t '' GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1J, 192J Contractor and Pastor Give, Chapel frill Folk Amusement In the Middle of the Little Village's Main Street, With Many Spectators As Judges, the Two Men Argul Case In : Which Their Automobiles Are Involved. ; ' ,. . -J - By LOUIS ORAVK" I '. - Chapel Hill, Nov. 18 This untvr-1 Ity village wu treated thl rooming " to a trial that ought to Hand out In th moords of North Carolina Jurls v prudeno. It u held In th open air In th middle of tht main stret Thar wer several doian Judges ap- , pealed to, in turn, and all togetner, by tha litigants, i Horace Williams, professor of philosophy In tha university, who happened to be pawing, wu first ailed upon. But toon he had to give the affair up as a bad loir, and moved olf. Then Banker Hogan, Merchant Tankeraley, the correspondent of this V newspaper, and a succession of stud ents, faculty and townspeople' were called upon to declare Justice. Final ly, Postmaster 8trowd's white hair and sagacious cast- ot oountenance brought the disputants to him tor a final decision. Perhaps they had heard that he had just resigned as postmaster, and thought he might now well begin to serve as Judge. Sut be, too, would give no decree. All this while, a delighted crowd looked on and listened, someone In It from time to time presstntr forward to offer bis services as an adjudica tor. A' 8. P. Montgomery, contractor ofi High Point, bad baited on the right side of the street In bis overland oar. Deciding to go back uptown, he wheeled to the left and oama upon the concrete roadway. As ha was maklna- the circuit. Rev. Oeorg Til ley. Baptist minister on his way to preacb a sermon for a brother mln- v later In Durham, was rolling east f ward In a Bulck runabout. The Bulck ran into the left slds of the Over land and smashed in tha running board. i Bo far, both 'parties to : the, case were agreed. But ss to details, no. Mr. Montgomery said he put put his 'nana as a signal ana tnai it air. Til ley had not boen going at too high a speed h oould easily have stopped in time to avoid a oolllston. Mr. Tilley said he did not see the signal He couldn't swear what apssd he was making, but he was driving carefully. Was not th gentleman from High Point disobeying a rule of the road th making a turn In this manner, cross ing th line of traffic in tne jniaaie ot the block? ..-. Maybe so, said the High Pointer- he didn't know what the looal oral nance was but .Ora't didn't absolve the other man - from, responsibility tor smashing Into his' ear. Look at' the tracks didn't they show the Bulck had gone 35 teat or more after the brakes were put ont Would a car that, was going at a legal speed take that long to stop i A friendly autumn sun beat down and ll th world of Chapel Hill was out of doors. A considerable propor tion of It Was on its way to the post office to get the morning newspa ners. or to a late breakfast at the cafeteria or Gooch's. Church services were not to, begin for more than an hour vet. and here was a fre show. They cam .. running everybody. Douglas Fairbanks doing fllpflops on th ooncrete could hardly nave brought 'em faster. Nobody ' had witnessed th collision, and that mad the. argument more perplexing. Professor. Williams cam up only a minute or so after the thing occurred. His participation was entirely with out any desire of his own to Inter vene .But th colliders were only too willing each to state bis case. The more tbey stated the mors mixed up.lt all seemed to become., Th crowd was now beginning to assem ble., 'After a little, Professor Williams wisely decided to go on-to the post of fir and get his newspaper. But that was only .the beginning. One; chief listener gone, others took his place In th center or th ring. TH nJCsfout any aeven men here, go over there In that field," said Mr, Montgomery,' pointing to a vacant lot bsslds thr Presbyterian church. "and paX tha case to them and. let u them decide whether you ought to stand for the damage to my car." Mr. Tilley did not care for suoh hurried arbitration as this, but said he was perfectly, willing to settle if It should be decided In a competent way that he was liable. "8uppose wa And out If It Is the rule of the road that you can't wheel around In 'the middle of the block," suggested Mr. Tilley. "If It 11, then that would seem to settle It." "Not at