8 dKfcfcASKOKO DAILY M:VS. 1 L'KSDAY, OECK.MliEK 27, 19 I FOR THEUNTORTUNATES The Occasion At Caswell Train ing School Was Made a Notable Event. OTHER NEWS OF KINSTON (fincM In iMHr !tari. Klnston, Dec. SO. In some respects there never wan a Christmas here Just liko It, Jn accordance with Mayor Mills Harper's loiter to the local public ex tending holidays ttre.'lltiKS and the hopQ for a happy Now Year for the en tire population, and urging a "solemn Christmas," backed by the threat of the police to put In Jail any person falling to keep the day properly with out any peroration regarding the sea son at all. Klnston observed the oc casion solemnly and quietly. What marked the day more here was the fact that no far an many good-hearted In Vftatlvatnrj knew not one, stocking hung by a local fireside went unfilled. The Community elub. the Kotnrians and others attended to this. Hanta Cluua crept hither and thither through the town during the lute hour of Christmas eve and the day dawned up on Juvenile Klnfiton in the fullness of Its happiness. Many who -would not have known Christmus cheer were din ed hy the Hatvallon army. At the Ken nedy Memorial home, Uaptlst eastern orphanage, Hanta Claim was generous. There were ao many persons interest ed In the institution that this was as sured long before Christmas. The crowning, completest success of Christmas of all the successes connect ed, with It here was the riot of glad ness that was staged at the Caswell Training school, Hanla Clnus smiled when he upproached this quaint com munity Just outside of Klnstun. A large number of feeble-minded children are housed at the school. Tlie situa tion was pregnant . with possibilities, but the developments were a wholesale scream, illmcracks did not match with ages and soxes in all eases there. Stal wart near-adults 'dissembling a ley express wamon got moro entertainment out of It than wordn could tell, The Caswell school family was happy, though. i'ovcrlsli excitement preceded the arrival of Hnlnt Nick. "Out of bounds" expresses the (date of affairs afterward. The affection that was liowered upon teachers, attemianls and one another by the youngsters wns a caution for pessimists. . Happiness slopped over. Fur tho oddest thing about life ut the school for the feeble minded Is that no one there gets angry. Aristocrats of (he chicken and rabbit world will gather here tomorrow for the annual winter poultry show under the auspices of local fanciers. It Is ex pected that at leust J.oiiu entries will compote for more than II. 000 In prizes. The show, to be opened Wednesday, will close on the night of the 31st. Hev. eral states will bo represented. Hvery breed of chicken and a number of va rieties of pigeons and rabbits will be exhibited. This city' will remain the headquar ters In 1922 of one group of the most optimistic .empire builders In North Carolina, the veterinary experts in the employ of the federal and state de partments of . agriculture engaged In the promotion of the awlne Industry. "Cholera controlled," waa the laconic statement which went forth some weeks ago on tho , authority of Dr. F. 1), Owen, of Halelgh, who Is in chargo of the work In tho state. "Bumper crop of meat," was the declaration from the local district headquarters today. The checking of the destroying cholera In recent years and Its absolute con trol this year have resulted In great Increases In hords throughout the state, but particularly In the eastern part, where tho worst disease of swtne and the most futul was most prevalent. In-. Joseph O. Hutlada has received In structions to remain hero next yenr. Dr. Ballade Is dean of the force In this part of North Carolina, and district supervisor. "Htack-ralstiig Is certain to become one of the foremost Industries In this state," Ballade declared. "Noth ing can prevent It. Cholera cannot be eradicated yet, but It has been controlled.- and the few scattered outbreaks during mi occasioned little trouble. Farmers everywhere have been edu cated to prevent the disease by vac cination of animals and employment of proper sanitation methods. The cam paign lias been Intensive and Incessant, ' with comparatively little fuss and ex pense, but tho resulls have been larger than one would have expected." PITTSBORO NEWS. Mlsa Kannlr Hums Urad large mill Captured la Ckatkam. itfixrUi le Pillr Newi. I Plttsboro. Dec. . Miss Fannie Hums, of I'lttsboro H. K. D. No. 3. nnd a relative of J. H. Clegg, who died Sat urday afternoon, died near the same huur of ISIr. Clegg's death. The two were burled St Chatham church where they held their membership Sunday afternoon. Deputy Sheriffs Ooldaton and Wil liam Uurk, ot (loldston. captured one of the largest stllln together with a bar rel of rorn whisky that has been cap tured In Chatham county in some years. They also caught Ed Dark, a negro, who waa tried and placed under . 