GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 102! 7 "CD TO) CasA and Carry C We take this opportunity to inform our many customers and friends that we have decided to change our method of business to the "Cash' and Carry System." Therefore, beginning. THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1st, we will have all of our goods marked to sell at prices in keeping with this system and nothing will be charged or delivered in the future. C We are making this change in response to numerous requests, by our best customers, who appreciate an opportun ity to buy good groceries at the lowest prices possible. C Experience has taught that the expense of maintaining a credit and delivery system, with many ac- counts not paid when due, trucks and delivery boys to keep up and pay, makes an overhead, which added to the cost, makes the selling of groceries cheap an im possibility. C Thanking you for all past favors and bespeaking your continued patronage, we are, Yours for cheaper groceries. pth. COBB TT" TFs Yr trTr K.JK-MJK.II 500 Asheboro Street "The Home Of Good Things To Eat" .3 ; - , ; ICPRAVISIl He Hopes, to Get Congress to Ap propriate Money For Bat- , tleground Road. MR. KITCHIN IS IMPROVING Major Chas. M. Stedrrtan, veteran member of - the house of representa tives. United States Congress, from thin, the fifth district, Is spending a few days in the city. He spent much of the time yesterday chatting: with friends and admirers, Ho will return to Washington next Saturday. The major la looking; tit aijd declarea that he never enjoyed better health. "It is," said he, "a great pleasure, a real ioy, to return home and greet my many friends." Major S ted man, when asked about the chances of getting Congress to appropriate, monej for the purpose of converting the highway from ureenn boro to the battleground into a national boulevard. Htated that he hopes to get a bill through nometime next spring. He doesn't believe now is the time to. put the proposition up to Congress. . He spoke very . favorably , of the proposition of the government making the present highway a national boule vard. It waH. through Major Steriman's request that Congress appropriated monev with which to beautify the historic battlefield and now he is espe cially anxious to see the. famous spot! connected up with Greensboro through a suitable boulevard. Major Stedman, one of the most popular members of Congress, isn't absolutely sure that he can put the proposition across, yet he feels that once the congressmen ee the need and benefit of such a boulevard they will vote sufficient funds to carry on the work. - Major Stedman declared that Claude Kitchin, Democratic leader In- the house of representatives, Is fast re gaining his health. He was in Wash ington several weeks ago and after spending several days there left for his home in Scotland Neck. Mr. Kit- chin told Major Stedman the disziness which had been bothering him for months gradually disappearing. Moreover, the physician who perform ed the operation on Mr. Kitchin some time ago in Albany, N, Y., la confident the Democratic t leader will ultimately recover. Asked about the armament confer ence. Major Stedman stated that he feels certain the conference will great ly accentuate the desire for peace which la so prevalent throughout the nations of the earth. There are all sorts of opinions and one man's opin ion Is as good probably as another , Cairo To Bagdad By Air. (Correspondence Assorlitwl Prrw. Iondon, Nov. 1. The airplane mall route from Cairo to ttagday, which has been in operation since June for the carrying of government correspondence only, nw has been thrown .open to the public. It is MO miles long with stations at Ramleh and Amman, In Palestine. Thence it proceeds straight across the Arabian desert to Ramadle on the Euphrates and to Bagdad. A Bread Known Throughout"" the City as a BETTER KIND of Bread. Absolutely pure in every respect thoroughly enjoyed by every member of the family. Nothing but the best of ingredients go in the making of Gilmers Day-time Bread. Therefore It IslheBest CsnMsukam, Three-Mile Branch of Wilming- ton-Fayetteville Highway to Moore's Creek. - BRINSON IS GETTING WELL CURR1E PEOPLE WANT FEDERATEDRPAD BUILT 120-224-326 Soot. Elm Sir Dally News Bureau end Telrpiph Cffke, 623 Albee RulldlDS (Bi Leutt Win) Ily THEODORE! TII.I.EH. Washington, Nov. J8. Reprcsenta- tlve Samuel M. lirlnson, who was op erated on at Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimore, several days ago, Is getting along nicely, It was stated at his of. flee hero today, and the hope was ex pressed that he- would soon be able to be back i Washington In -a greatly improved condition. T(he jaundice from which he haaNenuffring for sev eralmonths, it is said by his phyai clans, was caused by gall stones, and the operation was to remove the latter, to the end that a permanent cure mleht be effected. Representative Brinson's office here is in receipt of a proposition from Tar Heels at Currie, on the line of the WllmlnBton-Fayettevllle highway, that a branch line of the highway bo con strurtoil frorn that point to the Nation, al Moore's Creek battlefield, a distance of three and one-half miles, in order that this historic spot may be made acceslble to the public Aa appropria' tlon of $100,000 by the federal govern ment is asked for the completion of the project. J. C. Itudlsiu, secretary to Repre sentative Bulwlnkle, has resigned