GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1921 8 GRID FIELDS OF SOUTH Center Meets Tulane; Georgia Tech. vs. Auburn; Vandy and Sewanee. CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA Atlanta, (in., Nov. 28 Many pe tacular gridiron eontcata will be playe.1 or aouthern fields tomorrow In the an nual Thankslvlnir day game which with a fw exception will bring the 1921 football aeaton to a close. Har dened by the desperate encounter of lata October and eurly November and drilled to the minute In daczllng meth oda of attack and defenne, most of the big machlnea of Dixie meet rivals of equal calibre. The day will not bring together any of the Ave elevens as yet undefeated by a Dixie rival, Centre, Oeorgla, Geor gia Tech, Vanderbllt and Washington and Lee, but Tech and Vanderbllt at least will meet opponents who will force them to exert all their strength and skill. The other three appear to be In position to count on another victory. Centre college w"hlch has bowed to no opponent this year, meets Tulane for the first time, the match being scheduled for New Orleans. Oeorgla, which faces a gruelling contest this Saturday with Dartmouth, will play Clemson In Athens, The Oeorglans won (5 to 0 last year and odds would seem to be more In their favor this year, al though they are expected to use many substitute's. Oeorgla Tech will play Itx 24th annual game with Auburn, the series now standing Auburn 17, Tech I. Tech, however, has won i out Of the last (, Including last year's 14 to 0 victory. Tennessee's annual classic, the Van-derbllt-Bewanee match, went to . the Commodores 21 to 3 last Thanksgiving but both they and the Hewanee Tigers hav much more representative elevens this year and the game promises to recall those of a decade ago when this match was one of the south's greatest. Washington and Lee, the other undefeated eleven, meets Johns Hopkins In Haiti more and while the latter eleven has shown more strength this year than usual, the supporters of the generals confidently expect them to come through vlotora. Rivaling the games In which the claimants to Dixie's highest football honors participate, are many others in which traditional rivals will meet. The Virginia-North Carolina game, which will be played after being on the verge of cancellation ever the eligibility of a Tar Heel player, is one of these. Virginia triumphed 14 to 0 last year. FOOTBALL GAME WILL BE PLAYED TODAY BY CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA (Continued from Page On tests will continue between teams of the two Institutions." The resolutions also Indorse In unqualified terms the action of the Carolina faculty in up holding the eligibility of Johnson. In the wide-sweeping effort to ar range the game wire and phone com munication between Chapel Hill and flu lotteevllle has been virtually con tinuous all day long. In addition, Prof, Frank If. Graham left here at 1 o'olock last night to see President Alderman and urge him to use his Influence for Iho game. It 1a understood here that Captain Illnrbart also went to Rich mond to see President Alderman, and It seems highly probable that the I'omhlneri efforts of these two and the deflnllo fact that students and faculty at Carolina and students at Virginia all unanimously desiring the game, caused President Alderman to Give Manager Harrison the go-ahead word. Everybody Wasted Gam.' - The town Itself has been seething as It has never seethed before. . Ono rumor after another kept the student on edge all day. The telegraph office has been loaded with heavy buslnees In Inquiries from outsiders as to wheth er the game would be played and at the telephone exchange students have been lined up taking their turn to cot in a word. From hundreds of alum ni all over the state and alumni asso ciations wires have poured congratu lating the university on Its stand, many of them phraaed in vigorous language. One telegram came from a Virginia alumnus In Itlchmond to the same effect. Tlitre fa no uueMinn but that everybody here wanted the game and fought for It with all possible strength. Meantime the center of all the diaouaaton. the redoubtable Johnnon, Is the coolest, calmest person In all the wild excitement of Chapel Hill, lie has kept quiet throughout all the dis cussion and attended strictly to his own business. The football squad today went through Its final practice for the .Ham. Couches Hill and Hob Fetscr had drfenslvo drill, punting and passing, work. The men looked in good shape and a short signal drill wound up the end the coaches think the team will he atronKcr than at any time this sea son. Old injuries to Lowe and Gillon have Improved and both ara ready for n big battle. The team will probably line up follows: Knds. Cochrane -and Morris; tackles, Kernmlle and Jacohl; Ktiurilp, T'olndexter and I'ritchanl: cen ter, mount; quarter, Lowe; halfbacks. 