11 WANTS WANTS WANTS WANTS WANTS WANTS WANTS WANTS GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, SUNDAY, JULY 2, 1922 WANTED HELP (Male) Tobarre Coaqaarer Taklets quickly overcome tobacco habit, or money back. Details free. Peerless Phar macal Co., 110 Syracuse, N. Y. 7- Firemen. Drakrmea, be.lnaere later 1250. No strike. "Railway,' care Dally News. ., 7-0-Su if a Detective Grrat demaad. Trav el. Kxperleno unneceesary. Wrlta, Dept. 4 62 American Detective Sys tem, 196( Broadway, N. Y. Be A Detective Exparlenea unneces ary; get particulars; exceptional opportunities; nalartes. expenses. Hartley Detective Agency, Kansas City, Mo. Wanted Blacksmith and helpers at once for heavy work. Perley A. Thomas Car Wo,rks, High Point, . n. c, , Mea Asa IT o M, eaerleace aaaee- essary. Travel; maae incrti ventlgatlona, reports. Salaries; ex penses. American Foreign Detec- tlve Agencym StLoule. JMJN. Wanted YoonK Mea te leara tke " barber trade. Best College in the south. Write for oatalog. Char lotte Barber College, Charlotte, N. C. t-SOsu. Da a ekewlas gum salesman. Build up your own business. Sell Spear mint and Novel Packages to store keepers. Write today. Helmet Gum Co.. Cincinnati. , ilea Wanted for V. S. Mall Service. 1116 to 190. Experlenoe not re quired. Correspondence course un necessary. Write B. a. Bishop, Box - 111, Joplln, Mo. Be a detective, SO-SIOO vreeklyi trav el over world; experience unneces ary. American Detective Agency, t8 liUcae, St. Louis. 7-80-BU pleadld opportunity (or those with clerloal experience. Spare or whole tlmo. Write OaKmont, Box 471 Jamestown, N. Y. . 1(ea If yoefaave two hands we guar antee to teach you. Wages while learning. Positions guaranteed. Special rates now. Write, Atlanta Barber College, Atlanta, Qa. Wanted At once, acetylene welder familiar with all kinds of welding. Wanted at once, first class machin ist for all around work. J. T. Car ter's Sons. Inc. Danville, Va. 7-4 Linotype operator, one familiar with lntertype preferred. Want man who can take care of machine; work light and conditions good. Address C. O. Shaw. Slier City, N. C. Mea vv sating Hallway atatloa-Offlce positions with transportation fur nished, experience unneqeB j. writ nukk. Baker. Bunt. Dept. lis Wainwrlght. Bt. Louie. Wanted Furniture upholsterer, must be experienced, permanent position for the right man. State salary ex pected and time can report for duty in nrst teller. Aaaresa j. u. nu' . wards and Co.. !0 S. Lexington street. Covington, Va. 7- Wanted Experienced young at barber work In shop while taking business course. Tuition -paia monthly, from 11100 guaranteed salary. Full application. "Barber" care Dally News. , Wanted Yoaaa- alacle asaa ateaog- ranher nav-roll clerk nest vlr glnla Coal Company, salary 1100 start. Early promotion. Age, education, experience. Piedmont Buslneaa Collcare. Lynchbura. Va. 7-1 Earn gllO to gXflO saoathiy, ciaeases paid, aa Kallway Tralllo In.xsctor Position guaranteed after I months' soaretlme study or money refund ed. Excellent opportunities. Write for free booklet. -124 Stand. Busi ness Trainlnar Inst.. Buffalo. N. Y 1-24 su Waated Experienced Job prlater ta Invest a limited amount or money in and become foreman of a Job nrlntine - establishment In one the most thriving ,and rapidly arowlnc towns In Norm Carolina. Addresa "Carolina." care Daily News. l:jLrr:su- tolored dining car waltera and sleep ing car porters wanted. Experience unnecessary, we train you. inror matlon free. Write f07 Railway Ex chana-e. Omaha. Nebraska. 7-9 We Su Wanted Men te leara the Cotton Business, grading and stapling, at our school located In the famous Rabun fan section of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Good future. We also teach a correspondence course with type samples. Oldest Cotton School. Established 15 years. Ad dress Charlotte Cotton School, Clayton, Oa. Llaotype-lPrluter-Partaer Wanted Oneewho can manaxe mechanical end of good country shop. Paper cntrols county of 5,0u0 population, town 1,100. Prefer married, man with family. EuouR-h cash for Ini tial payment on machine wtl pur chase partnership Interest. Addi tional shares can be taken at op tion and convenience. Address "X ," care Pally News. 7-1-su. Wanted Advertising man ager for old established de partment store. Address P. 0. Box 648, City.7-2FrSu Wanted Colored boy as car washer; must be experi enced.' Apply North State Motor Co. Wanted First class white barber. Good guarantee ; good commission. Address . Frazier's Barber Shop, North Wilkesboro, N. C. Wanted Thoroughly experi enced bookkeeper, knowl edge of cost work and can use typewriter essential. Address P. 0. Box 752, . City. Wanted An experienced man to take full charge ladies' ready-to-wear in large department store. Address Pi 0. Box 648, i City. 7-2Su Wanted At once first claso fixer on Scott and Williams knitting machines and , Union Special sewing ma chine. Harris and Coving ton Hosiery Mills, High Point, N. C. Wanted Teaming contract or .with 100 head of stock, well seasoned team and saddle horses, with good harness and wagons, for transmission lines and con , strucuon. Address, or phone Phoenix Utility Co., Albemarle, N. C. Wanted Seventy-five Amer- ican men, for railroad con struction work. Good wages, new camp build ings, good cooks and plen ty of wholesome food.