nils mi GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1919 8 CECIL SAYS PLAN FOR . HURLEY SETS GOAL FOR LEAGUE WCIICAL' THE MERCHANT MARINE English Statesman Wants to Wants American Ships Carrying Know If Critics of Scheme American f lag: Into Every Have Any Flan. Part of the World. ONLY WAY TO AVOID WAR OTHER NATIONS PLANNING IS TRIED IN TWO ( OUKTS !iTlsaaisaamTTW COUNTY EMPLOYE HELD f - FOR RETAILING WHISKY m SSMFT ' ' " ' John lones, Negro, AVhn Has J yyfcw tAV mmammimmmSkTLimmS i Served For Seventeen Years. U jf 1 ?!wittraw?,,-w R-Tlf 1YS& Fell By Wayside. , I " jrflpK SSW ' 1 1 tl I 11 .1 VWlIlM .-. i ti 1 . i nil ! 1 Undon, Feb 2 I.orrl T'ol.i rt Pei'll, In an interview wiih i:. mcr's, limited, before his rcluri. " Purls 10 n"""l "" sessions ,,f 1" ;"''' ' "rif' : milled T h: t it uas absurd In s:iir(VMl thai I ho 111. r- -iiininc if Hi.' I..i'- i.f nations ti. vim. .111 Mould Hi' " -i"'1 11. 11 nrnducc a in I l. n n i 'mi. I. ill if lili.n .-i fair cluilicf. Ii. produce 11 l.i'l plu-re. "If you can ; 1 int" ""' I" ' 1 "r those wlin dir. .-I lli.' ft .1 i 1 h r. t 11. 1 thai war In Hi- i.ritl 1 m i 1 . 1 way Settling I11I . ruin 1 ' . 1 1 .1 1 difl V'". Will have Iliad.- a t r"i I ail van.-.-." Ii continued, "once liav- iHi.r.-."fd the world with Hip rac-I thai war is stupid stupid iind b.'i rl.arous - you II I have gone far lu in-at. Hi.' f. -cling of security that will render disarmament possible. 'The unanimity of tin- conference makes It certain Hint tin- league will be eslabllnlied as noon as peace preliminaries are Binned, Th league will comprise not only the allies, all neutral nations with a stal.l.- g" rnment that rare to Join ii. Almost verythlng except the neat of Hie league has l.cen decided, and no dllTI OUlty need bo anticipated regarding the faot that the decisions of I he league will, generally speaking, only be binding: If unanimously arrived 1.1. "The excluding of parlies directly concerned In any dispute will be en : forced by the whole economic and military power of each of the nations of the league, and a permanent naval and military commission will be estab lished to advise the league. "The leaguo Is an eminently practi cal scheme that will minimize the dancer of a repetition of what we en dured during the past four nnd one half years. It Is easy (o criticise, the proposals made. They are avowedly and properly tentative. jsut let tne critics answer these questions: "'What Is their plan? Are Ihey con tent to (0 on with the pre-war sys tem! Ars they content lo run the risk of a renewal of the world war tinder still mors terrible conditions. Involv ing the destruction of the whole fabric of European civilization?'" CUTICURA HEALS SKIN TROUBLE On Baby in Blisters. Went Over Body. Red, Sore and Disfiguring. "My baby took a severe akin trouble at the age of one week. It was in blisters ana tne Dus ters would bur standees le over and Itch. The break ing out started on his face and went over hi bodv and chest. The 7 -bin rmA mnA inn and the breaking out caused disfigurement. "I saw an advertisement for Cutl- cura Soap and Ointment. I used two cakes of Soap and one box of Oint ment which healed him." (Signed) Mrs. O. R. Carpenter, Route 1, Cary, N. C. Aug. 29, 1918. Tlx Cutlcura Toilet Trio, eonilttlnf of Soap, Ointment 'and Talcum, promotes and maintains skin purity, comfort aqd health. SuapU Each FrM kr Address: "Cube arm. Dept. H. Bostoa." Sold every where. 36 cents each. inw t'h'.rntrn, !.. 