6 GKEENSBORO DAILY NEWS. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1921 HP5 Woman's Realm ffelephonj 1001 Weddings, Club Meetings Card Parties, Personal rre-rkrlatmaa Mnale At Dtrpe. A delightful pre-Chrietmas pregTam ol tha Euterpe club was held yester day afternoon with Mra. E. 8. Wills aa hostess. Tha houae waa appropri ately decorated with holly and Chrtst tnaa greens. While red candles cant a soft light through the rooms. The program was arranged by Mra. J, Norman Wllla and Mra. Henry Ware, and constated largely of Chrlstmae muilo, repreaented by tha carola and tha soloa. An especially pleasing fea ture of the program was the two groups for the violin, artistically and beautifully Interpreted by Arthur Tal madgc, of the Fayettevllle Conserva tory of Music. Mr. Talmadge partlcl pated In the atate contest for young artlats last spring, and is remembered for his splendid plnylng at that time. Mis rendition of Wlonlawskl's I.egonde yesterday was especially sympathetic and worthy of mention. Mra. C. Harold Andrewa. president of tha club, announced that the club has decided to sponsor a recital by Mr. Wltkcnsteln, a pianist of note In Naw York and Boston, who will play hare January 17 at the home of Mra. Caesar Cone. At tha cloae of the program Mra, Wllla aerved a delicious aalad course. Tha program waa as follows: (1) Carols, On This Hay a King la Horn; ("rood Kins Wencelas, Mrs. Julius C. Fmlth, Mrs. K. C Caldwell, Mrs. J. Norman Wllla, Mra. Henry Ware. (2) Tha Three Klnga, Kurt-Schlndlnr; Tes Yeux, Ravelle, Miss Beatrice Ilyftl. (3) Cavatnia, Huff; Nocturne in B Flat, Chopin. Arthur Talmadge. (4) Group of Children's Christmas Songs, Mra K B. Wills. (6) Glory to Clod; Itotoll, Mra, Henry Ware. (6) O'er the Cradle. Ays Jeau, Ladles' quartette. Accom panists were Mesdamea, Gayle, Al bright and Stroud, Nee'dlecrnft Club Meeting. Mra. J, M. Johnaon was bostons to the members of the Needlcoruft club and their huebanda at the last meeting for tha year of the club, held at her home oa South Mendenhall street Friday eve ning from 7:30 to 10:30. It was an unusually pleasant evening, the occa sion of the annual exchange of Christ ma presents. between the members of tha club. TWo Christmas trees were laced by the open fireplace. Old fash ioned games Were played, one of which waa lighting Santa Claus' pipe. Hev. K, Murphy Wllllama won the prise for being the moat skillful In lighting tha pips, while W. T. Shepherd waa tha least skillful. Following this the hostess, assisted by Mra. W. J. Horney, distributed the presents to the husbands, this causing much merriment.. Then handkerchiefs wars presented tha woman membore of tha club. Aftcrwarda tha hostess served refreahmenta. hoae present were Mrs. W. L.-Ander-snn, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Ballance, Mr. and Mra. C. J. Brockmann, Mr. and Mra. J. R. Brown, Mr. and Mra. A. W. Craw ford, Mr, and Mrs. H. F. Donnell, Mr. and Mra. J. H, Edmonds, Mr. and -Mra. J. O. Foushee, Mr. and Mra. Hoger Har Vlaotl, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hobbs, Mr. and Mra. W. J. Horney, Mr. and Mra. H. T. Martin, Mr. and Mra. Q. t. Payne. ROUGHS , ' Apply over throat and cheat 0 swallow email piece of VapoRub Ovcl 17 Million Jan lW Venn. VWMrWWWVWVSfWWVWVWWV Oh4 Food the Cheapest Way" Fruits, Nuts, Candies Band a boi of oranges, grape fruit, apples or tangerlnea. Hpe clal price by tha box and tha quality la tha very beat. Fanoy Imported large cluster raisins, beat Quality. Bmyna Flga, Dates, Large Pecans, No. 1 Soft Shell Walnuts, Braille, Almonds Fil berts and Chestnuts. Fancy boxes Chocolates and mixed candles. Patterson Bros., Inc. i FIND GROCERIES 138 I. Bias St. Oaa Phone 40 TheO.I D Henry A Ball Room N Monday Night December 26th DANCING Mualo By I Dlreetlem TAt, D. HENRY'S TsvT P-""""-" 1X1 Tal Unary O, ntsiy Admlsstoa D"" IsO I'"D' Orckeatra Mj Plus Tat PLANTS The Well Dressed