his position, and returned to his home at Maiden. He will open a law office at N'ewton within a short time and prac tice law In the courts of that and other cities In that section. He will be suc ceeded as secretary to Mr. Bulwlnkle by Charles Humphreys, of Shelby, who will be here with the opening of the next session of Congress. During the week ending November 26 the war finance corporation approv ed and announced 198 advances for agricultural and livestock purposes, distributed among 21 states, aggregat ing 17,725,000. The corporation also ap proved advances to exporters during that time to the amount of 1, 380,000, of which 11,000,000 was for exportation of cottoa, and $380,000 for textile and iron products, making the total amount of advances during that period $9,105,- 000. Of this whole amount only approx imately $1,500,000 went to the south. North Carolina got of these advances only $225,000. Examination for appointment or a postmaster at Stantonsburg has been ordered, the date of which will here after be set and announced. Pensions have been granted to Tar Heels aa follows: Bailie. T. Rlgglns, Mechanics, $30; W. CI. Foust, Wilming ton, $12; Sarah Atkinson, Walstons burg, $30; William M. Taylor, Marlon, $16, and John B. Ranks, Marlon, $12. OAKES TO GO ON TRIAL AT 9:30 A. M. TOMORROW Former Greensboro Pollreflian Will Faca Trial Charged With the Kill ing of Tommy Robertson. Judge W. P. Bynum stated yesterday that the trial of D. E. Oakes, former Greensboro policeman, charged by Rockingham county with the killing of Tommy Robertson, will begin Wed nesday morning at 8:80 o'olock In Gra ham, Alamance eounty. Juris Rvnum. attorney for Mr. Oakes, went to Graham yesterday and : had date, set for the trial. It will be recalled that Mr. Oakes, serving as a policeman of Greensboro, was with Policeman McCulston, May 4, last, when the latter was shot to death from the running board of an automo bile loaded with whisky and occupied by Lewis Edwards, Tommy Robertson, and Carl Talley, The minute Mr. McCulston was killed the auto aped away with Oakes In pur suit After a long, thrilling chase, Oakes shot Robertson to death in Rockingham eounty, Just aoross the Guilford line, Edwards and Talley left Robertson with the ear before it en tered Rockingham, Edwards was later captured and convicted of murder In the second degree, and sentenced to serve a term of 10 years In the state penitentiary, while Talley, an outlaw, la still at liberty. Judge Long several months ago re moved the case against Mr, Oakes from Rooklngham to Alemanoe county, PIOTVRRB OV HOHKNZOI.LERNA AND HAPSBI'Wng CHEAP MOW lCTCNMMjeiiee SMaeittee rem) Geneva, Oat. 1, Paintings of the Hohenxollerns and the Hapsburgs have slumped In the market until what are considered by dealers good por traits of the former German emperor and the late Emperor Franols Joseph, of Austria, brought only bids of 100 francs each at a recent art sale In Zurich. portraits of the former German crown prince, Frederlok William, in his Death's Head uniform, brought ef fers of only 60 francs, Hetvrns Tn Davidson, Dlok Wharton has returned to David son college after spending a few days with relatives In this otty. VIVIANI IS OPPOSED TO INVITING ANY GERMANS French De-legate Kays Germany Has .Nuthlng to Do With What Con. ferenre Is IHeeasslnav Washington, Nov. 28. ((By Associ ated Press.) M. Vlvlani, head of the French delegation to the Washington conference, in discussing the possibil ity that Germany might later be a par ticipant, said tonight that he could 'not see what questions on our agenda concern that country. "I have heard nothing more than ru mors about this," he said "and the sub ject has not been brought to my at tention in any way officially. I do not see what questions on our agenda con cern Germany. She has no epenlflc in terests. Her naval and her land ar maments are Axed by the treaty of Versailles. This conference would not consider the revision of that treaty. The question of reparations, If a con ference of world powers Bhoutd desire to take it up, would mean, according to my personal view, that they would be prepared to take upon themselves the responsibility of the reparations which Germany has promised to pay over her signature.. "France has been in direct negotia tions with Germany on this subject re cently. M. Loucheur, of the French ministry, has been In prolonged nego tiation with Herr Rathcnau, repre senting the German government. The agreement reached for payments In goods has been referred to the allied reparations commission for approval. That la the present situation of the rep aration question." preachers of his denomination. It Is expected that Oreensboro people will take hold of the opportunity, of hear ing him, i ' In connection with the services there Will be a special music program ren dered each night. Tonight Dr. Pfuhl, an exceptionally good singer, will ren der a. song service.. Mr .end Mrs. Lamb In lity. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Lambo have returned from their bridal trip to Ashe ville and nre at home, 220 South JSu gene street. CITY BORROWS $100,000 FROM NEW YORK HOUSE C'Ioms a Ural With A. II. Learn and Company For One Venr At Six ,I'er Cent More Heeded Now. The city council of Greensboro last night negotiated a loan of $400,000 for one year from A. B. Leach and com pany, of New Tork, at per cent Inter est. Of the loan $200,000 will be ob tained In cash immediately and the re mainder will be drawn out by the city aa needed. For the part not drawn out the city will receive per cent on the average daily deposits. No other strings aro attached to the loan. The negotiation is regarded by the council as unusually satisfactory. It had. In mind originally to sell bonds to the extent of $1,276,000, made up as follows: school bonds, $500,000; school debt in local banks, $200,000; water works extension bonds, $300,000; street improvement bonds, $200,000; sewerage extension bonds, $76,000. But the un certainty of obtaining a satisfactory market for the bonds at the nreent time added to the satisfactory deal of. rerea oy a. u. Leach and company Induced It to make the $400,000 loan now with the hope of selling the bonds at a future daite. Furtherfore, the oouncll thinks that $400,000 Is all that Is needed now and It does ndt want to assume heavier obligations when there is no immediate use for the mnnev Of the loan $200,000 will be used to pay off notes to Greensboro banks on indebtedness Incurred by the . school department. The remaining $200,000 will be used to start the planned water works extension and street Improve ments. The loan Is backed by the city's note and Is really a loan against the auth orised bond Issues, It Is dated Decem ber 1, 1921, and will run one year with privilege of renewal if desired at the then prevailing interest rates. For the amount of the loan left on deposit which will draw four per cent interest, sufficient collateral will be furnished the elty. The notes will be Issued In $1,000 denominations. The loan was negolated at a special meeting of the council last night, fol lowing Its meeting yesterday after noon. REV. KENNETH PFOHL IS PREACHING AT MORAVIAN Herrloe Each Night This Week Begin ning at 7i.10 o'clock Special Malc Barn Night. Rev. Kenneth Pfohl, D. D., of Wln- ston-Salem, is conducting a series of services at the Moravian church here this week, There will be preaching each night beginning at 7:80 o'olock. Last ulght Dr, Pfohl spoke on the great question, "Where art thou 7" Genesis 8:1. The speaker stated that this is tha big question snd Is asked every day, It runs all through the Bible, And every man should stop and ask himself the question. Dr. Pfohl Is one of the foremost Dyed Her Tan Skirt to Make Child a Dress TOWELS Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple that any woman can dye or tint faded, shabby skirts, dresses, waists, eoats, sweat ers, stockings, hangings, draperies, everything like new. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect home dyeing Is guaranteed, even if you have never dyed before. Tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye Is wool or silk, or whether It Is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, fads or run. hd Simple Way To Take Off Fat There oan be nothing simpler than taking a oonvenlent little tablet four times each day until your weight la reduoed to normal, That's all Just purchase a ease of Marmola Prescrip tion Tablets from your druggist for one dollar, the same price. the world over, Follow directions no starvation dieting or tiresome exerolstng, Eat substantial food be aa lasy aa you like and keep on getting slimmer, And the best part of Murmola Tablets li they are harmless, That Is your abso lute safeguard, Purchase them from your druggist, or send direct to War moia Co., 4811 Woodward Ave., De troit. Mien. , hi Stops the cotidh, letsjou sleep0 NOTHING- !a toot annoying', after -working all day ion? than to go to bed at night and cough and cough and cough. It takes all the pop out of a man doesstfel Dt BelTs rWTar-Haneywra ta fMsl Its balsamic and beaans antiaepaci bring speedy Belief. Ueod ales for oolds sua Auarutrnt,. !:K;:Kx;!!KSi!sf:i!B 4 For Christmas Gifts If you are looking for Turkish or Linen Towels you will find them here the kind that are apropriate for Christmas gifts. Turkish Towels with colored borders. Practically all colors shown. All prices. Sweaters for Men. Women and Children For cold, wintry days you will need one of our warm wool sweaters, shown in a variety of color's at reasonable prices. - - - 54 and 56-Inch Wool Coatings Priced $2.50 to $4.95 Yard You can save about one-half on your winter coat by buying your material here and having your coat made. We are showing a big assortment of thissea son's most desirable weaves in plain and mingled effects. 56-Inch Wool Plush Priced $4.95 Shown in navy, black and brown, heavy weight, suitable for coats or, dresses. , 54-Inch. Stripe and Plaid Skirtings Priced $2.50 to $4.95 All wool skirtings, just the material for separate skirts to wear with sweater or sport coat Many stripes to choose from .. . , rr. ini ., . "Am Brown-Belk Co. DcBell's Pine-Tar-Hone "for Coughs and That's Why You're Tired -Oul ol Sorts-Have No Appelild Your Liver Is Sluanish (CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS i will help put you right J. Ha a few days. ltWhCgentJyy jRIR land give na. a 7 TL.E tturs a chance l IVER brJlglLiaS Iroct the im- iusbsbh i i mediate effects of constipation, relieve! jbiliou&oeas, indigestion and aide head ache. $auU PHI Small Dose Small Prlcq Tke story of a Mother's Lev Dtrtne tke most appealing story eves aimed. You'll sea It t 3 JJ Quarter Grand KMcPhail Established 1837, Boston A perfect Baby Grand ml' . t Use News Want Ads Sold By Brockmann's Music Store frnl ! II IS sTna. L'1' Afi

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