GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1921 12 BY GEOXGE itiviANUS BRINGING UP FATHER OH! NUiT YOU CO OOT TONIC.HT 5 VELl- TOMORROW NICHT f I'M OIN' IN TO Av'aK. ee: J'CCb MUt)T ec on coon f oh: i I see::: HER HOW IF I KIN T OOT- TERMIs WITH PNr FOR OIN-SER- Hit) WIFE. I JUtT MEA.RO bHE WOZN'T TAUKItS- vour. wife f-J TO NE wuz eV IT WVb TA.UK.IH- TO THE. (IT ALL HI6HT 7 C-OOK - rjrJ fOKVOUTO TT2T",WI Q OUT ZJ n L Jy CTTTl I ( rTJTrrTT IS APPRECJABLYLESSENED There Is Increase In Number of Recessions Owing to Profit Taking. A FEW NEW HIGH LEVELS (B, Lat YVIi t Hailr NesO (CoprrUM, ltc!l. In PM ladcivbia funk Udtrr.l New York. !. I. Tliore mum an appreciable lease. ,i of activity to day In lha voHmw of mock exchange lran"cti"iie, with iin Increase In the number of recensions, due, however, In moBt case to profit-taking by recent buyers. The undertone was slightly unnKa'ly, thus creating an impression of Irregularity. The market was Riven Hs dominating color, however, by the urlvances that established liw high level In l'aciflo Oil, Lima Locomotive and tlencral Asphalt, aa well as the mtrcnutli displayed by American Loco motive, ijorn 1'roduets and Ktudebaker. There was nothing of special moment in the day's news to account for the atrength in these slocks, but trader are beginning to take note of the (act that while the market hat been going KTiiduaHy upward for the lust three months, the advance haw been accom plished In the face of almost dally pre dictions of a reaction that has not taken place. . About the only heavy feature of the market so far as group action whh concerned, was furnished hy the rails, which were generally sluggish, The notable exceptions were Atchison and Louisville and Nashville. For the first time in several weeks the statement of the federal reserve bank showed a decline In ratios, the figures being 72.6 compared with 73.1 Inst week. This resulted chiefly from an Increase of 120.30(1,000 In note circu lation. HI III further Improvement Is hhown In the position of the southern and western reserve hanks. The In debtedness of the Dallas bank now ntands at only l,Oon.niiO compared with 24.0WI,ooo at the end of the sec ond week In Heme fiber, "MONIITOIfH" WALL HTRF.KT GONHIP. (Br UiaMil Win to Dull; Nma.) ICawniK. nm, bt PalutklpLu ruMIc Ledcar.) New York. Deo. 18. The longest continuous advance In the average Iirlco of a selected group of railroad nnd Industrial slocks without a 2-polnt reaction was from February 8 to ,lune , l, IMS, a total of 117 trailing davs. Today marked the 115lh day of ad vance In these, same Kroups without a S-point reaction. Market statlsilclans consider that an advance which Iium continued so long without normal re action makes for caution. fools bid their specialties, sell out lo other pools who continue the per formance, and always the Independent door trader Is selling short on the I he nry that the advance sustained so long must be ncnrliig its end. One large trader today was reported to have cov ered a line of JO.Omi shares of a low Jiriced oil slock with a loss of more than 7 polnls. This has not been an uncommon experience of the profcs Honal element In rocont luarket ses sions. One of the low priced steel Issues to which little attention has been paid is Otis Steel sellliiK Just under $10 per share. It was polietml out today that this company has cash on hand of dH.MO.OOO and no bank loans. It was suggested that this situation might Indicate the Inclusion of this company In the proposed merger of the Independent steels. Nome weeks ago a large firm re ceived an order to buy Lima Locomo tive stork. They executed the order tinder 70 and had their statistical i partment make an analytical study of the company. The result shown by this analysis did not make the- firm enthusiastic as to the possibilities of purchase. Nevertheless, the stock sold today considerably above par and ac cording to firms which have been largo buyers la destined for consider ably higher prices on Its Inclusion In a merger with the Haskell Harkor 1'ullniun combine, MONITOH. C. B. KVAVV Hlr'AiO LETTER (Rr laJ aire io Pall, N.s.) Coer-tint. er rhllaealtihw Mailt iyHnr. I Chicago, Deo. 16. Habitual observ ers of the security market accustomed to estimate values and future prices on the basis of Immediate technical conditions such na earnings of the properties ami rates for money, are falling to recognise adequately one of the most powerful factors In the ad vance we have already had and In the hope of a Kood trading position for " tuMn'i ciiik in me Huocr- llelul speculation are the thinking men and they have hart a tremendous part in tno chatiKes qccurritiK in the past few weeks. To them the result of the armament conference thus far are