GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 191S FRFTC AT WHOLESALE MERCHAHTS FEEL GOOD 1 llUlU Ml I r r ilia nniiir i r inmii nniao on mn man, VVCK IfYrtr DU3ind 13 ftJUVWU UtUH U. nlo iKhIN Leaves Train -Determined Take Another Route and is Persuaded to Return. to TO PUSH THE SHIP HILL . Washington, Jan. 0. President Wilson returned to Wasbinfrton at S-.O" o'clock this afternoon from IndianaiKilis, where vesterdav he had mad hit ftrat purely political speech since he aiimcd the prcsidencv. The Ire9idcni.'s (rain made last tirou from Baltimore to permit him to keen an eneacemvnt with Hiandler Anderson, who has been investigating de tention ramps in different European coun tries. The President's train wss due her at T40 o'clock but a freight train acci dent in Baltimore caused a delay of nenr ly half nn hour. Mr. Wilson became im patient and left hit. train determined to go by another route. Ha was told however, his train would he ready to leave immedistciy and was persuaded to return to his private enr. The train started at once, t When the Presidents train was rt tuxitina tods v. discussion was heard amnrz his friends on board over the meaning back of his statement that "there mav come a time. ,vhen the Amen Past Year Has Been One of Most Successful in History of City Of Greensboro January Starting Out Strong Collec tions Reported to He Better. The wholesale merchants of Greens boro arc, as a nil, in a very optimis tic mow) concerning the situation in wholesale rircles. tenurally, they ex press surprise at the amount of busiuss dona siucs the start of the new year, they feeling and not being loath to state, that the amount has greatly ex eeeilcd all expeeiatioie. I he merchunt this year, considering conditions," eon eluded Mr. Transou. .1. V. Patterson, secretary and treas urer tf the Patterson company, whole sale grocers and commission merchants, had the following to say concerning uusl nrss in the past and prospects tiir th future, several rood reasons being ad vanced by him to account for the.giowth In Greensboro of a luauimath wholesale TO Myron T. Herrick Says Too Much in Past Has Been Ob tained by Diplomacy. also stat a that tttny cau se no reason grocfrj and comnmiiions merchant bust- i .. :ii v ... 'V,.tl-Ai- I nan prxiiUt? nui llr I4r J UU),r. " mmri i know what I am talking abtut. or not." Soma ot his fnn1 insisted Mr. wii ton was merely referrinfr to the fact that future generations would judge "is ac ttoiid, and that he did not intend to con tt the impression which vraa gained hy his audience he nucltt he a eandi date a tram for the presidency. 1 Others of Ms friends pointed out that he evidently realised, because of lite eheerinj. the comtruction that had b-n tilaeefl on his word?, and ret )m did not pr.rreH the impression beyond baying, didn't intend to start any tiling then The President returned prepared to rush his zovernment ship purchase bill, and will peek to cent! to the senate the nominations of the trade commission member as soon as po?sibl. The President spoke in formal if today to crowds at Altoona and Jlarrisb.irtj and shook bands with long lines of people. NEW METHODIST CHURCH FOR PLEASANT GARDEN Baraca Class Pledges Five Hundred tol lars for Erection of New House of Worship. ' ( Special to Daily News.) Tleasant Garden, Jan. 8. The Baraca class of tha Pleasant Garden Methodist church entertained the young ladies of the Philathea class Friday evening in the auditorium of the local high scnool. Games were nlaved and refreshments were :served. Preceding the entertainment a class meetitnj was held to discuss the work for the aiming year. Different cemmft tres were appointed consisting of a mem; brhip committee, a sick committee and a rhurcli committee. A great deal of enthusiasm w.av created when one of the members suggested that the Metho dists needed a jn'-w church. As an in duccnteiit tiie older members of -the rn'un h in the cla?s pledged ."00 for the ernfion of a r.ew cliurch. A committee was nlf-o appointed to look into the mat ter and report at the next meeting. The rises decided that on the birthday of each of its member? they would eel brate that day in honor of the member ' and in case too jiany birthdays should enme nt one time they would combine their birthdays nnd make the celebra tion the more enjoyable. GREENSBORO HIGH SCHOOL WON OVER DURHAM TEAM why business should not continue to b fairly auod for the next few months and