4 GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 192i SPECULATIONS RIDE ON I THE TOP OF THE STOCKS They Bring About Liquidation of Long Stocks and Hammer Prices Down 1 to 5. NEW YORK STOCKS RAILS ARE VULNERABLE Hew TorV. Nov. 22. Speculator for th decline again rode on the lop of today' stock market, bringing: about mora extensive' liquidation of long atock and hammering prices down on to five points. Trading wa again largely In the hands of profe sionals but aim of the selling came from disillusioned small operators and Investors who had bought re cently In the belief that a turn for tha better was Imminent. Railroad shares, whtch heretofore bad -not been liquidated as freely as the Industrials, proved more vulner- . abi today, non-dividend paying atocka being especially weak in the aftarnoon reaction, iU. 1ouis-San Francisco preferred broke below 35 for a net loss of mora than five point but rallied Jto 3 at the close. Baltimore and Ohio dropped more than 4 points, selltng pressure be ing Influenced by President Willard's declaration that the shopmen's strike coat more than f 10.000. 000 and the In timation that the prospect for a re - . sumption of dividends this year wae nen too bright. Expectation of an early resumption of dividends on St. Louts-Southwestern preferred sent that stock soaring to 68. for a net gain of nearly four pulnta. the com mon improving fractionally. Investment issues also fell under th weight of tbe selling movement. Union Pacific preferred yielding nearly 1, while losses of a point or mora took place In New York Central. Chicago and Northwestern common and preferred. Delaware and Hudson. Orsat Northern preferred, and North era Pacific tbe last named sagging two and three-eight. i Outside news dea. eWpments were Largely favorable. These included reports showlag th steel Industry to ba oparatlng act so per cent of ca pacity, anaoancements of sddltional stock ar Increased dividends and pre liminary figures on October foreign trade showing exports f (37l.009.0. the largest .to data, as compared with (31T,9.900 in tbe preceding month and J02.000.SOO in August. Steal shares offered a little better resistance, although United States Steel common broke below 101 and than rallied to 103 for a net loss of V Gulf States Steel yielded IV, but recessions in Bethlehem "B." Cru- j cible. Lackawanna and Republic were limited to a point and leas. Baldwin. I 8tadbakr, Corn Products and Oen-J oral Asphalt all fell 1 to 1 points, while Pan-American "A" broke three, and one-half and the "B" it. Ameri can Cotton Oil established a new low llil record at 144. closing at a net! loss of nearly I point, and the pre ferred receding nearly five points. In reflection of speculative disappoint ment over th laat annual report. Boas of the other outstanding ik epota were Amarlcan Ice, American Kxpraas, Barnt Leather, Femoua Players, Kresge, Mexican Petroleum, Otis Elevator, Lortllard Tobacco. Standard Oil of New Jersey, and Woolworth. the losses ranging from three to six points. Ther wer a few exceptions to the downward trend. Continental fan be ing washed np nearly two point to 13. a new high record for the year, and Sterling Producta eatablishlng a w peak at 61 in response to an extra dividend of 75 cents. American Banknote, also at a new high. Elk horn Coal, Consolidated Has, and , South Porto Rlcan Sugar were, other! outstanding atrong spots. Call money held steady at five per cant . throughout the day. Time money loans were made at five per cnt for all maturities, only a limited amount being available for lending purposes. Commercial paper trading waa moderately active with no change In rates. Koraign? exchange opened easier and then rallied, demand sterling getting up to. Ji.49 anl) French l Met to 7.. Canadian exchange sold at a slight discount for the first tliu sine the latter part of September. Day total salea 9((.0A shsres. ! 2 Industrials averaged 94.2S. off t.33. - -. High ISM, fol.43: low. 78.59. ' 20 railroads averaged 84.31, off 1,(1. High, 1911, H IS; low. 73.43. r Tern. V. S3. Toll .iit mt today transactions la toca exrhangei ale in in)' 4 44am IC.a. 3 dv. Kernel? Ad. Hubs. pr. Mr Redact A)ax. Ruhr Ala lild. w alaak Jan. wia la cwaaalet elaalag atoelia tbe New York. 2 4 I 41 Sin A I. beat, and D. 3 41. Chem. and O. ar. 14 4.111a. 4 halm II Am. Aa. (k Uixa. A. Ch. r. J S Am. Una. Net. X Am, Rt. Sag 3 Am. Raarh H I Am. Brk. 8. F. 334 Am. laa S 4m. t ar. and r I Am. t . and V. ar. 4 Am. Chicle. 41 Am. Cot. Oil 3 Am. Cat. o. ar. II 4m. Irg. 8ya. T Am. Kxprea .1 ,tm. Hid. aad Lr. .1 Am. 11. aad I.. 1 Am. lee. 13 Am. Int. Can. 3 A m.-L. Fran , 7 Am. Linseed. M 4 m. Lorom. I An. Metal 3 Am. Metal fr I Am. Radlat. 3 Am. Sal. Has- 34 Am. Ship. Caa. 41 Am. Smelt. I Am. ftmelt. sr. 37 Am. Stl. Fdy I Am. . Ft. pr. T 4m. Sagar 3 Am. Ha. Tab. X 4m. Tel and C. B. 15 America Ta aad L . ID Am 1waa 11 Aw Tab. B. 3 Am. wt, Waa. IS Am. Wt. vta-a. r. I 4 m. Wkol. pr. 37 Am. Hl 1 A. Wta. P. r. t Am. ae. and Ld. 1 Am. Kr. aad LaV. pre HO .4 aaeaada n Aaa Arbor. tr . 3 Aaaet Real I Assa. Dry. ML. 4 Amme. Oil. 37 lirklaoa 5 Atrhwoa, ar. S Atl. Rlr. aad Alt T AtL Cat La. 1 Atl. Fralt. IS Alt, . aad W. I. I At. G. aad W. V pr. a Atl. Ref I. 34 Aastla Nkrh 8 Aal 8atea 1 Aat Sales ar. ...... 