- Con struction work adjacent to the Pisgah Ledge and the finest climate in the world for Summer and Fall work. Suncrest Lumber Company, SunburRt, Haywood Coun ty, North Carolina. . 7-4 WANTED HELP (Female) Wanted Oood boose girl. 413 Walk er avenue, phone 2486-W. Wanted Good cook. Apply V30 South fc-im street. weekly up mailing; circulars. Alao nne traveling positions; eitner sex. Workers' Service Co., Dept. 67 Jack sonville, Florida. 7-eth At Once Five Indies to travel, dem onstrate and sell dealers. 140 to $76 per week. Railway fare paid. Good rich Drug Co., Dept. I01DD, Omaha, Neb; q-22-su.-tf. Woman ta da iaaer work at home. we pay liberally and furnish ail materials. Send stamped envelope for particulars. Georgia Art Goods Co., Atlanta, Ga. Woman, cultured, refined, for delight ful and Interesting work. Position permanent or for vacation. If ac cepted we teach you our business. Guaranteed salary, railway fare, position pays 1110 to MOO per month. Write 8. Bus, 102 Lincoln inn Court Bldg., Cincinnati, O. wanted five colored, wo men to work in laundry. Apply. Dick's Laundry early Monday morning. 7-2 WANTED HELP Man or woman wanted, 14 weekly lull time, 11.00 an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wear er. Experience unnecessary. In ternationa' Mills. Norrlstown. Pa. Wanted Maa or woman, ala-h school, college training, qualify commer cial teaching position. Tuition paid monthly from $1100 guaranteed salary.. Piedmont Business College, Lynchburg, Va. Wanted If you are out of employ- ment or desire a change we can place you, openings now for five carpenters. Greeisboro Business Agency, 121 Vi South Elm street, City. 7-2-su. WANTED TEACHERS Wanted Teachera for . September positions. Many good openings. Write Teachers' Mutual Exchange, 7 Id Atlanta Trust Co.' Bldg., At- lanta.Ga. 7-9 su Wanted at Wkltevllla. N. O Teach ers of Latin and French, first grade, .and man for seventh grade and athletics. Apply to B. H. Lewis, Bupt., Ashevllle, N. C. 7-1 WANTED SITUATIONS Wanted Ry experienced steaograpk- er, extra stenographlo work or typing, after 4 p. m. Address "Stenographer," P. O. Box 105, City. Miller want position, day or night run considered. . References fur nished. Give full particulars1 in first letter. Address "Miller," care Dally News. Wanted Position aa high school principal or teacher of Latin, His tory or Math. Graduate of A-grade cuiiege. inree years experience. Address "C. B" care Dally News. Wanted Position at steward in first class hotel. Ad dress "Steward," care Daily News. 7-2 Wanted Position at once by competent, experienced lady stenographer. Ad dress "Steno," care Daily News. 7-2 Wanted Position in Greens boro by stenographer, sev era! years' experience. Best ,of references. Address "G B., care Daily News. 7-4 Young married man, age 24, desires position either in office or as traveling sales man; Eight years experi ence. Of good report and well qualified. Address P. O. Box 1050, City. 7-4 WANTED AGENTS Can you sell to colored people I Write, Becker Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. Waterproof Kitchen. Aprons Shop ping Bags. Highest grade. Prices reduced. Bon-Ton, 211 South Rroadway, St. Louis. Mo. Attentat Masoa aold IS Comet Spray ers and Autowashers one Saturday. Profits J2.60 each. Best Bprayer. 80 years cx;wrtence. Particulars free. Busier Co., Johnstown, Ohio. f 16.00 a day easy I atart you In Auto Accessory Business. Po Investment, no experience necessary. Free Ac cessories. Write Kleco, 1607 Mich igan Ave.. Chicago. Agents and Mall Order Mem won- Aeriul fast selling loo article; costr 2c. New selling plan. Positively no canvassing or talking required. Particulars free. Rex Specialty, 214 a Tenth St., Philadelphia. 7-9 SU. Aaenta Veil M Betsy Ass" etremieal every woman wants one. Some thing new, different; no capital re quired: commission advanced. Write New Apparel Mfg. Co., Lexington, Ky. Sell tke Original Watklna Products. t.ood city territory still open. (Jet our wonderful offer and free samples. Write today. The J. II Watklna Co. Dept. 78, New York. N. Y. 7-80 u Jem Rubber Repair Tor tlrea and tubes: put on cold, vulcanises It self in 2 minutes. Guarantted to last life of tire or tube. Sells to every auto owner and accessory dealer. Big profits. Free sample. Amason Rubber Co., Dept. 215, Philadelphia, Pa. Ambitious men, write today for at tractive proposition, selling sub scriptions to America's most popu lar automobile and sportsman's magaslnes. Quick sales. Big profits. Pleasant work. Digest Publishing Co., U5 Butler Bldg., Cincinnati. Agents Write for particulars of the pest selling article ever oneren to men. Enormous profits, article costs you only 6c, sells quick for a dollar. Address J. B. Davis, P. O. Box 884. Roanoke, Va. Men and women to take orders for Dyx Guaranteed Silk Hosiery; sold direct from the mill to the wearer; possibilities for making money unlimited. Dyx Hosiery Co., 601 Lyric Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. 