11 iiii:!!!!!::::::;:'! LEiNISDfflflWTS AMUSEMEOTS GREENSEORO DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY, N'OTEJlCEU 12. 15il Dedicated to Mothers of Wake. Forest Men Who Died In . the World War. ! ERECTED BY 1920 CLASS 'V (jptriil ts Dim NmiI Wrt( Forest. Nov, 11. In' observ anoa of Armistice day, the monument given r by he class of 1920 a mt- mortal, to 'the mothers of the Wake forest men who lave their lives In the world ?war wee unveiled and dedl ated We! this morning at 11 o'clock. President William toille Potent pre sided and made the dedicatory address. President i"oteat gave an account of the donation and then remarked of its significance. The monument was form all presented to the college by Wi J. Ualley,, Funds for its erection and the management were in they hands of A. D. Odum, a member of the class ot 1920. The memorial Wat set up last Friday but the formal unveiling was held over until today, it la situated directly In front Of the administratis bulldlna. about lialf way between that building nd the east wall of the campus, thus placing; it almost exactly In the center of the campus. The monument stands .nina'.ifsav.ftlgn..xroia..ina..tQun9i...yie baas- oelnjf a mound p( turj three feet nign. , - ' ' Miss Susie Holding, Sponsor ef the Class or j mo represents the clasi here today and unveiled the memorial which was wrapped In American flats and service flags. Doctor Benjamin Bledd, of the English department, theh read a dedicatory ode which he bad composed."." -t .... ;, ..... , ,- tii .program was concluded by a prayer .by Dr. W. K. Cullom, In which he asked that the principles for which these; men gave their lives might not die with their sacrifice but might be perpetuated in the Uvea of their sur viving comrades. Blessings were ask ed upon, the limitation of armament conference that It might accomplish means toward the abolition of wars and bring peace to earth. The face of the monument bears the wake Forest men who made the ultl mats sacrifice. The -opposite side bears a Latin Inscription "Dulce 1st Decorum Est Pro Patrla Mori." '.The names ot the men Who lost their fives are as follows: A. J. Harris, P. C. Hardwood, A. T. Howard, P. T. Lockerman, T. 8. Mast, C. C. Olive, J. E. Ray, O. L. Rhodes, C. O. Rlddlck, K. B, Roberts, T. Y. Robinson, E. H. Smith,, - w. Bpeignu - ji j, sprinkler Ar Bteveneon, R. H. Turner, H. D, Ward, 8 .W. White and I. C. Woodward. - Klnsto Observes Armistice Day. .'MMtUl u Uiiur an) Klnston, Nov. 11. This town and sec tion paid honor to their war dead and celebrated peace jointly today. The American legion had charge of exer cises at a theater which lasted an hous, and all business was Suspended from shortly before noon until 1 o'clock. R. N. Parker, an eloquent speaker from Enfield, delivered the principal ad- T. Allen, of the local post. Bells toll ed their angelus tor the unknown hero at noon, and whistles throughout the city Joined In a call of the community to prayer. Borne special services were held in churches. A BUILDING TONIC I To those ot cjeHc&te con-1 stitution, young or old, I .Scott's Emulsion! is nourishment and tonic that builds up the whole body. ; Seed k Bows, BlsWUU. K i. ALSO MAKERS OF ItlrttOlDS (Tablets r ttrarmlaa) for INDIGESTION L. 46-fck USE SLOAN'S TO WARD OFF PAM T nTLE ache grow into big palna a. unless waraea on Dy an applies . . tion of Sloan's. Rheumatism. reuralria. stiff joints, lame back won't fight long against Sloan's Liniment. I For mors than forty year Sloan's Liniment baa helped thousands, tha World over. You won't be an exonx tioa. It eertainly does produoa result. H Jl pmetmtet witftovi rubbtnfr Keep thiaold family friend altmyi Aatufy i uiauuii use isa rvu acumow. ;j At ail droggist-35c, 70c, $1.40. ihimentes Pimples Denote Waste Products ; In The Bloo. The human system la forever striving I to