GREENSKORO DAILY NEWS. TlDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1921 French and British Must Give To Pressure of World Opinion France Cannot Expect to Have Both Powerful Navy and Huge Army Britain Must Allow France Means of Land De fenseBreak Between Two Would Be Disastrous. B? COL. RDWAHD M. HOIUB. icwrriikt. ibji, ht ruiutipku fuwu utttt.) Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 2. The statement made by " Brlend, the edi torial comment In the London Chronicle and Lord Curion'i address delivered during the week ehould be taken In eriuence. Another Item should aleo he added to th Met and that I the treaty which France recently concluded with Turkey. ' There la no doubt that even the neu tral atmosphere of Washington la not sufficient to keep the French and Brit ish from exhibiting- that aenee of Irri tation toward one another which bun marked their recent Intercourse. Brianrt took but little palna to conceal French feeling toward the proposed plan for the limitation of naval armament which leaves France and Italy well out of the picture. Nor did he hesi tate to vent his opinion regarding the Balfour proposal that there should be a further limitation of submarines and their uses. Then comes the editorial comment of the Chronicle, which is commonly throught to be the mouthpiece of Lloyd George, particularly when foreign af fairs are under discussion. That thle editorial waa Inspired seems nearly certain when taken with the later dec laration of Lord (Curion. That para graph which says: "Europe la not on the verge of another war, jior Is the menace to peace either immediate or grave. Germany is effectively disarm ed. Today she has neither guns nor equipment which would enable her to dream of attacking France," sounds ae if Lloyd George had dictated It. ' It represents not only the views of the British government but of the Brlttsli people as well, , . : Lord Curxon Is even mora direct and emphatic. Ha tells the French that their real atrenglh does not Ha In armies, potential as they are, but that It exists In the fact that the combined physical force of the world will not tolerate a great and dangerous power which Is a perpetual menace to the peace of the world. While he was peaking of Germany, still, there are Frenchmen who will see a reference to France also In this statsmsnt. Later, he well ays: , "The sole question of the recovery of the peace of th world Is not the old Idea of splendid Isolation by any In dividual power. There Is not much splendo In Isolation, after all. It Is harmonious co-operation of powers a a, whole.",.. This applies to the United States even as It does to France, and Curion perhaps meant that we should also take It to heart. ' In speaking of the situation In the near east, he does not take th pains to couch his thoughts In terms of diplomatic usage. He says that peace can never be achieved. "If any one power tries to steal a march on another and jjonclude arrangements on Its own account. This takes us to a blind alley, a cul-de-sac out of which we ahall never get unless the powers work together with perfect loyalty." These differences between the French and English are age-long. Whenever the two nations com Into contact It Is Ilk flint and steel coming together and the sparks are certain to fly. They are temperamentally different and have widely seperated points of view. They hav been and probably ever will be In recurrent disagreement. A com mon danger held them together for a tew years, but when It passed they resumed their former relations. It li to b hoped that the United mates may aot a a cement to bind the two together, for the triple friendship aeems essential now. Their difference are not Insuperable and might be read ily adjusted if approached in th right spirit. Franc should yield to Great Britain concerning matters touching th's sea, and Great Britain should yield to Franc so far as may ba In her de sire to protect herself from Germany. Franc must know that she can not have th most powerful army In the world and a navy able to cope with that of Great Britain. To Insist upon ifiPX' A Good MATTRESS Can now be bought for only $ 1 2-50 A woven cotton Mattress, equal to a high grade Felt Mattress. Made by a special process by the SIMMONS CO., makers of the celebrated Sim- . mons Metal Beds, and up to the high standards of quality that characterize Simmons products. Sleep right and you '11 feel right It'a not how long you sleep, but what you sleep on that makes your sleep do you the most good. We specialize on comfortable, sleep-producing Bed Furnish ings and they cost no more than inferior kinds. ... $14.50 . Way Sagelegg Bed Spring . . ....... Guaranteed for 20 years against sagging. Emerich Feather "Pit J0 C A low, per pair up from PJJv Sterilised and de-odorlsed. Safe, sani tary, durable and comfortable. Ilanasilk -..,' t d J P Mattresses .......... .'