134 Bald. Leva. 243 Bait, aad Ohio. T Bait, and O. pr. 3 Bnraet pr. 84 Bradl. Car. A 3 Bradl. Car. B 34 Rreekaat Park. M Beth. Stl. It, I Beth. St. ft. ar. ST Booth Flak. 1 Bala. Rasa Hklya. Rp. Tr Bkln. l a iiaa. Brown Shoe Brwaawlek Bar. Br. Pr. Baraa Broa. A. Baraa Broa. - Bat. t en. aad 8 Bat. aad Sap. Cas. Batteries. Caddo Oil laL Parks a i 4 1 13 2 4 3 4 S 14 CaL PetroL 3 1 33 SEVERAL POINTS OF STRENGTH IN BONDS Fro Offerings of Rail Mortgages, F spatially Saeoad Grades. (- - Tarns List Heavy. -- Xaw Tork, Nov. !S. There were several points of strength In today's aarly bond market, but free offerings of railroad mortgage, particularly th second grade Issue, turned the whelo list heavy, the volume of i trading, however, being comparative- i ly light. United Wale government iaaaea held Arm. liberty iwi! Jumping up 22 cent on 1100 and the i others showing only nominal changes. ! New Tork. Westchester and Roatnn i 44's broke IV points and Seaboard 1 AT Lin consolidated 's. two. while Tpsmb of aopmxlmately a point took flac In Baltimore and Ohio converti ble 4'a. St. Pnl debenture 4's and convertible V. Norfolk and Vest am convertible 4"s. Frisco prior lien 5's. income 4's ano" adjustment 'a. Chesapeake and Ohio convertible 5. eat Shore 4's and Central of fleo' gla consolidated 8's! Mlnneapoll,-St. Tjouta consolidated 4's and j's. nw Haven and Mlseourl Psclc S' wer strong st the start, but fell hack I under the denressing influence oft lower stock prices. Chile Copper 7'. Otis Steel Is. Magma Copper 7' ind ilullns Kavser T' were th weak spots in the in dustrial division. while Rrooklvn Rapid Transit certificate 7 a and tamped 7 s lot the most ground In the public utility group. Mexican 4 s. I.von ' and Csecho lovaklan Is each yielded a point or in the foricn list. Investors in foreign eecurltie were interested In Havana dlsnatches Indicating thst Hd for th proposed 150 nno ono Cuban loan would be opened next week and that four New Tork svn dleataa, headed by J. P Morgan and company. Speyer and compsnv. Lee Hlgglnaon ar.d company and BUlr and company would submit bids. . Public offering was made tr.dav nf Jt Issue of 17.100. 0CO Kr'.e railroad i per cent equipment trust "ertirirate Baturlng from IPS! to u.)7, at rrlces to yield from 1.75 to fi.60 per cen . Total aales (par value) wre ill . 410.000. si. Pet. pr. t al. aad Aria. CaL 1.4. aad Slae . . 31 Can. Par. 1 liw Plow 34 Tea. I.thr. I Cea. I.tkr. r. 34 ( err Or Pea. 3 Certa hatred 3 Caaad. Mot 41 t he, aad Oh. 3 CM. aad l... . 3 Ch. and Alt. pr. 3 Chi. B. 111. r Ch. F. III. ar. a Ch. .t. West 3 Ch. Gt. W. ar. St t . M. aad t. P SI C. M. aad St. P. ar. ST Ch. aad W. W. Ch. aad W. pr. Ch. Para. Tl. Bar Silver. New Tork. Nov. Si Foreign bar allver (44: Mexican dollars GILBERTC.WHITECO. Aa 0-a-alstlea of civil. Merhaairal KUttrteal aad Chemical Ceili- . DURHAM, N. C water wroitK. nwra plaut. . . .. TRKiera. roadi Dr. H. A. Schiffman Optometrist Row Located At iCHIFFMAH JEWRLRT CO. Phoa IM W. McC Ne.le, M. E. P. O. tms Ml Pkowe a4Sl CSORIVLTIRO MP.CHAJ4ICAL BrTGINEERg Maehla aad Mill Daalgni , 17 i . R. I. aad P 3 C. H. I. aad P. ar. 3 C. R. I. aad P. T pr. ... 113 hlle a Chin Top 41 Cora-Cola 3d Col. aad E. .. A Col. and 9au 1 I el. Graph 3 CaL Granh. pr. 9 1 omp. Tab 3 Caal tig. I t ea, rtlst. 1SS (oaa. Vaa. r. Kl t eas. Textl 134 Coat. Caa. I f oat. laaar IX (era. Prod. . . . 8 ( era. Prod. pr. 34 loadea 3 Ceodea, pr. R fnse. tl ta f roe. tl I Crae. tl. pr. T Caba Caae, a. aaa Caa a, w. .... I ( abaa Am. a- ft Davldaa Ch 3 !e Beer Co I Mel. aad Tad. l. I., aad West ilome Mlwea Da Pant D JSem )jul Kodak ll Elk Mora. C 124 Kl. star. Bat Em. Bran. pr. P.adl-Joha Ea-Jha pr. Erie Erie, let. pr Erie 2 pr Fam. Play Fam. Play, pr Fed. M. aad I Pleher Body Flak Rah Freep't-Tx. Gea. Am. Tank Gea. Asphalt Gen. Aephalt pr. Gea. f tgar G. ( Ig. pr. db Gen. Electric Gea. Meter G. Mat. C per cent. db. Gllddea ( Goed'k BF Good. BF. pr Granny Mln Gray d Dav. 04 Gt. rth. pr Gt. . Or. sob 3 Guantaa 1 G. M. aad Smr 3 G. Mo. aad pr 24 Gulf. Stat. Stl. 1 Ha'aharr Kl I Header Mg. 13 Hoaan. Oil. 134 Hudson Mot Hupp. Mot Ilydranl St Itrdraal atl. pr Illinois ten Inborn Ref Inaplr. top lntbor.-( en Int. -ran. pr Inter. R. T. w. L 1 Int. Agri. pr. It Int. Cemeat 14 Int. Combaatloa 3 Int. Gt. North lot. Rar. Co 1 lat. Har. pr 4 la. Mrr. Mar 1 lat. Mer. Mr. ar. . . . lat. Nickel 5 lat. Paper ST Iavlae. Oil S Iran Prod. lalaad Oil a 13 1 a i 31 3 4A T 3 3 a o N int 3 i 4 fll 4 H 4 a 4 0 14 Riga. . . . TTt ... 11H ... 44 ... 7 . . . IXH ... S ... 1 ... th ...ii . . . 43V4 ... sat. . .. IW . .. S3H ...XT ...34 ... T ... T4t ...1TPV4 ....134 ... H ... 1T ... 33 ... 4 . . .14 ... lit ... TH .. .IM ... 3S ... H ... sit, , ..13X . .. 41 ...loata ...113H ... ... li ... Bt . ..iae4 ... 4.1S . ..I3t4 ... H4 ... SH .... 3 ...ixx ...151 . . .14 ... a ... 4XH .. . STH ... nv ... 3 ... 15t4 ... S ... ... 34 .. . 1 ..., ...114 ..1081 ... 3 -... 314 ...11414 ... 114 ... 33 ...ID ...118 ... 3H ... 344 ... 1XH ...13344 ... 44. ... 34 ... 4 ... V . .. 1 ... 4844 ... 34 ...1T ... 44 .. .1174 . . 14 ...1114 ... an ... 3 ...13. . ..13)t4 . .. 43t4 ... 7 ... a .. IT ... Tt4 ...81 . .. 48H ...a ... IU ... T44 ...141H .. . a . .. at T344 ... 3H . . 43 . . . l ...14 ... 314 ... 374 ...at ... 84 .. . 444 ... 1H ... 3614 . . . 4 ... 83 . ..13H . .. 84 ... 84 ... 87. .. . 3T ... XTH . .. 34H ...7 . ..14V ... 43 . . . a . .. 4 . .. 7S . .. 