GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 192J 11 "John Smith" At Imperial "John Smith" ! coming. He la bound for this city packed In ran of nim and Is sure to arrive In the belt of condition. Whlla uera, he 'rill maje hie headquarters at the Imperial theater, where you can meet him today and tomorrow. . "John Smith" wu created for Sels ilck by Victor Heerman, and lie itar Eugene O'Brien, who need mry llt- . tie Introduction. He la a man of a great deal of strength of character, who fights, with two fists and inakis . lore as nice as y6u please. - Lovely Mary Astor hem! the mp porting - cast, which also Includes Ueorge Fawcett, vlvla OgJen, Barney , Sherry, Frank!. Mann and others. The story of "John Smith" was lioth written and directed by Victor -Hour. . man. Other attractions on tad samp 'program Includes a Paths Review and . a comedy entitled "Soak the Sheik.'' Viola Daaa As Hnnaway Bride '"June Madness," a Metro picture, CHICHESTER 8 PILLS 1'ltK lslAlK.N.I IlKAKlk. T..rfl..f 1 ivi riii.ekea.ter a UUtraotid Ursnd l"0d, KBiewj WIM niU KIUDOB. alte n lilw. Buy tf roar tie n MMr. any mnl4 AUfnrCIIM ruf-trinc. At k inr j it i.i : t-Jt.'arr IA JH(D 14ItAM I'lLLft, for 96 year known at Beet. Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE V AS v5"" I Gaud Your Health g9v Be tun To Vh KiiW ItaUudTrepbrlulSU MlUa ?fi5& PREVENTIVE - CATARRH .,,JL5fcgK",!lc. ot Bl.AUUt.Kl ilwkrotn Si.. NewVorx Dr. 0. B. McRae ' CHIROPODIST : Appointments, Prrferreel lOBVs N. Blag it. flrrenehorki, N. C i Pkone 3I:i Hour ( te III I M I Today and Thursday lanaatana,swm iV J' sytWkaers other Aitraetloas COMEDY "SOAK THE SHIEK" PATHB RBVIEWS A Vtotor Haaiwaa Pniintliai S7 S7 SEVERAL SHAPES 10c AND UP Manufactured By W. f. Clegg NATIONAL TODAY AND Metro Presents A Dramatic Comedy of Jilting, Jazx, Jeopardy and Joy 'VIOLA "JUNE Support Ls Subjects Buster Keaton THE ELECTRIC HOUSE" Alao Screen Snapakota Overture Airs front "The Prince of Pllsoa" (. ilera) RATIONAL ORCHESTRA.'Carollaa'a Finest" Y'I.tE.NT KAY, Conducting starring Viola Dana, will be the fea tured attraction at the National be ginning today. It is a comedy that commences wbere ntost , ploturea leave off, at the altar. Clytle Wblt more Is being married, but she doesn't like the idea. The bride groom has a six-cipher fortupe, but his personality Is a cipher, too, though that phase doesn't matter with Clytte'a mother. Just as the ceremony la about to be performed, with mamma smiling and young girls whispering, and toe so clety reporters compiling the roster of those present, Clytle trips, falls', and gets a black eye. It Is provi dential, for It gives her the Impetus to break away and make a dasn for liberty Just aa the officiating minis ter begins to wind up his deliverer All rush after her friends, rela Uvea, mamma, witnesses, ushers, the clergyman but Clytle makes a clean getaway, aided by a handsome young Jaaa orchestra leader who tomes along In his "roadster. And now the Tun commences. When Clytie gets home they make her a prisoner,, b'.it not for very long. Again she Is on a , rampage, leading "everybody a merry chase, disturblngthe calm as surance of people who can't realise that when June madness comes scy thing may happen, even to the ihrow Ing of a million-dollar flat back into the pond. Added attractions Include the latest "Keaton" comedy, "The Electric House," and Screen Snapsnots. Miss Rebecea Patterson the Bride of Lynton Ballentiive ltaleigh, Nov. 21. A wedding of unusual Interest took place Saturday morning at the Church of the uooa BhepheTd, when Miss Rebecca South erland Patterson, of Wake Forest, be came the bride of Lynton Yatea Bal- lentlne, of Cardenas. Rt. Rv. uisnop Joseph Blount Cheshire performed the ceremony, assisted by Key. a. u. Lane, rector of the Church of the Good TShepherd. The decorations weraVformefl pf statelv nalms. and follag plants. At the altar were orchid chrysanthe mums. Preceding the ceremony a pro gram