& BEIENSBOBO DALLY BTEW8. THTTRSDAT. JUICE 30. IBID Greensboro Oaify Rcvds PuMtihM Pa ly Ki 'pi Monday. . Hy TA1LT M VV- i M P A NT. nr:h ' "ai ol.na V Fi a-aMent Vice i'l i ai leni 'irte? r r i Pii! ThT-KPlf'SKa. leefl .100) . 1 (I'l. Frankllh 'inn ft JiuM-llr-ff. FILL ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE Fix Pnlliri per monthly, quarterly ,cur-n rf ptlon Tnr r- able or yertrlv. A Fried Advertising Kate. 'ard i:.y - hd for the nklti(t. all r-i ijt h H e rt letnentH in solic ited a ihfitri rales only, and evary adiaHUar may rest a-eurad that he ref'tr a a--juar deal l.r tered an nrronil -r lasa matte' ( th) J nm'nf'- 8t e n ho r O V nndei the art Of Congi of MKr. h . 1171. r. P. SMITH Fatter mm Mmger R. M. PHII1IP KAttmr . C. MilKLAI Krm Kslttnr A. B, JO.IMCN (Ifr Kifr DEMOCRATIC INCONSISTENCY. Tn a speech delivered by CongrfrsaaaaJ. B'KitJI, of Illinois, Hp presented tha in . opaiitenr-v of lmoi-iatu- lead era attnb 'i'ii' t he present level of price to the Krf'i:f: i.'h n tariff liwi, wirti their viewi in the f-ampaign of 189., and afterwards, w h (i tin- Dinjil.-v hill was under discus od Then, in IN! they declared the tariff would not raise the level of prirfts, -o ws to la in" ir'w-jH i it y, but the rem i .1 v if in free ail, ei . Now that the is (fi 1 1 ing good prices, ttfry that the tariff 1.4 working a try to t be curiMi mer. (fM.h rl erred to, Mr. Ho u tell j-ifK- aim -i.-At ii.; Id the said: A nd of KptjJt 1 .on - l,t THURSDAY. JUKE 3a 181ft. Ok, ywa Flkr air-mcl Laat u!l for JunebngsT At Vraatfiit rafflat time it if ttpciik to Nrtb peara. rrolini is always full of The flypaper filiation. baa a trenMndout rir Cb. If w bad aaly had Vara-- at the A airwiper evening should ba one 1obT wwet Ire er earn. A rfonrulmid is tha only awn. rig ton peopts arer ha ve. The Manning both stout n and Allen jnaaajrera are It males grav hairs rone tm aerimia ni''i ll thr tima. t IB I Who is 'he rmjr manfer of tha ittuft- fi"n hi Wke roiintT now! Th h'V'U'frrrf mtin has a poeir pp- (or thin? id in lighter em. H:jh p.-ini is a keen one when rome to fluxing the pnlitienl snme. it has hern a faTrite prtrtice in d iM'iiH.-mp eonomit ques ! of m 1 1 -Mtli' n-a 1 dema jrogU'-B. le fHnff fhnnpra for the hen ron-um'-r. when the on1 mn i jiim'i 1 1 i.i I t hi-v ha, i' in mind is the man wlm coii-iuih'h for profit. Tint 1" t Uf lviri(H pi1 ot 1 lif nianufarturers lfT lint rnnlnial It - the plea iriade l thr jt-fit uinmi limn MaHurhtiet ts Mr r it-sj t fiit rnoi mug Now, i t me irtl voiir attention to t ie Ui I t h.t t 1 tn-i r ri I"' no division it iii i n k ml mil i in i -ii w and lion i-'iFivwui' i h I w-r man, woman add -mid Mi thi" nil v is an ultimate run- inr.ir eeiv huniHii lining in t ne uni eise. Kvrir nun who buys lood tn eat, every man who huy clothes tn wear, e ? c r y man who bu y ah sa t n use. every ma n w ho luiys a JOuse and f nrnisln's it 1 o In e in, is an ult ima te ron-nni'i ImiI n.il .-Miy ntip i a ion 'iim'-r tor niojit lint pit as ihrre ran l.p no it i i-mri U'lwn-n i-niiMiiui-rs and mini 'ii in r - fill or S'-i itra t e was wyi to refer to ttt oflkabJ uttraea of the leadera of that party. In doing so. I ahall be obliged to reier to aoma thin pa wbicb yoo DemocraU wouM like to forget. Mr. Boutell then qaoiaa at Uogtb from tba speeches of Mr. Bryaa and Dbbo cratio BAtuifara of Oongreaa, aa well aa from tba Democratic platform, to how that the contention of tha Demoerato that the tariff would not effect re tor prosperity, but tha untry needed free silver. Now, we