tne most satisfactory element. snusiactory that they are wIIIIiik lo make purchases of some stocks which are not earning- their dividends but wnion nave a future. The Intlmutlon from time to time that the conference meant snmethlnK more than mere academic considera tion of armaments or even a practical lonsincrauon, nuu a sound basis. It now well known that the menace of a war between .lauan and the United fHtales was a real and Immediate thing conference among- the delegates. Well Informed Europeans understand the situation belter than Americans, for In Kurope the Japanese were huvlug military supplies on a liberal scale. This Is said to Intve been done In view of the probability that If the confer ence failed in the matter of reducing armaments and settling the I'm-1 lie . ouestinn affairs would be worse than beforo, but many of the purchase uppear to have been long; before the .. . i-unference was proposed. - The removal of the menace of war mid the cordial relutlons that have been established among three of the . powers furnish a background not only for the stock market hut for general business which the best of our think ers consider of Inestimable value. . O. I). EVANS. A rood business woman usually ortves a harder bargain than a man. 1921 v mt-l FiAtum SSRViCf. Inc. -4 OtiTHEHN MILL I) I I D1CXMQ me STOCKS. ceispior, I. C sad Onuriut, a O .200 Asmo Spinning Co. .... Arcadia Mills Alluen Mills , mercnn Spinning Co ' .. American Yarn and Proc. Co.!'" Anderson Cotton Mills ....... 73 Mllnton Cotton MIIH Aragon Cotton Mills (S. C.)..10 ' rcaile t'ntton Mills ........ .. Arrow Mills Augusta Factory ...... neiion cotion mum .. I'eaomont Mfg. Co Bibbs Mfg. Co Hrogon Atilla Clara Mfg Co Clifton Mfg. Co Cabarrus Cotton Mills 173 C'wick-Hosklns Co (par 25) iift't-vei 'osktns (jo. pia Chluuola Mfg. Co. Chlouola Mfg. Co. pfd.... 210 90 73 105 10 .130 . 10 STOCKS NOTSO ACTIVE Tharadn-r'a Aggressive Haying Move meat Was l.s. klng In Friday's Trad ing Nprculatlve Or Selected Issues The ,M Aellve. New York, Dec. 16. The aggressive buying movement that featured yes terday's session of the stock exchange, was lacking today. Trading was fair ly active, but ran more to speculative or selected issues. : Overnight developments, such as Oermany's virtual default, the closing of coal mines In the Pennsylvania dis trict and prospective t reductions In automobile prices were among the several Incidents calculated to di minish bullish enthusiasm. The cuts In prices announced by one of the chief subsldarles of the United Htato Hteet corporation and further declines in OUOtatiOllS for scrap iron and steel were Indicative oflcalhouu Mills the backward trend In thnt Industry. Cannon Mfg. Co. Foreign exenange conuoueu io no adversely affected by the Oermun ! situation. Coalers finally threw ott professional selling pressure ui uiuii of the Important issuea ana miscel laneous stock reacted 1 u i poinia on moderate offerings, nils airaln annulled a disproportlon- .1. hnr of the dav'S business, CSPe- dally secondary or low grade Issues. Dresden Cotton cttoala unA eniilnments were mixed, as Duncan Mills . tir motors ana tneir epeciames uufc nunean Mills ma gains ruled at the Irregular close. I Durham Hosiery pfd Call lonns opened and renewea mio uurnam iioBiery "a nt weeu nt f. ner cent, the rate later! Eastern Mfir. Co. . rising to avi, againei 7oiriuj i cagie ana i-nenix tua.;. ...hum of 6 ner cent, unoiaiiono mnra Milt. Co. f- tiow. funds were unaltered but Knterurlso Mfg. Co. (aa.) ,.,nn.v wi, mora freely offered tor the I Krwln Cotton Mills Co shorter maturities. ... Krwln Cotton Mills Co. pfd. .100 Tltern was a nronouncea la a uuiriini .hk. v. ,h. Hemutot fur hondS. HlOSt . Of Oft (TnCV M f g. Co. Aleh. Including liberty Issues, re- Gibson Mfg. Co 176 anted nn further realising:. The New Globe Yarns Mills (N. C.).... 60 v-l, .in tin lino .000 offering Bold nt a Grace Cotton Mill Co. . ... sllaht premium. The foreign division Oray Mfg. Co 200 was Irregular at nominal cnangos. Total sales, par value, 116.350,000. Closing Stock. 1.1st. Bid Ash 82 COTTON IS SOI HIGHER BO 100 115 7i 216 IH 136 42 85 230 101 83 125 111 11)0 15 100 187 Forties He cove ry In Prices Due Chief ly To Reports That Trade prospect" Are Improving Aa Advance Of S to 90 Points. New York. Dee. 16. Reports of im- nrovlng trade prospects were consid ered chiefly responsible for a further recovery In tne cotton market toaay .200 .100 .130i . 84 .150 Clover Mills Climax Spinning Co crescent Hninn uir Co Columbus Mfg. Co. (Ga.). Converse, D. R, Co t'acotan cotton miiis sib Darlington Mfg. Co .. Dixon Mills tut Drayton Mills Mills 210 . 78 ! 90 . 27 . 