GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1921 Stockholders Decide to Begin . Plans For New Country Club Authorize President to Appoint Committee of Five to Prepare rians and Start Financial Campaign Spirited Meeting With Much Discussion Over Perpetuity Clause. SURMISES RIFE AS T9 De Valera Saya Any Agreement Subject to Katihcation liy Dail Eireann. ULSTER SESSION ST0RMX Stockholders of the Qrcensboro coun try club after a three hour' meeting t the O. Henry hotel last night which covered a vide range of club hlalun and at tlmee stirred up rra fueling voted that the clubhouse, destroyed by Are several weeks ago, be rebuilt. The president was authorised lo ap point a committee of live to consult with architects relative to plans, to prepare and to prosecute a financial campaign, and If further funds are needed, to arrange If possible for a mortgage lo raise the remainder, Be fore Incurring any except preliminary expenses the commlUc of five will report back to the stockholders for their approval. Although the final motion did not mention a sum, the discussion from the floor indicated that the new country club will cost approximately $60,000 to 5,000, the exact amount depending In part on what financial arrangements cain be made, t The formal motion did not state the site of the new club, but again the dis cussion points to the new buildings being created where the destroyed one was, The storm-center of the meeting last night, a matter which has been brew ing In the minds of the stockholders since the question of rebuilding was ruined, was the "perpetuity clause," so called, by which, according to a deed made severalaear ago with the .Irv ing Parle company, the golf links are required to ba managed aa a golf links perpetually. Whether the actual ground on which the old clubhouse stood was Included in the perpetuity alauae was a point on which lawyers disagreed sharply last night A. L. Brooks thought there was no condition on the club's title to that part ot the property and also the part immediately adjoining. R. D. Douglas and F. P. Hnbgood doubted whether the club owed any land with a olear title. The point la ot importance to the club because, as repeatedly stated from the floor last night, if the club has no clear title to any property, tt will have difficulty In borrowing money, and money has got to b borrowed for the new building.. In the discussion en this point. In which many stockholders took part, Mr, Brooks brought out the old minutes of the olub to show the action that was taken with the Irving Park company. Following him, Bernard Con went in to history a little himself and said that the aotion of the elub officials in in. corporatlng the perpetuity clause was not In accordance with the wishes of the majority of the members. He said further that at a certain meeting sev eral years ago when aotion was taken every person present except himself was either Interested In the Irving Park company or Interested in some manner with the plan other than from the point of view of the cvuntry club. The statement drew a warm rejoind er from Mr. Brooks, who read the names of the persons Involved to show that some of them had no connection with the Irving Park company. Speak ing vigorously, he said further that the statement that the club officials were otherwise Interested waa a state' ment which Mr. Cons, after he had slept over the matter, would not make. Definite action came when Mr. Brooks moved that the club be re built. H. L. Coble amended the motion by directing the president to appoint a committee of Ave to take action, make the plans, raise the money, build the buildings, and get busy Immediately, He made a strong plea for getting something dona "in the Greensboro spirit.'' R. D, Don glas followed with a sub stitute motion that - no building be erected on property to which the club did not have a clear title, which sub stltute he supported too with vigor. Hut his motion was lost and the com bined Coble and Brooks motion went through,... - Further discussion followed on the authority of the committee of five, which, according to various stockhold ers, carried all the authority the club possessed and Ignored the directors, -xecutlve and finance committees. The angle was Anally straightened out by directing the committee report back to he stockholders before taking final action. Prssldent Pierce Hucker, speaking thrnueh his narllamentarv adviser. wanted the atockholdera to appoint' the committee of five, but the stock holders refused to accept the buck and passed It back to the president. No proposition was presented to the tockholders on the matter of a joint Inbhouse with Greensboro and High Point members, to be erected between the two cities, and the matter, did not come up for discussion except occa sionally when In discussing other mat ters some stockholder would say ne was against the Idea. Apparently It la not favored. The meeting was largely attended and In the course of three hours sev eral hundred motions must have been made. But they wore all straightened out by the president, assisted .by Mr. Hobgood. NEW QUESTION ARISES AS TO IRISH TREATY Home Think It Should He Submitted To the Various