all," countered Mr. Mont gomery, "tha might make me pay a line but it doesn't mean that you are not liable for damages." State" Makes Effort to ' Make Creditable Showing At End of Third Year. - . . REPORTS : ENCOURAGING (Jeorg T. Winston, -aged 18, here broke Into the conversation. "Why not get my father? He's a lawyer." Referring to P. H. "Winston, professor .of law In the university. "Better get my Uncle Jim," said Freddie Patterson, looking scornfully at George. "He's a lawyer In Dur ham." ' At this point Professor Mcintosh, of the law school, came whntslng up the street In his automobile. By WALTER M. CiLMORB. ftalnlirh Nov 12. "Mow rnesthe battle?" la the Ina'uirr that Is Being mad t by hundreds I ot Baptists throughout North Carolina Just now In regard to the progress of th re inforcement of th Baptist 75 million campaign, which Is. an effort to .close th third year, December I, of th fife-year period covered by the cam paign. With a sufficient amount In hand to cove all that la due at this time. r I '. . Dr. Charles E. Maddry, who li the general director-. of the movement In this state, and his associates hv 'Theresa lawyer There s a law-'k)ecn(leld much , rcent wki ' National N li -MbOLpir VALENTINO. THB YOUNG fiAJAH' N A draw Comedy ''Biases" an Path News Saaelal oaartnre r Tha National Orchest - ' M "7N The National Orchestra 3; Nkv cnui'i nsHr " - ' SaTkk. BeH H0well i e- S ' 1 fjamlaat '. ' INSURANCE Automobile Fir, Life, Accident, Health, Bonds Fielding L Fry ani Company OtMeo aaw iKratea SH nth mm lllinl V. U frr, PtaaMaat - Fhaaa 4S . Alt r, ItMin. Adjaater WANTSIWANTS J7 . S7 SMOKE r LJ1.JW " "'""""ni !'ff III ."T SEVERAL SHAPES10c AND UP w, p. Qejg Cigar Con TTie Packard Slngle-Six ; represents a revolutionary -value among fine cars such value as would be expected, -first of all, from Packard,' Ask the Man Who Owns One PAC KARD THOS. C. HUNT, Inc. t Distributor Greentboro, N. C. yerl Let him settle It!" shouted sev eral In th crowd. . But theprofessor didn't stop. He didn't, even hesitate. He swept on "by. A ' moment latef Professor Knight, expert In education, shot by In the opposite direction, nearly frightening some ,of the spectators out of their wits. Yst the thsong still ' covered the concrete roadway from edge to dge the dispute was too absorbing, Prof Archibald Hen derson approached In his car, but, being more ourtous than his "fellow teaches, drew up to find out what It waj all about. Thomas J. Wilson-, Jr., registrar, Justrecovorlng from hJs excitement over the continuous report of th Carolina-V. M. I. game yesterday, halted on the outskirts of the crowd and. thanks to.hls great height, could see and hear perfectly. Daniel L. Grant just back from a tour of eastern North Caroline on alumni association business, said that he had seen nothing in. any of the eastern counties to compare with this In the way of free open-air entertainment. Thar wasn't nnythlnsr hostile m the manner of each of the principals. They were sober cltiiens, each de claring he wanted nothing but fair play, and each merely sad at the thonght thatr, the other couldn't see tha case his wgy, Mr. Tilley was ud held by frequent murmurs from the crowd to th effect, that the High Pointer had no business making such a turn without looking back and be ing extra careful. But there were others who examined . the wheel tracks ot the Bulck, showing whet they said was a long slide, who de clared Mr. Montgomery had a good case and ought to stick to his guns. When th affair began nobody thought it would encroach on church time, but now it began to look like a conflict of dates. The minister and the contractor stood and talked It over. Thea they would separate, and a gronp would form around each Then they would com back togeth r. " V;-- "Aren't you going; to mfss your ser monIn Durham?" Mr., Montgomery asked. .