. . J)tD Filled with the lightest, softest and most durable filling and encased In strong, at tractive ticking. Good Cotton-filled Com forters as low as $3.50 Better prepare now for the cold nights of winter. Still a good selection for you here. You can now buy a good 9x12 Tapestry Brussels RUG Only $10.50 A few left at this price for the early comers. Good-wearing Rugs in new attractive colorings and patterns. .4 Attractively low prices on all grades of rags XUatM, i its i in tf Convenient Terms Or a Discount For Cash. Huntley-Stockton-Hill Company North Elm Street Greensboro ARE If you are as keen about saving more as you are about making more you are headed for success. I p American "Built for Service" Exchang W E -R I G H T? i e National Bank Branch At South Greensboro this place her In Ihe same position with Great Britain as Germany was prior to 1914. What army Great Britain has Is scattered over th face of the earth, and could In no way con stitute 'a menace to France. .France should not place any obstacles' In the way of drastic navil disarmament. To do so would be bad policy, and would bring upon her a resentment which would leave her in .complete Isolation. The world wants no more war or In struments for war at present. On th other hand, France peculiar position should be recognized, and too much should not be asked of her. If Germany Is peacefully Inclined France will recognize the change In spirit and Intent and she will of her own accord reduce her military establishments. Meanwhile her- relations with the Wlrth government are becoming more and more friendly. It is said that be fore Christmas French troops will be withdrawn from the Ruhr, and prob ably before long there will be other evidences of a willingness to treat with the late enemy on a basis of th new rather than the old Germany. FIND CHICAGO MAN DEAD , IN A HOTEL AT ROXBORO Think That J. D, riper Died Prom At tack Of Heart Trouble Or Aeut Indigestion. IBprcl.l le Villi Nljn.1 Koxboro, Nov. 28. J. B. Piper, rep. resentatlve of th M. Bchula Music company, Chicago, was found dead In his room at the Jones hotel Saturday evening about I o'clock. Death resulted It is presumed, from heart failure or an attack of acute indigestion. W. Y. Pass of this place, with whom Mr. Piper had been working for sev eral days, said that Friday Mr. Piper complained with a pain In his chest hut aside from this no other complaint was made. Upon a failure to get a response after knocking at Mr.. Piper's door, Mr. Pass, who wished to Bee him on a matter of business, found Mr. Piper lying on the floor dead. It ie thought he had attempted to call for aid and died befor reaching the door. The body was turned over to K,-A.Spencer and son, local undertakers, who prepared It for burial. Mr. Piper'a wife waa notified, also a son, J. D. Piper, who lives in Chicago, and who arrived in Roxboro Monday morning to take charge of the body. Mr. Piper was a man nearly 50 year and was quit a musician, SHELBY WINS FROM THE ASHEVILLE HIGHS: 7 TO 6 By Defeating Ashevllle Naclby Wlsi Right To Piny Wlnstoa-Balrm For Western Honors, (tixdil to Dill Nm) Shelby, Nov. 2J Bhelby high school this afternoon won from Ashevllle, 7 to I, in a game played on a field so muddy that the ball was often almost Indis tinguishable on account of th accumu lated mud. The score that gave Shelby th right to meet Wlnston-Balem for th cham- olonshin nf th. ..... - w- ...w .i t u, ine state came In the second quarter when uuu yiungea tnrougn th Ashevllle line for a touchdown. Turner sent the ball between th posts for th score whlph later proved to be th deciding point. In the final quarter, through a series of rushes Smith, for Ashevllle crossed the Shelby line, but th visi tors failed to kick goal. Through winning today's gam Shel by will meet- Winston-Salem either Friday or Saturday In the deciding game tor the championship of the weatern