WANTS pAlLY NEWS CLASSIFIED RATES Two Cents Word (This Type) 1 Each Insertion. xweniy-irje uewa biaww Double Size Type J)oub1e Price Blank Spare an Pirafn Want Ad., I.IH Pet Inch W Dlaeeant la Allowed' Ob SO ConeeenrlTe Insertions. CASH MUST ACCOMPAHT ALL ORDERS. All Ada, Slmie "Car Dally Nam" Strletly ConSdentlal. Claaalfleatloa Not Guaranteed , .After 8 p. aa. WANTED HELP (Male) Waated A Job pressman wka kaa kad . experience as assistant cylinder pressman. Burlington Printing Co., Burlington, N. .C, Ari tlerks, for Poatnl Mnll and Flrat Grade positions. $125 monthly. Experience ' unnecessary. For free particulars of examinations, write R. Terry (former ' Civil Service examiner), 479 Conti nental Bldg., Washington, D. C. Wanted Garage Poremaa Man with mechanical and executive ability, to take charge as foreman of machinery and repair department of one of the beet equipped and oldest established garages In the state. Equipped with all modern and up-to-date machin ery, and working 20 to 25 mechanics. ' Must be sober, of good character, and furnish A-l reference. Address "Oar age Foreman," care Dally News. Wanted A -male attendant Glenwood Park Sanitariurn, phone 983-W. 12-17 Wanted at Once A Linotype operator that can operate model 14 ad machine; scale $45.00 week. Address Fore man Daily News. tf W a n t e d Young man for bookkeeping and. clerical work in large office, where promotion depends upon ' Steady work and general usefulness of applicant. Per--manent job for right man. : Address "Permanent," care Daily News. 12-18 Boys Wanted There are sev- eral of the best routes in the city available to high school boys 15 or 16 years of age. ' Carry the Greensboro Daily News and make your Christ mas money. See city circu lation manager. Daily News office. tf WANTEDHELP (Female) Wanted Saleslady at 121 Norlk Elm street. Wanted A lady clerk during the holi days. Gate City Candy Co. 12-18 Wanted Young lady to do general clerical work. Must be accurate and, steady . worker. Permanent position. Apply "Accuracy," care 'Daily News. 12-18 Wanted Stenographer famil iar with dictating machine. Must have at least high school education.. Apply "Box B 4," care Daily News. 12-17 WANTED HELP Clerks, for Poatnl Mall aad First Grade ' positions. $125, monthly. Experi ence unnecessary. For free particu lars of examinations, write K. Terry (former Civil Service Examiner), 479 Cuutlnental lildg., Washington, D. C. ' 12-lS-su. Wanted Servant ' 628 North Elm street. 12-16 tf Wanted A fifth grade teacher in model industrial com munity. Teachers' home next door to school. School build' ings and home steam heated, all modern conveniences Salary North Carolina schecl ule. Teacher must have cer . tificate effective now. Re port for work January 3 Room and board $27.50 per month. Address Miss Ruth Brown, Principal Erlanger n-1 1 T ...! I XT nl ocnouis, uexnigum, iv. j. 12-18 WANTED SITUATIONS Reglatered ermdnnte In nhnrmacr open for proposition January 1st. Satis- faction guaranteed. Address "PH. G.," care Dally News. U-18-su. Wanted At Once Position by two boys 18 years, industrious and willing -to work for fair snlary. Address "Boys." 437 North Oreene street. City. Wanted By February 1 Poaltlon as . .bookkeeper in large bank with chanoe for promotion. Now employ ed, desire change. References fur nished. Address "F. S.," cars Pally News. 18-19 Position, an bookkeeper, young man 24 years of age. Five years' experi ence, accurate, reliable and willing to start on moderate salary. 