GREENSBORO DAfLY NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1921 Woman's Realm Telephone 1001 Weddings, Club Meetings Card . Parties, Personals, Mr. "Williams I Hostesa. The following from (he Wlnston-8a-Itm Journal of Thursday-will be of In terest la Greensboro: "One of the moet brilliant social vents of the seaaon was the ta given yesterday by Mra. B. Clay Williams honoring Mra. O. H. Ferguson, of Greensboro, 'and ber house- guest, MrB. Halph Sabln, of Washington, I). C, alno Mra. Joseph Ham, of Charlotte, who la the house gueat of Mra. Williams. "Hrsidcs the honor guests thoae re ceiving with Vyr hostess war Mra. l)ornmJrln!TTMr. D. N. Dalton. Mra. I). Itlch, Mra. C. A. Kent, Mra. n. 0. Kelly. Mra. Charles Matton. Mra. A. l. Lorraine, Jr., Mra. J. L. Graham. Mra. .lohn H. Foster, Mra. Buena- Minima, Mra. George Orr anil Mra, Watt Rich ardson, of Hcldavllle, Mra. A. L. Itrooka, Mra. .lamas Ilrawley, Mra. l'arran Jari boe, Mra. Robert Denny and Mra. Fred Ode!!, of Greensboro. "The living rooms and halla were beautifully decorated In yellow chrys anthemums and tenia. The dinlng room was a study In pink, with a moat elaborate and beautiful mound of pink rosea forming" the centerpiece on the tea table at which both tea and coffee were poured from a silver sorvlce. As sisting in serving- a aalad course were Miases Elisabeth Conrad, Alice Gray and Rosalie Wilson. Little Misses Mary Lou I'annll! and Margaret Wil liam! were among those who helped with the dispensing of delicious punch." Junior Fashion slow Today. The costumes to be displayed In the Junior fashion ahow to be held at the First l'resbyterlan ohurch this after-1 noon at t o'clock have arrived In the dlty. The ahow promises to he one of the moat unique and attractive enter tainments ever held In the city. The proceeds will be used for the benefit Vr At the tirst & sign of skin trouble apply ! RESIHOL Soolhincj and HtaJincj Delayin properly treating skin trouHe is dangerou&You make no mistake when you adopt Resinol In UseNeirIyThirfyears Chrysanthemums Fin Blooms , I'll one BOO Duffy Greenhouses Opposite O. Henry Hotel. The Well Dressed Woman it r At; .!: AYiti.a Star In Paramount Pictures, . " Fashion, the fickle Jade, told us or monkey fur It was all one. Now confidentially that she was weary we realize all over again what we unto death of fringes, silk or head should have known when she aald It that even the confidences of a fas cinating female are to be taken with reBervatlona. . For, Judging by J'arlslan fashions, fringe has been readopted and as ardently as ever. And with the return of fringe cornea a fresh Interest tn monkey fur, both black and white. Nine hats out of ten are trimmed with decorations that drip alluringly off the brim, many with' silk or woolen fringe, and this large hat In the sketch, with a fringe effect obtained . with a plume of black monkey fur. It is a large hat, the very small hat having entirely disappeared. large and picturesque, with an artis tically restrained curve In its brim. The top and crown are of black and ellvea . brocade, the facing of black satin. The Frenchwoman is tiring of plain black, but not quite sure, as yet, what she will substitute for It, so aha adds a bit of silver here and there, while she thinks It over all ver or cut steel on her frocks, brocade on her hats and evening wraps and even a little silver embroidery on bar evening slippers. , The other hat tn the sketch, a large, soft Tam o' Shanter of rose vel vet, has each of its many triangular pieces outlined With the thinnest of monkey fur fringes. It was at a famoua club. Two mem bers were in heated argument, one claiming their club served the world's best pastry, xne pastry cook was call ed in. "Success In delicate delicious des serts is mostly a question of extracts,' he said, "our deaserta are always per feet because I use only ULUB RIB BON EXTRACTS. (Advt.)hd of the North Carolina Chlldren'i Home society. ' The models taking part in the affair will be from four months to 14 years of age. A delightful music program will be .rendered. The following chil dren have been added to the Hat of models already announced: Francis fc'entreea, Polly Moore, Francis Orubhs, Carl Buck nor, Jr., Nancy Scott Causey, Max Hendrlx, Jr., Mary Elisabeth SoboolReld, Annette Corbin, Elizabeth l-eftwleh, Charles Banks, Jr., and An nie Denny. ' ' Celebrate lllrthdnys. Little Julius and Dorothy Hayworth celebrated their 7th and 1st birthdays yesterday at the home of their grand father, Dr. J. J. Hilton. 