7-23 su Will you risk a postal to learn how to start nrofltable business with out capital or experience? Others make sso weekly slivering mirrors, reflnishlng tableware, reflectors; brsss plating. Complete working outfit and Instructions furnished. International Laboratories, . Dept. 119 809 Fifth Ave.. N. Y. 7-30 su Agents Wanted for Collins Sanitary Mop, patent pending. No competi tion, wrings without getting hands wet, no ends to unravel, no part to fix. "Won in every Home. Coat SOc, retails tor 11.60. Send money order for sample and particulars for exclusive territory. National Sales Service, 814 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Atlanta, Oa. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Leara at home er school, shorthand. bookkeeping on credit. Positions guaranteed. Edwards Business College, High Point and W. niton- salem. - -18tf Special advantages for the study of bookkeeping, shorthsno, touch typewriting, penmanship and the . oommerclal branches will be offered by the Greensboro Commercial school for summer students. Stu dents who will enroll this summer will finish at a time when business will be offering Its choicest posi tions. Call on us or write tor cata log. -l-tf. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Pool room for sale cheap, or will lease. . J. L. Wagner, Lexington, N. C. 7-4 The Hulek way to get what you want wnen you want It is to reaa ana uoe Dally News' classified ads. tf. Get Well And Keep Well Tkrougk Spinal Adjustments For free con sultation see Dr. Credeman,. the X-Kay- Chiropractor, 10S South Davie, Greensboro, phone 2913. 7-31 For Hale Cafe la one of the heat cities In the state, doing good bus iness, centrally located. Reason tor selling bad health. Addresa "Cafe," care Da'ily News. 7-Z If yon waat store with well estab- lisned trade on best street in win-ston-Salem, N. C, you can get same by buying small stock of shoes, gents' furnishings and fixtures. Will self at sacrifice. Reason for selling, owner wishes to retire. -Address 201 Spruce street, Winston Salem, N. C. 7-2 teulrkly raise large capital for any legitimate business, write tor ires book "Quick Financing" and free plans showing how one company sold ono million shares of their stock by easily operated plan that may lead you to quick bucccsb. Cunningham, 144 San- Fernando Bldg., Lipn Angeles, cam. For Rale Cigar, aoda Ad billiard business in Wilmington, N. C . one of the south's best business towns. Ideal location, Main street next to post onice. central business dis trict, just around corner from new million Dollar tourist notei. t an get five years' lease on building, easy terms. Business now mak ing good money, selling on account of retiring. ' Write for particulars to P. O. Box 622, Wilmington, . C, 7-- we su Party of highest character and long experience in the manufacture pf - brick desires to invest $10,000 In the building material line and ln vlteB correspondence from those who will, invest with him. Business to be established In or near Greens boro, or will purchase Interest in some well e3tacliened business. "In vestor," Box 432, Wilmington, N. C. 7-8 I have to loan $20,000 on good real estate. A d r eis s "Money," care Daily News. For Sale Established spe cialty business, on Main street, Danville, Va. Three year lease, low rent; ?3,- 500 stock ; owner has other interests and must sacri fice. $1,800 required. Ad dress "H. B. T.," P. O. Box 144, Danville, Va. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished rooms for rent. X13 South Ashe street, phone 1808-W. 7-2 For Rent Large airy room, three - windows, large closet. Phone 617. For- Rent Large alryf room, three windows, large closet. Phone 617. For-Rear 'Two untarnished rooms and kitchenette, close In. Phone 1C02-J. For Rent Thr e'ose In. Re 1377 or 234. ETor Rent Three rooms, private bath, Reasonable prloe. Phone s-su-u. Nicely furnished room tor renti couple preferred; references re quired. Inquire 703 Simpson street. For Rent-A-Furalaked room, private family. 411 South Eugene street, phone 3099-W. 7-3 For Rent One furnished bed room to roung lady. Mrs. J. Ed Albright, 14 Walnman street. For Rent Six room apartment, three rooms on each side, furnished or unfurnished. 325 South Kfigene street For Rent New three-room apart ment, furnished, no children. Phone 890. NTcely furnished room home; also garage. In prlvnte Phone 7.12. 7-2-tf. Furnished room la private kome. all Conveniences.. 106 West Fisher Avenue. Phone 1787-W. For Rent Handsome three or four room apartments, In modern home. T. J. Penn, phone 783. For Rent An apartment of three un furnished rooms, steam heat, ground floor, private entrance, and one furnished bedroom. Phone 6J9-J. 7-3 For Rent One nicely furnlnhed room with board In private family, gen tleman preferred. 826 Bllbro street. 7-3 For Rent Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, also lurn Ished bed room. Phone 30Ti4-W. For Rent One room furnished for housekeeping, suitable for business woman or settled couple. Address "A. B. C." care Dally News. For Rent Two famished rooms In uleasunt country houie, five miles nut on good road. Phone 81 or S004, ask for W. A. T. 7-3 For Rent Three nicely furnished rooms, one voth two beds, olose In. gentlemen preferred, (lood , board nearby Phone ,1115. Ynr Rent High class completely furnished apartment, private bath. hot and' cold water, lights, $55. Phone JH85-J Monday. For Rent Two furnished bedrooms. 607 Walker avenue, phone 2202-J. 7-2 For Rent Nice furnished bedroom to gentleman, close In. 506 Morehead avenue, phone 1908. 