Woman II r A(li:l AYBKS -Star In Paramooat Pleturra, The holidays have most successfully arid completely crowded all the bread and butter clothea Into tha' back ground, but as the holidays usher In our gayest and busiest social season perhaps It la Just as well. Evening frocks, evening hats and wraps and accessories scintillate before our ayes from every shop window. I use scin tillate advisedly, for there is scarcely an article of evening attire that does not flash with touches of metal. . The frock In the sketch la simplicity tself In line and drapery. It can well afford to be, for It Is made entirely of a rich and heavy brocade rose and sil ver, Its only trimming being loops of rose velvet ribbon on the skirt, pleas antly contrasting In their plain sim plicity, and an elaborate girdle... tilrilies are growing not onlyt more elaborate, more ubiquitous but more obese as well, Some of them ure soft roils or lanric, some are padded, some wound with strings of pearls, while this one Is made of fair alsed artifi cial flowers, roses and huge forgetme- us. - The girdle Is placed. 'as kll stood o-ir. dies are, well below the waist line, tha straight blouse formally and rather atlffly draped above It. The blouse fol- lows trie conventions of the season, lth a very modest nock line and a total absence of sleeve. Spanish or mid-Victorian la thsj stltr and formal wired bouffuncy of the aklrt a Dounancy which conflnoa itaelf al most exclusively to he hlpe. ine uneven hem line. too. la favored n a skirt which hancs un In the front and back and longer on the sides. Wr: Iff M i Dr. and Mra. Charles W., Moseley, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Keaves. Mr. and Mra. vt. Li. nnrpneril, Mr. and Mis. J n wn. kins, Rev. and Mra. R. Murphy Wil liams, Uev. and Mrs O. T. Hnnrt. M. and M. ituures. The Merchants and Mantifnnt tirers' club announces the following entor- iilnmenta in the club rooms during Christmas week:. i Monday. Hecomber 28th, open house. starting at V:80 a. m. Tuesday. December 2J. from :an tn :S0 In the afternoon a dance will be Slven to which the sons and duughters of members are also Invited. Thursday night, December 29. a smoker. New Year's eve. December 31. rru. lar New Year's dance. Mrs. Ilagnn Entertains. Mrs. Yatea Hagan was charming hostess to the Wednesday Bridge club, on Friday afternoon at the Hylmore tea room. Mrs. Clifford Fraaler was presented with tha visitors' prise, a lovely hand kerchief, for top acore, The high ."core olub prlia fell to MrB, Albert Wtlaon, Jr. She also received hand kerchiefs. Mrs. Brockton Lyon re ceived the low score prlie. A tempting salad course was aerved. Pollynna Class Meeting, The Pollyana class of the junior department of the West Market Street church met for a, business and social .nee tip a; at the home of the president, Miss Margaret Near, on Walker ave nue, Friday evening. After a mhort devotional and business tesslon, the class played Interesting Humes. Delightful refreshments were lerved by the hostess. Mrs. Stockton 111. Miss May Stockton Is In town visit ing her mother, Mrs. M. C. Stockton, who haa been confined to her bed for the past few days with a aevere cold. Mra. Stockton Is Improving, and hopes to be up In a day or two, Business Women's Meeting, The Business and Professional Wo men's club will hold Its regular busi ness meeting at the hut on Thursday I'venlng, Hecember 22, Supper served at 1:15. All members are urged to be present. Muaarrore-Lasslter Wedding. Tha following lnvitatl6na have been received In the city. "Mr. and Mrs. lames Alexander Muagrova requeat tha honor of your preaence at the marriage Prince of Wales To Wed Lady Rachel of their daughter, Willie Dlackwell, to Dr. Henry Grady Lasslter, on Wednesday evening, January the fourth, at eight o'clock, Methodist Kplscopal church, Weldon, North Carolina," Woimin's Club Meets Wednesday, . The Woman's club will hold