-, "Yes," I reckon' so,'' said Mr. Tilley, "but that doesn't matter much. Th regular pastor Is there." "Are you ready to declare, raising your hand, that you believe you were not at fault?" asked Mr. Montgom ery. . Yes, I am," ano? th other took off his hat and raised his hand. "I believe deeply In religion" said Mr. Montgomery, "I glv a tenth of all. I make, to th cause of religion and charity. I think Tie Just charge' the oost of these repairs to those con tributions." . - "Wall, I oan't advise you about that I'm not your guardian. You'll have to do as you pleas about that," said the minister In a kindly tone. . "I haven't any hard feeling about it. I'd like you.' to come over and meet my wife," the High Pointer con tinued So he took Mr. Tilley over to the wounded Overland and Intro duced him to Mrs. Montgomery, who was sitting in the-car with their son, Roy, a student in the university whom they had com to vlslu. ' About this time a portly figure, dec orated with a large shining badge, a ruddy complexion-, and th most be nevolent of smiles, bore dpwn upon the gathering. It was. Chief of Police Long. Th High Pointer took him aside and 'asked him some questions about ths rule of the road as. laid down In Chapel Hill. The chief Us tened, and answered questions, and decided to make no arrests. "Well, Mr. Tilley," said Postmaster gtrowd, acting as spokesman for the spectators, "we all have to thank you for affording us something Interest. Ing a relief to th dullness of our village on this fine Sunday morning. We all appreciate it highly." Tha great bell of the PresByterian church boomed forth, drowning the talk. Cltlsena who had been -moving homeward U attend to shaves, the pollahlng of shoes, -and other spruc- tpg-up . preparatory to . attendance upon church services, pulled out their watohes with , Hasty. Incredulous movements. Th engines of the au tomobiles recently In collision began the ohug-chug that portended aepar ture. Qeorg Winston, Freddie pas terson and a shoal 6f young Fender grafts looked on regretfully at th melting away ot th crowd. . Th big trial was over. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED RATES Two Ceate a Word (This Typ) ' L Insertion. Twnty-rtve ceata Mlalsasna ' Char. Double Size Type : Double Price , Ink am Paraawapfc Wast Ada. tLM P Usk , lca la Altar Oa s (ssnertn tanrtteaa. OAin aviT AcooMPAirr axl oaDcai. All Ada. gtamd Oar Bally w Itrtotiy Ce4atls!L CUnMeatloa Kt OwsoasnMi Aft ls.sk WANTED HELP (Male) riatahar waated take position of assistant to toreman In chair iac tory. Address "Manufaotursr," care Dally News. 11-14 Wanted Two experienced shoemak ers. Apply at on. All year rouna joos for the right men. Boston Electric 6hoe shop, 606 South Elm street. holding conferences In tit Interest of the campaign ln-jvery section of the state, they all report encourag ing progress being mad. It 1 quit evident that the campaign la gaining momentum dally, and that the tide ot enthusiasm is rising. Secretary Mad dry expects to ,be able to report-ct the approaching session of tha Bap tist state convention In Winston-Salem December 12 considerably more than a million dollars raised In North Carolina for the objects of th cam-' palgn during th past year. In many cases already th ohurch have overpaid their subscriptions to date. In many other cases, however. the balairca la still oil ths wrong side of the ledger. But there la a great mass movement on all over (he state and throughout th whole southern Baptist convention to com up Ilk a mighty army and wipe out every deficit that'soserlously threatens th progress of the world-program of southern Baptists. ' But money is not th only nor til chief objective of the campaign. .Every Baptist pastor hi th state baa been asked to preach Sunday, if be feel divinely led to do so. on "Answering Qod's call for volunteers," or on some kindred theme; H Is asked to fol low his sermon with a definite, earn est appeal for volunteors to enter some speciflo tins ot religious work as a minister of the gospel at Home or abroad, a physician, nurse, teecher or agriculturist In soma mission Held. Since the campaign was launched three years ago Is. 000 have volunr teered for definite, lines ot religious work, 800 of them for foreign ser vice. There are at present 1,260 of these In the colleges and schools f the south preparing, themselves to an swer th call more effectively. FOR. SaLE AUTOMOBILES Whea la tmfcl call MOC Ga d Uvered fr ot charg any place within city limits. (. U-l? Vwr Ssle 114 Ford tsarlaaT ear. Five good tires, new top, new rings, good shape. Phone fm-W. 11-14 WlHtoa gx eyan-pasMaaref toarlas car tor sale, perfect condition cheap for cash. Address "Wlnton. care Dally News. ll-H gave Z to M per ecat on ante parts. New and used parts for all cars ana trucks. Mall prompt attention. wrecking Co.. Barker kustaes pays Lear It. Sfcert course, catalog mailed rree. aioier Barber College, 192 Marietta street, Atlanta, Ga. 11-14 tVaat. If ymu mn ut at easpUy ment or doslr - a change, we can plao you. Greensboro Business Agency, U1U South Elm street, Greensboro, K, C. 7-l-tf. Wanted II yon, ar oat of employ ment r aesire a cnar.ge, we can ntac you. Oreensboro Business Agency, 121 H South Elm street, Oreensboro, N. C. 11-6-tf Firema. Breakmea. beginners S1BO, later ,zsu (which position). "Hallway" oar Dally New. 11-21 Su-Mo-Tu. W can as two more mea who. mmm ambltloas and willing to work (or advancernent. 