hare better prieen for the producer the farmer particularly we have the Democratic party demanding lower pru-ea, and declaring the higb price are caused by the tariff. Well, some pertinent quest iona were asked by Mr. Iloutell of a Georgia Dem ocrat 10 congressman, in tba debate, whicfo it is worth while to read, aim they arc applicable to the whole country. He sulfated that the Democratic leaden, ut this time, might invoke the aeaiatanca of Mr. Bryan by anding him a message iia follows: J "We are in an awful mesa. We havt just 4een saying that the price of ev-I rrvthuig ) too hih. and that higTi prices are caused t the 1'ayne tariff, hut we have )utt lecn reminded that , I t years ago ou said that the price of evervthing was too low, and III I I now an impertinent Rtpublicaa baa uk- : ed us to tell when between the two points the price of something was just ritrdt He want us to tell him wen I the pn.-e ot lilies was JilM right. u ifraid to till him nn account of the innnci'-' tote ('tin tou help us mit PiDSOCvl Corel kf ni Marnl it fbi Cutirh B. 1. 1 Tnted for 3d Ytirs. DrtvmM ut Mood poloon la ato ormuontly. wUhout dokdly moroury. llk otaoleaJ Invrodioau. T vo II wo will ob yow a ia nvi.1 ! i mmm-r rait. If you kAo Dlooro. Xo.iIb otoo. KcMmg Humooo. woUla. Kacu Psickoa. Soao Palu. offoutvo PhiU. or Cnwtloaa. toko B. B. B. iMuk tood Baha). All aapooju hool uieklr Blood lo Mao ooiro ood rich, oomslrtolr orionata too oatiro bodr lato otooo. booltkr oaadMloa, koaJln ororr ooro oad atooalnir all achaa. polna aad Kol4 curladr tao vorat aaao of Mood aalaoo. DRTJOOVT8 or kr apzroaa. II rtm LA HOI BOTTLE, wlttl dtrootlou (or booao ouro SAM nMl BI7 fn kr trHlu ' -. Atoaata. a. Daoarlko your Iraublo and fro madlra.1 advlca tlrm Win tou liiTMt tout money In a tTpewritar, you turJy want a ma- cttine that will do a bigger daj'a work than any other writing machine, and not one day'a work only. You want a typewriter that is built to work day after day and year after year to out work, outwear and outlive all other typewriter. You get it in the Model 10 or Model II Remington. Model 10 haa Column Selector and Model 11 hit Decimal Tabulator. For Sal By WILLS BOOK AND STATIONERY CO. Bookaellera and Stationera. Greenaboro, S. C. ATLANTIC HOTEL UOREBEAB CITY. N. C BEAUFORT, N. C. Dallghtful Seaside Reaorti thru- can lie nn-truth tie i Mme comfort I hings are get- ton hetwffn consum ting worse and w ore Hng are aoai ing. its . th.it is. consumers duce and producers w do erv and produ. who do riot pn do mil raiiMiriif Now. I want to riill altctifion to 1 he po-Mi ion w'l.ieh ? he lrmiwi a t ic 1 1 y took in the '-ainfiairi of 1 ftOfi nhoul goinj; into the i.imr ol the haul tim which the pen I lerna ii from Mihsoiiti 'Mr l'la rk ) delight s to a i iie with Ins licpuhhi-aii Oipone0M, suftiee it to ov thut between H'Xi mt I H)7 We hd d I tiering times in this lounlrv til alt m munitie. rural and url-an H'th p.trtie tnund theie timet mi liaid ;iid th- di tre-H o iteat th.tt Hiev ha ' w h.l See in d to h tlie tiite-'ilT of politieal a-tiuil. and tiief took -idr-- with mi !e I rlea if On one side the Denmci al - rc. ni-mp t'te eondiliou if the tunes mi " I'rorM-i it y and high prices are syuonv nioiis The present low pruvs are not n hi ri was t he if a nd lm n ho I )etO i al n INmhiMh-hii caused h T tenux r;! 