1301 West Lee street, A large number of their little friends were present to enjoy the party. The little guests were ushered Into the dining room where the little hosts blew out the candles on the cake. A color schema of pink and white was tastefully carried out. A delicious sup per was aerved; the menu consisted of turkey, cake, mints, fruits and punch. Following the supper the guests were Invited to another room where they enjoyed music. Those present were: Adelaide and H EAD COLDS Melt in spoon; inhale vaportl apply freely up nostrils. V A F0 Rua Oner 17 Million an IW Ymk "--. WW iukjljijCOijlaTs-S-jjU , are I S P E C IAL y,' For the .Week-End Only '' i OPERA PUMPS if pj zi. i : OF BLACK SATIN : :!;! 5); Full Louis Heels v I $8.00 Sjj See our line, too, of Tweedie Boot Tops. I;!; f'l BETTER SHOES BETTER SERVICE Ltlffi)ii!l!4 MfflW 1 tjAboutHlends ' QUEEN'S BLEND" Is the result of careful selection and'blcnding of four choice grades of superior coffees. Jhe blending in correct propor tions and the careful roasting of these fdur coffees produce the fragrant aroma and delightful flavor that makes Queen's Blend ' the indispensable breakfast beverage. If you are not using this "perfect blended" coffee; a delightful sur-. prise awaits you try It for to morrows breakfast. mi ,U9'J ... , . I i mm -1 Crocer m 311 itan-sBumor 'ucens ;nLGHi Mended io a Queen Tast Th JAMES O. OILLCO.,Norfollt,Vlrglni Edwlna Hilton, Louisa, Dorothy, R. B. Jr., and Julius Hayworth, and Dr, and Mrs. J. J, Hilton. Surprise Party. Wednesday afternoon from 4 to 6:80 o'clock Mies Mary Nash Bdraunda waa given a delightful surprise birthday party by her friends. Settle Avery won the guessing contest? Many other games, both Indoors and outdoors, were enjoyed. Delicious Ices and cakei were aerved during the after noon. Thoae present were: Misses Frances Burch, Annie Burch, Fran ces Clement, Helen Curtis, Louisa Har rison, Kate Harrison, Margaret Neal, Frances Sink, " Evelyn Rives, Kate Wllklns, Katheryn Turner, Inda Mey ers, Cora Lee Clark, Mary Lltaker, Ruth Litaker, Irma Simpson, and Bus ter Litaker, Livingston Williams, Ern est Simpson, Fritx Byerly, . Alphonao, Benjamin and Settle Avery, and Jack Barrow. prlng Garden Entertainment. Friday night at 7:30 o'clock the men of the Spring Garden Street Methodist church will be arrayed against the wo men In an old-fashioned spelling match to be held by the primary department. Other entertainments of the evening will be reading and games suitable for both the adults and the children. Ice cream; candy and hot chocolate will be aerved and an enjoyable evening Is anticipated by all. v Cnppe-Brewer Wedding, lira. Julia Capps has Just announced the marriage of her daughter, Mabel Rosella, to W, T. Brewer, both of this city. The wedding took place last March but for special reasons It was kept a secret. Both are very popular In this city, having a host of friends who will be Interested to learn of their wedding. Moore-Uoraett Announcement. The following wedding announce- menta have been received In the city: Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Moore announce the marriage of their daughter, Mabel Claln to Mr. J. Sam Dorsett, on Wednesday November twenty-third, nineteen hundred and twenty-one, Sax- apahaw. North Carolina. At home after December the eighth. Slier City, North Carolina." Honoring Mra. llmev. Mr. and Mrs. ,W. E. Phlpps enter tained with a dinner yesterday In hon or of their guest, Mrs. John A. Qllmer, of Morganton. Covers were laid for eight and a four course dinner was served. Those present were, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Qllmer, Dr. and Mra. C. 9. Qllmer, Mrs. J. Henry Gilmer, Peptnmlat ( ink Meeting. The Feptomlst club will have a hike and camp supper Friday evening, No vember 2S. All members of the club are requested to meet on the post off Ire corner In time to catch the :S0 o'clock Pomona car. l Society Meeting Tonight. The Aaheboro Street Friends Chris tian Endeavor society will hold Its regular business meeting and social this evening at I o clock, A fall at tendance la desired. rBH801SA.Lt. Mra. T. E. Gordon and