GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 15, 1921 , B Annual Conference of the M. P. Church Closes at Burlington '("; , Clirnax of Final Session Was Stationing Committee's Report. Greensboro Pastors Are Returned Statistician's Report Shows 223 Churches, 24,720 Members, 109 Ministers. - - .' - (Sptrtll to Dill? Km.) Burlington, Nov. 14. The final ses sion of the 06th annual conference of the North Carolina Methodist Protest ant church was held this mrontng at the local Methodist Protestant churoh where the sessions of the annual gath ering have been held since the be Sinning of the conference last Wednes' day morning. The morning session to day began at 8: JO o'clock. Pevottonals were conducted by Hev. O, W. Holmes, of Saxapahaw, after which the confer ence launohed Into, the transaction of flhatCbcoa Chord "try it mytwjtalaic :-."- If you hammer on one note , ; of the piano for a minute or 1 so, the sound becomes mo v notorious. Also, there's no 'i f harmony. , . , , If you drink a cocoa made of only one kind of cocoa bean same effect exactly. . But consider Mr. RunkeL There's . t no monotony in cocoa no har- -' ping on one note orone kind of bean! He blends four kinds of bean to get that famous chocolary taste - blend them into pleasing harmony. . j;,-.. . - , That's why RunkePi tastes better , ., with each succeeding drink. That's . why Runkel's has that dualaly tatle. i -t: . That's why no other cocoa can ba r quite so Rood because that b-l-e-n-d ' , Is Runkel's property. . . Get scan at the prewar price, and "" " send for "Tkt New Cocn Cookery," ' ' book of recipes for cooking and baking with Runkel's. Runkel Bros. , ' ... Inc., 450 West 30th St., New York. Runkel's .A lift IrnACA Cfnt far Drinking Basing 8 Cooking I SI rOCOlDS,CBOUP, PNEUMONIA J A T o f 1 ASPIt "Never say"Aspirin' without saying "Bayer" Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting gonulne Aspirin pre . soribed by physicians for twenty-one ears and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only as told In the Bayer pack ager tor Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lum bago and for Pain. All druggists sell Bayer Tablets of Aspirin In bandy tin boxes of 13, and In bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin Is the trade mark Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacld ester of Salloyllcaold. hd-H Keep Your Outer Garments Thoroughly : Cleaned If you do this they will last longer? Don't send a suit to b "pressed" too often, simply pressing it imbeds the dirt deeper . in ths fabric nd causes the cloth to wear out quickly. SEND YOUR SUITS TO THE COLUMBIA LAUNDRY TO BE '.- CLEANED. We do expert work here and make your suits last longer. In other words : "WE DO IT BETTER" Columbia Laundry Company Cleaners Dyers R. A. BISHOP, Mgr. the numerous Items of business, in- ludina the reading of reports of va rious conference committees. A motion prevailed to change the time for the meeting of the next annual conference to Wednesday before the first Bun duy In November, 192!. Her; S. V. Taylor, the conterence treasurer, read his annual report. hlch showed the account of the II- ances of the conference. Including the raising of over 127.000 for all pur poses of the conference during -the year. The report of the committee on fraternal relations was presented by Rev. T. F. McCulloch, of Oreensboro, and in It was contanied expressions f appreciation for the preeencs of Dr. H. Lewis, president of the general conference, and other distinguished divines representing the various In terests of the denomination. The re port also expressed" profound pleas ure for the entertainment given the ministers and delegates in the homes of the people of Burlington. Thanks were expressed also for ths courtesy of the various dally newspapers for the spaca given to reports of the prO' ceedlngs of the conference. Hev. S. W. Taylor, of this city, was re-elected conference treasurer by unanlmoua vote of the conference. The election law of the conference was dis cussed, and certain clauses relating to qualification of voters amended, Kev. U. W. Oerrlnger, the conterence statis tician, read his annual report, which showed that there are 223 churches, and a membership of 24,120, and 10 ministers and preachers. A total of over 192,000 was paid the pastors of the conference during the year, ana a total of over 1199,000 was contributed by the entire membership of ths con ference. A matter that occasioned much dls cusslen was that of the apportion ment of the general conference of 150,' 000 for the coming year. This amount Is apportioned to tha various charges on the basis of 60 per sent of pastor's salary and 50 per oent of church mem bership. The climax ot