'Prefer (Greensboro or vicinity. Address ' "Reliable," rare Dally News. 12-19 Wanted Position by compe tent experienced bookkeep- er. Address Box " 22," Route 3, Greensboro, N. C. 12-18 Wanted- Position by book- keeper, typint and general office man. Three years ex perience. Best of references. Will consider any kind of clerical- work. Address "Clerical," care Daily News. 12-18 fr su FOR SALE REAL ESTATE For Sale Two wood yard or factory sites on railroad, one 190x200, other 150x400 feet J. E. McGirt, 610 South Ashe street, phone 2652. 12-25 MUTT AND JEFF Mutt Falls for Jeff VChristmas Spirit Chatter I.T-. a .c.. i.-n r ,-,'. 'r au a I a . i i 1 - - I t SAW- DA.R MurT; WITH TH Fo?GlUINf NATWfte S ' iti I r3T '-'lg?2- hHS Blfel , J.'A ? cKmrMA spirit cweftywHCR 1 vtee 4Ml x admit J . . IwVjRn '?I!r;sS9: Bum". (FoRGoobNeSite fv i XCAM WO UNG6R Hotb-NY t Uet TO MH CHvilTi- J VH '-tH ' i ' "v- V J SAKS. Of PlCCft. fl i ' Feufs)S towAftM tow. J ABouT Hina "BwJ i . 'TmJ;?' ', ' uJTTlh't what HAPPtNCD I B I '' WANTS FOR SALE Scatter Snnaklne wltk Cbrtatmaa greet mg cards. Jos. J. stone ana co. 11-6 tf Good pine plastering latka tor sale. B. B. Abernethy, Connelly Springs, N.C. For Sale -Fireproof antes and Tanit doors. Arthur Reld, Winston-Salem, N. C. 1X-1 Von save money wken yon bay aud sell through the classified columns of the Pally News. tt For Sale Cheap Harley-Davldaon motorcycle. Phone 300, Trultt Cox. 12-18 For Sale At Bargain 10-pleee mahog- wiiy uLiiiii-ruuin euiLe, uuuib A , . Address P, O, Box 82, City. For Hole Practically new Bnsrougka Calculator at a bargain. Artdress Postoffice Box 1680, Winston-Salem, N. C. 12-lS-fr.su. Pine Stocky Cabbage Planta Wnke Vfleld and Flat Dutch, $1.50 express, tl-75 postpaid per thousand, Maple Grove Farm, Tnomasville, N. C. 12-1 Ckrlstmaa Greeting Cards A well as sorted variety from whicn to maKe rour selections. Wills Book and Sta- loeryjCO; 12-20 If It's rlek Jersey milk yon are banker Ing for, why not get it from Jer sey Dairy, Climax, N. C, phone 7620. 12-29 For Sale At a Bargain One Laundry Queen Electric Washing machine, slightly used. Oate City Furniture Co., 213 East Sycamore street, phone 2-467. 12-17 Hake year mother happy by Installing one. of our beautifully designed fix tures to light her room. U. H. Mlltoa Eleotrlo Co., 121 West Market street 12-11 Green pine shingles !tio. 1 heart, SO.SOi No. 2 heart. M-60; No. 1 saprfi.60; all rices are f. o. b. cars. For sale by andor BbJle Co., Candor, R C. Lot Sherwood and Sweet Snlly Lunn white canvas pumps, styles that soiu up to so. &u, to oiose out at si. id, Rises up to eight. Thacker and Brockmann, Corner Davie and Syca more streets. 12-14-tf. Forf Sale One aecond hand Thor elec tric washing machine In perfect condition; low price. Phone Miss Menhardt, 881. 12-1 7 (iulte a lot of good merehnndlae still here that must be sold in the next two weeks; shoes, rubbers, wool dress goods, ribbons, laces and small wares, we still have all sizes In girls', boys' and small children's shoes that you can buy at a worth while saving in price. Thacker and . Brockmann. 