85 .125 .112 15 Spoon & Lewis Consulting Engineers Asierleaa Rank llullalasi Rtekwars Hrldarre Streets) Waterworks, Sewers SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Arrlnl Mi DMrtir. at Piiwntr Trilok, From im Of. .lllVrtSh. -Nrt i'nrk . . Nn York UtlnnM-Hlritlniliain K his .pViill -Nrs Vira . . . are Torh ('oliiRiMt AufiaU . McS IS. (liarlollt'AMi'lUle w Vnrk AtUnU Vtirk Atlnnla-Nnt Orlutia rtiarlDlts .IHhlnKlne t . . . Motml Art Mi. AW . trti'tinlHire iunilllo . N- nr. . hrill . K.ufo ISnnfiTii-Wllmliiitwi ' -Hl"n A.h.MlK 1'hsr . -V. r!,tlnlnir , Ws.-Nr Vr . tlrllMUiUra . .Mml Atrf e a. N. V'Allanti Npw Orlraai H'lSlBIHt Ml Airy . . iKorlllD ,. Atlintl . . Atipnu . . AUtliU . , Ar. No. r0c.lll si'leti Ooldition) 1112! O'Stiil 5 niniu Sl-m T Ittnnirllle B;ikferd r rlot iBlfl siond-Norfelk Wib..Ne nrfc inuS.-Nrs Yorl Irtwes (irmnHwi No. Arrltf Lratc I ;1(M!I;dU0:6J I 2!12:0Hi3:lr,4 I 3"! 3:44l 3 'tills 1 Sl 4.10.1 4 H.l 1 "I I.'.. s:.10.! : i -i I c a'.. i-.- I 3Ti t 3S T:1'J. ! HI T:C,. T:S. na : ,'ci), i;ui:ii;,iri:.uiii I -J i i 1 1! 1 op 1 2 'Ulp 4M12 Jllo 1 3:4&D ,1 'J3I t opl ( ii, . I'l 4 Hp 4 30p .1 :iM iv s-V'n I mf Jii)i f top 132 i:p 1 2f 43 f:2iip t'Mp 12) 10 Ot'plHl SO 10 2 1 pi 10 Jp HKlliUp No. If. Allied C. and D. Am. lleet 8 Am. Can Am. C. and v. . . A. K. and U pfd. Am. Int. Corp... Am. Licomotlve. Am. I.lnseed ... Am. H. und K. .. Am. Kugar .... Am. Hu. Tob. .. a Am. T. and T. .. Am. Woolen Anaconda Cop. Atchison A. C. L. ; A., (1. and W. I. Uald. Loco U. and O. ....... Iletu, Hteel "11". Can. l'aclflo ... Cen. Leather . . (.'handler Mot . C, and O C, M. and 8t. P. C, K. 1. und P.. (.'oca-Cola Corn Products . Crucible Steel . . Cuba Cane H.... Kiul't-Johnson . K.rle Famous Players, (len. Asphalt ... den. Ulectrlo , . (.len. Motors ... (I. N. ii fd 0. R Steel Illinois Central. Ins. Copper Int. Harvester . Int. M M. ptd.. Int. I'uper Invincible Oil .. K.-H. Tire Krnne. Copper . . L. and N Mex. Pet m. a. imi Mldvule Steel .. Mlosourl Pacific, N. Y. Central . . , N, V.. N. II., U.. N. and W North. Pacific . . Okie P. and 11. I'aclllc till Pan-Am. Pet. . . Pi'tliisyhanlii .. Pure Oil Iteadlng . Hep. 1. and 8. .. Itovul If.. N. V , St. h. and San K, S. A. L A. I pfd .... Sears-lloebuck . Shell T. and T. . Sin O. und 1L .. H.-S. S. und I. .. Ho. Pacific So. Itv So. Hy Pfd S. 0. of N. J. pfd Stude. Corp Teiin. Cojiper . . Texas Co Tex. and Pan, . . Tobacco Prod, . Trillin, (Ml I'lilon Pacific ... lulled Kruit ... P. S. Kood Prod.. IT. S. Ind. Al.... V. R. Stores U. H. ltubher ... V. H. Steel V. M. Steel ptd. . I'tall Copper . . . Vanadium Corp.. Vlr.-Cnr. Chem.. w. u. Wesu Elec Willys-Overland Total miles. R7 iou'j Blikeit 80 (84 10 28 Vi 40 H4 0 14 28 81 113 43V 84 lOOVi 8 81 27 47 114 64 10 81 l 117 H8 : 4 ii a 8 84 98 35, 57 13 WW 5 31 btl 8 34 145 80 42 68 31H 48 52 81 117 81 4tHi D0 88 83 H6 U 85 57 ClasM 67 28 4 84 146 81 42 H8 31 46 63 81 117 81 4U 1 8'J 33 118 86 Dl 12 14 40 32 211 78 28 47 12 2(1 126 286 5 81 64 7 2 42 12 42 30 15 27 87 5 60 6 20 32 i 41 08 88 7 80 10 77 70 141 11 76 48 99 42 85 65 68 12 44 27 110 120 121 30 30 50 66 111 31 40 8614 67 'i 6 78 10 75 68 H 60 66 19 81 40 97 87 67 78 10 76 69 Glenwood Cotton Mills 100 Clluck Mills 100 Greenwood Cotton Mills 176 Grende Mills Granitevilla Mfg. Co Hamrlck Mills izu Hanes, P. 11., Knitting Co. .. 11 Hanes, P. II. , Knitting Co. pfd 99 Hillside Cotton Mills Oa.)..260 Imperial Yarn Mill (N. 0..135 nman Mills 82 Inman Mills, pfd 92 eiiaiugs '.'jttori Mill 210 Judsou Mills 240 Judson Mills pfd 91 King. J no. p. Mfg. Co 126 Lancaster Cotton Mills 190 Limestone Milla .' Linford Mills , Lola Mfg. Co 95 Locke Cotton Mills Co 110 Laurens Cotton Mills Marlboro Cotton Mills 66 M s Mill Monarch Mills (H. C.) 103 Mollohon Mfg. Co 106 - Myers Mill " Myitis Mills National Yarn Mill 120 Newberry Cotton Mills 106 .Mnety-uix cotton Mill isu Norcott Mills Co ....250 Orr Cotton Mills 90 Orr Cotton Mills fd 89 Mills A January contracts sold up from 17.42 to 17.85 or 36 points net nig ner ana more than 15 per bale above the low level of last Tuesday morning. They closed at 17.80, with the general mar ket closing barely steady at u net ad vance of 5 to 30 points. There was some nervousness over the situations to German reparations . payments at the opening, . Liverpool made a lairiy sieaoy showing and first prices here were 1 nolnt hiirhar to 1 notnt lower, but ac tive months showed net losses of 5 to 8 points right after me can wnn March selling at 17.43. The compara tively small offerings were readily ab sorbed on this setback, however, and the market turned tinner before the end of the morning on talk of light private ginning returns and reiterated reports of an Improving trade demand. The south was a considerable buyer here presumably to cover snort con tracts, while covering was also