'Good pay to begin with. ' Apply room 204, 624 South Elm street. 11-14 WANTS FOR SALE HOUSES For Bale Desirable five-room home In Olenwond, corner lot. Mllllkan Realty and Auction Co., 120 North Elm, phone SI 37, U-tf Four-room modern pottage house, one block off Asheboro street, 1600 cash, balance like rent. J. S. Moore. Owner, phone 2.H8-W. ll-9tf For Male Meal rive-room brick bungalow in Fisher Park section, modern. Terms. Mllllkan Realty and Inaurancs Co., 120 North Elm, phone 8187. ll-8tf Kxtra good new seven-room aoase, Pearson street. one-third cash, balance very easy terms. T. B. Og burn, 10!) West Market street, phone 1342. , ll-9tf WANTS FOR SALE Plaat a tree. Oreensboro Nnrserlee, phone JU. 1 16JJ For Smlt A wicker haby earriag. Phone 2399-J. U-ll For Kale Store house sn lot. Htock ot goods at cost. Pine locatnn. Splendid trade. A bargain. Ken dall Realty and Auction Company. ll-i)tt For Male Timber and wood oa M acres land. . Eleven miles from Wineton-Salem, two miles from elding, good roads to either. Ad- nress Box Madison. N. C. 11-14 WanteeV Bookkeeper aad rlerk. ex perienced In lumber business pre ferred: Must be-aie furnish good - reference as to honesty. Newport MXerT Co., Hlllsboro, N, C. liw Men within positions firemen, brakemen, colored train porters, on large North Carolina roads, write for Information. $126-1200 month. Experience unnecessary. inter- Rallwav Dent. 867. Indlanannlis. Ind. ll-l-tu-th AMUSEMENTS narman financiers drilling' for natural gas near Hamburg abandon ed th search after a. well that had been bored. 1000 . feet tllledt with quicksand. . . ' . "today . ' and Tomorrow ... Joseph M. Sctienck mi, J Present . .. Norma , Talmadge ... ' .- flflaee ... "TheNewMobn" DlreestM hr Cheeter WJjthey AAaeel . " Attractloaa ' Sehnett Comedy v ThoTe Athletic GirU . ' '.' ' . Aad ; V Select N.ew Wednesday aa3"Tkarady ' "Heart Haven" orders alven iWhltton Auto Columbia. 8. C. 12-6 For Sale Cole 87seven-pa- senger, late , model, new Oldfield cord tires. Gate City Motor "Co., phone 175 . . 11-13 r ai i m ' ' arm-"" ' ' ror sale Maxwell coupe. Gate City Motor Co., phone - . 11-13 For Sale 1920 model Essex, t new cord tires. Gate City Motor uo., phone 175. 11-13 For Sale BuicE roadster. '1920 model, in good condi - tiort and priced right to quick buyer. & H. Mo tor Co., Ill South Davie street, phone 2472. 11-13 For Sale Cole 8, 1922 mod- Wanted A bill cutter on sash, ' blinds and doors. ' William M. Jones, Ashe villeN.'C. ' 11-13 Wanted Boy, IS or 16 years old, as trip boy and to learn good trade. Apply Service Press, Inc., 300 South Davie street. 11-13 For Sale Six-room new kaagalow oa Douglas street. All modern con veniences and good terms. Booth Oreensboro Insurance and Realty 'Co., 617 South Elm street, phone 1260. ; 10-l-tf. For. Sale .At onee with good terms, nfne-roorh house, one acre of laad;' eight-room house, large lot st Gn II fofd College. Kendall Realty and Ancljon Co. 11-11-tt For ale Reantlfnl new five-room stucco bungalow, 426 Joyner street. Priced to sell quick. Good terms. We want to show you. H. W. Clendenin and Son, Realtors, room ion first floor. Bannsr building, ' phone 171, - ' ll-7tf Far Sale tlnnttr home, tke Elara place, seven rooms, about 16 acres. Wonderful location," about four miles out, 'on Winston paved road. Property this war Increasing In value mighty fast. I?uv It now While nrtee Is rMlnnnhl. M W (iendenin and Son, Realtors, room lsti first floor Banner building, phone 171. ll-7tf For Sal By Owner Eight-room house, sleeping porch, basement, two bath rooms, rented at 10 per mohth. Priced to sell, J7.000; terms. Also one brand new 6-room bunga ' low, sleeping porch, bath and faragef Ideal little home. Price 8.000. Both located In South Oreensboro. H. O. Barnes, phone 1S4SJ. 4. . u-ll For Sale On Easy Terms Oflf.