the conference, as viewed by some members ot tha con ference, was reached at 1:I0 p. m., when tht stationing committee read Its report. The report was presented by S. C. Whltaker, of Enfield, who was secretary of tha committee. The report contained the list ot the ap polntments ot ministers to ths various charges In ths state, and is as follows Alamance, Q. w. Holmes; Albemarle, T. A. Williams: Allison's Grove, J. Alexander; Anderson, to ba supplied; Ashevllle. C. A. Isner; Ashboro, h. W. Derringer; Bess' Chapel, B. O. Cowan Bessemer City, C. E. Phillips; Bun combe. B. M. Williams; Burlington, S. W. Taylor; Chatham, W. M. Pike; Char lotte, Q. I Curry; Cleveland, J. D. Mor ris; Concord, A. D. Bhelton; Creswoll. It. L. Hethcox: Davidson, to be sup plied; Denton, Joel B. Trogdon; Drap er, D. A, Morgan; Glbsonvllle, J. xi Abernethy: Granville, C. W. Bales Fallston, A. L. Hunter; Flat Rook, J. R, Button; Forsyth. S A.Blngham; Graham. C. h. Spencer; Glen Raven, J. A. Ledbetter; Greensboro Grace, R. (J. Stubblns; Greensboro West End, N. M. Harrison: Greensboro St. Paul, J. M Morgan: Greenville, J. H. Trolllnger Guilford, J. H. Bowman; Halifax, N. G. Bethea; Haw River, E., G. Lowder mllk; Henderson, J. E. Pritchard; High Point First church, u. B. Brown; Hign Point Welch Memorial, J. H. Moton Hia-h Point. Lebanon, Edward Suits Lexington, D. A. Braswell; Lenoir, W, p. Martin: Littleton, J. B. U'Briant Mebane, T. M. Johnson; Mecklenburg, W. L. Carson: Mllland, J, F, Alex ander; Mocksville. C, H. Whjtaker Mt. Hermon. A. O. LIndley: Mt. Pleas ant. J. A. Burgess: North Davidson, C. U Whltaker; Oak Ridge, C. J. Ed wards; Orango, H. L. Powell; Page- land. J. W. Quick: Pensacola, J. Riddle:' Pinnacle. W. D. Roed; Randle man, H. 8. B. Thompson; Randolph, W. F. Ashburn: Richland, W. U. Lassiter Hoanoks, D. R. Williams; Reldsvllle, ft F, Fogleman; Roberta, J. T. Slsk Rocklnaham. J. B. Bisk; Baxapahaw, D. M. Loy: Shelby. J. M. Rldenhour; Slier City, J. D. Williams; spring cnurcn, J. L. Trolllnger; Stanley, Atlas umge Tabernacle, G. F. Mtllaway; Thomas vllle, R. S. Troxler; Uwharrte, Robert Short: Union Grove. G. H. Austin Vance. W. 1L Neese: West Forsyth, A. M. Hamilton; West Thomaavllle, M. L. Moose; Whitakers, H. F. Burratt; Why Not, J. W. Hulin; Winston, R. A. Hunt er; Tarborough, T. K. Martin. Left without appointment at own re auest, W. F. Kennett. - . Superintendent of Bethel Home, at Weaverville, Homer Casto. In bands of president of conference, C. B. Way, D. I. Garner, I B. Helms, A. B. Haywood, W. O. Jelf, W. M. Loy, J. F. Mihnls, J. D. Hardy, J. W. Solf. R. E. Andrews, i. L. Reynolds, D. A. Flshel, W. T. Totten. - Supernumerary, W. F. McDowell. Student at Elon college, H. L. Isley. Superannuates, W. E. Swain, T. F. McCulloch, D. A. Hlghflll, O. E. Hunt, W. C. Kennett. J. F. Dosler, W. P. Martin, J. H. Stowe, I. I. Tork. Editor M. P. Herald, J. F. MoCulloch. Loaned T;o board of horns missions, O. B. Williams , Loaned to board of young people' work, A. G. Dixon. Loaned to theological seminary, C. E. Forllnes. Loaned to- Mission of Good Samerl tan, J. S. Williams. Loaned to Elon college, Paul S. Ken nett , , . . Loaned to board of foreign missions, J. Clyde Auman. All-time conference secretary, young people s work, Miss Juanlta Hammer. A period of the morning session wa devoted to the Interests of the new college project, and several ministers either made pledges or Increased their pledges, the highest amount pledged by any minister being 11,000. Final ad journment or tne conference was reached at 1:00 p. m., and ths annual assembly was dismissed with prayer by Dr. Andrews. The annual conference as a whole was a very delightful gathering of body of Christian men and women who represented a great denomination, denomination that has made rapid progress in recent years. Ths 200 or mors ministers and delegates left to day for tnclr various homes feelln that their stay In the .city was a most pleasant and profitable one. The con ferencs was on of the most success ful that has been held In several years. coTJirrnT ci.rn for 'btckory IS WOW AIT ASSURED FACT (Sptdsl ts Dili Men.) Hickory, Nov, 14; ratrick and eom pany u ths name of a new whole sale grocery business to begin opera Hons hers this week with J. H. Pat rick, for SO years associated in thl line of work as organiser and secra tary-treaaurer. J. W. Shuford Is pres ident and J. D. Elliott vice-president. The goal of having been at. talned, promoters of the Country club announce that they expect to run the total subscriptions up to 130,000 be. fore they begin business. Officers will bs elected this week with the ar rival of the charter. The club has bought land two miles north of Hick ory on the Lenoir highway and will erect