GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1922 13 Moderate Reaction Is Felt By . f Market Near Close of the Day Profit Taking. Sales Are Inspired By Tone of the Turkish Note Demanding"Evacuation of -Constantinople By the Allied Countries At Once. ' S B, Lme Win) to Diltt K'.) tCoprrithti 182J, ruwlilpliu INbUo Udnr.l 1 New York, Nov. 10. Teday' itook market wu an lnooncluslv affair, with Irregularity and a moderately reactionary tendenoy developing- In the late afternoon on. week-end profit taking and some selling evidently In spired by -the belligorent tone of the Turkish note demanding evaouation of Conatantlnople by the allies. The early part of the session was dull and featureless, with the exception, of at tempts here and there by the profes sional element to brine about a ' cession . Aside from the announcement by news of a general character, gome dlsappoinraent is felt over the hitch iu t,h negotiations to reach an agree ment regarding Germany's economic future. The reflex of this develop ment was found In the Irregular The report of the United States Steel oorporatlon on unfilled tonnage ' was about in line with expectations - In the gain of 210,000 tens reported ' tor October. The total of forward business i now In excess of 6, 902, 000 tons, tire largest slnee February, 1921.- Undoubtedly more business could have been booked had the man agement of the corporation and Its subsidiaries desired to accept it. Selling activity, which developed toward the close, was particularly In evidence among the steels, with Vnlted States Steel selling off nearly two points from the high, the equip- ments, motors and numerous special ties. Kails were generally lower In response to scattered profit taking and liquidation. Little change Is disclosed in the country's monetary situation by the Weekly statement of'the federal re serve system. There has been a sub stantial Increase in note circulation and discount, with a decline in de posit liabilities, thus indicating fur ther gains in business activity and ulrements with ample credit fa il frilities for - current and seasonal needs. The reserve ratio shows a rise to 76.4 compared with 76 last . week, tight at the present time, there seems very little reason to anticipate any extended period ot easiness until the turn of the year. Government ma turities on November 16 will be very heavy, and while no new financing Is contemplated, this money turn over Is hound to exert a powerful In fluence on the money market This movement passed,,, the next major movement should, In the ordinary courss of events, oome In the form of large demand for credits and funds for commercial puproses to tide over the larger stocks needed for the holi day period. In January, of course, crop money ought to be be ok In cir culation again, disbursements of divi dends will also mean freer floating supply, part of ths funds received by farmers for their crops will probably have been used tor mercantile pur chasing, and, In short, there is good resson to expect a general easing In the money situation after New Year. MONITOR. MUTT AND JEFF-Mutt Sets a Record In the Lion Tamers' Club ByBUDFISHER . e e e e e . e . e e ----t"e . e"e aB -., 11 f itm9t-f.HfM, t'rA " - ' 1 ' If Nb K,,,u 1 M ,HuiK ) C RltHTTil HT AM0.THeBl HONORS ARfc COMING FrAT TO I O , jik - v kki pink with . "..- S ver6KAiMi; somsI Honor Ha. cower ! it', tne winninu , J " JM.iv- ' - " - ; m wav te pustteb ves 1 wtt Ne Uwu66SRV:RAMj.. J pgR?,0N,uTy txat J f7T - : Forward m ms 60 oiot Woufti is we- fW 1 fi? JK ' , ' (oounAH'.l I .Mttu j ' MONITOR'S WALL STHEKT GOSSIP. (By iMiti Win to Pall? IMwa-i (Coprriibt. 