12-lE-tf. Genuine Solid Cowhide Lratker Travel ing Bags as gifts Truly an Ideal gift, combining attractiveness with ' usefulness In a most pleasing man ner. Our atock abounds in BDlendld special prices. Buy at Odell's, Where Quality Tens, Tne store ot a 'rnous- and Ireful Olfts. . Nine-drawer Nntlonal Cnak Register, two rolling ladders, one large mir ror 26x64 Inches, one double shoe fitting mirror, one Toledo button fastening machine, one umbrella case. 25 stock boxes for laces and small wares. Thacker and Brockmann i 12-16-tf. Oysters by parcel post, per gallon, pre paid, 92 50; crabmeat by parcel post, per gallon prepaid, $2.00; shell oys ters, per barrel, $5 to $6, f. o. b, Ports- - mouth. I want shipments of chickens, YggB and turkeys. Give me your Christmas business. C. F. Wain wrlght, Portsmouth, Virginia. 12-2E-we.fr.su. For Sale Piano, good as new, Address "Piano," care Daily News. FOR SALE LIVE STOCK For Sole Six mules and nice robber tire buggy. W. N. Barnes, phone f4431WJ P. O. BOX For Hnle Broken snooting doga, point ers and scttors. West Durham Ken nels, West Durham, N. C. 12-25 For Nntc White and brown pointer, trained retriever; lo-montns dog. Entitled to registration. Cause of sale, business, ,100. D. F. Gough, Klkln. N. C. .. 12-18 White Neoteh Collie and one (Jerninn police dog and collie crossed, femntes, very pretty and smart, pedigreed. Write or call J. N. King, Burlington, N. C Home 3. For Sale Two bird doga, Irish aettrra. in good shape. Will sell for (100 each, one or both. h. M. ltlley. Route ,Hlllsboro, N. C. JI-lS-su. Llewellyn' Setter For Sale Krmnle, moat two years old, white with few blue ticks, fine looking, thoroughly yard broke and partly field broke, staunch back stands and best re triever, acts very wisely for experi ence; no bad habits. Must sell as I cannot hunt. If not as represented money will be refunded. First certi fied check for $35 gets dog. Kennel men would charge over $100 for her. I. A. Mattox, Ptnetops, N. f. 12-18 Get the child a pony. John A. Young and ' Sons, phone 346-1. 12-16 tf For Sale 75 head pigs and shoats. Buy while they re cheap. Summerfield Feed Co., Summerfield, N. C. ' : - 12-17 Get the child a genuine little Shetland ponyr John - A Young and Sons. 12-17 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES l.enm at Home or rhool, hnrthnnd, bockkepDing on credit. Position! r guaranteed, Edwards Rustnes.1 Col eye, High Point and Wlnnton-Salem .i4 ir We Invite thouc -vho nre Int-rrMrd In bookkeeping, shorthand, penmanship and typewriting to enroll In eltlfcr the day or nttrht 8ns. ion of Greens boro Commercial School. We anBuro you with confidence, your efforts will bevrewarded. Come in and see us or write for catalogue. H-27tf WANTED BOARDERS Roam and board twe blocks from de pot, iirs. Read, 4J5 Walker avenue 12. 14 GREENSBORO DAILY WANTS SPECIAL NOTICES Bay year Christmas greeting rards early. Jos. J. Btone and Co. 11-5 tf For Cut Flowers phone Humnilt Avenue Greenhouses. lu-zo-tr. Window glass, windshields put In furniture repairing, rennlshlng, up holstering, stove repairing, Prices right. Phono 2470-W. 12-24 Pinna tuning. Don D. Folk, "The Musicians cnoice. rnons joij"; s-f ti The Old-Time Fresh Coeonnat Candy Is now on sale at the oate city Candy Co., 331 South Elm street, phone 876. ll-J0-tf. For bricklaying and plastering -all on nynes, ill uast uaston street, iiimu; 2440. 12-19 Make your home better and brighter witn one of our oeantiruny aesiitneii electrlo lamps. R, H. Milton Elec tric Co., 121 West Market street. 12-18 Iterooflng far the Mat time" with Johns-Manvlllc Asbestos shingles. Write us for free samples and book let. Can bo applied over old wood shingles. Budd-1'lper Roofing Co. Distributors. Durham. N. O. 10-1-tf. To look your best let as do yonr clean ing and pressing, expert worKman hlp on all garments. F. H. Krahnke, Jr., ladies' and gents' tailor 1.09 West Market street. y.l If yotTvrant to bny a home, or sell roar home or make any kind of a real es tate trade, come to see us. H. W. Clendenln and son, realtors, Onll ford Hotel building, phone 171. 