GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1921 Woman's Realm Telephone 1001 Weddings, Club Meetings Card Parties, Personals Bela-l'limer Wrflillur ' ' The West Market (tract Methodist church waa th oen of a beautiful wedding last eventns; at e'olock when Mlaa Nellie Lov Ilaln became the brida of Carina M. Flowar, of Lot Angeles,' Cal., In the presence of a large number of friend and relatival. Palm, ferna and profusion of whlta chrysanthemum decorated tha ohuroll and on tha altar cathedral can dles added to tha pretty acena. Prior to tha ceremony Professor Scott-Hunter rendered musical pro gram and Mrs. Henry Ware sweetly am "I love you." At the flrat atralna of tha wedding march from Lohengrin tha wedding party antertd In tha fallowing order: The usher, Garland Alderman and Ben Sutherland, oatne flrat followed by Misses Ida May Jordan, of Raleigh, and Annie MeDulTle, maldsmalds, Miss Nellie Muse and Ml Lula Martin Mo iver, brideimalda followed Lunsford HIchardaon and Heaton -Cooper. The malda wore pretty gowna of Jadevreen taffeta and carried armful" of yellow chrysanthemums. Paul O. Trogdon and Roger Mclluffle were tha grooma men. Mra. Richard 8. Hall, of Oecala, Fla., and Mra. K. K. Bain, Jr., aa dames of honor, wore white duchess aatln and carried bouqueta of pink chrysanthe mum. Mlaa Bather Holrlen, of Hocky Mount, fie maid of honor, waa dressed In American beauty .taffeta and tarried Richmond red roses.--Little Mle Jane Carlton waa rlnghearer and carried tho ring In a llirge white chrysanthemum. Htie wore a pretty fruck of white net. The bride entered with her father and met the groom and hie beat man, William J. Rain, at the altar where the ceremony waa porformed By Key. j. R. Harnhardt. . v The bride waa lovely In a white duchess aatln and lace. Her Veil win a coronet of lace caught with orange blossoms. Hhe carried a ahower bou quet of Rrld roeea, 1 1 1 1 eel of the valley und orchlda. Immediately following the wedding an Informal reception was held at tha home of the bride's parent on Spring atreet In honor of the bridal party and a few friends. The home was beau tifully decorated, and In the dining room, where a deltcloua aalad course waa served, a profusion of white rosea predominated. ' Mr, and Mrs. Flower left last night for New Orleans to spend a few days - before going to California where they will make their home. Tha bride la the daughter of Mr. and Mra. E. E. Rain and Is one of the most popular and attractive members of the younger set of Greensboro. She attended school at Greensboro college and Mary Bald win aeminary. Many friends through nut the atate will learn of her mar riage with Interest. Mr. Flower Is the son of Mr. and lira. C. M. Flower, of Alexandria, La., and Is at present engaged In the construc tion buaineaa In Lea Angelea, Cal. He la a popular and capable young man. Mra. Clark to Ming Here. The meeting of the teachers In Ral eigh thla week la bringing 'to the state many of the noted educational leaders of the country. Among these la Mra. Frances K. Clark, of Camden, N. J., who Is the director of education of the National Federation of Music club. and a woman of a atrong per sonality, and one who la an acknow ledged leader In musical education. Hhe will make a aerlea of addresses before the assembly, : At the earnest The Well Dressed Woman Br AOSiKH A HI KM gtar la Paraaeuanl I'lrlares, Paris la most enthusiastic about vel vet. Strangely enough, this mode started, not with the usual type .. f fashionable French women, the woman of 35 or thereabout, but with tha jenne filet. Wat th flapper, going to party. In need of a new dance frock or Invited to the opera? Straightway mamma goes out and buya her sim ple little velvet evening frock, a- Thenee It ha spread rapidly until th majority of the evening wrap are of velvet I saw on yesterday, flame, with a, huge fur collar and trimmed with quantities of tubular velvet fringe some of th afternoon ooats. many of the 'evening frocks and even un occasional negligee or pair of eve ning slippers. Th one realm that vel vet ha lost It hold on Is, strangely enough, the milliners. Felt, satin, lac and fiir are, any of them, smarter than velvet her. . In th sketch 'la a matronly black velvet .evening frock. With blissful individuality, It quit Ignore th pen chant for high neck In evening frock, though It la conventional enough In its other details. There are the ubiqui tous aid tralna falling from the ihoul ders, on of tulle and the other of vel vet, absolutely sleeveless, after the ac cepted mode for evening; a rather longer aklrt, draped, no waist line, and a suggestion of th very low girdle In the bead embroidery. . The huge rose on the right hip 1 of Chinese red bead, with a heart of rhlnestones. From It branches) out a