-e Chairs We have several offle chairs In mahogany and oak. re clining, revolving and straight chairs, all sizes, at a special price.. ut Kale KurajUure Co., 309 Mouth Oreene street. ll-9tf For Halesoo name collector' coarse. wvy. rein the kind of names and gives the address of a a firm that pays SIS a hundred. Uet your copy while they last and make big money by Christmas. A Typing Bureau, 646 Holbrook stdeet. Panville, Va. J'-U Norma Talmadge Imperial Today, A thrilling story, a beautiful and talented staK a splendid oast, excel lent direction and some wonderful photography all go to make up Normal Tahnadge's latest Selsnlck re vival, "Th New Moon," In which she Is presented by Joseph M. Scheney at the imperial today and tomorrow. I The New Moon' la th story of a Russian princess, Marie Pavlovna, who flees to a neighboring province when her castle la attacked bv an archists, ahd takes refuge in a small store in th guise of a peasant girl. When the decree Is Issued, ordering all the women In th country to reg ister In order to b nationalised, th princess refuses to register and In cites th other women of th town to toiiow nar example. The authori ties discover tha true lineage of the peasant girl Who Is leading th women tsTA-eVolt and, try to fore her to register, with dire results to them selves. Added attractions, "Those Athlatle Girls," clever Bennett oomedy, and Select Newa. el, in fine' shane and nriced low for quick sale. . T. & 'H. Motor Co.. Ill South Davie street, phone 2472.1 V 11-1$ For Sale Ford touring car, - in goon shape; special bar gain to quick buyer. R. G. Sloan: Motor Co.. 104-106 . North Davie street, phone S3. . 11-13 For Sale Seven-passenger vnanaier sedan, repainted, reomit and a big bargain R. G. Sloan Motor Co., 104 106 North Davie street, phone 93. 11-18 For Sale Ford coupe, ex cellent condition, brand new tires, at a bargain for cash. R. 'G. Sloan Motor Co., 10406 North Davie street, phone 93. . 11-13 Wanted Sub-contractors for large lot of carpentry work, raming and interior finish. AppJy King Lumber Co., Charlottesville, Va. Wanted Intelligent vounar man with purchasing de partment experience. State experience and salary ex pected. Apply Box 249, Albemarle, N. C. 11-14 Wanted Eight or nine men who would like to do detec tive work. ' Those who can not come in person enclose eight two-cent stamps to cover, mailing expenses. Home Detective Co., Inc., Bqx 1159, Greensboro, N.C. U-13 nroauar Rajah" Tale ot Maay Thrills. Never before, It Is said,, has the colorful Rodolph Valentino been given as great an opportunity to demon strate his versatility and peculiar acting genius as In his latest Para mount vehicle. "Tha Young- Ruh' which will be shown at th National today and tomorrow. In thia picture, adapted from th play and novel, "Amos Judd," by June Mathls. Valentino Is first seen, as a aolleg hero at Harvard. At the crew ii, .una nii.ua fuav, vaiCUT tlno's nam In th story, pulls at win ning stroke oar for Harvard against I ale, he meets -"Molly Cabot" and falls, In lov with her. "Amos" has past. , H Is an Indian prince of royal pipoa who- was left mysterious ly, asa chiltf, with an old New, Kng land couple and adopted and reared bv .them. - ; Amoi" has th mysterious ficulty of being abl to read th future. He foresees that happiness with "Molly" Will be Beset with difficulties. Bur enough, their romance goes on the rocks, despite his ardent love-making, and "Amos" In kidnapped and taken back to India, there his duty to his. original people asserts Itself. He reels called Opon to oust usurper from the throne and do so:- IK the and, "Molly" copies back to. him and unlike Its, predecessor, "Blood and Sand," tha picture enda happily. Added . attractions; latest Path News and "Bias," - clever Educa tional comedy. - We hare sonie very rare pieces of an- tlmi fiirnli,,.. ... . . o are otiering at unusually low prices. They in clude four-poster beds, walnut Uropleaf table, fine antique walnut Chairs of handsome design nd other Pieces that you should see. Oate City Furniture Co., 21 East J?yaniorejej phone 2467. U-ll Brick, Brick, Brick, Brick Better than ever. Liberty--Brick Co., Liberty, N. C. ll-12tf Knabe Piano Mahogany case, penect condition and tune. $800 instrument. Sacrifice at $250 of moving if sold this week. Phone 360-W. 11-13 Two larga residences, cen trally located; also several good lots. Apply 513 1-2 South Elm street. 