7-2 For Rent Large fnrnlahed room, close In. Apply 122 Walnman street, phone 2024J 6-28-tf. For Rent Two handsomely furnished bedrooms, modern conveniences, close In. Apply 205 Blandwood avenue. 6-29-tf. For nent Two or three-room fur nished apnrtment, for light house keeping, close in. 618 Arlington street, phone 2934. 7-3 For Rent Two furnished rooms to gentlemen, close in. Reasonable. 616 West Oaston street, phone 2513. 7-2 For Rent Nice front furnished room. Apply 217 West Sycamore street, phone H76-L3. - 6-23-tf. For Rent First floor of -residence, four furnished rooms, bath, large porch, close in, permanent. Phone 227-W. 7 - 4 For Rent Cool roomy four-room furnished apartment with private bath and kitchen, corner North Mendenhall and Guilford avenue. 7-3. For Rent Cool, comfortable two room furnished apurtment wlrh kitchen and, bath, corner North Mendenall and Guilford avenue. 7-l For Rent Three large rooms in private family; suitable for light housekeeping. 1114 Asheboro street. For Rent Two connecting Rooms, partly furnished, use of phone and garage; private entrance. " Phone 2751-W. Apartment, three rooms and kitchenette; furnished or unfurnished, all conven- iences; close in. Address "A," care Daily News. For Rent A completely fur- nished apartment, bed room, living room, kitchen ette, gas stove, sink, fur nace heat; permanent. ; Phone 1225 or 210 Mclver street. FOR SaLE AUTOMOBILES For sale Overland 90 touring car. in good condition; cheap. Phone 1804. 6-27-tf For Kale or Trade Lexington six touring car. Motor overhauled, new tires. Address, "Lexington," care Dally News. For sale or Trad for real estate Oakland touring car, In good condi tion. 352 West Lee street, phone 2886. For gale White SVs-a ton truck. Power dump and bndx $275 for quick sale. See W. H. it, Jefler son Standard building site. 7-3 For hale Ford roadster, good coa- dltlon; very cheap for cash. Don . V. Folk, 405 So4)th Mendenhall street. Phone 1673-W. 6-26-tt Buy , White . Rose Gasoline, best manufactured. Ta tum's Filling Station. De- pot street. For Sale One 1922 slightly used Franklin sedan equip ped with five wire wheels and cord tires. Good bar gain. McGlamery Auto Company. For Sale Cheap Seven pas senger big six Paige car, in good condition. New cur tains, new top, worked over thoroughly. Will trade for real estate. Call J. E. McGirt, phone 2652. Can be seen at 610 South Ashe street. 7-2 Bargain Studebaker Big 6 seven - passenger sedan, brand new car. Can be bought for $2,500. Don't take our word for its being new; come and see for yourself. Guilfotd Motor Car Co., phone 166. WANTED SALESMEN Salesmen with rlsr to visit schools. $150 salary and liberal commission. Evans Co.. Z 6 E. Harrison, Chicago Good salesman, calling on Garages. can make J25-I60 daily selling new h th y endorsed Automatic Device Real Opportunity. Bear Mfg. Co., Rock Island, 111. Side line Naleamen wanted to sell . coal to your tra-de In carload lots. Earn a week's pay In an hour. For particulars write, Washington Coal Co., 3njjKo. Kacine, t;nicago. Salesmen making; SIOOO.OO monthly. You can too. Selling $200.00 value outdoor Electric Sign for $60.00. Write for proof, particulars. Flashtrlc, 2124 Hudson Ave., Chi cago Wanted Maa with car to sell beat low-priced Cord Tires made. $100 per week and expenses. , Wolfe Tire Co., 3227 Canal, Benton Harbor, Mich. Salesman wanted to sell high grade line or Atnietic underwear, over alls and Pants. Territory Virginia or North Caroltna. Liberal com mission. ' Address King Athletic Underwear company. Suffolk. Vi Wanted Salesman S10O.00 per week and expenses, our prices, quality and advertising make it easy for you to succeed. Hydraullo Tire Company, 1108 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois. Make gnoo.OO to Sn00.no per month distributing Hpeedoline; easy, per manent work; exclusive territory automobile free. rite for par ticulars. Kpeedonne Co.. uept. mi Dallas Texas. 7-30-SU SlnO.IKI weekly, absolutely. Many our men make more. Strong line; appeals to every merchant, (.an range for home territory If desired. r,n samples to carry. For tun par ticulars write Sheehy Company, McClelland Bldg., Lexington, Ky. Wanted Experienced real estate, stock and bond salesman for beach proposition. Manager required for organization work. Splendid prop osition. Carolina Beach Railway company. P. O. Box 1188, winning ton, N. C. 7-1 Wanted Travellag salesmen to han dle an established automobile acces sory as a side line. Liberal com. missions paid promptly. Apply giv lng references and territory cov ered to ,R. M. Jones, sales mivnnger, Postofflca Box No. 135, Birming ham. Ala. 7 "The llardrabnra Line" We desire a high grade salesman hi North Caro lina for the above well known line of leather goods, diaries, advents lng specialties and art calendars manufactured by H. n. Hardenburg and Co., Brooklynr-he product of more than 16 years' experience; lib eral remuneration to live wire salesmen; only those of clean rec ord need apply. Write at once or call Monday Lee O. Layton. field manager, Mufflnc Hotel, halesmen Our new Flve-hi-One n tomntlc penny sales machine is wlnhej-r vends five staple, sanitary, penny articled or uuexecelled nual Ky; rejects slugs, washers, tobacco tags, etc., automatically closes when out of goods and haa many other splendid advantages too numerous to monliun; two Ideal salesuklans; live salesmen can make $200. l) per week or more. Penny l'roducrv Rales Company. Ueputill rjiinaing.ansaH fny. ftlfi. Wanted Cigar salesman having own car to sell job bing tra'de in North Caro Una. Commission basis This is a chance to make an exceptional connection Write "W. P. S.." care Daily News not later than Sunday night. 