son, Edwin, returned yesterday from a two weeks' visit to Mrs. Gordon's mother, Mrs. S. A. Farrar, at Unskorvllle, Va. Mr. and Mra. William A. Romanian, of Norfolk, Va., are the guests for several days of Mrs. Edmunds on South Edgeworth street. Mlaa Helen Smith, who spent Thanks giving with relatives at Mount Airy. will be accompanied home today by Miss Ellsa Qayle Fowler. Dick Wharton, who has been at tending school at Davidson, Is spend ing Thanksgiving with his parents on Chestnut street. Misses Elisabeth Kellum and Willie Hobhs, of Salisbury, are spending the week-end with Miss A. 11. Troy. 114 South Mendenhall street. Misses Elisabeth Walters and Mary Roslln Bowden are spending the. week end In Durham. Mra. W. I Scarborough, of Lex ington, spent Thanksgiving In this city with relatives. LOCAL HEBREWS GOING TO A BIG CONFERENCE It Will Be Held In Atlanta Dwmber S To Dlseuae Third Jewish He. . lief Campaign. E. Sternberger, Bernard M. Cone. M. V.. Black and J, Beach, of Greensboro, have been invited to attend a confer nee "of prominent" southern Jews, to bu held in Atlanta December 2, to ills CUH8 plans for the third JewlBh relief campaign, with the following men of national preminence: Julius Kosen wald, of Chicago, president of the Sears-Roebuck company; Louis Mar shall, a leading New York attorney, who la a law partner of Samuel I'n termeyer; Felix Warburg, of the firm of Kuehn-Loeb and company, New York; and David A. Brown, of Detroit, chairman of the national committee, who will direct the coming campaign. The Atlanta conference Is a follow- up of the national convention of the American Jewish relief . committee, which waa held In Chicago September 24-25. At that convention, where 15 states were represented, the question of the continuation of thla service waa answered by a unanimous decision to maintain the work by a campaign of national scope. It was decided at that time to ralae U,000,000 for the rehabilitation and repatriation of the thousands of Jewish refugees and aun"rara of eastern clurooe. Ik" f l.'V.v'. '.f. M I f-W CUTICURA FOR HAIR AND SKIN For promoting and maintain ing beauty of skin and hair Cuticura Soap ' and Ointment are unexcelled. Cuticura Tal cum is an ideal powder, refreshing- and cooling to most delicate skins. Addrm. "OMnrnUk ,r,lrl, Dapt. 1B0, SUldiBiMUu." 8oH ,vrr wlir. Soap 28c. Ointment 26 and 60. Talcum 26a, aWCutieura Snap Wea without mas. A Simple Way To Remove Dandruff There Is one sure way thai hat never failed to remove dandruff at once, and that Is to dissolve It, then you destroy It entirely. To do this, Just get about four ounoea of plain, common liquid arvon from any drug store (this la all you will need), apply It at night when retiring; uaa enough to moisten the scalp and rub It In gently with the finger tips. By morning, most If not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of It, no matter how much dandruff you may have. Tou will find all Itching and digging of the scalp will stop Instantly, and your hair will be fluffy,"' lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. To Avoid Rough, Coarse, Chapped, Blotchy Skin Most iklns require constant groom ing at this season to keep them from becoming unduly red. blotchy, coarse, rough or harsh, or if such condition has developed, to overcome it In such cases It Is particularly inadvisable to keep piling on cosmetlca which clog the pores and make the complexion worse than ever. It's a lot more sensible to use ordi nary mercolixed wax, which literally absorba a spoiled complexion. Apply the wax, like cold cream, before re tiring. Next morning, In waahlng It off, you'll wash away fine, flour-like particles of the unsightly cuticle. He- Reat for a week or more and you'll ave an entirely new skin soft, white, spotless and beautiful aa a chlld'a. One ounce of mercolized wax, procurable at any druggiat's, is all you'll need. Rome skins wrinkle eaally In winter. There's an excellent remedy In a harm leas wash lotion made by dissolving an ounce of powdered aaxnltte in a half pint of witch hasel. Thla will quickly eradicate all lines and furrows. Bnninttol Am Sandwiches! PARAMOUNT DRESSING tAtyour grocers- i i HwscHntrrrmrp. vwnij Imustard.hciubI IVXtf i FOSTER AND CAVENESS There are many people who are really nanny and who have a satisfied con science because they