get rid of the waste products. It Is , life-work which v toes on forever. .When waste products set In the blood -they cause a lowered vitality. As a i .sult, we becoming subject to many ' painful and embarrassing; allmentr. . When theee symptoms appear, Na, ture la warning us. - To throw oft the 'waste products, the blood must be pur vlfled. Don't clog your blood. Juat , clean It out. Nature will do the rest. Vure. rich, red blood nourishes the ' body and fights oft disease, . , S. S, 8., tho standard blood purifl j and system builder. Is the Ideal rem edy for skin eruptions. The effect o ' 8. S, S. Is to rid the system ot the waste products which are causing the trou bla. For aver 10 year & a. S. proven to be of unusual merit Begin ' taking a S. 8. today and write for SI 'age must rated booklet "Facte About the Slcod" tree. . Personal medical advice, Without t charge, may also be had by sending I , complete description of your ease. Ad . dress - Chief Medical Director, Bwlft . Specific Co., 741 8. 8. 8. Laboratory, Atlanta, Oo. All drug atorea aei II larry at Araat today. The Grand theater ofterl Its patrons today a double Droaram above tha average. It Is a known fact (hat what will plegs ode will not please an other, realising' this the management has arranged a program 'of three pic- ures all different in every reapeet as to plot and atmosphere. Larry Bemon heads the bill la "The Rent Collector" comedy that will help you solve your reat prombems, - Larry is always' hating accidents In his comedies, In "The Rent Collector" he drives hie automobile containing his leading lady ever a cliff. The ma chine la wrecked, but the ooupla are uninjured and, crawling from the debris, glance af the cliff above, Won dering how It all happened.' - After se Skew." " ! It you want ts make a lourhev back stage, Von should see William d Mllle'e splendid Paramount production. "Aft er the Show," Which will be thh bla feature at the bijou theater again to day, jne picture mirrors the Uvea of those behind the footlights, who mask the sorrows and treadles of their own II res with a smile and a song, that the world may be amused. A complete theater setting with audi ence hail, orchestra pit, stage and back tare areas, with dressing rooms. wings,' file ant alt the typical stage eecwutrements," was-evntrneree) -art-thc Paramount studio In California where the plctue waa filmed. For tne theater sequence, a aorreeue musical show was at.gW, In which thirty beautifully gowned and oostura a gins took park The sketch waa rehearsed for some weeks before actual filming started. The studio grips, stage carpenters and electricians employed in the scene -were all per tectiy at nome in their roles. The scenes were prepared at an enormous expense. Extra, featurea are the latest Paths News, Aesop's Fahlss and ; snaef at muslo by the Bijou concert orchestra and symphony pipe organ, Direction trot. Boench. r , W. Hart At The tela. One would think that every thrill, every act Of reckless daredevlltry, had been injected In William 8. Mart nhotn dramas. However, this famous western character aTways figures in some new and startling adventures. For instance. In "Lion ef the Mills" the Initial Inee-Arteratt picture, which wui oe seen at the Isls today, Hart portrays an outlaw who falls under the influence of a beautiful zlrl. He loves her wltJi all the desperate passion of wnien nio-wil nature Is eapable, and determines to reform. In dolnr this. his source of Income II naturally shut oft, and he la in trying straits for reaoy caan. Just at this crisis, a blir fiodan Is tn be held In a nearby !ty. A oath prise is orrerea tor the principal event a "jump in the saddle and away" race and the outlaw determines to enter nimseit ana his Pinto pony. In doing se he knows he ts taking a tremen dous risk, aa the oecullarlv marked Pony le known to the sheriff, and his oeputiesi out goaded by necessity he takes a chance, and In the presence of a crowd leans Into the saddle. It Is durlnr this wild ride with lt throngs of contesting cowbova that excitement rises to-its highest pitch. SURPRISE IS SPRUNG BY THE FRENCH BLUEBEARD Froineoe Tw Letter Frese Om Ot suppoaea victims, Dated After Tisae Of Alleged M grace. Versailles. Nov. ll.