that by tail, all effects of the war in Europe should be worn off. The men wha see gwd prospects are those who Would be the first U teal the affaot of bard times, they selling wholesale gro ceries, produce and articles of men's wear. John B. Foster, of the Foater-Caviness company, wholesale dealers in produce, fruits, eggs, etc., when approached said, "We have confidence in the future, but feel like conditions will be slightly un settled; but it appears that by hard work and the use of good udgment. all merchants that sell at wholesale should enior fairlv good business " He con tinued to the effect that business hsd opened up much better than he had ex pected and he sees no reason why it should not continue to be at least fairly good. Collections, according to Mf. Fos ter, are only fair, but not so bad as dur ing one or two months last fall. C. C. McLean, of the Thomas and Howard company, wholesale grocers, said, "Business has been good since the first of the year. On the first trip of the year made by our traveling repre sentatives, both collections and sales were good- A little improvement is no ticeable sll round, and I can see no rea son why it shouldn't continue." He em phasised the need of good weatherr which would allow ,the roads to dry out and the people in the country to reach town as well as to allow local whole sale dealers to make deliveries of goods in rural districts. "Prospects look better since the first of the yshr," said W. M. Transon. of the Trsneou Hat company, wholesale dealer in men's head wear, "and u we have some seasonable weather," he con tinued, "business will open up on even a larger scale and fair business will be done from now on." He said that he would not be surprised at anything hap pening and for the reason, the chance of the unexpected occurring, he was heart ily in lavor ot economy, notn at home and in business, thus putting anyone in such a shape that they would be pra- ared for anvthtng possible that migrit appen. He nas hopes of excellent busi ness in his and other lines- during the coming fall, although he can see no rea son for his hopes; it is just confidence. All our traveling salesmen have gone out on the road and each and every one have done satisfactory business during this week, the time they have been out lie "The wholesale grocery business In Greensboro was much larger In volume in 11)14 than -during anv previous year, notwithstanding the general business da- pn-esion during the last ball ol me year, Sales since January 1 have been heavy nnd if orders come in through the month .as t icv have sa far. this will be the his Best January grocery jobbing business in the history ot ursensDoro. "There are several reasons for this increase, one of the greatest factors be ing favorable freight rstes. This, with the aggressiveness a 'id hustle of our job bers and the distwsition of our Best ana largest merchants in this section to give their business to ortli ijarolina. nouses, is putting Greensboro on the map as a Wholesale market. K. F, Steele, of the American Commis sion company, has the following, in aliich many excellent reasons for the In crease in business last year and why it should be good the present year are giv en: "The produce and grocery jobbers have just closed one of the most successful years in the history of the city, approxi mately $2,000,000 worth of goods hav ing been dlsposod of by the above job bers. "We attributn a part of the Increase to the reduction in freight rates as for the first time our jobbers had and have the opportunity to sret out for SO, 40 or NOT ENOUGH EFFICIENCY New Tork, Jan. . The United States must prepare, to assume greater respon sibilities in International affairs after the European war, Myron T. Herrick, farmer ambassador to France," declared her tonight at a dinner given by the Lotus club In hi honor. "W moat begin to comprehend that wt must sheukies-the responsibilities we were not ready to assume SO or 40 years ago and which are now at our doors," -Mr, Herrick said. "When the nations of Ilia world begin to recoaform themselves w must realise that we must take a large interest in, world affairs and thst we must take our proper placet in the world, "I believe this war will rusks us more freely realise the responsibility of our duty to our neighbor. We must pre pare ta advance on an efficiency basis, on high soientifia lines. Too much has been obtained by diplomacy in the past that should