GBKEJT8BOBO DAILY T9EVVS. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1913 9 HOUSE REFUSED TO PASS THE IMMIGRATION BILL By Tata f tij t 114, lacking Jnit Fiva Vot, It Aflw4 TnwL tut' Vt to Stand. WMkinftea, Feh. 11. Ths bouse to ds y refused, by vot of (13 to 114. to pass ths IhUiiigriena-Buroett immi gration bill over th President' veto. Fiv tsU changed from th negativ to tilt affirmative would have givn the two-thirds Mutuary to ovsrrids tb " vat. 1 (tppaaitioa to th neaaura was ro awed aoon a Representative Bur nett, of Alabama, nhairmaa of th im migration committee, moved that th bill ba reconsidered nd peased over the Preeideat's Veto. ' Representative Goldfogle, of Xew York, and Curlay, of Jfaaaachueette, de layed actio for about two houra by demanding th reading of th bill, cov ering 28 printad page, th Preaident'a naeeaag and tka auaasg from tka sen aU. Representativ Burnett, appealing to the nous to override, the veto, declared that Secretary of Commerce and Labor Xsgel's report, upoa which tka Preai dent baaed bia actio waa "bristling witb misinformation aad misstate meats." Italy lotaraated ia Immigration. ; Rome, Feb. 19. There baa been ob ' aidc.rable pre con men t hero oa tke abject of the Burnett-billingtiaa iinmi grutioB bill, the clause of which eauaed a disagreeable impression. "The (iiora alo d'ltalia" referred to the proposed Irgialation aa an "offense to human brotherhood." U added that American citisens would have been the flrat to regret the paaseg of the dill owing to ita consequence on the labor market In the United ritutee. MO NKKD TO Tor WORK When the doctor order you to step work It staggers you. I can't ro Bay. Yeu know you are weak, run town and falling in health day by day, tout you muat work aa long aa you can stand. What you need ia Klectrto Blltera te give tone, atrena-th and vigor to your system, to prevent break dewa and bulid you up. Ion't be weak, alckly or ailing when Klectrlo Bitten will benefit you front the flrat floss. Thou sands bless them low their glorious health and strenKth. Try thsm, Kvery bottle la guaranteed to aatUty. Only A0- at Perlng-Klula Drug Co. and Oreeuabore irug Co. (14) Aviator Hurt Jacksonville, Fla, Feb. 19. Charles K. Hamilton, the well known aviator waa slightly hurt at Pablo beach today w ben he lumped a abort distance from bis aeroplane and fell into a aand dune on the beach. Jwe aeroplane turned romplotely over and waa badly wrecked riy ita I all to the earth. i 1,000 Different Diamonds mounted watches, rmgn, and everything In jew elrv eompriaing the big stock of Phi Opperman, to go at auction beginning naturda r ivm a. m. to close business. adv-t WOMAN IN TERRIBLE STATE Find Help in Lydia E. Pink Ltun'i Vegetable Compound. Bellevue, Ohio. -"I waa In a terribla tata Wore I took Lydia E. Pinkbam'a iVegtabl Com- poand. My back ached until I thought it would break, I bad pain all over mo, nervou feeling and periodic trouble. I waa very weak and run down and waa loing bop of aver being well aad strong. After tak ing Lydia E. Ptnk- riam'a Vegetable Compound I Improved rapidly and today am a Wall woman. I cannot tall you bow happy I feel and I cannot aay too much for your Com pound. 'Would not be without it in the bouse if U coat three time th amount." Mrs. Chas. CHAPMArff K. F. D. No. 7, Belle vue, Ohio, Because your case ia a difficult one, doctor having done yoa no good, do not continue to Buffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham'g Vegetable Compound a trial. It lurely ha remedied many case of female ills, auch aa inflamma tion, ulceration, displacements, tumor, lrregularitie, periodic peine, backache, and it may be exactly what you need. The PinVham record ia proud and l)ilS!llu)!iswilii;!fPM!M!.wiijHH v j w5) o jy W7 7 peerless one. it u a record oz constant victory over the obstinate ilia of woman 111 that deal out despair. It ia an es tablished fact that Lydia E. Prnkbam'a Vegetable Compound has restored health to thousands of such suffering women. Why don't yoa try It If yoa a need such a modi doe I THIS DRUG STORE IS 0NUT fCLOSSD between the hours of mid night and day break, therefore, y oar