contributed liberally to the support of the 831 or phans at Barium Springs and to make room for 100 more who are aaking for admittance In order that they may be prepared for life's duties and respon slbllltles. Are you among the number who are happy? If not, see your church treasurer or send a contribution to Supt. E, McS. Hyde, Barium Springs, N. C . iphemeral Gifts EPHEMERAL A big word, "but it means "short lived." Now an ephemeral gift ia one that lasts only a short while and then is forgotten. So on occasions of remembrance it is unwise to give ephemeral things. A true gift should be lasting; it should be a perma nent reminder of the giver's thoughtfulness, gener osity and affection. V' ' Starting in ancient days, jewelry has come down through the ages as the gift eternal. Gold and silver and precious stones wrought into things beautiful these are the gifts that last. And really fine jewel gifts may usually be had at prices no greater than many gifts of the moment. . When you begin making up your Christmas list, per mit us to show you how economical it is in the long run' to make your gifts of jewelry. "HEIKLOOHrg'rKEB A stylish little aiaga aine will ha snalled e yon free each naentk. Just nend yoav aame and addreaa a postal to Desk "A" Sehlffman Jewelry Co, Greensboro, N. C. Schif f man Jewelry Co. LEADING JEWELERS Every One Appreciates "Royal Easy Chair" Comfort "Royal Easy Chairs" are different from most easy chairs. They have been plan- '. ned to give the utmost in comfort and con structed so that they are in keeping with the best of other furnishings' and decorative V ;; Bchemes. The little button' on the Royal Easy Chair brings the back to just the right ' angle with a touch,, the, foot rest slides in .... and out easily. Royal easy chairs invite.. comfortable reading, resting and even an' afternoon or "before bed time" nap. ' We have them in all grades, in all manner of coverings to suit any individual taste. ' Morrison-Neese Furniture Co. , The Only One Price Furniture Store in Guilford County Her Old Skirt , Dyed to Make Baby a Coat Bach package, of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple any wo man can dye or tint her old, worn, faded things new. Even If she has nev er dyed before, she oan put a new, rich color Into shabby skirts, dresses waists, coats, stockings, sweaters, cov erings, draperies, hangings, everything. Buy Diamond Dyes no other kind then perfect home dyeing is guaran teed. Just tell your druggist wheth er the material you wish to dya Is wool or silk, or whether It Is linen. cotton, or mixed goods. Diamond Dyea never streak "ut, fade, or run. hd- flood Food the Cheapest Way" Once Tried It Makes . Friends Goston's Ready to Fry Codfish Cakes Convenient, economical and nu trlclous, .. , , . Trout Roe, Herring Roe, ' Sar dines, Shrimp, Lobster, Flnnln Haddle, Anchovla. Anchovla Paste, Fat Herring and Mackerel. Patterson Bros., Inc. FINB GROCERIES ' ' -230 S. Elm St. One Phone 400 "Xls'eea. Pern every motfjer ffttfy'rf jtmj IdmndyV t Has tasted Com Plaices so m - t rm m lovousiv flavored Closing Out Sale! LADIES' EMPORIUM 104 Went Syenmore Street ' Part or Whole Bargains, extra bargains, millinery, knit goods, dolls, Xmas novelties, stamped goods, embroidery thread, etc. SO enspy-craridgr as ICello v. . -That' why big and Jittla folks whe knew the differ-s toes insist Open KELiOGQ'SI The thing to da is, ta ,; niaka comparison Kellogg's against any other kind of ' -torn flakes you ever ate I If it's quality, or U-the-tima i; trispness ot delicious or appetizing flavor you want t well, just wait till you eat Kelloggsl And; what a de light to know they're never leathery! -K , You'll get so cheerful about Kellogg'g that the day' best hours will be when it's time to sit down with the ,T family in front of generous bowls aU filled most to burst-! ; ing with those big, sunny-brown Corn Flakes I Kevf Was a better time than tomorrow - morning to prove that KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes are about the "gladdest of all good things to eat.'' ' Insist upon KELLOGG'S the ' kind in the RED and GREEN pack age if yr want to know how Wn derfully good corn flakes can be! TOASTED ll:vlil ri AKES cm CORN.P1AICES Alaa aken UUOCC'S TUMBLES aa4 KEUOGG'S 8RAN, coa) ana km)

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