a gen eral business meeting at the clubhouse Wednesday afternoon at 3:20. In addi tion to the baslneas to' be transacted. a program of Christmas music will be rcuuereu, a iiumurr ui uiaunrs Importance to the club will come up for discussion and theofflcere hope for a full attendance. Sunday School Clnae Entertained, Miss Lula Maa Simpson entertained her Sunday school olaSB of the Cen tenary Methodist church Friday aft ernoon from three to five o'olock. After the business waa finished, a mu sical program waa rendered. A aalad courae was served by the hostess, as sisted by Miss Orlan Simpson. Art Club Meeting. The Art and Travel olub of the T. W. C. A., will hold Its regular weekly meeting at tha Hut on Monday evening. Supper at :30. Thia la the Christmas meeting, and an Interesting Illustrated talk will be given on "Some of the World's Great Masterpieces." Visitors ure always given a hearty welcome. Missionary Society Moaday. The Woman's Missionary society of the Park Place Methodist church will hold an Inspirational meeting at the church Monday afternoon at 3:30. New offlcera will he Installed. Mr. Tnlmadfte To Play. Arthur S. Talmadge, of Toledo, Ohio, who le In the city aa the guest of Mn. and Mra. J. Norman Wills, will play a violin solo at the morning service of Grace church today. Vt 1). C. Meeting Monday. The United Daughters of the Con federacy will meet Monday afternoon at 1:80 at the Woman's club. Circle No, I will be hostess for the after noon. '-- Mrs. Pleaaanta Improved. Frlenda of Mrs. CI. R. Pleasants, who has been 111 at her home on Smith street, will be delighted to learn that her condition is very greatly Improved. Phllatkea ( lass Meeting. The Wesley Phllathea claaa of Cen tenary Methodist church will meet with the Baraca class Sunday morning. C. H. Ireland will leoture to both classes. Mlsa WhartoB To F.ntertaln The following Invitations have been reoelved: "Katharine Wharton, at home Tuesday afternoon, December 27 3:30 to 4:30." night for ltlchmond, Va., to apend the holidays with relatives. Miss Evelyn Thackar, a atudent at Hollln'a college, will arrive today to spend the holldaya with her parenta on Eugene street. - Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Booth will leave for New York Monday to spend a few days. Mr. Marion Helss, will leave for Clio, S. C, to spend the Christmas holldaya with relatives. ' Mrs. William Shummer, of High Point spent yesterday In the city shopping. Mrs. George Williamson, who has been visiting her daughter, MYs. R. C. iveiiy lit vr lusiun-ouieui, nas reiurnm home. i miss Nell Morris, oi xnomaaviue, spent yesterday In Groensboro. George Williamson and Jack Dillon, of High Point, are In the city for the week-end, Mr. Roland Holton, of High Point, spent yesterday in Greensboro. Dr. and Mrs. Graham Harden.- Of Burlington, will apend today in tha city. Mr. Zed Griffith, of Thomasvllls, waa a business visitor In Greensboro yes- terday. i . Miss Susie Meyers, of Greensboro College, la spending the week-end at her home in Thomaavllle. Miss Frances Farrell, of Leaksvllle, was In Greensboro for a few hour yesterday. . Mr. William Devln, of Oxford, will spend the Christmas holidays In Greensboro. ' Miss Julia Black, of Carthaea. er. rived in the city last night to Visit Mrs. Henry Wootten, North Elm St. Mr. and Mrs. P. McLalrd will leave today for Norfolk, Va, to apend the Christmas holidays. Miss Katharine Wharton, a atudent at Agnes Scott college, Decatur, OaJ is spenuing tne nonaays wim ner par- ents on Smith street. Miss Gray Bradshaw will return tow day from Fayettevllle, where she spent several days with her sister, Mrs. 1. H. Dewey. . Fairfax K. Dillon, who has been vis iting his parents, Mr. and Me. W. P Dillon, on North Elm street, left last night for New York city. Miss Marlon Hunter, a student at Qoucher college, Baltimore, Md haa arrived tn the city to apend the Christ mas holldaya with her mother, Mra. T. a. Hunter, 342 North J)lm itreet. ,W. F. Lewie, J. H. Khlnn, and D. L. Nance, teaohera at Oak Ridge Insti tute, were in the city yesterday en route home for the holldaya. P. C. Painter, city manager, haa re- turntd from a business trip to New York. v NEW LASS RATES ON FILE AS A RESULT OF RECENT RATE DECISION . 