hare beea obtained by effi ciency." MUST ESTABLISH FREE SEA, ' DECLARES DR. PERN BURG 50 miles, and distribute product on au equal basts wita outside or toreign Jon bent. "We have had less failures in Greens boro and in points in which we distri bute than in anv year in which I have leen in the wholesale and jobbing busi ness, which will date hank for 12 years. The reason for this good record is that Greensboro does not have to depend on any one crop for its business, the di versity of the crops proving the salva tion of the city and section. "The lax way in which numerous re tailers extend credit is taken advantage of br manv customers of these stores, which in the end, makes the wholesale merchants suffer, through the inability of the rotau merchant to meet his obliga tions promptly. If the retail merchants would to a certain extent, eliminate credit, the number of them failing would be next to nothing, at least very low. "Business is starting off the best ft ever has for the new year and I look forward to the best year we have ever had. as collections are good, it not epocn making, a good t arometer of business. RAPID BASKETBALL AT THE Y. M. C. A. GYM Only by Close Score ef 36 o 35 Did the Presbyterians Defeat the Luther ans Last Night. The basketball team of the Greens boro high school defeated the Durham high school tesm at Durham yesterday After being apparently hopelessly outclassed by their Lutheran opponents in the first half of a basketball game on the V. M. (.' A. floor last night, the representing the Presbyterian Sunday schools of the city came back in the second half with a vim, and by a riaizling bust of speed swept to victory by a margin of one point. The final score was, Lutherans. 35 j Presbyterians, 36. Anvbody who knows anything about CHARGE OF HOMICIDE AGAINST MRS. ROGERS Mrs. Rogers When Told Her Babies Were Dead Said "It Can't Be True" Again and Again. siternoon bv .'10 to 1 the ( Greensboro team was responsibre for the victrv. The contest at the close of the first half was 15 to 13 in favor of Greenstioro. The Durham team will come here next Saturday night. The lineup yesterday was as follows: ( 1 reensboro : lllftke. f; Fruden, f; Clurv. c; I,. McAlistcr, g: J. M. Mc Alister. g. Durham: f arniichael. f ; HornsHy, f; Perry, c: ItyTium. j.' ; f'arver, g; White, g ; 1 ier, g. nam ycawaay j ))f 'u 'jtrcnuous game of basketball; l. The P'ng ofjknon.9,thot , Bcore ,ike tn.t meaI1, , taw; ! fast and furious struggle, and in this New York, Jan. . A charge of homi cide wis preferred today apainst the woman known as Mrs. Ida Sniffen Rog ers, who is alleged to have given her two babies a fatal dose of poison eleven days sgo and attempted to commit sui cide. Just before the charge was en tered Mrs. Rogers was told for the first time that her babies were dead. For a few moments she appeared to be dazed, then she wept. ""It can't be true," she said again and again. Lorlys Elton Rogers, the New York ver, who has known to her neighbors her husband, was summoned to her New York, Jan. 9. The sea is the common property of all the world, and if its freedom is maintained it will mean cessation of war, asserted Dr. Bern hard Darnburg, former Gorman colonial secretary, in an address today before the Republican club. The present strug gle, he declared wss the fight "on the uue sme ror arjeoiute aominion or ma seven seas and on the other for a free sea." : "The English have time and again asserted," he said, "that Brittanla must rule the waves as a matter of safety. The British doctrine leads further, of necessity, to the claim that the Brit ish empire begins at the three-mile limit of all other territory, a claim that has no foundation either in the law of nations or in the feeling of the civilized world. "We must establish a free sea to be plied on exclusively by the merchant marine of all nations. Men-of-war of nny iitiwuu wuaieoever must oe loroia den upon the high sea. When that is done the world as it is divided now will come to a permanent peace." ARKANSAS BOY STRANGLES HIS STEP-MOTHER TO DEATH OF GIRLS DESCRIBED One Writes That She Has One Dollar Week Left on Which To Dress On. THEY GET NO INCREASES New York, Jau. 9. Letters from eirls employed in stores and shops describing wage conditions were read today before the commission investizwtiiur ths ad visability of establishing minimum wages for women and minors. One girl wrutei "I am a clerk in one of those stores