HER LIFEWITHSULLET Bride of Few Weeks Commits s Suicide At Cliffside Mr. Kester Accepts. . , SHELBY MEN ON STUMP (DOWiftl t IHitj Ifm.) Shelby, Oct II. Rev. J. Marcus Keater, D. D., pastor for nearly four years of the First Baptist church of this place, has tendered hla resigna tion to become effective January 1, ! order that he mifeut accept the sec retaryship of the foreign mission boatd of t tie Southern Baptist .con tention with headquarters In Rich mond, Va. Ir. Kester had. declined to accept this position some months ago when it was tendered him by the foreign mission board, but the board feeling: that hejy peculiarly fitted for the work, elated him again with out hla knowledge until he was noti fied by letter and saw announcements In the daily press. He came to the KVmihv phurch from Wilson nn dnr- ins his pastorate the church has had unprecedented gfwth, its member ship now reaching beyond the 800 - mark with over 700 enrolled In Sun- j day school. ' Nws was received here Monday TOMORROW I Going To Bo A Great Day In the Life Of PRINCE CHARMING M that Mri. Joo Parker committed ul- oida at Cllffstds at 7 o'clock whan ah tired' a .45 caliber bullet 1(1 rough her brain. Mrs. Parker i a brlUa of a few weeks, marrylna; Jo Park er, son of Wlieeler Tarkor, of this i place. She was the adopted (laugh-1 ter of 1, B. Camp, was 18 years of: age and she and her husband lived at the Camp home on Shelby slreet, Cliffside. No one was near when tte shot was fired, her husband being an employe In the big Cliffside glne ham mills. It Is understood that Mr. Camp objected strenuously to the marriage and mads It so' unpleasant for her at home that she was driven to this rash act. The Kagle Holler mill, a 130 barrel capacity flour plant. Will Incorporate with $100,000 paid In and Increase the slxe of the plant to a capacity of 50 barrels daily, according to an an nouncement made today by Messrs. V. R. and Robert Hartness. W. J. Roberts. Stough Hopper, Maynard "Washburn and others, who Rre the principal stockholders in the en larged ent.'nriss. The present plant is situated near the Seaboard depot where the shipping facilities are con venient and the second and larg-er unit will be a brick buildlny several stories high and new machinery, erected contiguous to the present building. The increased demand for the Ragle bra,ntis of flours has made It necessary to Increase the siie of the plant. John F. Cllne. prosperous farmer who died In this county last week. left a will which was probated yes terday, leaving an estate worth well over 1100,000 to his six daughters and two sons. Mr. Cllne owned over 80 acres of land, had approximately $55. 000 In cash and solvent credits and over JOO bales of cotton besides i other valuable personal property., j Ex-Lieutenant O. Max Gardner and i ex-Conaressman Clyde R. Hoey, said by Josephua Paniels to constitute "Cleveland's political oligarchy." al ; though neither of them now holds a I public office, are devoting consider t able time to the Democratic cam : palgn. Both of them spoke most i every day last week and have engage j ments that will keep them busy until ( the night before the election next Tuesday. Judge Jamea L. Webb. It was an nounced here today, would not be a I candidate any more. He is oj the : state ticket for judge of this judicial district and If elected will serve ah eight-year term, rounding out II years of continuous service As solici tor and judire without once having opposition within the ranks of his own party. Judge Webb is one of the most beluved men In the state, a man of flne Judicial poise and un usual common sense. Gilbert Johnson Joins the v Staff of G. W. Ford and Co. Now That Prohibition Is In Ef fect Country Cannot Carry Out Treaties. (Special to Dallr Nf I Atlanta, Oct. 31. Gilbert. Johnson COUNTRY for the past six years advertising! manager of the international Proprie taries, (Inc) has joined the staff of th Geo. W. Ford company, ad vertising1 and merchandising counsel, of Atlanta, as vice-president and member of the board of directors. In joining the