7-2 Wanted Salesman to handle truck sales direct from Charlotte branch with headquarters in. Greens boro. Must be high class Make application in writ ing, giving references, to Republic Truck Sales Corp. Charlotte, N. C. 7-5 BUILDING MATERIALS Pine shingles for sale. Mnrloa Suggs. While Oak, N. C. Roofing and sheet metal work Write u for prices on galvanise - 6-v Crimp roofing, metal shingles Flex-a-tlle asphalt, shingles nn Roll Roofing: Richardson Wall Hoard for ceilings and side walls Johns-Alanvllle Asbestos uh nale and roll roofing, Rubberold strip shingles: skylights, ventl lators, . cornices, . gutters.' and downspouts. Immediate shlpmen of any quantity, large or small from Durham stock. Mall you building plans to our contractlm department for bid on all roofing . and sheet metal work erected complete by our export mechan ics. Write us sltout your re-roof lng Jons, uuaa-fiper Mooting com pany, distributors. Durham. N. C. -18-tf FOR SALE HOUSES Good home propoalttoa nenr Pomona graded school. Kendall Keaiiy anu Auction Co. i-s-n. or sale glx-roum modern bunga low on Jackson street, 15,800. Brown Real Estate Co., 109 West Market street. 7-2-tf. For Sale Vew modera eli-room bun galow, double lot, at Olenwooa, $4,400. Brown Real Estate Co., 1US West Market street. 7-2-tf. Excellent nine-room bungalow on Chestnut street. Kendall jieauy and Auction Co. . 7-2-tf. New buagalona oa car llae at Glen- wood. These are wri cum aim worth the money. Kendall Realty and Auction Co. . 7-8-tt New five-room bungalow for sale, $2,000 with terms, corner vexing ton avenue and Randloph street. AddIv on premises. 7-4 or gale Nine-room house, good lo cation. Address Mouse, care Daily News. 7- Homes and farms at and near Gull- ford College. Kenoau neauy ana Auction Co. 7-2-tf. For Rale Good six-room home o West Lee street. Lot 70xru. mu llkan Realty and Insurance Co., Phone 8187. Banner Bldg. S-26-tf. For Sale Seven-room modera .home. four minutes from court square. Rent paying over per cent. Very easy terms. MUlikan Realty and Insurance Co., phone 8137. 6-28-tf. For Sole By Owners Six-room bun galow on K.eogn street; just com pleted. Price right; termB easy. K. J. Showfety, phone 1Q80-W. For Sale Two four-room houaea oa Austin street. colored section Cheao. with terms. Apply Ameri can Realtv and Auction Co., phone 48. ( 7-a-su. For Sale Six-room new bungalow In Arlington Park subdivision; a real bargain for quick sale. South Greensboro Insurance and Realty Co.. 624 South Elm street, phone 8250. -17tf For Sule Tfew bungalow Juat com pleted on Hendrlx street, wun an modern conveniences. This will make some one a beautiful home. Price and terms right. Lannlng and Coe, phone 172 6-24-T For Sale Beautiful new five-room bungalow, granite front, on North Edgeworth street. Drive by and look it over. It might be lust what you want. H. W. Clendenln and Son, Realtors, Guilford Hotel building, phone 171. 6-24-tf. For Sale Attractive five-room cot tage, 711 Broad avenue. Special proposition to home-seeker. Ideal place for small family. Come to see us. H. w. Clendenln and Hon. Realtors. Guilford Hotel building phone 171. -l-tf For Sole New six-room brick bunaa low, 624 North Cedar street. This section of the city la growUig mighty fast. Will take vacant lot In trade. Come to see us. H. W, Clendenln and Son. Realtors. Gull ford Hotel building, phone 171. g-24-tf. For Sale Five-room house oa nearly an acre of land Just off Asheboro street extension, right at the Buf falo school: 60 fruit trees In hear ing: all under strong wire fence $1,000 cash, balance $36 per month Rargaln. (i. F. Blackmon, 624 H Koutn riim street. r or dale rime room home - mi f. a near North Carolina Col lege for Women. Phone 2152-J. 7-2 For Sale or Rent Six-room house, near in. Will ex change for business prop erty, or sell on easy terms Apply 308 North Davie street or phone 164. If it's real estate or a home you want, see our ad on back page of today's Daily News. Guilford Insurance & Realty Co., 109 East Market street, phone 312 5-17-tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE For Male Fonr desirable cheap lots on Piedmont ourt. Just on Union etreet. Phone 2566-w. morning noon or night. 7 For Sale Very attractive building lots, near Pomona high school, and near car line. J. S. Moore, taiH South Elm street, phone 3079 6-20-tf Beat values In building lots can be had In Westerwood. A. K. Moore Realty Co.. 116 West Market street, phone 614. 