1 1 tll t.l can n-t hnd omi way to down it i all up with the part . and Texas ill go ' l.aupliter and applause t he It--nu hi it an side i Why do tou not end him some such me-ite as lliat n nd i- rf you can gel some anner and then as a pottsrripl oti miylit add to it "Ouing in the in created M t e ca ued hv t he Pay lie a el I a tn -einl imu tin- mea -n re collect llugiilei mi the II.nihloan side, l Now wlo'e w i Hie waiting tor an an swer to thMt nie,i(ie let us look into this ii i m t it t ! 'i 1. 1- 1 ha t a re paid h the nUiniiile .on-uincr Mr Hwi t let t of i .eoi gia Will t he gent ! man permit a iitiestion M r Rout i ll I prefer not to irl.l iit now. it the gent lenm ii (mm fleor gia will ii'iur me We will aee how I get on a nd t lien 1 hal I he glad to a nsw er an v iiii .iimii, t ha t w il' t hrow Uil.nn taiifT Turifl iei s,on will not hrinp high pri. or brine 'I,T on rh,p "hl-''' "'h"h th nio-oei il v. I he on T thinir that w ill -t'r"r bring high prices and pmperitv tugeth will he the free coinage of silver" Cn the other hand, the flepubliea ns recognizing the same conditions, said' n e propose to pul upon t he ledcra I statute hooks stronger iiotccii. tea t ii f s iti (Mir revenue legi - In 1 1 on and es taldi-'h the -.ingle gold nmnetarv stnti d;icH" And we went before the people nn t lint, pertss-t It at raight , plain issue W hat did vou do You Democrats went up and down the country, from IHn to !leer.hrh i , prods i mi tig the doctrine vt (he quuntita t tve principle of finance ami proclaiming the gospel that high -prices and prkpentT aie one ami the eauic tmg and hst propi'ntT and high pi ici-1 can onlv tte hroutit hv the tiee n,i i.e n er On t he ot her Imnd. the Republican, s ? -n. maintained tha,t to put t hi' prntei'tue pnncinl from interited, of how to retfuce the price I I do tmt know on what articles or ho jl.ir the gentleman I mum (eoigia winlic- to bring down price, but 1 am going to make u a condition precedent. Mi , t hau man, to an . otic bicaking into in pceih and embellishing ni nuiaik i with his gems o rheiuiH- that he shall hrut indnate w het lo-r he is really in faor ol icdininy piicca now as eaiuenl ly a a 0ie u a in 1 a v oi ol i Hisjng I lie m a lew years back. 1 waul the gentle man tiom Georgia to trll me, as a con dition of getting into my sjieech, wheth er he wan If to bung down the price ol hog- in (jeotgia to the farmer Does the gentleman want to lower the I price of i-oiion Kw he want lo lowei ttie pi He ef coin and wheat and oats and ic and kiiirjt and the beautiful I, eo i u i a. L.ca.lo? ! he nint to For Nervous Headache or Neuralgia Squeeze little Mentholated Vaaeline on your finger from the convenient tube. Rub it where the ache is. The Menthol soothes every nerve pain, and Vaseline is a light nine Conductor through tliealrin pores to the seat of the trouble. For Stomach Trouble, Sluggish Lifer and Habitual Constipation. It cares by aiding mlt of thi digestive organs gently stimu lates the liver and regulates the bowels ths only wsy that chronic constipation can be cured. Especially recommended tor women and children. Clears blotched complexions. Pleasant to take. Reftitr uhtitutes. HOWARD GASDITER. DRUGGIST. ATLANTIC HOTEL OPENS JUNE I. VIRGINIA BEACH CAPE HENRY. VA. Tho Only Seaside Resorts la Virginia. Extremely low round trip EirurtiOB Tieketa. Spend your Vacation at Amar lca'a Greateat Seaahora Reaorta. Only a few houra tratel at minimum expoaaa and a Maximum of pleasure. Surf Bathins. Tanais. Fiekint. Daa Ing, Bailing. Trarel via Norfolk Southern Railroad. Far complete Information apply to any Norfolk and 6outhera Railroad Ticket Agent, or address H. C. Hudgine, General Paaaenger Agent; W. W. Ctox too, Aaaiatant General Paaaenger Agent, Korfolk, Va. . 