which give $30,000 to, charity at a time. I have been working three years and lever got nn increase." Anptasr gin writer - "I au without father, mother or brother to give me a helping -hand and ant living on $5 a week. I pay 13 for my ooara, i tor luncn ana ear lares and have one whole dollar left to dres on and keep up appearances. Home U. Brown, who recently argued before the United States Supreme court against the Minnesota wage law, testi fied low wage were not responsible for immorality among working girls. He held that immorality was due solely to individual character. Mrs. Maud Flowerton, who said she represented "the better class of stors Iris" created a stir when she denounced soealled reformers, economists and sociologists for shouting about immor ality among saleswomen." The better class saleswomen, she said, "are pretty hot because of the criti-i dsm of them and the talk about im morality and all that sort of thing. These soealled social workers who mak breaks about the poor down trodden shop girl mostly don't know what thoy are talking about. Much talk has a very bad moral effect." Ths witness said she was opposed to a minimum wage law, because it would mean that a third of the girls now em f loved would be thrown out of work, t was only stock room girls who were paid $6 a week and the reason why was they were not worth more she ssid. RUMANIA'S POSITION NOW REGARDED LESS IMPORTANT Little Rock, Ark., Jan. 9. Jesse Oog gins, Mt. Louis youth, who waa arrested here yesterday in connection with the killing of bis step-mother, Mrs. Olive Oogpine, in St. Louis Tuesday, tonight admitted that he strangled the woman to death. ' "I didn't intend to kill her," Sheriff Hutton declares the boy told him, "but once I got hold of her throat I could not let go until she was dead." Coggins left tonight ror St. Louis in charge of a detective. FATHER ELOPED WITH SON'S BRIDE ON WEDDING NIGHT. Patrograd, via London, Jan. 10.-4:15 a. m. Recent Russian victories in Buko- wina and the occupation of Radautz and Suczawa (Bukowina) enable the Rus sians to cut off Rumania entirely from Austria-nungary. 1 nis m loe situa tion as outlined in dispatches from the Iroi!- This position of the Russians consid erably alters the military and diplomat ic situation, military men ssv, since the yielding of Transylvania to Rumania no longer depends upon Austria-Hungary and any possibility of the latter invad ing the Russian southern provinces of Colhynia and Bessarabia, through Tran sylvania is destroyed. The question of whether Rumania will join the allies now is less important, it is asserted, because the victorious Rus sian armies, in their wedge like position between Rumania and Austria-Hungary would paralyse any hostile action of either against Russia. NEGRO CLAUSE IN IMMIGRATION BILL HAS BE-EN ELIMINATED. DM ; 1 1 FN 1 3: - K , . ' W . 1 " t n ;j . 1 Jur- Most Complete Source of Up-to-Date Information Ever Published It is not enough to read the daily papers. Your ability to understand things and to discuss them in an intelligent manner depends on the correct summary you get of the World's facts. All of the very latest and convenient methods of compiling; statistics have been brought into play in the making of this great National Handbook. This timely and reliable auxiliary when added to your library, will answer in clear and concise form all questions arising in the everyday life of the Business Man, the Student, the Fanner, the Housewife, and will bring order out of chaos in the minds of the children. More Than a Thousand Facts Abo special articlrs on t imr! v sabWt such u : ThaUrMt EnraMu War. Ttia PmnatM Pari Ac Intratinl Eipo.ition, The Mnifleant Natitu) Park n4 Mvminli ef Oar Gouatrr. "d Th Pinana Canal, tha (ratet place of tKinetririK of our time. Thesa article, ara interattnily written by aulborfttrt and ar pmfuwljr illuttrated In arftHtion to thiwe Jhtr are handrWa of now aad in tare, tin fauturaa that apac will nt par mil ta toll ya . aboat ken. The only way this book can be had is by clipping the Coupon which will be found on another page of this baper and bring or send same to this office, with 25 cents. If the book is to be mailed out of town Six Cents must be added to pay postage. Tht Handy Almanac. EncrdopsW and Year Book for 1915 captain! approximately 300 pafts in chiding s carefully prepared index, aad numerous UUaurilions. Greensboro Daily News i the score (fives no false improssiDh. A I bndside. He bad b-fji waiting all daj j faster game has not been plav-d in the 1 in the corridor, having been barred by vmn..inin this vear. 