4-18-tf. Business property for sale at attractive price; now pay ing 6 per cent on $25,000 Address P. O. Box 141 City. For Sale Lot 50x150, South Dairy street, good building site, on high elevation Phone 2776 or write Box 949, City. H. E. Lovings For Sale Dandy two-acre tract and- buildings on Battle Ground road. Phone W. A. Jones, Phone 2152-J 7-2 Real Estate of All Kindt Our terms are the best. J E. Latham Co., Phone 76 7-2tf For Sale Cheap 12 acres on High Point road, opposite Edwards place, 200 feet frontage, well wooded $3,000 with terms. P. O Box 672, Greensboro, N. C 7-4 WANTED OPPORTUNITIES Druggist Wants I.ocatloa Well qual Iflcd riruau si wants a location will Join another druggist in the estubllsning or ouying a ousintss n a good location somewhere In cen tral or western N. C. Correspond ence confident ial. Addresa "1'har maclst," care Daily News. 7-2-th.su Hotel Wanted by experienced Hotel man about October 1st. .Will either lease or manage. Must be modern Any size. Best of refer ences. Address "Modern Hotel," care Daily News 7r5We WANTED AUTOMOBILES Wanted To sell or trade new Ap pertain Jack Rabbltt car. Will sell of trade It for light tnirtng or truck.-or both. This Is a $4,000 car, seven-pasenger. with Iilsteel wheels, fully equipped, been run 1,500 tnlles. Car is too fine for our salesman to use in our work. If you have any trading blood In you phone, wire or write me. Will take mortgage for the difference or just anyway to be trading jnd doing business. Clarence Lulhiy, sales manager, Raleigh Real Estate and Trust company, Raleigh, N. C. 7-J FOR SALE For Sale Mecond-kand baby carriage cneap. Phone 23ti2-j. i-t For Sale Cantaloupes, (1.00 per orate f. o. b. H. Jeff Hair, Blacitvuie, 8. C 7-3 For Sale Lawn mower and girl's bicycle, in good condition. Phone 494-J. For Sale SUaally used baby car riage: has reversible body. tus Forest avenue. For hale Todd check writer, cheap. Apply Blalock Bros., (30 Asheboro street. Cantaloupe a Froak from the field $1.26 a crate. K. A. Ooolsby, 7-4 dally by express. Cash with order. Denmark. S. C. Kllra Powdered Milk, any else, deliv ered to your door. Phone z73-j. W. A. Mann, distributor for Greens boro. 7-J Special prices this week on all re- Irigerators in biock. jook over our line before' buying; we can save you real money. Davis Furniture Co., 706 South Elm street. For Hale Dlnlaa room and three bed room Bultes, practically new; gas range, rugs, etc. Phone 616-W Im mediate I yforappolntment Make It Snnppy Serve-youraelf cigar show cases, any slse, any kino, na tional Cigar Co., Greensboro, N. C phone 1792-J. 7-S S2IHI printed envelopes, Sl-lOl BOO $1.76, postpaid. womDie t reos, riear Creek. N. C. !? Orders promptly Ailed for tobacco flues, sny quantity. lc per pound. Stafford Bros., Summerfleld, N. C. V ; 7-4-e.o.d. 20 If. P. engine and boiler mounted on wheels and eawmm tor saie Excellent condition. Call at quarry Collins Granite Co., two miles north Pelham, N. C. 7-3-st.su, Plenty time for cowpens, whlppoor- wllls, blacks, New Eras $1.75 bu. Catawba Seed Store, Hickory, N. c. 7-1 Toledo Scales For Sale or Exchange. Prices are low. you know tn quality and they have no springs. P. L. Bostlck. Distributor. Greens boro, r 6-21tf Multtgrnyhlne; Multt - typewritten letters, circulars, notioes. bulletins. Fllllng-ln, addressing, etc. Mrs. J. tlaller, Dixie Multlgrahlng Bureau, 11$ Southern Life and Trust Bldg., Pnone SV7, Greensboro, N. C. 4-H-su.mo.we.fr.-tf. For Sale Limited aamber cedar chests, new styles, medium and large sixes, prices $14 and $18 f. n. b. AltaVista. Man orders quick, sat isfaction guaranteed. Signed R. L. Meacham, Altavlsta, Va., care Southern railway, 7-2 Cantaloupes We are now ehlpplni our Uolden Harvest brand canta loupes famous for their Scotland county flavor, wire or write us your wants, ons crate to solid oar. All express shipments wired -by patented wiring macnine, J. T, Jonn Co.. Johns, N. C. ' 7-16-su-tu-th Attention Road contractors aad highway commissioners: We are headquarters for camping material Can save ynu money on your camp ing equipment. Advise us as to your requirements. Army Surplus Bales t'o., P. o. Box 181, cnanotte, N. c. 7-31 Tu Fr Su Plcotlng nnd Hemstktchlng Attach ment. Superior device; fits any sewing machine; attaches firmly; easily adjusted. Price $3 delivered with complete Instruction and sam ples of work. Orders filled prompt ly, superior Hemstitching Attach ment Co.. 609 Starr St., Corpus I nnstl, Texas. Wood worklag machinery for sale, lor planing mills, sasn and door plants, 'furniture, etc. Box and box snooks, wheel and wagnn, saw mills, lathe mills. Over 1.000 ma chines to select from. All thorough ly overhauled by the Wavne Ma chlnery Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. Sub mit to me ilst of your wants. Will 'save you some money. J. F. Make peace, Sanford. N. C. 7-2-su Where you get what you pay lor. latum s lulling Sta tion, Depot street. Soda fountain for oale, Robt. L. Green make, 10 feet long, at a bargain. S. R. Gilmore, Siler City, N. C. 7-2 su For Sale 300 bushels sound speckled peas gathered be fore any frost. T. B. Up church, Raeford, N. C. 7-1 50 bushels mixed peas, $2.25 bushel. J. W. Hill Seed Co., opposite City Market. 7-2 We have a few suites in fibre furniture and odd rockers at a very low price. See them at Cut Rate Furniture Co., 309 South Greene street 6-28tf Washed and screened sand, carload lots a specialty. Apply 211 East Gaston street. S. L. JohnRon. We have a few splendid bar gains in dining room and bed room suites. See them at the Cut Rate Furniture Co., 309 South Greene street. 