'Johnson and McDonald; full back, Oil ion. Carolina Kapeet To Wis, The overwhelming opinion here Is this team Is atrong. They look for a tremendously hard ynmo and they have respect for the Virginia team. But they believe that It 1b In the Tar Heels lo win, and In Hint belief they are eet end ready for the game. The overwhelming opinions here Is that faculty arted right when It re fused to bar Johnson, and alt the talk of the day has served to cinphaile that opinion. The bnnla of the Virginia pro test, an alleged amendment to the regu lations to the southern association of state universities, had never seen by 1h athletic committee here and furth ermore Dr. Lefevre, of the Virginia committee, told -the Carolina commit tee that he did not know that It had ever been ratified. Neither South Car olina nor Tennessee, members of the conference, had ever heard of it, and the Carolina committee feels that 11 Purple Whirlwind Succumbs to Onslaughts of Twin City Team Greensboro, By Losing to Winston-Salem In High Point Yesterday 23 to 7, Was Eliminated In the Interscholastic Champion ship Series Fumble At Critical Moment Hurts. igDKiii to halt, Knal High Point, Nov. 23. Losing to. Win-ston-Hatem here today by a score of 2J to 7, Oreensboro'a Purple Whirl wind football outfit was eliminated In the second game of the Interscholastic championship of North Carolina. Winston-Salem displayed marked Improve ment over former contests and out played the Greensboro warriors dur ing the entire game. The Twin City boy drew first blood, scoring in the first quarter. They took the pigskin In the middle of the field and by a aeries of cross bucks, net ting from three to 20 yards each, rush ed the hall over. Greensboro's de fense stiffened near the goal but after being held for two downs McCorkle drove the ball over. Joyce kicked goal. Oreensboro'a lone score cam In the second period, following an advance from mid-field with Daniel and P. Transou doing most of the running. The advance was temporarily halted when Greensboro's fumble on the 20 yard line was recovered by a Wln-aton-Halem man. A fumble by Wln-ston-Halem on the next play, however, gave the ball back to It former pos sessors. Rushes by Daniel and Tran sou followed by a cross buck by Daniel made the touchdown possible. Daniel kicked goaj. A fumble on the one-yard line In the third quarter ended another good chance for the Gate City boy to score nri this unquestionably proved the turning point of the fight. Winston-Salem' last two touch downs and a safety, completing the 23 points, came In the fourth period. A 25-yard pass and a aerie of line bucks from the center with Caldwell and McCorkle doing the running netted the first of these touchdowns. Wilson carried the ball over, while Joyce kicked goal. . A few momenta later the Forsyth eounty aggregation kicked but Greens boro wa penalised 16 yards, planing the ball on Greensboro' 10-yard line. A bad pas from the eenter over Dan iel' head counted for a safety, giving Winston-Salem two additional points. The final score for. the Twin City high school followed a forward pass which was Intercepted on Oreens boro'a 20-yard line. The victorious team then worked th ball up to it opponent' three-yard line. After two lunge at the Greensboro line, Sapp scored on an off-tackle play. Hlack, a substitute for Greensboro, played well In the line, while Mc Corkle, and Caldwell did the major part of Winston-Salem' work. The victory put Winston-Salem in the final game for the western cham pionship which must be played with the winners of the Asheville-Shelby match. This game will be played on neutral territory, possibly her or In Greensboro. Today' gam wa witnessed by a large crowd, approximately 1,200 en thusiastic supporters being on hand to cheer their favorite team In the strug gle. Line-up; Greensboro. Winston. 9ellar ,...,,....1. e Veach Transou, J I, t .. Joyce Forsyth .........1. g ' McMlchael Taylor e Davis, T. Green r. g Burns Barker r. t Robert Henderson r. e.. ....... Brandon Transou, P q. b Wllon Bell ...,1. h Caldwell Fordham r. h Sapp Daniel f. b. ....... MoCorkle Substitutes: For Greensboro, Jones for Fordham, Black for Forsyth, Ford ham for Sellers. For Winston-Salem, Davi for McCorkle. Referee, McDougal; umpire, Fout; field judge, Fulton; linesman, Noble; time of quarters, IS minute. BILL AND MAX, AFTER CAMK, BBUIN THEIR LOXO STHOLLt Some of the Oreenaboro high war wondering last night just when Bill Ogburn and Max Barnhardt, who at tended the game In High Point yester day, would reach home. It seem that Bill and Max waxed enthuslastlo over Greensboro's chances to win. In fact so "pepped up" and confident were they that they declared they would "walk home if Greensboro lost." Well, Greensboro lost and Hlfl and Max are supposed to be on "their way." Genuine Ironized Yeast, guaranteed to give satisfac tion, always fresh at Greens boro Drug Co. The store that n-rprcc'intf '""t --' wa never ratified and certainly wa never reported bora. - A great oriticiam here Is concerning the fact that the - Virginia protest came only a few day befor the game and that with everything set for the game they called it off. But for the Virginia team and students and for President Alderman the entire univer sity has immense praise for their sportsmanlike attitude. ALDUILMAV WIHKS ( HASH THAT VIRGINIA CAW FLAY Richmond, Va., Nov, 33. President Alderman, of the University of Vir ginia, who 1 here attending the Vir ginia educational conference this aft ernoon authorised the Virginia foot ball team to proceed to Chapel Hill, N. fl, where It I scheduled