13 TK w Cross GRErXSBORO DAILY NEWS. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1921 Red All Roll Call Workers Will assemble for supper, for organization and in structions .. . i . . Tonight At 6:15 at the Y. M. C. A. It is essential that you be there. ' : We Know What It Did For Our Soldiers In War- We Know What It Is Doing For Them In Peace, Especially For the Disabled We Know What It Is Doing In Cases Of Pandemics and Disaster Can We Of Greensboro Ever Forget Its Services During Our Influenza Epidemics? And We Know That These Constitute Only a Part of Its Present Activities! Shall We Deny It Support? Greensboro never hasnever will, so long as such a record of unselfish service is maintained. -That is wKy we are supremely confident that ; - - ..v, ! Six Thousand Men, Women and Children Of Greensboro Will Answer the Fifth Annual Roll Call Wednesday, November 23, With "A Heart and A Dollar" E. S. wak Roll Call Chairman:1 Tl Will Be Used For the ManufaC' ture of Tire Fabric For Man v Mnniifnrlnrerji. 200 NEW FAMILIES ARRIVE (SpttW to luilr Mm! Gastonla, Nov. 14. With the comple tion of proposed addition! to the plaht " annound today by the Jonckes Spin ning company, of rawtucket, R. I., ownncn "of the Loray mill here, the mill will be one of the largest tire fab ric manufacturing plants In theiworld. Of the ro'.OOj spindles In the'' Loray mill 80.000 arc In operation and more are being run every day as . help Is secured. One thousand people have come to the Loray village within the pat two months. The addition will bo 100 by 140 feet, two stories high, uml will Join the present building nt tno west end. it will he of the same type of construction as the present building and H being constructed as ono of a Beries of units which, when completed, will make this the largest' single unit plant manufao turlng tire fabric In the world. Forty-four thousand square feet of floor space was added to the Loray's .equipment recently my means of ex cavating under a portion of the present building. This is now being equipped With looms, several being Installed and put Into operation each day. Two hundred and sixty looms will bo in stalled altogether, this number being sufficient to take care of the output of yarn of the mills, a portion of which has heretofore gone to other units of the Jenckcs company In the east. For some months past the Loray, tike many other mills, has been run nlng only a part of Its spindles but for the past two months or more ad dltlonal spindles have been put Into operation almost dally, the number be inv limited onlv bv the mill's ahllltv " to secure operatives. Within the past nine weeksvmore than S00 families havdteen brought hito the Loray vil lage. - In addition .to filling. up 200 houses with a family Jn eacb house.' two of the lame new dormitories have been practically Hlled, Just as fast as they can be -secured new fainillts are be ing brought in and tho management expects, within the next week or two, to have the entire splndleage running every day. When this addltlon'ls com pleted and put Into operation there will be 1,700 people on the Loray's pay roll. This represents a mill village of between (.000 and 6.000 people. The fabrics manufactured at this plant are used by practically every tire manufacturer- In the United Sutes. en tering Into every kind of tire from the most expensive cord tires to the cheap est tire. The fabric Is shipped from Gastonla ready for the rubber compo sition, every phase of the finishing be ing done here. In the manufacture of the various types of fabrlo a variety of cotton Is used, ranging from the Arizona staple, which Is one and three fourths Inches in length, to one and three-sixteenths, Including Sea island and Egyptian types. From 170.000 to 300,000 pounds of fabrlo Is turned out each wock, this amount requiring from 200,000 to 3JH.0OO pounds weekly of raw cotton. THE OXFOHI HIGH SCHOOL TATTLER CQMF.i FROM PRESS (SprciU to Bill? Kcn.1 I Oxford, Nov. 14. The first copy of the Tattler, a weekly issued by the Athletic association of the Oxford high school has appeared. It Is a very creditable issue and reflects credit on the training received by the student. The enrollment of the graded school for the first month shows an Increase of 66 pupils over last year's attend ance. Many new pupils have entered during the past month. . News has been received la Oxford of the death of James A. Flshbourne, wbo founded Flshbourne Military school at Waynesboro In 17. He married Mia Mary Amis, of Oxford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James 8. Amis. Mr. Flsh bourne had been In declining health for five months. Mrs. W. X Devin has returned from a visit to Oreensboro. Miss Marie Frailer spent the week end at home. People Who Eat Yeast for Health LIKE NEW TABLET FORM VITAMON TO INCREASE ENERGY, CLEAR THE SKIN AND PUT ON FIRM FLESH Countless numbers of people are now turning to Mastin's VITAMON as a simple, easy and economical way to get the health-giving, tissue-building yeast vitaminas in highly concentrated