35 4k . ..tain ... IIH . . . 13H .. . J ...124 . . .1X3 . . . 4044 . . .1814 ...844 . .. 844 ... 83 . .. 14 ... a4 ... 33i ... art ... 33 V4 ...123 . . .13 ...41 . . .15 . .. 83H ...304 ...514 . . . XT . . . 87 ...118 . .. 1144 ... 17V4 . .. ia4 ... 3'4 ...88 ... 53 . . .18 ... IIS . . . 28 . . . 71 ... 44 ...73 . . . 7 . . .13'4 . . .17 ... 144 . . . 83 . . . 1V4 ... 344 . . . ft . . . 34 . .. 18 . . . 87 . . . 31 ... 10 . . . 14 ... 43 .. . 78 . . . I . . . 18 ... 87 . . . 34 . . . 31 .... 4 .10 . . 17 . 334 H .. 1 . . 33 . 30 . . 34 . . 34 . . XI . .10 ..118 . . II .. 48 . . 14 . . 4 .. 14 . . 41 .. Low. 77 .11 44 3 -13 1 N II 41 3 81 S3 37 33 7 T3 178 134 8 14 33 8 13 11 T 14 38 11 3 II 45 188 113 8 38 51 18 43 "3 88 3tt a 1X1 148 148 38 4T ST 81 as 18 5 43 34 I . 84 113 lOB I 3 111 I us a 3 13 138 48 5 43 SO 1 44 84 17 4 11T 13 118 S 3 183 1311 44 T S IT T SO 47 88 53 T 148 a 84 Tl 3ft 4 38 S3 a 8 4 l 33 3 S3 138 T8 31 31 33 T4 11 43 a 8 S3 34 1X3 18 88 83 12T 1X3 43 18ft 83 83 83 13 88 33 XT 22 1X2 1X8 48 181 84 IT 58 XT SB 118 11 18 13 88 87 58 15T 11 18 88 Xft 88 T3 188 ITS 14 S3 in 88 T8 33 18 83 30 in 14 43 TX 1 1ft S3 XX 23 4 48 1M 18 83 a 1 ai 38 34 38 an, M 118 11 4T 18 48 14 41 Last Sale. TT 1 44 58 13 I 88 118 43 3 ei S3 3T S3 T8 TS ITS 134 8 13 as a 138 It 8T 14 XT II 3 138 45 18 113 a XI 53 18l 43 103 88 133 148 148 a :' 4ft 87 83 38 . 15 58 48 34 1 4 113 18 81 a in i xx IS 118 S3 a 13 133 41 sa 45 SS IS 44 85 1ST 4 1IT 13 118 38 3 183 138 44 T 38 IT T 8 4T 88 53 T 148 3 34 71 38 43 88 3 3 30 54 4 to 34 3T S3 IX TO 33 88 88 3(1 33 T8 103 43 2 8 85 34 125 18 I 183 83 IXT 1XX 48 loa 83 83 sa 18 38 XS XT XX 1XX 188 40 13X 84 20 8T XT 854 lift 11 18 IX 80 87 SO 157 II 28 TO 38 88 T8 183 ITS 14 S3 IS 30 T8 32 10 84 30 10 14 4X 73 , 1 1ft 84 2.1 XX 4 40 108 13 j 33 1 31 SO 34 33 31 as tie it 48 13 48 14 41 H ft 33 ai 3 a IT a i a as IT a a a a a s 3 a a a a ' a i a 3 a is a s a ii 13 XT S 5 IS 4 XS 1X1 4 3 S a ss 48 X 34 a i a a s a 38 a a a a 31 181 a l 13 as a l a i 4 a T i ST ST II a IT 11 II a 18 S T T 2 8 a a 1XX X 4 T S a ii 8T xn 24 a i izx 3 1 3 18 23 I 18 33 1 3 ST 38 43 82 a 13 3 3 e 4 1 88 38 114 51 T 4 1 3 4.1 33 II 1 X3S 4 15 3 4 81 41 38 38 10 18 3 5 23 4 28 40 2 1 11 2 118 73 1 408 : 1 81 U" I I 4 I 31 I 13 ! 33 ; 5 I 'M ii I I 3 48 4 11 Blah . .. 48 ... IS ... 3 ... 4 ... 41 . .. S . . .183 .. T8 ... 88 .. . 31 ... XS ... S3 ... 55 ...IS ...IS ... 48 .. .10 ...183 ...138 ... S3 . .. SI .. . 83 ...103 .. . 33 ...41 ... 45 . . . 46 ... 54 . .. 88 . .. 88 ...as ... SI . .. as ... 53 ... 44 ... 13 ...184 ... IT ...SOS . . . 18 .. . 1 . .. 25 ... 11 ... 31 ... 8 . .. 88 ... 14 . .. SS . . 81 1 48 ST 1 18 13 5T I 83 1S1 118 114 3 14 83 S3 X5 33 ai 11T 88 48 TS a is 148 8 4 ar i S3 14 45 84 83 4T 4 SX IS ss ... 41 .... 11 XT .. . . S 38 .... 43 B8 . 38 .... 18 108 111 41 SS .... 45 .... 38 ....111 34 la TT 48 58 .... 33 XX 48 83 .... IX 8X . . . . 53 XS 18 XX 38 83 58 18 3 . . . . 5 ft .... S3 . . . . 8 35 33 .... 8 .... SO 33 S3 37 88 .... IT 11T 18 ....118 81 T 53 . . . .133 118 . . . . ft . . . . 4 . . . . ft 4T A3 .... 31 18 .... S3 .... Th 85 .... 54 13 141 18 143 TS 85 T6 152 12 20 XS . 82 . IS . 84 . 83 . 4ft . 84 .104 .1X1 . 81 . 18 . 33 . 3.1 . 83 . 14 . 8 . . 25 . II . 12 XS Lave 48 IT a 88 40 SH 188 78 88 31 33 SI S3 18 13 48 108 IS 12 33 81 SI 13 38 41 45 45 54 38 SS 35 30 2 63 44 13 isa is ass 15 14 as ii 30 S S4 18 38 31 15 43 ST 30 13 ST 1 SI 1S1 115 114 a is ' sa SIVs 33 ' 30 30 115 ST 45 TT a is 14S 8 48 38 1 .81 IS 44 TS TS 45 3 SI 14 as 84 38 41 11 20 4 38 43 58 84 IS 188 111 XT 118 34 IX 7S 48 5 31 23 48 S3 "X SI 5X 28 IS 20 34 SI 55 17 3 5 8 80 8 33 31 8 88 33 81 ST SS IT 115 15 118 5S 58 51 121 116 T 4 8 46 6t IS IS 51 T8 64 84 11 138 15 138 TB 33 74 152 13 28 35 03 18 11 S3 47 84 103 131 SS IS 31 33 61 13 3 34V, II 11V. 33 in 58 108 8 18 33 48 4 318 . as s Laat fan 48 IT a 38 40 6 ISO TT 88 31 35 62 64 18 ia 48 108 181 13S 53 81 81 103 31 41 43 43 54 38 4M XS 31 36 S3 44 13. . isa IT 306 16 14 as it 31 6 64 13 38 31 16 43 6T 30 i IT 13 ST 1 S3 101 1IT 114 X 13 S3 81 XS XI 30 115 SS 45 TT 3 1 14 8 4 36 1 83 13 44 TS TS S 46 8 3 14 38 84 38 41 11 26 4 38 42 SS 84 18 18 111 40 ST 44 38 IIS 34 13 TS 48 5 31 XX 4T S3 IX SI 63 28 18 21 38 33 8T 18 3 5 8 81 8 35 31 8 88 33 61 3T SS IT 118 106 118 80 56 .12 123 116 S 4 8 46 81 xn is 63 78 64 54 11 13S 13 140 76 36 75 152 12 Sal la lSS-a II Joaea Tea Kaa. C. Sea. Kaaa. Galf Co. Rayer. J. aew Kel-Sprlaur- Kryatoa Tire Kreeare, 8. 8 Lack. Steel Laclede Ga 1.. Erto aad W Lee Rah. aad T. Lehigh Val Lima Loo. Loewa lac. Loft Candy Loo W. BIB. WIU H. 1st pr. Lortllard P Loa. aad Naaa. .Mark Track Mark Tr. 1 pr. .Mack Tr. 3 ar. Markay Co. Malllaaaa Maaatl Sag Maakat. Guar. Maa. fiaar. ctfa. ........ M'hat. Shirt Mar. a. H. pr Mar. 8. R. prL pr. Mar. S. R. a pr. Marlaad Oil Mart Parry Math. Alk. W Max. Motor A. Max. Motor B May Dept. St. Melaiyr M Mex. PetroL . . '. Mex. Scab. Oil Mex. Sea. Oil ctfa. ..... Miami C. Cp Mid. state oil MMval StL Mlaa. aad 8L L. M. s. P. aad 8. . M Mo., K. aad T. Ma, K. aad T. pr. aew . Mo K. aad .T. warvaata Ma. PactSe Me. Par. pr. , Moataaa Pawer Montgomery Ward Mall Body Nat. Acme Nat. f Ik. aad 8a. St. Caa. aad C. Nt. Ea. aad Stp. Nt. Em. and St. pr. Nat. Lead Nat. Lead pr. . R. R. Mx. 3 pr. . Nov. Coa. cp. . O. Tx. aad Mx. . N. . Central N. V. Dock V. Y N. H. aad H. N. V.. On. aad W. . Nor ' .aad West. . . . Nar. A mar. Nor. Am. pr. Nor. PaclBe Okla. PraeL Orpk'm Clr. Otla Eleva. Otia Steel Otla Stl. pr. Owe Bat Par. Devol Par. G. aad E. Par. Mall ParlSe Oil Paa. A. Pet Paa. A. Pet. B. Paahaadte Peaa. R. R Peaa. Sea. SL People G. aad C. .. Pear, aad East. ... Per Mara Pere Mar. pr Phil. Ca. Phillip Pet Pierre-A r. Plerce-Ar. pr Pierce Oil Pierce O. pr. PIV Wig. Stores . . Pitt f oal Pitt, aad W. V. . Pone. I t. Coal Poatam Cereal Psslaa Cereal pr. Prod, aad Ref. Pah. -r. r. H. i Paa. A I. Sagcar Pare Oil Ry. Stl. Spa; Raad Mlao Ray Coa. C Readlag- Read lat pr Read 3d. pr Reminattoa T. Rrplogle StL ... Rep. I. aad Stl Rep. I. aad 8. pr. Rey. Spriaara Rey Teh. It. R. Datrh Rat. Ry. pr. t. Jo. Lead St. I. aad Saa Fraa. . , St. L.-S. F. pr St. L. aad 8w St. L. aad Sy. pr Savage Am. Saxaa Mot Seah'd A. I Seah'd A. I., pr. Sear, Raeh Seaeca Cop Shell Tr. aad T Slarlr, Coo Skelly Oil Saatb Pac aoath. R. R. Saath. R. R. pr Soa. P. R. 8a Soa. P. R. 8a. pr Splrer Mfg taad. OH Cal Staad. Oil N. J Stand. Oil V J. pr. Sterling Prod. Stew War Strom. Carb Sradehaker Sradebaher, pr Sahma. Roat n eerier OH Teaa. C. aad C Texaa Cam Tea. Galf Texa and Pac T. aad P. C. aad Co. . . . Tob. Prod Tobacco Pro. A T., SL L. IV. R T.. St. L. W. B. pr Trnnacoat. OH I-ad. Typewriter Valoa Oil Lnlaa Pac I'a. Par. pr. Call. AL Stl I alt. Drag 1 nit. Fralt I nit. Ry. In I alt. R. I pr 1. S. C. I. P. and F. . . . C. S. C. I. P. and F. pr . I. 8. Han. Marh I . a. lad. Ale C. 8. R. aad Im I. S. Rabber V. s. Rah. lta pr. I . 8. Steel t . 8. Steel pr. l'tah Cap. I tab See. Cor. Vanad. Corp. V.-Car. ( hem Ya.-Car. Chens, pr. .... Vlvaadoa Wabash Wh. pr. A Web.-Hellbr W. Maryl'd W. Md. 2d. pr Wester Kl. pr. Ill W . Par. pr. ST Wet. In. Tel. US W h. and L. E S W. and L. E. pr. 1SV. White Eagle Oil 33 White Mot 48 White Oil 6 Willys Overlaad 6 Woolworth 318 Worth, p. aad M. 28 Wright Aer Total aales teSO.OM agalaat SM.006 yeaterdayi 1.157,- 80S a week go 647333 a year aga, aad 678,00, twe year. aaro. Free Jaaaary 1 ta data asSSS.lOS agalaat 1STM1463 a year ag. aad INMiMl two yeara ago. P, After Showing Net Losses, Prices Hold Steady Late In Afternoon. STOCKS AND GRAIN HURT New Tork. Nov. !. Th cotton market was easier during today's early trading but business waa com paratively culet. and after showing net losses of some JS to 40 points, prices held steady In the late after noon. January contracts sold off to 14.95 during the middle of the dav and closed at S6.0I with the general market closing steady at a net de cline of 19 to 38 points. Th market opened steady at a de cline of IS to S3 points In response to relatively easy cable. There were rallies to within Ave to seven nolnta of yesterday' closing flgtires right after the call, but Liverpool showed continued weakness and the market nere soon eased off again. Buyers of yeaterdatr aftrenoon seemed to be dla- appolnted by the showing of the r.ngllsh market and the fact that the spot ssles officially reported In the south late yesterday failed to confirm yesterday afternoon's private reporta of an Increased business. These two features doubtless accounted for con siderable liquidation while there was also scattered southern selling on the decline which carried December off from 35.il to 34 93 and March from 35. IS to 34.07. These prices repre sented net losses of 33 to 40 points and the market steadied during the early afternoon on reports that some scale down orders to buy for trade account had been encountered Just be low me in cent level. There also seemed to be some covering or rebuv Ing by recent sellers, and last prices showed rallies of some 10 to 15 points from tbe lowest. Prlvste cables said the relatively easy showing of Liverpool was duo to reselling by bulls owing to a poor trade In Manchester. Some of the private advices reaching her from tno south during the morning com plained of a continued poor spot de mand but reports of diminishing ac tivity in southern cotton mills were denied by advices from Charlotte. Weakness In stocks and grain con tributed to the midday decline. Tues. Pec. Jan. Mar !May July Open. S5.20 25.13 , 35.20 35.00 24 44 High. Low. Close. Close. 25 .35 25.25 5.25 35.13 34.75 4 92 245 34.98 34.15 24.50 36.07 25.33 25.08 35.30 35.07 25.11 34.95 25.30 34.83 24.83 Spot cotton quiet; middling 35. SO. Port Movement of Carte. New Orleans: Middling. 25.90; re ceipts. 13.843; exports, 1(0; salea, 1, 029; stock, 311.833. Galveston: Middling, 35.05; receipts, 1S.5; ft ports. 5,817: sales, 1.519; stock. 613,562. Mobile: Middling, 34.83; receipts, 444: stork, 17.037. Savannah: Middling, 34.76: receipts, 1.367; stock. 81.999. Charleston: Receipts. 1,363; stock, (7.800. Wilmington: Receipts, 1,087; stock. 38.915. Texas City: Stock, 27,406. Norfolk: Middling, 25.00; receipts, 1,913; sales. 315; stock. 108.461. Baltimore: Stock, 3.617. Boston: Middling, 26.40; receipts, 250; stock, 5.600. Phllsdelphia: Stock, 4.441. New York: Middling, 36.10; receipts. 148; stock. 63.491. Minor ports: Receipts, 200; exports, 300: stock, 7,664. Total today: Receipts. 33,317; ax ports. 6.117: stock, 1.330.116. Total for week: Receipts, 143.471; exports, 66,323. Total for season: Receipts, 3,167. 699; exports. 