re ported for western and Wall Street account and there was some trade 97 buying on the advance which carried 84 I March contracts up to n.ov iu me .aits trading. LaBt prices were 4 to a points off from the best under realizing. Private returns were said to indicate ginning of 7,800,000 hales to Decem ber 13. or about 169,000 for the first half of December, which was regarded as Indicating that the crop was no larger than the estimate of last Mon day. A local exporter reported bids from Kurope close to a worauia union, suggesting thai business might soon develop, and there were Galveston advices Indicating that a largo amount of ocean freight room had been en gaged for shipment from there to Jap an early In the new year. Week-end ngures snowea a railing on m mi movement of cotton both in and out of sight as compared with the previ ous week but Indicated a further de crease of 20,469 bales In the world's visible supply of American. I ours. Open. High. Low. Close. Close. 17.60 18.03 17.70 18.00 17.73 17.60 17.86 17.42 17.80 17.60 17.60 17.79 17.42 17.76 17.48 17 ao 17.48 17.20 17.28 17.27 16.86 17.05 16.81 16.96 16.88 WHEAT PIES ARE OFF Rain and Snow Over Larsrc Part Of Winter Belt and Kellef From Drought Tend To get tke Market Back Corn ani Ont Higher. Chicago, Dec. 16. Kaln and snow over large sections of the winter belt crop with reports that droughty re gions In the southwest had received some moisture tended today 'to make wheat prices average lower. The finish was unsettled at cent net decline to cent advance. May 1.12 to 1.12 and July 1.02 to 1.02. Corn closed cent off to up. Oats gained to , and In provisions the out come varied from 6 cents loss to a rise of 7U cents. nisrii. 165 220 120 141 90 166 105 430 79 111 48 230 76 87 98 175 121 91 171 175 61 186 65 85 800 115 Open. WHEAT: May .. 1.12 July .. 1.03 cuk.n : May ,. 53 J4 uly .. 64 oats: May .. 37 uly .. 88 pokk: Jan LARD: Jan. . . 8.50 May .. 8.90 tuna: Jan. ...... May - cash ftratn: Low. Close. 7.55 .... 7.85 Wheat, no sales r ported; corn, No. 2 mixed, 4747; o. a yenow, KfiigiB. flUW YORK Cl'RB LIST. IB) Uued Win to Dtllr Now..) New iora, Dec. 18. D'oliowlnsr are bid and asked quotations on the curb: urn. Askea. Aetna Explosives 12 14 Boone Oil 25 28 Boston and Montana 86 88 Davis-Daly .aa' D.l.n.nn SI 1 Engineers Petroleum Federal Oil 140 185 165 12 102 276 151 88 226 260 150 240 130 86 101 Dec. Jan. Mar. May July Spot steady; middling 18.80. 141 141 11 74 48 99 41 84 84 65 11 43 26 108 110 11 711 48 99 42 4 IS 64 66 11 43 26 185 117 116 117 199 26 19 16 24 4 113 It 502 69 86 S3 72 15 60 30 3 3 76 4 32 81 21 8 8 127 19 132 99 5 43 15 28 17 73-i 13 98 79 3 60 b5 3.1 89i 72 64 62 Jl'.i 3 4i 59 38 23 38 '4 80 19 47' 114 82 10 48 53 . 64 11 126 14 28 '4 17 72 13 97 78 3 48 64 32 39 71 63 51 21 3 4 68 38 22 38 - 79 18 46U 113 81 10 47 23(4 63 11 126 14 28 17 73(t 13 97 79 I 49 65 32 39 71 1.3 61 21 4 68 da1. 38 8 111 1, 1I4 81 10 i 47 23 63 11 126U 'nrkdale Pacolet Mfg. Co. . . Pacolet Mfg. Co. pfd 1'eiser Mfg. Co. .i Piedmont Mrg. Co. (8. C). Perfection Spinning Co. . I'elham Mills Panola Cotton Mills ,. .. Poe, F. W.. Mfg. Co 99 Poinsett Mills lUnlo Mfg. Co 100 Hex Spinning Co Hex Spinning Co., pfd 90 Hinge mine Riverside Mill (par Jlz.bO).. 9 Klversidu and Dan Klver 240 Howan Cotton Mills Co 80 Hockyface Spinning Co. Khyne-Houser Mfg. Co Saxon Mills Seminole Cotton Mills Co Sibley Mfg. Co. (Ga.) spartan wins inn Sterling Spinning Co. ..114 .. 94 .114 . 80 Port Movement Of Cotton. v Orleans: Mldd UK. If.uu: re- 1021 celpts, 2.060; exports, 3,893; sales, 1,480; 70 stock. J93.077. 226 Galveston: Middling, 17.86; receipts, 110 1 2,900; exports, 8,75,0; sales, i.iiv; sioca, 116 389,081. unhiio- vrlitdllnir. 16.25: receipts. 292: 110 exports, 1.239; sales. 114; stock, 161,906. 150 1 savannan: aiiaaiiiig,, livwi 1,520: sales, 662; sioca, loi.oia. Charleston: Keceipts, mi; biock, 119 : Wilmington: tteceipis, stoca, 39 808. Texas City: iteceipts, l.aou; biock, 12,270. Norfolk: Middling. 17.25; receipts, 2,508: sales. 297; stock, 134,544. Paltimore: Keceipts, 2,0(4; biock 2,574. , Kosrnn hiock. d.hur. Philadelphia: Keceipts, 186: stock, 12.409. New-York: Middling, 18.30; stock. 87,066. Minor ports: Keceipts, 766: exports, 1.250; stock.' 2,160. Total today: Receipts, 13,838; ex- norts. 8.632: stocW. 1.365.354. Total ior weeg: neceipis, uv,&m; exports. 111,061. Total for season: Keceipts, s.aio.oBi; exports, 8,884,6 1 s. Glenrock Oil 1 t, Int. Petroleum (new) 17 Magma Copper 26 , Maracalbo Oil 24 Merrltt Oil 9 Midwest Retlnine 170 ' Northwestern Oil ........ 26 Salt Creek (new) 13 mms Petroleum 11V4 Skelley Oil 6 Swift International 21 8. 8teamshlD .... 13 United Retail Candy 5 wrignt-Martin Aeroplane. 