will ind us acre nearly all the time ready and willing to carefully handle your prescriptions. Only pure, tested drugs are used. Prompt deliverv. HcILHENXrS DRUG STORK. -Cor. FayetteviU aad Elm. In sight of the, passenger station. FREE DEVELOPING 1 Why pay to to isc per roll far de veloping when yoa can have it dose without cost? Prints 3 ts je each, j KODAK WORK A SPECIALTY I BEST WORK GUARANTEED Bring Yeor Work T . J., H. BR0WH, Phetographer. ; At . D. A sd raws' Art Stare, . .' i ' ioj W. Market St. , MAY HOLD REPUBLICAN CONVENTION NEXT FALL Soot, Craa, at aL Favar Hatioaal Catkeriag WiU tk Object of . vising Bula leUtjvs t Delegtte. Waakingtoa, Feb. 19. Prospect for a I Republican national eoaventioa aext fell! to reviac rule governing tk aeiectioa of national delentea, and to change tk baai of aoutkara repreaentatioa at regular Hepuuicaa eeaveution treugthaoed today through expraeaiom favoring tke proponed national gather ing by Senator Root, of Kew York, and Senator Crane, of Maaaackuartt. Demand for a Republican eoaventioa kad been baaed on tke desire to make auch change that state will have tk opportunity to eelect their delegate through printariea or otherwise and to out down the Bumber of delegate front atatea having a light Kepubucaa vote. "I am in favor of holding a Republi can convention at eome convenient time next fall or winter," oaid Senator Boot, who waa chairman of tka Chicago eoa ventioa last Juua, "for tka purpose ot doing two things: "first, to make representation ia na tional conventions proportional to the Republican vote that ia, correcting the disproportion in what la epokea of aa the southern representation. "Second, to permit, the Republican of each slate to elect delegate to na tional convention in their owa way, o that the choice in each state will be regulated aoording to the law of the tat. ' "In order that these change shall be effective Judge Noyeo ia hi deoieioB Held that Mvlnia waa not convicted, 'oi a crime involving moral turpitude "It ia proper to emphatic," he aaid, "that no courluaion which 1 may reach in interpreting these immigration tatutea can be regarded aa in the alight' et degree minimizing tlie senoua character of the practitioner1 a acta aa diacloaed, nor aa reflecting in any way npon tlie fairness and regularity of kia trial. If the petitioner be discharged it will be aolely becauae 1 regard the of fense of criminal libel as not involving in ita inherent nature, mora turpitude. Mylina this afternoon left Kills Island declaring that be waa ready for a tart in life. "The action of the court in freeing me ia a lap at the erietoorecr of r.ngland and at all forma of mon arrhy," he said. "No one can regard the action as a means of upholding the art atoorarv. For me it amount! to a vindi cation." , He will remain, for a time at leaat in New York. SHOP TALK Mason and Holt conduct the sanitary market, next to Troxler'a store that'a where you will find a nice line of fresh meats. Guilford Insurance and Realty com pany want to buy a residence for a customer of theirs. Hsnner (nd McCuinton, the new hsrd war store, across ths rsilrosd, South Greensboro, are well' aupplied .with acrecua for windows and doors. Barham-Hume Book company ia now occupying the atore room formerly used by the National Woolen Villa in the Guilford hotel building. BVall hardware atore offer a can of enamel at 40e. that will enamel vour bath and tlie other vessels you uss for bathing. - When you want a taxi right quick call 74A. Also when you wish a dandy auto for a spin call th same number. Wills offers another lot of the beauti ful "Baby Stuart" picture, th oharm ing picture that haa been much in de mand. Dick'a Laundry claims the linen laun dered by thia concern lasta longer. It ia well known that Dick' i a kigh grade laundry. Odell has a demonatration of Voltite thia week. See the window display at thia veil equipped hardware atore. ' Trailer is working overtime to keep up with orders. Delivery is always prompt and goods the very beat. ' S. S. Morrie, the clever groeerymaa, who succeeded Henry Clendenin ofTers the fsmous Curtice brand of canned goods, the kind that taste like it