'it. was a police from her room eiwpt for a visit thriller' from start to finish and the bi ! of 16 minutes. She told him she wanted crowd, including scores of Greensboro i to live to face the charge againsd her. Collcce girls, was kept in unremitting At Rogers' office it was said tonight suspense until the final whistle sounded, j that an attorney had been retained to The tnni. if t he fair to Dick out ueieoa m wuuiau. jnsirici Jiliorney CAPTAIN OF KROONLAND IS PRESENTED WITH GOLD WATCH P. William C Red ennnuw, presented New Vnrk. Jan. field. scrrHarv of fftdav to ( apt. Paul H. Krrihnhm wstrh nii'l tn ni fi,-, rs nnri anin of the Hed Star line tenm&tiin Kronnland medals anrcf! to them bv t 'nnirren for thrir rn;r ti Sit mrvivors rf the Mcam- -hi hi c.i in mi.i Atlantic i. fVtb.-r fl and 10. 1913. Tne wath given, (nptain Kreihohm heare nn iperript ion me ntioning the he roic rer;;e. Tiie Kroonland's second of fleer. Fie'lerirk Man-field, and four other nfticels rfcfive.i col! medals, live petty officers ftiher meHn!p, and 2I seamen brr.iire iin-nai. Ka h mcrlnl Imre a drapeil nVure pointing to a burning ship. particular stars from a constellation, were Beecher. who shot seven field goals for his side, and Hsrbison. whose work in the second half was glittering. The lineup: Lutherans: Kellenherger. center; Beecher. rieht forward; Smith, left for ward; Farlow. left guard; l.egrand, ( right guard. Presbyterians: Lewi?, center; Harbi son, ricrht forward; Jones, left forward; ' Blair, right guard: Moore. King. Blake, I left guard. Field goals: Beecher. 7; Smith, fi; : Harbison. 4: Jones. 4; T-wis. 2: Legrshd. : Kellenherger. Moore. Blair, and King District Martin stated that ths entire case would be presented to the fironr county grand, jury. RANDOLPH COUNTY NEWS. Some Fine Porkers Have Been Killed This Season Sedberry Lands Sold. (Special to Daily News.) Ashboro, Jan. 9. W. J. Scarboro. of Ashhoro bid in the E. M. Sedberry land iti Montgomery county, recently sold. There were 00 acres with buildings and brought $1,400. Randolph cotrntv reports the follow- 1 mg heavyweight hogs kiiLcd this tall. 1 lie weiuia iuiiuw me nume; H. -M. one each, rou a: .(ones. 1": cmun. Rvieree. Stnckard. umpire. Darling. At- Campbell, 4,31 . x. I. Jones. 4Sn and 370; tendance, 200. William Elliott, 453; ('.. M. D. Frazier, . .. . - 440. , c whitehead. 42S; Walter Bur- Giants Trainini Schedule Games. ges, 430; Dr. C. S. Tate, 425 and 304; New York. Jan. S. John B. Foster, 1 John Msrley, 410 and 348; J. I. Johnson, secretsrv of the New York National ! 42 and 340; J. A. Brady, 370 and 35H; MR. CUMMINS INTRODUCES SUBSTITUTE SHIP MEASURE. Yi;.h.nfc.1"n. .J n 1 ns intri'-l'i'T'd a ,-vdn ini-I ra : i'in u .- ui.i ; t horie ( uni bill.! !'. Sr-nat-v lb-: :t;)tP t( -!i!(. pwr.-ii hr i'i f-nl. nt to a'" !c f'r n;tvftt p.nvil- n; t 'ip r-3iv. 1 n -1 ' :' ;i rpt'cr, n tin rn! m i n -f r;i -f rr i"i t , rr ft" .-;,'" i-ff. b iM- hjumI for, ni rot' Auto a(rnc club today isfiird the sprinj; traminR nrhfdule for the i.iantn. J fie firt twin will play nil the datea named, Thf sfhHi:;l' follows: Mflroh . 7. 13, 14. Dal.: Mnrrh 2p. 21, San Antnnin; Maroh V.. ftr J I.Rft Ann. X. 4. lipa.fmont: April , Olfani : Arr;! 8, Knoxvill: April !.T. A. E. C 375: Sideshow of Tlit f.ait- (itv AT t r r rornjgnr ron dvhid a ipffiiinr iiichow of thir own in front of t fn- Fri-s -Kli.t nruir com pHnv Mt-if last niKht- w Ifii t hoy drr-w UP to tin rtiilj. a nrvf StvliiKlr 'a d i I -lar. wlin'ii t'M-v. n at nt for xh f-om-jijiwv. r-t.'j oA Arrtorday. I lio -9di!lftc f;uiit is a hf-autinil mr. and it pug me. in j-pit of it troirndoi: porr. didn't ma'kp noi -p f nouh to an rut' t hp at tntion of i lie .-8HrI ohmrvfr T!i ftp h t -1 y 1 i i - do r ca r i thr- la -1 wo rd i n im.tor eri tj(.jj. nnd the new cat is of arrrat intrrrt to -very niutorirt in tht; citjr auvt. P.riMnl. TAnn.-V.: April 10. Richmond: April 12. Vahinjrton : April 1.1, Vale, Mho pamri Polo- ground. Second Field Triali Monday MonUromcr. Ala.. -Tan. 0- Pri-stdf nt . C C Sac1, of w York, of National Fi-td TrU chih. tonipht in tintitifd that t'n (-frond annual trial mi, 'ft of thf cluh will hjyin ovpr th l-ctohatf-hi' fournf next onday morn Mr. Sepo paid he expetH a larsrcr nunihpr of entrii'g this yrar than iat. nnd that drawinsrs for tlv derby will 1. made Sunday night, and nil atr1 t-tak.i. will tak pla-p Monday night. Uradv, Jr., 300; J. W. Stout, 370 Wfttkina, 345 and 30ft; .1. C Hrady, 5; V. H. Steele, 330; Y. H- atkin, .".40 ,T. V. Brown, 340; C G. Kouahec, 373: loe McAHiter. 