to play the North Carolina team tomorrow. Authorlxatlon wa given through several member of the Virginia team who mado a ipeclal trip to Richmond to interview hlin on the subject, these being Captain Hnllis Rlnehart. U. S. Shackelford, and J. W. Hunn. They ex- nlalned that Graduate Manager Har rison and the team were planning to leave Charlottesville for Chapel Hill late this evening despite the action of the Virginia faculty committee in can celling tomorrow's game because of Carolina' refusal to disqualify Red Johnson, Its star back, for alleged In eligibility. The Virginia player who came here said that the team wa eager to play Carolina despite the action of the committee In calling the game off. They planned to leave Itlchmond to night direct for Chapel Hill. Ucsldes the student players who In terviewed him, other Virginia students In the party who enme down irom Charlottesville were C. A. Ferguson, A. M. Mahoon and Henry C. Hunt. Richmond alumni who mot them at the train expressed hearty sympathy with tneir determination 10 piay we Thanksgiving game with Carolina re gardless of any technical objections that might have been raised against Johnson. Dr. Alderman himself will not go to Chapel Hill, his plan being to return to Charlottesville tomorrow. He is a former president of the Uni versity of North Carolina After talking over th telephone wvh the faculty committee. Dr. Alder man sent the following self-explanatory telegram to President Chasa of the University of NorUi Carolina. "I authorise your team to play the Thanksgiving game not as an exhibi tion or unofficial game, but as a regu lar game. I desire to state that I en dorse. In lull, the position of ;'our ath letic uommitlee on this Issue, but owing to the shortness of time in the matter and the long history of cordial relations between the Institutions, 1 am willing that the game go forward. 1 shall duem It wise and right to Issue a statement about the matter later and to tuke auch action aa may seem just and proper. I deeply regret that the difficulty ha arisen." A telegram to the same effect was dispatched to Dan ville to be delivered to Rice Warren, Virginia coach, when he passed through that city tonight with his team. PREPARATION AHH MADE TO PI-AY TMAlvKHUIVINO CLASSIC (By AMoeiitft rrttl.) Raleigh, Nov. 28. The Thanksgiving day football game between the Univer sity of North Carolina and the Univer sity of Virginia at Chapel Hill will be Pluyed tomorrow, according to what is regarded as authoritative information from the University of North Carolina. C. T. Woollen, graduate manager of the University of North Carolina, lata today telephoned Southern railway au thorities her asking that the apecial train arranged for the game and can celled earlier today, be operated. He stated, according to railway authori ties, that the game would be played. Dr. Alfred Lefevre, chairman of the University of Virginia faculty commit tee, tonight announoed that th game would be -played, aooordlag to official report received here. VIRGINIA RTUDKNTS 00 OVER HEADS OF THIO COMMITTEE ISiwrUI U lllr Nan.) Charlottesville, Va Nov. IS. The University of Virginia and the Uni versity of North Carolina will play football tomorrow at Chapel Hill whether the Virginia faculty "commit tee say so or not. Disregarding the faoulty committee's action In cancelling the annual turkey day contest at the eleventh hour be cause of the alleged ineligibility of ' lied Johnson. Carolina's halfback the student body and football squad rose up in arm here th 1st afternoon and staged an unprecedented demon stration of disapproval of the com rnlttee ruling. A a result the football team left her at :6S tonight . for Chapel Hill.' There were three potent factors In bringing about this rebellious act on the'purt of the student body. At a mass meet liipw held Inst night bv the student bmlv, It was the unanimous -t i !,n !-r( i;i :i.ieM' c "yi bo pla) - ed. While the student body at Vir ginia feels that the faculty committee, composed of Dr. Lambeth, Lefevre, Lewi and Neff, were justified in can celling the contest it I objected that the game should not have been called off at the eleventh hour. The second factor wa a telegram of a derisive nature received by the foot ball team from a group of people In Wlnston-Halem, N. C. The third consideration wa an offer by a prominent alumnus of Albemarle oounty to defray all expense of the trip. Captain Rhlnehart, BUI Dun, captain of the banobull team; George Scott Shackelford, president of the O. A. A., and member of the football team, went to Richmond early thl afternoon In an attempt to persuade Dr. Alderman, president of the university, to overrule the faculty committee's decision. Both men made It known to the football team that no matter what the outcome of the conference was they would meet the rest, of the team In Chapel Hill to morrow. Excitement is at fever heat around the university. New that the team Is going to play the game has spread like wildfire and a late telegram from Chapel Hill I to the effect that 20.000 spectators will be on hand If the seating spaoe In the Carolina stadium can be made ade quate. Coaches, managers and a number of faculty members accompanied the team. ELON ANA GUlTJUffiTro CLASH ON GRID TODAY Both Team Thirsty For Moot And Game At Rlon Mhould Be I'eppy Affair. ' (Kptnil in ualtr nl Elon College. Nov. ffl. Kverything Is in readiness here for the Elon- Guilford gnme on Thanksgiving day. Coach Corboy announce that not an Blon player will he out of the game on account of Injuries, and that the team is In excellent shape for the game.