11-17-tf. Toy Town There la a wnnderfnl dis play of toys for every-age child, on the second floor take the elevator. There is somAhlng there for every taste and to please every humor. Odell.Jnc 12-1S Every lady In this clry, yonng, middle aged r elderly, who wears size 4 or smaller should take advantage of the extraordinary values we are selling for only $3.95, Irr- both shoes and oxfords. Thacker and Brock mann. - 12-16-tf. Wllaon'a nlrd Shop, am North Davie street, phone 2041, Splendid line of canaries, guaranteed singers; also parrots, bird csges and supplies and gold fish and accessories. Fine Christmas gifts. 12-29 Table fall of Vsl. and I.lnen I. area. 2 cents a yard. Ladles' 80-cent ribbed pants, small sixes, 19c. La dles' 60-cent summer, weight pants, small sixes, 15c. Baby Slippers, sisc 1, 25c. Thacker and Brockmann. ' .. . 12-16-tf. Roofing and Sheet Metai Work We execute contracts for tin, slate, tile, slag or gravel roofs; gutters, down spouts, sky-lights, ventilators and cornices; Johns-Manvlllc, flre-proof built-up asbestos roofing for stores, schools, factories and warehouses. Mail us your plans or sketches, for estimate. Contracts taken anywhere In the slate. Budd-Plper Roofing Co., Contraot Dept., Durham, N. C. Write us about your rerooflng Job- 111-'.'- Vou"Sed Not lle Hick There's ni) other way finding the cause of your trou ble but X-Ray examination. Inves tigate it may mean health. Bplnal adjustments remove that cause, and you will get well as a natural con seauence. Dr. Credeman, The X-Ray Chiropractor, Former Member of Faculty Palmer School of Chiroprac tic, Greensboro, corner East Market and Davie, phone 29U. 12-29 Get the child a pony. Will get more pleasure, health and confidence than out of a mil lion dollars later in life". John A, Young and Sons. 12-17 Want -Ads Rench the people of Winston-Salem through the classified columns of the Twin-City Sentinel. "The pnpf that t?oes home." FOR RENT HOUSES For Itent New five-room close In. Phone 1377. bungalow, 12-14-tf. For Iteut lo-room house on asphalt ro;id near Bessemer school, electric lights, garage, large lot enclosed, fiossession Immediately. J. C. De uncey, near County Home. For Hent Kight-room house, close In, modern conveniences, gas range, Majestic range and window shailrs. ih per montn in advance. Apply 828 South'Kim street. 12-13-tf. For Item Apnrimenta In new Dixie apartment. I8fi per month. With heat and hot and cold 'water, prac tically furnished, with Janitor serv ice. One block west of 0. Henry ho tel. phone 135. 12-11 -tf. For Rent Large house, close in, all modern conveniences, including heat. Special if rented today. Phone 1201 re ent Large house two Lk;cks from Main square, steam heat, running water in each room. Best boardinpr and rooming house proposi tion to be had. J. E. Latham Co. Phone 76. 11-30 tf Lostr Female Alrdnle pup. Answers to nnmo of "Topsy.'.' Finder please call lone 121S-J. j 12-14-tf. Lost Somewhere on I'rlee or ftreene sireot a portfolio containing J. I. ( nse catalogues, forms and letters, binder please return to in Prlct' street or phone 29M-W, W.,G, Stew llrt. nnd be rewarded. SUM Reward .T' for" Ihlef and Horror rtecovory of Ford coupe, 1U20 mudt'l, sictor No. 5.'