8 Ladles9 Sttyflisli Browi Enflsslann xfoMs id i. WHITE DRESS BOOTS Ton will find thess boot the Ideal hot weather Areas he. They are made with both straight and curved heels, in variety of leathers and ma terials ; and the best styles we oould find. Priced $4.95 to $7.45 CHILDREN'S SHOES There is one department of our etore deroted entirely to children's shoes, and to the proper fitting of growing, tender feet. Thoss In charge are especially fitted for the work, so when you send your child here you can depend abeolutel.'t proper methods i and you fat tha Tery beet stock. FOOTWEAR THAT WILL GIVE SERVICE ALL SUMMER AND DURING THE AUTUMN We have never witnessed a greater popularity of brown oxford ties than this season has brought; and such popularity seems ulti mately fitting, since footwear of this quality not only fills every style requirement, but gives a service that outlives any particular season. These brown oxfords are real war-time adjuncts of the economical wardrobe. In our stock you will find a most enchanting assortment, mostly with the ever popular military heel, and with either plain or wing tips. There are lines and styles to suit every foot; and the list of sizes is very complete. They are priced all the way from $4.95 to $8.45. Prompt Attention Given Mail Orders "EVERY INCH A SHOE STORE" MEN'S HOT WEATHER OXFORDS We have a big stock of men's Palm Beach, whit and grey oxfords the kind that add a touch of coolness and completeness to your summer at tire, and, mors Important than all, give your feet the comfort so nsoeeaary during the hot months. The Prices Range From $3.50 to $5.00 LADIES' PATENT STRAF-PUMPS Last wik we received a new ahipment of beautiful patent leather strap pumps. Tha lot inoludet many distinctive styles not shown heretofore, ana we are glad to announce them at this time, when the demand for this elass of footwear it so steadily increasing. Priced $4.95 to $8.50 IS BY BOY SCOUTS HERE MEETING TO BE HELD IN NTEREST OF COLLEGE Organization Affected for Work i Committee Meets Tomorrow To Be Done in Greensboro During the Week Night to Further Plans for Securing' College T ECLIPSE OF THE SUN f! ' .ic ' OH-1 Defeated Representatives of Winston-Salem Yesterday By Score of 20-4 DESTROY BREEDING PLACE COMMISSIONERS DONATE j HAD SUPPER AT THE CLUB The Boy scouts of this city held a mass meeting Friday night at the Y. M. C A. for the purpose of organising a campaign to combat the mosquito men ace in this city. Several speakers ad dressed the company, among them being M. K. Block and Siipt. Fred Archer, oi the city Softools. The "campaign is to start tomorrow morning at 0 o'clock and it is estimated that it will take but two days. The scouts have been divided into five groups of 10 boys each and these teams will take separate sections of the city and will make it their duty to eliminate ail breeding places of mosquitoes. Each house will be examined and all cans or pails which might .fill with wa ter and form a breeding' place will be overturned or disposed of jn some way. The young men are workbir in the serv ice of the city and will; Lave the city authorities back of them.-' The help of the negro preachers and school men has been secured snd the negro boys will care for the negro sec tion of the city. This is an important campaign and all the citiiens are asked to help the boys in every way possible. In this campaign the boys will be un der the direction of Dr. J. T. Rieves. the city physician, and City Health Officer Donavant. I The plan to secure for Greensboro the ) ! Presbyterian College for Women, com-1 i bin ins the Peace institute at Raleigh i and Queen's college at Charlotte, is being j carried on at full blast. j I The Presbyterians of this city are to hold a meeting tomorrow night at the, j First Preebyterian church to further ; the interests of this project. i A. M. Scales is chairman of the com- mittee for soliciting subscriptions and i arranging P'1" among the Presbyte ; rians, and T. A. Hunter heads the com- mittee for the same purpose among 1 those who are not Fresbytenans. Birds Sought Their Nests and Chickens Their Roosts; Scientists Interested GENERAL OVER COUNTRY DONALD THOMAS IS HERE WITH MERCHANT OP CITY Comes from Valdosta, Ga., to Be With Felder-Briggs Company in Conduct of Clothing Store. Whitney's Horse Wins. Belmont Park, New York, June S Johren. owned by H. P. Whitney, an out sider in the betting, won the classic suburban handicap here today. Hollister was second and Battle third. Cudgel, the favorite, was never prominent. The city board of commissioners has i agreed to contribute $100 each year for 'five years to the fund, considering it as i a good, sound business investment. Some 1 objection was, of course, raised with re gard to the city commissioners con tributing to a denominational college. ! but the committee explained to them i that this college would not be a strictly denominational college. While it will be j under the auspices of the Presbyterian ! church, its doors will be open to young ! women of any denomination. I The college will be located