11,000 bond MIX HtGHMIV Ct.AHK A0 HEV. MK. t I KtX TO MAimV (aoKiiti u Paiir N" Tlalf Igh. Deo. !. The engagement bf Miss Eugenia Oraham Clark, of Ha lelgh. daughter of Chief Justice Wal ter Clark, to llev. John Allan MacLean, of Morganton, was announced hero Sat urday. Mr. MacLean Is the pastor of the Presbyterian church of Morganton. and la a nephew ot iurmer Associate Justice George Hrown, of the North Carolina Supreme court. Chronic coughs and persistent colds lead to serious lung trouble. You ran top them now with Creomulslon, an emulsified creosote that la pleasant to take. Creomulslon Is a new medical discovery with twofold action: it ootha and heals the Inflamed mem branes and kills tho germs. Of ail known drugs, cresote is recog sjlsed by the medical fraternity as the a-roatest healing agency for tne treat . inc.nl of chronic cough and colds and other forms of throat and lung trou bios. Creomulslon contains, in add! tlon to cresote, other healing elements which eootho and heal the Inflamed membranes and slop the irritation and inflammation, while the cresote goes on to the stuinach, is absorbed into the blood. attackB the seat of tho trouble and destroys the germs that lead to consumption. Creomulslon Is guaranteed satisfac tory In the treatment of chronic coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, catarrhal bronchitis and other forms of throat and lung dlsesses, and is oxcellent for building up the system after colds or tho flu. Money refunded If any cough or cold, no manor or how long stano Ing, is not' relieved after taking ao cording to direction. Ask your drug ATTACKEDBY A NEGRO Schoollicld Lady Fires Twice At Black As He'Hreaks Into Her Home. "UNLOADED" PISTOL AGAIN tapecUl to 11.11! hm.1 Jianvlllo, Va Dec, JO. Mrs. Tcrcy Slgman, who lives near Schoolflclil was more than a mutch last night for Sol Douglas, it negro who Is alleged to have .attempted to force his way Into her home while she was alone, and to have attempted: an assault on her. After vainly arguing with the negri she fled down a hall way secured an automatic revolver and II red twice ai the Intruder then In her house. Ho at once ran but was later caught by the Schoollicld police and la now In Jail awaiting trial. Mr. Sigtnan was ot at the house al the time. Shortly ''before midnight, the negro rapped at the door and Mrs. Sigman Hot realising that tho caller was a negro opened II. Seeing the ne gro she promptly slammed tbe dooi In his face and told him that her hus band was not there. She quote Doug las as saying "It Is not your husband 1 want but you." Douglas then Is said to' have thrown his weight against the dofir breuklng it open, wherein Mrs, Sigman running Into her bedroom se cured her husband's revolver and shot at the negro. She does not think that ho hit him. The negro had had deal ings with her husband and for that reason she was able to Identify -him. After tbe terrifying experience, Mrs. SlKMiun uoll.d the police and a group of SchooJfteld officers went to the ne gro's , home and arrested him. The "unloaded" pistol played Its role' liere during tho Christmas Benson when frank l'ollock a well knowi) young Danville man was painfully Injured by I.ee A. Wilson. The two, were In a local poolroom, I'ollocfc having a small toy '-; plclul used to detonate blanks. Both men had been playing ulth the empty pletol and had put It down. When Wilson picked It UP again he thought It was still unloaded. He placed it close to Pollock's head and fired. Tho wadding made an ugly wound In the corner of l'olloclt'e mouth and part of his fare was seared by tho blast and impregnated with gun powder. It was necessary to scrape the bone and to Inject ami tetanus serum. So far as police records go. yester day was the quietest Christinas day In many years. Officers found little to do In enforcing the law and the police court docket showed only 27 cases, a smaller number than Is usual for the normal week-end. There was a com plete lack of drunkeness and no seri ous disorder marked the day. Tho condition of Mrs. J. 1. Harri son a well known Danville resident stricken with paralysis on Christmas eve was described at the General hos pital today as being unchanged. A slight Improvement was noted yester day but she Is still considered very ill. An uunsuccessful effort was made during the early hours of yesterday morning to break open the safe of J. (. Wltcher, coal merchant, In the com pany's office .on Lower Monument street. ISntance was gained by break ing the glass panel of the door. A large iron safe In which a large sum of money was kept was attacked with crowbnrs and sledge hammers, tho combination and handle being broken off. Tho safe was badly mauled but It resisted all efforts mado to open l.t A light safe containing only private papers was forced ooen. The store of King and Wllllama was aiso uroken Into sometime Saturday iuhhi. un'i wonie snocs taken. -AI.L1COKII HI.OI KtUKil KIRK U.V OWH'HHa IIV BUNCOMBE (Spirl, 0 gem,) Asneviiie, uc IID, Morrlmon and naira ivnirromore. 