10-19tf Room and heard close la. Two block lium aepoi. mr. tttma, 48 Walker avenue. n.i-t ' New five-room house, Lovett avenue, close to car line and high school. $1800. Brown Real Estate Corti pany, Market street, Greensboro. ll-10tf EighT rooms and servant's room, hardwood floors throughout, sleeping porch . es, good, substantial home. well located, can be bought very reasonable. Phone 1152-J for Owner. 11-16 doom aad board la nervate for two glrle or couple, i.60 per week. 2l Carr street. Rooaa and Board. SST ont Klmi street, phone 2002, Mrs. Q, C Wy-,on- 10-24-tf. WanteeV By reliable edaeated woman. piac in email family. Phone 1I-J. FOR RENT For Meat -Drslrahle office spaee oa aim street. Aaoress hoi II, city. 10-lltf Rent Store room, 741 South Elm street. Phone 1635 01680. ll-8tf For' Rent Business building, two-story, 50x100- feet, M a t h e s o n-Wills Real Estate Co. , , 11-14 Wanted Posltloa by yoaaa- lady stenographer with knowledge of bookkeeping. Can give reference. Address "Miss b. A."- care Dally news. WANTED HELP nevlng ,Pletnr Projectionist, tea jn experience, marriea, motor fenerators ana any machine, per ect projection guaranteed. Foui years present position, desires change Uec. 1st or later. Address "M. P. M. 0" csre Dally News. 11-17 Young man with selling abil ity wants position in Greensboro; age 29; mar ried. Address "Special," care Daily News. We have several small tour ing cars which we will sell at unusually low prices for , cash. R. G. Sloan Motor v Co., J.04-106 North Davie street, phone 93. 11-13 Truck For Sale 3 1-2 ton White dump truck com pletely overhauled, first class condition. Can be seen at . Greensboro Motor Car Co. Price, $1,975 for quick sale. 11-14 For Sale-ftverland sedan, 1921 model, in splendid . condition, at a. very attrac- , tive price tpi the first man who sees it in our garage.' . & H., Motor Co., Ill ' South, Davie street, phone 2472 11-13 For Sale-Essex five-passen-ger car, in first class condi wtion; and . pricey to sell ' quick. T. & H. Motor Co., Ill South Davie street, phone 2472. IMS For Sale-Ford sedan. In tip top condition and it is for sale at a very attractive "price, T. & H. Motor Co'., -Ill South Davie street, , phone 2472. .11-13 All aia, wmea. koys girls, IT to to, wining to accept government positions, lUT-iitu (traveling oi stationary), write Mr. Osment. 174. St. Louis, Immediately. 11-10 Wanted Cigar makers, roll ers and bunch makers Rees-Mitchell Cigar Co., 314 1-2 South Elm street. 11-13 Employ - the help you need through the Daily News classified ads. When you need efficient help of anv kind use the "Help Want- . ed columns of this paper. They produce quick results. Far Rent -Desirable lit college Place, For Re at Two faraUk ro Close In: Phone 2480rJ Monday. 11-14 For Kent Double room, private both, BUILDING MATERIALS Raeflag aad Skcet Metal Wart . write us lor prlqas on galvanised e-v nmp roonni, meiai sn a-Tlli Flex -i roofing, metal shlngl aspnait sningias an Board for ceilings and aids walls: Johns-Vanville Asbeates shingles and roll roofing. Rubberold strip flinsm, HjHinui, cornices, gutters and ventilators, downpours. ' NOTICH Tp CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be- received by th town of Newton, North Caro lina, until 1 o clock a. m, Tuesday, November 28, 1922, at which time they will be opened and read publicly. Th work will consist of grading, draining and- paving with plain cpfli orete, togethen, with necessary ourb and gutter aid will -embrace quan tines approximately as soiiows; -- 1200 cubic yards excavation. 6018 lineal feet ot combined curb and gutter, ' 8625 square yards of plain, cement concrete pavement, or . - mo square) yards cement concrete pavement with Integral curb. ,. ' 7D squarV yards of driveways - - S nath Ksalns of street Inlsta '27 1-1 lineal feet ot 11-inch D. S, MISCELLANEOUS Vit. pip storm sewer. ot z- plp storm ewrs, Uneal feet inch P. 8. Vlt. Plan will be on SM at th -mayor's office, Ntwton, N. C, after November 21, 1922. Bid blank and specifications may be obtained from the city clerk or engineer after this date. Bids will be received -on the several Items shown above and th town re serves the right to construct 'tha pavement without curb and gutters or with Integral curb. ! - Each bid must bs accompanied by a certified check or satisfactory surety bond In th sum of ,(l,QW'on thou sand dollars. -" f; Th right to reject any or alt pro- posali Is Reserved by th town. ' By order of th board of aldermen of th town" of Newton, N. C This th 8rd day Of October. 