(Bv Aaanftintaii Fress.)--A surprise waa sprung In the aaaisea court here today when Henri L,andru, the alleged modern "Blue beard," en trial tor the murder of 10 women, and the son of on of them produced two letters bearing the pur ported algnature ot. Madame Desires Oulllln, one of his supposed victims, dated November and December, 1915, respectively. Tne prosecution charged that Madame Oulllln, a Brasillan by birth, was murdered In Auguat. 1815, Tne letter were addressed to tha Bank ef France, Instructing that Insti tution to dispose ot her securities de posited In the bank by her. The bank satisfied that the signatures were genuine, followed her Instructions. The prosecution called in a hand writing expert who swore that the sig natures were forgeries. The Jury waa visibly Impressed by the fact that the bank had accepted the signatures aa genuine. Counsel for the defense spent a .long time in cross-examining the handwriting etpert. TWO YEARS FOR TRYING TO PASS MUTILATED CURRENCY (sdmu tt Dam Km Ashevllle, Nov. K. Alex Ellis, ar rested here several days ago while -attempting to pate mutilated currency at local bank, was sentenced to serve two rear in the United States federal prison at Atlanta, by Judge B. 'Yates Webb In district court this morning Ellis entered a plea ot guilty to the charge of mutilating money, and threw himself upon the mercy of the court. Ellia proved an Illiterate, who waa neither aura of hla ewn age, nor the number of hie children. The story of how he eame Into possession ot nine 110 bills, that had been mutilated, os tensibly so that portions removed eeuld be used In raising II bills to those ot 10 denomination, however, wa erratic and Ellia was badly cross ed during his examination by the die trlct attorney and by Judge Webb, MISg tOHIIS O'FARRBIX IS HRIOB OF HAYNK BLACKMBR , swlil Dill Nmak Salisbury, Nor, I'. A wedding of In terest throughout tha state was anl emnised Wednesday evening at 1 o'clock at the home of Capt. and Mr. is. i;. u r arren, on soum r uiton street, when their daughter, Mis Louise, be' came the bride of Hayne Blackmer. The ceremony was performed by Dr. Byron Clark, pastor of First Presby terian church, and waa Witnessed by a number of friends. Following the wedding the eouole left for a two-weeks' stay In Now York, after which they will return to Salisbury to lire, Mrs. Blackmer, with her parents, has uvea in Salisbury for the past five reare and haa made many frlenda by i-.er cnarming personality. Mr. Black iner la a eon of Mrs. Margaret Black ner and the late W. C. Blackmer, and la a popular member of a local cotton exchange business. R L Will Not Allow Dourbonism Nor Bolshevism, He Says At Fiyettevllle. ,. HOPE OF WHOLE NATION - lepidtl ts Oailf Rm.1 . Fkyettevllle. Nov. 11. O. Mas Card er, of Shelby, was the ehlet apeaker at the Armistice day celebration here today. Mr. Gardner called the day ''muster day ot America' noblest young manhood,", and referred to the American lejgion aa "embodying the nation's hope, the world' mightiest force for peace." A large audience heard Mr. Gardner's eloquent tribute te the soldier dead. He bade tha ex-aervlce men courage ously to face the problems of peace, "Those Immortal soldiers will never allow lis to remain bourbon nor will thev ever consent that we become bol sheVlk," he concluded. Mr, Gardner's speech In part follows! This is muster day ot Amertoa'e noblest young manhood, I salute your Incomparable American legion aa em