of appropriate wedding music was rendered by Dr. Hubert McNeil Poteat, of Wake Forest college. The bride, who was escorted and given tn marriage by her stepfather, George Klttrell. of Mount Airy, wore a graceful draped gown of nattier blue chiffon velvet trimmed with cut steel beads. She wore a blue and silver hat and carried a shower bouquet of Brids roses, valley lilies an nrohiria The bridegroom was attended by ! g" beboro'mn' Jame F" HgU'' of'truck for lo"S distance mov- The'uXra were: Messrs. Thomas j ing, picnk parties Or any claSS Klttrell. of Henderson, Carroll Weath- ! srs, of Raleigh, Prof. Clonts. of Wake Forest college and William Martin Jones.'of Wake Forest. The bride had as her bridesmaids her cousin, Miss Mary Prloe Man gum, of Wake Forest, who wore a tangerine crepe frock trimmed with French flowers. She wore a black picture hat, t and carried a bouquet ot orchid chrysanthemums. Miss Mabel Ballentlne, sister of the bride groom, was maid of honor. She wore a gown of coral velvet and black picture hat, and carried an army bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums. The bride traveled In a night blue broche crepe frock, trimmed with fur, and coat of blue Marcova, with col- ; lar and cuffs of fox. The bride Is one of Wake Forest's most charming girls of the younger i set. She Is the daughter or' Mrs. George A. Klttrel of Mount Airy, ana granddaughter ef Mrs. W. W. Jenkins of Wake Forest with whom she has spent most of hsr life. She lias been the recipient of numerous courtesies sines the announcement of her en gagement. The bridegroom Is a graduate ot Wake Forest college,, graduating In 1121 and la a prominent young busi ness maa. SMOKE Cigar Co., " THURSDAY DANA in MADNESS" ay RAT sUi mm tm suss aaV Cleaning, blocking, shaping, repair- lag. AU kinds of kata rebaadea. JOHN BASSELL 10T Sycamore St. DR. ENOCH L. STOUT, Chiropractor Am. Bank Bnlldlnsv Greensboro Hours i IV to 13 a. m. 1 to 4 and !. m. Reduced Round Trip Fares vis Southern Railway System On sale dally to ; ' WINTER RESORT POINTS ' Return limit June 16th. 1823. In quire ticket agents for further In formation. L. A. PEACOCK. C. T. A. Dr.D.F.Keel wlaliea to aenoance to te pro fraiiloa the onrnlnir of off !. for the excluniye practleo ot Ortho dontia. Reavrt Infirronry GreRMhoro. North Carolina F.J. Pate, M.D. Eye, Ear, Nose, Threat Ream US, Dixie Bldg. Bours 10 to 1; and by appointment Phones: Office 797: Residence 11.20-W. B. B. TATUM Motor Trucks Teams Transfers and Livery We are equipped for all classes of hauling, heavy and light. Moving a specialty Packing and StoraSTe. A bilf of motor transfer, Phone 28, Depot St L, V. EDWARDS Consulting Civil Engineer otreets. Highways, Sewers, Wa ter, Surveys, Reports, Con struction Supervised. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. WflfredCeCarr Optometrist Eyes examined Glnsses Fitted 113V4 Weat Market Street (Over Haywortn's Jewelry Store) Pkone 3311. Hutton & Schreffler AnkltMtml Esilsan. Kntlarerkif Serrtct te ArcaltMU: Dwin sad Btirruion of Reinforce! Concert ud 8U1 SUueUtra; Wirtboinog and InduilrUl BulidlDSt. RALEIGH, N, C. PERSON'S Light House Things Electrical Curios House-Wiring Art-Ware Novelties Chrysanthemums All Colors All Prices Summit Ave. Greenhouses Percy, near Summit Avenue Pkone He Get tke Facts Aboat Your Eyes Dr. Paul B. Wysong Optometrist 101 Vs N. Elm St. Phone 2292 Selma Lamb Bldg. SPOON & LEWIS DONSULTINGENGINEERS GREENSBORO N. C. Hlgkwaya Bridges, Street, Waterworks, Sewers, Surveys DB IT OIIDAITEB BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THB TY OF GRRF.NSHOKOl Sea 1. That a meat market may be operated In conjunction with, nnd tn the same place of business with, a grocery store upon the granting of a special license by the City Council Sec 2. That all applications for such special licenses shall bs made to the City Managor, and prior to ac tlon thereon by the City Council, shall bi referred by him to the City Milk