1012, to rbuadelpbls Hiblle Uden.) New York, Nov. 10. Gossip con cerning the likelihood, of an early declaration of an Initial dividend on ' American -Can common persists, and this issue continues strong with its followers In a complacent mood and perfectly wllIThg to ignore any ad- verSA Irjinil tn nthr atnrkk even lli kindred Issues. Can has been put ting profits back Into the company for such a lona period that it is re- :'' garded as almost a foregone conclu sion mat some care snouia oe taken of common stockholders. Professionals sharp shooting for soft spots In the market are again picking ota Allied Chemical, and to day this Issue was driven Into new .' low ground for the movement. 'There is apparently some weakly held long stock which can be forced out on any sort of an aggressive drive, and pressure of this nature has aided (h the bear attacks. All of the Market Street Railway continued very strong and furnished -an attractive offset to such weak spots as are developing among ,the . specialties In the- rest of the market. It Is apparent that -favorable action Is to bo expected on the proposal made that the city of Sah Francisco take over the lines of the company and all of the current buying has been based on this expectation. General Motors has been standing a moderate rally Independent of the . trend In the balance of the motor I group. Current buying has been on a good, scale, and the great bulk of It Ts apparently based on the expec tstlon or rather hope of resumption f dividend payments at the.Decem- ber meeting. Naturally Dupont is buoyant tn sympathy : with General Motors. The inorease of 210,680 tons in the unfilled tonnage statement of , the IJnlted States Steel Corporation ex reeded I Wall Street expectations slightly. Total orders on ths books also for October II, -totalled M02.1I7 tona Wall Street was not Inclined to look-for anr appreciable increase In -tonnage-, booked because ot the natural check to buying afforded by t the advance tn- prices en October 1, i and also because ot the transporta tion difficulties encountered by all of the steel companies, which made for a cautious policy In accepting or- uere on the part or tne steel leaders. In' connection with the tremendous Improvement shown in business of Montgomery Ward In the first 10 . inonths of the year, President Mer seles has issued very significant A statement calling attention to the class of demand which has formed the bulk of this buying. Luxuries and semi-luxuries, such as fancy turni- turs, iewelry, etc., are hardly mov ing, the main volume ot orders be ing for absolute necessities. This not only Indicates a cautious outlook for tne future n tns part ot tue farmer, ' but also means a potential demaad for articles of the classes which are now being neglected. At the same time, Sears-Koehuck sales for Novem ber are Increasing steadily. According: to Kansas City an nouncsments, the Frisco has Just plaoed order for new Vequtpment amounting to $1,000,000 In value. In - oluded In the new rolling stock will be so freight and passenger ennnes. 200 livestock ears, and 1,600 box cars. Kecelpt and expectation of such or- der as this form the basis for ths . current and continued strength In all of the main equipment manufac turing companies, In this connec tion, It Is worthy of not that ths demand tor frelicht cars on Ameri can railroad In excess of th supply amountea w if?,Z3? oars on uotobsr tnis Deing a new record In car shortage. Railroad are as deficient In other olaases of rolling stock as In frslght cars, and all of the Indi cations point to a period of prosper ity for the equipment companies oov- rlnr the next several veara i v While call money I not especially C. B. EVANS CHICAGO LETJTER. (It bused Win to Dillr Nen.i (CaprritM. 