came right out of the patch. Call 94 for a good and reliable qual ity of coaL Do not wait until it turn coldain to order your supply of coal " Burtner is making a aperialty of Fultoa go -carta and carriage, the aplen did baby carrier that ia worth investi gating. American Exchange Xational Bank' eavings department ia booking aew pa trons every day' People are thinking and planning more Tor their future wel fare now than ever before; they're forming the saving babit. Vanstory'a offering ia truaks, auit easea and hand bags are exceptionally attractive at thia time. See the new showings Crawford and Reea remind you that your order should be taken right now for that Easter suit. There's more thsn flvs hundred different petteras ready for your choosing at C aad ft s. . W. B. Merrimoa ba a two-ia-one policy covering both health and acci dent,, at a moderate cost, that is worthy f iiMK rail ing fully explained to yon. Free? Odar wiH tell you more of this ifTering if yon will drop up at W. B.'s o ffics today, or phone for a man to eome and see you. When Burton Holmes recenTTv gave his celebrated travelosrue on "Panares" at Oi-i-bestra Hall. Chicasro, he was se riously interrupted by continual coubtIi Ina of the audience. No one annore willingly and If people with coughs, colds, hoarseness snd tickling In thro&t would use Foley's Honey a; Tsr Com pound, they could quickly cure their coughs and colds snd avoid this annoy ance. - Farlaa-Kluta Xrrug Co. and Greensboro Drug Co. (1) Phil Opperman most retire from busi ness on account of ill hearth. Entire stock of Jewelry and all line carried ia hi pawnbroker establishment rod tid ing txtures, to go at aoctioa, beginning waturaay 1SJ0 a, as. adv't Southern Railway Company Greensboro, X. C, Feb. 1. 11 J. 1: will aell at publie aoctioa to the kigbaat Ki Her si the former MIMjnA of vntt- bpraawr C., No. 341 South Davie Street (ireeuebero, N. C, for freight and other charge the following unclaimed and re-1 fused freight, oa Friday, March 14th,! 11. commencing at t.M) A. U. Terms Cask. , 2. Hsrry Hunter, Charlotte, N. C,. R. L. EnglsBd, Auctioneer. I Plow. C. A. Psmplin, agent. 1 S3. Charlotte Builders S. Co., C'har- 1 J. IL Keal, ibemarla, N. C, I lotte, X. C, 8 Bbl Ume.. Bg. Crockerv. ' 84 -J. W. Haas, Charlotte, N. C, 1 e.G. VV. Lander, Albemarle, N. C.Bx. Hardwsre. a 1 Bx. Medc. ' 85. J. 1- Jones, Charlotte, X. C, 1 Bi. S. R. L. Smith, Albemarle, N. C, 1 Booka. BdL P. Parta. I 86 Mr. S. A. Sullivan, Charlotte, X. 4. W. J. Drv, Albensarls, X. C, I C, I Bx. Books. BdL Adv. Mstter. 87. Mrs. SI. J. Svculy, Chsrlotte, X. . H. Bssaett, Askeville, N. a, 1 C, 1 Table. Bale Sheeting. ' 1 88. Varborough and Bellinger, Char a. u tirookaide. Ashen Me, i. ... i 1 BdL Bed. Ck.; z Bdl. Raila; 1 Bdl. tkairs; I W. Stands; 1 Rx. H. H. Goods; t BdL Bed Ends; 1 Bdl. Springs; 1 BdL P. Frame; 2 Dressers; 1 Glass. T. Bigga Mfg. Co., Aaheville, X. C, 1 Bx. Oil. . . C. N. Cola Co., Aaheville, N. C, 1 C Fruit Syrup. Misa L. C. Cruiae, Aaheville, N. C, 1 Bdl. Screens. 10. OjN Dean Y atowary, Askavills, N. C, 1 C. W. Pspsr. 11. L. A. Ferguson, Ashevili, N. C, I Bx. S. A. Ammunition. It. O X X. '.). Gentry, Asheville, K. C, t Bx. Msrble; Bx. Msrbla. IIvOX H. U. Gentry, Ashsville, N. C, i Bx. M. Monumenta) 10 Bx. kloau awnta 14, -Will Hcnkel, Aahaville, N. C, -Bala Clothing. 15. U. F, Langton, Aaheville, N. C, 1 C Tools and Old Fittinga. 18. Preaton I-itheral, Aaheville, X. C, 1 Bx. II. 11. Goods 17. OiX F.. McKav. Aaheville. X. CJ I C W. t.laaaes. 8.V. L. Pritchett, Ashevills, X. C,l 1 Bdl. Adv. Mstter. i 19 C. E. Heeves, Aaheville, X. C, II Bx. Clocks: 1 Bdl. Xotions. fO-U F. Stringfleld, Aaheville, N. C.,1 1 Bx. Fla. Kit. in ;laas. i 21. B. H. Snider, Aslierille, X. C, li Sk. Coffee 22. Southern Coal Co., Asheville, X. C 1 Rag Burlaps. S.V Morris K. Trotter, Ashsville, X. C, 1 Crt. Bed. 24 R. V. BrowB, Brevsrd, X. C, I C. Post Toast ies. 2.V Brevard Co.. Brevard, X. C, 4 Bdla. Doors; 5 Hdis. Sash. if). B. Whit Henderson, Brevard, K C 1 C. Medc. 27.-J. C. loftis, Brevsrd, N.- C, I Bx. Petrified bVies. 1!8. Fsnaia Greea, Belmont, X. C, a Monumenta. 