1 'OTltM I f 3cocccoooaocsr Everyone admires nur attractive plants verv suitable for gifts. H151.KUT YOURS NOW FOR C1IHISTMAS. Send one to your shut-In friend. FLOWERS S. FLORAL DESIGNS L PIIONR WW Duffy Greenhouses . Ops), O. Heart Hotel . Milk Prices Reduced AJtNOCNCft.VF.ST' Commencing January 1st, we will deliver milk in Greensboro at 18 cenla pei quart. Our milk tests high in butter, fat and our herd Is tuberculin tested. We have a very complete dairy equipment and can furnleh special milk for Invalids and babies. Visitors are welcome. Phone C45-J, Pomona Dairy Possoaa Mills. X. C, J, , STBATTOJt, Mgr. "" f l4ts)(j III , '","yr 1 i'D k ! y vU-., i 4 V - V ... ' ' i Lady Rachel Cavendish, youngest uaiiKnier or me ljuae ot uevonsnire. PKHSONAUk it . i gpeelal Holiday gale Silk Underwear Gwas, Teddies, Caatlaolea, Boudoir Capa, Special Holiday Sale Bath Robe ' For Men, Weaves) aa klldrea Tkla Week. : The Store of the Christmas Spirit Gifts of Distinctiori In Abundance "What Bhall I give thja year?" This annual yuletide query may be success fully answered when you bring your list to "The Store of Christmas Spirit" '. Everywhere you look, right at your elbow, under your very eyes you'll find something new. The spirit of helpfulness prevails throughout the store. We want this Holiday time to be the hap piest gift-giving time of your life. We want to help you, too, in the selection of the right gifts at prices your purse can afford. v 4 win, ho engagement to the Trtnce of Wales, heir to the British throne, will be offlriully nmtnunt'ed when thi Trlnee returns from hie trip to India. says a i-onuon vsnie, i.nuy iiaonoi is well known In the fnlted Sl'ilos and Canada and is a favurlte In social i olrolaa. Mra. Henry Ware will leave for Philadelphia Tueaday to apend Christ mas with tur parents. Mlsa Cornelia Cartland, who is atudent at the Ethical Culture achool In New York, will arrive In the city Wedneaday to spend the Chrlatmus holldaya with her parenta, Mr. ana Mrs. H. E. Cartland, 1103 North El.n atreet Miss Eva Martin, of the Monroe achool faculty, la spending the holt daya with her parents, Mr. and Mrs H. T. Martin, on Worth Menuenliail street Mrs. Henry Ware will leave Tuesday for Philadelphia, where she will spend the Christmas holidays with her par ents. Charles Menefee, ot Wilmington, spent last nlitht In the city. Miss Margaret vaugnan, a student at Sweet llrliir, Va.. is spending th Christmas holldaya with her parenta, Mr. and Mra. K. O. Vaughan. Raymond. Craig, of the University of North Carolina, spent last night in the city. H. R. Iiush has returneu irom a busi ness trip to Atlanta. Miss pearl Humphrey, a student at Qunston hall, Washington, D. C, Is at home to spend the holidays. J. T. Urn na, who Is attending school at the university, attended the dance at the O. Henry last nlKht. Miss Murle Brandt, who is a stud ent at Harnard college, N. Y., la here for the holldaya. Miss Susie Hrandti of Chatham Kplscopal Institute, will arrive to morrow for the Christmas holidays. W. J. Hichardson, of Richmond, Va., la spending a few daya here on business. Edward Pendererast. of Chapel. Hill, attended the dance last night. Mr. and Mrs. Kstes Brand left Inst night for Washington, , D. C. Mrs. Urand hns been visiting her mother, Mrs. J. r. Sanders. In Irving Park, Mrs. Annie Patterson and family, pf Leaksvllle, have moved to Greensboro, and will make their home at lit K. Fisher avenue. Miss Mary Steele Prlneon, daughter of CongrrsMman llrlnson arrived today from Washington to visit her aunt. Mrs, W, 8. Clary, on West Welling