half of the state. Thla game will probably be played at Charlotte, although no definite arrangements have as yet been made. The winner of the Shelby-Winston-Salem contest will meet the eastern championa at Chapel Hill for the state tltl. THREE COLLEGE PIGSKIN GAMES FOR CITY IN 1922 Guilford College Has Games with xminnrg, t;ion and Wake Forest Scheduled for Greensboro. Three colteire football hum ... ired to Greensboro next year. accord-J day by Guilford oollege authorities" The first will h. Lynchburg will meet the Quakers In J.,. . u.iy. un uciooer ill Guilford and Wak Forest will clash and on Novem ber XI the annual game with Elon has been arranged. It Is Undnratnnrf th., - '".i mo inieuc commlttAA at . U...UIU wiicgo in .now considering playing all games ched- TZ, at ureensboro. If this idea Is cnrrinH ... j -.u ..u mem seems to be some sentiment In favor of uch an arrangement, Greensboro will gain a number of college baseball games in addition to th number of footbaH games planned. WAYWE COURT IS STARTED AHU THE DOCKET IS HEAVY (swew to -till nm.) QOldsboro. Nov 98 Th XT-.. v.- term of Wayne uperlor court, Judge B. C. Cramner. presiding, convened here this morning at :30 with a heavy docket. The iurv ... ...,... i. ., Judge Cramner delivered hla charge. v........ uDHrry, a negro, wa found guilty of stealing and give a sentence of six months on th. u-v. . J. Warren, found guilty of stealing a, moma" on the roads, as did William Moore, for th same of fense. Th case of Edward Burke, ot tn world war, oharged with deaartlnir him v,ir. ,iu ... , . tomorrow afternoon. SPECIAL NGRMOW PRUACHKQ 1U J l -MOHM Oif MT. AIRY tsmltl u Dillf Hti. Mount Airy. Nov. en in ,nn.nii... with the decree nr th. of th state council. Junior O. U. A. M.. .u. muse council no. ,7a, of thla city marched In e. hnrtw tn th. t atroet M. E. tabernaol Sunday morn- v..o hoy. u. w. wuiiama having consented to preach them a special sermon. The text waa "Who la my neighbor," taken from the parable of the good Samaritan. Th discourse Waa VerV edifvitlv mnA Imnlvin. ...1 very much enjoyed by all. Despite the ...u.vuuciii wepiner aoout do or the or der turned out on this occasion. MRS. WHITWORTH DIES AT HER BOMB OS DICK STREET Mrs. C. A. Whitworth, aged J years, died at S o'clock yesterday morning at ner nome. 70S Dink street. Hnrvlv n ar two daughters, Mrs. Ora Ferguson ana mrs. w. r Mcculloch, both of Chester, 8. C. Th funeral will be held at th residence thla afternoon at t o'clock. Rev. O. T. rtnnri enndiintbiv the services, and Interment will be made in oreen Hill cemetery. ( UAHinr.R OF COMMERCR WII.I. PL PUSH I.OI AI. "WHO'S W HO" A "Who' Who In Greensboro," tn talnlng Information about all the mem ber of the Greensboro chamber of commerce, will be published early In January. Th booklet, which will be mad up In neat form, will contain an alphabetical list of members, classified list of member by the busi nesses, a list of th women members. and a division devoted to th young men under 80 year of age. The Chines and Japaneaa In their tables regard th milky way as i stream containing silvery fishes. Afrl oan Bushmen and American Indians associate It with lights guiding the patna of wandering spirit. Far Colds, Grig. Or IaSueasa and aa a Preventative, tail Laxative BKOMO QUININK Tablets. Th genu line beara the signature of 10. W. Grove Money Refunded If Any Cough or Cold, INo Matter of How . Long Standing, is Not Re ' Iieved After Taking Accord ing to Directions. FINE FOR BUILDING UP THE SYSTEM AFTER COLDS Of all known drugs, Creosote la rec ognized by the medical fraternity as tUa greatest healing agency for the treatment of chronlo coughs and colds and other forms of throat and lung troubles. Creomulslon contains, In ad dition to creosote, other healing ele ments which sooth and heal the In flamed membrane and stop th irri tation and inflammation while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed into the blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and destroys the germs that lead to consumption. Creomulslon Is guaranteed satisfac tory In the treatment of chronic coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, catarrhal bronchltjs and other forma of throat and lung diseases, and Is ex cellent tor building up the system aft er colds or the flu. Increases appetite and body-weight. Ask your druggist. (Adv tu-tf BEWARE THE COUGH OR COLD THAT HANGS ON Chronic Coughs' and Persistent Colds Lead to Serious Lung Trouble. You Can Stop Them Now With Creomul sion, an Emulsified Creosote That is Pleasant to Take. A New Medical Discovery With Twofold Action. Soothes and Heals the In flamed Surface and Kills the Germs. Endorsed By High est Authorities. DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out: Thickens, Beautifies. 