Tossing of Gladiators to the 1 Lions Big Event at the "Hill" Never Did Romans Enjoy Such a Spectacle More North Carolina Was Never So Well Represented As She Was Yesterday In Chapel Hill Went By Train, Autos and Trusty ford. (Br W. . DICKSON.) Chapel. 11111, 'Nov, 2. E'crhaps the biggest crowd that ever witnessed a (porting event In North Carolina was assembled tit Chapel Hill yesterday to the gladlatora thrown to the Hons. And nt did Romans enjoy such a spectacle more. Without official figures, 5f Dainty! Mot eonvfinicnt to buy daintiest n4 rnntU delicious tr chew "have a hturt".. ot purefit candy-coated chewing guyi! Mastin's Vitamon Greatest Complexion Secret of All ' Banishes Skin Eruptions, Putt on Firm Flesh. Strengthens tho Nerves and Increases Energy. Concentrated Tableti Easy and Economical To Take Reeulta Quick. If you want to quickly clear yout skin ud oomplczion. put some firm, healthy flesh on your bones, inoraaeo your nerve loroe and power and look and feel 100 per cent, better, aimply try taking two of Mna tin'e tiny VITA-' MOffHiablets with each meal and watch results. Mostin's VITAMON Tablata contain highly con centrated yeast-tvitii-mines aa well aa the two other mill more important vitamlnes (Pat Soluble A and Water Soluble Qand' are now being used by thousands. They positively will not unset the stomach or cause gas, but, on the T U C f I f I y contrary, are a nreut '" V u aid to digestion, to BLACKHEAD tion and aa general UNHEALTHY conditioner of the r-tsMkl whole system. Pirn- 2IN pica, boila and akin . btAUIIrUL CLEAR THl BEAUTIFUL" CLEAR VITAMON SKIN Of What Uh Are Beautiful Features If You Han An t)l It Skin, Flabby Fla.h. Hollow Chaeka, Or A Scrawny Nackf Maatln'a VITAMON Is Positively Cuarantead To (live You Naw Health, Baauty And A Mora Rounded Face and ?lura Whathar You Are Yauns Or Old, or Money Back, rr It Younalf And See. eniptiona aeem to vanmh like niaelo under their purifying influenoe, the com plexion beoomea fresh and beautiful, the check rosy in- , trad of pale, the lipa red Ituitead of colorless, the eyea bright inatead of dull. -Bo rapid ana amniing are the reeulta that success ia absolutely guaranteed or the trial costs you nothing. Do sure to rememlier the name Muslin's VI-TA-MON the original and genuine yeast-vltamine tablet there is nothing else like it, ao do not accept imitations or substitutes. You can get Maatin'i VITAMON Tablet at all good druggists, , TWORICINU. AND vtasr VITAMIN! Are Positively Guaranteed to Put On Firm Flesh, Clear the Skin and Increase Energy When Taken With Every Meal or Money Back W Aspirin Never say"Aspirin"without saying "Bayer" Warning! Unless you ace the name "Bayer" on package or on tablet! you are not (retting genuine Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-one ears and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only aa told In the Bayer pack age for Colds,- Headache, Neuralgia, Ithcumntlsm, Earache, Toothache, Lum bago and for Pain, All druggists sell Bayer Tablets ot Aspirin in handy tl boxea of 12, and In bottles of 24 an 100. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaoeticacld eater of Balicyllcaold. hd-H an estimate of the number would be Just an istlmate and nothing more. l:ut. the impression given was that there were euslly enough men present to have won the recent war and enouKh of the state's beauty Inter mingled wJth them to lnaplre uuh a feat. A rough guess, though, would place tlie attendance at something be tween en and a hundred and ten thousand. ' And then ' there were the officials, of course; but they aw something different from what the rest ' of the crowd witnessed. Otherwise, the ap proximate mile and a quarter that Carolina was penalized enduring of the fray would remain for history a dark secret Indeed. But the Hons had a good feast, so what of It? Anyway,; the next . time aome enter prising promoter of an athletic event wants a crowd he'll cancel his event Just before It is scheduled to come off, and thei uncancel It. It works Just like that old railroad gag worked In wartimes that gag about not wanting passengers. Not, of course, presumfng that Charlie "Woollen had any such thing In mind Tuesday night when that heart breaking news went out over the wires. Unofficial, unconfirmed