29. titow Bro., Belmont, N. C, 1 Bale Mattreasea. Si). B. C. Bot Works, Bryson, X. C, 1 Crt. Mty Bottles. 11. B. C. not. worgs, Bryson, xm. -., S Crt. Mtv Bottles- Si. B 0. Bot. Works, Bryson, N. C, 1 Mtv H. W. Crate. 33. B. C Bot. Works, Bryson, X. C, t Ots. Mty Bottle. 84. B. C. Bot. Work, Bryson, X. C, 3 Mty S. W. Crate. So. D. K. Colbns, Bryson, N. C, I P. Handle. 3. H. H. Gross, Bryson, X. C, 1 Roll R. I'spsr. 37-W omsck Jt Ellis, Bryeoa, X. C, 1 Keg Pickle. 8. W. H. Gutekell, R. 14874, Bur lington. 38 Bdla. D. Lumber. 39. Currv A Thorn, Burlington, 1 C. Adv. Matter. 40 Alamance I. aad R. Co., Burling ton, 1 BdL Wall Paper. 41. Geo. W. Anthony Co., Burlington, 1 Bx. Knivea. 42. Xeill Sherrell, Catawba, X. C, I Pkg. Chain. 43. F. L. Avera, Catawba, X. C, S Crts. P. Frames. 44. J, Connor, Catowba, X. C, 1 Keg Tonic. 45. W. W. James, Catawba, X. C, 1 Keg Tonic. 48 H. H. Kiatler, Connelly Spga., I Crt. Hon, 1 Bx. Records, I Bx. Grspho phones. 47 (381-Glebs Elee. Co., Charlotte, K. C. 1 Bx. Dry Cella. 48. (37). M. AF. Bonded W. H., Charlotte, X. C, I Bx. Tile CabineU 49 (40). Cost. Gin Co., Charlotte, N. C, 1 Sue, Fan, 1 Pulley Shaft. 60 (41). Kanner'a Imp. Co., Char lotte, X. C 1 Hand Truck. tl (43). Chas. K. Messick, Charlotte, X, C, 11 Oaee Cd. Fish. 62 47) W. WeddingtOB, Charlotte, X. C, 3 Crte. Bottle. 63. J. A. Rosa, Charlotte, N. C, I Bx. P. Kffecte. 64. s n Toomey P. Co., Charlotte, X. C, 1 Bx. B. Goods. 6. o a Toomey P. Co, Charlotte, X. G, 1 Bx. B. Goods. 68. Fordmaa Furn. Cos Charlotte, X. C, 1 BdL Paper. 67. J. M. Coll ina, Charlotte, X. C, J Bx. A. Matter. 58. Meek. Marble Jt G. Co, Char lotte, X. C 1 Ort, Marble. 6 Robert Mark, Charlotte, X. C, 1 BdL Ola, 1 Ort H. H. Goads. so. Geo. E. Wilson, Charlotte, N. C, 1 Bx. R Food. 81. Ravmond L. Smith, Charlotte, N. C, 1 Pkg. O. Cloth, 1 Pkg. C. Mtg. 82 T. B. Chspnaa, Charlotte, X. C, 1 Kit Cab. 83. Walton Chamley, Charlotte, X. C, S Bx. Mdse. 4. o n M. 8. Shaas, Charlotte, X. C 1 Cx. Cigars. 86-8. G. Phifer, Charlotte, N. C, I Bg. O. Alls. od. Alex Phifer, Char lot U, X. C, a B. Powder. HTc-H. R Field, Charlotte, S.C, JC Milk. u8. Dr. J. W. Fuller, Charlotte, N. C 1 Vx. Books. 89. G. H. Gallinger, Charlotte, X. C, 1 Bx. Mdse. 70. K. B. Moore, Charlotte, S. C, 1 F. Wag. Iron. 71W. E. Mullins, Charlotte, X. C, 7 Bx Soap, I Bx. Tobacco. . 72. W. R. Bnrwell, Charlotte, JT. C, 2 tastings. 73. i. A. Biglcr Co.,. Charlotte, X. C, t Bxa, (Stork Food. 74. o,B Globe Elee. Co, Charlotte, X. C, 1 C Cap W ire. 75. H- Hemley, Chariotte, X. C, 1 Bx. 8. Tickets, ' 78. R. Ijobw, Charlotte, N. C, 2 Ba. 0. Ware. 77. A. M. Miller, Charlotte, . C, 1 Maehraery. 78. Williame, Charlotte, X. C, 1 C Jello. 7ft. WestiufrhAiise K.loe. t 'o.. Char. 'lotto, X. C, 1 mx. h. Wire. 80. W. J. WaUou, Charlotte, X. C, 1 BoL Blue Prist Paper, 81. kiuister rharr C Co., Charlotte, N C, 10 Si. I. C. bait. lone, xv. l., i uou mine. Charlotte Builders P. Co.. Oiar- lotte, X. C, 1 Bdl. F. Boxea. 90. Elec. Conat. A Sup. Cp., Charlotte, N. C, 1 Bdl. Pipe. 91. M. (i Hunter, Charlotte, X. C, 1 Keg R. Herring. 92. lire. McGebee, Chapel Hill, X. C, I chair, ertd. 93. C. B. Shsw, Clispel Hill, X. C, 1 rake, 1 frame, 1 axle, 1 BdL teeth, 2 wheels. 94. R. H. Minith, Chapel Hill, X. C, 5 paila A. food, 1 Rx. A. food. , 95. Gibaoa Mfg. Co., Concord, X. C , 1 bag mehy. 98. C. 0. Burleyson, Concord, X. C, 18 Brl. Lub. oil. 97. R. A. Davis Son Lbr. Co., Concord, X. C, S half bbla. lub. oil. 98. R. B. Ueaa, Concord, X. C, Brla. Appaline. 99. R. B. Dcas, Concord, X. C, 27 rolls roofing. UK). C. D. Alexander, Concord. X. C, 1 1 Rx. booka 11- M. Uladatein, Durham, X. C, S Bx. matches. 1. Andrews Furn. Co., Durlism, X. c- t'trs. refrigerator. l,i:- Mra. J. V. Morria, E, Durham, C I Brl. notions. I"- . F. A. Jiuore, Durham, X. C, 1 f. mstter. 1UJ. 1-imis Urecn, Uurlism, N. c, 1 Brl. notions. 1011. A. K. Dunigan, Durham, X. C, 4 Bxs. 8. Food. 1117. Five Point D. Co., Durham, X. C, 1 C candy, 1 sign, crtd. 108. J. U Council, Durham, X. C, 1 C Is nip. 109. C. Hooper Co, Durhsm, X. C, 1 Bd. Ad. matter, 110. Trobis Msther, Durham, X. C, 1 Bx. glass. 111. T.jO. Roberta, Klkin, X. C, 1 Bx. E war, 1 Bx. A Food, 6 pails A Food. 112. Surry Clutir Co., Elkin, X. C, 1 chair. 