and 'Meat Inspector, whose duty It shall be lo report to the Council whether he approves the sanitary measures In regard to the protection and separation of the meats and groceries proposed to be adopted by the applicant for license. Sec. 2. All ordinances In conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. That this ordinance take effect upon Us passage. The foregoing ordinance was adopt ed by the City' Council of the City of Oreensboro, N. C, on Nov. J7, 1922. W. Ij. .MURRAY, City Clerk. WANTS ataaiuir.' v- DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED RATES Twi Cents a Word (This Type) Each Insertion. Twentr-Flrc Crate aUalaavaa Ckarge. Double Size Type Double Price niank Spare and' Paraaraptea' Want Ada, tt.M Per Ofaronnt Is AllaweA On SO Coosrrnflve InsiTtJeaa. cash wrsT accompaht ALL OHDF.RS. All ads. signed "On it Dally News" gtrletiy Coagieattal. Claulflcatlna Knt Guaranteed Arte t p. as. FOR RENT ROOMS Famished rooms for rent. SIS Weet Lee street, phone 2514. Th nnfurnlshed rooms rent. 11-30 ?28 Pearson street. Three rooms for rent Will farnlsb If desired. 210 East Washington street. Two-room apartment farntskea for llKht housukeeDlna. Bis Arlington street. 11-30 Large, beaatlfnl, heated, newly furn ished rooraa In modern home. Phone 290'L3. U-27tf For Kent Three eonvealent, unfur nished rooms. 320 East Washing ton street, phone 1602-J. , For Rent-Three or four untarnished rooms. Private bath and entrance, 118 Lexington avenue, 1 1-2 Largo ateam heated front room, close In, tu couple or gentlemen. Phone jAWK. . ; Nicely furnished apnrtmeni, steam heated, exoellent location; cannot take children. Phone 20. 11-28-tf Furnished room with all conven iences, board with private family If desired. Apply 426 ' Church street. 12-1 For Keui Two nnfurnlahea room a with private bath on ground floor, with use of telephone, all home privileges. Ckll 321 Church streel between Sand 4, phone 7K4. For R e a t Four-room tarnished apartment, close in. good neighbor hood. Possession .December 1st. Address P. O. Box (131, City. ll-22tf Room for reat to gentleman In -private home, with all conveniences. J'hone 14. 10-18-tf. Heome For Rent Five aafurnlshed rooms, furnace heat, close' in. Phone 354-J. 11-29 For Rent Two-room, apartment, 415 South street. Phone 1459-J. furnished Edgeworth 11-30 For Rent .t'lr-ely furnished apart ment to couple without children r,no Walker avenue. 1 1-30 For Rent Two rooraa. Flatter park private hath, hot water, ateam neat runted separately or together. Also garage. Phone 552-J. ll-14tt For Rent Two fnrnlahed rooms for light housekeeping. Modern con venience?. Apply113 Wilson street For Rent One front room. Gentle men preferred. 417 North Elm street. For Rent Three fnrnlakrd connect Ing rooms. Next to bath. Steam neat, suitable for light house keeping, phone 649-J. 12-1 Kor Rent Three or four-room un furnished apartment. Also fur nlshed bed room. Close In. 307 nianawooa avenue, phone 1718-L8. For Rent Five down-etnlra connec ting rooms. Opposite Soring street high School. Possession December in. lau at Z2I south spring street 11-20 Board, and room for one or two' settled business wom en. Apply 228 N. Cedar street or phone 2109-W. ll-9tf An unu-ted room is a luxury, The thing; to do is to secure a desirable tenant for that spare room by placing a small "For Rent'' ad in these columns, and thereby help reduce the high cost of living. tf SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES' .earn at home er aekewl, akortkaad, Dooaaeeping on credit. Position ttunranteed. Edwards Tlusiness College, High Point and Winstoi Balem. t-M-U FOR SALE FARMS loT-acre farm 2n aerei 103-aere, tlS per acre. Fine bright tobacco land. L. Crawley, Appomattox, Va. 12-2 Two farms lo trade for city property. Farms located near Bessemer school. O. D, Ourley, Realtor, 209 West Market street, phone 242. il-ZBtr For Sale Three good farms; two houses and lot at Guil ford College. Good prices. Kendall Realty Company, Greensboro, N. C. 11-29-tf FOR SALE WOOD Special summer prices will be continued until further no tice on cedar wood in five cord lots. Geo. C. Brown & Co., phone 2281. 