7-2 tf For Sale Cheap One large road scrape machine. J. E. Latham Co., Phone 76. Silk House, $5.00 a dozen- Ladies good quality black silk hose, $5.00 a dozen with one dozen hair nets. Sale for few days only. Money refunded if not sat isfied. Postage paid. South ern Branch Washington Mills, Box 333, Draper, N C. For Sale One. Alto-Saxophone, sterling silver finish with ivory laid finger tips and gold plated bell. Has never been in use and -is in good condition. Cost when bought $155.00; will sel. for $120.0; a dandy bargain to any person thinking of purchasing an instrument of that kind. Instrument made by the Buescher Band Instrument Company, Elkhart, Ind. Address Box 74, Tabor, North Carolina. SPECIAL NOTICES Brick. brick, brick. Cunningham 7-17 Brick Co. Phone 802. If you want to move call Jack W. Jones, phone 2467. 7-1 Jest received Leghorns, white, black sport nats, etc. Keuuceu pricea Ladles' Emporium. - l-l-tf For cut flowers aad floral designs Shone 34. Summit Avenue Green ouaea. . -Utf oral and long distance hauling. Rea sonable chargeo. Wagoner Trans fer Co., phone 1746. 7-11 Child Promoted. Buy It a pony. John a. xoung and sons. 6-26-ir. eeae B. Kent, Plana aad Pipe Orgaa Tuner-Technlolan phone 620-W, 420 McAdoo Ave 7- Have ahoeo repaired at Dick's Shoe snop, mo North Elm, phone 27. We call for and deliver. Ladles' shine parlor. -Utf Oood Health Through Splaal Adjust ments -or tree consultation see Dr. Credeman. 10s South Davie. Greensboro, phone 2911. 7-91 Expert repairs en all kinds of phono- grapns and stringed Instruments, prompt service. Greensboro Music Company. 6-l-tf. Astrology Stars tell tlfe'e etory. Mend blrtMate and dime for trial reading. F.ddy. Westport street. Suite 94, Kansas City, Missouri. 1-27 su Alall ai your Id frelaht hi la to check rates. overcharges paid you Vnil n ..- by railroad Freight Claim Bureau, Inc., Greens- DOrO, INI. U. 1.99 typewriters Staadnrd and portable typewriters, supplies and repair ing. John Haller, III Southern Life and Trust Bldg., Phone 197. Greensboro, N, C. 4-H-su.tu.th.st-tf. When In need of furniture reaalrlasT. .-.......,,,,. ana upnoi t e r I n g. screen doors and screen windows ?-to or(1. painted and put In, 5fi' GrMnaboro Upholstering Co., 4 IS Asheboro street, phone 1210. 7-4 ine clrrulstloa of Tke Twin-City 'any Sentinel blankets Wlnrton 2 42d ,h" "mall towns along ... ouuinern. norroik and W ,stern and W Instnn -Raiem an,.i.KA,.- railways leading out of Wlnston- D,e.n rtaie zc word. The circula tion of the twlce-a-week Sentinel covers well the rural territory in Forsyth and adjacent counties. Rate 2c. word. Same copy in both .ppers,jo word. t-18tf AM .f ' , cr"l' and finished. .i" "Ke new' wpscial attention paid to out of town work. Willi i Br.otner"' I Dawson street, Wilmington. N. C, phone 1660-W. 7-9-su If you want a special value la a used typewriter see or write Barker .v... nave a number of lead ing makes that we have received In hell-bearing Silent Smith. Don't h Mfh i-1 V" BncM lo sell. 21 south Elm street. men -lien It yon are losing your .,i,:,ui anu are nervous, """'"""". weaa, run down. "'"' unnatural loses, we you our book entitled Perfect Manhood, Its Real Mean ing ann how to Attain It." This uun uencnoes "Bextonlque," a V.. lunl ln"t costs you i" "V." ." "ol "'lived or benefit ed. Wr u i today to Cumberland (.hml C. 484 Berry Block. .. jvasnvine. Tenn., U. S. A.7-2-8u-tf See our display ad in the Wheel of Commerce tnrlnv Wicker and Rierson, 236 South Davie street, phone 1U0. Give your cook a holiday to- aay ana take dinner and supper at Manuel's Cafe, 112 West Market street. bpecia! menus. Coolest Place in town to eat. r,m- i t -vi"o emu iuuk over our line of engraved visiting cards, Dusiness cards and com mencement and weddinf in. vitations. They are elegant ly designed and executed Bernau's Jewelry -Store. 5-7-su tf A good tiled store front is a real trade magnet. Any oesirea color combination may be had with Tiles They are permanent. Con sult us about this superior material for store fronts. The McCIamroch Co., 304 ft. Davie. Phone 161. 7-2 The Dixie Advertising Sign Company wishes to an nounce to the public that Mr. H. K. Williams is no longer connected with them, but that they are still making signs "From the Cheapest That's Good to the Best That's Made. 7-4 AUTOMOP1LE SUPPLIES White Rose Gasoline, more miles to the gallon. Ta turn's Filling Station, Depot street. Bargains in new and second hand tires, tire life pro longed. Anderson Vulcan izing Co., 218 South Davie street. Vulcanizing, new and second hand tires and tubes, free air at all times. Try our service car. Auto Tire Ac cessory Co., 112 East Washington street, phone 1862. FCtt SALE LIVE STOCK Bur the child a po Young and sons. Joha A. l-26-tf. Shetland poay, three years old. large and gentle. Dr. Ittgdon Dees, City Flae pointer puppies for sale, eight weekh oia, si. &o eacn. j. rl. Car roll. Sheioy, n. c Are yoii Interested In Dogs, Hunting' f isnmgr sena tor tree copy uius tratea ouiooor magasme. sports jusiii ingest, isa Cincinnati Cuernacyo Thirty bead, two ta sis enr old fresh and springers, fo : :ile. Tuberculin tested. Chestnu t-jdge Farm, Marshall. Va. T-4-eod Have litter of thoroughbred collies, eight weeks old; no prettier puppies in this country; splendid pets for children as well as adults, Pomona Mills Dairy Greensboro, N. C, phone 545-J. 7-2 th su SUMMER RESORTS Virginia