1921. SID. J. 8MTER. Mayor. , CLARENCE IXAPF, Clark. BAMUEIj B. HOWARD, .Engineer. , . - f .. . U-ll Where to find itT - Where to find it? Look through this page, and then ask your self how many times in the past, you could have made use of the Information ,lt contains when you need ed something. - special for . yourself when you want ed a novel gift for a friend or when, you were, look , Ing for a particular service, but did not know where to find it., Then you will real ize the value these adver tisements contain for you. Daily News want ads. pro duoe results. . tf.. FOR SALE FARMS Two farms ta trade tor ettr property. : Karms located near - Bessemer . school. O. t. Ourley, Realtor, tot West Market street, phone 242. a-ntf Far Sal ar Reat Cottage aifflv . rooms, .nalntad Inside and out porch on three sides, with t to 62 acres land and all necessary farm buildings. Kignt at village or hc LeansvUle, I miles of Oreensboro, Reaeonable terms to purchaser, Only money rent Considered, Brown Real Estats Co- Greensboro, lt-ltf I AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES 1 Bl nf nhara at winder-Rogers Ser vice., opposite City HalL - ll-H Immedlata shipment or any quan tity, large or small, from Durham stock. Mall your building plans to our contracting department for bid on all roofing and sheet metal work arectad complete by our expert mechanle. Writ us about your re-roofing jobs. Budd-Plper Roofing company, aisirioutors, uurnim, n. a . 9-ii-a, FOR RENT HOUSES For Heat Five-room brlek b.angalow on Olenwood car line. Mllllkan Realty aod Insurance Co., 120 North Elm, phone 3137. HI For Rent New six-roam hnngalo- on Lexington avenue. Immediate occupation. Phono 2241 - daytime, 371 night time. Far Kat Se-ven-voosn kangalow corner Spring Harden and Spring dale Court Steam heat. Apply C C. 8hofftifr, 222 Odrrell street. 11-16 Far Ileat New six-room bungalow, Spring street; -10-room house, North Spring street Five-room -bungalow, Battleground roao ; A number of desirable -apartments, various locations, reasonable rents Oullford Insurance and Realty Co iu nasi mantel street. Phon 112. -' li-utf LOST AND FOUND Reward Return brown and white 'spotted fox terrier dog. Answers to name of "Scotty'Tjhbne 142. 11-13 Lost Reward for informa- tion for two tan and white dogs. Male and female Addresses on collars. 808 N. Elm street. If that needle in the haystack ' ever . turns up it 11 be through a Daily News want ad. .. Read for profit use for restate. Fhone 1000.-tf SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES iteara at'aam as eahaaU skortkaas bookkeeping on credit. Positions guaranteed. Edwards Business Colleca. Ulak Point and Wlnsto-i talam. , . -3.tt WANTED HOUSES iea to acll. Realty and Insurance Co. Blm street, phon 1117. Mllllkan 120 North l-l-lf. WANTED SITUATIONS FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished rooms. Phone 2112-W. eoavCBleaee. 11-14 apartment at Phone 2419-.!. for two young men. 83 Ret street, phone 2108, West Mar 11-13 Well famished moss, kratrdi kaard opposits ir desired. Lady .prefer red. Phone 361-W. ll-12tf Far Reat The flret floor of mr resilience, ooo inurrav streeu Mri W. M. Adams, phone 358-J. ill-l For Rent Furnlsked, room. Next to bath Phone 562-J. Two rooms for rent, suitable for ns.ru nouseKeeping. 634 Broa avenue, phone 1S10-J. 1 For Rent Small well faralaked apartment In private home. Phone ozu-w or call 420 McAdoo avenue. 11 steam heated r isner rarK ll-lltf WANTED BOARDERS f there's a place at yoar table for another boarder get the fact before the most people through a classified ad. in the Daily News. tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES For gale Barber skas. .Write ar e T. L. Cheek, Liberty, N. C. 11-18 She Skop For Sale flood locatlosu win sen reasonable. Am leaving' town. Address "Shoe Shop," car Dally News. 11-13 far Sals M asst store, eld tablbhed ousiness "handling victrolas. Edl sons, pianos and musical merchan dise In town of 7,000 population, leoated In heart of bright tobacco belt. For further Information ad dress "X. T.," oar Dally News, 11-11 For Sale Dental office, up to-aate equipment, best lo cation in the city, estab lished oVer six years. Ad dress 0., P. O. Box 738,' Wilmington, N. C. 11-13 Get Your want ad. in before 8 p. mvln order to insure classification in next morn ing's issue of the Daily News. No aAs. pan h classified after that hour. This is-important. Don't wait till the last mirtute. Send in your ad. early for the Sunday paper. tf FOR SALE LIVE STOCK months old; one bulldog, 18 month old; also one Sootch Collie, three months old; both good guard dogs; will sell reasonable. 