22 An Anrrlrr-n rr-r--hant m.irlnp r;irry lusr Mi Amori-rui H;i into i vory port f.f Mi- world in M; nrt-onipl if-hincti I I :d warl N. 1 1 11 1 i , rhiiirman of nliiijinc tinnnt, )i m !u fro rt ;t!iz- l ihroneh Mi oml.jri'Ml i efforts of all lim n of huHliiPr-H, ho toiI : 1 1i ni-nthrrn "f t Ii UMrinl Manufft' I l,irTfi' AFMoriat ion t inlay. A Mioruujh i ! il riio r:t 1 ! f xrhan o of a l i.Mr. Hurley's mhom- for lnyini Ihf i.ais t Uio rif-rcsH., ry t-n i h la r ion. I "ShifJ of th'1 uorM ale (Hi- of th" ruf int i ' a 1 p full If in s lit-fori t h- w ' J' ' '1 it(play." Mr. Ilurl"! snl'1 nfirr tho oti I f. r.-niM', '"aiifl tliry nrr fM'int; illHfiisHfd jjiii.l planneil for daily on Hit Mliw rMV, j 1 1 it t rlir priiitl.-rit will ! work.-l "u', I i h in k . iiLrrnaldy to all nations. l aus. I t Ik- Iiih i a m of I ortna m: an l np'Wih in iiianufai tiii iriK will rc(ii;r' extra lonnaKi' I li Ii vp It will iak ciffht or I" y'T8 to net tliiR HurihiH tonnaK'1. "TlK'n art- soith- w Iio arc nu'litied to br (JiHitnir J, but we ar int par-iM-ularly aiarniftd. arc Intprfsttxl in ImivIhk ohipa tnillt um opportunity afYor(n. "The American flag must fly ovr pvery AmerlvHn Hliip whether that ship Ih (iwni'd by the Rovt-nimf ni or by cor pora t ions or by individual!." I nriHel wagr-H and demand for labor, especially In Kurope and better conditioiiri in America were to be ex pected riming the reconstruction period, Mr. Hurley said. He Haiti there would be a Hurphm of fthipfi and matertalH in Kurope uh a re sult of the ending- of the war, but that as noon as Kuropean manufacturing befan all tonnage would be in demand, and "we want to be ready for that demand." BOTH URBAN AND RURAL LOTS CHANGE OWNERSHIP Qnlle a Number of Deeds of Transfer Filed In County Itrwister's Office Yesterday. The following deeds wore yesterday recorded in tile office of It. II. Whar ton, register of deeds for Guilford lounty: J. C. Ilouldln to W. F. Allen, a small tract In High Point, consideration $500. J. C. Houldln to Carl Allen, tract in High Point, J760. J. M. Mosor to II. It. Cousins, a lot (0x150 on Tate street, till and other considerations. J. W. Gamble to George Stubenfisl., two tracts in Fentress, 2,l.".o. T. W. Allison to J. M. Matthews, a tract in High Polnt $1 and other con siderations. ' - J. C. Short to J. M. Short, a tract fh Sumner, 10, etc. a. F. Pace to J. E. Wade, two gtraots cn Bond street, 1,500. .;'.,! 10 James K. Demetrells et als. to II. MacKenzie, a lot 50x131, f 10 and other considerations. ISO BF.KR SO WOIIK" , HAM'S MOVEMENT IH ti.ll(i SOVEREIGN Builds Up Run-Down Systems When your health has been under ' mtned by worry of overwork, when , your vitality is lowered, when you have that 'ipn't-c&re-a-rap" feeling, when your work appears too much for you, you ars then in a run-down condition. Your system must be upheld by an active tonlo. You wilt find it in Sov ereign Tonic, which gives new strength and ambition the very help . you need. Sovereign Tonic Is a real restorative, a blood maker and a nerve builder. When your blood is Impoverished through the want of Iron, which pro : duces rich red blood and changes food Into "living tissue" vou will iind the remedy in Sovereign Tonic. Each tab let contains 1 grain of FKEPARKD 1KOJN with other blood and nerve prod uots. You will be surprised ami de lighted with the new strength and vim Sovereign Tonic gives you. You will begin to feel the efficacy of the Sovereign Tunic after the first done. Don't hesitate if you belong to the Army of "Uasbeena." Try Sovereign Remedy without dcluy ami become