys for Aalaaia .Tnhn Dav nd PtnXm ooutn. rui.maa ormwi.g . .2.0.1 p. ..12 111 p. .. 1.2K p. .. 2 .AC p. . .120 p, .. .167 p. .. 4.50 p. old p. m. 0 25 p. m. 7.00 a. an. 8 40 a. nx1 3- 7.M a. 7.2A a. 40 a. RKID, G. I. A Ar. St. Louis I il p lo oo m. .oa a. nv 1 6-JO I KfOHT P.iW'U Ht'Kft T.n'-s lest sa lion 1 t nilmitea' antk f i m r-f' of fl e. on hsir hN lr from u.r me Rent $20. Applv (aT Ml of fl. e -;,6-.t ""efumii"!! ii v., iew-riw rr. in a ham. uay ooacgao to is aw Orl- v. . in- COTTONSICKD Oil- I Nww Tork, .Tun 25 Cottonseed oil waa eajry for noar months under July) )lqulda.tIon and poor demand for ac tual otL Late month were about ateadT on awport from '-ommiMton bo naw a. Cloelna: pr were 1 .point Joey te 1 naint higher Male ware. 4 100 taAets. July, T.7.n76, Keptem Ker, V.tOOT M; October, T.IOU ' 21 : De cwretasT. .4ge$' prtme crade. nom- Inel: prime ummw tIoti- T.7Q g 7 prima winter vt .- r4ag prima Wll.l.KR 4k I 0. IMII.Y f'OTTOI I tTl KB TO COM? w yrk. June .... i onay was need lml Ida nmiKCt. fltiftiiuti nn r ii ( iti if within 6 pom ; rinin all iiV v and -loving at the (oweet with aonw liqiiidHiion in lite near poaition. " fj'lirr snd rt'p adMcef are gen einlh favnrahle and the Journal f ' om nieri e i-pet i I T-r 'rt aa to t u t'arnhnas mm -ntietiueT ls Indii-utniK amount a heHriHh pneriirnrl report for the entiie belt. We still adhM present prices arr too hlarh Liverpool Is iue unr-Langed o 1 lower. X. 0 D ta. Only on night on the road. Direct ponnectlona for all point V est and Northwest. The line to the, celebratad Mountain ftaeort of VI rfrlnla. For de?rrlptlv HKrv.PKTH 'ttr. nodules and Pull msn resr y a il ons. aareM. w. n. oahthev r P A.. C. eV O Ry t'o.. ft! hntend. Va DRV GOOr) HtKKET. New- York June 2? The dry goda markets ware quiet and without ape ctftl change for the day Trading coti ttiuw generally llgbt and along cea rt rvatlve llites. MittCHAHDISF AV COST. We are nVterminrd to turn the j-es;-, , of our iaf;-e 1'.V. drv extod. notion. I ho. nnirMr, liiTt. tiat-. the belief that ! ,er,lp. ru' - into "ASH during the month of June. Ref-inning .hin H. l B a. m . every r liele in mir Irc will he aofd at KIHST 0OT TO (Tii wtll mean a pr"l aayinjr to th fannli tu ai-d around GreensHoro. n g'todi rhsrpM What we want ie CASH CAfH' CAPH Clem C. Wright ATT0NIY-AT-tAW. X. Elia St., Opposite Omirthoiise No Sunder trains. J B KTAfMJ Vlre-rreeldsnt-BURKF HOHOrxin. Kol Psmi Agl D 1,1 MPK1S Act Gin Psss Agonl (Maeral Ordeeei nraBXSI. aj. c Mna ill r nn. rated 1( .vine tirr-en.- Ulnll.g car s.rvlca M a . amr.ar Oxford i ..TTr"0- I f Jaf a. w No 41. daily, far Atlsn ta. Pullmaa aleeper and dajr eoaegee te Atlanta 1 a p. sa. Mo. til. dalle, for Win ston -Kaleax. IdJil p. as. wo. II. dally, for nlrh snonii and local riolnta Handle sleep er for Klchrnond and Norfola- Blg Pelat-A skaare Braaea. Ne. 141 Uin Iflsh I'elnt 1.14 a m. except auaoajr- Arrle. aaao.ro Etery Woman H later-xtwl aa4 htad anew , avfit ike woexierful Marvel nr. MCLAJU VAA. bMOKrJt, ft ALX. HA I BB0WH-RANKI! AND COMPANY j a a. El SUeet 1 ! Asa year etttsi r 5,'atc'3'Va7,: H. If lgaioot sspply a. 4ar u-. M"Trgl. ercert ee TV ' M I o Ser. Mit k same fr ""i-Wl, rsM . U.M It II" KU Feel (N j Bad xjJi Can't taM-ir l -aCY" baat or baa-a ache -y M't,t I'sinf!! yrl& HICKViW j&frr uquu 10 cu trrrrr TafatKr-uTaXT yEafOVe TWfc CAI rr R1p- lijtfyee''n. rajr-m false. sUrmiac aha mc sda Aemavwta. 1 tain ixtro st . 20 a. w.. nrrtvine Mtxmt HM-' a. m. same da'e. l-ow ran rid trip rte of $1 7.1 from Oreenboro will pnly and approxlTnal lv Iotv rate from a'l pfaTirmi. Iliph Point t.i Stf-m in'hiMr l'ri!rnp"r trorn Htpb 11. nt uein rr-iriilnr frain to ronnert with the sporial at ( reAAhoro. Tbia ansual r-lcbrat mn at Oitord draw jrteat crowiii fm h tad this t-pecial 'rain -ml tn i i M a fTord an tin equaled opfKirtutiH r for the people of thi nertinn to attend thij nnion. For ImttiT information, rail nn or addres, U H M.latrerr, P A T A., t.recns l-.ro. . r ; W.' II Pamell. T V A . BaJeijrh, N. C ; R H. IvBtiUs, T. P. A . Charlotte. N. C. dally ai ifliii i be, 10T- I-eaye Hgb Point I p m Arrtv Adhboro 1 M p. ax Thmqgn trala for A bard sen. dally osoopt San- a, 14S leya Hgb P-tot T n. m. Arrtv Ashhoro 1 10 p. nv. daily, an Bun Jar it. i (iavHiVA, Tnerai ManaaTr- g H HARDKICK, P. T CA.KT, tV J- CHICHESTER S PILLS Tar uisiv Hatxe Tax W. 1 fcrw. f-aadna 1a ftjrtW. I D C. I R U VEKNON. D. i w K McOt.Ali:rtT, l Greensboro. N. tTfc' laaTten r A, Ckarlat'. r. at T. A Greensboro Pressing Club (Vexing. Pleasing, ...a,,..ws.Ma - - Rate. II .00 Bar , 40(aedatftlbalSnD Krpalrrag. On W. . ma toe. avnaajafa- wana A2v9,7,