bodvinv tha nation's hone. Carollna'a constructionists. and tha world' mightiest fore for peace. - Bible and drama, history and thw consensus of the trace have united In taKIKf cen'ry"tr-ttnBtl eirtw ot youth. The world haa expected that whatever shortcomings the young man may have, he ehall abound in high Ideals and the courage to fight and die for them. And because ot the lofty sentiment the strong hope, the great resolve, the patient and undeviating purpose, and the' unselfish consecra tion of tha American soldier, all fed by faith In a Divine Master and Lord and Captain, American soldiery has set up for itself a peculiar place In the esteem of the world. For ue oartlcularly, there I a mar tlal heritage which la not unlike the peace which the world cannot give and la equally powerless to take away. Whose intellect Is ao dead and whose soul I so sluggish that It will not stir at the Simple rehearsal ot our primacy . last Fnaeral ot Tkeaaaa Lee. tRpertel k) Dtu Nun.) Klnetom Now 11. Tho funeral -of Thomas Fltigerald Lee was held this afternoon at 1:10 o'clock from the rest dence of his father-in-law, Thomas R. Le, In northwest Klnston, Rev, Charles I.. Read, pastor of Queen Street Methodist church, and Rev. Hec tor L. McDiarmid, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, officiating. Mr. Lee died yeeterday morning at t:IO o'clock at the residence of Mre. J. wause, with whom he and family re ilded. An aggravated case of pleurisy wee given as the cease of death. M Lee was well known In the city. He w It years of age. Analatlee Day At Kloa. (SMrill tl Dill. Ktl Elon College, Nov. 11-Armistice day waa duly celebrated at I o'clock thia morning In the college auditorium. Coaoh Corboy, erst lieutenant A. E. T was master of ceremonies. About It men of the atudent body in uniform were the guests of honor of the oc In arm the first at Bethel, at Appomattox, furthest at Gettysburg and earliest to cross the collaborated creation of ateel and picholog-the Hlndenburg line. Yea. patriotism ha been a passion with us aa with the finest spirits of every age. No sacrifice has been too great If the country asked it; no tax too heavy: no duty toe aangerou. Bas spirits, always mote reai Sen T to make their country serve than to mln later to It. always eager to turn every crlsi to personal advantage, unfail ingly have appeared: but fewer of them are native to our country than to any other on earth. There le a oom nensatlon for such baseness and mean ness In the ture uncovering ot their hldeousness and a like turning ot the pure White light on the beauty of aelf-aanrlflce. And In the degree that men love their ewn country, they win love hu manity lit all countries. 1 Cynic were wont to sneer at Woodrow Wilson be cause he thought he "was president of humanity." The idea waa old aa Jesus ot Natareth. He who feels ho passion ate love for hla own country will never care for the world) aa fee date not care for hla own family will never love his own community. All the world pays the perfect tri bute to ear soldiery. But the world la not ao enthusiastic about our states manshlp, Ambassadors to our country come over here and go back wonderful ly impreseed with our machinery tor maklnsr a living i they are net so en amored ef our way of living, Of the great American democracy, rightly called "The Republlo ot Ood," the great achoolhoue In which I being tried but the greatest experiment In self government, volumes hare -been written; but translating the Ideal ot tbi democracy into the live of cities and counties haa been the despair of every ardent lover of his country. It should be no difficult undertaking to re-make the soldier-civilian Into the oeace-tlme patriot. At Its worst cltl aenshlp demands but the Infinitesimal portion of personal discomforts tna a military campaign exacts. But being a good cltlsen la a man's