onee more a happy, contented member of so riey, receiving the lull beiiflltn of wlmt is your just rights in the buttle of life Sovereign Tonic will do more to brighten the world, to dispel gloom, to make happy homes than nil the medi cines that have been compounded. Your druggist sells it nr enn get it for you. Always in nt V'uriss Klutz Drug l.'o.. l'riee Scut by ma il on receipt of pi i. e. Sovereign Remedy Co. 1115 Filbert St.. Philadelphia, Pa. New York, Feb. 22. Edward Han nah, president of the New York Cen tral Federated union, announced to nlRht that he had received telegrams from labor unlona in cities throughout the country, approving the action of nearly 200,000 New York union work ers in voting- strikes effective on July l, to enforce the no beer no work' slogan, and pledging similar action In the near future. a Some of the cities, Mr. Hannah said. were Los Angeles. Cincinnati. Seattle. San Francisco, Chicago, Dayton. St. L.OUIS, Kansas City and Milwaukee. THE BATTLESHIP OF.OBOIA ' ABIUVES WITH 1,005 TIlOOl'S GRANT - tl J .f'-r enrkint: for 1 1 - j mo ! i hfi n 17 v .-;i ' . .1 'I r ; rn I'., s r.'Kui'l.'t :m f i ! I ll f .1 1 .-mpl . .1.1 u .1 s n 1 1 it r '! by l ! II.K v luyli , ;. ...iinl' i.s :. rnnr. I iii.'-.'.m f-"-it r:"r rourl rllaiiK.'H tl'- li'i.lins i.t' 'Ii. i Mil nii'llMi I I"l M:.l' lsi i n ' ' "II I ' - I .I..I.H .. i.-l' .l iii M.i,,!. ,.;.l ' y s i . i . I . . v iii.-i ii i iil- . ; rcl - . . --- 1 1 ' . i . ! , I., s. i li.r i. '. r...'t --- i "' ' ;. .all Ik.ukIi be Kin. ii. .ii f .ip'.. 1 1 J : 'I I I Ii is WUH llnl Ml- ..ll i V ' L.i I V .it-.iinst Ih.- !Ki;.i, ;.s j. ii. H !i i-1-' .. ;'i il' f"r l.;iviiur lnsl( !.? shI.' v ;i IiM liv .-...inly ..(!:. :;.! .. :.ii'l he v:i ' r;iiRn.-.l f.-u imiuil.s .ifL'lwai'l- I" -l S-jiiiri- ".:iim in jrourl. Crohn I. le lius.- whs i I. I..- luill also lie ll rinit; n .1 f.r I In- "' !!.-'. I (In ri UK 111.' A .ri 1 l.i : con ri . .I'.iit s ban (he a.)e;ti .- ..f n ( rnsiiin. alihough ilier.- is suiil i si ruin i-f neirro liloo.l in liis '-iii-. I is about ;.n years of .-u;.- mi'l i" of his paHt record of s.-i n -. il.e i.' - n' eonvirlK.ns came iih a sh...-;t i.. l.ii.i V'. Toran. who is y-ii.l l.i Lav ; ...... u his whisky from Junes, s.i Henleneed by JuiIkc '. A. .Ifii.'s i serve six months on the . li.-np.' . i ba -inr whisky for . 1 -. Ihs aitr.i-n. v maintained that be was only t. .-hni.'a I -ly S-ullty as was the ,! nualnsi A. Turner, tried also lusj n , ck. i:m the sentence was piven. an. I a pM-i I is taken. Toran must also tcre. N'ol pros was tak.-n in the against Florence C.-leison, charged w-ilh larceny from person. Ii. W. Fields was fined $5 and the routs for violating, the traffic ordi nance. . PLEASI.XJ FAIICK ATTIt At'TlOX AT JHM( ll'AI, last .MGII'l' "Parlor, riedroom nn.l ll..lh" Sented at the Mnnlelnnl h.l was one of the most laughable farce comedies seen here this season. A falr slsed audience enjoy, d every minute of the performance, one laugh after the Other belnir nrnvnk.x! liv .Via nlm-ur members of the troupe. It was de- ciarea to oe the best attraction of the kind seen here In a long while. Kemp Clendenln Arrives. Mr. anH Mrl Uanrv W .'Ln.l 1 .. last nieht received a telegram from their Hon. TCamn nnanln nlillnff .ho. he had arrived in New York. Young Clendenln was in the fifth regiment, seoond division of marines, and had been overseas for quite a while. He expect to be home in a short while. Debated Government Ownership. Friday afternoon the eiirhth crade of the high school