within a radius of two or three miles of the city : and it is estimated that in the process of building between $300,000 and $400, 1 000 will be expended among the mer chants of this city. College Baseball. At West Point 9; Princeton School of Aviation 8. At Andover, Mass.; Exeter 10 j And over 1. At Battle Creek, 'Mich.; Michigan 2; Camp Custer 6. Tvm.tor-Palem Countrr club golfers I Baker, Ore., June 8. Untimely twi- were defeated here yesterday afternoon 1 light, fust followed by a deeper dark by representatives of the fraternity in i n f t oyer , tri of tho nortn. the Greensboro Country club. The score I whcn vrfts 0-4 J After the match, the players had sup-; solar eclipse, foretold by men who have ner together at the clubhouse. This reduced the movements of astral bodies event was delightful. A fine meal was to an exact B.jenoe, came to pass. The 1 served and a number of felicitous talks ; phenomenon found noted scientists ready ! were made by various men in attend-1 for it nere Telescopes were trained to j anc. So highly pleasing was the meet-1 stuy an(i photograph the sun's corona ing of the men of the two clubs, that j and 0Dserve the eclipse in all its phases, it was agreed unanimously that the )efinjt(, conclusions drawn from these ! affair should be repeated soon and often observations will be available only after' me secona maicn ueiween m 'uu-5 : comparison of results attained and de- Donald Thomas, very likable-looking young man of indeterminate age, but married, arrived in the city Friday night, from Valdosta, Ga., and will become a permanent Greensboro acquisition. He ia the third male recruit not counting the negro porter, Ed to be added to local statistical reports, and subtracted from those of Valdosta, within the past year. Tho immigration is but another self-evident indication of what most peo ple think of Georgia. Mr. Thomas joins the Georgia colony down on riouth Kim street, becoming a mcmbor of tho sales force of the Felder I'riggs company. He is a clothing and men's furnishing salesman of sorts, for which Georgia bo that to its credit, at least is becoming renowned hereabouts. He haa a thorough experience in the line, an experience extending over a num ber of years, and will no doubt prove a valuable addition to tho city's merchan dising guild. He was with Mr. Fcldcr while that gentleman was a merchant of Valdosta. While ho may find the local climate more tempcrnte, he is not likely to find the welcome so. SHERIFF AMD A WOMAN ARE FATALLY WOUNDED IN FIGHT Gadsden, Ala., June 8. In a pitched battle between officers and alleged de serters from the army in Big Wills val ley near here today, Sheriff John Lewis and a woman were probably fatally wounded and two men less seriously hurt. Tho officers were approaching the home of Wess Wright when fire was opened on them. They returned the fire, wounding the woman. The men fled and two of them were shot, while Sheriff Lewis received a shotgun wound in the head. NOTICE OF SALE On July 6th, 1918, the City of Greensboro will sell at public auction at the City Barn 2 head of horses 3 dump wagons f-.-j 4 head of mules 2 farm wagons ! Several sets of harness. V This June 8th, 1918. : " E. J. STAFFORD, Mayor. will be in a fortnight on the Winatoa Salem course. The play yesterday was match for 13 ductions as to their significance. The observations wefce declared to be suc cessful, a slight cloudiness being the holes. Three points were possible in , oni drwWlf each twosome, one on the first nine, one i vVhcn the eclipse became total, birds on the second and the third for the IS. The results follow with the Winston Salem man in each pair named first: Farish 0, Harrison 2; tallin 0, Hob- sought their nests and chickens went to roost. A gloom as deep as night en veloped the land and electric lights were turned on in floors wnne street cars and good 3; Cromer 0, Elzemeyer Z; Hams i automobiles had their headlights burn- 1, Watt Z; Jerome O, Scott-Hunter 3: jg. O'Brien 1, McAlister 2; P. II. Hones 0.1 Within a few minutes after the total Gunter 3; J. G. Hanes 0, Bush 3: Wll- ; .liD9. Havlioht. raniHlv returned liams 1, Rev. Vincent Tavlor 1; Hill 1,1 " - ' Smith 1. THE SOLAR ECLIPSE WAS TOTAL AT ORLANDO, FLA. ! Orlando, Fla., June 8. The solar I eclipse was total here at 6:40 o'clock and ; hundreds of persons from this state and ! scores of others from nearby states were here to witness the phenomena. ! Most ot south Florida was affected by the eclipse, it being almost total from j coast to coast. The direction of the 50- mile wide astral pencil across this state t Dr. D. Waldo Holt was here during I w" f",m northwest to southeast, cross- the past week for a short visit with: ing the peninsula from about lednr Key DR. WALDO HOLT HERE ON BRIEF VISIT TO FRIENDS He Has Graduated at Jefferson College and He Will Spend Some Time in Duke. friends. He recently graduated at Jeffer- son Medical college, Philadelphia, whero he ranked high among his classmates. His excellent success is gratifying to his many friends here. Dr. Holt is a son of Dr. W. D. Holt, of McLeansville. He