1122, br niUertpUi rublle Lednr.) Chicago Nov. 10. "I told you so." has been a long time coming Into-its own but In the'psst few days it has had every opportunity to speak it self out In the open. No particular credit to thos who have given solsmn warnings to tradsrs In stocks from -the days mors than a year ago when many people were loading up, and who have reiterated those warn ings from time to tlms. Most of them knew nothing about It except, that a thing that goes up naturally comes down, part way anyhow, later, on. Nature has its parallels In stock market action, but man intervenes there and a decline is usdally stayed somewhere, at least before the entire sky falls. We have had no real decline In stocks these many, months until within the past few weeks, merely little dips, and now ws have some thing rather general and marked told you It would come. And the dis tinctive bull market Is -unquestionably over, but leaving opportunities for the wise as well as for the dar ing. That a grand liquidation If Just ahead ot us In Improbable though without doubt the banks will force a lot of people out by restrict ing loans. ' But the speakers and brokers that one meets In Chicago ars altogether uncertain In their . minds whether there Is a liquidation or a mere teeter in prices. Specialties are com ing into prominence among buyers, but In the New York market more particularly among sellers, as - wit ness the slumps in Asphalt and Al lied Chemical. In this oity today some local stocks moved up rather well and other grudgingly surren dered an eighth by way of tribute to the general downward tendency of speculative stocks of late. That there Is an excellent basis for confidence in the present condition of industry aad merchandising Is the opinion or an persons quaiinea to pass judgment bankers in touch with large depositors, men In the thick of production, vendors of all sorts of goods. The big flock of stock dividends that has recently -made Its appear anoe is a subject of comment among Conservative men, the question being whether ths, finance of the company are suoh as to bear out this action and the futurs so promising as to afford assurance of the maintenance of dividends on ths enlarged stock capitalisation. It Is well for people nterestea in tnese companies to ex amine their condition closely with this question in mind. Such action I taken at all. Should Ds an expres sion of full confidence in the future and generally It Is so interpreted, but It Is clear that In most instauce: stock dividends are not declared merely to greet the rising sun of big ousinesa "There are two motives," says one authority. "The dominent one Is that of avoiding ths taxation on that Item -which' is -expected to b levied by now legislation not long hence. Then there is the constant motive that a big dividend on a small or reasonable capitalisation 1 likely to attract too much attention among .people envious ot th prosperity of otners and to sysntttats m some plan tor pulling tne concern aown a Die. One group of corporations, which On the well Informed .person can f ueks oft-hand Is said to be destined or an overhauling wltb respect to these matters, the idea being that they, are . making too muoh money and that some of It should go to the puouo in lowes prices lor proaucis. Accident and incident nave rather mor to do with trade than with any other relation of lite. The ex perienced stock speculator must have learned this long sines, peopl for example Who bought Standard Oil of Indlana'at 114 and who now are car rylng a loss. Th day on which the directors of that company war to vote a blg'stock dividend came long ago. but th stock dividend came