debated "Govern ment Ownership of Railroads," the af firmative winning. The debaters were: Anirmaiive, Manet Trivette and Annie Slrsnsnp) negative, Ellen Stone and Lu cille Troxler. Y Newport News, Feb. 22. The bat tleship Georgia arrived late this after noon from France with 1,095 officers and men. The troops will debark to morrow morning. The battleship was several days overdue as a result of roiiRh weather. The Georgia has on board the 161st Infantry, two companies of New York casuals and several casual officers. Troops who came back on the freighter Liberty, which arrived last night, were debarked at New York, from whloh place the ship came to this port. J. C. BROWNING DIED AT 1IOMK NEAR M'I.EAMSVILI.E J. C. Browning died yesterday after noon at 6:40 o'clock at his home near McLeanBvllle, following an Illness of several weeks. Hs was about (2 years of age and is survived by his wife and one daughter, Miss Mary Brown ing. The funeral will be held from Bethel church thiB afternoon at 3 o'clock, services to be conducted by Revs. J. K. Woosley and B. G. Whtteley. Inter ment will follow In the church bury ing ground. TO I'HKAt'H NI'KCIAL KKHMON FOlt HUD MUM THIS KVU.MNG This evening at 7:80 o'clock In the Elm Street Christian church (Disciples) the pastor, Itev. Claude C. JoneB, will preach a special sermon to the .1. O. I'. A. M. from the subject: "Some Foun dation Htones of Character." Special seals will be reserved for members of the order, but the general public Is cordially Invited. Charlotte Defeats Greensboro. Last night the Charlotte high school basketball team defeated the locul high quintet by the score of 26 to 21. It was a fcoort snappy game and was en Joyed by a larse number of rooters. Following the game a reception was gi.n in honor of the visitors at the home of Edith Clements, Magnolia court. There Is only one medicine that really stands out pre-eminent as a medicine for curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and bladder. Or. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the highest for the reason that It has proven to be Juat the remedy needed in thousands upon thousands of distress ing cases, Swamp-Hoot makes friends nolckly because Its mild and imme diate effect la soon realized In most eases. 11 la a gentle, healing vegeta ble compound. Start treatment at once. Sold at all drug stores In bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, If you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Illnghamton, N. Y., for a sample hottle. When writing be Bure and mention the Greensboro Dally News. OVER-EATING is tha root of nearly all digestive Tils. II yeur digestian is weak or out of kilter, bettor oat leas and use ItMlGIDS the aovr aid to better digestion. Ploaeent to take effective. Let Ki-moidt kelp straighten out your ctif eitive troubles, ' MAOI BY SCOTT ft (JOWNC Makers o corrs emulsion 1M. i The Modern Truck For Every Class of Business Grant Trucks incorporate every feature that makes for efficiency and maxi mum service the three essentials of every business man. They are distinctly mod ern trucks, and unlike most trucks in their- price class, are completely equipped, with electric starter, lights, body, etc. You do not have to go out and buy addition al equipment or accessories, as in the case of so many trucks. First cost is last cost if you buy a Grant. We Can Give You Immediate Delivery on Grant Trucks We have in our Greensboro show room and warehouse Grant Trucks for imme diate delivery. 