335 and ;!ii8: Steve nrk. 385; Lee t'avrnws, 328 and 318; 1. Pw A, Hursrcsf. 330 and 2.38; ,N. M. llcynolds. (21) and 2K0; Terrell Cavouceft. 32L; K. 15. New York, Jan. 0. Franklin D. Wood. a voting hospital interne, named his own lamer an corespondent in a euit tor di vorce from his wife brought to trial in th Supreme court today. It wa al lied that the younjp man's father eloped with hia bride on the very nijrht of the wedding and took her to (Jhkago. Young Wood's mother testified in tha suit that sdic had found her husband and son's wife occupying apartments together in Chicago- Germans Lose Heavily. Genera, Switzerland, via Paris. Jan. 10 12:10 a. ni. The f-truffjrle in Aluaee continues in spite of the heavy rains Jhere is more than a foot of water in the trenchpR. T5he Germans already have lost 6,000 in killed and wounded, according to reliable reports, and Belfort, tht grpat French fortresn is filled with prisoners, men mostly forty years of age or more. Prizefighter Dies From Injuries. Seattle, Wash., Jan. 0. L. Anderson, a heavywmght pmengnier. Known m the ring as Jack Newton, who suffered concussion of the brain when knocked it last night by Ike Cohen, died today. Cohen and one of hia seconds are in jail. The referee and three others aw out on bail- The bout was fought before the Pa cific Athletic club, an organization of police and firemen. I .. . j Try to Hold Wingo. . Cincinnati, Ohio, .(an. 0. According to President Oilroore, of the Federal leairiip. Ivy Wingo. catcher, who was transferred from the 8t. I.puis Nation als to the Cincinnati club, will not be allowed to leavs the Federals without a strncgle. ililmore said injunction pro ceedings against Vincr playing with the Cincinnati or anv other National r'l American - lesfrus club soon would be filed. Washington, Jan. (). House and jien at canferees on amendments to thTm migratton bill today agreed to eliminate the senate provisions barrinir negroes and exempting Belgian farmers from the lit eracy test and certain other require ments. All other differences, none sub stantial were compromised and the per fected bill will next be presented to both houses for final passage before it goes to the President who will hold public hear ings on th literacy test before deciding whether to sign or veto it. I the polvgamy amendment was chanc ed in conference to exclude thof?e who "believe in the practice of polvgamy" instead thoce who "believe in polygamy. MEMBER OF STOCK EXCHANGE COMPANY COMMITS SUICIDE, SHOP TALK .ins of the kind, V"1 noes a sale unless .A an rely upon ths ' V Ma gee Hearing Is Continued. Cincinnati. Ohio. Jen. 9. -After hear- 1.1-r.nard. Alvis Pt'tth. 31". prrumissr, argumrnv. in inn ..lis I The eountv Uard of e-lucstinn met nv tlie .smencan hsseball and Ath Mondnv ith to me,ber of the board, i '"t"' Inhibition company seeking to re Dr. C 'IT. I'nillins and .1. T. Wood, ores ",r,m Tloernschemeyer, known in Mr. T. V. Ingram was shstnt on 'baseball circles as Iee Magee, from msn- I account of sickness. nr P'".ving witn any otner I ii.. ... i i -.r tesm thsn the M. JjOius atlona!s -nf 8upt. T F. Hulls. Mavor C. I . I'ruii-!""1 '"''K0 ; ford and ( omtnissioner . ( . Ncarhoro. ! ni'-t. Mondnv night at flr.'ffl anil dectf!1 jl)r. V. .1. Moore and F. K. Ashury a. Z"l Cooper the Winner, ttdditional meniht-rs of the hoard. ! Ssn Diegu, Otlif., ,lsn. H.- Farl Cooper The anniisl r.eeting ot" the Farmers 'won the 30. mile'Pansins- California ex '. Mutual Fire association met in t ho court -position . automohile road race here to 1 house this week and elected olfueis fori day. w. p. ( arlson wss second snd i t lie- vear IBIS as follows: President. S. Tom Alley tliinl. Cooper's time was .Cox, of Uro-.i n : vie preaiijent. N. t. 4:40: Ml 4 New York, Jan. .9. G. F. Stringer, Jr., junior member of the ' stock exehsnge firm of Stringer and company shot him self and died instantly shortly after the suspension of tne firm was announced today on the floor of the stock exchange. . To the sensational rise in wheat with in the past few days was attributed the failure of the firm by C. A. Becker, its counsel. .Mr. Decker said that Stringer snd company had been liadlv caught on the'short side" of the market and bad failed for about 150,000. , The firm of Stringer and companylwas organized May 23, HM2. Cuban Minister Dies Suddenly. Berlin, via I-ondon, Jsn. 10. 