ton street, Mra J, H, Rpencer left today for her home In Martlnavllle, Va., after apend- .tag some time with her eon, J. W, Speneer. Mra, 1, W Traynr.am.1 of Ilurllng- tnn, spent yesterday In Oreenaboro, Mra. It, J, Mlobaala will leave to- approve aelections by the oounty com mittees before they become effective." Representative Bulwlr.kle waa noti fied today that the treasury depart ment Is now ready to proceed with ex amination of the title to the postoltlce lot In Uastonla. . and that the super vising architect's office here will draw plans and apeclficutlona Immediately for the building. The Cltlaan'a National bank at Oaa- tonla haa ((greed to purchaae the pres ent poBtofflce building and alte In Oas tonla, the consideration being 1176,01)0 and another alte. . The present postofflce building la re garded aa Inadequate for the postal service In that city and the movement, which Mr. Bulwinkle haa pushed along, la for the purpoae of meeting the needa of the eltuatlon In furnishing the people of Oastonia a more commodi ous, up-to-date, and convenient office. Simmons and Banker Confer. D. A. Houston, president of the Fed eral Land bank of Columbia, S. C came here toda'y to have a conference with Senator Simmons to compose the differences arising between the bank and a large number of Tar Heels, whose applications for loans have either been delayed or Ignored. - Sen-, ator Simmons, some . weeks ago, brought the matter to the attention of the bank officials, and the president of the bank Is here now to do what he can to meet the requlremente. It Is pointed out that In face of the needs In North Carolina more loans have been made In South Carolina than In the former state. It Is said that the bank haa not been functioning properly for some unexplained reason, and that numbers of applications for loans have been dlsergarded to the In convenience and financial loss of many Tar Heels. It la underatood that Mr. Houston and Senator Simmons seemed to have worked out a plan to meet the situation. Mr. Houston assured ' Senator Sim mons that there la now ample money at the command of hla bank, and that everything la being done, and will con tinue to be done, to rush action upon applications from citizens of North Carolina. Senator Simmons said that the conference was very eatlsfactory. and expressed the hope and belief that the bank will be active In extending loans to distressed farmers, and that speedy action will be taken on the North Carolina applications. Senator F. M. Simmons plans to spend the holldaya at hla home In New Bern and was preparing today to get away tor a rest. Tne hard work put In by the aenlor North Carolina senator on the tariff and taxation bills has exhausted him to a certain extent and a few daya raat at Simmons farm will put Mr. Simmons In shape for the tariff battle which la to be resumed after Christmas. - : - Miss Mary pharr, olerk to Repre sentative Bulwinkle, left tonight ttr Charlotte, where she will spend the holidays at her home. ' Huntley Oeta Appointment. . George O. Huntley has been ap pointed postmaster at Uelvln Hill, Polk county, a new office. With a view to the appointment of poBtmastare at places named, examina tions have been ordered for the fol lowing postoffioes: Arapahoe, in (the. third congressional dlstrlot; Cullasaja, in tne loth district; Elkton, In the sixth; Elmwood, In the eighth;' Grand- view in tha 10th, and Palmyra In the Second. , HANDBAG -The season's most popular styles and colors priced speolai 1.0, 111.25, .5 and 83,50. XADIBs" KID GLOVES 8-button, li-button gauntlets and walking gloves, all eolora and a else for every hand. In this store you will find auch famoua make aa Centemerla, Chanut, Drefouse and Fawn, and the prices a re, 'Very reasonable. LADIES' CHAMOISETTB GLOVES i-button, 12- ' button and gauntlets, all eolora and sixes. Prices are,,.. Sue, $1.21 and $1.S0 LOVELY VEILS All colors, chenille dotts and the new French styles.... $18. tt2.Su, (2.85 and 3.50 BOUDOIR CAPS Beautiful lace trimmed Boudoir 'Caps. Prices are 11.00. $1.80. $10, $2.00.' V2J&0, $2.83, $8.25, SS.SO mmi $345. FEATHER FANS An Ideal flft, colors are burnt orange, Copenhagen, turquoise and rose, $7.BS, and . $ia, COLONIAL IVORY GOODS Mirrors, nail buffers, hair pin holders, hair receivers, picture frames, powder boxes, clocks, slipper horns, - combs At ery special prices. FASHION RTT 19 HAIR lVETS In attractive Xmas boxea, packed 13 In box. Priced. ........... .