organization of the LOSES MONEY (Cormpoodetu laodtlae' Praa.1 Chrlstlanla, Oct.v 10. Norway Is confronted with an unique problem In attempting t'o enforce the prohibition luwa of the country. In spite of the commercial treaties which are in Geo. Ford company. Mr. Johnson i force with France and Spain. Under will hold the office of vce-presldent j these treaties .Norway agrees to inl and, on Its administration bpard, wllljport huge quantities of strong wines be In close touch with practically all I wnicn are panned unaer uie prouiui than 1(0,000 quarts oan be disposed of in a year.. Prohibition politicians sre favoring more lax prescription law, but majority or the present caoinot nave, expressed themselves In favor of lift ing the lid on strong wines. PLEASANT GARDEN PEOPLE ARE ANGRY They Hold Man Moating and CHt cite Action off- Commission -Da-tarra Better Treatment, the accounts handled by this agency The Geo. W. Ford company, with whom Mr, Johnson Is now associated, is a large advertising organisation which has achieved , prominence through the novelty and success of j Its advertising and selling- plans. Plana are under way for expanding the activities of the agency and the acquisition of Mr. Johnson to its staff Is In line with thia progress. Church Workers Convention Reformed Church In Session (8p,I to Drill NV i Concord. Oct, 81. The Church "Workers' convention of the Reformed church was held in Mt. Zlon Re formed church .Saturday night and Sunday. All of the Reformed churches in Cabarrus. Rowan, Stanly and Mecklenburg counties were, rep resented except two. All pastors were present and took part In the prop ram, also Dr. Wolf inger and Prof. Went, of Catawba college. The following officers for next year were chosen; Rev. H. A. M. Holshouser. Rockwell. president; Rev, J. H. Keller, China CI rove, vice-president ; Elder Chas. H. A. Rupp. Charlotte, secretary: Mr. John L. Fisher. Rock well, treasurer Tha convention will meet next In April. 192. with the Land Is church. tion laws. From France the government has apreed to Import 400,000 quarts of hrundy. to be used for medical and technical purposes, and from Spain 500.000'quarts of wine which contain more Thau H per cent of alcohol. In cluded in this amount la 50.000 quarts of cordials which are. of no use medically. For medical purposes, according to census figures, there la use for only 100,000 quarts of these Imported goods, and no provision ha been made for the disposal of the (remain der. The treaties provide thajt these wines may not be re-exported, and the alcoholic content may not be low ered by mixing with water. At present there is a misunder standing between Norway and Portu gal over Norway's exports of fish to Portugal, and as a result Portuguese merchants have cancelled shipments entailing the loss of millions of crowns to Norwegians. Negotiations for a new treaty have been going on for some time a but have made little headway, as Portugal 1 insisting that Norway Import a million' quarts of strong wines, port and Madeira, yearly In return for the fish trade of Norway. According to the Norwegian pro hibition law, strong wines may be sold only in drug stores on a doctor' prescription. In this way not more jlfeSOBPUiBa! "HIS MASTER'S VOICE pQ3l3000g POPULAR CONCERT AND OPERATIC Th Singer (Elsa Maxwell) Cos! fan Tutte In uomini, In soldati (School lor Lovers In Lot en and in Soldiers for Constancy You Look!) Somebody Loves Me! (Hxttie Starr) Boris God OUnOW Farewell of Boris (Farewell, My Son, I Am Dying) Waiting for Your Return (Genlse-De Curtis-Caesar) M men vert avaient des ailes! Frances Alda Lucrezia Bori (Mozart) In Ilhlian Sophie Braslau Feodor Chaliapin Emilio de Gogorza Geraldine Farrar Number Size Price 66093 10 $1.25 (W ere My Sooeirith Wings Provided) (Victor Hugo-Reynaldo Hahn) In Trench PnglLaoci Vesti la giubba (On with the Play) (Leoncavallo) In Italian Beniamino Gigli Flying Dutchman Traft ihr das SchifT (A Ship the Restle ss Ocean Sweeps) Maria Jeritza Oh, Sleapt Why Dost Thou Leave Me? (From "Semele") (Handel) John McCormack