5-e, SB WEITI FOX CATALOGUE. 12 REMEDIES each with special uses, all baaed on On Bolt Box or Tubo tho name auar. antcea h 1 1 h e t rofiaamant and pro- tacts you afainat name laas "pofirolauna jaluea" of purity. CHE5EBROUGH MFC CO. fnfritfrt of Fvrry " IWim" Product Now York iS W.A .WW. Vaf P' a at Southern Produce Company Commiation Merchaiti. hnletale Fruite and Produce. Ap ple. Ranana. Orange. Coooanuta, Pota toes, Cabbage, Peaa, Reani. EARLY SOUTHERN VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY. i W 1 dBT Capital atock I30.0U0 SPECIAL SUMMER SESSION ' Big Seduction to all who Enter Nsw. A liberal discount oa eitaer ingle or combined course. Pooitidn guaranteed, barked by writ tan son tract. Writa for handsome catalogue. It n free. Addreat KING'S BU8I STS CnLLFJOE, Raleigh, N. C. Wo teach Book-keeping, Shorthand, Pes manehip. etc., by mail. rnd for Home Study Circular. Squash, Tomatoes. Cucumbera, On- j i-na. Kgi Plant, Cantaloupea, Lettuce, Jk" Hirriea, reaches, Plume. U'atermelona. f sVf;Aiiiiii9 If TerT df was Sunday there, wutild he no time tor iVniftera lie primanca. Th sludge A nd' i "n -rkr nl awks: "Wn i Bt van to lei I ou CViL r'a i ' lrt her diesn't. know a pike Tri-m a i V w hen he meets a iih at 1 he Y Ik piejne. tron?er tot ni in m and 1 o e1 a h! i-li a w fuld ii uiif ahont w-hteh pi diei it v i i r t -venue leg i la 1 Si hi smplr go!-l htanduid r ho-e . ondil ion on hird on, on t he it ni.olc I Of rAiire p 1 1 1 Jo withdraw H lotimm egused Mr (Joht h T'oint ueeda m roimtx MirTeprertUtH.n In the ttara 1t s hit p ( a nd btt t e lha aerond nor, t vn ma rv mliaM uu genlleiuen of the minor the producer t tTiat tim riiHi'.'i' 'm said "W t mi"t if t lie pt i td I lr' I W III Ut ninser n mlver for the hen I h " o,u. ei We mo! Ml-. for the henetit of the ptodueer" w h it hit n ne.t W il hin tew nil !..ii;..t ; l .ilkOIlt th, tt ! il.T-r ..1 Ol 1 f.Mot hoi1 hi HI t,lI 1 1 ned our hm'k on In in t hn hi. not x-en one on th ,t 1 o" 1 he Maie w lio ejt n pnmoiin otd "piodueei i under I'.epn bl(i a n I'-i I ; Mon . t he e i - . .( 1 lie i milil I h.t ve rx n ,, , low i i I he pri rattle, on lion waul In lowei in tieorgia. ot l.ol nn nil I Jim pi od acts, on . . on mule: Dor tie i he pi i- e of la rrn la nd town lots in t.enrgia, M Ire t mum ij I Gervijia I I lit It -lllell tOh Ii any let fore ou In aide Ihe l id Lr where, in errf Mm. KU-iaaed land reason x on hn e em 1 T rook p"? (. fcave neutalia oh at the same time. r ron-.nul ho-h a rte n hooid his I are Ute "p th. VOU hM I of th Thpe who hav e!t son n for Varter reri I Ulv find an in Aake j iM ii i id.-d and -fir " i r t una ot her ,in I the l int . 1a-' I'neT" V nw -..t what i-oil inn into d Slates the pro t hi ni .it If we . we dnn t I'm it Jeffriea-and John n thi mood ;i i vr e i Mlt to hl.edir rv who man ti" nd th- ( ween eeonin1 lie demaird- ild Tan y self ,f ; x ntl a Th league p"tia In f the .t is a llepilhli w hi h I hn nit it l.-d .v.'. hlL'1' - tor Ihe Tiii't pa v m Ma a r lit Ii mfl Ti -o.- the k to this mut Miioiin ,T -r.rr h ' iv n 1 1 1 ' . thin lake d in teoifria. nl talor in ink that over, all of vou ho have leen pretending lor lower ptter., lor he a k into m v -peci-h x ou I iliu-t annri th.it question and tell whit'li one ol thfe this vou vant lo ! lown the pn.