$1.50 CARD CASKS eilvsr plate, tome are engraved, others are plain, priced soe, rse, $3.85, $5.so WRIST WATCHES Guaranteed SO-year gold case, Swiss movement, IS jewel. Priced special , ,$14.85 COLORED UMBRELLAS Rain or Shine, colors are navy, purple, red, green and black.. $9.30, $N.$5 t MORTEX TOWELS AND BATH MATS Beautiful ' ff patterns and weaves, and the prices are very rek- jj sohable, all colors. . "J MEN'S TIES Newest patterns to select from, all L colors. Priced : .$1.00 ' 'EVER-READY SAFETY RABORS Nickel case and velvet lined; t3.0 value. Special .Monday $1.00.' POWDER" PUFFSNovelty powder -puffs, will, A f(l , make an Ideal gift, too and I1.2S, Brlces are 85c, soe, eftc, 8c, ' PLUSH AND SILK PILLOWS Colors a re old rose, blue, mulberry, green and lavender. Prices are $2.88, $.1.86, $4-50, $5.00 and $0.TS. CHRISTMAS SALE OS SATIN BEDSPREADS 78x110 Satin Bedspreads, many handsome raised de signs to Select from; formerly sold up to $95. Priced for Monday ,0.T5 JAP SILK ttl'ILTS Hand embroidered silk quilts for babies, colors are pink and light blue. Prloed, 4 special $249 ' .- ' ' - ' '' ( BUREAU SCARFS Laee trimmed bureau scarfs and linen centers. Priced $1.48. $1.75, S1.8P and beautiful acotok" ,.$12.50 AUTO ROBES All wool . plaids. Priced special.,.. DOLLS Beautiful dolls, the prettiest line we have ever displayed. toe to $5.88 HANDKERCHIEFS Madeira, hand embroidered ' and lace trimmed. . we have tnem also 'or mea i sad children, ' t The Outstanding Event of the Holiday Season Our Pre-Christmas Sale of Ready-to-Wear Price reductions are 20 per cent and upward. of the season. It weighed tit pounds. Jas. A. Fall died at hla home In Kam- seur December 15. He was a young man of starling character. He leaves a widow and an Infant son, a mother and two brothers and slaters. AUTHORIZATION Ol" ZEPPELIN , A TRIUMPH FOR DIPLOMACY ' 1 B AawtMas rrm. Washington, Dec. 17. Authorisation by the allied council ot ambassadors for the eonstructlon by Germany of a Zeppelin of the L-70 type for the United States was regarded today In offfolal circles here as a dlstlnot tri umph for American dtplomaoy. By virtue of that authorisation Ger many is permitted to go behind the terms of the protocol signed In Paris last June 10, which limited the site of airships she might build to 10.000 cublo meters capacity. The airship which Germany will build for the United States Is to be of 7$,000 cubic meters oapaclty and there had developed among the allied governments a de elded opposition to establishing a pre cedent by permitting Germany to go behind the terms of any treaty or en gagement The opposition of the European governments was overcome by repeated representations by Ambassador Her rlck that this country would not use rtie new airship for military purposes. MRS, JENNIE BARKI.EY DIES AT THE HOME OF HER SON (RfwclU U Dallr Km) ' ' Salisbury, Deo. 17. Mrs. Jennie M. Barkley, of Btateivllle, died today at the home of a son, Clarenoe V. Bark ley, In Salisbury, where she had been living for some weeks, death following a lingering Illness. The body will be taken to Statesvllle. Sunday morning for btirlal, the funeral being at t o'clock In the afternoon. Surviving are nine children, B. In Barkley, of Wlneton-Salemi 8. Bi, of Oastonia; R V of Richmond, and C. V of Salis bury ; Mra, J. E. Murphy arid Mra. R. O. Qouger, of New