113. o n Hughes A Anderson, Efland, X". C, 1 1'. motor cycle. 114. S. A. Culhreath, Forest City, X. C, 1 Bx. Medc. 11. . W. D. Tillman, Goldaton, X. C, 1 half brl. mola. 110. S. M. Hynum, Goldatou, X. C, 1 C clothing. 117. Wayne Bot. Works, Goldsboro, X. C, 2 Hdl Signs; I lid. Umbrellas. 118 OjN Wayn Bot. Work, Gold boro, X. C, 2 Crts. Bottles.' ) 1 It. .1 . W. Strauss, (isstonia, X. C, 3 Bdla. Furniture. I!.- Standard Hdw. Co, Gaston ia, X. C, 1 Show C'aae. 1 121. -,!. M. Roberts, Gaetonia, X. C, I Bx. Graplioplione. 122. W. S. Pritchard, Gastonia, X. C, I C. Ad. Matter; 2 Bdl. Ad. 123. J. B. Price, t;tonia, X. C, 2 Bx. Medc. 124. J. R. Jones, Gsstonis, K. C, I Iron Safe. 125. Arlington Cot Mills, (iastonia, X. C, 2 Bills. Mty. Rolls. 128. Wssh Stesm Bkg. Co., Greens boro, X. C, 1 C. Tin Caps. 127. Pierce Sup. Feed. Co.. Greens boro, X. C, 3 C. Drugs; 2 C. Inst. Destr.; 1 C. Ad. Matter; 6 l.lq. Inat. Destr. 128. J. A. Stroud, Greensboro, X. C, 2 C. An. Food; 2 Bx. A. A P. Reg; 1 Bx. Dnigs; 1 By. Inject Destroyer. 129. Pattie Slade, Greensboro, X. C, 1 Bx. Xotions; 1 Crt. E. Ware. 130. O S J. H. 4 W. T. Law, Greens boro, X. 0,10 Sx. Feed. 131. Keystone Hotel, Greensboro, X. C, 1 C. Soap Powders. 132. Eva Hill, Greensboro, X. C, 1 Bx. E. Ware. 133. (I(X Greensboro Ice C. Co., Greensboro, X. C, 1 Crt, Pa. Plates; 1 C. Tin Spoons. 134. W. S. Gsrrett, Greensboro, N. C, 1 Keg Lead Gaitor. 136. J. G. Crocker Co, Qrover, X. C, 1 Bx. 6. Tickets. 130. A. A. Clevln, Graham, X. C, 1 Brl. Molasses. - 137. J. M. Crawford, Graham, X. C, 1 Pa. 0 Cade tobacco. 138. J. K. ft A. P. MeBane, Graham X. C, 1 Bx. Lumbar. 139. Va. Cotton Mills, Graham, X. C, I x. Marble. 140. Tomlinaon Chair Co, High Point, X. C, 1 Dresser Top. 141. J. D. Logaa Co, High Point, X C, 2 C. Lard. 142. J. D. Logan, High Point, X. C, 1 C. Lard; 1 C. lard. 143. Tomlinaon Chair Co., High Point, K. C, 1 BdL (21 Chair. 144. Tomlinaon Chair Co, High Point, X. C, 1 Chair (Broken.) 145. Fiber Case X. Co, High Point, X. C, 1 Crt. F. Goods. 148. R. H. Richardson, High Point, X. C, 1 Crt. Msrble. 147. Jno. O. Osborne, High Point, X. C, 1 1P. Cssting. 148. Miss M. Kvsn, Henderson, X. C, 1 Brl. Xotions; 1 Crt. E. Wire. 149. W. 11. Hawkin, Henderson, X. C, 1 C. E. Ware. 150. R. T. Turner, Henderson, X. C, 1 Bx. Machinery. 151. 0(X W.'lf. Finch, Henderson, X. C, 2 Iron Piilleve. 152. .1. C. Beck, Hendersonville, X. C, 8 Bdl. Brooms. I 153. on Edwards Hdw. to, Hcmdcr- onville, X. C, 2 Bd. Plow Points. 1S4, W. W. tiuill, Hendersonville, X. C, 2 C. Rio Coffee. 155. J. I'. Giles. Hendersonville, . C, 1 Ps. Csds. Tobscrn, ! 158. Hendersonville turn, to, Hen dersonville. X. '.. 1 Bd. Springs. i 157. H. W. Groc. Co, Hendersonville, 1 X. C, 1 Hhd. Molasses. j 158. o n C G. Jsvnr, Hendersonville, X. C, 20 Bag Feed'. 159. Dora Leonard, Hendersonville,' X. C, 1 BrL Xotions. j 180, Ranee Rhode, Hendereoavill, j X. C, I Outing. . Sale of Unclaimed and Refused Freight 181. T. H. Suttox, Henderaoarillr, X. C. 1 K. Table. 182. J. H. Murray, HiUahoro, X. C, 1 Pr. Log Grabs. 163. Wm. Chat man. Haw River, X. C, Lot H. H. Goods. 164. J. H. Leahng, Jamestown, X. C, 2 Bdla. Tiea. . loo. S. B. Hupteller, Kinga Moun tain, X. C, 1 Bx. Medc. 166. B. R. Williford. Kinga Mountain, X. C, 1 Crt. Furn, 1 BI. Rugs. 167. -J. T. Vandyke, Lowell, X. C, 2 Grate Bars. 168. Lucy Loweryi Lake Toiaway, X. C, 1 C. E. Ware. 169. R. E. Mieeta, Lexington, X. C, 1 Box. 170. Mra. Wilson Robina, Lexington, X. C, 1 Bx. 1). Gooda. 171. Penney A Wooten. Islington, X. C, 2 Bx. A. ft P. Reg, 1 Bx. Druga, 1 Bx. Insect Deslvr. 172. W. B. Pepeitt, Lexington, X. C, 2 C. Adv. Matter. 173. Misaiik 1 Shockley, Lexington, N. C, 1 C. Clocks or Syrup. 174. Mra. R. L. Mci.'rarv, Ivexington, X. C, 3 W. I. Signs. I 175. T. C. La'flin, Lexington, X. C, ! 1 Bx. A. 4 P. Reg., 1 Bx. Drugs. I 176. Lent, ft Tiser, Lexingtun, X. C, 1 Bx. Msch. Parts. 177c Lex. Chair Co, Lexingtou j- ,C, 1 Bill. (2) Rockers. , 178. tl. Harris, Lexington, X. C, 5 ! Rolla M. Paper. 179. Maggie G. Earnhart, Lexington, ,X. C, 1 h. Glaaa. 180 Davidson F. Co, Lexington, X. : C, I Crt. Go Carte. I 1H1. Davidson Furn. Co., Lexington, ' X. C, I Bdl. Table. 