tablet form. If you are weak, thin, pale, gen erally run-down or feel larking in brain power and in ambition, you surely need to 4 some of these precious vitaminea -into your system ei -once, -Mastin's VITAMON mixes with vour food, heir It to digest and supplies just what your body needs to feed and nourish the shrunk en tissues, the worn-out nerve, tne tnin blood and the starved brain. Pimples, boils and skin eruptions seem to vanilh like magio under this healthful purifying THtORiCIKM. influence, Mastin's VITAMON will aot cause gas or upset the stomach, but strengthens the digestive and intestinal tract and helps to overcome even enronio -constipation. Bo quick and remarkable are the result that complete satisfaction is absolutely guaranteed or the small amount yon pay for the trial will be promptly refunded. Be sure to remember the name Mastin's VI-TA-MON the -original and genuine yeast-vitamine tab let then is nothing else like it, so do not accept imitations or substitutes. You can get Mastin's VITAMON tablet at all good druggist,. 'Are Positively Guaranteed to Put On Finn Fleh, Clear the Skin and Increase Energy When Taken With Every Meal or Money Back y. w. c. a; notes Today's subject for the world' week of prayer 1 "The Joy of Christ," Luke 10:21, Matt. 8;lv, John 15:11. Special subject for prayer are the Americas and Jhe work to be initiated' by the Young Women's Christian association of the United States In the Philippines. The Young Women' Christian asso ciation Is working In four South Amer ican countries, Argentine, Chile, Brazil and Urugury. At 10:110 o clock this morning the survey of work being done In the mis sion field by tne Reformed onurcn will be the program in the series of missionary reviews being given at the hut under the rellgvou work department. The Camaweela club will have Its regular meeting tonight. The girl will have their supper at the hut at 6 o'closk and after supper will spend some time sewing. After the sewing Is put aside, games and recreation will be engaged in for a short time. The Industrial department Is anxious to have air working girls join the Tuesday Night club, and feel that If the girls come once they will want to come again. The student Industrial commission will also meet tonight In the hut to begin their study course In "workers' education." This course, the girls fesl. will be most Interesting and beneficial. The commtasfon is composed of three girls from Oreensboro college, three from North Carolina College for Wo men, one girl from Salem college, wln- VtoniSalem; one Industrial mombor from High Point, and six girl from Oreensboro, who represent the differ ent Industries here. ELON COLLEGE PEOPLE HEAR MISSION EXPERT Rev. W. p, Mlntoa Preaches mm De liver a Mlssloaary Lecture. Other Eloa College New. (Special is Dull Neva) . Elon College, Nov. 14. Rev. VT. P. Mlnton, foreign missionary secretary of the Amerioan Christian convention, preached for the Elon eongregatlon hero Sunday morning, and at the eve ning service brought to them an Il lustrated missionary lcoture. The college pastor, Dr. N. O. New man, presided over the service. The stereoptlcon pictures In connec tion with th evening- lecture drew a large audience. Rev. Mr. Mlnton has Just completed a tour ot Investigation of the missionary work In Japan and Porto Rico, and had many pictures showing the various phases of the work In these countries. Rev. Mr. Mlnton will leave tomorrow for Danville, Va., where he will speak at the gathering ot the North Carolina christian conference, Mr. and Mrs. L. Roy Johnston, mem bers ot the high school faculty of High Point, spent the week-end here visit ing Mrs. Johnston's parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Wicker. - Mtese Rath Hawk, Btella Hendricks and Prof. O. F. Alexander, of the col lege faculty, spent the week-end visit Ing Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Myrick at Greensboro. S. . Lambeth,- H. D. Lambeth and little daughter, Maedet, spent Sunday at Frown Summit with relative. Mr. and Mr J. F. Reynolds spent Sat urday and Sunday here with relatives. Rev. Ben Williams, of Dunn and Rev. Will Neese, of Henderson, spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. A. pRletiel. . Rev. J. W. Patton and Mr. Patton spent the last of the week her with Mrs. Algier Rich. Mrs, M. A. Atkinson, who has been very III at her home here, 1 very much Improved. Mrs. C. A. Hughe la much Improved after having undergone an operation TAILORED AT PASHIOTTPARK 1 CUSTOM tBKrutxwruiovT ran jtHNorjnzx-or . HMJDT. T THE PAR-KERRY LABEL" " IN YOUR OVERCOAT OUR TAILOR SHOPS AT FASHION TARK HAVE COPYRIGHTED THE PAR-KERRY OVERCOATINGS, TO . INSURE DISTINCTION. THE STYLE ASSORTMENT IS VARIED IN PRICE SO YOU CAN MAKE 4 PERFECT CHOICE LOOK FOR THE PAR-KERRY STORM-PROOF LABEL. . -T' ' " FORTY-FIVE DOLLARS AND MORE DONNELL1 AND MEDEARIS "Cash System Saves." Try News Want Ads For Results at Ralney hospital, and will soon be able to be brought home.

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