Yerk; Mrs1. Ha White, of Buffalo; Mrs, J. B. Delta and Mrs. C. W. Boshamert of Statesvllle. ERLANOER T. M. C A. BEATS - KANNAPOLIS Y 40 TO S3 ' ISnfM.1 IS Dtllfl Nflwt.1 " Erlanger, Dec. 17. The Erlanger Y. M, C. A. added another victory to Its long string last night by trimming tbe Kannapolia Y. M. O. A. 40 to It. It was one Of the best i, played and) cleanest fames witnessed, on the Er langer court this season. Features eg the game waa Flow foe Xannapolla who made some exceptionally good snoots ana. waa tne oesi oe iuq smvh on fouls, making $ out of 11, good. Leonard Link and Everhart were the stars tor Erlanger, these men were on the Job all the time, making some shoots that looked Impossible. Ert langer has played ten games, wlnnlnf nine out ot the ten games, losing? the first game of the seaaon by not belmf , In ehape and using kll of Its subs in thla game. ' Held For Attempted Assanlt. '-. Will Culberson, negro, about 85 yearjl OI age, was jmioiu. i,..,,,. arrested on the charge of attempted criminal assault, the complainant be lng Ruth Allen, negro girl, about 12 years of age. Ctilberaon will be given a preliminary hearing In Municipal court Monday morning. . . taunaaael Lntkeran Bents DanvHll." Immanuel Lutheran college defeated Danville elub Friday night at baeket ball,. 1 to It. CogdeUwas. the high scorer. DAIL EIREANN MEMBERS TRY FOR AN AGREEMENT However, Tbere Appeare to Be Ne question But That Ike All-Important Treaty Will He Ratified. Hublln, Deo. 17. (By Associated Press.) The dail elreann remained in secret session until late tonight In an endeavor to thresh out personal pollti oal difficulties among the members, with the prospect that It might eome out Into public session on Monday rec onciled at least to the extent of pre snntlng a solid front to the world In their attitude toward the Anglo-Irish treaty. There appeared to he no question to night, but that the treaty would be rat ified, but In vleV .ot the fact that so many members of the Irish legislative body wish to proclaim their respective positions It was considered hardly like ly that a final vote could be taken be fore next Wednesday. RAMSEUR NEWS. Jaa.vA. Fall Dead-David Allea Kills Prise Porker Of Season. I Swiil to Dallf N.M.I Itamseur, Deo. 17. Prof. White of 9rnham, visited frlenda In Rameeur re eently. Dr. and Mrs. C. 8. Tats and Mrs. M. Coble spent Thursday In Greensboro shopping. Miss vlda Xlvett, after spending th- summer at Mayodan, returned home last week, David Allen killed the finest porker Exquisite Things of Modest Price Presented In a Beautiful Shop - ; The Cabaniss Shop may or may not justify th opinion of few women in regard to It's beauty, convenience and artistss arrangements, but it occupies a very definite place in the minds of hundreds of women whoso pocket books snap closed in the face of extravagance and pop open in sight of opportunities for practical saving of lovely wearables. v Tis is a trading place for all nice women of good tests -regardless of whether their husband or father is a banker, . baker or candlestick maker, no one need hesitate to eome because Cabaniss has aimed to secure an atmosphere of beauty in which to display exquisite things. ' ' " x : " i' ' The Prices Are Very Modest As Illustrated By the Following Items A FROCKS Models which embrace the latest note in fash ions developed in ' Canton crepe. Crepe Romar, Tricotlnes Poiret-twills, satins, velvets, etc. $25.00 to $75.00. . COATS "Extra values Of wanted materials self snd fur trimmed. Self trimmed. $25.00 to $75.00. Fur trimmed $15.00 to $100.00. SUITS Of Mouseyne, Tricotine, Poiret-twill snd Psn- velaine. The tailored $25.00 to $75.00. Fur trim- med $45.00 to $125.00. BLOUSES and PETTICOATS In an array of colors and styles priced from $2.25 to $15.00. ' All Garments Are Practical Gifts Why Not One of the Above for Mother, Sister", Daughter, Wife or Friend? ' CAB AN ISS, Incorporated"