182. -Elk Furn. Co, Lexington, X. C, '2 C. Mirrora. ( 183. Elk Furn. Co, Lexington, X. C, 2 C. Mirrora. 1S4. Elk Furn. Co, Islington, X. C, ' 2 C. Mirrora. , 185. .1. .1. Hooper. Marahall, X. C, 2 Kx. Marble. I Bi. Marble. 186. -.1. .1. Hooper, Marshall, X. C, 1 1 lib!. E. Ware, I Crt. E. Ware. 187. I. .1. Hooper, Marahall, X. C, 1 I'kg. Hardware. 188. .1. ,1. Hooper, Marahall, X. C, 1 Crt. S. Mcli. Parts. j 189. .1. .1. Hooper, Marshall, X. C, , BUI. lnemir. 190.,!.' .1. Hooper, Marshall, X. C, 1 i Crt N. Board. 191. ;. X. Cook, Mocksvill. X. C, 1 I no. snd Brooder. 192. -nin .1. II. Smith, Mocksville, X, C, 1 Bill. Wall Thoit. 193. H. It. ilaithcr, Mocksville, X. 1 Pkg. ( ..IT.c, 1 Crt. K. Wsra. 1114. Morganton, F. Co, Morganton, X. C, 1 Foot Board. lufi. Morganton, F. Co, Morganton, X, C, 1 Foot Board and Drawer. HW.-Lillie F. Ystea, Mooresville, X. C, 1 Bx. Illassware. 1 117. Cherokee County, care A. B. Deckey, Murphv, X. C, 1 C. Recticide, I 1 Gal. X. Top Can, 1 0. Sig, 1 C. Spray ers. 1118. J. W. Rose. Murphy, X. C, 7 Bx. Medn, Bx. Almas. 199. repi-Cola Bot. Co, Mt. Airy X. C, 1 Bx. S. Can. F. Syrup. 2IK). Mt. Airy Furn Co, Mt. Airy, X. ( , 1 Bx. .Mirrora. 201 .-Ben Dunn, Mt. Airy, X. C, 1 0. Iron Baga, 202. Alma Bland, Mt. Airy, 1 Mty. Piano box. 203. L. Cariaon, Marshall, X. C, 1 Bx. E. Ware. 204 .1. W. Hunter, Marahall, X. C, 1 C Mdse. 205. W. A. Green. Marshall, X. C, 2 Ca. Paint, 1 Can Paint. 206. J. L. Johnson, Marahall, X. C, 1 Mly. Tice. 207. E. M. Peterson, Marahall, X. C, 1C. R. C. Soda. 208 .lerry Ramaay, Marshall, X. C, 6 Pta. A Tonic. 209. 0. I, Sprinkle, Marshall, X. C, 1 Mtv. Tree. 210. O. H. Wilion, aJaha, X. C, 1 ltx. Groceries. 211. J. E. Hathcock, Marshall, X. C, 2 Bx. Marble. 212. S. K. Wiitington, X. Wilkes boro, X. C, 1 Keg A Tonic. 213. W. H. Fairchild, X. Wllkesboro, X. C, 5 Pla. A Food. 214. Siraan Church, X. Wilkeaboro. X. , 1 Bx. Panta. 215. J. R. Vuamng, X. Wilkeaboro. X. C, 1 Bx Hooka. 218. Phocha Hoskins, X. Wilkeaboro, X. C, 1 Bbl. Xotions. 217. Mrs. Alt Bare, X. Wilkeaboro, X. C, 1 Crt. E. W are. 218. R. M. lliillips, McGuire, X. C, XT. W'ilkesbom. X. ('.. 1 Organ Bxd. 219. City of X. Wilkeaboro, X. Wilkea boro, X. C. 2 Bdl. 2 Pc. B. Pipe. 220. o n W. Mather Co, X. Wilkeaboro, X. C, 8 Steel Kaila. 221. P. E. Dancy, X. Wilkeaboro, X. C, 30 Bags C. Lime. 222. Davi ft Co, X. Wilkeaboro, X'. C, 1 BdL Pa. Tales. 223. J. K. Bailey, Xebo, X. C, 4 Bx. Medc, 1 Pa. Adv. Mat, 224. X. A. Clark, Xebo, X. C, 1 Caae. 1 C. Coop. 225. P. O. Thompaon, X'ewton, X. C, 1 Bx. Medc. , 22d. D. C. Hunt, Oxford, X'. C,l Brl. Molasses. 227. on T. L. Williams, Oxford, X. C, 1 Crt, (, 1 Bx. Cupa. 228. T. J. There, Pilo Mountain, X. C, I 1 BrL Paint. i 229. Hugh G. Young, Raleigh, X. C, 2 ; Bx. L. Sugar, 1 Gal. L. Sugar. j 230. o n .(. L. Wilkerson. Raleigh. X. C, 4-98 Sx, 8-48 Sk, 8 24 Sk. S. I). Flour. I 231. Agnes Whitfield. Rsleich, X. XT, ) 1 Rocker. 2;l2. Agnes WhitBeld, Raleigh, X. C, 1 BrL Xotiona 233. Weathera F. Co., Raleigh, X. C, 1 China Clrsaet. Bdls. Chair. 2;M. E. M. IrxelL Raleigh, X. C, 1 C. Paper. 2;(5. Ticket Agent, Raleigh, X. C, 1 P. (indy. 236. T. A. Stvthour, Raleigh. 2 Bx. Medc. I 2.17. SUndard Oil Co, Raleigh, X. C, 1 Mtv. Oil Barrel. 238. R. L. Snyder, Raleigh, X. C, 1 Air Brake Indicator. 239. Raleigh Hnd. Co.. Raleigh, X. C, ' 1 Bx. B. Cans, 1 Bx. I). fJood. 240. Raleigh Times, KsWgh. X. C, 1 ; Carbov M. Water. 241. ' Raleigh Times, Raleigh, X. C, 2' Ce 8. Water. I g42. C. D. Ross, Raleigh, X. C, 2 Pis. ! Candy, I C Candy. 243. W. 8. Penny, Raleigh, X. C, 14 Columns, S boards, 1 BdL, 4 ' Wood Wheel. I 244. Phillips ft Mathews, Raleigh, X. t, i nsg. t aiem, !i. c, - Bx. II. Tonic. 245. Geo. Marsh, Raleigh, X'. C, 1 Bag j 328. Tobacton Mfg. Co, Winston Coffee, Salem, X. C, 4 C Hair Tonie. 248. M. W. Kallahn, Raleigh, X. C, 1 I 329. J. J. Hooper, F C. U, Wlnatoa BrL Paper. j Salem. X. C, 1 Brl. B. 247. on R. H. Jaeksoa, Raleigh, X. C, TALITJLAH FALLS RAILWAY CO. 25-24 Sx, 8-98 Sx, 12-48 Sx. Flour. S3i.-Frsnk T. Smith, Franklin, X. C, 248. Hickory Sup. Co, Hickory Grove, 1 C. Drugs. X.C,4 C. Syrup. 