1,920.616. NEW YORK BONDS New York, Nov. 31v Following are today'e closing prices of feoads ea the New lark Stock Bxcaaage, aad the fatal aalesi United States Bonds Sale ' (ta atsoo.) 1136 Liberty a 3 Liberty aeeoad 4 18 Liberty first 4a 55T Liberty aecond 4s 65 Liberty third 4s , SS3 Liberty foarta 4a ITS Victory 4a (aaralled) 5 Victory 4a (called) Sea Halted Mates Treasury 4 Foreign Government, State and Municipal HUh. Law. Claaa. 100.60 100.38 100.46 ST.S0 8T.86 8T.S0 8S.T6 8.54 8S.60 8S.0a ST.ftO ST.84 BS.no 88.52 BB.5S tWtSO 88,18 08.23 100.33 100.28 100.30 100.08 100.03 100.06 88.58 88.5 BSJ13 Close Argentine 7s 10044 City of Hergen 8s 108 V city of Heme 8 1084, City of Bordeaux 6s 77(4 City of Copenhagen 6s 90 rity or ureater t'rague 7s .... 7s City of Lyons 6s 77 Clt yof Marseilles 6s . ; 77U City of Rio de Janeiro 8s . 96 City of Toklo 5s 69 city of Zurich 8s ill Cserhoslovak Republic 8s ctfa. . . 89 Department of Seine 7s 85U Horn, of Can. 5 notes. 1929 . 100 Horn, or Canada 5s. 1952 98 Dutch Kasl Indies 6s, 1947 93 Dutch Rest Indies 6s. 19(3 WW French Republic 8s 98 French Republic 7s 8S Holland-American Line 6a 85 Japanese first 4s 93 Japaneae 4s 30 Oe. Kingdom of Belgium 7s 101 Kingdom of Belgium (s 96 Kingdom of Denmark 6s 984 Kingdom of Italy (s 94 Kingdom of Netherlands ( 96 Kingdom of Norway 8 110 Kingdom of Sweden 6s 104 Paris-Lyons-Mediterranean 6s.. 72 Republic of Bolivia 6s ... . .. 94 Republic of Chile 8s, 1946 10! Republic of Cuba 6a. 1904 14 Republic of Uruguay 8s 104 State of Queensland 7s 107 State of Queensland 6s 101 State of San Paulo a. f. 8s 99 U. K. of O. B. ft I. 6s, 1929 UOU ....103X U. K. of O. B. ft I. 68, 1937 li. K. urasii la U. 8. of Braill 7s . .; V. 8. Brasll-Cent. Ky. Eleot 7s U. S. of Mexico 6s U. S. of Mexico 4 Railway and Miscellaneous Close. I Interior Movemeat of Cortoa. Houston: Middling. 25.00; receipts, 10.579; shipments, 1,718; sales, 1,34.7; slock. 447,(58. Memphis: Middling. 26.60: receipts, 6.958; shipments, 7,413; sales. 1.360; stack, 177.8(4. Augusts: Middling, 24.75: receipts, 1.005; shipments, 151; sales, 25: stock, 76.668. Rt. Louis: Middling 25.76; receipts (.935: shipments. 6.325; stock, 17.245. Atlanta: Middling. 25.30. Little Rock: Middling, 16.17; re ceipts. 1,184; shipments, 473; sales, 452. atock, (4.906. Dallas: Middling. 24.16; sales, 1. 362. Montgomery: Middling, 24.50. Total today: Receipts, 24.661, ship ments. 21.0(0; stock, 784,251. DECLINE IS SHOWN IN COTTON PRICES 33 S3 IB 63 84 48 Sailing Preunra Whil Not Heavy Is Persistant and Causas A Slump. New Orleans. Nov. 22. Lower prlcea prevailed in cotton today throughut the session. Although selling pressure was not heavy. It was persistent and was mainly based on leas favorable mill reports from both sides of the water. Consider able selling waa due to reports that aome large American mill were un able to run to as great capacity as desired because of labor troubles, English mill sccounts were almost uniformly unfavorable. Lowest prices came In the afternoon when December was off to 24.44 and the most active months showed losses of 82 to 38 pclnts. The close was at net declines of 16 to 20 points with De cember St 24.62. Liquidation of the long Interests -ss in sufficient volume at times to attract attention and It was consid ered that this sort of selling wss be ing stimulated by the nearness of first notice day for December, which Is Friday. While It Is fairly certain that there will be tenders, there is great uncertainty over, the quantity of cotton likely to be tendered. The weekly crop reports by the government caused much comment because of their mention of a top crop maturing In Texas, but any bearish effect from this wss offset by a private estimate that tltt- top i Amir. Agri. Chem. 7s 101 Amsr. Smelting 6s 91 Amer. Sigar (a 101 Amer. Tel. ft Tel. col. tr. (s 97 Amer. Tel. ft Tel. col. 4s Amer. Writing Paper (s Amer. Water Wks. ft ElecL 6s. Anton Jurgen Marg. Works (a. . Armour ft Co. 4s A.. T. ft 8. F. gen. 4s A.. T. A S. F, adj. 4s Baltimore ft Ohio (s Baltimore ft Ohio cv. 4s Bell Tel. of Pa. 7s Bethlehem 8teel p. m. (s Brooklyn Edison gen. 7s, . . Brooklyn Rapid Trans. 7s ctrs. Canadian Northern 7s Canadian Pacific deb. 4s Central of Georgia (a Central Leather 6s Central New England 4s Cerro de Pasco 8s Chesapeake ft Ohio cv. Si Chesapeake & onto cv. . . , Chi. & Alton I Chi. ft Alton 3s Chi., Burl, ft Qulncy ref. (s A. Chi. ft Eastern Illinois 5a CJhl. Oreat Western 4s Chi., Mil. ft St. Paul cv. 6s, B. Chi.. Mil. ft St. I'aul cv. 4 Via . Chi., Mil. ft St. Paul ref. 4s . . Chi. ft Northwestern 7s Chi.. Rock I. ft Pac. ref. 4s Chi. ft Western Indiana 4s .... Chile Copper 7s Chile Copper 6s Colorsdo Industrial 5s Colorado & Southern ref. 4s Columbia Gas ft Elec. 5s Cons. Coal of Maryland 5s . . . Cuba Cane Sugar deb. (s Cuba R. R. 7s. A Cuban American Sugar 8s . . , Delaware ft Hudson cv. 6s . . . Denver & Rio Grande ref. 6s . Detroit Edison ref. 6s Distillers Securities 6s Donner Steel ref. 7s DuPont de Nemours 7s Duquesne Light (s Empire Gas Fuel 7sctfs.. Erie pr. lien 4s Erie gen. lien 4s Framerioan Ind. Dev. 7s ... General Electric deb. 5s Goodrich 6s Goodvear Tire 8s. 1911 Goodyear Tire 8s. 1941 1164 Grand trunk Ry. of Can. 7s ....111 Grand Trunk Ry, of Can. (s 102 Great Nortlern 7s A i"'A Oreat Northern 5s, B l'JU Hudson Msn. ref. 6, A 63 Hudson ft Msn. adj. Inc. (s (9 Humble Oil ft Ref. (s 97 Illinois Central (s 100 Illinois Central ref. 4s Illinois Steel deb. 4t Indiana Steel 6a Interboro-Met. 4s Interboro-Met. 4s ctfs. stpd Tnterborn Ranid Transit 7a.. Interboro Rao. Tran. j-ef. 6s 73 44 llnterboro Rap. Tran. ref. 5s otfs. 73U Inter. 