not Thrs has been a certain emptlnes in tns hearts of tn outsid specula tors since that time but- probably that void will be filled before very long though th Inorsasea stock may not pay them amy larger dividend tor th present than they are now getting. So big thing aa th railroad In tarests II subject, to blockade by small tninga A great express train may bs stopped by a baby playing on tn track, xne wnole railroad sys tem is now said to t held in an In efficient condition by scarcity of boiler makers. This Una ot Industry ha Been kept down ny apprentice ship rules or some other restriction and ins ousiness ot tn wnoi ooun try suffers retardation. If you kno' anr artist In that Wagnerian spa olalty, send them to the nearest railroad offtc. ' C B. EVANS. NEW YORK CURB MARKET BRINGING UP FATHER BY GEORGE M'MANUS THt cmer or polace or r-tONOUULO IT ItH THE CAPTAIN' CMMN - HE I Yn l.p TO tEC TOU IF" 3 DIDN'T DO NOTHrN'J KyT WELL. "If IT I5NT SO SOO are: THE CHIEF? "XT Vwt . is i 1 ai Jl I WtlL-fO0R FRIEND 1 POOR THl lt THE T OlNTf MOORE tt"tS I DUHTX-HCU- - HSPPie;oT OCT r fl vTHe HAND) Or THE rtWCTOtTWl Or"H LIFE- vq I X atw II J t Xat I II 1 Mil If t ADTAIfal 1 VsH I W TU (UParJ A. A I . JT" S SWJ JL vy J iH IH T II M If. it . T iu I Slim J " U U22 SV INT-U rtATUIIS BVie. tNC ll'l CEP-1 HErSRD tOU WERE ON t0 I JOiT CALL.CO TO itT.e YOU! HOW ARTS. "TOO New York. Nov. 10. Transactions on the New York curb market today were as follows: Sales Closs Industrials. Acme Coal 55 Acme Packing iO Amer. Writing Paper 314 25000 1000 100 300 60 200 1700 400 200 300 2500 2500 709 100 1000 1000 35 1500 100 too 10 100 100 700 300 425 200 70 500 (0 700 300 1200 100 2000 200 (00 too 5000 100 100 300 700 200 200 200 500 1500 4800 1400 400 430 100 300 . 100 00 10 10 10 40 15100 00 too 35 0 100 1000 5000 1000 600 11000 tlOO 200 200 50 200 200 too 100 : ioo 1000 12400 200 1100 200 1000 ttoo Atlantiq Fruit Co 1 Brit. Amer. Tob. coup, Brooklyn City R. R... Buddy Buds Car. Light Cent. Teresa Sugar Co. Chicago Nipple Columbia Kmeraid Continental Motors .1. Cuban Dom. Sugar .... Davles, Wu. A Durant Motors Durant Motors Ind. .. Gillette Safety Rasor.. Glen Alden Coal Hall Signal 19 87 Itt 2V 1 . 10 A . 6S . 33 . 61 . 14 .254 Hayes Wheel 38 Hudson Co. pfd: 1214 Intercontinental Rub. ... 4 It Eehlgh Power Beo, 19 Vi Macy & Co. w.l.-.i. 60 Vs Mesabl Iron 10 N. T. TeL pr. w.i 110 National Leather ....... 8 New Jersty Zinc 168 Packard Motor 18 Packard Motor pr. 94 Peerless Motor 62 Philip Morris . . . . U Prima Radio 1 Pyrene Mfg 10 Radio Corp. com l-ft Reo Motor Truck U Repetti Candy 1 Schulte Stores : 62 South. Coal Iron 42 Standard Motors 2 Technicolor, Inc.- , 25 TlMken Detroit Axle ... 29 i Tobacco Products Expts. 6 Todd sninyaras si U. S. Light ft Heat 1A united front Shar. enw.. 6 United Retail Candy Wayne Coal 2tt West End Chemical - .66 Wlnther Motor A 10 taadard Oils. Anglo American Oil . Buckeye Pipe Line . . . Oalsna Signal Oil Imperial Oil. Canada. Illinois Pipe Lin Indiana Pip Lin , . . nktn til Prairie' Pipe Lin- Sales Close 4000 Keystone Ranger 500 Klrby Petroleum ...... 10000 Lance Creek 1000 Livingston Oil 200 Livingston Pst 200 Lyons Petroleum 1195 Magnolia Petroleum ... 8D0 Mammoth Oil , . 400 Marland Ret 600 Marland Oil of Mex.:.. 1600 Merrltt OH 1100 Mexico OH 17000 Midwest Texas Oil 2200 Mountain Producers ... 1000 Mutual Oil 900 New England Fuel 2000 Noble Oil 100 North Amer. OH ft Ret. 1700 Omar Oil 2200 Pennok Oil 700 Ryan Consolidated 2200 Salt Creek 400 Salt Creek Cons 7200 Sapulpa Ref 200 Seaboard Oil ft Gas 000 Shells Union OH w.i..,. 9500 Slmms Petroleum 2000 Southern Pet. ft Ref 2200 South. States Oil 33000 Texas Hunger ......... 