-e ot i idau-e on t re ! Hfpuhlii an -ilr ' Now eonn - another (hIimiiI vtiiriini tor the iane ot low j . ii,. I o the srenthnian tioni Ne ( biaala i Mi Miieheork. i "-ing wih to i lower the pine ot "i n and wheat and . lout and rc and Isatlev. of hop and 'uiiilea and tattle and lmie and tann hind - in N el it x ka . fI tow n lot in Ne j iiraka. ol inunn ipa t hond in obia Wa. oi ot In ti r in Nehraxka ? vou llieliee in what ha hecn mud, that rv ! i vl Inn;' is too tiigli and it is vour mm -ion I" low ri ttnin tor the roii'iitni'r1 It II whi.-h oni o thee thinf uu ant . I o lower t fie pnre of i Mr It.t.-h.-oek I would hka to aak I he yrr.t Ii flill 1 r lion tell Mr. tiairman. t he gen lie man who a nhe to emhellih pr re- jtnaik- rnii-l 'ii;ihtv tiu milt e plain iir i m ' 'ii i -t ene v to the pooph i .pl,t'l.e i.li t ne 1 1 1 p( d i. a fl side I ou nnii eailinn I .il on inrisnt in telling 1 lie piodmer l.l eat atfn.Uiat errv I ttunc n too low a nd jou miiM tell l he pe ople w hat on mean by saTinf in (hi- ajriie iTptir iaipn. that e ei t h niji is nosi too ti iph, a nd unlea Will w 't I spec it tlii inriil idvial thmjf i tint v"ii hfii to lower thr price of to 1 i h. 1 1 1 1 ! . ii r i n not frit into ni r i n.i r pp' a n on the lo pnh n a n , -Me , -GOOD CARNATIONS ! At t his ar-aaon of the year it i on l of tho ordinary to hae extra tine Carnations, hut we have i hem in ffreat profu sion hot h white and pink Wh v not l us end some to Tour ttiend. uitb your eard? Price, TV dor. J. Van Llodley Nursery Company See The Siga. Day Phone, jiq; Night, a9-j tter. y-y r We Solicit Ordera and ConeienmenU. Sj kxJ- xjC. , V 4 r i rraxtu' Southern Produce Co. J South Elm Street. Greensboro, N. C. The NAVARRE Hotel Seventh Avenua at S8U etreat, aSarl block from Broad war. MEW YOKI CENTER OF EVEKYIHINQ. IM Rooms BOO BaUu A room with a batk tor a aollar and s half. A room with a batk for a dollar aad a half. A room with a batk for a dollar aad a half. Dutch Grill, flaeet la town (a la amrtaj Kuala. niustratad- Sootlet mafia gratia. Edgar T. iTUth. Ooa. L. San bora S M Thoroughly Equipped and Centrally Located f Experienced faculty. Bookkeeping, KhorthanH, Typewriting, Penmsa- 1 ahip, English, ate., sueoasafully taugfit. No escations. I Low Sates for Summer Session. Aak for Literature. S DR. J. W. GRIFFITH Dentist Oppoait oatoAec, orar OarrTnera Don Store. PlaOM 736. Are You Going to Move? Haa tou any Drayins;? How about yowr freight? Any Heavy Hauling? Houaehold goods crated Read for shipment. Mowery arid Poole South Ilm Street, rear of Coo yen Drug Store. Phone No. 915. Oldest and Best Military Academy in United Stales. For Catalogue address PEEKSKILL MILITARY ACADEMY PeekskiU. N. Y. s CLON COLLEGE (Coeducational) Eauily arceanhle In GreensSoro. Mortem in equipment. Kery ronTenleaca. f our degree course". Special cure for learners, approved and endorsed by Dr. I. Y. Joyner. Mueic. Art. El. . ution. nuatneas and Preparatory Departmental Terms moderate, from III2.IK) j $lK7.0tl per session of ten months. Kor cata logue or other information, adaraas Or CMMET L. MOrriTT, PRESIDENT, V. A. HABPEK, Dean, Eloa College, N. C. Why Experiment? Buy ths Standard Original Visible Caderweed, and yes will aot ha die. appointed. Writs or sail sa H. W WHAIT0N. Phase ja 1 ,.11 1 s 1 I sftino'P aioltn. 1 papT 1 till m thi roliintn, . arf glid to h lO Toil rrnjsnt little nrkmg 'hm 1,0 ebiH. old ol soni .light 1 n 11, tn .i:. 'ri-lotir mt wi I h t ntia . iie iht p.