2 Chlcaa-o Curb, Armour Leather com. Armour Leather pfd ..... Armour Packinsr ofd Cudahy Packing .......... Libby ana Co National Leather Swift and Co. Union Carbide I 127 126 127 21 227 38 160 3 31 21 7 6 7 13 1 1 89 63 66 85 1 1 3 65 32 29 91 61 6 10 3914 61 66 10 39 63 66 84 Superior Yarn Mills 86 Toxaway Milla (par S25) 28 Lnlon-Hiinalo miiis I'nlon-Hiiffnlo Mills 1st pfd.. 10-1'nlon-P.ufTalo Mills 2d pfd.'. 87 Vlctor-Monaghan Co 76 victor-MonaKiian co. niu.... Victory Yarn Mills Co ,. 78 Ware Shoals Aug. Co a watts Mills .. Watts Mills 1st pfd Watts Mills 2d pfd W'lnget Yarn Mills Co wiscassett Mills co nau Wllliamston Mills 200 Woodsldo Cotton Mills ...... .. SVoodHlde Cotton Mills pfd.. 72 Wood ruff Cotton Mills 150 nlW VOHK IWM1 LIST. I Si LfuM win 10 uuu imi IT, S. 2's, registered IT. S. 2's, coupon ............ IT. 8.' 4's, registered U, H. 4's, coupon Panama. 3 s, registered 'aiiama 3 s. ooupon American H. and K. 6's American T. and T. ov. 6's... Atchison general 41 ..j Atlantic Coast Line 1st 4's ... Italtlmora and Ohio ov. 4 s . Bethlehem Slcol ref. 6 s 115 285 95 92 130 120 97 115 122 85 83 70 103 85 110 91 93 76 87 66 72 76 100 (5 116 95 96 30 23 - 78 39 - 79 81 145 110 79 95 76 Interior Movement Of Cotton. Houston: Middling. 17.65: receipts. 7,834; shipments, 6,237; sales, 1,902; stock, 910,719. Memnhis: MIddlinir. 18.00: receiDts. 2.839: shrnments. 2.699: sales. 1.000 stock. 267.619. Augusta: Middling-. 17.12: recaints. 1.832; shipments, 1.274; sales, 211; stock, 144, an. St. Loulst Middling. 18.00: receipts. 9.681: shipments. 4.054: stock. 25.321. Little Rock: Middling. 17.75; receipts,; smpmenis, 24; sales, 83s; stoca 0.488. ' - Dallas: Middling. 17.06; sales, 1,448 Montgomery: Mlddllntr. 16.76: salea Total today: Receipts. 17.606: shin ments, 14,388; stork, 808,461. 113 113 64 64 100 74 175 101 101 104 104 2 80 . 80 88 108 85 , 84 , 75 90 Cen. of Goorgla Consolidated 6's.. 90 .400 shares. 20 90 61 8 82 29 91 61 6 ADDITIONAL KTOI'K I.IMT. Iky Until Win 10 Pally Km.) New York, Dec. 16 hollowing are drying prices on additional stocks: a7:lli.lll Rmur SlO:10al(liMadlm 10:20a It B.lrlri sU'Jnpl 4 KlnitoS'Salan N. WlliHtiora tl :4Spj!SS:Finwur 6 60p iumtoe sal.n-N. mikntm T:l)pl ITIBslrlih-miilaMn 9:80n S'winslqti-Balfm U:l"a 10:li)n I 181 7:31), lMtlH Jla 181 llAOp irat:tiip 3 "Op 8-ODa :2na T:4Vo (1) Dalit KiwdI 8undar. (al Dallr txurttg Crenubera tad Ktnitoo-silna ami til, nnpt sViaday tatam Wlulooalw ud Norm iikiebon. Ttmutt Nlmas alwlnt tr rrfln U) KuhlDxton. r Vofk. llroimd, Norfolk. Allaota. llmUiiiiani, tlotillc, Nw Orlrani, Cuirlnnatl, Has Fruclan. HrMulH publitoad u Inrornatlos as4 are net guars. t. 8fCKK. C. T. A. 6fiar, . 6. (it) Ilttat ItHia: 112 faat kartfl Stmt. IatlM 172 Mils-Chalmers American Cotton Oil American Tobacco , American Zinc mid Lead American Zinc and Lead pfd ... Heth. Steel 7 per cent pfd Iieth. Sleel 8 per cent pfd .... Hulls Copper Chicago cirent Western pfd ... C , M. nnd St. Paul pfd. . . , vll, Chicago and Northwestern ... C, H. I. ami P. 6's 0., U. I. and P, 7's Chile Copper .-..,. I'hllm Copper Consolidated Textile Corp Conden and Co. , Cubs Cane HtiKar pfd Davison Chemical pfd Dome Mines famous Players-Laaky Freeport-Texas tleneral Motors 6 Per cent deb. (loodrlch Rubber Tire Houston Oil Lackawanna Steel M.. K. and T M., Iv. and T, pfd Otis Steel , Pero Mnrquelte Pierce-Arrow , . , , Pierce oil Saxon Motors Submarine Boat I'nlted Hy. Investment I'nlted lty. Investment pfd... Vlrglnln-Clirollni, i.'heni. pft . Vlmdoii, Incorporated While Motors ., Whits Oil ") 88 . 21 .1:13 . 14 . 89 . 91 .10!. . 4 . 1 . I. . 71 . 15 . 29 ,. 18 . 85 ,. 14 .. 6.1 ,. 18 .. 8(1 , . Id1. .. 72 . . Si .. 80 .. 47 1 Central Leather 6's Chesapeake and Ohio cv. 5's ... C, M. and Hu Paul cv, 4 s ... C, It. I. and Pao. Ity. ret. 4's... Col. and Southern ref. 4's Horn, of Canada i (laai) Col. and Southern ret. 4's ..... Den. and Klo Grande oonsol. 4's. Dom. of Canada 6's (1931)...... Hrle general 48 iltnots central rer. 4 s Int. Merchant Marine 6's K. C. Southern ref. 6's Liggett and Myers 6's Louisvlllo and Nashville tin. 4's Missouri, Kan. and Tex. 1st 4 Missouri Pacific gen. 4's N. Y. Central deb. 6' Norfolk and Western cv. I's .... Northern 1'aulnc 4s Pennsylvania general 6 s Heading general 4's -vr . . Kenubllo I. and S. 6's (1940).... St. L. and San Fran. adl. 6's Seaboard Air Line adj. 5's Southern Bell Tel. 6's ., Southern Pacific cv. 6's Southern Railway gen. 4'i Texas and I'aclllc 1st i's ........ union Pacific 4 s L'nlted Kingdom of O. B. and I. 6's (1937) IT 8. Steel 8's Virginia-Carolina Chem. 6's Wabash 1st 5'a W ilson and Co. cv. 6 a 93 . 85 . 61 . 76 . SD . 95 . 73 . 95 . 43 . 83 M . 901, . 84 . 92 , 88 . 74 . 60 . 99 .105 . 84 . 94 . sz . 91 . 72 . 15 . 