GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24. 1921 A maEITradk Z1- PART OF DAVID MAY HOME PLACE ON GETHSEMANE ROCK ROAD Saturday, November 26th, At 2:00 P. M. This is part of the late David May home place, 4 miles north of Greensboro, on the Gethsemane Rock Road, Church Street Extension; and adjoining the Pleas McAdoo estate and the J. E. Latham land, and has been subdivided into five and ten-acre tracts. " This.larui is undoubtedly the most desirable piece of farm" land in Guilford county that we have' ever cut into small tracts; this land is cut so that each tract will have enough wood and merchantable timber for building purposes, and about two-thirds in open land, in a high state of cultivation, suitable for growth of small truck and general farming. This farm is located on one of the best hard surface roads iri the county, and . in one of the best neighborhoods, convenient to schools and churches and one mile of iWhitaOak Cotton Mills. This is a subdivision we invite you. to look over you will have to see it to appreciate it. Seldom you have an opportunity of buying small tracts of this character of land, with its location. Easy Terms Sale Conducted By Band Concert American Realty & Auction Company ' Thomas Bros., The World's Original Twin Auctioneering Force, Greensboro, iV. C, Big Shale Deposits In Norwood Section' Await Manufacturers Unnumbered Acres of High Quality Materials For Making Shale Brick, Tile and Pottery Manufactures of Many States Make Inquiries Pushing Road afid Bridge Program. - ! . fSpUl It Dill, Km.) Norwood, Nov. - aa. Unnumbered - acres of (bale under the hilU In and " about Norwood have (or some months ; keen drawing the attention of brick, ..: t lip and pottery maker with the re ", suit that there Is now on large shale ; brick plant In operation, a second company Is organising and Inquiries ;-nre being reoelved from various North -Carolina points and as tar away , as New York state. , -". Norwood owes the prominenoe to - which it has attained In this regard largely to D, M- Moodie, with a life . time of brick-making to bis credit, who J coming from Scotland by way of Ohio, has found in Norwood the shale beds of his dream. His enthusiasm has ' placed speolmens of Norwood raw kIihIo, also manufactured brick, tile ' anrf imtr-rv In th Matlfl.lnnerolinas position, the stats fair and the Sand- lill Is fair, and they were first prise . winner in eeqh instanoe. , ,.. . . , , .-'"Mr. ! Meddle, who is a " brick plant consulting engineer, Is an enthusiast " on the subject of all clays, shales and minerals which In the least pertain to ; the making at brick and pottery. He has been all ever North Carolina since r inking up his residence here something ' over a year ago and has looated ma ' terlal in the soil of the state, which, when added to Norwood shale, as s ' lie,j make a quality of pottery not surpassed in the United States. The abundance of high quality raw . materials (or the manufacture of rhalei brick, tile and pottery is so great In this state that Mr. Moodie , professes 'himself to be in a stale of . continual wonderment that the oppor tunity had not been (rasped years ato una thiit North Carolina had not by ,. i this time added to her fame by being tlio greatest shale burping (tale In the .. union, . - ' i .... , ' 1 lire. Joseph Hyde Pratt and Col)ler -, l ohb. of the university geological de- parUnent, with Mr. Moodie,. have been maklhg an investigation of North .Carolina shalea recently and a report uf their findings would bs of undoubt ed value and pleasure to those Inter ested In the development of the state's rcaourocs ' f ' North Carolina has a well establish ed common brick manufacturing in dustry and this has of late years been Expanding astonishingly. The. Idea of ; manufacturing brlok, hewever, docs ? not seem to have reoelved muon atten- lion until recently. That shale brick have been used ex tensively In the state nevertheless, Is shown In the (aot that each year hun ... dreda of cars of shale brlok have been Imported from Ohio, which state Is ths renter of that Industry in the country. Ohio, It Is (aid, oonsiders North Caro . Una quit a valued customer. This In , dananoe of the fact that North Caro- Una soli contains more shale and but . ter shale than Ohio can boast of. There are now several shale brlok , flants In the state, the largest