-si- m ' .K iwir to 1 in. i.lalc u In t n o ,M 1 l, ni'- --hi i- irl it t rrsn H. T --, a. he, n't Nd L.i. , hid, 'Lt, and pf or .1 - a 1 t ,,., in iU"nnf of r a rid fin jtTM i.c 'I In- Mai l' k.Ped tore 1 v rrn V one i ' I he (.niijjiA hat trin Itoati f them than th' om t he A rv r rtrtd m dit 1a fina Mx k h.it he killed v kiMed Of htm." -htr Nil j the i;, p , rl II 1 a-k If ryene o w rs k d the 'how to overeome the a'rhips were etrer hiuldersi would not know t he eak point and JUNK and HIDES We buy all kinda of Juak aad Hidea. Iron, Rubber and Metal. ! We alao have for aala all kinda of rirta for marhintry, alao ahafting. pul p, Beltinf etc Southern Junk & Hide Company OfBira and warehouse tSS 8. Dseio. Iron rard, UeAdoo ave Bear tha R, R. track.' Small Farms ' FOR SALE THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Wa hare 1(5 farms ark, two tn three mi lea from the city at a low priee, on easy term. Let Ut ah w them to you. Maintained br the state for the wninrn of North Carolina, f our regular eonr.- leading to d'jjree. Special eoiiraea foi leafbei g. Ta aeaaton begins Sept em jher 14, 1110. Thoae desiring to enter from 5 to 31 arret houd apply as earlr as ftot.sihle. Fnr reta'ogiie and other intormation arlfiret JULIUS I. F0UST, President. (JRKKNSBORO, X. C. Brown Real Estate Co. nl no ' I" ard SC-i-t future aeeidenla. 1 ht f ,eot lo hie laji i 'ier 1 n t t In other . loe ha e. nni n; r-a nd i of IhaPieU and llailey - balloting on all h,-, I moemis m A avr il IgUll It a I -if 1 lie ..f that fOULTT. The -t-orH Paved the r Hol'tr ; hilt that T ("rordori Ceiary in even i n an tint t many t h rmo.Tais hare said :ll not he the bene small propoitiun. ITI ho n lr u a i d of iw'it'fri' Mir'tnc i! re-tlir imn'mf t!at .n ean l.e t he ml ellipent and Ihmk mg rtt i t to eVMUil i v rea-on and .ommon -en' ort ' a speetael. I ran imagine 1 Se prodih er of i h rnunirT. now get t i nr g.d p on a' he ha to di-M'( of on th- teiltn :.id at the fa 'tor,. -iii or ;n,7 our apra! ith i pojs.it ion o( 1 p T that The in-mrgenta rstlled them aooundrela nd t h'e es -n Wake ; but t hey want them to dime on and rote the IVmo- nto HeTting the rratie tirkef m NorertiFrr. Raid to have j the romprehenstTe and ernphatie mono trwuiand of syllable rerommendvl by the old lalyt i A I l..L-. ' a.(A " la- rt a. ( ,f. a.. t , ' ow that I mav no rv fhm rrroA aw-.r". trc mii-rrnre.ntinr in the s'iirhtrt Heirtre TiH Re m a f-wvl humor when ytm jfo out en a aeareh for trntk. and it won't be ba-d as fln-ng a gmnea net n a vi Id p'um thicket. The buttermilk at the Kike pirnir was enough for anybody At leaat It 7 f r ' " ,J 1 ' "rt -rs-r ui nrr ininl srrtrafi the position of tiic Imocralit; party, leaougk for ua. Fee Bad Pmb Cas t talat Oat "CwjCt haae ar aart ataa? Tf X TaLt r'aia. all iwwjw f afjg?' Srmrrt nniEMA'm.T XfhyKIIOTB THS CAIKE. mlmm laaaaaUMi. Panaaam . SaaVeSii I I n an il i i STUDIO Do you want high claaa workt Wo ean gire you just what you are looking for. W K. IUTELER, Photopspher. 113 12 East Market Street The North Carolina COLLEGE OP AGRICULTURE MECHANICAL ARTS. AND COOK-LEWIS FOUNDRY CO. Fouadars aad Uaeaialata, Caaarml aUpatf Work, Spaalal MaaBia sry Built U Ordar, ata. High Grade lroa aad Brass Osatlnfa, SUrhiao Molded Pullers, otn, n. a The State's College "for training in dutrisl workera. Courses in Agricul ture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry and Dairying; in Civil, Electrical and Mei-hajiical Engineering; in Cotton Mill ing and Dyeing; in Industrial Chemistry; and in Agricultural teaching. Kntran-e examinations al each county seat on the 14th of .Inly D. H. HILL, President, West Raleigh, N. C. Trinity College! Five Departmenta Tollegiata, Orad list', Knginecring. Law and Educa tion Urf. library facilitiee. 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