9-28tf WANTED TEACHERS Teacher wanted for Element ary work. Write Lee B. Durham, Principal, Hoff man High school, Hoffman, N. C. 11-29 Norfolk Southern Railroad Trains arrive Raleigh No. 3 Norfolk 7:0S AM i Sleeping car) No. 17 B-lhavrn 12:10 FM No. 80 Charlotte X 2:SS PM No. 1 Norfolk 7:S0 PM Trains Depart from Raleigh No. 2 Norfolk 6:46 AM No. 81 Charlotte 7:40 AM No. 18 Belhaven 5:41 PM No. 4 Norfolk 10:0s PM (Sleeping car) Dallv. xDally except Sunday. For tickets, reservations and Infor mation, rail on or address 22S and 327 Fayottevllle street. .1 K. 81N;i.KTON, D. T. A Union Sta ll. R. ROBERTS. C. T. A. Raleigh. N. C. NOTICE OF SALE. Office of Federal Prohibition Di rector, Salisbury, N. C, November I, 1322. The following described property, seized from M. P. Watson et al. by Federal Prohibition Agent Ernest lllddlck. on October Uth, U22, for violation of the National Prohibition Act, will be sold at public auction In front of the Court House, at Greens boro, Guilford County, N. C. at It o'clock, noon, on Saturday, December 2nd, 1322: One bulck Touring Car, License No. 72350, Motor No. 344728, Model 1920. R. A. Kohloss. Federal Prohi bition Director. 11-23 We WANTS SPECIAL NOTICES Let as engrave your Ckrletmas cards. Wills Book and stationery iji.iivj: r.,.'..,t p.ut Brittle, Me round. Gate City Candy Co., "J", For rat Hewers ana loral eVelgns hone 34. Summit Avenue wn- ousea e-ieii All millinery at redneed prices to make room for Christmas " The Ladles' Kmporlum. Lilii Kani-r Onldtlnk. Birds and Accesso ries. Wilson s bird Shop, I0 North Da vie, phone 2 0 4 L 1 ' - Loral nnd ions distance kaullnc. Rea sonable charnes. Wagoner Trans fer Co.. phone 1T48. l.ll1.? All kinds of ph noirmt repalrlaw la our daylight shop; also strlngod In struments and violin bows re halred. Greensboro Muslo-Co. 10-I7tf Tke V. A M. Bnrber "hop will remain open until 8:30 Wednesday night, but will be closed all day Thankj rlvlna. H-M Toledo Rralrs for sale or exchange. Prices are low. You know tne p"' uallty and they have no springs. JBoBtlrK. uisiriouior, uim boro. 11-7tf One business Is klgfc elnes sboe re- palrina. All work guaranteed Hest lenther vsed. Service Shoe Fhop, ,T. n. Vaughn, Manaser, 118 Kast Wi shington street, fcjok of Inls Theatre, phone 467. 12-s I can fnrnlVk splendid uniformed hand, dance orchestra, harp, violin, flute orchestra. Expert piano tuner and player ' piano repairer. .Ins. O. Mehegan, Kinston, w. The elreulatlon et the Tvrla City Dally Sentinel blankets winston Balem and the smsll towns along the Southern, Norfolk and Western and Winston -Salem' Southbound railways leading out of Winston Salem. Rate 2o word. The elreula tlon of the twlce-a-week Sentinel covers well the rural territory In Forsyth and adjacent counties. Rate le word. Same copy In both papers, 3o word. s-22-tt Hindu Astrologlst Dr. Hlmthia of East India. the world s noted medium clairvoyant and astrolo glst, sitting In his great supreme power reading human life, tells your life story from the stars. Re member, the stsr will guide you through life. Tf you're worried, troubled or dlscoursged on any affair of life, send the date of your birth. 25 cents to cover mailing ex pense. 1 will send horoschpe of Importance to you. Must send self addressed envelope. Address Dr. W. E. Hlmthia. Lock Box 1088. Savannah, Ga. 11-30 Special EI gin watches, fancy dials, gold filled cases, $12.50. Bernau's Jewelry store. 10-31tf You save money when you the the tf buy and sell through classified columns of Daily News. Ornamental Planting For a real planting for moderate price see corner Bessemer avenue and Magnolia street by John A. Young & Sons: H-23tf 1922 county taxes now due and nayable at my office 1 per cent discount allowed if paid in November. U. n. Stafford, sheriff. 