- Reports from Guilford college Indicate that their team Is on edge and at Its bent. The Elon team has been through stiff practice since the game last Fri day with Davidson, paying particular attention to defensive play and lnter- ference. The team has also been work ing consistently on the forward pas and this department of the game Is expected to show up better than It did at Greensboro n Armistice day, when Klon and Ouilford battled to scoreless tie. For Elon Captain Johnson, L. Perry, Newman and McAdums will start the game In all likelihood, with 8. Perry and Clnrk ends; White and Smith, tackles; Klrkland and Cameron guards, and Allston center. Since the Armistice day game both team have been looking forward to thl game with blood in their eves as a chance to break the tie. Ouilford has not played a game since and her practice ha been solely for this game, but Klon has played Davidson at Char lotte alnce the Greensboro encounter and has had the added experience of thl game. : POMONA GIRI.H DKFKAT THE BESSKMKII GIRLS ilfj TO 4 The Pomona girls' basketball team met the Bessemer girls yesterday on tne uessemer floor In a one-sided game that resulted In the overwhelm ing score of 2fi to 4 In favor of Pomona. Those deserving special mention were Rstelle White, of Bessemer, who se cured two of Bessemer' four points. and Anna McCormlck, of Pomona, with eight field goal to her credit. The team took the floor aa follow: Besaemor Position Pomona Fannie Boon f, .Anna McCormlck Estelle White. .....Gertrude Freeman Kuby Hunting. ...c Mary Curtlas Ruth Causey g. ..Laura Ballanger Ruth Buslck g.... Carrie, Johnson Referee. Mlsa Ina Johnson GKKBNBHOHO QUICK. LUNCH IS MOW rB FOR BlniNKH Yesterday th door of th Oreena boro Quick Lunch, the latest addition to Greensboro's cafes, were thrown open to the publio at It location at 107 West Market, directly opposite the old court house building. In connection with the restaurant the management handle a line of fruits and candle. As an added feature the firm ia making a specialty of Christ mas baskets and ar equipped to make deliveries (or all occasions. MISS AI.ICU JACKSON AN1 JACK K. LANK ARB MARRIED liDMal IS (Mil) M .1 Carthage, Nov. SS. Tuesday night Miss Alice Bell Jackson became the bride of Jack Hr Lane. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride parents, and a few of her many friend were present. The bride was attired In a navy blue coat suit with flat to match f carried a bouquet of chrysanthemums. ' Mr, and Mrs. Lane will go on a visit to Mr. Lane'n home in AltaVista. Va. GIVE THANKS TSo long as there is a sun to shine what matters it that today it rains. We know the sun has not gone forever. v CSo long as there is a sun to shine what matters it that today it rains? matters it that today things may not be going just right? We know that with our ability, with our energy and our ambitions things cannot go wrong forever. CThis is a day upon which to give thanks, not for material things but for the possibilities which exist for each and everyone of us in the great? est country on earth, in a day and age which presents more possibilities for success than any other day or age presented. CTo say or to think "I have nothing to give thanks for" is an admis sion that the same sturdy stock, the same red blood which flowed in the veins of our forefathers who knelt in the face of unknown terrors and thanked the Almighty for safe passage to a land of Freedom, is not pres ent in us today. ' CWe have vastly more to be thankful for than they had, regardless of what our condition in life may be. If we are to live up to their herit age we must bend the knee this day in sincere appreciation of the things that are ours for the taking. ' -, Atlantic Bank & Trust Co. .Capital One. Million Surplus $360,000 lllllllllllllllllllllllllOlllllllllllllllllllllll Announcing the Opening Greensboro Quick Lunch 107 West Market Street Opposite Old Courthouse Everything new and sanitary. Delicious food prepared on short order by expert chef- Courteous attention. A full line of fine candies and California fruits, Schrafft's deli cious bonhons and chocolates of varied flavors, some with cream centers, others with nut centers, assorted as you wish, in fancy boxes or by the pound. -Fruits of every description for the holidays.We make a spe cialty of Christmas baskets. We Deliver Fruits and Candies for All Occasions JUST TELEPHONE No. 321 7 Make Christmas "The Sweetest Day of the Year" Let everybody receive a box of delicious Candy this Christmas. Candy is the universal gift Everybody has a sweet tooth. Everybody Likes Candy There are so many varieties of boxes here, it would be hard to list them all. Better come in and choose some that will bring most joy to - those you wish to please. Try News Want Ads For Restrfts X

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