wonderful Chinese tree of silver em broidery, sparkling with blossoms of rhlneatone. request of Mr. J. Norman Wills, presi dent of tho North Carolina Federation of Music cluba, Mra Clark has consent ed to come to Greensboro Friday morn ing, In order that Ureensboro'a music lovera may have the opportunity of meeting and hearing her. She will be the guest of honor at a luncheon to be given by the Euterpe club at the Hyl inore tea room at i o'clock Friday. The olub deeire to afford the oppor tunity of hearing Mrs. Clark to all who may be Intereated, though they may not be members of the club, and reser vation may be made by telephoning Mra, Harold Andrewa, president of the Euterpe olub, Another noted guest, who will be present at the luncheon, and will make an address, la Mra. Croaby Adams, of Aahevllle. Mra. Adama I a teacher and eomposer of national reputation, The Woman's Tonic Thanksgiving Store Closed Today We are thankful for many things, at this season when men's hearts and minds turn to consideration of the blessings that have been their share during the preceding year. . And not the least of these things is the esteem in which the merchandise and business policies of this establish ment are held by you by the public. JVe thank you for it; its growth during the past year is counted our greatest asset. and I held tn hfgh esteem by all who know of her, or of her work. The fact that Ashevlll was (elected as the meeting place for the next bi ennial convention of the National Fed eration of Music cluba, I already awakening Interest among the musical people of the atate, who think it la none too early to begin to plan for the convention. Following the luncheon, meeting of the officer of the State Federation will be held. Cauldy-uladden Harris. A beautiful marriage, lovely In Its simplicity, was solemnised yesterday evening at S o'clock In the ladles' par lor Of West Market Methodist church, when Miss Eugenia Cassidy became the bride of Marvin W. Gladden. Rev. J. 1L Karnhardt performed the ceaemOny in the presence of a few Invited gueata, relative and friends. The parlor waa simply but tastily decorated with fern and chrysanthemums,, forming a lovely setting for the simple ceremony. Marvin Sexton presided at the plffho and as the strains of Mendelssohn' wedding march began the bridegroom entered with his best man, Kendrlck Sanford, coming down the aisle and taking their place la front of the Im provised altar of fern and flower. Then came the bride.dreased In a lovely coat suit of dark blue trlcotlne with grey accessories and wearing a cor sage of Bride roses. She was accom panied by her sister, Mr. Walter R. Oehan, of New Brunswick, Canada, dame of honor, who was dressed In grey crepe meteor and wearing a black picture hat. She carried an arm bou quet of pink chrysanthemums. "Hu moresque" wa played very oftly dur ing the ceremony, and louder aa a recessional. flax, ana mrs. umuuen ipiv itnincui- ately for a short bridal trip south, after which they will be at home at 431 West Market street. Mr, Gladden la the daughter of Mr. Janle Cassidy, formerly of Laurln burg, now of this city. She has been a very efficient teacher In the Pomona school for tha past two years, and has made a host of warm friends during her residence hore. Mr. Gladden, a na tive of Wlnnsboro, S. C, has been con nected with the Dally Record, this city, for the past few yoara. lie, too, has , number of warm personal friends here who will be Interested to learn of hia marriage. Out-of-town guest here for the mar riage Include Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Glad den, of Charlotte, and Mra Walter R, Uohun, of New Brunswick, Canada. fashion ".how Friday. The following Is a list of the chil dren who will take part In the fash ion show to be given by a number of young women of the city on Friday afternoon In the Flrat Presbyterian hut. The proceed of thla delightful event will go to tho Children's home society: Little Mlssea Margnret1 Brit- ton, Uortense Jones, Virginia Carter, Margaret (lalloway, Mary Elisabeth King, Cynthia Vaughn, Frances and (Catherine William. Anna and Blether Mebane, Katherine Nowell, Douglas Long. Mary Louise Rucker, Melisse Mullen, Grace Stuart Richardson, Mary Lee Scalea, Alice Andrews. Sara Shaw, Callahan. Alloe Orubb, KUen Doug las Hush, Columbia Kelly..