reports are to the, effect that he aged some fifteen years during- a-certain 24 hours this week, leaving him prematurely gray iui slightly oh, ever so slightly bald. f'ut all these and the other accumu lated years slipped quietly awav yes terday. The way Charlie beamed upon that multitude at one and two dollars per mostly two would have been worth a day's holiday and outing, not counting- the game. But it was the multitude that did the perrlng, y'under etand, not Charlie, North Carolina was never so well represented, even In the general as sembly, is It was yesterday at Chapel Hill. They came by train, automobiles and Fords, as Ralph Bingham Is ac customed to remark. But the point Is, chiefly, that they came. And saw an ample sufficiency. ' It was a crowd that assembled with the utmost quietude, in a manner of speakings its manner Indicating that It was hoping for a wedding but not so dern certain but that it might be funeral. It went wild hy sections; then all together at once, And when It left Emerson to the pealing and ap pealing notes of the old bell, every bodywith a limited number of ex ceptions felt like the young lady who was so enthused that she kissed the first boy ahe saw that she knew. Al most, Indeed like he did after tha kiss, when he felt Impelled to kiss hie next nearest neighbor, who happened 16 be a mere man.. Now you know the worst. . "" , " There were a few thousand automo biles parked here and there enough to he decidedly noticeable. But there was a shortage of accidents. A few bumps, but they dldni amount to much. The Virginia machine got the worst one of the day. And then there was a Ford that tried a nose dive Into a ditch out west of town on the wav home sort of a fly Ins tackle that held the procession for downs about a quar ter of an hour. Nobody waahurL .ion inagmuceni jiannnng or sucn a crowd in a place so Inconspicuous from the census man s standpoint was due to great ,measure to the fine co-opera- lon given Chapel Hill's police force ny trained tiaftle men from Greens boro, Durham, Knlotgh, and other speaking by and large, from the viewpoint of the crowd, It was a gor geous day, From Charlie Woollen's viewpoint well, words fall! SUMMERFIELD NEWS. Pound I'ltrly In Honor ut Mla Junnlta (raven Peraonnl Mention.' '., (8prlil to Dally Ngwi.) Hitmmerflflld, Nov. !!4. The lunlor and senior classes of Hummerflold high school gave a delightful pound party at tho homo of Mrs. II. C. Brlttaln Fri day night, honajrlnr Miss Jnanlta Craven, who was the charming guest oi Mrs. urittain last week. Miss Moselle King left Tuesday for her home In Greensboro to spend the inanKsgivlng holidays. ' Miss Kate Hoskina spent Tuesday In urcensooro anopping. Mr. and Mrs. W. C.Denny, of Oreens- boro, are spending several days with oar, ana Mrs. j. w. crows. The Ladles' Missionary society held Its regular meeting Tuesday after noon at the homo of Mrs. Q. S. Milea. Flans for the Christmas bazaar were discussed. After tha business meeting a delightful Social meeting was en joyed during- which the hostess served delicious refreshments. Miss Nells Kagleson spent last week with friends and relatives in Winston- Snlem, Miss Juanlta Craven has returned to her home In, Climax after visiting nor aisier, Mrs. n. c. Brlltalif. She was accompanied by her sister, who will be the guest of her mother for several days. Miss Mary Ellen Smith Is snendlna- the Thanksgiving holidays with Mlse Odessa Crouse, of Stokesdale. Mrs, J. A. Itoblnson ond family mo tored to Madison Thursday to spend ma day with mends. Th boys' basketball team of Stim- merfleld high school will play Gull ford high school Friday on the lat ter's court. Anions- the treats In store fne merfield In the near future is a pliino recital by Miss Moiella King, the popular music teacher of the high school. Miss King will be assisted by Mlftn EllBaheth Oirhnrn. Th ronltol will be given December I In the high Bt-nooi auditorium. Misses Kate Mosoley, Mlttle Jackson and Annie Mitchell are spending Thanksgiving; at their respective nnmea. Holly Johnson is spending several ays wnn nis oroiner in Washington D. O. ' 1 From B' way, N. Y., to Greensboro, N,C. mmm 211 South Elm Street Suits Greensboro Overcoats If The Price Were $40 You'd Say Great