!9767. stolen at Monroe. f. C, nlRht of December 9th. Kqulp Jped with Decker steering wheel and safety lock, and rubber footpads. iNotlfy J. W. Spoon, Chief of Police, fMonroc, N. ('. ' 12-22 WANTED ROOMS Vanrd After Jnnnnry 1st Two or inree iurnisneu rooms for light housekeeping. down town pre ferred, to nflned couple with little boy three years old. Address "lie. fined," care Daily News, or phone 11-17 NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 192t WANTS FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES For Snle Iff 18 model Ford slteetrr, jm.Phone SOOJTruItt Cox. 12-18 For Sale Cheap Buick Six. J. C. Smith, phone 37. 12-18 WANTED Wanted Good young bird dog, ntrendy trained. Address P. O. Box 343, City. 12-18 Wanted To borrow for term of yeare. 13.000 or lu.000 on Improved city property. Address P. O. Box 403, City. 12-10-tf. Wanted To buy portable holler nnd engine. mate maKe, use, amount wanted and present location In first letter. Box 130, Greensboro, N. C 12-16 Wanted To bny good Veneer Logs, Red. White and Black Oak, Red Gum. Poplar, Birch, Walnut, Chestnut, Maple and Pine: lengths 5 ft. 2 Ins., G ft. 2 Ins.. up to 18 ft. Address all Inquiries to Raymond Veneer Mfg Co.. High Point. N, C, 12-18 Wanted We will pay cash for Red Cedar Logs, F. O. B. cars in North Carolina at an advanced price. Address Geo. C. Brown & Co., Greensboro, N. C. 10-SO-tf iundreds of users voluntarily testify to the good results ob - tained from Daily News Want Ads. tf vVanted The subscribers of the Daily News to 'phone 1000 if the carrier boy fails to leave you a paper, or if it is late in arriving. City Circu lation department, Greens boro Daily News. 1-13 tf AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES Lmt us look yonr rar over and If Its needs are urgent we tell you and what It will cost. R. K. Motor Cp. 13-11-tf. Authorized Ford service Gen uine Ford parts. Phohe 96, Morris Motor Service Station 5 4 9 South . Mendenhall Street. 9-14-fr-su-tu-t.f FOR SALE FARMS For galte-e-Bil-ft fnrm, flve-rMtn houflt, ilx mllfri from Greensboro. T. R. Wall, 611,6 South Elm Btroet, phnnaj!2&0. 2:14-tr. rnrm For ttnfp 274 ncrm 40 ml leu from Candor, alltfhtly rolling, Hand and clay, 80 acres open, good cotton, corn, tobacco and peach land; houne, barn, spring, fruit, etc. 800,000 feet of saw timber, 7,000 crosnUes. Price, t.0U0. torms. Box lb-, Candor, N. C. 12-lR-fr.su. Gentleman' rutin try home for sale. Mori attraotlvt ho line wftn electric lights, two baths, and beautiful Inte rior, occupies elevation nome 200 yards from Voad and affords pretty view of surrounding country. 85 acres rich land, with two bar-in, ulln etc., makes farming pleatuint and Krofltnble. Wide frontage on ttreenn oroHlgh Point road. This fine property equally attractive as home for a club. For price apply Brown Tlnl KMnte Co., Oreenshoro. 12-1-tf. FOR SALE HOUSES Bnjr from na Hat with na. H. O. Mllll- krni. Amerloan Land Co. 12-1-tf. For Sulr Throe nnd four-room ouara. QJU Mlchaol, phonM17 lS:-tf. For Rnlr iriiotlrsll7 now nine-room house No. 418 Summit avonue. Tills Is a s:ood, close In horns. IT. W. Clondenln ami Son, Realtors, Oullforil Hotelbuildlnnt. phone 171. 12-10-tfr Sprolnl Chrlstmna bancalna In homra this weok. Kour-room coltasro sll Hollevue street at J2.600; six-room cottage 904 Church street $S,I100; seven-room hungalow Arllnirton park near car line; nine-room hand some home on Elam avenue near Tomona hiirh school, Itufldiiist lots In all sections of Oreonsboro. .T. H. Moore,phone 23it-W. 12-18-tf For Sale by Owner Suburb an home, six rooms and bath, city conveniences. Phone 5402. 