job, The bourbone are abroad In the land, They are ready to agree hastily with the uninformed majority, to declare that lte prejudices are patriotic. Its suspicions are intelligent, its resistance to tne plain mandates of good oltiaensnip virtuoua Here la eomethlng worthy of rour martial heritage the restora tion ot honesty in taxation ana tne orinclole ot absolutely fair play In all our elections. Around the first have been fought nearly alt the battles of the past; about the second win come most of the conflicts of the future. It I written In the Book ef Fate that our democracy la going to com plete Itself. There ts not an ex-sol-dler who battled for self-determina tion of other people who would for moment shrink from fighting for the self-expression ot his own people. Let It not be written of tne sowiery oi the American Army, that havln fought te gain the whole world for democracy, you came back to Quit and to lose your own eouis. xou men ana your fifty thousand associates in arms In North Carolina, abould courageously faee the oroblem ot peace. It waa not rour duty to die for your country but It la your grand ana sscrea privi lete to live for your eountry. Our martial heritage comes down to us by the Inexorable law ef transmit elon, proclaimed In that portion of the decalogue which paaset to the third and fourth generations the virtues of the fathers. These Immortal soldiers will not allow us to remain bourbon nor will they ever eentent that we be come bojuhtylk. MISS JULIUS CULBRBTH THE BRIDS OF -WILLIAM WILLIAMS ' (SMdai ts Dtiu Dm.1 Dunn, Nov. 11. A wedding of much Interest to the Cape Fear district was that celebrated Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Mo Laurln when Miss Julius Cuibretn, daughter of Mre. McLaurln and the late Julius Culbreth, became th bride ot William Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan A. Williams, of Flset Hilt Rev. Charles B. Howard, a cousin of the bridegroom, pastor of the Baptist church of Salemburg, officiated. After the ceremony the bridal pair and 40 of their friends adjourned to the home of the bridegroom o parents where one ot the suppers for which that home has been famous for more than 25 yeara waa served. The follow ing morning Mr. and Mra. Williams motored to Fayettevllle where they boarded a north bound train to visit cities where they will spend a brief time enjoying their honeymoon. Mrs. Williams Is a member of that prominent family of Culbretha which has given to the south some of i leading minister end best business men and It one of tht most rharmln and accomplished young women of Cumberland county. Mr. Williams I clerk In the Fayettevllle poetofflce and la a great-grandson ot one ot the founders of Salemburg academy, one ot the oldest and most Influential schools ot North Carolina. He is brother ef the late Mre. William W Weeka, ot Dunn, and a ton ot en of the moat prominent farmera ot Cum berlaad county. Ftshbeurae Schawl Feaader Dead. Staunton, Vs., Nov, 11, Barnes Ftshburne, who founded Fishburne Military school at Wayneeboro, In 17 died there today after Ave months 111 ness. He relinquished active supervl Has Taken the Lead In Lowering Motoring Costa I By Reduaciinig Prices owl ted ilVQG . OM New sw Price rriaa 30x3 $24.50 $jL9J60 32x4 46.30 37.05 33x4y2 53.55 42.85 35xS 68.45 54.75 on Slaa Old New. Price Price 30x3 $10.95 30x32 13.95 12155 32x4 28.25 25.45 34x4 40.30 36.25 on aU Old New aiM Price Price 36x6 $91.85 $"8165 40x8 165.20 148.70 Cleat hU Old ' New m Prior J Price 36x10 106.90 96.20 40x14 181.75 163.60 5 - races oh Other Sizes Reduced Proportionately No greater tire values were ever given. We have a complete stock of fresh, v 4 new tires in all sizes Gate City Motor Company 213 East Market Street ' Phone' 175 Most Miles per Dollar Mr. Raaktaje Preaek. R.v. . af. RausrttT will preach Sun day