Display $25 This Price Illustrates trivers Un ' approachable GREAT VALUE THE METROPOLITAN STYLE SHOW Suits, Overcoats, Topcoats, Gabardine Raincoats, Evening Clothes Factory and Executive Offices: 801-807 Broadway, New York City it smsmmtxmwa WHITSETT NEWS. Miss MngRle ttreeaon Critically 111. Personal Mention. Scll! H Sally Nowil W'httsett, Nov. 24 Miss Maggie Qreeson -is critically ill at her home near here, suffering from pneumonia, and it is reraed that she will not re cover unless there is a change for the Dettor very soon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor and Ed B. Wheeler spent today In Greensboro shopping;, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Snyder and Mrs, a, urewer, or winston-baiem, are here Spending Thanksgiving with Dr. and Mrs. w. T. whltsett. Plans are rapidly going- forward to light and seat the new school audi torium, and it is hoped to have ready for use at an early dnto, The field secretary of the Chris Hon Endeavor movement will spend next Monday and Monday evening with the organisation at this place. The new pastor of the M. K. church Rev. D. M. Clay, made a very favorable Impression upon a large congregation at bis first service held here this week Several persons have been here dur Ing the last few days looking fo vacant houses, but at this time ther is not a vacant house for rent in the place. Work has begun on getting out ssmil for the new sand-clay road . running from here to the Dexter Clapp place south about four miles. The basketball team has begun prac tice. in earnest, and hopes soon to be in position to have some match games. - Another store is to bo, opened here soon In the Taylor building, which n recently sold. Mrs, ft.- A.: Jenkins and dnughte have gone to Greensboro (or a vlsl after spending some time here Ur, and Mis. A. F. Oreesoa. Sest jpfe- : Hot biscuits. You can't 'make good biscuits by - ; chance.' Youan't use ordinary '. flour and expect good results. If you want biscuits that melt in . your mouth, use Pillsbury's Best the sure flour. Pillsbury's Best makes wonderful biscuits as well as bread, and it never, never varies ' in quality"! For "good luck" with biscuits, use dependable flour:' Use Pillsbury's Best. - At all grocers.- A Member of , ' Pillsbury's Family oF. Foods Pillsbury Flour Mills Company, Minneapolis, Minn. t ' Whenever Possible Purchase North Carolina Made Products and Praise Them Prosperity Lies In The "Balance Of Ask your local Agent to place your Fire V Insurance with a. North Carolina Company ' , They are Strong and Safe. The prosperity of any State or Community is dependent upon the Loyalty of its people , to Home Institutions and Industries. I "1'N bur trade with other States of -The United States prosperity lies in SELLING THEM MORE THAN WE BUY FROM THEM. The difference is known in the world of commerce as "BALANCE OF TRADE" and it is the basis upon which the prosperity with Local Agents seeking Information regarding North Carolina Fire Insurance Companies should address The State Insurance Officer. Patronize H --4of Nations is determined. In the matter 'of FIRE INSURANCE, the more FIRE INSUR ANCE NORTH CAROLINA FIRE INSURANCE SELL TO NORTH CAROLINIANS, the stronger they become and this strength enables them to compete with Fire Insurance companies in other States. , 'Through doing this NORTH-CAROLINA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES RETURN A "BALANCE OF TRADE,, a BAL- ANCE which is invested in North Carolina Realty, in North Caro lina Industries, in balances in North Carolina banks vhieh are available to individuals and industries through the regular chan nels of Bank proceedure. ' ' With the help of NORTH CAROLINIANS, North Carolina Fire " Insurance companies will increase in strength with each passing year, and each strengthening will add materially to the prosperi-. ty of the Home State, and to the prosperity of each individual ' within, the State. . Your part lies in requesting that your FIRE INSURANCE be plac ed in one of the Companies comprising THE ASSOCIATION OF NORTH CAROLINA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. There are ELEVEN of these Companies, all of them STRONG AND SAFE. ome Institutions

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