1900 Turman OH ..' , 200 Vulcan OH 1200 Wiloox Oil ... 1000 Woodburn Oil 1000 "Y" Oil ft Gas Mlsjas. Alaska-Brit. Col. Metals. Alvarado Mining Belcher dlv Big Ledge - , . Boston ft Montana Dev.. Boston ft Montana Cen.. Calumet ft Jerome Candelarla Mining ...... Canarlo k. Combination Frac. Mln.. Consolidated Cop. Mln... Cons. Nevada-Utah Cork Province Cortes Silver . Dean Cons Divide Extension . 20 . 55 .116 .172 , 99 .210 .294 .96 .11) Standard OH-of ltd. ...120 Standard Oil of Kans...666 Standard Oil ot Ky.. new. 109 standard on or neo. . . , . i& Standard Oil ot N. T.. .'. .583 Bout her;' Pipe Lin RMilh ?'nn Oil Oils. Vacuum Oil ' fmdepeadeat Alcan Oil Allied Oil Amerloan Fuel Oil ... Arkansas Nat. Gas ... Boone Oil Boston Wyoming .... British American Oil. Carlb Syndicate Cities Servioe Citlee Servloe B otfs. Sities Service pr osden ft Co. pr..,.. Creole Syndicate Darby Pet Engineers Petroleum Federal Oil Glenrock Oil Granada Oil Gulf Oil w. L Hudson OH International Pat. .675 .09 .. .0 .. .96 .. 16 ...54 . .100 .. 20V .. 10 . . tv .. i .. .20 .. .8k .. . 1 .. 23 - In Observance of Armistice Day We Will Be Closed Today From 12 to 6 P.M. Gre etisborb Motor Car Coinp any ; u The Motorist?? Department Store 315 W.lVaifaSt. i?? .l- l-V Phont?250t) ..... 90 ,200 200 7000 000 8200 1000 23000 1700 1000 8 M0 1000 6000 2100 2600 1000 400 100 2500 19000 27000 1000 . 4 .1 .04 . .19 . 1 . .65 .258 . 43 . 8 . 6 . 7 . 1 . .30 . 16 . 11 . 76 . .23 . 2 . 1 . . 4 . 18 . 11 : : lift . .16 . 17 . . .87. . 1ft . l . i . .17 . .11 2 4t .06 .09 .03 .72 .12 .26 4 .08 .20 .11 haqraphs "Contributors all over the state con tinue to submit good, spicy pithy paragraphs; and who knows but what some of these witty contributors may waks up som cold morning and find that they have copped the $5 prises to be awarded to the authors whose Jokes or verses land on ths National theater screen.' Everybody is Interestsd In plthylsm so try your luck. Here are a few samples of yester day's offsrings: FIRST ntiu Wtiy R Carried a Lantern. Mr. Jones notlcsd that John, the hired boy, always carried a lantern when he went to see his girl. So on night a he was about to depart with his lantern Mr. Jones remarked, "John, why o you always taks a lantern to see your girl. Why, I nev er in my life took a lantern to ses my girt." "No, but see what yon got," replied John, Margaret Watssn, Oxford. door the tramp had applied for as sistance. "Are you really content to spend your life walking around the country begging?" "No, lady," answered Weary Willie, "Many's the time I've wished I had an auto." Agnes Teague, care Revo lution Store, Greensboro. Dolores Ksperani 2 Dryden Gold El Salvador Emma Sliver Mines . . . Eureka Croesus oldfleld Consolidated 000 -(Voldneld Deep oog Gold Development , . .. Goldfleld Florence .... Green Monster Hard Shell Mining ... Harmlll Divide Mining Hecla Mining Henrietta Silver ...... Hilltop Mln Holllnger Gold Mines . Howe sound Co Independence Lead Minea Jerom Verd Dlv Knox Divide Lone Star Marsh Minss Cona... Mason Valley . Mohican Copper National Tin Nevada Ophlr .... Nevada Sliver Horn . New Dominion New Tork Porcupine. Nlplssing ,. Ohio Copper Hay Hereulee Mlnss . Rex Consolidated .... Sandstorm Kendall , . San Toy Mining ..... Silver Mines Am. .... Simon Silver ........ Spearhead Success Mining ...... Tech Hughes Tonopah Belmont ... Tonopah Cash Boy .. Tonopah Divide . Tonopah Extension . . Tonopah Mining Tonopah North Star. . Tuolumne .Copper ... U. C Cont Mines .... Unity Gold United Eastern United Zinc ,. West End Cons West End Ext fWsstern Utah Copper White Caps Mining . Yukon Gnld Betoea, Bales (In 11000) l Allied packer ctr.. Aluminum 7t, 1926.... Amer. Cot Oil 6s Amer. Gas and Eleo. 6a . Amer. L. and T. 6s w. w. ..100 Amer. Rep. Coup. 6s 91 Amer. T. and, T. 6s, 1924 ..100 Anaconda Copper 6s 100H Anaconda Copper 7s, 1929. 