Constituencies For Approval y Dublin, Deo. U. The division of opinion among member of the dail eireann Is not limited to the question of approval or disapproval of the treaty with Great Britain signed In London laat week. Borne slnn feln leaders who think the treaty Is a good one agree with Kamori de Valera, the slnn (eln presl dent, In believing that It embodies such a departure from the policy pre. vlously submitted to the south Ireland electors that it cannot m accepted without a direct and fresh mandate from the various constituencies. The Irish newspapers in Dublin gen erally urge that since the delegates to the London conference were plenlpo tentlarles, Ireland Is bound to stand by their aotion, but some journal hold the view that the powers of the delegates were limited by the under standing that any treaty they might negotiate should com before the dail for ratification. Blnn feln observer today pointed out it would be difficult to refer the matter to the country In view of the fact that the scheme of elections In south Ireland T one of proportional representation, on a basis unsuitable for deciding such direct issues. Throughout todays informal dis cussions at the Mansion house it was evident that the personal relations of the leaders who oppose eaoh other continue to be most friendly. None of those who have attempted to estimate the number of Mr. De Valera's supporters in the dail has placed the number at , less than 40, and in some quarters it I forecast that It a division should occur the vote will probably be close. NEITHER SIDE YIELDS IN PACKERS STRIKE the A Simple, Safe,' Inexpensive Method That Clears Out the Head, Note and Throat Thfire In ro Slue tine mor offensive nr dtflRiiH'enh.f, or no dlBtane that will it tl in n n much fierlou trouble I'Rtarrh. You ran now get rid of It by a simple, wafe, plewnHtit home remedy tlitwovered by i.r. Ulosaer, a catarrh wperlallat. Pr. HloMfr Remedy tti romponed of medicinal herbs, (lower and berrloa which you nmnke In a dainty pipe or I'iKareUe. The Miiotte-vapor la inhaled into all the air panBRea of the head, ltuats throat and 1 until and carrlua med icttie where prity douches and oint menta cannot pomilMy reach. Its ef feet Ik soothing and hrallnar and la en llrety hurmlea. It contain no oubebt or tobacco, and may he used by women mid children aa well aa men. If you suffer frm catarrh, a fit lima ctitarral deafneaa. or If subject to fre ituent coliln, yon should try this rmedy Satisfactory rcaulla guaranteed. Any weii-aioched tiniK store can supply Dr, jtloaser a Remedy. A trial piickHHR containing eight ciaaretUa will be mailed to any tuf ferer for len coma (coin or stamps) by the KloaHCr :., 25 I'D, Atlanta Ua., to prove their beneCiclul and pleas ant effect. ailv.-tu, Monday Nfcowea Leas Change In ftlluallua Of Any Day Wllk Ex cerlloa Of WiiBday. Chicago, Dec. 12. The second week jot the strike of packing hound work ers opened today with both sides stand ing firm and less change In the situa tion than on any day line tha strike started, except Sunday. The anticipation of strika sympathis er that large number of workmen of allied Industrie in the packing plant would Join in a sympathetic strike apparently had failed to mater ialise exsept in sporadlo walkouts. Report that member of the pack Ing house teamstera union Intended to Join the strike were denied by George Gulden, secretary,' and officials of the packing plants denied that large num- her of car repairmen In the stock yards district had walked out. Cornelius Hay, International presl dent of tha Amalgamated Meat Cut ters and Butcher workmen of North America, which called the strike, said there was no change In the situation today so far as tha union was concern ed. The strike waa practically 100 per cent effective, he asserted, and said there could be no change. Spokesmen for th packers said the only change In their plant was for the better and asserted that more help waa available than was needed. No disorders were reported here and little change waa reported In the situation In other centers. DURHAM WANTS TO 1)0 AWAY WITH Al l, (HI AUK CROSSINGS (Bpfcm is 11L. im ) Durham, Deo, 18. Knglneers of the Southern, Seaboard Air Line, arid Nor folk and Western railroads, with City Manager It. W. Itlgbee and Frank T. Miller, today discussed plana for the elimination of grade crossings In this city. The railroad representatives pre sented a plan for and underpass at the Chapel Hill street crossing, ono of the most dangerous In the city. After some discussion by Messrs. Itlgbee and Miller, who represented the city, ten tatlves changes were' suggested by them which the railroad men agreed to .'