35 oents buys a bottle of "Dan- derlne" at any drug store. After one application you can not find a particle of dandruff or a falling hair. Besides, every hair shows new lite, vigor, brightness, more color and abundance. hd-e A Simple, Safe, Inexpensive Method That Clears Out the Head, Nose and Throat There U no disease more offensive or tllsagrceable, or no disease that will lead to aa much serious trouble as catarrh. You can now get rid of It by a Simula, safe, pleasant home remedy discovered by Dr. Ulosser, a catarrh specialist. Dr. Blosser'a Remedy Is composed of medicinal herbs, flowers and berries which you smoke in a dainty pipe or cigarette. The smoke-vapor la Inhaled Into all the air passages of the head, nose, throat and lungs and carries med icine where sprnys, douches and oint ments cannot possibly reach. Its ef fect is soothing and healing and Is en tirely harmless. It contains no cubebs or tobacco, and may b used by women and children as welt as men. If you suffer from catarrh, asthma, ratnrral deafness, or If suhjeot to fre quent colds, you should try this remedy. satisfactory results guaranteed. Any well-stocked drug store can supply Dr. Blossor's Remedy. A trial package containing eight cigarettes will be mailed to any auf- ferer for ten cents (coin or stamps) by th Blosser Co., 15 I)D, Atlanta Oa., to prove their beneficial and pleas ant effact - adv.-tu. ACllES AND PAINS SLOAN'S GETS 'EM! AVOID the misery of racking pain. Have a bottle of Sloan's Lini ment handy and apply when you first feci the ache or pain. It quickly eases the pain and sends a feel ing of warmth through the aching part. Sloan's Liniment ptnetnltt vithoutrubbing. Fine, too, for rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, sprains and strains, stiff joints, lame back and sore muscles. For forty years pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. At all druggists 35c, 70c, $1.40. Jiniment I CWr Your Coaetexlna of pfanplee. acne and other facial disfisruremenL l Use freely Dr. Hobeon's Bosnia Olnt- nent Good for eeaena, itching skin, 1 and other skin trouble. Oa of lit. I Uohson'e Family DrHobsorfs It will brinsj tears ssi smiles. Sadness tempered with Joy. Sack is th appeal ( 4k Vt'oa r Picture of all tliaes. Have this Gift delivered now From your Heating Engineer T , ' 1 . H1NK of it this way. Every winter that you shiver in an ill-heated home is a winter lost. Why not decide right now before Christmas that she shall have the 4 finest gift imaginable a home warmed all over just as perfectly as the larger heating plants of this com pany warms the White House itself. She can have this comfort as a gift from your Heating Engineer. Arcola is a gift in a very real sense. It pays for itself in the fuel it savesl There is still time. Your Heating Engineer can have Arcola installed; 'filling your home with healthful, hot water htat, before Christmas morning. A quiet, scientific workman will come and put Arcola to work, leav . ing nothing but happiness behind. Comfortis worth having! One-third of your fuel is worth saving! For her sake seeyourHeatingEngineertoday. The red and, yellow card at the right is the sign of a Heating or Sanitary Engi neer (you used to call him Steamfhter or Plumber) who can show you Arcola. Look for it in his window. It will pay you to consult him twice a year aa you do your Doctor or Dentist. His report on your heating and plumbing costs little. It may save much. AMbmSTMBWI MiHRirr. RRHaDnawml - In Puil Economy AiwuMrosx CAlxwrrHUf CaYL060S . MM ftATMTOR COMPANY Makers of the famous IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAS Radiators 336 NORTH CHARLES STREET Baltimore, Maryland I ARCOLA OUTFITS We have them on display. We have them in stock. We sell them. We install them properly. Our price is right Your investment is best by dealing with us. , Hunt Brothers Go. i 602 South Elm Street Greensboro, N. C. Phone 589 (Bu sure J-ou gut. bKOMQ.) 0o. Tues.

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