Reach, Va,, Heresy Point Inn, 24th Station, on nignway, ocean view. $18 per week. 7-2we su Wanted Summer boarders. Alva Cot tage. Wrlghtsvllle Beach, ocean front, two doors from Lumlna. Wire or write for reservation. Alva Cottage 7-9-Su Temple tottngre, Ntatloa fl, one block from Lumlna, wrlghtsvllle Beacn, N. C. Excellent" hoard, sea food a specialty: rates reasonable. Mrs. C. O. Mllham. Prop 7-6-VVe For Rent Saluda la the mountains. six-room California bungalow; well furnished; hot and cold water and electric lights; by season or year. Convenient to postoftlce and sta tion. Address P. O. Box 166, Sa luda, N;C T-I Crockett Araeolc-Lltkla springs, ele vation 1,160 feet; natures remedy for nervous prostration, indiges tion, malaria, kidney diseases, fe male irregularities, rheumatic and skin troubles: clears and improvea the complexion. Golf eourae. Write for booklet. M. E. Thomas, Crock ett Bprincrs. Va. 7-1 Come to All Healing Springs, tha place of "good eats." six miles west of Taylorsvllle, N. C on good sand clay road. The finest mineral water and the most Ideal climate In tha temperate zone, v Two large com fortable buildings with or without bath. Rooms full of windows or sleeping porches If desired. Enlarg ed, repainted and greatly Improv ed. Capacity 126. Here you can get a real , vacation. Fried chicken, country ham, and the spice of Ufa from the Brushy Mountains, with beans, potatoes and corn fresh from the hotel farm and milk, butter and real hen's eggs. Hotel open now. Write for rates and further Infor mation. O. P. Pool, Prop., Taylors Vllle. N. C. 7-1 su ODE. ALL HBALINO SPRINGS. If you still believe In fairies And would like a fairy nook. Where the bees and tiny creatures Dwell as in a picture book; Where the greenest hills ard laden with wild flowers, red and blue. And the scene Is kind of frosted with the choicest drops of dew) And the bluest of the heavens Bends above the mountain wav. .- And the Sun stoops down to kiss It At tne oiosing or each day Come with me Into that (pot Where the heart of nature sings: Come with me Into my fairy land. Aisaiuma springs. It Is up In little Aleck. Aestled In the mountains hlua: Mount the June Bug for TayloravllU Ana mere theyu meet you. Write for rates and nartlcularn ta O. F. Pool, Taylorsvllle, N. C. 7- Su Switzerland Inn In the most beautiful section of West ern North Carolina, view from Inn porch unsurpass ed. Accessible by automo bile on new State Highway. Rates $4 per day, $20 and $25 per week. Mrs. Ida C. Jones, Owner, Little Switzerland, N. C. Wrightsville Beach Stop at Wrlghtsvllle s largest cot tage. One block from all amusements. Free surf bathing from cottage. Rates for room and board $18.00 up per week. $3.00 up pe? day. Make reservations early. Atlantic Cottage, Miss Anna Herring, Prop., Station - 6, Wrightsville Beach, N. C. FOR SALE FARMS Flftevn-ner farm, wtb vrn-room houHe, Oullford CoHejfe road, five mikff out. Kxrellont chicken farm. Kendall Realty and Auction Co. 7-2-tf. If you are Intrreniod in a good farm or nuur mm in m nnenannnan valley of Virlfrnta, rail on or wrlta J. ,0, ("Va!. Hartonvtlle, Va. 7-W-Ku For Nale itl-nere farm within thr miles of Ureennboro, direction of liuttte Grounds, or trade for larger tract further from town. Hlnea A. Jon en, 105 fianner building. OO-arre fnrm with nrrrnnar y hulld- InttH and tobacco barn, eiirht miles from Greensboro, four ,nlles from Guilford College. Euny terms or will trade for bank toe It. Dr. Hlg don Ies, City. Vt have more farms far sale thaa any other concern In tho county, any slse, almost any price, located on prominent roadn. North, South, Kast or Went. Brown Heal Esttita Co 109WefctMarket Btreet. mprovrd farm, 2It7 arret, betwara Richmond and Washington, 800 acres cultivated, 60(10 buuhels corn raised last year, other crops In proportion, residence 8 rooms, large borne barn, row barn three stories, stalls for 100 cattle, II tenant houses, 17 million feet virgin oak and, pine timber, large, tall straight and smooth, over I feet through, nn high level ground, S miles to station, H. V. and ) rail road. Good level road. Only $60 per acre, one-third cash. 1-aFayette Mann, 1815 West Grace, Richmond, Va. Now St the lime to buy that small farm you have been wanting:, ket us show you what we have. J. E. La tham Co., Phone 76. 7-2tf For Sale 53 acres three miles from corporate limits rtear Battle Ground road; 40 acres fenced; two nice streams. Will take $4,000 if sold now. or might ex change for city property, P. O, Box 672, Greensboro. N. C. 7-4 WANTED Yoa save enoaey ahrs jnm aa aasl sell through the classified columns of the Pslly News tt. Waatee ('Intlrra Uy the Palmer Hulvey Construction Co. Cull after Sunday pnone ziii. 7-4 Jark V, Joaea, 2'. fcnst Sycamore street, tlhone 21)7 has trucks for hire. 7-1 Wanted l.W iiIbs wrlaalna 35 ia 03 pounds. Write. Riving number for sale and ht-st prlre to D. c. iilssette. Uaitey, N. C. Wanted To buy Yorkshire male pig, six to eight months old. W. H. Tip pett, Franklinville.'N. C.7-2 Wanted Used "Victrola." Must be in good condition and attractive price. Ad dress Postoffice Box 382, Hickory, N. C. Wanted Two team of mules for Jogging. State age, con dition, price, etc. Fuller Lumber Co., Greensboro, N. C.

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