'it. .ormern an. s wi. put Inter. Mer. Marine s. f. 6s (9V4 International Paper ref. Is B . Iowa Central ref. 4a Ksn. City. Ft. S. ft Mem. 4 . . Kansas City Southern 6s Kansas City Terminal 4s Kelly-Sprlngfteld Tire Is Lackawanna Steel 6. 1960 L. Shore ft M. 8. deb. 4s. 19(1. Lehigh Valley (s Liggett ft Myers (s Lortllard 5s Ia. A Northwestern 6s Louisville ft Nash, unified 4s . Magma Copper 7s Mana,tl Sugar 7s Msrland Oil 7s Mldvale Steel cv. 5s Minn, ft 8t. Louis ref. 6s Minn., St. P. A S. S. Marie (s M , K. ft T. pr. lien (s C M.t K. A T. new pr. Hen (s A. M., K. ft T. new adj. 6s A Missouri Pacific con. (s Missouri Paclfle nn. 4 1 Montana rowsr 6s A (3 suv. . . 7 . . 89 . . 88 .. 81 ..100 . . 80 . .108 .. 911, . .108 . . 87 ..111V4 . . 79 .. 994. . . 98. .. (1 . .122 .. 93 . . (7 . . 24 .. 61 .. 994, .. 80 .. 49 . . 70 .. (( ...62 .. .10( ... 814, ... 74 ...110 . .. 95 44 . .. 7TV4 ... 864 ... 984 ... 884 ... 88. ...104 ...10H . .. 96 ... 44 . ..101-S ...61 ... 91 ...1074 ..10Z .. 94 .. 6714 . . 46 . . 88 ..100 ..101 96T4 90 (7 484 (6 Cloae 96 (2 69 62vt 96 9814 New Eng. Tel. A Tel. lat (a ctfa N. Orleans. Tex. ft Mx. Ino. 6s.. 77 N. Y. Central deb. (s 104 N. Y, Central rfg. A Imp. 6s 96 N. Y. Central con. 4s 804 N. Y., Chi. ft Bt. Louis deb. 4s... (74 N. Y. Edison ref. (s 109 N. Y., N. H. ft H. cv. (a, 1948... 74 N. Y. Telephone ref. (s.141 1044 N. Y. Telephona gen. 46 93 N. Y Westchester ft Bos. 4s.. 44 Norfolk ft Western cv. s 114 North American Edison a f. 4s.. 934 Northern Paolflo ref. (s B 107 North. Pacific rfg. ft Imp. 6s, C. 97 Northern Paclflo pr, lien 4a (( North. States Power ref. 6a, A. . . 914 Northwestern Bell Tel. 7 1074 Oregon ft California first (s ...100 Oregon Short Lin ref. 4a 91 Oregon-Wash. R. R. ft Nav. 4s... 61 Otis Steel 7s 91 Pacific Gas ft Electric 6s 91 Pacific Tel. ft Tel. 5s, 1951 ctfs.. 90 Packard Motor Car (s 107 Pan-Amer. Pet. tr Tran. 7 108,4 Pennsylvania R. R. (s 109 Pennsylvania R. R. gen. (s 994 Pennsylvania R. R. gen. 4 Vis ... 90 Peoria ft Eastern Inc. 4s 27 Pere Marquette ref. 6 96 Phila. Co. col. tr. (a 100 Portland Ry., Lt. ft Power 6s... (4 producers ft tier. s, with war. .117 (5 (34 96 92 79 s 85 90 ..100 . . 12 .. 11 . . 95 . ( . 38 .,78 i 89 . 82 .106 . 90 . 91 .103 . 98 . 97 . 77 . 90 .110 . 97 .104 . 88 ' . 38 .103 Public Service (s . . Reading gen. 4s Remington Arms s. f. (s Republic Iron and Steal col. 6. Rock Isl.. Ark. ft La. 4s St. U. I. Mt. ft So. 4s. R.AG. dlv. St. L. ft San Fran. pr. lien 4s A. . 70 St. L. ft San Fran. adj. 6s 76 St. L. A San Fran. Inc. (s 61 St. L. Southwestern con. 4s 76 St. Paul A Kan. C. Sh. Llna 4s. (0 aeaooara Air L.ine con. ss Seaboard Air Line ad). 6s Seaboard Air Line ref. 4s Shsron Steel Hoop (s A Sinclair Con. Oil col. 7s Sinclair Crude Oil 5s Southern Bell Tel. 6a Southern Pacific cv. 4s Southern Pacific ref. 4a Southern Pacific eol. tr. 4s . . . . Southern Railway gen. (s .. Southern Railway con. 6s .... Southern Railway gen. 4a South Porto Rico Sugar 7a .... Standard Oil of CaL deb. 7a... Third Avenue ref. 4s Third Avenue adj. 6s Tidewater Oil (s Tobacco Products 7s Tolsdo, Rt. Louis A Western 4s ITnlon Bag ft Paper ( A ctfs. Union Pacific first 4s Pnlon Paclfle cv. 4s Union Pacific ref. 4a ITnlon Tank Car 7s United Drug (s . tTnlted Ry. Inv. 1st 8s, Pitts. United States Realty 6s United States Rubber 7s . United States Rubber 6s . . . United States Steel s. f. 6s Utah Power ft Light 6s Va.-Caro. Chem. 7s, with war. Va. -Carolina Chem. 7s ctfs Virginian Railway 6s Western Maryland first 4s Western Pacific 6s Western Union, 8s Westinghouse Electric 7s Wlckwira-Spencer Steel 7s Wilson ft Co. s. f. 7s . . . Wilson ft Co. cv. (s Wisconsin Central gen. 4s . Total sales of bonds today were 111.490.000 compared with 11,4(6,000 previous day and (31,380,000 a year (1 22 . 39 . 98 .100 . 88 . 5 . 91 . 86 . 84 .101 . !'6 . 96 .108 . 6 . 56 .102 .103 . 71 . . 98 . . 91 . . 95 .. 84 ..103 ..111 .. 87 .. 99 ..108 .. 87 ..102 91 94 95 .. 9fs .. .. 83 ..109 ..107 .. 9( ..104 95 (0 Steadier Rio Market Sen is Coffee Futures Up Higher crop of the entire state would not j Indicated a decline of 90 reli New Tork. Nov. 22. The market for coffee futures was higher today on reports of a steadier Rio market, stesdv cost snd freight offers and further covering by near month shorts. The opening was one to four points higher and the more active months sold live to ten points above yesterday's closing quotations with December touching 9.79 snd March 9t4. Later, March reacted to 9.61 under realising, with the general market closing at a net advance of one to aeven points. Ssles were es timated at about 35.000 bags Includ ing exchanges. December 9.7; Janu ary 9.67; March 9 61; May 9.25; July 9.02; September (.66. Spot coffee, steady. Rio 7's. 10 10; Santos 4's. lSflU. cost and freight offers llrmer Including San tos la and (s psrt Bourbons at 15 001 15.20, and RIo 7's at 10.(0 American credits. The last official canies from Brarii s in in amount to more than from 60.000 to 100.000 bales. The steadiest period of the day was around noop. following the story thst Carolina mills were In the local market with an order for 6.000 bales of spots. ttpen. High. Low. t lose. December. . January. . . . March .... May July. 24.60 24.