MELODIOUS INSTRUMENTAL Suartet In G Major Finale (Moiart) ipatwado (The Cobbler) (Spanish Dance) (Sarasate) Serenade (W. Jeral-B. Xrtislcr) Violin and 'Cello Duet The Maiden's Wish (Chant polonaii) (Chopin-Liszt) Moment musical (Schubert) 'Don Juan Part I (Straus) i Don Juan Part II (Stnmu) Don Juan Part III (Strauss) -Lpon JuanPart TV (Strauss) UCHTVOCAL SELECTIONS f Lilly Dak 1 The GypsA Warning I For the Sake of Auld Lamr Svn V Call Me Back, Pal o' Mine Life4 Railway to Heaven The Harbor Bell f Away Down South i Way Down Yonder in New Orleans f Mr. Gallagher and Mr. ahean (From Flonzaley Quartet Violin Solo Jascha Heifetz , Fritz Kreisler-Hugo Kreisler Piano Solo Ignace Paderewski Philadelphia Orchestra Symphony Orchestra under Albert Coates ' Symphony Orchestra under Albert Coates Symphony Orchestra under Albert Coates Symphony Orchestra under Albert Coates , Olive Kline and Criterion Quartet Elsie Baker Lewis James Charles Harrison Charles Harrison-Clifford Calms Charles Harrison-Clifford Cairns Peerless Quartet Peerless Quartet Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Shean ' Strut Miss Li?zie") Positively, Mr. Gallagher?" By tne originators', Ed Absolutely, Mr. Shean!" By the originators, Ed Gallagher-Al Shean Gallagher-Al Shean BANJO SOLO Ross' Double Shuffls Ross Juba DANCE RECORDS f After a While Fox Trot l I'm HaDDV Fox Trot j When the Leaves Come Tumbling Down- . Zenda Fox Trot Stuttering Fox Trot I Those Longing for You Blues Fox Trot 1 round a rour-Leaf Clover Fox I rot I ( r rom (jiorge White s scandals ) Two Little Ruby Rings Fox Trot (Prom "Daffy Dill") Three O'Clock in the Morning Waltz , Oriental Fox Trot (Cui s ' ' Oneritale ) SPECIAL ISSUES DURING OCTOBER r All Over Nothing at AH : 1 11 Stand Beneath Your Window To-night a 'Chicago rox i rot .Early in the Morning Blues Fox Trot I Suez Fox Trot ( I Wish 1 Knew-Fox Trot I'll Build a Stairway to Paradise Fox Trot (From Georpe While's "Scsndals") You Remind Me of My Mother Fox Trot (From "Little Nellie Kelly") "Black Face" Eddie Ross' "Black Face" Eddie Ross , AH Star Trio and Their Orchestra ' All Star Trio and Their Orchestra -Fox Trot Clyde Doerr and His Orchestra Zez Confrey and His Orchestra The Benson Orchestra of Chicago The Benson Orchestra of Chicago Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Aileen Stanley-Billy Murray' nd Whistle Aileen Staniey-BiHy Murray Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra The Virginians Clyde Doerr and His Orchestra Clyde Doerr and His Orchestra Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Paul Whiteman ar.d His Orchestra 87346 10 1.25 66084 10 1.2S 88661 12 1.75 66094 10 1.25 87348 10 1.25 66095 10 1.25 74776 12 1.75 66096 10 1.25 74693 12 1.75 66097 10 1.25 87579 10 1.50 74777 12 1.75 66098 10 1.25 55176 12 1.50 55177 12 1.50 45329 10 1.00 18944 10 .75 18925 10 .75 18942 10 .75 18941 10 .75 18926 10 .75 18928 10 .75 18945 10 .75 18943 10 .75 18950 10 .75 18940 10 .75 18943 .10 .73 18946 10 .75 18947 10 .75 18949 10 75 "Victor Talking Machine Company, Camden, N.J. (Special ta OtUff Km.) PUasnt Garden, Oct. tl.ha po pU of Pleaaairt Garden community are 'greatly aroused over the action of theommlBsioners In the Pieaeant Garden highway mutter and at a mass meeting: held In the Pleasant Garden nigh school last nlfht re so lutionis were adopted expressing the sentiment of the people relative to the commissioner action and extend ing to the Greensboro Dally News a vote of thanks for Us position In the matter. The resolutions as adopted follow: "In pursuance of a meeting of the voters and taxpayers of south Gull ford held at Pleasant Garden, October SO, the' following resolutions were adopted by the mass meeting: "Rejorved. first, That on account of the gross Indffferenoe shown In building a highway from Greensboro via Pleasant Garden to Climax and on account of misrepresentation made to us In the $2,000,OQO bond Issue; and that inasmuch as undue dis crimination has been made by the highway commission In building oth er hard surface roads In other seo tions of the