12-10 tf FOR RENT ROOMS Hoom and boar. Colonial Inn, 8uuth Ashe street , 7-14-tf. FarnUhed room for rent 107 Knnt lee street, phone Hill. lU-8-tf. For Kent -One nleely fnriilfttied romn to couple with children. Apply I'll North (Ireene street. For Ilent-ISto nlrel furnliihrd room for light housekeeping, no cbiluren. 450 Gorrell street. For Itent-4)ne nlcelr farnlsjbrtf room with private family. owe In. 4Uu South Kugene. iteferences required. Phone 6.S6-.I. 12-lfi-fr For Kent- Twe tponnrrtluK furnlNHed, heated rooniH, Cttn b at rnKd for - boHwekplngt - Addrww ' M.,lf Dally -Sewn. .!-1K-hu. For Rent Thrre-room fiunrf mrnt, fnr nished or tmf umished. Clone in, 110 Kant Hragg ntrnt-t, phone 2931. For item- -One nleely furnlnhrd room, one blofk from O. H-'iiry Hotel 411 North Kim Mreot, phone UK J-J. For lli-nt Mcely furnUhed bedroomn. 1 0.1 Progn-KB Hireet, For Rent Dow nufnlrit bedroom wltk private con n cc ( i n g bit t h , t earn heated. For biiBinesfi couple or gen tUmen. A)o bedrnom upKtutrn Inrlv, Phom- 12-18 WANTEDSALESMEN Wanted- By one of the Inrfcest uistrlh- , mors of srniy textiles In the south, two or three Rood, honest, hard worklntr sat, srnen, who can appre ciate a good und prntliahle lln. Al ways a his; assorlment Hvallable for Immediate shipment. Avaiiahie ter ritory V'lricini:t. North and Sooth iirolln.i, AiMress "ft. A. W.," rare laili .Sews. ,l-l-fr.su. WANTS POULTRY AND EGGS Reds, White Rocks, Langshana. I,ow prices. Twin Oaks Poultry Yards, Haw River, N. C. 12-2i FOR RENT Office for rent over (line's Pharmacy. Howard Gardner. lt-t-tf. 1'he Quick Wmf le get what you want when you want It is to read and use Dallv News classified ads. tf Two nice large garages and three stores for rent on Davie ana sycamore streets. I). E. Thomas, 105 North Davie street Desk space In American Rank Build ing, In writing state nature of busi ness. Available now. Address P. O Box 171, City. 11.80 For Rent Building occupied by Gayle-Ireland Motor Co., 105 and 107 South Davie street. This building will be changed to suit tenant. Will rent all or part of it. Matheson-Wills Real Estate Co. . 11-20 tf " WE PRIDE OURSELVES in our unexcelled service to famlller ind Individuals. When death takes o loved one, you appreciate the comfort of turning to a service of this char acter, where overy detail In regarf to a funeral and burial Is provided foi well In advance. What a satisfaction to the family In such a time. POOLE & BLUE, Inc. Faneral Dlrartors 20.1 N. Kim St. Ambulance Service Office Phone 420 Nlerht l'hone 14110 I. If. Bine, Pres. H. W. Oont, Seo. NOTICE. THK t'NlTKD STATKS OF AMUHICA. m TIIH OlSTKICT COl'HT OF THK I N1TKH STATKS FOR THK WF.ST KHN 1I1STHICT OF NOHTIt CARO LINA. In tho matter of W. C. ThOraton, Bank rupt, In llankruptcy No. 544. To the creditors of W. C. Thurston. Mfffr., of llurlington, Alamance coun ty, and district aforesaid: Notlvo Is hereby given that on the 12th day of December, A. T). mm. the ald W.C. Thurston was duly adJudKui bankrupt, and that the first meetlnp of his creditors will be held at tin office of the Referee In Greensboro on the 2 8 til day of Iiecemlier, 1H2I, at 10:30 o'clock A. M at which tlma the ald creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, consider sale if property, examine the bankrupt aiu transact such other business as may liroperly come before said meeting. This the IHth day of December, CUFFORD FHAZIKH 12-24 Heferoe In 1-iankruptey. Pay Your City Taxes Now 1921 city taxes are now due, and payable at this officer Pay before the end of December ind avoid the penalty which will be-added January 1st. W. L. MURRAY, City CJerk and Tax Collector. RKfKIVER'S S.4I.R. STOCK OK UOOItN, )SIMTIMi (IP tl.orillNfi FOR IKS, WOMK AMI ( llll,l)Kl:, AM l lTI IlKH. OHi tl CAIIOtlMA, fil ll.FORIJ ()l -Tlf, IX TIIR HI I'KIIIOIt I III I1T, IN THK MATTKK OV JACOH NAIMA.V, ltF Kl KitNllir. 