14 GREENSBOUO DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, . 1921 FOR SALE Rev. V. C. Ridenhour Elected President of Southern Con ference of State. ARMISTICE DAY JUBILEE (Bptflil to Dally Km) Albemarle, Nov. II. The southern eonference of ihn t'nlted Lutheran synod of North Carolina was formally opened here today by Rev. V. C. Riden hour. of Albemarle, president of the oonference. The subject of Rev. Rld enhnur's address was the call of God to the .church. Following the addrens of the presi dent was the formal opening; exer cises. The next business was the adop tion of the constitution and this was followed by the election of officers for the coming year. The offlcers elected are: Rev, V. C. Ridenhour, of Albe marle, president: Rev, J. C. Dleti. of Oaatonla, vice president; Rev. J. H. C rarki, of Kannapolla, secretary, and J. C. Uncle, of Salisbury, treasurer. A special exercise in charge of Dr. Btlrewalt waa conducted lit the after noon In honor of Armistice day., .The exercises were very Impressive and tourhtnf.' There were two splendid addresses delivered In the afternoon on the sub ject of the every-tnember canvass by P. M. Barter, Ballsbury, and Rev. J. II. C. Parks, of Kannapolla Two very able addresses wore delivered at the eveninf session by Rev. H. D. Schaof fer. of Kings Mountain, and Dr. Htlre walt. of Concord. A lars-e number of delegates present In attendance on the conference, both preachers and laymen from many cities and towns In this part of the state. The prosram will be continued throughout Saturday and Kunday. Albemarle celebrated Armistice day here today In fine style. The cere monies started with a parade at 10 o'clock. The parade was led by ex service men of Stanly county, follow ed by Civil war veterans and Boy scouts and these In turn were followed by a number of beautiful floats. The ceremonies were In direct charge of 1'ost Commander H. C. Vict and Auxili ary Commander Mrs. L. -0. Parker. At 11 o'clock lr. Walt-N. Johnson, of Radin, delivered a very Interesting address to a packed audience In the cnurlhouse. At 12 o'clock the ladies of Albemarle furnished dinner to the ex-service men and the old veterans and the Boy scouts. -. The afternoon was given over to a football game between Spencer high school and the I. ('. 8. team and a tournament engaged in by a number of young men of Albemarle. Tonight a apiPWI pfol-fgm was tkttt ledToiit at tKe irourthouse oonslstlng of patriotic . aonga and short addresses. The city has been filled wltH people all day and It Is estimated that there were about 150 ex-service men taking part In the exercises and about 76 old veterans. All the factories and business houses closed tor the day and Superintendent Mclver suspended school after 10 o'clock. wmmmmmmsmmmmmm Market Your Tobaeea la Greeas kerol II Yea Doe We Both Lanes. Buy a , RING GOLD HOT BLAST f STOVE Has all the advantages 1 of other hot blast stoves jj distinctively 3 and others its own. TIT- - J-- XL! ll - - . vv e oucr hum as ine very a best hot blast stove we 1 To Business Women Women, bavins' proven their fftneni to fill position! one hold only by men, ahar man's r HponilbMltlea and hU opportun- ' itiM. iMfe Innumnce waa divin ed to replace man'i earning pow er to protect hlrn and hit de. pendent from poverty. It hold! for women the mm vain that It holds for men, Todt you mar be twenty, and ft Ia difficult for you to think of forty-five: but time (aeemlnsrly) pannes more quickly every year. The queatlon Is, when you are twenty-live years older, would an Income, apart from dally i-earnlntrn, come In handy? Aek any women hf looks backward toward forty. From the Prorldeat Ltfs And JTrtit Company poa eaa aeeura a policy that will saarantee a rherk to yo every month from a a a are whJck yoa seleet, to the end of your life. Thin Income Is absolutely sure. Tt . saves you from worry and from the denser of posslbls unwise Investment , later, HTF,s for women ths same aa lor men. Paul W. Schenck, General A area t, Oreeasbere. pf. 0. Dr. C. I. Carlson The Pioneer Chiropractor Of North Carolina . Carlson Bulldlnc 114-111 West Sycamore Street J'hone tOi Office hours from to 11 a. m. 2:J0 to t p. m... Night hours, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7:10 to 1:30 Complete X-ray Laboratories Closed All Day Thursdays URKENSHOHO, M. C, BRANCH ..License WelelTta. JOHN H. TOWI.K, Gea. M(r, formerly Aaet. Mae. . WILLIAM - i, MJHNS1- INTERNA TIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY. New York City Oia.ee. If Yon have been victimised by the bad check artist, address Baa Check Department, TOWLE'S SERVICE CO. 3U West Market Itreet Over 200 Operatives la N, C. Chrysantheums Specially T Priced Today and .. 