131. ti. A. Mnehburn, Franklin, K. G. 249. T. T. Hay ft Bros, Raleigh, X. C, ' Bi. Monuments. 1 BdL Ad. Mstter. 132. Franklin Croc Co, Franklin, X. 250. F. M. Harper, Raleigh, X. C, 1 C. 7 Bx. Uundrv. Bdl. and 1 Crt. School Desks. 133. Maooa Co. Supply, Co, Franklin, 251. A. B. Hunter, Raleigh, X. C, I X. t. 1 Bdl. Gratea. i Caae. I 252. L. B. Cavena, Raleigh, X. C, I I Box and Contenta. i 253. W. U Bowden, Raleigh, X. C, 1 Heating Stove, Crtd. 254. A. Uoone. Raleigh, X. C, 1 C. Glass Cana. ! 255. J. R. Adama, Raleigh, X. C, 1 '" I 258. A. ft M. Collage, Raleigh, X. C, 4 Urls. Hds 257. Artesian Well Co, Raleigh, X. C. 1 Pee. Pipe. 258. -,!. H. Stanley, Ruffin, X. C, 1 Brl. Molaaaea. 259. Graded School. Rutherfordton. X. C, 1 Can Diainfactnt, 1-35 (ial. Can. 260. F. R. Penn Tob. Co, Retdaville, X. C, 1 Smo. Tobacco. 281 W. M. Moricle, Reldavills, X. C, 1 Bx. A. ft P. Powder. 2 Bx. Druga. 262. Mra. G. X. Thompaon, Reida 1 ville. 1 L. Mower, 1 Bx. Parte, 1 Stov. 263. J. A. Waller, Runion, X. C, 1 : Cultivator and Hdla. 264. E. 8. Thoma, Runion, X. C, 1 I Crt P. M. I 263. M. V. Cook, Runion, X. C, 1 Bx. Medc. 266.- X. H. Thomas. Runion, X. C, 1 I Pee, Aielg, 2 Bdl. P. Pta. I 267 M. P. Aleiander, Stateaville, N. . C, 1 C. G. Pineapple, 1 C. Pineapple, i 2(18.-11. V. Brawley, Stateaville, X. IC, 1 Bdl. Bags. nan IT c?,, in. n j -!. r.. i . (unite, fiairsvi nr, . . i.,, 1 1 Brl. Molasses 270. o n . A. Kvana, Stateaville, X. C, 10-48 Si, 8-24 Sx. Flour. I 271. T. W. Miller, Slateaville, X. C, '2 IVt. Ad. Matter. 272 J. II. Mitchell, Stateaville, X. C, S ( rta. B. Ilivea. 273. J. II. Morrieon Gro. Co, State will. X. C, 2 Kega Soda. 274. J. K. Morrison Gro. Co, Statea ville, X. C, 1 Bx. and contents. 275. W allac Broa, Statesvill, N. C, 1 Bag Roots. 276. J. K. Morrison Croc Co, Statea ville, X. C, I Bx. and eoateate. 277. J. K. Morriaoa Gro. Co, Statea ville. X. C. 1 Bi. Fly Paper. 278. J. K. Morriaoa Gro. Co, State villa, X. C, 1 Bi. a Xute. 279. Quaker City Conat. Co, Statea ville, X. C, 38 Bdla. 8. Pip. 2H0. Stateaville Gro. Oa, Stateaville, X. t , 1 I . Jar Kubliars. 281. T. C Ford, Shelby, X. C,' 1 Crsir, 282. A. Blauton Groc. Co, Shelby, X. C, I Crt. and eoutenta. 283 o P. P. Hawkina, Shelby, X. C, 1 Roll W ire. 284. Mra. Jennie Coaay, Sophia, X. C, 1 R, Chair. 285. J. M. Leater, Sumraerfirld, X. C, 1 I'a, 8 Oada and 1 Bx. Tobacco. 288. Lee 'latum, SummerHeld, N. C, 1 Keg A. Tome. 287. C. H. Fraaiar, 6teley, X. C, 1 Incubator and Broodar. 288. Sherman Smith, Saliabury, K.C., 1 Bx. D. Aoda. 289. J. E. mith, Saliabury, X. C, 1 Display Rack. 290 o n Walter PfTilipa, Salisbury, X. C, 1 C. Brushes, 1 BdL W. Hills. 291-L. D. Ludwig, Ssksbury, X. C, 1 Pc. Casting, I Bx. Casting, 1 Spring. 292. R, J. Holmes, Salisbury, X. C, 1 BrL Fruit, 1 Keg Fruit, 1 C. Tin. 293. Cowan A Couan, Sylvs, X. C, 7 Bx. Drugs. 294. H. (i. Cannon, Sylva, X. C, I Bdl. Oil Cloth. 295. Carlia Barnes. Tavloraville, X. C, I Brl. Notions; 1 B. t'iocka. 296 Thomaaville Hdw. Co, Thomas ville, X. C, 3 Bdls. Crates. 2H7. Tbomaaville Hdw. Co, ville, X. C, 2 Rolls Wire. 298 Orutchneld Hdw. Co, ville. X. C, I Wood Sign. 299. Thoinaaville Chair Co, ville. X. C, 2 t haira. 3W. Thomasville Chair Co, ville, X. C, 2 Bdls. ( hairs. 301. Tbomatnlle ( hair Co, ville, X. C, 2 Bills. Chairs. 302. Thomasvila hair Co, 1 homaa-lliomaa-Tbomaa- Thomaa-Thomaa-Thorns s- ville, X. (', 2 Bdla. (4) ( hairs. 303. Thomanille Chair Co, Thumaa ville, X. C, I IMI. (21 Chaira. 304. lambeih Furn. Co, 1'bomaayiUe X. I , 4 Pkg. K. 11. Safes. ' 305. Heywood Bros, ft WskeAeld Co. Thomsavill'e, X. C, I fliair. KMt J. II. Everhardt, '1 bomasville, X C, 1 P. A. ft P. Reg. 307. Tbomaaville Furn. Co, Thomas-' ville, X. C, 1 Crt. Furn. 308. Larrfbeth Furn. Co, Tbomaaville, X. C, 2 Bd. Dr. 4 CabineU. 3(i9. 1-ambctb Furn. tY, Thomaaville, X. C., 18 18 Bdls. W. Rohe. 310. Tbomaaville. Furn. Co., Tliomas ville, X. C. I Crt. Dr. Top. 311. Lambeth Fum. Co, Tbomaivllle, X. C, I Crt. Cab. Base; 3 Crts. (lab. Table. 3 Drawers. 312. LamlM-th. Furn. Co, Thomaa ville, X. C, 2 Crt. K. D. Safes 313 C. G. Hill, Thomaaville. X. C 1 Hdl. (21 Chaira. 314 Stand Chair Co, Thomaaville, X C, 26 Bdls. Chaira. 