102 Anglo Amer. OH Ts 109 Armour and Co. 7s- 104 AtL Gulf and W. I. 6s ... t 63 Beth, Steel 7s, 1928 ..7...106, Beth. Steel 7s, 1926 ......102 Canadian Nat Ry. eq. 7a ..101 Canadian Nat. Ry. (s ,108 Canadian Paoiflo 6s (6 Cities Service 7 D 91 Col. Graph. I 12 Con sol. Ga Bait t 99 Consol. Gas Bait ts 102 Consol. Gas Bait 7s .'....107 Copper Exp, Assnt, 1M4.102 Copper Exp. Assn Is, 1926.. 103 Cuban Tel. 7s 106U peers and Co. 7s ........102 Detroit City Gas U ..100 Fed. Land Bank 4s w. L.100 uen. Aspnait ss .....ion 2000 1000 4000 16000 1100 1300 600 900 1600 I00O 200 1000 21000 2000 700 1000 22000 7000 1000 600 1500 1200 5000 4400 100 1000 2000 2000 1000 4000 13000 200 800 1000 19700 1700 100 1000 1600 aooo lioo 1600 700 7200 2000 2000 4000 600 11 It 11 IT It . 9 .08 .08 .27 .07 10 .06 12 .07 .04 .07 1A 11 1 .17 1 . . .04 .. .06 . . .10 . . .26 .. .16 :. .04 :: :: SI .. in .. .0 .. .08 .. .08 .. .16 .. .22 .. .07 .. .47 .. .18 .. 1 .. .12 .. .81 .. 1A :: Jo7 . .42 .. .16 .. 4 .. 1 .. 1 :: !ft .. .10 .. .12 .. .10 . 17 .102 . 92 .100 SEKTOND PRIZE. He Wh Mad Wrens. Th tsaohr had explained the five senses to th children and added that their feet were made to run. Presently she noticed that Johnny was crying. 'Johnny, what 1 th matter!" ask ed the teacher. "I am made WTeng," Johnny re plied. "Instead of my nose smelling and my feet running, my nose runs and my faet smell." Mrs. J. T. Shoaf, Concord. On Thin lee. A oharmlng but diffident young woman was seated next tn a bishop at a dinner party one evening. It was the first tlms she had been so closs to such a dignitary and it paralysed her tongue. The continued silence became most embarrassing to hsr. At last some fruit was passed and shs snatched 'at ths chance to say something to him. "Are you fond of bananas?" shs asked him. The dear old prelate, a trifle deaf. thought she said pajamas, and, after thinking for a moment replied: Since you have asked me, I will frankly state that 1 much prefer the old-fashioned nightshirt.' A, L, Has eltlne, Box No. 208 City. Dr. 0. B. McRae CHIROPODIST Aooliittma. Preferr! 109 If. Elm it. Grenboro, N. C. PfcoB S2M Har I t 12i 1 t I Dr. Paul B. Wysong Optometrist Eye examination and glass fitting 101 N. Elm St. Phon 1293 Selma Lamb Bldg. A Great 'Coaarry. This Is a folne country, Bridget. Sure It's generous sverybody Is. I asked at ths postofflcs about send- In' money to my mother, and the young man tells ms I can git a 910 money order for tin eents. Think of that, now!" a G., box 214, High Point Tec Stae T Ask. An old negro preacher announced th baptism of candidates for mem bership. An old coal black negro woman came forward. As tb preach er lsd his victim far cat In stream he erled In a loud vole: "Be stlddy, slstah. be 'Middy, an you'll cum up whitah dan snow." "Oh, prsaohsr," ah cried, "Oat's asktn' too much; a cream eoloh'll dol' 1.1111am Jopes, 162 Bsllsvue strset, Ctty. Foreign Kschange. New York. Nov. 111. Vorele-n ex change Irregular. Great Britain, de mand 4.46; cables 4.46 14; 60-day bills on banks 4.43. France, demand 6.43; cables 6.44. Italy, demand 4.41; cables 4.41. Belgium, demand 6.97; cables 6.97. Germany, demand .01; cables .01 A. Norway, demand 18.50. Sweden, demand 21.80. Den mark, demand 20.09. Swltserland. de mand 18 28. Bnaln. demand 16 10. Greece, demand 1.46 Poland, demand .00. Czecho-Slovakla, demand 1.18. Argentine, demand 86.13. Brail!, de mand 12 00. Montreal 100. ftavml stores. Savsnnah. Nov. 10 Turpentine, nothing doing; last sale November 8 at 1.63; receipts 