of . which is In Norwood. Their markets ure largely found in their own terri- FELT LIKE AN IRON This is How Lynchburg, Va., ; Woman Declares Her Headaches Often Af V fected Her. Everybody will read with Interest the atatement of Miss M. E. Woodford, ', JIOJ . Filmore street, Lynchburg, Va., who aaysi "I don't believe anybody ever suffered (rem headache like I did. The pains - felt Ilk an iron band was being drawn around my head and my temples would throb until I was driven almost dls ; treated. . I ehudder when I think of , those awful headaches. I had no ap petite either. "I owe Tsnlao an everlasting debt of gratitude for entirely ridding me of those terrible headaches. My atom, aoh has been toned up. too, and every thing I eat agrees with me now. Tan lao certainly, brought me health and. I happiness." " T&nlao Is sold In Oreensboro by the , Greensboro Drug Co. and all leading '.druggists.. .. .. , Cuticura Soap -The Healthy Shaving Soap ntiafaeiMpiiiatwtthtitmnff. BwifwhrnS, lories on aocount of the lively de mand. " -' The shale brlok t of a finer texture and has better absorption and wear ing qualities than common clay brick. It is used extensively as a face brick on account of its rock-like resistance to the weather and also to Its rich color. The shale at Norwood, whleh seems to have considerable edge on the other shales of the state, had lain Idle sine the world began, if on believes one way, or since that particular age or epoch in which shale strata were laid and then crumpled out of shape, If one believes the other way. Nothing was done to It except to heap maledic tions upon It when the farmer's plow should happen to turn out a larg slsed lit:e of it from tho ground. It is neith er soil nor stone'and In 'It natural ntate, not good (or the purposes of either. . Norwood's -outlook, now,., however. with th,e newly discovered value of its shale deposits, with Its three connect Ing railroads ' traversing a rich, coun try In five directions, Its manufactur ing sites, le toward a transition into urea tor prosperity and' greater use fulness to the state. Koad and bridge building now In progress and projected wilt give Nor wood by next spring unimpeded com munication by Improved highway with every town In this general sec Hon. The road to Mount OHesd by BennetVs ferry Is now being graded and should be complete within a few weeks. This will be a marked improve ment on a heavily traveled road and will serve further to advance the com mercial and social relations between the two towns. Bids will be opened November It for the construction of a concrete bridge over Rocky River at the site of Halthcock's low water bridge. With the . contemplated Irn provement of the highway through Anson county, Norwood will then lie within oasy communication .with Wadeaboro. Work Is bow in progrcax on tho Improvement of the road to Rocky River Springs and the Cotton v 1 1 1 section. There Is a movement on foot with probability of suocess for improvement of the oountry road which connects Norwood with the highway at Swift Island concrete bridge, which is now about complete, with the oompio tlon of these project there will be very little more whioh Norwood could aak in (he way of road Improvements, with six roads leading out In as many Indirections and being located on one of im y,ifuii lime iiiKuwnji kuu uwii nected with all the others. MAN.Y CHI.KBRITIHN WILL GAT11UH AT HIMTIXJ LOUliKH (SwcW It Pill, Nm) Klnston, Nov. HI. Many oelebrltlea will gather at the hunting lodgva In Craven, Carteret, Onslow and Hyde counties during Ths next six weeks, according o reports coming up from in coaat, in innux or ayeu-in-tna wool sons of fame has already started, but the main guard will not arrive for a vouple of week. "Bud" fisher of Mutt and Jeff fame has already tried the shooting and returned north. He may come back, according to the re ports. Rex Beach Is due about this timo of the year. With him Is usually a bevy of the New York literati, includ ing some good shots. The guides are anticipating a sue cessful season. They have become ao customed to "big bugs" and a new mil lionaire or member of the United States senate Is an ordinary person to them compared with a few of the "boys' who "knock 'em over" as readily as do the old-timers themselves. Million aires all dolled up In patent rigs and carrying brand new kits elbow each other all over the "banks" In the hunt Ing season, But Christy Mathewaon hasn't been back for a long while and there la genuine regret. First parties of North Carolina uplanders have vlait ed the grounds and found the shooting fairly good . in - the .