-Shenk Beta Carlaon, Jan Crabtree, Carolyn Weill, Jean Sparger, Mary Laird, Ruth King, Margaret Wagner, Mary Emma Rob bine, Virginia Rhelnhelmer, Reglnla Heck, Oretta Tlnsloy, Beverly Bharpo, Nancy Yates, and Master Archibald Scales, Richardson Preyer, Jack w in der. Gray Hunter, Edwin Hunter, Ed win Glenn, Brockton Lyon, Jr., culter Watklna, Jr., and Willy M. Payne. Mr Monroe tn flag Among the moat promising of flreenshoro' younger musicians, William Clegg Monroe, whoe home I on Menrtentiall street. Although quite a young man, Mr. Monroe has rich, and well developed baritone voice. Ho baa appeared before Greonsboro audience for a number or timea aur Ing the oust few years, and thoae who havo followed his career have been greatly intereated to nolo hi steady progress in his art. Mr. Monro Ik now. In New York, this being the second year during which he ha studied In that city; prior to going to New York, he studied at Pea- body Institute, Baltimore: A recital will bo given under the auspices of tho Kuterpe club by Mr Monroe In the chapel of Greensboro College on Monday evening, December S. , T Mra. Unekaer Uatertalas. Mra. C. I lluckner delightfully en tertalned a number of friends at bridge yesterday morning at her home on East Fisher avenue. After an enjoyable morning spent over th card the bai lees sirvid a dcllciou salud course and coffee. Miss Gray Hradshuw won hlKh score urine, a pair of silk hose, and the second prise, a box of candy, was awarded .Miss Kathleen Price. Mrs. David Gilbert received the third priie, a pretty pair of candle sticks. The guest present were MesdameB David Gilbert, Kugena Springer, Wade Stock ard, Charles Vanstory, Ferguson, H. L. Haynes. Alfred Wy Hie,. Fred Sparger, Hen Talum, Charles Sickle and guest, Mrs. liauers, of New York, Roland Hill, George Roberaon, Holme 1'enn, and guest, Mrs. Richard Perm, of Danville, Va., J, C. Hedgepeth, Paul Clement, and Misses Llna Martin Mclver, Kath orlne Lee Long, Gray Bradahaw, Eva Mtainback, Katherine Ward, Florence Alien, Katherine Price, Clara Gant, and Sara Longest; ' White-Lambeth Wedding. Last night at 7;o o'clock In the First Presbyterian church Miss Olivia O. White and Shamaon T. Lambeth Were united In marriage. Dr. Charles r: Myers, pastor , of the church, per formed the ceremony. It waa a very quiet wedding, being attended by only a few friends of: the young couple. Mrs. Lambeth Is the daughter of William F. White, of Washington. D. C. She came to Greensboro about a year ago to make her home, and since her arrival here she has made a large number of friend. She t a pretty and talented young lady. Mr. Lambeth la the eon of Mr. and Mra. B. T. Lambeth, of ThomasrvlUe. He has made his home In Oreenaboro for sometime, being eecretary to the su perintendent of the Danville division of the Southern railway. i Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Lambeth left on a northbound train to visit northern oltle. Upon their return to Greensboro they will make their home at 125 Battle avenue. Guests of Mr. and Mra, Wkarton. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Wharton, Ashs boro street, will have as their Thanks giving guests today a number of their relatives. Those to be present will In clude: Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Douglas and children. Dr. and Mr. W. F. Cole and children, of thla olty. Mr. Douglas and Mr. Cole are daughter of Mr. Wharton. Mrg. W. H. Grove and daughter, Mis Lizzie Wharton, Mrs. Emma Smith, Dr. and Mr. M. H. Grove and daughter, all of Salisbury, the ladles being alstcrs of Mr. Whar ton. Mrs. Jessie Morgan, of Marion, a niece of Mr, Wharton. Mrs. Lewis la Hosteas. Mrs. McDanlel Lewis waa hostess at a charming bridge party yesterday aft ernoon at her home on Hillside drive In Weterwood In honor of Mr. Frank Baner, of New York, the attractive guest of Mra. Charles Slckel. Follow ing a number of Interesting games Mrs. E, White received th high score prize, an attractive bud vase, and to Mrs. Baner was given an embroidered linen towel. A delicious ioe, mints and nut wer terved. Mrs.- eest la Mostema. Mr. Clarence Cone gave a charm ing luncheon on Tuesday at the O. Henry hotel tn honor of Mr. Ralph Sabln, of Washington, D. C. Dainty cards guided the guests to their places and th centerpiece of the table was a basket of yellow chrysanthemums. Cover were laid for eight and a de licious course luncheon was served by the hotel management. ' Clnk Meeting Pewtaxtaed. The regular buslnes meeting of the Business and Professional Women's club of Greensboro has been postponed on account of Thursday being Thanks giving day. Further notice will be given aa to the date of the meeting. Itate Meeting In Charlotte. Representative of th executive committee of the Business and pro fessional Women club of the atate of North Carolina will meet for their annual convention tn Charlotte on Fri day, November zB. . i Mrs. Bradahaw III. . Friends of Mrs. O. 8. Bradshaw will regret to learn that ah Is confined to her home by Illness. ' Mr. J. H. Roberts, of Camden, 8. C. I visiting her sister, Mrs. Edward N. MoNulty, who recently underwent an operation In a local hospital. Ralph Price, who la a atuaent at Chapel Hill arrived in th city last night