(insider and make -a definite report wlthla a short time. Hall Ta ranloln Virginia. Charlottesville, Va Deo. 11 Thomas Sellman Hull, of l.nthalr, Md., star guard of Virginia's football team, to night was elected captain of next yenr1 eleven. He Is in hi third year at the university. London, Dec. IS- (By Associated Press.) Conjecture continue rlfo re garding tha decision of the dail elrann will make at Its momentous meeting Wednesday on tha Irish treaty. Con ference continued at the Mansion house today, but little leaked out to indicate tha trend of the discussions. A statement Issued by Eamon De Valera at Dublin tonight, In which he declared that any agreement was sub" Ject to ratification by the dail eireann. Is considered In some quarter to lend support to those who think tho dail eireann will make no decision but re fer the Issue to the electorate on the ground that the members of the dail eireann were not authorised by the Irish people to aocept tha settlement the delegate 'signed. Mr. De Valera's statement apparently was occasioned by the persistent argu ment in the newspapers that the treaty must be ratified because the Irish sig natories were plenipotentiaries. It is reported from Dublin that Professor McNeill, speaker of th dail eireann. and 8. Hayes, noted figure In the Irish republican army, are In favor of ratification. Conservative and moderate elements throughout the south are pressing for ratification and a powerful Impetus will be given this movement if the hier archy, which meets tomorrow, oomes out with a plea for acceptance of the treaty. At Belfast the Ulster party held a meeting to hear Sir James Craig's re port 'of his visit to London. After a discussion described as "stormy" It (ailed to decide whether Ulster should Join with southern Ireland or contract out of the all-Ireland parliament. Sir James Craig informed the parliament that the situation was grave and com plicated as never before by the agree ment reached between the British gov ernment and the slnn feln. He charged Mr. Lloyd George with violating the pledge given to Ulster, but advised against taking any action not constl tujlonal. - He concluded with a plea that Ulster's Interests be left in the hands of Its leaders. DURHAM AND MURPHY SCORE 4-PLY LEAGUE OF THE BIG NATIONS rContlnud from 1'aae Onal amendment totheTevefue law Is in the making, are greatly encouraged by the attack on It through th official head of the farmer' union. The union' boast of power ha been a little too much for these legislator, who recall tho fight against the Income tax, the assault on revaluation, the silence on the railroad pass, on the en tire program of Governor Morrison, the renunciation of Its own warehouse law and its desire to consort with bolshe vik Russia. . Laat spring and In the summer session legislators took tho union seriously; there Isn't the-lightest (imposition to do so now. For that very good reason, opponent of the banking legislation are trying to find soma way to Justify voting In favor of It. Tha farmers' union od- postlon pretty nearly furnlshe If, for It that organisation will not call It president and his political pass (good on the railroad) and will not protest the Durham rebate case, will not stay put on us own demands lor special legisiatron, will not open It rather mine mouth in opposition to great bond issues wnich it always ha onnosed nothing that It can say or think can matter much. There Is much scurrying about today 10 oeai ins om wnicn got off to an al most unheard of atart. In the com mittee neanngs 4a voted for It and ons against It. That Is a proportion which It would appear Impossible to overcome. .In addition President Stone has attacked the bill and that would be worth- many votes to it now if all of them already had not appeared to nave laaen smes. Hut there are polit iva.i iurci io mis out which must " r' nouse to act siowiy. In Wnke superior court today R, R, i-ituerson ot uumoerland county and a former freshman at Wake Forest i-oiiege, wa nned 150 and costs for carrying concealed weapons, and O B 3lluH n . ,1 T u a 1 . . . ci. riuuuers or union county were taxed with th coat In a naiing case at the college. juog w. M. Bond Is holding the Wake court and heard tha case to day Patterson fired on the two upper classmen and slightly injured Saund ers, then th freshmaq resigned from conrga. - ' Automobile Tieft Case. ." In federal court this afternoon the defense began the development of its side In the wholesale automobile thefts which the court has been trying sever al days. The defense I .pecially Interesting sines Oeorge Bcott of the Mtm York polloe force Is under Indictment with C. J. Kelly of Sanford. Three of the defendant have confessed and Major A W. Hoffman of New Vork city, also a member of tb polio foroe, once upon a time, Is the accuser of Saott lnoldentally he admitted having dealt with Kelly and supplied him automo biles, aa the defendant savs, in the belief that the deals were regular. The defense moved a non-suit at the close of the government' evidence Friday afternoon, but Judge Connor took tho case under advisement To date Kelly 1 charged with having handled more than 50 stolen automo biles, of which number Harry Craig of Philadelphia eems to have eupplled about 40. - Kelly occupied th ttand all after neon. Judg Connor had not made up hi mind a to dismissal of Scott's caae I ' ... if M J :.. ; - ? r f I " " A! ' Victrola No. 300, $250 : '- , i J Mahogany or English Brown !P U I , Other style $25 to $1500 , I fill ' ' ' '" -'... , ' . . ' ' I I. i ne vaiue or v ictor rraae-marics greater than ever 1 aa a I ! m uiese limes wnen surplus stocks, are being sacrincea, s III) , V -VA, .... A " :. . -4 4 , . - SHI 111 m m A a 1 ' I ' ' ' ' , " virrnr mirnnr is nvprsn a. mi -. i-r-it . a t r i nis .