315. .1. R. Horn, Thomssville, X'. C, 4 C. Sosp. 3IH.W. Hosy Mill, Vsldese, X. C, 1 C. Knit Goods. 317. Jonah Xelaoa, Wslnirt Cove, X. C, 6 Psils A. Food. SIS (237). W. E. Hsrtmsn, Walnut Cove. X. C, 1 S. InHII Pulley. 319. I Hiner, Wlittier, X. C, 1 BrL Cider: 1 Bx. Glass. 320. Tobacton Mfg. Co.. Salem, X. C, 12 C. H. Tonic seSnie. S2I. Tobacton. Mfg. Co., Salem, X. C, 7 C. II. Tonic Tonic. 322.- F. 7.. Force ft (V, Winston- Cta. U. Winston - 18 C. H. W'insfon- Salem. X. C, I Bi. Pump Fixt 2 Iron Pumps. 323. W. T. Crater, Wintoa-Flem, X. C, 1 C. Overall. 324. T. A. Davis, Winstea-Salem, X. n i n i t - C, 1 Brl. M. Water. 325. .1. E. Goodman, Winston -Salem, X f 1 Brl R. tNI :.. .' 3ie T. . Jenwins n. ko, no-; Saleaa, X. C, 1 C Hata. j 327. Tobactoa Mfg. Co., WUstou- J34 o n W. W. lonea, FrankliiL X. C, I Bdl. G. Insulator. 335. M. J. Baker, Franklia, X. C, 1 Bi M. Monumenta I 336. T. S. Arthur. Franklin, N. C, j 1 Bdl. Scan Stone. 137. W. L. Knoat, Franklin, X. C, 1 ' Food ( hopper. . -3.I8.-Mra. S. C Hall, Fraaklin, X. C, 3 Hi Drum 339.-W. If. Wsrll. k ft Son, Franklin. V. C. 1 t Yokes, 1 Bi. Hdw. 340 Mrs. tie. M. Lee, Franklin, N. C. I Bdl. Clothing. J4I. M. S. Dills, Franklin, N. C, Crts. Mssbla. 342.- E. H. Clark, Etna. X. C, ( Pil ' A Food. 343. tarlaa Adma, Franklia, X. a, Psils A Food, 1 Bx 34. R, (i. Rogers. Franklin. X. O. 5 Psils A Food. 3,.T,,rl Abron. FYaaklia, X. C, 6 Psils A Food, 1 Bdl. 346 Rev. li. M. Lrdftrd, Fraaklin, X. C, 1 Bi Books. 347 -Maggie Tallent, Franklin, H. 0, I 11-11. Xotinrat. 348.- Frank T. Smith, Franklin, X. C, 1 llnll Ruga. 149 - li. p. Rsv, Franklin, X. C, I Bdl. P. Csstg. 350.-llfscon Sup Co, Franklin, X. C, 1 ( 'ook Stove. !. I, M. Johnaon, Franklin, X. C, 1 Bdl. lliiggv Rima 352. - No Mark, Fraaklin, X. C, 1 Roll Matting. 353. Agent, Franklin, X. C, 3 Dx. Marble, 1 Bdl. Table Lrga. Howard Gardner Successful Induced Dr. Haward C. to Make Special Pric, After a great deal of effort end cor respondence Howard Gardner the popu lar druggist hsa succeeded in getting the )r. Howard Co., to mslra a special half price introductory offer on (h reg ular flfty-tvut aire of their celebrated remedy for const I pat inn. IVr. Howard's remedy haa been so i markahly auocessful m miring eonatipx than, dvapepsia and all liver trouble that Howard (iarriner ia willing to re- ,wn t,re Prlr I. ty"T n" it does not rive relief. Headaches, coated tongue, dirr.lnesa. ra on the atonisch, siecks belore tlie eyes, eonstiiation and all forms of liter snd stomach troiille aie oiii ruled bi Ibis scientific medicine. So grest is ths demand for Ibis rem edy Hist llnwaid (iardner has Ih-cm aid' lo secure only a liniilcd supi'ts end eveeyone who is troubled with d -iM-psin cnnstipstion or liver trouble rhoiil'l cil upon him at once, or send 25 cents and get sixty dosea of Die best medic ine e l tnsde, on this spensl hslf irice nil' i with his personal guursulee to rilu I the money if it does not cine. Polite Attention lo nil our putrom. We would glad iq nitf ywu K'r UP " 'mi. 'Mir uniriwi" (hoj-i am. ntHikw, fraimi. ti-lt and nhrll Huh r M"kftl mi a niannrr that mak" thtni linger in 1 li mcnioi y -'l a twkle Xhf fa lair. Hur r-UK a ip 1 resU lunl. our nit-att i-nor. our rfT''0 a imI tea of rtqiiiBitt fla nr. W'hrn V'u wirh to fnjoy a g'Hd nwn pom to Hennessee Cafe 34 SOOTH ELM STREET. FOR TORPID UVFR. A taraid Hvtrrangea ths whois system, and crotiiuxs SICK HtADACHt, Dyia, Costivenes. Kheu natisiai. Sallow Skin and Pile-. Ths-re Is no better rrmrdv for er csksswx diseases than lo. Ti n LIVI IV PII.I.S, as a trial will pn - Tttke No Substitute. L'Ycry,Woman i rl frtrt.ld atrvt .hIlrr1 i kn'iw about th wftvlt?rf ul Marvel UOUCB9 Ms, ajrassri anl JavsV-aaVl losisasx. Wsrvel Co.. 4 I JM i . I ark voi: a coi.o st Take 1 r. Klea'a Kew Tlscovery. TW SnS l awsrh. I mi. IWea.t I sss medicine maae. Money rerumiei ir it 'falls to furs you lu not heeitat! Hah It at our risk. First Arms lielpa. j. r. Wells. Wloyaarta. Texas, writes: : "To- Kirn s New liieeovsrv cured my lerrlhl. couali and c.M 1 sained 11 n-1L- Buy Ksrlsa-Klut Drue ',. aad tireenaleove liua Co. tw Tutt'sPil I f Vfcv'n I h at w-m-i arta tt i '' fMQ