800 Broad avenue, or phone 3210 Monday. u-n SPECIAL NOTICES Plaat Sktabkery, (irMBShora Ifarae- rles, phone 816. ll-Stf Room for reat to areatirmaa la nri, ti noma, wun an conveniences. Phone 84. 10-16-tf. Oae or twa alrely f arajsked raama ror rent, close in. 406 Church treet. n-6 tf For Rent Aa attractive (Ire-room apartment. unfurnished. Every convenience. 816 Tate street. ' M-10tf Special dlseaaat oa all sport kats aad stamped goods. Ths Ladles' Em- ; podium. 11 -Is Coeoannt an Peanut ftrlttl, SS Jound. oate City Candy Co., pton J6. ll-4tf for oat fllwara est aaral dMlaras hon 34. 8unin.lt Aveno Orn- ousas. 6-lttf Fanrr Goldfish. Bird aad Ae rles. Wilson's Bird Shop, 608 North Davie, phone 2041. 12-H Local aad loag dletaaee kaallng. Rea- sonanie onarges. wagonsr Trans fer Co., phone 1746. 12-1S The beat ear washer In tk city. Cera cauea ror ana aenverea. winoer- Hogers Service, opposite City H"Jy For Rent By tk Flfteeatk Fans aa- turnisned rooms for light house keeping, has gas and water. Ap ply to 621 Walker avenue. 11-13 For Reat Ob . tarnished roam , for couple. Meals If desired. Close In 429 West Gaston, phone 2128'-J. 11-13 Far Rent Thr nnfarnlahed con necting rooms for light housekeep ing, with all conveniences. 430 West Sycamore street, phone 2782-W, n-13 For Rent New steam heated apartment. Close in. T. R. Wall, fihone 225.0. 11-ltf Board and room for one or two settled business wom en. Apply 228 N. Cedar street or phone 2109-W. ll-9tf An unused room is a luxury, The thing to do is' to secure a desirable tenant for that spare room by placing a small "For Rent1' ad in these columns, and thereby help reduce the high .cost of living. tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Beat valaes la haHdlBa lots so a had In Westerwood. A. K. Moore Realtv Co.. 116 West Market street -phone 814. 3-90-tt If It' real estate ar a heme van sraat see our ad on back page of today's Daily Newa uuutora and Realty Co., 108 etrest, phone 313. Insurance East Market 9-24-tf. Office Space For Rent) Lots for sale; Anything in real estate. J. E. Latham Co., Phone 76. ll-5tf AU kinds of pknaograpk repalrlag la our aayiignt snap; also stringed in struments and violin bows re halred. Oreensboro Muslo Co. 10-37tf Toledo Scale far sale or e-xckaaaV . Jr-rices are low. rou know th quality and they have no springs. P. U Bostlck, Distributor; Oreens boro. 11-Ttf Oet Well and K.es Well Through Pplnal Adjustments For fre con sultation sea Dr. Crsdeman, th X-Ray Chiropractor, 108 South Davie, Oreensboro, phon 2918. U-lt Oar business la klgk class ako re pairing, aii worn guarantee. Best leather used. Service 8ho Rhop, J. R. Vaughn, Manager, 116 Kast Washington street, back of Isis Theatre, nhone 3467. 12-1 Tke elraalatlon af te Twla City Dally Sentinel blankets Wlnstoa Sslem and the small towns along ths Southern, Norfolk and Western and Winston-Salem Southbound railways leading out of Wlnstoi. Salem. Rat to word. Th circula tion of the twtce-a-week Sentinel cover. well th rural tarrltory In Forsyth and adjacent countlee. Rate 3c word. Sam oopy In both papers, 3c ward. . 9-22-tf. Special Elgin watches, fancy dials, gold filled cases, $12.50. Bernau's Jewelry store, 10-Sltf You save money when buy and sell through classified columns of Daily News; you the the tf FOR SALE WOOD Special summer prices will be continued until further no tice ori cedar wood in five- cord lots. Geo. C. Brown & Co., phone 2281. 9-28tf WANTED SALESMEN Salesman Oae of tke largest man ufacturers ot high class guaranteed spark plugs wants distributor or salesman this territory. P. O. Box 1090. Oreensboro, N. C. 11-11 Salesmen aad ialeslaefeo 8Sony making proposition to offer. Protestant representatives. Weekly settlement. Address "Salesman.'' Box 113, Raleigh, N. C. V

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