(5 24.70 24. 5S 24. 2( High 24.70 24.80 24.(8 24.70 24.14 34. 4fl 24.62 24.60 24.57 24.66 24.65 3-4.42 24.62 24 20 24.28 Spot cotton closed steady, un changed. Low middling, 24.18: middling, 26.00; good middling, 25.(3. Receipts, 12.(42; stork, 811.623. Feaaer and Beaae's Cotton Letter, Ihpfrttl to IHlljr N.n I New Orleans, Nov. 22. Cotton was quieter today and price changes smaller than any day for a month. Values were on the downgrade moat of the day though the net loss was small. Scarcity of news of a stimu- jlating character was one of the chief 134 j features. This probably accounted 131 'largely for th Increasing dlapoaltlon 06 to realise and the reduced power of 13 the rallies. 33 f Spot news was not of such a natuts 25 i to stimulate buying though reports -1, from the interior told of firmness of 'a holders everywhere. 5 Possibility of a fair sued top crop , In Texaa as evidenced by the weekly 25 ; review from a well known reporter who predicts 50,000 to 100.000 hales top crop proved a disturbing factor. Indications point to continuation of the liquidation until 'he first Decem ber notices are c of the way or until something new develops to stim ulate fresh buying power. FEMNEH AND BEANB. v-a dollar buying rale with an advance of 1-33 pence In tne rate on uonoon. The RIo market was net 200 to 260 rels higher and finntoa 60 to 150 rels lower. Brailllsn port receipts 42,000; Jundlahy 22,01. Activity Noted In Raw Sugar But the Prices Are Unchanged SHARRDECLINEflLT J Unexpected Fall In Liverpool Quotations Is Responsible For the Drop. PROVISIONS ARE WEAK ii 12 22 111 86 108 8 144 324 48 4 4 314 38 8 Cottonseed OH. New York, Nov. 22. Cottonseed oil advsnced several points early on cov ering and commission house buying, prompted by the steadiness In cru&s snd lard but reacted before th .close In sympathy with cotton. Leading deliveries closed unchanged to three points net lower. Rales (,100 barrels. Prime crude I 25 sales: prime sum mer yellow spot 9.5049.95; December 9.40; March 9.80; May 1.94, all bid. Chicago Cattle. Chicago. Nov. 22. Cattle: Receipts K.000; good to best corn fed beef steers steady: short fed snd native and weatern grassers uneven, steady to lower; one load prime 1.417 pound steers 13 50; top yearlings 13.00; bulk native steers ahort fed selling largely 7 imps 26; bulk western Steers 6.60B 6 60; few up to 7.004J7.25; aha stock n.nstlv steao : bulk butcher cow and heifers 8.76cJ(00; csnners and cut ters largely 2.8673.50; bulls closing 10 to 16 cents lower; hulk bologna 4.10 4.40; stockers and feeders arouno steadv; bulk 5.7643( 60. Hogs: Receipts 27,000; closing 15 to 20 cents lower; mixed and packing hogs off most: hulk 170 to 340 pound verage 7.(0 7. 76: good snd choice 2 26 to 2.(0 pound butchers 7.(07.85: top 7.86; 140 to 160 pound versge f SR. napliillir SOWS mOStW 7.007-25. desirable pigs 7.858.00; estimated holdover 1S.00H. Sheep: Receipts io."uu; im ,""'" weak to 15 cents lower; top 14.76 to cltv butchers. 14 65 to packers and shippers; bulk 14. 25ff 14.60; culls 11.00 iff 11.60, generally; feeders steady to strong: top 14.60 for three losds 58 to 62 pound choice Montsna feeding lambs; one deck 70 pound feeding yearlings 11.50; aged, feeding wethers 8 36: desirable 92 pound fed yearling wethers 12.00; sheep steady to weak: heavy fat ewes 6.006.00; one, load 123 pound few ewes 7.00. Naval Stores, Ssvannah. Nov. 22. Turpentine, nothing doing; last sales November 18, 1.62: receipts 412; shipments 7V; stock 13,209. Rosin Arm; ssles 2.39b; receipts 1.049; shipments 232: stock 103,998. Quote: B, D, E, V. Q. H. I, 5.15 : K. 6.40; M, 6.(0; N, 6(0; WQ, (.06; WW. (.65. New York. Nov. 12. Mors activity wss noted In the local raw sugar market today but no change In prices with Cuba quoted at 1 cost and freight, equal to 6.45 for centrifugal. The day's business amounted to 128, 000 bag- of Cubas for prompt, Novem ber and December shipment to local refiners. There was also a sal of 25.670 hags of Philippine Island oen trlfugals due about December 16 at 6.62 delivered. There was renewed buying In raw sugar futures by both trade Inter est and commission houses prompted by the better demand In the spot market. Prices at one time showed advance of three to seven points, but reacted partially undsr. realising near the close with final quotations unchanged to six points higher. Dec ember (.((; March (.43; May 3.66; July 3.