1 Under and by virtue of an order of the court In the above entitled matter. 1 will, on the 2oth day of December. 1921, offer for sale for cash to the hlKhent bidder, subje't to the confir mation of tho court, all of the stock of merchandise nnd fixtures heretofore belonging to Jacob Natulan of Ureens boroy North -4 'nrolina, Healed bids will be received up to 2 o'clock p. m., December 20, 1921, With each bid must be tiled cash or certified check I" an amount equal to ten per cent (10) of the bid this required as an evidence of good faith. The receiver reserves the right to re ject any and all hid. Kule subject to confirmation of the court. Inventory nnd stock may be seen by applying to liu undersigned receiver at No. 312 Hanner building. 1 The merchandise, clothing for men. women and children, is In first-class condition. The purchaser may Imme diately place this merchandise on the market after the sals is confirmed by the court. It will, therefore, , In all probably, be possible for the purchaser to have the ndvantage of the Christ mas demsnd for goods such as this stock contains. Dated the 10th dav of December, 1921. B. T. W AH1), U-20 itcceiver ol Jacob .Naiman. ffk SQMCtl ORDERS FROM I Reduce Dolls i ONE - KM 2f. - it zr That means every . stock. That means every Doll we have in stock. Biff DollHs little Dolls, medium sized Dolls. Character Dolls smiling, and with cute puckers. Dolls to dress for ambitious little mothers; ALL OF THEM REDUCED TO HALF -' PRICE BEFORE CHRISTMAS SO THAT YOU GET THE FULL BENE FIT OF THE REDUCTION. We shouldn't have a Doll left by Sat urday night, .so you should be AN EARLY PURCHASER. V-Mt MVVIV aw M , Dolls. 9 9 WILLS s A Storehouse of Gifts for Every Person tf GIVE BEDROOM SLIPPERS -S FOR CHRISTMAS What Could Be More Appropriate Than 95 nh aw f Felts. 12.00 quality, all sbudes M and slsrs g Why Pay More? h Sample Shoe Store M "Save a Dollar' 333 S. Elm St. '2 2f. ' - fa Look for the shoe store with the red front. tf-f, New System Bakery "Bakers of Better Bakery Goods" We 4o hut Inlk niuli nbuiit our proilurln, hut n du t wirnt to Mr IMai Our l-'riilt t nkf la no giiod wc wan) you to know It. We bnvr but on kind nnd tt t tkr brat w nn MUkr. W )! It at U.1 rrnla per pound and yin will wonor how n run do It when j nnir It. So don't for MM Ihr phicr, : New System Bakery 314 South GREENSBORO. N. C, Fhune i718-.I J. A. Jones Controetora and llulldera Lendera In Helnfnrred Conerete nn4 Fire I'roof foastrurllon "UriT OIK lisTIHAIi;" When You Look For Furnished Rooms look first in the Want Ads of THE DAILY NEWS. Here you will find the right kind ot places iti the very neighborhoods you most pre fer. If you have a room to let place your Ad in THE NEWS and ba assured of pleasing results!. THE GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS . TELEPHONE 1000 15 By BUD FISHER SANTA CLAUS HALF to - $ Doll we have in '""Ul 4"VU fl III m j1 M p VHw Ht ' flOIIKt n n u H n Q H CI B " n a a u a ml Elm Street. CHAKI.OTTH. N, C. I'lionu I '(77 Construction Co. I Chflflren'B Kflt cushion oti 0$ 98c S to 9ft '2- I