-. nrnves mi n ic nrererence for standard goods. . - ... . - ' I HTS f ASTFP'f? VmrF. PFfi. TT S. PAT- OFF- ' Look for these trade-mnrlcs. Under the ltd. On the laheL vicior laiKincr lviacnine vomoanv IN JL I Camden, New Jersey - ',... , . . , : , ' i i in ....... . - ii The Man Who Fails To save Will pass up Opportunities; Business Success; Future Comforts And happiness, For the man Who does. Christmas Club Now Open. Four Per Cent on All Savings and Time Deposits Deposit in either Home Office (uptown) or South Greensboro Branch. Consult your convenience. American Exchange National Bank 5 "Built for Service". DISTRICT PYTHIAN MEET IS HELD IN GREENSBORO Pxtklnaa Of Mevratk Ulatrlct Are Gusta Of ftreenshoro Lodge Nnmber Mil, jk. large number of rythlan of the (We counties In the- seventh district of this state attended the district meet ing held at the Oreensboro lodge No. 80 hall on North Elm street last night. Veterans, jewels were presented to a number of members who have for many year been KnlghtB of Pythias, W. C. Christ, supreme representative, presenting the medals. The address of welcome to tho visit or ,iai delivered by O. C. Cox and O. Is. Hackney responded. The rank of esquire was conferred on several can didntcs, W. M. Lyles having charge of the exemplification- of the secret work. An 1 Interesting address on the activities of the fraterrllty in the state and the nation was delivered by E. M. Geier. grand chanvelor. Refreshments were served after the work of tho evening had been finished. Davidson, Rockingham, Alamance. Randolph and Guilford Tountic are included In the seventh district. Branch at South Greensboro as motion had been made but lndlcat td he would act tomorrow. Kelly' testimony Involved Hoffman deeply but offer4 little damage to Scott. The Sanford man dented most that Hoffman had said in hi evidence Thursday, but piled tt on when un loading time came. He said that moat of the car bought from Hoffman were new, that fifty were purchased through the New York military man, and that th amount paid was near- thirty-live thousand. Kelly thought he had bought at least on hundred thousand dollars worth of auto. In New York alone. Many ot these were driven through the country and others shipped by way of boat to Norfolk and driven through, while the straight trip wa made of ten from New York. Hoffman Is an uncommonly handsome young fellow, was all smiles through uot the Kelly testimony, .Hcntt being watchful but evidently satisfied. Near ly all the direct taatimony of Moran and Craig was denied, Craig' roman tic story being negative without ape. cial emphasis upon any fact. The Tar Heel dealer 1 Just denying". , The discordant note of Kelly and Hoffman are not particularly helpful to either, tha common feeling goes. Tobacco Contracts glarned. Contracts for seven and a half mil lion pounds of tobacco, representing last week algn-up In four counties, reached Raleigh headquarter ot the Tobacco Orowera Co-operative Market ing association Monday morning. Per son already well ovtr it quota aent In 600. l)ul more pounds. Caswell add vd 295.000 pounds; Columbus 1.4C!,000 and Rockingham 6,3:1.000 pounds. , lloDOrta from litnnv n' which have not sent tn contraoU lg cd during last wcuk. inu. total sign-up. tor the week will run close to fifteen million pounds. Columbus county Is now In th 80 per cent signed column and expects to climb higher this week. With prac. tically every Important tobacco county over Its minimum quota, th race for first place In percentage signed, which has been held by Greene county so far, I getting olose and several county leaders have announced that the win ning county must go better than SIO per cent. Cordele Bank Cltwea. Cordele. Oa.. Dec. U The Cordele Bank and Trust company was closed here today and It affairs turned over .a .V.. .1.1. Hunk avainlnr l-OI 1 !1 li I to announcement by J. A. Otwall, I ipeedy ramedy know. president ot the bank. ' ME! CHAHGFD WITH KIM.INO NIL) HATFIKI.n ARE ON THtAL Welch, W. Va., Deo. 13 A Jury was selected in two hours and a half today In the case of C. 15. I,lvely, George "Buster'1 Pence and William Sailers. being tried in criminal court on charges of killing Sid Hatfield, and Ed Cham bors, August 1, on the steps of the courthouse, where the defendant are now on trial. -As soon a the panel was complete court adjourned until to morrow upon requeat of th proaecu- llon as It wa said several of It ma terial witnesses had not arrived. BUY MOON-SHINE KISSES "Sweetet Of All" sr.- I Practical Gifts For ! Practical People:- r We have them too. The business friend you wish to remember. .There are desk sets he or she will appreciate, there are loose leaf books bound in leather on which we can stamp the name in gold. There are a hundred and one things of that nature here for your choosing. And don't forget that TIME IS ' FLEEING Your ENGRAVED -CHRISTMAS CARDS SHOULD BE ORDERED TODAY. 666 is a prescription for Colds, Fever and LaGrippa. It th most ILLS . A Storehouse of Gifts for Every Person . Use News Want Ads ,( ft th v i i UAAMMUMU

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