1 Saturday ----- $3.00 Dozen The warm weather has caused the blooms to- open faster than ordinarily, and rather than have thenr spoil we are giving the ' public this special opportunity to buy, so that Everybody May Enjoy the Beauty and Fragrance of These Gorgeous Flowers Give us your orders early; there will be a rush. Lindley - Company Florists ' have ever sold. - I All we want Is an op- B portunity to show it B Made in four popular I Shop Early Get the advantage of an early selection from the largest stock of hoh day gifts we have" of fered. These gifts are on dis play today for the first time. A wide range of prices for all sizes of pocketbooks. Wills Book and Stationery Co. sizes. . We can keep you - u warm. Buy a Ring; Gold', jj K I Beall Hardware and s s .. . u Implement Lo. S . Joet off Kins itreet 3 Cor, Greene aai W, Market ta. " iwt wsmmm mmmtm THREE ESSENTIALS ifciil OF OUR FUNERAL SERVICE: 1 FrrKonal at lent on to the most minute details. 2 An Insistence uyon hiicn t'lRKS 'quipiiK'nt throughout. 3 No rominltmlon too frrpat. no duly too sovrr. for tin to pxpcut fur you. Moderate ffes and ponitive nattsfation Rflfturocr mo most particular ruuuiy, POOLE & BLUE, Inc. Tuners) nireetnre SOS N. Kiss St. Amnulnnre Serrlea Office Pkoae S0 Nlakt I'hone 1ski t. H. Hlae. Prea. M. W. r.e.t. See. MASONIC NOTICE H e k u 1 a r Communication Corinthian Lodge No. Mi, A. K. and A. M., at Manonlo hall Monday evening:. Nov. 14th, hi i .00 v viucn.. 411Q j,iiiereu oandldates. A. I). CONNER, Master, C, F. SOUTHEIILANI), Secretary. HrRiilar Communication Involution Uodge No. bb'Jt, Wednesday evening, November IDIh. at 7:30 o'clock at Kevolutlon Hall. Your New House U.u hn till vnn fan iihIi fr l,nlf,l.. on the street, but you muet know that will over-shadow It. Jf yoa let nature nt-.p J"ii, j'u "rvw u llVUia. 1UU1 newcomers must wait until they can (trow surroundings as lovely as yours to catch up with you. Utu our plans. We fflva our work our pci-Monul attention. Greensboro Nurseries & Stock" Farm 7 John A. Young & Sons. Pkone S30S Hours to 111 a t Drs. McRae & Breeden CHIROPODISTS Appointments Preferred 10 1-3 N. Kim nt. tireeaelMiro, SI. r( rryu8t Try it-SfTry it-8 'fiyMf TryiW TyM Try Try V a is Trv Alii: 1 H-r-UL s issx. a 1 vat m, Tn, Vm W 1 tt-8t Irv t Tryit-8 Tryit-8 m Trv a Tr it- Try it-8 Tryii it-8i Tryil-8 it-8 Trya-8t it-8 Tryi Trvil-8f Ti it-8t Tryit- Trvit-8t Trvi ft-8 Try it-8t Tryit-8 Tryil-8t Try it-8f Try 1 w Tr . . ' ry it- .your...: 8 -r Dealer 11 y ii-w "IryTT Tryit-8t Trytt-8f Try tt-8'lryit-8nryit-8 CHICHESTER S PILLS FLOWERS ."' Quality and Sen-ice Guaranteed Try Us SUTTON' tO FLOWER SHOP 215 S. klm St. Daj I'aeae SuBi Nlckt 1813 4 hi.vbsM.twa utMMtri.ratiyV I'HUlR Rod ii" KMkluAV Iuim, !, with hu Ribboa, V 1ks 1m. Buy f roup aril UlAiloNB ltHAM I'lUH. for tA ytMi known M Btst, Sitat, Atwy KlUtti SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Electric Blue Printing nine Print Oeartmeat Of Spoon and Lewis Consulting' Engineers America Bean Ulaa. UHmsuhVs MULTI GRAPHING Cat noma Toor itenorrepale Bzaeass Malllcrapkea Letter sjamea ,IHe4 In, Envetoaea Aadreaeea, Prle Llata, Hatleeas PmarrnaM J. C. CHEEK COMPANY Mrs. J. G Cheek , lira. Mau Nowell Sheets lit .Amerleaa Bank Ballslaa. PIim tM HINTON, TEAGUE & AMOLE 11 W. Market fkoae NIGHT PHOKK v H. vV. A.mm VMWi C C- Tmh IM YOUR PASTOR DOCTOR LAWYER BANKER Can each In his own Una be of real assistance to vou In mora ways than you know If you will let him. But do you let him? Yiur financial problems might become simpler If you would let us help to solve them. Commercial Baoklnj Havings Trusts. The Greensboro Bank and Trust Company WiFr'' F.l . . Cek, Vlca-Pm.i W. B. Allea, Vlce-Pre. aa Trees. I H. D, Doaa-laa, VIeoPres. and Trnet Of I lean W. M. Rldeakoar, , eejr and Asst. Traa.i R. I. Moora, Asst. Treaa, Smoke Meditation Cigars, 10c Up Your sort of cigar, in mild Havana Words cannot describe i; ask the sea soned smoker. VI I Our lfew Hnmtdor ai.il TIivw Mcdltatlona Ar So Perfectly Kept. Leathers, Wood & Co. Distributors Greensboro 7 FORDSON TRACTOR Does Every Power Job ' s' You can ; plow, disk, harrow, harvest, thresh, bale hay, grind feed, fill the silo, saw wood, pump water, pull stumps, do road work or any other power job around the farm quicker, easier and at less cost to you with the FORDSON TRACTOR. Get In the power-farming frame of mind now.. Call, phone or drop us a card for demonstration. See the FORDSON in prac tical operation. McGlamery Auto Company "The Heme of Real Fordsoa gerrice" W. H. M'OLAMERY, Prop, ' i A HUNDRED AND ONE USES FOR THIS LJTTLE LIGHT 73 I MX It's called a Utility Lamp and its head turns upwards, and downwards and directs the light wherever you will.' Theronze of Pompeiian green finish looks well in the livingroom, library or office. " And there's an antique gold finish which makes this an'acceptable little bedside reading lamp.' Lotus wreathed base and silk cord, complete SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK j N. C. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY jj CH shares Greensboro Bank and Trust Co. stock. , II) shares Southern Life and Trust Co. atoci. 1 i W shares Arctic ice and t-'oal Co. preferred etoch: ' Hunter Manufacturing and Commission Co. 7 preferred stock. ' TRUST DEPARTMENT Southern Life and Trust Company Phone St. TWO HOMES AT A SACRIFICE We have two homes listed which must be sold at once at sacrifice prices. Southern Real Estate Company 202 North Elm street Phona No. 829 FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE FOR SALE Situated No. T07 Bllbro street, all city conveniences except heat. Price $2300.00. Terms. For particulars sea THE REAL ESTATE & TRUST CQ. urooe. sis nonn Elm street Phone Hit FOR SALE Nine-room house four blocks from square. Has largo basement, steam heat tnit plant, hardwood floors, two baths, garasre, seven years In which t par.' Seven-room house, Fisher park section. Farquar heat, hardwood floors, grarage. servant's room. . Mathesori'Wills Real Estate Co. . A. MATHESOnl. PreaMeat W. . WIIXs, HaeWPfesa . Offlee Benhove Avene f rtenhone 1WT Phone it FOH HM.K OR TRADE One (-room house and lot 75x150 feet, in western section of cltv near ear line, with all modern conveniences. - Farm, lis acres, near 'Kudd Station, with house and other outbuvMnss. Will sell or trad for property In city. cneap suburban lota on Elam avenue and Asheboro street aztenslont For price and terms see PINNIX REALTY-COMPANY- sjat Assarteaat Treettaaa-e Waa P '""si IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT " '"Greatly Improved Service To Florida Winston-Salem Southbound Railway In Connection With the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Effeotlve November 8th. 1921. Tkronch I'nllmnn Drawlas Room aleeplns; Cars Between Wlaatc ana Jacksonville, Fla. Leave Wlnaton-Salem 1:35 p.m. Arrive Jacksonville 1:50 a.m. Full -Information upon application to agents or write , E. FORT, City Ticket Ageat. 230 Main St.. Wlnston-Raleae, -aaleni Member Of Associated Press The Associated Preaa la exclusively entitled to yie use Tor repuuAloatlos o all news dlspatchea credited to.lt or not otherwise credited to tblspapsr and also the riral newa published Beraia. 1 AH rtghu at rapublloaUon ( special dlspatcSes nerelo are als resortea. Elegant Fisher Park Home nd bath: heat and every convenience; i red for sale. at a price and on terms ROBINS & WEILL Has seven rooms and bath: heat and every convenience; servants' house and rarag-e In rear. Offered for sale. at a price and on terms especially attractive,' Insuranoe and Real Batata Aaarleaa xehange National flank infldln FOR SALE Three rood building lots In Fisher park section. Eastern frontage, paved ,' street, all improvements. Slse of lots 67x164. . ' BANKS REALTY COMPANY I Office First Floor TlenBow Arcade Chas. A. Baake, Jr Pres. 1hoae 1001 A, F. Steveaa. See. and Treaa INSURANCE Automobile, Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Bonds Fielding L. Fry and Company Offlee new located 281 1-3 Sooth Else Street F. U Fry, Prealdeat Pkeae 453 J. W. SPENCER, Sec-Trans. "Better Machinery For Better Roads" Monarch Crawling- Type Tractors, Newport Culverts, ' Champion Crushers, Winner Graders, and ' Monarch Road Rollers Tiffin Wagons. . Anything in tin road machinery line. Let us serve you. North State Culvert and Machinery Co. 219 Lewis St. P. O. box 930 Phone 2933 T 1 4 Scatter Sunshine ' With Christmas Greeting Cards Make your seceltion while our stock is complete. We can make them entirely personal by engraving your name on . them. A full line of high grade sta tionery for holiday trade now . . 9n.dMaKa.Sefi.it. Jos. J. Stone and Company Greensboro, North Carolina. Engravers, Printers, Office Outfitters ' Bijou Victory Grand Popularity Contest Coupon This Coupon Good For - 50 VOTES CAST FOR Drop it in the Ballot Box at ftie Bijou or Victory theater, or mail to Mrs. B. F. Kee, Contest Manager, P. O. Box 788, Greensboro, N. C.