a modern house and build golf links. Although Postmaster Barbv's res. Ignatlon has been with the postoffioa department at Washington since Au gust 11 last, his successor still Is un named. Raymond L. Hefner, assist ant postmaster, made the highest grade in tne examination, it la said, Albert U Deal of tha local office and Horace A. Abee, a local business man, beln second and third. The candldsto the Republican organisation indorsed fall' The Gasoline That Delivers the Goods Delivery service, with its innumerable stops and starts, puts motor fuel to a severe test, especially in cold weather. Unless the gasoline is quick firing, valuable time Is frittered away . every time the motor has to be started. The alternative of allowing it to idle every time a call is made means wasting a lot of gasoline. But there are other qualities that are desirable in gasoline be sides the "pep" that proper volatility assures. There must be sturdy pulling power for heavy grades, combined with big . mileage per gallon. The motor fuel must burn up so com , pletcly that there is practically no half -burned residue to foul the moving parts of the motor and dilute the lubricating oil. These properties of a well balanced motor fuel are all pos sessed by "Standard" Motor Gasoline. It is an improved article which leads other gasolines in every important quality that makes for efficient and economical operation. Work with your engine, not against it. Give it "Standard" Motor Gasoline for power and Polarine Oil for lubrication. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) A Simple, Safe, Inexpensive Method That Clears Out the Head, Nose and Throat There la no disease mors offensive or disagreeable, or no disease that will lead to as much serious trouble as catarrh. You can now get rid of It by a simple, safe, pleasant horns rsmedy discovered by Dr. Blosser, a catarrh specialist. Dr. Blosser s Remedy Is composed of medicinal herbs, flowers and berries which you smoke in a dainty pipe Or cigarette. The smoke-vapor Is Inhaled Into all tbe air passages of ths head nose, throat and lungs and carries med icine where sprays, douches and oint ments cannot possibly reach. Its ef fect la soothing and healing and is en tirely harmless. It contains no cuheby or tobacco, and may be used by wo met.' and children as well as men. If you suffer from catarrh, asthma catarral deafness, or If subject to fre quent colds, you should try this remedy Satisfactory results guaranteed. An well-stocked drug stora can supply In Blosser'a Remedy. - A trial package containing elglr cigarettes will be mailed to any suf ferer tor ten cents (coin or stamps, by ths Blosser Co., iS DD, Atlantu Oa., to prove their beneficial and pleas ant effect. adv.-hd "Diapepsin" for Bad Stoipach, . Indigestion - Take "Papa's Diapepsin" now I In Ave minutes your stomach feels fine. Don't bother what upset your stomach or which portion of the food did the damage. If your stomach Is sour gassy and upset, snd what you just ats has fermented Into stubborn lumps head dtssy and aches; you belch gases and acids and eructate undigested food lust tag a little rapes Diapepaln and In Ova minutes you wonder what became of the Indigestion and distress. Millions of men and women today know that It Is needless to have a bad stomach. A little Diapepsin occasion ally keeps this delicate organ regu lated and they eat their favorite foods without fear. If your stomach doesn't take cars of your liberal limit without rebellion; if your food la a damage In stead of a help, remember the quickest, surest, most harmless antacid Is Pape's Diapepsin, which costs only SO cents for a large case at drug stores, hd-a FOR SALE 25-Ayrshire Cattle 25 35 Berkshire Sows and Gilts 35. A Wonderful Opportunity To Start Right With -i Purebreds The Southern Berkshire Congress is putting up the Berkshires the best foun dation stock in tho country. The Congress guarantees it. The Ayrshires are offered to further the breed in the south. Bred right; raised right; priced fairly; reliably guaranteed. The Biggest Show Of the Biggest Berkshires. More Than 200 of the Best Berkshire Stock In the U. S. On Exhibit. A Splendid Showing Of Ayrshire Cattle. If 1176 gallons of milk a year, averaging 4 per cent butter fat, for 10 years, under ordinary treatment (the average performance of an average Ayrshire), sounds profitable but unlikely COME SEE FOR YOURSELF. Football Jf. C State vs. ! Pageant Aeroplane Fllgkts Concerts""" IStk F. A Brirade BaaS I, SSHISI .11 iw i s iiis Racing .... Athletic Contests Shooting Aanle Oakley Parade Of the Fairies The Sandhill Fair - Pinehurst, N. C. November 16, 17, 18 3 Big Days SPECIAL RAILROAD RATES 3 Big Days lews WantsonngKesults d M Auallfjr, . .