93 . 89'" . 61 . s 87 95 99 94 as 86 :: .. 20 4 7 69 Foreign Exekang. New Y'ork, Dee. 16. Foreign ex change Irregular. Great Britain, de mand 4 16, cables 4.17; 60-day bills nn hunt,. . 1 IU V.KanAK 4-AnJ f ll 14 canies 7.84. Italy demand 4.5 a. caoies Mesaium. aemana caoies Germany, demana cables 61. Holland, demand cables 36.36. Norway, demand 15.20. Sweden, demand 24.60. Denmark, de mand 19.35. Swltxcrland. demand 19.42. 7tSpaln, demand 14.70. Greece, demand 89 I 23 Argentlnn. demand 33.37 Bras!!. 11 demand u.ij. aiontreai, t t-M. PRICE OF COTTON HKIHKR U. KBW OWt.'IANS MARKET New Orleans, Dec 18. Small ginning returns from private sources and an other hole In the visible supply put the price of cotton higher today. Af ter declines of 7 to 8 points during the first call the market braced up and rose to net advances which, with sev eral small recessions, were maintain ed during the rest of the session. In tne late trading prices were 18 to 29 points Higher than the close of yes terday, while the close showed net gains on the day of 11 to 24 points. January traded as low as 18.64, rose to 17.00 rents and closed at 16.96, The' early buying was due to a rjrl vate bureau report of 7,800,000 bales ginned to the 13th of December, Indl eating production for this last gin nlng period of but 160,000 bales. Ke ports of a somewhat better spot do niand helped values after the effect of this report wore off In the earlv afternoon reactions of about 10 points were caused ny tne unfavorable Im pression left by mill takings for the week of 860.000 bales against 366,000 Isst week but a little later the mar ket strengthened again because of th decrease In the visible supply of American cotton of 22,349 bales against n increase this weeg last year or 12,306 and because, for the first time in months, the visible was under the figures of a year ago, 4,246,669 bales against 4.372,585. In the last half hour of the session highest levels were reached on a re port credited to the American Cotton association, statins; that ginning this last period was 178,000 bales and claimed that only a small percentage of the crop was left to be ginned, that there would bo a sensational drop in ginning In the near future and con tending that the orop had been badly overestimated. An estimate of the average weight of bales this season of only 482 pounds wss also made. Open. High. Low. Close. December ... 16.63 16.94 16 67 January .... 16.67 17.00 16 64 March if. is is. is May 16.70 14.98 18.65 July 14.87 16.66 16.81 1.13 1.03 63 66 38 38 8.65 .8.97 1.12 102 62 64 . 7i' 38 S.47 8.90 1.12 1.02 ', 63 64 88 38 14.70 a. 55 8.97 6 63 14 17 26 25 10 180 30 14 11 6 21 15 6 6 RUCKER & COMPANY Cotton Merchants ; : GREENSBORO. NORTH CAROLINA , 1 MEMBERS New York Cotton Exchange New Orleans Cotton Exchange . . , Geo; Q. Scott. C. P. A. Member1 American Institute of Accountants Walter Charnley, C. P. A. , Member American Institute of Accountants Scott, Charnley and Company Cltlsens Bank Bonding Raleigh, N. C. Certified Publle Accountants 14M Norta Elsa afreet Greensboro, American Trust Co Bank Bldg., Ckarlotte, N. C. Loan nnd rlvchanffe Bank Building Columbia, i. c, Liverpool Cotion. Liverpool, Dec. 16. Cotton, spot quiet; prices easier; good middling 11.31; fully middling 10.91; middling 10.56; low middling 9.36; good ordinary 7.81; ordinary 7.06; eales 10,000 bales, including 7,800 American. Receipts 15,000 bales, including 14,600 American. Futures closed very steady. December 10.64; January 10.67; March 10.63; May 10.55; July 10.43; September 10.16; Octo ber 10.00; Cottonseed Oil. New York. Dec. 16. Cottonseed oil was firm and higher on short covering ahead of the census- report, coupled with light offerings of both crude and refined. Closing bids were 9 to 17 points net higher. Sales, 12,700 bar rels. Prime crude 6.90, bid; prime sum mer velinw snot, nominal: January, 38; January, 8.76; May. 8.97. 12 83 92 60 ll 97 44 12 84- i 98 52 5 t 98 44 CHAHLOTTH! ;OTTOt MARKET (spMlal to Pally .News.) Charlotte, Dec. 16. Charlotte cotton market: Receipts today lid bales; prlcu 17.50 cents. ;hekiioro COTTON.'' Cotton In Greensboro yesterday was quoted by Rucker warehouse at 17. Hester's Weekly Cotton Ntatrment. Comparisons are to actual dates, not to cloea of corresponding weeks. In thousands bales. In sight for week. .338: same seven days last year, 384; for the month, 805; same date last year, 931; for season, 6,228: same date lust year. 6.562. Port receiDts for season. 8.271: same uate.iasc year, s.i4s. overland to mills and Canada for season. 