8.38 a. ra. Senor (ionzalo de Quesada. Cuban minister to Germany since lflO, died suddenly of apoplexy here 'last night. He formerly represented Cuba at Wash ington. Funeral services will be at tended by official and diplomatic repre sentatives. The body will b sent to Cuba. An illustrious work, entitled "The German Fatherland. ' recently published by Kenor Quesada brought an expression at appreciation for his efforts from the Empress Augusta Victoria. YVade Stockard, of Stockard and Wiiu blsh, men's furnishers, has returned from New York and Baltimore, where he went i to buy goods for the spring traded Mr. j stockard brought back with turn a handsome lot of woolens, being the lat est creations in suitings for men for the new season now fast approaching. At the closing of business yesterday tha Christmas savings club of the Greensboro' Jxian and Trust company reached the great number of 3,012. This beats all records since the savings club plan has been established in the south. NS other bank in a city tha size of Greensboro, or even double the popula tion of thia city, has eported the equal of this wonderful membership. Man ager Combs of the savings department of the Greensboro Loan and Trust com pany, wishes to make the number 6.000, snd it is believed that lie will from the fast manner men, women and chil- J dren of this city have been joining the club. Tom Walker and Cleo Davis are in receipt of many of their handsome woolens. At an early date T. A. -Walker Tailoring company, will have their full showing on display, numbering many of the finest creations in new fab rics to be seen today. time to procure bargain Mr. rjtone never announce it is bona fide. Yon can announcements made in. print by Ellis, Stone and company as being In every way as promised. Grissom's cut rate drug store iiss.ons of tho&o interesting advertisements to day that will fill the establishment with eager, anxious buyers tomorrow, men and women who will be in search of values extraordinary. Read the adver tisement nnd know of the bargains be forehand. - Crawford and Rees are right in ths midst of their winter bargain fest. These gentlemen, and tlits includes Billy Rhodes and "Mr. Mitt" touts, hava some of the rarest bargains of the sea son; if you don't, believa it go down and inspect for yourself. And this week will see many special attractions at the Piedmont, ths vaude ville house, and the various picture shows, tho' Bijou and the Elm. This city is wonderfully blessed at this time with exceptionally attractive features in smiisements of the kind no person need refrain from attending. They are all fine and worthy of the small admission asked. The sale of the Vanstory Clothing cmupsny goes on with unabated ink-rest. Monday will be overcoat day. Num bers of the handsomest coats this con cern handles will be sold at one-fourth and one-half regular prices. Wills', the book store with every known new book out, and such other lit erature as makes this estsblishment the leading hook store of the state, bids you to come in any day this week you arc up town and view the interesting and attractive new stories just issued. Carnations by the thousands is ths way the Van l.indley people are offering them this week. Out at Van Lindlf y'f , Toe Howard. Paul I,indley and the rent J of the fellows have beon busy for months growing flowers for you. When you buy Tindley flowers you' are getting ths nome-maue product. Fcd- Hollister today postponed until January ln New York Will Make Work. New York, Jan. 9. To aid in solving the unemployment problem. Mayor Mitchel today ordered the heads of all city departments to expedite prepsra tio'ns for necessary municipal work. The mayor said he did not wish the depart ments to make work, but thst he de sired them to begin construction which ordinarily might be deferred. This order is in line with the recom mendation recently made by the mayor's committee on unemployment, of which Klhert TT. Gary is chairman. . J. F.. Cartland and company continue to offer special values in winter woolens. The new spring weaves are also coming in 'now. and at an earlv date a complete showing of the fabrics that will prevail iSfATUS 0f STEAMER DACIA JO DL111U 11IVU1KEU IB 1U Washington, Jan. 9. The