(8. A little better inquiry re ported In refined sugar but no change In quotations which ranga from 4.90 to 7.00 for fin granulated. Refined future nominal. Late In the day there were aales of 30,000 bags of various full duty sugars at 1 cent c 1. f. equal to d.os tor ceniruugai. Foreign Bar Silver. London, Nov. 23. Bar sliver 31 and 7-i pence per ounce. Money 1 per cent; discount rates short and three months' bills Iftfllni per ueui. Chlosgo, Nov. tt. Wheat under went a daoldsd setback In prloe today owing to an unexpsctsd dsolln In Liverpool quotatlona as well aa New York stock market weakneas and disquieting reports about British un employment conditions. The olose was unsettled one cent to 1 not lower with May 1.16 to 1:16. and July 1.08 to 1.08. Corn lost avn elghths cent to 1 and oat thr- Ighths to one-half cent In provi sions the outcome varied from five rents decline to a rise of 1 cents. Weakness developed at the outset In wheat because Liverpool advloe showed that ths market thar was antagonistic to an advancing; ten dency which value displayed yester day on this sld of th Atlantic Bearish reports shout ths dqmastlo winter crop outlook counted further as a weight on the market. Never theless, rallies gained considerable Impetus In the middle of th session ss a result of predlotlons which war circulated that oomprahanalv plan would soon announced for TJnttad States government asalstanc In dis posing of surplus food products aoroaa. TJ B.lln Im V - 1 V-M - though, carried th wheat mark rapidly downward again and th close was at almost the bottom fig ures of th day. It was during the final dealings that New York stock market weakneas had most effeat her as a depressing factor and that uneasiness regarding labor trouble In England led to Increaasd Balling. Corn and oats followed the lead of wheat. Reports from Omaha aug gested that westsrn dsmand for cora had become less urgent. Provisions were Inclined t sag la line with hog valuta. open. High. low. CTloaa WHEAT: Deo. ... 1.19 May ... 1.17 July ... 1.0( Deo. . . . May ... July . . ( OATS: Dec. . . . May ... July ... lard: Jan. . . 1.95 May .. J0.20 RIBS: Jan May 71 70 43 43 40 110 1.18 109 I1 71 7o 44 mih mi-' 1.16 1.1(4, 1.07 LSI 70 T0 69 4 2 St 39 1.97 10.20 9.98 10.20 70 70 9 48 41 19 .7 10.20 9.76 9 65 Wheat: No. 1 red. 1.2701 19- Nn 8 hard 1.81. Corn: No. 1 mixed. 7SV74; No. I yellow, 71 V 74 . BALTIMORE HAY AND GRAIN. (Br laueJ Wirt to Dallr 3m. Baltimore. Nov. S3. Wheat: No. 1 red winter spot, no quotations; No. 2 red winter spot 1.31: No. 2 red winter garlicky 1.80; No. 3 1.21; No. 1 red winter garlicky 1.23; Novembei 1.80; December, no bid. Corn; Cob corn, new, 8.60 and 8.60 barrel; .contract spot 81 bushel; No. 2 82; No. 4, no quotations; track corn, yellow. No. 1 old or better 88 and 90 bushel asked. Oats: White No. 1 65 asked bushel; No. 1, 64 and 64 asked. Hay: Received 6( tons; -market for better grade timothy In fair demand at l(to per ton, and for good mixed 14.00O17.00. Feaaer aad Beane'e Stock Letter. c spent I u '"lit hen.) New York. Nov. II. An unexpected situation developed In the stock mar ket today. Holdings of three pools liquidated. They wera Rock Island, Baltimore and Ohio and Frisco. This unsettled the market generally and for a while prices crumbled rapidly. The selling subsided toward ths olose. A moderate volume of short covering snd miscellaneous buying ensued with the result tnat a snarp rally was la progress as the session ended. The throwing upon th market of the pool holdings created a genaral selling movement In tho rail list and this spread to soms of the leading Industrials. It la In this kind of a market that excellent buying oppor tunities are afforded bnt unfortunate ly few people avail themselves of th price concessions. News developments war favorable In the extreme. Money waa relatively easy. Foreign exchange buoyant. Freoch francs rose from 7.0( to 7.11 strr!ng crossed 4.49. Weekly atoel trade organ reported consumption of steel keeping step with production. One feature that auto companies wera liberal buyers of teel materials. Other trade news was equally encour aging. W may anticipate continued Irreg ularity for aome time in ths stock market. Organised buyers activity is planned In a considerable number of specialties but no concerted effort will be made until sentiment Im proves. Would take advantage of all sharp drives to accumulate ths good stocks. FENNTJR AND BTJANJS. Pemaer and Beaae's Grata Letter. ISDaolal U Dally Nm. I Chicago, Nov. 22. Wheat: The mar ket was sctlve. nervous and Irregular, sealing oft early on disappointing ca bles, alow export demand an.i talk of larger prospective receipts recovering sharply on commission house buying and covering, May touching the pre vious high of the season on numer ous reports of governmental aid to farmers and to market the aurplur. grains. Corn: Fluctuation with wheal with a mixed trade. Reports of good export demand created much buytnt, at times and cash corn waa firm, bui selling waa general toward the closi and the market was at the day's low Oats: Showed Independent strength early on commission house demami snd with lackf selling pressure, bu. firstly weakened with other grain The west reported a fairly good cae'i ttadc. ' Liverpool Cottoa. Liverpool. Nov. 22. Cotton, spot steady; limited demand; prices steady, good middling 14.94; fully middling 14.91; middling 14.91; low middling 14.61; good ordinary 18.91; ordinary 18.(1. Sales (,000 bales, Includlnit 1,900 American. Receipts 11.000 bales. Including 16,400 American. Futures closed barely steady. November 14.10; December 14.01: January 13.90; March. 18.71; May 13.68; July 11.39; September 13.(7. We Offer Subject Sale 45 Shares Durham Hosiery, Preferred, 85 Flat FIRST NATIONAL TRUST CO. Durham, N. C. Rucker Bonded Warehouse Corporation Cotton Storage Cotton Factors 1 Greensboro, North Carolina One million bales of cotton bought annually within a radius of 100 miUs of Greensboro. Store your cotton in one of the beat markets in Amer ica. Liberal money advances on cotton stored.

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