432; shipments 982; stock 10.408. Hosln quiet; sale none; recelpfs 2.122; shipments 2 836; stock 94.221. Quote: H I) E K G H 560: I 6.6019 6.62: K 6.6006.65; M .705-76; N 6.806.90; WG 6.I0&6.25; WW 6.600 6.90. R. H. Milton Electric Company h 121 West Market it. Phon C4T Wiring Fixture Appliances Distributor for North Carolina of 1 Plaut & Co. The oldest electrical concern In the city Quality counts. Fixtures cannot be judged by "price alone. Deign; Workmanship and finish must be boiled In the pot with price to fudge them fairly. We Serve To Please M ' Liverpool -Weekly Cotton. Liverpool, Nov. 10. Weekly cotton statistics: Tote.1 forwarded tn mills 69.000 bales, of which American 89, 000; stock 678.000, American 282,000. Imports 44,000, American 20,000; ex ports 2.000, American 1,000. Korelfl-a rtar Silver. London, Nov. 10. Bar silver 83 pence per ounce. Money 1 per oent. Dlpcnunt rates, short bills and three months bills 2 ft at 2 per csnt. Gulf Oil 7s ' 1 Hershsy Co. 7s 160 Int R. T. la otf. 41. Kara City P. and L. 6s ,.. to Kenneoot Cop. 7 4 . Laclede Oa 7 ( Nat Leather I . .... t PhlL El. I.... 1 PhlL El (s I Phillips Pst Ts. w. .10JH .101 8 90 ..101 ...101 ...1011, ...104 That's All Right. An Irishman who ran fruit stand hired his brothsr Pat to work for him. Pat csuldn't (peak English, so his brother instructed him In ths fol lowing wayt "If a man walks up snd asks how yen sell bananas you must say, Three for a dime.' Probably he will say they aren't ripe. You must say, 'Som of them are and ome of them ars not.' Probably he will say hs doesn't want any. Ton can say, That's all right, if you don't some one elss wllL' '.' Pat said, "Begorra, I'll do It" The next day a man approached him and asked! how far It was to the postofflcs. Pat: 'Three for a dime." Man: "Are all the people In this town crasy?" Pat: "Som of them are and some of them are not." Man: '1 have a good mind to knock your d d head off." Pat; "That's aU right: It you don't som one els will." C. V. Stutts, Revolution Store, Greensboro, fllen Island Cotton. Savannah, Oa., Nov. 10. Sea Islands quiet and steady; extra choice 17; sales, nix: receipts, 78; shipments, none; stock. 977; crop In sight, 161. Charlotte Cotton Market. (Blrtl4e 0.1 Nm l Charlotte. Nov. 1 n.Charlotts oot ton msrket: Receipts, 45 bales; price, 26 cents. fa rem Contented. "You will never get anywhere un less you have hlghsr Ideals than this," prsachsd th woman at whose Sal. 11 Kfebert Oalr 7 1 Shawsheen 7 10 Sheffield Farm l I Solvay and die ts Bund. Oil N. Y. 7s, 1931 17 Stand. Oil N. Y. 7s, 1927 . 4 Stand. Oil N. Y. 7s, 1921 I Stand. Oil N. T. 7s, 1929. t Stand. Oil N. Y. ?s, 1981. 21 Stand. Oil N. Y. 6s 17 Sugar States Orient 7s 1 Sun OH 7s 5 Swift and 54 Swift and 15 Un. Oil Ci 2 Vacuum Oil ?s I Wayne Coa 16s Fornisra Bends. Argentine 7s, 1921 ... King. Netherlands Is . King. Serbs Croats I Mexico Gov. Is Mexico Gov, 6s Mexico Gov. Is N. Y., N. H. Ft. Russian is Close. . 98 .101 .100 .106 .104 .106 .101 .108 .109 .101 (J 87 7s 101 nd Co. 7a, 1931 102 nd Co. 6 11 Calif. Is 101 C Ml As 7 107 . 71 .100 . 16 . 74 . 18 '. 10" Ideal Xmas Gift Carolina Red Cedar Chest Moth proof, direct, from factory to you at greatly reduced prices. Write for Illustrated folder. Manufnetnred ky E. N. RUDISILL Idneolnton. H. O. Reduced Round Trip Fares via Southern Railway System On sal dally to WINTER RESORT POINTS Return limit Jun 16th, autre ticket formation. agents for 1921. further To Our Customers Office Closes For Armistice Holiday At 10:30 a. m. N. C. Public Service Company Pub. Ssrv. Corp. of N. J 7. 101 wrnt Visa . . V. a. MexlotT 4s L. A. PEACOCK, 0. IN A. s Y

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