11-29 Spend Thanksgiving evening at Ritter's Lake. Dance 2 to 11 p. m. Six piece string band. Round and square dancing. Chicken stew, oysters and baked duck for supper. Special Turkey Dinner, Buf falo Tea House Thanksgiv ing day from 12 to 2 and 5 to 7 p. m. Located inter section of Alamance and Pleasant Garden roads. 11-30 WANTED AUTOMOBILES If yoa kave a used ear for sale rail SJ7!. or Mr. Bonewell at Five Points Drug Co.. 216 West Lee street. ll-24tf Wanted Ford touring car; must be in good condition. Box 557, city. 11-29 LOST AND FOUND l.ost IIS Is b . Finder please no tify Mr. Newman, Box 657, City. H-29 Found Pair of glnaaes. Owner can o-at them hv dasorlbtna them and paying for this ad at Dally News orrice. Loat Solid gold aword bar pin. set with amethyst. Return to Dally News for reward. I,,at My apeekled sound la Sumner townahln. November 19th. Any In formation aa to his whereabouts would he appreciated. victor F.. Klrkman. Phone 5fi3. 11-30 Stolen Saturday night Pointer hitch, color white and liver; liver colored head, biased face and blue claws. answers to nams Ruby. Reward for Information leading to recovery. Glenn Brame. Denim, pnone s3- ring 1 11-29 If that needle in the haystack ever turns up it'll be through a Daily News want ad. Read for profit use for results. Phone 1000. tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Far Sale Beantlful residence lot North Elm street, esstern exposure Price verv low for aulck sale. T. B Ogburn. phone 1243. 11-25tf If It's real estate or a kome yoa want, see our sd on back page of today ) Dally News. Guilford Inaursnce and Reativ Co.. 109 East Marke street, phone 311 t-24-tf. FOR RENT HOUSES For Ileut One tour-room Phone 7I9-R-4. eottage. 1 1-281 For Rent Five room kouee, wetrr lights and sewersge. (lood shape. good locat lojiPhoneJ 9 "2 11-30 For lient Five-room aportment, all conveniences. Terrace Apartments. 311 Walker -avenue. U-16tf For Rent or Sale Four-room bouse. In good condition, lot 60x127. 884 South Cedar street. Apply White K-luse Candy Kitchen, .SSoutb Kim street. : 12-1 For Rent Apnrtiurnt, Dixie Apart ments, one block west of ft. Henry Hotel; heat, all modern Improve ments Including built-in kitchen and dining ro'in equipment and built-in bed; Janitor service; 163 per month. Phone 126. U-ltf WANTED HOARDERS Room nnd board close In. Two blocks from depot. Mrs. Read, 435 Walker avenue. loom nnd board, corner Davie and Church atreeta. opposite Y. V. C. A. If there's a place at your table for another boarder get the . fact before the most people throusrh a classified ad. in the Daily News. tf THE MORE, THE MERRIER--FOR SERVICE If there were only a kalt-deaen telephone. Installed In the city. It wouldn't pay anyone to be a aabserlber. And If there were Just a haft-doaea. ads la tke DAILY NEWS Claaslaed Columns, tkere'd he no pelat la year read Ine? them. The point la that a public service like either of theee two mast he brond ta be usefall Its Talae depends, not 1 as one telephone ar en a ad bat ea the service that many telephenea and many ads offer to anyone. And ao, yon nd la tke DAILY NEW Claaslaed Columns ceres on scores of varied Classifications and aader each oae the different offers of that particular klad. Breadth of Interests, variety of altera), the oppor tunity for helpful eomparlsoa these are some of the fea tures that contribute to the popularity of this service. GET IT REGULARLY. THE DAILY NY,W CLASSIFIED ADS! ALWAYS THK SAME IN 8KHVICK! ALWAYS DIFFERENT 1ST OPPORTUNITY! WANTSWANTS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES For gale tteek el grueerire, gned trade, good place for market. Want to sell at once. B. R. Parrlsh. Glenwood. N. C. . 