status of the former Hamburg-American steamer Dacia, loading at Port Arthur, Tex., with cotton for Bremen. Germany, is re ceiving official attention hers, it was i learned today, because of an intimation j from the British government that this ship might. Jje regarded as subject to I s'eisure. The questions involved are-of great importance not onlv. to Ameri- the coming spring The Meyer's department store is con ducting a very special sala this week, starting Monday. The page advertise ment elsewhere in the News today tells forcibly of the numerous values to be had during this cut price event. Turn to the full pags in today's News snd know tha rest. T. B. Brown, of ths Brown-Belk- dp- those extraordinary silk sale. tTiis week -' "JJZ ? sale of the kind thut always attracts ' ;,,' ' .. """" Returns to Republican Ranks. Tacoma. Wash.. Jan. 9.--Txirenzo Dow, retiring prosecuting attorney of Pierre county, today announced his resignation as Pr?rreive National committeeman for Washington. In a statement he de clare. i ""recent -lf-ctions. general as well a? priniarv, would seem to sound the death knell of the Progressive party. Dow said he uuuM return to the Ke j publican rsnks. Knglish. of Trinity ; secretary and trens- I Carlson flniahfd one minute, and one- urer, W. R. Julian. Climax No -I. Diree jlmlf Lehmd (ooper. Alley finiahed 10 'tors, A. C- Cox, Ralph: L. T. Branson, minute; behind t arlson. Cooper's aver i Sea grove 2: W. A. Williams, ItandTeman age for t lie racu was 6.1.1 miles an hour. i; A B. Coltram. Glcnola. 5 ! Germans Leave Ostend. , Unfilled Tonnage rncrease, London. Jan." T0.-3' a. n,.-;crmn ' New York, Jan. B The unfilled ton- j civilians are leaving Utend because the nage of the United States 8tel pernor-allies h ive now advanced to within nine ; tiou on December 31 totalled .1.830,64:1 ; iinic. f that town, according to a dis joins, an increase of 612,001 over Novem- j patch to the Amsterdam Tclegraaf from i bcr. lit Mtiia correspondent. Bill raatlly Defective. St. l.onis, Mo., Jan. 9.- "The immlgra tion bill just passed by Congress is fa tallv defective trom every standpoint," Charles N'agel, fonnerseeretsry of com men and labor, snid at a banquet of Ilia St. I.ouis v Kditors of Foreign in igusce Publications heretonight. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. PRINTER WANTS POSITION IX country shop ; 8 years' experience : age 22; sober and reliable; competent to manage; reference; salary to start, $12. Address A J. C, News. A Roman Catholic congregation nf more than 100 Italians baa recently been received into the Episcvpal church at Hartford, Conn. the widest attention. When you buy silks of. Brown-Belk yon are assured that you will get thep fabric in every way as represented. ' Thseker and Brocktnsnn are through now with stock taking and you may expect some extraordinsry good value of this well known concern thst has a great following in this city. People love to trade witli TharW snd Brock matin, because it is a firm that does things just right. effort to find mesns of placing the ata"- . pie in Fhiropean markets. It is understood the British Embassy has scquired information indicating that the sale of the Dacia was not bona fide. Fletcher Poe Passes to Rest. thpecial to Daily New.) Concord. Jan. Nathan Fletcher Poe. eon of Mrs. Savanna Poe, of Concord, died Thursday and was hliTTed Friday at Poplar Tent Presbyterian church. Rev. . Snvrier. pastor, ot Wet i'nc,,i Wallace Clothing company are eon Hl't't ' 'lurch, conducted the funeral, ducting their clearsnee sale of winter '' I oe was a splendid young clothing. Manager Kirk 'has numerous "'"p working and earing for his widowed good offerings advertised In the News, i m0npr he was quite young. todav, offerings that will be read with puirh interest by the buying public. Manager Ftorrn of the A. 4- P. is go ing to sell many values in groceries this week. The A. - P. never lags when it comes to offering bargains in table deli- eacies and groceries nf all kinds. Withdraw Modifications en Wool. Washington. Jan. 9. Great Britain has notified the I'nited States, it as lrarned today, that recent modifications oi mo embargo on Australian wool ex portations would be withdrawn if Amei trans persisted in their allei-ed nr.. tire of exporting to Germany both wool ' Ellis. Stone and company are selling and woolen products manufactured ia at suits at balf price. This Is good I ths United State mat m a? Ik