2-Ton $1,850 li-Ton $1,540 i-Ton $1,070 You Can't Beat the Grant in Price or in Quality Dealers: Write for Territory if There is No Grant Agent in Your Territory Grant Motor Car Corporatipi,Manufacturers, Cleveland, Ohio R. G. Sloan Motor Company East Market Street DISTRIBUTORS Greensboro, N. C. wejsaeesarrii SSBUIMMSMBA If Your Back is Aching or Blad der Bothers, Drink Lots of Water and Eat Less Meat. Lemon Juice For Freckles ,Glr!iI Make btauty lotion at home for a few cents. Try Itl I'unrnil Joe la'oldntrlii. Tht funeral of Joe Goldstein, whose d.rtlU o.vurretl In Tt-xas, will be heM from tht JewlHh aynttK"Kue, Kant l.c' sirt-et. tlr.H a f t t rtioon ut 1 o'eloek. Thf ' p;il h.-arcip will bo Sampson AVt'is. j Marty Murkn. llftijainin Marks, Sol j L 'ssiT, Kil Klein, 11 y in an Susman. In-jt.-rmrnt will be In tho Jewish terno- tiM-y. ISO! W SOFT. LONG.SILKY rty utlng Herolli Pomirlo Hair Pressing, which U d-iltfliirully prrfumM iJ lealty th ihst preparation nimte for prndurtnf beautiful, poft, Mlky, MrtUht, loufl fluffy hair Jitat tho it;-.! y-w urs it. HcMio. iTtia ma iraip a mi mahos kir.Kr. npty, Itort. RU'blirirn hair s mi l mz ami liii- troui tliat you can as'.'.v handle It inj put It up in any bt.v'". n li jour n.ittml rlelit to htre fl;" UvAy h.ilr. ami llenifin nffVr. y,.u a clia:i-f. Ta II I tit tUn't 13 luol.vl l:ifr Kftt.ntf ftiijilnnit rie tbaa HEROLIN Tt makrfi short fcnlr emw li" mil r-nutl- iui. Heps jt.iii'iff sralp aul aaiuinirr. SUM ITfrnlln Mfnl. Co., Adnata, brills i , APFlSITx y'ir nwn (Bill tr wnrruo. -' w ni ut.iK. When your kidneys hurt end your back feels sore, don't (ret scared and proceed to loail your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the klndeys and Irritate the entire urinary tract. Keep your kidneys clean like you keep your JjowelB clean, by flushing; them with a mild, harmless salts which re moves the body's urinous waste and i stimulates them to their normal activ ity. The function of the kidneys Is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from It 500 (Trains of acid and waste, so we can readily understand the vlt Ml importance of keeping- the kidneys active. Urink lots of water you can't drink too much; also get from any pharma cist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablcspoonful in a srlass of wa ter before breakfast each mornins; for a few days and your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts, Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthla, and has been used for generations to clean and stim ulate clogged kidneys; also to neu tralize the acids In urine so it no lotiper is a source of Irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot In jure; makes a delightful effervescent llthia-water drink which everyone should lake now and" then to keep their kidneys clean and active. Try this, also keep up the water drlnktnpr, and no doubt you will wonder what biT.ime of your kidney trouble and backaclit'. A COLD OR CATARRH and ahuw you buw you & hlvral offur - i nuki) luontr fast. How To Get Relief When Head and Nose are Stuffed Up. jMiuoeze the jui nf two Irinons mu A liotllo contain. ni; l; i ontin trj white, huke w ami ; aw a quarter pint of tin- l-t ati.l la n ution. and roniblt-Mmi lv;iuwiier, at er( very small rt1. our grocer h.i. tlh' 'nun- iiii-l an v drug store or toilrt omiuiIit uill supply three ounces of nr-Ianl hit tor a u a iints. MasRai;c this rtt'ot1v fraiant lotion into the face, neck, arm- ant I jn del pi'h day and see how freckle and blemishes Ji'e:ir ami how rlrar, poft and while the kin berome?. Vc! It is harmlecfl. Su. C'onffrrnrr Report Itejerted. j WashiiiKUui. Ti-b. Tho . imf. r- en i' rt-fjort on the oil, rua Atui i-al : hi tul U-aaiiii; U fflalat iot was oven urn - ! 