12-2 Hotel and rafe for sale with every convenience. Never before such a bargain. Located In heart of heit tobacco market tn Wake county. Apply to Royal Hotel, Wendell. N. c. U -2 Get Your want ad. tn before 8 p. m. in order to insurt classification In next morn ing's issue of the Daily News. No ads. can be classified after that hour. This is important. Don't wait till the last minute. Send in your ad., early for the Sunday paper. tf For SaleSelf Service, Chain Grocery Business. Three (3) stores, doing annual cash business of two hun dred thousand ($200,000) dollars. Established two years and located in three i of the best towns in North ! Carolina. Party who owns this chain has other large interests. Possession given any time between now and January first. Will require at least twenty thousand dollars to handle this. Ad dress belt bemce, care Daily News. 11-1 6tf Busines Opportunity A cor poration interested in the manufacturing and distri bution of a product Of un usual merit, direct to the farmers of United States, desires connection with one or more thoroughly relia ble and aggressive parties as representatives in North Carolina and adjoining ter ritory, appointing county representatives in , every good farming county, as well as handling other fea tures of the business. Our business is not an experi-i ment, but a proven success and is worthy of the con sideration of men who can qualify and mean business, none other therefore need apply. Those applying should be able and willing to make reasonable invest ment in case conditions are agreeable and possibilities for profits sufficiently at tractive. A company official will arrange for a personal conference in Greensboro and we are in position to co-operate fully in event connection is i can also'place a few coun- ty representatives in this territory, who can qualify financially and otherwise. Address "Company Offi cial," care Daily News. 12-5 FOR RENT For Rent Garage. avenue. Walker 11-30 For Meat Desirable office space oa Elm street. Address Boa 13, City. 10-1 1 tf flogs Illakeat prices paid for sec ond hand burlap and cotton bags, freight allowance on largo ship ments. Send description for quots tlon. Richmond Bag company, Rich mond, Va, 11 -2ft, we. For Rent - Store-room. 505 1-2 South Elm street. Garland Daniel. 11-29 Close in offices for rent, one block from Jefferson Square. ' ; ll-22tfi J. E. Latham Co., Phone 76. BUILDING MATERIALS HeeSag aad Sheet Metal Work Write us fpr prlcei on galvanized 3-v Crimp roofing, metal shingles: Flex-a-Tile asphalt shingles and noli, rtoonng: . mcnaruson wail Board for ceilings and Hide walls; i Jolwis-Manville Asbestos shingles and roll roofing. Rubberoid atrlc I shingles; skylights. ventilators, oornlces, gutters and downpours, immediate shipment of any quan 6 tity, large or ainaii. irom jyuruam stock. Mall your building plana to our contracting oepartment for Did on all roofing and sheet metal work reeled complete by our expert mechanise. Write us about your re-rooflng Jobs. Rtidd-Plper Roofing Company, dlsti ibutors, Durham, N.C. l-M-tit. for Saleautomobiles For Sale Wklte H tern damp track, In exoellent condition. Price 11,100, See at Greensboro Motor Car Co. 12-4 Cold wentker coming Trade for new sedan at garage in front of O. Henry, phone 1422. E. T. Anderson, 12-2 For sale Dodge tearing ear, ezeel- lent condition bought in May; or trade for sedan. Addrsss 8. V. Zlglar, 718 Walker avenue, phone luct-j. Save 26 to 50 per eeat ea aula parte. New and used- parts for all ears and trucks. Mall orders given prompt attention. Whltton Auto "Wrecking Co., Columbia. S. C, 12-1 For gale 1920 Oaklaad tearing car, In good condition. Price U0. See Mr. Bonewell. at Five Points Drug Co., phone 227K. 11-26-tf Snick roadster, aaodel. excellent condition, new cord tires. This car has been taken good care of and runs as well aa new. A. Y. H-mC phone 722. Il-fsif For Sale at a baraala er will trade ror real estate or other security Jackson touring car In A-l condl tlon. Bee Mr. Bonewell, at Five Points Drug Co., phone 3271. ll-2-tf For Sale Late model Essex roadster. Six cord tires and all extra equipment. This car at a bargain. Hares Motors of the Carolinas, 317 West Market street. , 11-30 Sell that old automobile of yours the quickest way by placing a small ad in the "Automobiles For Sale" column of the Dally News. There are plenty of people who mght be wanting just the car you are contemplat ing disposing of In order to buy another. Try a want ad. tf ss : r i z Wanted lo exchange tor real estate, one Ford coupe and one five-passenger Chalmers touring car, lioth in good condition. Here's where you can get an auto mobile besides getting rid of your property.