740; same date last year, 431. Southern mill takings , for season, 936: same date last vear. 1.359. Interior stocks In excess of Ausrust 1, 281; last year, 624. f oreign exports for week, ill: same seven days last year, 150; for season, ..SUB same date last year. 2.137. isorthern sulnners' takinas and Can ada ior weok. 47; same seven days last year, oa; ior season, l.ltss; to same auto last year, 699. niaiemeni ot spinners' takings of American cotton throughout the world: This week, 360; same seven days last year, 271: total since Auauat 1. G-QSfl: same date last year, 3,943. statement oi world s visible supply: Total visible this week. 6.860: last ween. u,jo; same aate year before 6,022. Of this ' the1 total Amaelcnn hl week, 4,247; last week, 4,269; last year, 4.373. -. - All other kinds this week. 1 l- it ween, i,tsi; iasL year, l,S4a. Visible In the L'nlted States this wobk. s.024 tnis date last year. 2.717 Visible In other countries this week can; tnis gate last year, 8.305. BALTIMORE! GRAIN AMI HAY ' (B) Uaatd win lo pallr Nf.i.) Baltimore. Deo. 16. Wheat jk red winter spot, no quotations; No. red winter spot 1.18; No. 2 red win ter garlicky spot 1.14; December 1.14; January, no quotations. iorn con corn old ve low minted at 2.70 per barrel; contract corn spot oi'; iraca corn yellow ro. . old do mestic us. , Oats White No. 2 46 ner bushel amen: no. a 4Z'd43 asked. Hay Keceipts 72 tons; range from io.vua'i.uo per ton. witn a xair de' mand for fair to good quality of tlm oiny ana misca nay. BALTIMORE PRODUCE! I Bf teased Win to Dally Nana.) Baltimore, Dec. 16. Kggs Loss off native and neaby firsts doxen 66 soutnern 53. Butter Creamery fancy pound 47 48; prints 48460; nearby creamery 43 nn; ladies auwsz: rolls z store. packed 2S'fi 27 ; dairy prlivta 28 30 process muter antfas. savannah Naval Stores. v Savannah, Dec. 16. Turpentine firm, 49; sales 199; receipts 193; shipments 5; stock 12,642. itosin nrm; saica 864; receipts 298; shipments 1.008; took 78,667. Quote: , u, ., o I i m. V i an. M E 20: N. 5.35: WO.''6.7'0;'ww'. 6.90. ....... Spot steady; middling 17.00. 16.94 16.95 17.06 16.87 16.61 C'hicaa-o Cattle. Chicago. Dec. 16. Cattle: ' Beef Bteers. fat she stock, stockcrs and feed ers mostly 25 cent lower: quality very plain; bulk beer steers 6.26(o i.2S; hull weak; calves sharply lower: bulk veal ers to packers 8.60(919.00. Hogs: 16 to 26 lower than yesterday s aversge lights off most; closing fairly active shippers bought about 20.000; holdover moderately liberal; top 7.80 for ligh Ki.lL. A dAV AA. llvK.a IN I. II lower, bulk desirable, 7 20(9 7.35. Sheep Fat lambs steady to 25 tower; sheep and feeders steady; fat lamb top, 10.26; bulk desirable 10.00trl0.25; culls 7.50 68.00: good clipped lambs, 9.25; good light yearlings, 8.50; cholce.liRht ewes 6.00; beavles 1. 00 3.50; few' comeback feeder lambs, 9.25a 10.50. i 60, I 26.40. New York Money. New Tork. Deo. 16. Call money Arm I high, 6 per cent.; low, 6: ruling rate, 5; closing bid. 6; offered at, t; last loan, 6 per cent. Call loans against acceptances. 4 per cent. Tlrno loans nrm; so nays, ii'irei par cem., ov ,yn, StjtH'per cent.; alx months, 5(1)5 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, t per cent. New York Dry Ooodn, New York. Deo, 16. Branded bleach ed cottons and some of ths unbranded . .,- ...r .. v,ftnr demand today on basts of 11 cents for 4-4, 64x60's More business also waa dons In denim tickings and soma of the heavier col oi eu cottons for working suit menu faoture. wash roods were sold moderate Quantities. Yarns were steady with some , larger Inquiries and sates reported. Wool markets were firm. Bilks were In moderate de mand. Burlaps were steady, Liberty Bends. " New Tork. Dec. 16. Liberty 8's ond 4 s 96.70; II ret 4 s 87.26; secon 4.'n- 96.92: third 4'B 97.88: fourt 4's 97.22; victory 3Vs 100.01; vic tory 4 it S 100.9. bonds Pay Your City Taxes Now . 1921 city taxes are now due, and payable at this office. Pay before the end of December and avoid the penalty which will be added January 1st. W. L. MURRAY, City Clerk and Tax Collector. Bea Island Cotton. Kavannah. Dec. 16 Sea Islands:' Market quiet; fancy 43; extra choice 42; choice 3840; extra fine 3236. Sales 1; receipts 52; shipments none; stock 778. Crop in Blgnt, A.s- Nuaar and Coffee. Kmir Vn.k Den. 16 Raw Sugar t.ariieF nr s 6A to 3.86 for centrifugal; refined 10 points lower at 6.10 for fine granulated. Spot coffee quiet; Rio 7 s, to 9 ; Santos i p. .sy."i'i7a. RITES FOR PR.1NCB8S. Ceremonies of Old Regime Observed In Princess Chun's Bnrlal (ffriihL 1921. In rblladelnhla Publle Lediar.) Pekin. Oct, 31. To the doleful music of myriad wind Instruments and In the darkness that comes before dawn, the body of the lato Princess unun, real mother of the deposed boy Emperor of China, was borne from her palace In the Imperial city of Pekln by 80 purple clad coolies on the beginning ot the innir march to the imperial