'l ui Tli.' senate tonight, a point of, ui.h r by Senator La Kollette. uf V.'is cnusiti hfiiii; suntutneil. which oaiiSfd tlir hill in he si-nt hack in confer, tuv. Scn.iior Kirby, of Arkansas. I . moi t ai, i. .r p.-ranl ptvsiilni. rtuuh ( In- .!- W ill Ordnln teneoni. A feature of inier,s for tho nurnitu: r tc ;it V rsi mi list er 1'r. h t iM iii n elm re h will he the ord ina t ion a ml inFt a I tat inn of the new fl-.i-cnn (I.ii.-.l laM S'iniUv They nr.' H N Pu IinsE T. r. Hiair. I i ed M i'hipps, Henry . Prltchett. The Hennessee Cafe , Choicest Foods Best Horns Cookinjr Greensboro's Leading Cafe Just one block north of depot. Count fifty! Your cold in head or eat.irrli disuppcnis. Your closed pjs triU will open, the air passages o your ! head will clear and you can brethe I freely. N'o more snulflin;, hawking, nuipous dioliarpe. dryness or headache; '. rujjgling for breath at night. (let a' small bottle of Fly's Cream j rlm frnni your tlr'git and apply a little of this fragiant antiseptic cream in your nostrils. It penetrates thrmifrh every nir pasture of the head, soothing ind healing tne swollen or inflamed nup'ous membrnne, giving you intJint r 'li'f Head roMs and cntnrrh yioll !:'.' n'jisric. Ilnti't stav atutfed-up and Had Rheumatism and Was in Very Poor Health Stomach Weak Also Old Indian' Mixture Worked Wonders 'For Her. "I had rheumatism bad and felt worn out and weak all over. My legs ached mo all the time and then my food began disagreeing with mi and I felt very nearly ready lo give up when fortunately so:nebody told me to rt a bottle of Genuine Indian Blood Puri lior down at the drug store, which I did, and It Is simply wonderful. "The aching In my limr.s left me and all sig:ns of rheumatism are gone. Just the one dollar bottle I bought did ail this and even fixed up my stomach so I never have any bad troubles with my stomach any more. I feel stronger and better than I have in years and I know It is such a grand " medicine I suggest that any woman troubled as I was go down to the druff store and get a bottle of Genuine Indian Blood I'urirter. You can tell It by tho name. Pearson Remedy Co., on the bottle,'' declares Mrs. T. L.. Addis. Walhalln, S. C. The abovo lady, well past middle age, married and with live grown children, is so enthusiastic about this old Indian remedy lluit she has often retold the above story of - wonderf l'i lesults. Thousands jut like, past middle age, with the burdens of a bis house upon their shoulders, have also ipdorfu'd this Genuine Indian Blood Purifier. 'It does the work so quickly and efficiently and costs bo lit tle most anyone can arford to take a bottle. The follnwius stort.8 here and In nearby towns s"il the genuine: Oalloway DniK Co., RaleiKhr O. ii. Kinp and Sons. Iurl.'im; "Woodward Drupr Co.. Selmu: 1 oan'-Uprrinp. AVil son; Kyser Drug c(... lio-ny Mount; Brown and yranthani, Golilsboro; Worthy anil Kth'ule. Wash lnitoii ; K. S. lnnty, . vbern; Wilson and Imnn: A j. Cook Itiir Co., Fay etteville; Clm Strut I'liarmacy and White 'Jak Dru Co., Green-sboro; 1 liunuison Drus Co., Winston-Salem; iltir.n DruR- Co. llifth I'uint; i:.