- Have no use for them, took them in a trade and tired of paying storage. Ham Real Estate Co., phone 1767. WANTED HELP (Female) Wnnted flood kouee girl for kalf day. References wanted. ' 742 Chestnut street. Wanted Tkree experienced wait reaaes, for S2-room American Plan Hotel. Belvedere Hotel, Reldsvllle. N. 11. 12-4 Men wanted to auallfy far Sreaaen. brakemen; also colored sleeping car and train porters. Rxpsrience unnecessary. Transportation fur nished. Write W. Boggess, Supt. Ht. Louis. 11-29 We Colored dining ear waiter aad sleep ing car porters wsnted. Experience unnecessary. We train you. Infor mation free. Write 307 Railway Ex rhnnge, Omaha, Nebraska. li-liau we Wanted Coolc, settled woman, to stay on lot; family of two. Apply 201 West Bessemer avenue. Wanted-We have opening for about four or five more good stenographers. Greensboro Business Agen cy, 121 1-2 South Elm street. 11-29 WANTED HELP (Male) Wanted Flret-rlass nine room house. pelat Phon Inter te paint 2299-J. Wanted Tennnt for four berae and two horse farms; prefer man with knowledge of growing tobacco. C, F. Harper, High Point, N. ('. 13-3-fr-Su Linotype Operator Good man on lob work. Open shop. Walters Print -Inn and Mfa. Co.. 113 Kirk avenue, ipei Mfl R'-anoke. Va. lt-JU Wanted Man wltb rax te sell guar anteed cord tires. Will srrange salarv arid expense with right msn. t'ord O-Van Rubber Company, 1108 South Michigan avenue, Chicago, Illinois Wanted If you ere aat ef employ ment or desire a change, wo can place you Oreensboro Business Agency, 121 South Kim street, Oreenshoro, N. C. 11-3-tf Wantedr- First class, all round automobile me chanic; no other need ap ply. Kriner Motor Car Co! WANTED Wanted Piano ta rent. Addresa Box 31. Mty, or call phone 1226. 11-29 Wanted Small Iroa sate, State price, weight and condition. c Li, Hteea, Candor, N. C. 12-1 Wan led TO buy a lot on Klem ave- oue ur Scott avenue at once. A. Hlalr, Oreenslmro, N. C, roule 8. Job Prraa, 8x12 or 13x13. la good condition. No Junk. Also 28-Inch cutter. W. A. Westmoreland, 'Dur ham. N. C. 12-S-Su j 5i ; Wanted Three copies of Greensboro Daily News of June 7. 1922. Bring or send to Daily News office 11-30 WANTS FOR SALE For Sale Kftrhea Mllleraham, city. rablaet. a. W. Let as engrave your' Christmas earda. Wills Book and Stationery Co. 12-15 For Salt1 Freeh pork. bams, akoald- ers, backbone and siinrerlUa. Harry E. Sergeant, High Point road. For Sale One Carbon Banner air tight heater, cheap for cash. (Ireensboro Furniture company. 111 East Market street. 11-2S For sale Cafe doing good bualnena. good location. Bargain for quick sale as I want to go in other busi ness. Address "Cafe," care Dally News. I2- We-8u. Ten thousand neunda fancy krlgkt chunk comb honey 10 pound buck ets parcel oost. 13.00 postpaid, r.. W. Crsbtree, P. O. box No. S, Ulllsbnrn, W. C. -JM Oflfee Chnlrs We kave several office chairs In mahogany and oak, re clining, revolving and straight chairs, all slsea, at a special price. Cut Rate Furniture Co., "209 fisuth Ori-ene street. 1 1 -fit f Tanks! Tonka! Tnnkat for every pur pose, any capacity, riveted or weld ed. Also all classes special steel Plate work. New York Central ron Works Co., inc.. southern of fice, room 10 Real Kstate and Trust building. Oreensboro. N. C. lt-i See the ornamental planting stone building corner Bes semer avenue and Mag nolia street. John A. Young and Sons. ll-23tf Bank fixture, afe, vault 1 door, and Burroughs add ing machine, for sale at a bargain. Address Farmers & Merchants Bank, King, N. C. 12-2 For Sale Cheap Wicker liv- ing room suite, also .three-' piece Ivory bed room suite, practically new. 14 3 Smith street. For Sale at a BargainOne of latest model Victor phon ograph including 40 of the latest records; machine as good as new. Call at 516 Summit avenue. 