oomoa, Manners of the Mancnu noussnoio, unting camels, falcons, royal lions or flowers, Manchu cavalrymen wuu m weapons of ancient days, the empty chair of the late Princess were all In the cortege that filed out of the palace at i o'clock Sunday morning. - The 16-vear-old boy Emperor, wno as made few nubllo appearances since the establishment of the republlo 10 years ago, had gone to the summer jialace the night before, where he waitea ior me lunoai ., - nass. Al the catafalque OI nis mowier w lifted after the bearers - had been changed, a rug of lambskin was stretched, on which he Knell ana dow- ed three times In the direction of the coffin, one of the court attendants keening a guiding hand on his shoulder White and pale, the boy r.mperor seemed scarcely 10 yean old and arp nearer! to be a product of a hothouse rather than of the open air. He was visibly frightened, but conducted him self throughout with the utmost dig CHICHESTER S PILLS VU TtlRIAON BRAND. A I.aial aas jtr vrs. . ... 'lilk-t- s !- BmY Pill, is Bad and til mtMUcf boio, aaalxl Bliul Rlbbos. V Take iaer. Bnr iffnr v diaTJonb ii u a no fills, (o, s nan known aa But. Safari. Alwayi Rallatila crtinnv nwifif.nK FVFUVWMFRF THS! UNITED STATES OF AMERICA In tke District Court of the United States For the Western District ol North Carolina. In the Matter Of Geo. W. Black, Worth H. Black and Jno. A. Black, trading As Black Store Co. Bankrupt In Bankruptcy. i, t Notice to Creditors to Consider Com position Offered by Bankrupt: Notice la hereby glvetk that on the 6th day ot Dec, 1921, the said Geo. W Black, Worth If. Black and Jno, A. Black, trading as Black Store Co., ot Burlington, Alamance County and Dis trict aforesaid, filed a petition In bank ruptcy and offering a composition, and that a meeting of the creditors of the above bankrupts will be held at the office of the undersigned In the City of Greensboro, before Clifford Frazier, Beferee In Bankruptcy, on the Jotn ' day of Deo., l!:i, at 3:30 p. m for the, purpose of considering the proposed composition made by. the bankrupts. to their creditors, In satisfaction of the unsecured debts (not entitled to prior ity) owed by them to each of said creditors, which, proposed composition I to pay 20 per cent. , , j This the 9th day of December, 1131. CLIFFORD FRAZIER, Referee In bankruptcy. . 11.11. ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE. Havlnr qualified aa administrator of the estate ot Rev. W. H. Long, de ceased, late of Greensboro,- Guilford ennntv North Carolina, this is to not! fy all persona having claims against the estate of sain aeceama inemui '.hem to the undersigned on or before the !8th day of October. 1923; or thie notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons lndobted to said state will please make immeoiaie pay ment. This, November 8, 19 ii. W. H. HESTER, Administrator. Frankllnton. N. C 13-17 St JmoieC?ic?t.nokc, THREE SIZES: tOt, 1 far 2Se., a 13c. '. ttmm , W. F. CLEGG CIGAR CO, Maiurfarlmri. - naeellenee thnt represents .L SO va-ja experience In ennn fi-... w Gilbert c. white co. An Orjrnli!tlon of Civil, Mechanical, KlectrlcnJ and Chemical EnffLiievrn - . DURHAM N. C. WATS' I vVOHKK. I'OWIR PLANTS, STRKDTS. ItOAUS. B. B. TATUM Motor Trucks Teams Transfers and Livery We are equipped for all classes of hauling, heavy and light. Moving a specialty. Packing and storage. A big truck for long distance moving, picnic parties or any class of motor transfer. 'Phone 28, Depot St. XOTICE. THB iNITF.D STATES OK AMEllICA. JN THB UISTRICT COIKT ' 'l' UNITEU STATES FOR THE WEST ER! DISTRICT OF NORTH CARO LINA. In the matter of W. C. Thurston, Bank; rupt. In Bankruptcy So. Ut. To the creditors of W. C. Thurston. Mfgr.i of Burlington, Alamance coun ty, and district aforesaid: Notice Is hereby tjlven that on the 12th day of December, A. D. 1921, the said W. a Thurston was auiy aujuogea bankrupt, and that the first meeting of hll creditors will be held at the office of the Referee In Greensboro, on the 2th day of December, 1021. at 10:J0 o'clock A. M., at which time the said oredltors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, consider sale of property, examine ,the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. This the 12th day of December, 11)31. CLIFFORD FRAZIF.R 13-24 Referee tn Bankruptcy. Dr. H. L." Brockmann Practice Of Medicine Oflce 301 MeAdoo Building Phone 236 Hnktfm- Pkene 11T8 W. W. DICK , Henting Contrnctnr Estimates furnished on steam. vapO and hot wator heating, anywhere In Sorth Carolina . Pe Relleaaeade, Next te Dixie Apartment. V. Edwards, C E. Consulting Engineer WINTON-AI.EM, N. C. Streets ana lltakwara Sewer and Water Mrateaas General Engineering

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