county we, the voters of this section, do publicly denounce such treatment at their hands as un just and undemocratic. '"Resolved, second. That while we believe In democratic government we publicly denounce such an exhibition of autocratic power. "Resolved, third, That ws deplore the present condition of our Highways and that those In authority deserve severe criticism. "Resolved, fourth, That we feel that the representation made through the Dally News as regards the economy practiced by the county authorities with reference to the Fltasant Gar den road, and its spur, is misleading, and that the only way they hava lav ed the money is by not spending It In the construction of a hard surface road. "Resolved fifth, That such a course of action has not inured to our bene fit, but is detrimental to the growth and prosperity of southern Guilford and Greensboro as weil. "Resolved, sixth, That we commend the loyalty of Mr. Cox to High Point, but we denounce his disloyalty to other sections of Guilford county. W furthermore condemn the county com missioners for permitting such a usurpation of power by the county highway commission. "Resolved, seventh, That we extend a vote of thanks to the editor of the Daily News for his editorial of October 27." Be Sure to Eat PEentv II Troubled With Sons. liar Slonir ash Xlmr Hluart'a rrai'ifla 1'nb Uta After lCa(n. Just becausa tha-"stomao sets sour aftsr satins" don t soars, your self Into starving. Sweeten your The Ulst Fellona Mie 11" The BiK Wark Are No Htrunaer Than Their Htomarha. stomach with no or two Stuart's Ilysprpsla Tablets and tackle the next meal without $er. The aver age person needs a lot of ttood food to supply his bulk1 with sufficient nourishment. And If the food sours from Indigestion g-ive the stomach the alkaline effect It needs arid, you then keep up your strength. The bis sturdy fellows who tackle the bis Jobs of life are no stronger than their stomachs, hence Stuart's Pys pepsla Tablets are really Invaluable to anyone inclined to Indlnestlcn. flat what you like, pie, cheese, srubrkc pickles, fried eggs or baked beans and let these tablets keep your stom ach sweet and comfortable. Y u can get a SO-cent boa of Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets of any druggist. rippled "SI mldren I This Is Their Week by Virtue ( Governor Morrison's Proclamation II Thursday Nov. 2. A Reef-Letter Day On the Calendar Of Prince Charming egister Them FIRST LUTHERANS TO SUPPORT THEMSELVES Congregation. UniimouIy Decides to Change From Missionary to Regular Church. By unanimous vote of the con jgregatlon Sunday the First Lutheran church of GPeenaboro will hence forth stand on Its own feet with its own support from Its own people Ever since it wan organized It has been ranked as a missionary church, supported in part by Lutherans else where. The action Sunday Is regarded by members of the congregation as a notable step and they feel that the church will have a splendid future. The change goes Into effect after May 1. 1923. Rev. J. I Morgan. D. D , now pres ident of the synod, was the first ! preacher the church had. He was then missionary secretary of the j synod, stationed fn High Point, and he Came to Greensboro to preach here. In suci'epslon the following 1 pastors have served: Rev. M. L. j Canup, Rev, J. K. fichenrk. Rev. K. L, Folk, and Rev. E. A. Shenk. Mr. I Schenck was the first settled pastor. 1 TTntiAr t h a urssanl nnoloril. lha I membership has grown to about 175 1 t"y condition. II. handed me a 1. h i. i u I f Lr. I'l.