afternoon at I o'olock at th Prss bytsrian ehureh at Pleasant Garden. Texas Lady Suffered from Womanly Weaknew, Paint and Aches; Says She Took Cardui and Got Well. Dayton. Texaa Mn. E. H. Weldel, of this city, write that aha has, for a lone; time, known of tha valu of Cardui front personal aetperienc. "I don't know where I would ba had it not been for Cardui, for it made a new woman out of me," say. Mrs. Weidel. - - - Briefly describlnt tha symptoms of the trouble for which she took Cardui, Mrs. Weidel writes: "I wai haggard, pale worn to a frazzle all the time. "My health was wretched. I had womanly weakness, painful . . ., pains and aches. "I heard of Cardui, fend decided to use it. "Cardui built me un. I irrew well like another woman hence the pralie I (rive it. Cardui is the best medicine I ever saw in my life," Cardui, which this Texas lady found so helpful, is a purely vege table, medical tonic. For mora than forty years Car dui has been taken by thousands and thousands of women, everywhere and praised by them for the bene ficial result obtained from lte use. If yon are woman, and suffer at many women do Take Cardui I Ask vour druggist. He sells Cardui the woman's tonic, and can supply you. WHEN THE KIDDIES SUFFER FfiOMCOLDS CHILDREN'S colds should not be neglected one instant. Have Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey on hand, and give them some as directed. It helps in relieving irritation and loosens that hard packed phlegm. Clean the air passage. Take Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey yourself for that heavy cold. Get a bottle from your druggist today, 30c. DcBeffl Kne-Tar-Hi for Coudhs and OTieiitW . WRICF.R Malta, SOe i Kiddie, lOo Last Time Today w-iv. - . - W?Vi WILI-AM S. Isaaslw - - The Lion of the Hills One of kl. best pictures that yon will want to see time and aa-ala, ADDED ATTIIACTIOWS Warner Oland Juanita Hansen la th 18th Episode Yellow Arm Snub Pollard In Hes In Again HAVPl YOrr HEARD THE IMS OnCIIKHTHAf ADMINISTRATOR WOTICR. Havinc qualified aa administrator of he estate of Hev. W. H. Long;, ile teased, late of Oroonsboro, ciullford jounty, North Carolina, thin is to noil, 'y all persons having claims snalnal he estate of ald decenned to iircKem .hetn to Hie underslKiied on nr bcfnrr he 21th day of October, 1M2. or till lotlre will be ploadPd In bar of their ecovery. All persons Indebted to said state will please make Immediate pay nent. This, November 8, 1921. W. K. HEHTER, Administrator. J-ranhllnton, N. C. - 12-17 Bt Dr. H. A. Schiffman Optometrist , . Hoars: 9 to 12; 2 to 8. And by Appointment 225 V2 & Eta St. GRAND "The Joy Spot Of Greensboro" PRICKS Asnlts, Met Childress ltei Baleany, 10 rim war Tax SHOWING TODAY wfP I If Lark M SM0N A INHERENT 11 f COLLECTOR:! The Ceaaedy Kla la one of the heat eoneilee ( the year. Hearts Of the Range A special profurtloa with ape elal east. A westera draws that will keep you ea e ae f year seat to a ellmaa seldom seea aa the srreen. ALSO Miracles Of the Jungle (jhanler III ef the wild animal reenter play that I ilffereat. THRU SIZES: let, 1 hr KM, aM th. W. f. CUCO OCA. CO, M.MlOTn Eaeelleaea that repraaeata SO yean' eiperleae la GOOD Cijtara. SO ye maklai B I-JO u Wkr tullty Keets" - PRICEI : .. Aaalts, aoti Children, 1 Plaa War Tas Now Playing IAmm L titty -pWftfVai Willi de HIILE the mow TJACK.B01T V... i U LA LEE CtQaixunounlQkiw Alter fhe akowl Wkea tk play, era aaaks-krlleve la ended I Wkea tke strnKKlea, sorrows, loves af real life staad walttaf at tho ataae door, Tkea eomoa tke atory en tkla great pietnre, A Romance Of Stage Folk H Off the Stage ANO- Speelnl muslo by the Btjna Con cert rekeetra and Sympkoay pipe araan, direction Professor Boenek, Pathe New Aesop's Fables Cemlas Monday aad Taesday POLI NEGRI (Tke fiHwmpaniblc) in ONE ARABIAN NIGHT M, oaalon. aloner, the aottooitH. y'VM i