11-30 For Sale One 75 K. W. gen erator, belted type S-phase 60-cycle, 2300 volts, with Exciter switch boarif and all connections ready for operation. General Electric make, in good condition. Liberty Picker Stick and Novelty Co., Liberty, N. C-11-29 MISCELLANEOUS r Where to find it? Where to find it? Look through this page, and then ask your self how many times In the past you could have made use of the Information It contains when you need ed something special for yourself when you want ed a novel gift for a friend or when you were look ing for a particular service, but did not know where te find it. Then you will real-' ize the value these adver tisements contain for you. Daily News want ads. pro-,, duce results. tf. FOR SALE HOUSES f Save IBo.AO Good kerne near ear line, churches and sohool: also vacant lot. See owner, Thomas Wrlrht. end Olenwond car line. A modern aad pretty sevea-raons , home, North Cedar atrest, for 3T.0O. 31,000 less than has been offered for asms house. Brown Real Estate Marketstreet. 11-1 tf Far Sale aix-reoea new bungalow aa Douglas street. All modern con veniences and good terms. Sontk Oreenshoro Insuranoe and Real Co., 627 South Elm street, phone 13(, 10-l-tf. Five - room eottage koase aa MuCulloch strset. Just on Asne boro street. Real bargain. J. S. Moore. Realtor, phone ""jj j For Sale New six-mem baacalaw. I7 Hillalda drive. Weaterwooa. It la D-Rutiiui. mm wni iv nww ru. a H. W. Clendenln and Son, Realtors. J room 10. flrst floor Banner bulld- Ing. phona 171. U-Wf New modern nlne-rooin heme far aala sltuatsd In best neighborhood, an nf main t hArittt a-h f Area Of the r city, en ay walking distance of bus ineaa district, and near the two colleges for women. Price very low. Phone 2132-1. or write 1003 Walker avenue, Oreensboro. H-3 For' Sale Beautiful kome. AS! Nertk I'Jim FTroei; wnnnerim incaonn overlooking Fisher Park. Ton don't often And a home like this aa -rnsaonable price. H. W. Clendenln snd Fon, Realtors, room 103 flrst floor Banner building, phone 171. 11-tHtf For Sale It has been said tkat aaa cannot htiv a good home on easy terma without paykig for the terms, We have the home and can give good terms wlthoiit extra coat. Five-room modern brick bungalow In Fisher Park section. Milllkan Realty A Insurance Dh S137. 121 N. Elm U-I3tf For Sale On Easy Terma Two large residences, cen trally located ; also several good lots. Apply 513 1-2 South Elm street. 10-19tf WANTED SITUATIONS Nam Wa.rt.sn4r Am frr In fill e- irafrtiTintB. 1001 rtiararUr Ptirt rapacity. Practical Mine, 8IJ Worth avtmu. ll-)t WANTED HELP Wanted I colored fcrlek mnaean at Thomasvllle, N. ('.. school. II. Jo per Jioim .. Young to middle nged man ambitious to study law but without funds or time to attend college. Give, age, education, telephone number.' Ad dress "Law," care Dally News. j ly All men. women, koja. gtrie. if" tu 60, willing to accept government pnaltlona, 111 T-ln (traveling or Stationary), write Mr. Osment, 373. St. Tula, Immediately .A-' Industrious men and wemea wanted to telall the genuine V atklns products In city territories. Excep tional opportunity to tie up with oldest nnd largest compsny of Its kind. Our hustlers' average Income Is 31 10 an hour. Are you doing as well? If not write today for free samples and particulars. The J. R. Watklns Co.. Dept. 82. New York. N. C. ll-38-Su.w. Bricklayers Wanted, si.zs per hour. Apply J. h. Crouse. American Ex change Bank building. 11-29 AUTOMOP 1LE SUPPLIES Fee sjulrk starting en eold days err Winder-jiggers gasouns. ii-hu

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