is a graduate of Trinity college at Durham, and will be remembered well here as a member of the Daily News staff, where he served for some time. He will go July 1 to Duke, this state, and will spend the summer there prac ticing his profession. He goes then to Philadelphia for a year's hospital train ing. C. W. ROBERTS RE-ELECTED SECRETARY AND TREASURER We Have Just Finished Four cottages on the High Point Road. The prices range between $1,350 and $2,000 J. E. Latham Company Phone 76 on the Gluf coast to about Melbourne on the Atlantic. Charlotte, June 8. After electing of ficers for the ensuing year and adopting resolutions re-affirming the patriotism of the organization the 11th annual con vention of the Southern Commercial Sec retaries association was adjourned late today. Atlanta was selected as the next convention place. New officers of the association are: Morgan Richards, Selma, Ala., presi dent. C. W. Roberts, Henderson, N. C, re elected secretary and treasurer. Vice presidents for the respective states i H. F. Henley, Auburn, Ala.; B. R. Keesler, Jacksonville, Fla.; N. G. Bartlett, Dublin, Ga.; W. A. Morrow, Louisville, Ky.; G. T. Cross, Monroe, La.; R. J. Beacham, Baltimore, Md. ; Mrs. M. D. Martin, Clarksdale, Miss.; S. H. Dunn, Winston-Salem, N. C; Miss Marie Fewell, Rock Hill, S. C; F. Roger Miller, Morristown, Tenn.; F. I). Hen derson, Gainesville, Texas; H. B. Wat- kins, Danville, Va. Mr. Bartlett was presented a prize for showing the best city advertising dis play at the convention. Evans and Wood Win. Chicago, June 8. "Chick" Evans and Warren K. Wood, the western team, de feated the east, represented by Jerome D. Travers and John G. Anderson, today 5 up and three to play in an exhibi tion golf match over the Ravisloe course for the benefit of the Red Cross.. A gal lery of 3,000 watched the play and swelled the receipts. Webb Represented this State. Washington, June 8 North Carolina was represented on the Democratic team by Representative ebb, while Repre sentatives Whaler and Nicholls repre jsented South Carolina. Astronomers Witness Eclipse. Denver, Colo., June 8. Astronomers 1 from the staff of the Yerkes observatory i of the University of Chicago and other observatories who gathered here today to make observations of the total eclipse of the sun found that their elab-! orate preparations had gone for naught, j Heavy clouds covered the sky during the I greater part of the eclipse. j Scientists Gather at Goldcjdalc. I Portland, Ore., June 8. The eclipse of the sun became visible here today at 2:45 p. m. Reports from Goldendale, Washn., where scientists have gathered to view the eclipse, indicated that a slight haze from forest fires might ob scure the corona but that observations could be made successfully. Heavy Clouds Mar Eclipse. Jackson, Miss., June 8. Observance of thatotal eclipse of the sun this evening was marred by heavy clouds, making it impossible to get a glimpse of the phenomena. Several scientists from southern unl sersities gathered at Millsap's observa tory were disappointed in getting a clear observation. Thee Buy it .Now! Montgomery Views Phenomena. Montgomery, Ala., June 8. Montgom ery viewed the phenomena this after noon. Obscurity of the orb reached its greatest degree at 0:37 o clock anrt last ed one minute, at which time 07 per cent, of its surface was covered. At Bre.wton, Ala., tho eclipse was total. Partial Eclipse at Knoxville. Knoxville. Tenn.. June 8. A partial eclipse was plainly visible to the naked eye, although many observers used smoked glass. During the period the temperature dropped from 78 to 74. People Watch Eclipse. New Orleans, June 8. A 00 per cent, eclipse of the sun was visible hero at 6:38 this evening, thousands of people lining the business streets to view it. Funeral Today. Funeral services of Mrs. J. M. Stutts who died Friday will be held at the home on Oak street, Glen wood, this morning at 0:30 o'clock. After the serv ice the funeral party will leave for Gib souvilla where interment will take place. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by waiting; there is no indication of immediate relief from freight deliveries to insure a greater supply rather, the delivery problem may grow worse; there will be no increased production to supply the demand, but, instead, a decreased production is virtually certain. There is everything to be gained by buying now, if you buy A Chevrolet WE HAVE THEM READY FOR DELIVERY, TOO! iWe are fortunate in having a large stock of Chevrolets in our show rooms, ready for you to drive out. They haven't been driven through from the factory, either, but have been delivered to us by the usual freight route. But while our present supply is ample for immediate demands, we are not at all sure that it will remain so. If you contemplate buying, buy tomorrow! We may be able to fill your order later and, again, we may not. THE CHEVROLET IS THE BEST AUTOMOBILE BUY ON THE AMERICAN MARKET TODAY! North State M otor Co. 124 S. Davie St. Greensboro, N. C, Phone 328

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