to apend a few day with his parents. Mra. Fred Odell spent yetrday In High Point. Vaughn w oodard. of Wilson, will ar rive In the city today to spend a few day. Mia Maggl Staton Howell, of Tar- boro, Is th guest of Mis Susie Ounter for several day. Mis Flossie Denny who 1 teaching school In Gastonla has arrived home to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mra. J. H. Denny, on Summit avenue. Mis Elisabeth Heath and Mia Ma ria Mathews, of Columbia, S. C apent laat night In the city th guest or Mrs. P. C. Rucker. Sidney Allen ha returned from buainess trip to Denton. .. . - Ben Cone ha returned from a trip to New York olty. Mrs. P. C. Rucker will leave the first of the week for Richmond, Va., to visit friends. Miss Jessie Brandt and Mis Jessie Myers will attend the Virginia-Carolina game at Chapel Hill today, Rev. W. 11. North, of Burlington, waa a visitor in th city yesterday. P. C, Rucker will attend the Virginia- Carolina game at Chapel Hill today. Rev. A. VA Plylor, editor of the North Carolina Christian Advooate, left PERSONAL. rOLDS of heed or cheat ar mot easily treated externally with V lects VAPORUB Onr MiUhn Jan tW VWfe Not A Blemish aurs th perfect appearance ef aat compkilon. Permanent and temporary kin troubles are effectively concealed. Keducee unnatural color and comet grassy ifclne. Hlialy anUMpttc Sewf lie. tot Trial Sim imp. T. HOPKINS SON. New York. Chrysanthemums Fine Bloessa. Pkoa '855 Duffy Greenhouses Opposite O. Heary Hotel. Closing Out Sale 1 LAMIKS EMPORIUM .104 West Sycnmore street - Part or Whole Bargains, extra bargain, millinery, knit goods, dolls, Xmas novelties, stamped goods, embroidery thread, eto. - - GIFTS THAT LAST ip . Sweethearts W lk Of'- S Plf Greensboro . S 1 SO. ' v:- pi The Christmas season is approaching and you may need some help. Why not let me be your Gift Counselor? You may be assured our judgment is correct, our suggestions appropri ate. Jewelry is beautiful, lasting, of intrinsic value, suitable for every Gift. ' " We have made Gift-giving a special study for years and our knowledge gained by long and exacting experience is at your service. You can give us your confidence. BERN A U The Jeweler WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVER, CLOCKS , t A mm : mm f-Sl-iSsf.' m GIFTS THAT LAST on train No.. 45 yesterday afternoon for Concord on a snort Business trip. Robert Dyr, of Charlotte, passed through the city yesterday en route to Chapel Hill 'to attend the Virginia Carolina game. Mr. and Mr. Robert Vaughn have returned from a visit to Sweet Briar and Lexington, Va. John N, Wilson, Jrwlll go to cnapol Hill today to attend the game. mv m rv Ttnherta will leave this morning for Bluedeld, W. Va,, to vilt relatives. Mrs. Culter Watkln 1 visiting friends In Charlotte. A. ML Scale spent yesterday In Ral eigh on business. G. S. Bradshaw attended th opening of" the Sheraton hotel at High Point Tuesday. -- - A Complexion Aid for a Quarter of a Century For red, coarse, oily ar shiny skin and rough spotted, wrinkled complex. Ion use Dr. Blair's Cream of Cucumber. Does not grow hair, prevent black heads, excellent for (unburn tan and remove all wrlnklea In time. Used In place of powder. One application last all day. White, flesh and brunette color at drug and department atorea. BOo and 11.00 jar. tAdvt.) tu-tt NOW OPEN WILSON'S Bird and Gold Fish Store With a Splendid Line of t'ANAIUES AND GOLD FISH Guaranteed Singer. ' Also Bird Cage, Bird and . Fish SuppHe 303 North Davie Street i sK l WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 21 years and proved safe by millions for Colds - Headache - Rheumatism 'toothache . Neuralgia Neuritis Earacne 4 Lumbago" Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy "Barer" bozet of 12 tablet Also bottle of 24 and 100 Druggists, aspirin I tk trad Brk of Bayer Ifusisstar eC Hoaeecetletcldester of BslleyUeacId i "flood Food the Cheapest Way ' 5 i The big cheese is almost gone and it's pronounced the biggest and best cheese that ever came to Greensboro. It you haven't had a piece call us early Friday. Fresh shipment Gelfand's fam ous Olive Mlnatse Combination . Relish and Mayonnaise. Patterson Bros., Inc. FINK GROCERIES 2115 8. Kin . One Phone 400 Have You Twelve Friends In the World? If ao, you will want them to redeive gome evidence of your good will at Christmas. Instead of expensive gifts, the custom . now to send Christmas cards is more universal than ever. We have prepared a special package of Christmas Greeting Cards from steel engravings, consisting of twelve of our most popular designs. They come in envelopes all ready to mail and the lot - ia sent post-paid for one dollar cash with or,der- J. P. Stevens -Engraving Co., Atlanta, Ga. HINE'S HOSIERY DURABLE ECONOMICAL Use News Want Ads