-iiidle-mun lrut; Co.. Uamlleman, N. C. W itiLrfi, Id's Lrn Stot-t-, Columbia, S. C.; Sib.rfs lrui; Stori Sumtw: Zump and De I'as.s, Camden: W. .1. Plott and Co.. Aiken. T. S. Leitner. Chester. S. C. and all hailing ilrus and pcntial stores in the slate. DRINK A GLASS OF REAL HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST. Says wt will both look and feel clean, sweet and fresh and avoid Illness. Sanitary science has of late mad rapid strides with results that are of untold blesnlng to humanity. The lat est application of Its untiring research is the recommendation that It Is as necessary to attend to internal sanita tion of the drainage system of the hu man body as It Is to the drains of the house. Those ofus who are accustomed to feel dull and heavy when we arise, splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom ach, can, instead, feel as fresh as a daisy by opening the sluices of the sys tem each morning and flushing out the whole of the Internal poisonous stag nant matter. , Everyone, whether ailing, sick or well, should, each morning before breakfast, drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In It to wash fro..: the stom ach, liver and bowels 1 1 - previous day's Indigestible waste, sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal before putting: more food Into the stomach. The action of hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach is wonderfully In vigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases, waste and acidity and gives, one a splendfn appetite for breakfast. While you are enjoying your breakfast the phosphated hot water is quietly extracting a large vol ume of water from tho blood and get ting ready for a thorough flushing of all the inside organs. The millions of people who are both ered with constipation, bilious spells, stomach trouble, jtjieumatic stiffness: others who have sallow skins, blood disorders and sickly complexions are urged to get a quarter pound of lime stone phosphate from the drui; store. This will cost very little, hut is suffi cient to make anyone a pronounced crank on the subject of internal sanitation. France Gives Aid to America 1 The pouring out"i)f French! 1W ana , tne enormwuo are not the only aid Franc ku America. We are Indej"' " French peasants for a pen for stomach, liver nd intestlMJ ments which has sot enly mm velously successful ov i has been equally so over her " gradients are imported fVV sale In this country J-AJ, for many year. it chemist, unuer m --- Wonderful Remedy. " hurmless preparation . "''' the catarrhal mucus Iron " tinal tract and allsyi , lion which causes PctlM' f tt t ach, liver and intestlnjl jIB-J ciuaing ppniu.u- - , convince or money Klutz Drug to. - - Relief is sura, PLUMBING, STEAM. HOT WATER, VAPOR HEATING Office and Show Room 204 West Market Street. HUNT BROS. Plomblnr. Heating. Vacuum Clss.Be .OTICE OP AIJMIXISTKATIOX. Having qualified as administratrix of! the estate of the late W. H. P.ayle. all : persons owing said estate asked to make immediate payment, and all per- J sens having claims against said estate! are to present them within one yai t from date, or this notice will be pleaded , In bar of their recovery. SIRS. MAHY .1. RAYLE, Admx j This February 1, 1919. 3-9-su. ' i 'LEY KIDNEY FILL? BACKACHt KIDNEYS AMO BlAOOif Years It hag relieved ttojjjj nervous, sick and eurw headches, Without An .1.- rftif . nrl nine IS le headacnei-'-t our knowieuBc -endorsementof asw physicians as are .-.lnsTft I this not cuW ca)P and en"1 you- that ftf stands without a coiP and effect for headaches? Influenza pain ndose(f readily yi -riine. nf Bro-Mal- . all fountains. the Bromalgine 1 1' M T

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