-rccs iavorlte l'rescrli 111 and B -' Princess Charming Mn. G. W. TIDWELL and the church is in more flourishing condition than ever before. Spencer Shopmen Enjoy First Full Month's Pay Since July (Speciil to P.llj .NewO Spftncei'. Oct. 31 Hpencer shop men Monday enjoyed their first full pay day since the rail strike of July 1, and U was a whopper. Road men also shared In one of the largest pay rolls Spencer has ever known. It Is said pay checks ranging any where from the rate of $100 per month to more than $400 par month were handed out to the men in all departments and everybody Is glad to see them drawing fine checks. Many of the men in both the road and shop service have made all sorts of "over time" for some weeks. One man whoee usual pay check Is about 225 per month stated that his over time waa $3 more than his regular pay making him $453 for the month. Numbers of others have also stated that their overtime Is more than their ordinary pay. Rev. Jno. S. Wood, pastor of the Spencer Presbyterian church. Is In the Salisbury hospital as the result of falling Saturday night on rough stepping atones at the corner of the school grounds near his home. Ills knee Cap was dislocated and 4 severe Injury sustained to the knee. He was carried to the hospital for treat ment and It In thought will be able to walk In a couple of weeks. Other Spencer people In the same hospital Include: Mrs. E. T. Mc Swalm, wife of the principal of the Spencer schools, who was operated upon for appendicitis today and Is reported doing well ; Mrs. Marvl n Roan who was operated upon sotjh days ago and Is recovering nlcel y , and Mrs. O. W. Murray who has not yet been operated upon. Packard Service Experts On a Tour to Give Instruction Does your head ache? Are You Dizzy? Despondent? j Wondrrfu Relief la Here Told Atlanta, Oa... "About a year hro I ' was preparing to ko in the hospital t die. Had been sick a nd suffering two years, had dizzy spoils, suffered from ; headache, constipation and a despond ent fee II ng all t he time Ha-i tried many ulrrerent remedies and got no better.' I got to a drug store cne day and wan talking to the drnnKi" about ttle rij't Ion and said. 'I think that will help you." Before I had taken all of th;it one bottle I felt like a nw woman S'nw I can say. along with thousand of other women, t !iu t 1'uctor I'l'-rce's Favorite Trewcrlpi Inn mrerl m " Mrs. (J. W. Tidwell. 87 Hampton 8'. The use of I r. Plen ' Fn nrite Prescription has made mam women hsppy by making them )ie:.ltii (let It ftt once from your n'-tr- Hi drut'trist, in either liquid or tablet form Write Or. Pierce, Invalids' Hotei in Huffalo, N. Y.. for free 'medical advice Detroit, Oct. 31. A big snuad of automobile service experts this week left the Packard Motor Tar company's factory In Detroit for a tour of the country. They will offer advice and instruction and lend other aid In furthering the standardized service, pJan recently adopted by the com pany. The plaf., a radical change from old Service methods, fixes a standard method and price for service opera tions, permitting an owner to know In advance Just what any service operation fa goings to cost, how long It will take and what materials are to be used. Factory eiperts have designed new tools for many operations. Their use makes It possible for the small deal ers to perform a service operation as cheaply as tt enn be done by the big service station Prevent Outhouse Odons and dry up outhouse deposits with Red Devil Lye. Used two or three times each week it keeps ucta places odorless srut pleasant, sapedally In sum mer. So aaay Tu should not ba without it Alvoay demand the genuine Grove's Tasteiess Ghill Tonic A Body Builder for Pale, i Delicate Children. coe Let's get the name and address of every crippled child of what ever race uncjer 16 years of age in Guilford County In the hands of those who will help them to become normal or as nearly normal as surgery and scientific treatment will make them. o You now One? Then send in the name and ad dress and the names and ad dress of the parents to Mrs. Wm. Johnson Secretary of the Crippled Chil dren's Commission, Greensboro 618 North Elm Street Phone 426 It is estimated that there ' are 100 crippled chil dren in Guilford county. ' Let's Register Them All! Free examina tion is provided for all children who need this at tention. Let's Register y Them All! W. F. Cole, M. D., Chairman Ortho pedic Clinic; Pierce C. Rucker, Treasurer Crippled Children's Commission. igmflW JJMIWSSWaU1 S'1'.MMW HWJ' :i Jtutlnmmmmmummmitimutmmmiem

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