(ace , of . adverse conditions. UNldllE STILL CAPTURED BY OKFICKR IN RANDOLPH (SwtUl le Dalli Ntn.1 . AshboTO, Nov. S3. A most unique "(till" was captured about five miles south of Ashboro Saturday night by Officer C, W. Steed, Jailer Jenkins, C. B. Griffin, John' Allred and Clyde Styres. The two men who It is alleg ed owned and operated the still were at the still making whisky at the time It was captured, J. M. King and Jim Luther. The still was two large wash tubs one over toe other, and the whisky was being made in this. The capacity was about twenty-five gal lone. Both men are out on bail. The second lyceum attraction of the season will be In the courthouse Tuss. day evening, November 2. The enter tainer for the evening Is John B. Katto, impersonator. The Women's club of Ashboro arrsnged for the lyceum course for the winter, and the first at traction which csme about two weeks bouvemrs For Ladies , Friday November 25th Friday November You Are Cordially Invited To Attend Our n Nineteenth Christmas ening Nineteen years ago we became the Supply Depot for Santa Claus in this section of North Carolina, ever since we have been improv ing each year until today we have a superb selection of Gift Things for you to choose from, Gifts for every member of the family from the tiniest tot to the grown-ups of either sex. Friday marks our NINETEENTH CHRISTMAS OPENING to which you are cordially invited. A souvenir of the occasion awaits each lady, a pleasing and a practical trifle we are sure you will appreciate. ft For Kiddies there aro DOLLS, smart little ladies with every color of eye and. hairj Iarjre and small and all very beauliful. BOOKS are here toq. ' Books for everyone. Nursery rhymes, books for Girls, books for Boys and then the splendid Btories of the present day. -; Adventure, travel, romance. Anything you may desire In the way of reading matter. i ', STATIONERY, Includes a complete line of Crane's, the best sta tionery ruade. In Christmas foxes, in odd shapes and sizes, in all colors which are in good taste, STATIONERY makes a most appreciated Gift SMOKING SETS Stands and table sets in many shapes, In brass and in copper. Beautiful and practical and pleasing to the heart of mankind. x ' ' -- ;- HUMIDORS to keep cigars moist and smokable, and also Humidors for Pipe Tobacco. .Unless you yourself smoke, you cannot realize what a boon these are to the smoker. CANDLESTICKS In Brass, Copper and Polychrome. In every shape and size. For the Consol and the Mantel and with candles of every color and also in every shape and size to go with them. BOOK ENDS Artistic and adding materially to the appear ance of the Library Table. In many classic designs. OBJECT OF ART Jars In many shapes and sizes and In won derfully soft colors. A beautifully shaped Jar is a gift any wom an appreciates, it is certain to fit into a nook that had been bare before. - FRAMED MOTTOES to hang over a desk or for an Intimat room. Mottoes which sound every note of human emotion, mottoes which make days brighter and more livable. Give more of them this Christmas. - ' CHRISTMAS CARDS for the hundred and one friends who only expect and want a word from you each Holiday Season. Beau tiful sentiments expressed in harmonious colorings. PICTURES--Copies of the Old " Masters. Excellent subjects splendidly reproduced. And the wonderful color harmonies of MAXFIELD PARRISH, framed with excellent taste and marvel ously beautiful. Such pictures as these are much appreciated as Gifts. RUST CRAFT NOVELTIES, including everything you could possibly think of as a practical Gift and a hundred and one ' things you never would think of. Delightfully packed with'a rhyme on each box. A huge assortment to choose from. Make the Christmas Table Merry. DENNISON DECORATIONS will help you. We have' every thing here necessary for decorating a room and a table in the best Holiday spirit. Beautiful reds and greens, bells and other significant trifles which mean Christmas wherever they are seen. WI L LS Storehouse of Christmas Gifts For Every Person Out of Town Orders Given Prompt Attention 0 . I mmn eu moat dellvhtiiil.