'two men reie.,..i from tho county Jail yesterday on li.OOO bond each in charges of manufacturing whisky, following the capture by depu ties Thursday morning of five men In a uugoui suiciding a 60-aallon .- Mini are back (n Jail, (luy Metcalf, a neigh bor also living In the Harnardsviiln section where the men were captured Is aiso ueiiina me bars. v hlle John llunn, a county officer and two other men were digging up the pipe line which ran nearly a quar ter ot miie irom a spring to the duar out, near the Whlttemore home. Thnrs. day night, they were fired upon by one oi me inree men now In Ja . A pistol duel between Hunn anil th three men objecting to the removal of uio pipe line resulted in the retire ment of the attacking party. Deputies of Sheriff John A. Lyerly's department last night located the three men and landed them In jail where they are to be arraigned on charges of resistlnr an officer, carrying concealed weapons anu assault. ST. I.KICS IN HKMKMHKHIOU CHRISTMAS BV ITS FHIIQNUR The frienda of St. Leo's hospital were unusually generous In their gifts Christmas and the slaters and nurses of the hospital yesterday spoke with great appreciation of the many pres ems wnicn nad been received. Cash donations were made by Hlght Rev ereut Leo Hald, by the l'roxlmlty Man ufacturing company, Herman Cone. Dr Walter V. Cole, Dr. Frank Sharpe. and a friend, wha.gave 1100. Fruit. Christ mas oasaets, toys, nowers, ana omer presents were made by the following: Drs. J. A. Williams, C. W. Banner, J YV. Tankersley, Parran Jarboe, Kalph and lllgdon Deos, Aydlette, and Clar ence, Cone, It. D. Douglas, Piedmont Produce Company,!'. II, Albright, Ml Florence Kay. Mrs. Jessie Douglas, the West Market street Methodist churcti, Poole and Blue, Frances and Catherine Williams, Mrs. Parran Jarboe, Mrs. Stockard, Mrs. M. Pope, and Schlosser brothers. ll KNKV I1IKIS. TO Ht:illll.l TllKlll FACTUM If AT WILSON (BiwUl to Ualll 11' v) Wilson, Dec. 29. Hackney Brothers, (Inc.) who sustained such a heavy Are loss Saturday morning are not grlev Ing. They are viewing the situation from a philosophical standpoint and will "carry on" as though no calamity had befallen them. With the exception of a very few painters tholr whole force of high class workmen will be carried on their payroll which amounts to between tl,!00 and 11,600 weekly. They will resume business In tern porary quarters Tuesday morning and as soon as their losses have beend' justed they will begin the erection of a new plant on the burned district. - - Child Horse '! Heath. Rpartaburg, S. C, Deo. S. The two year-old son of Mr,' and, Mrs. Houghlon Cooksey was burned to death In fire that destroyed their home llv miles north of Spartanburg this after noon. The child had been left In th house while Mrs. Cooksey stopped at a barn some distance from tbe rest dence. ' Visitors From flallsbury. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Foushee, c Salisbury, are visiting Mr. Foushee' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Giles Foushee, on Mcndenhall -street. The American National Cemeteries I France, according to plana of the American National Commission of Fine Arts, whose ecommendattona .havo been approved by the War de partment. are to be the finest burial Gfari.stmaV Week 1 ; - Piory SIBS' On. tptp a tin m j. . ' uraiiiire -. v. Advance price lists received by us point to a considerable advance in the price of all fumite for next year. The bottom has'been reached the next change will be upward, so if you need furnitire, this "Before Inventory Sale" will mean many dollars SAVED. This sale will not apply on special orders or covers, but only on what furniture as is actually on our floors, our only object being to reduce stock as much as possible before taking inventory. SALE STARTS DECEMBER 27 CLOSES DECEMBER 31 Terms of sale will be strictly CASH, but we will store your furniture and deliver at any time you de sire should you not be ready for your furniture now. " i - -"- s -J-, , . .. . . , , f. ... s.- ... - . : , -- Turn that cash Christmas gift into a beautiful chair, desk, table or complete suite. You will find in our stock just the thing pu have been wanting at a price much lower than you will pay next year. ... ANNOUNCEMENT We take pleasure in announcing that our interior decorator, Mr. W. A. Bass, who has been absent for six months on account of sickness, has entirely recovered and will be in charge of f our Drapery department after January 1. Mr. Bass, who is one of the best informed decorators ' in the south, is always at your service. I HOUSE FURiNISHCRS flAID DEC0R4TCRS HIGH POIMTtM.C "A L5ETE0EQUTKI STORE LCCATED U THE KHM CENTER OF THE SOUTU las. Adv.) tu grounds in Europe.

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