GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1928 ( r Upon tha roster of tha Immortals, that glittering galaxy of Greens-i bora's whoa miniature masterpieces have baan selected for the National screen la-flow tnacrlbed tha nama of Braxton Crnven, Trinity, N. C, for hi Jaat' about llttla Bill who dubbed hlmaelf Bllloul. ' Winners of the tiro pairs of Na tional theater tlokati given dally for the two beet In thin column, .have opportunity to aaa tha pithy para graph dime. Winner on thla .film are awared to the extant of five dol lare. len't it worth thinking a few InohaeT We'll ay It la.- Try your luek. How are theae for today T flRSTPRIZB. A Chargo to Kf. (Clark to man walking In ahoe tor to buy a pair of ahoea): "How Arm a foundation." (if an to clerk after buying ahoe a ha walked out): "Tea and a charge to keep you have." Paulina Boone, 02 Wharton St., Greensboro, N. C. SECOND PRIXB. Not Built That Way. A private wa ahavlng hlmaelf in IMPERIAL Today and Tomorrow Vitagraph Presents CORINNE GRIFFITH , in . Received Payment A Story of the StageShe a Toe Dancer Also a Sennett Comedy and Select News NATIONAL Today add Tomorrow Comedy ."Hla Power.' Pa the New Grand Fantasia "P.fllacci" National Orskeatn Ttnmnrf Ksry, Oandnerln m 'Soprmmt, Chicago 1 tyVKitt&f mm f- ; y, j y, ?! national Theater Wednesday, December 6th CLAIRE DUX h knows by apera lovers the world over U an artist of rare charm ana brilliant dramatic power.' Her appcaranccf ' m American cities have added laurels to her triumphs on the concert andoperatic stage of Europe, and, like other great artists of today, she records exclusively for Brunswick. Ask your nearest Brunswick dealer to play Dux records for you. 30022 La Bohtme Ml ebjamano Mlml (My Name Is Mimi) Act L in Italian.. Puccini Any Phonograph Can Play Brunswick Rtcords THE BRONSWICK-BALKB-COLLENDKR.CO cmcaco BRUNSWICK. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS the open air whan hla sergeant came along. Sergeant "Do you always have outside?" "Of course," answered the"" private, "Did you think I wae fur-lined?" Virginia Coble, 468 E. Whlttlngton St., City. Raid Headed, A barber waa atanding by hla chair sr. when a man ruahed in and aald want a hair cut Just a quick a pos alblo, can you cut (t with my collar on? The barber noticing ha wa bald headed' aald, aura you can leave your hat on If you wlah to. Wilson Ed wards, Vlck Chemical company. City. Mlstakenl A negro half-cr'asy went to regls ter for military aarvlce. " "What Is your name?' aaked the official. , "Qeorgo Washington,'! was tha re ply. . . "Well, George, are you the man who cut down-the cherry tree?" "No, sah, I am just 19 years old and hain't done no work since I's A Photoplay of Elegance, - Romance and Thrills rrtt I CLAIHG iiAtiunnrnun cJCOilVAY TEAJfJLD m "oiieyhsu Really a Picture Vou Can't 1 Afford to Miss m Opera Cunsiaiiii uti -mm it M UTaTTOBJC CINCINNATI born." Ed. A. Cole, Greensboro, N. C. A Narrow l-cnpe. The Irishman aald: "The bullet went In me chlet here and came out me back." "But," said the doctor, "It would have gone through your heart and killed you." "Me heart waa In me mouth at the time," replied the Irishman. P. 0. Box No. 499, Greensboro, N. C. Far Prom Pull. (Dlna and Rastus at their first dance.) Rastus "Dlna, Is yo' program full?" Dlna Lord, no. Rastus. I ain't had but two sandwiches and a cup of tea and you know dat dat ain't enuf for no nigger." a. Hunter, 201 Tat St., City. A Long Visit. Kike, an Irishman who lived In the country, visited his brother. Pat, who lived In town. He stayed several weeks and had not mentioned going horns at all, so one nne morning Pat arose early and was crying as though something terrible had hap pened. In the meantime Mike had arisen, saw him crying and asked, "Pat, what in the world Is the mat ter? Why ar you crying so?" Pat "You, won't cometo ae me any more." Mike ''Tea I will Pat, what makes you think I won't?" i Pat "You won't go home so you can oome again." R. H. Williams, 102 N. Main 8t., High Point. Used ss Old Trunk. Doctor to patient I want yoi to make a mustard plaster and put it on your cheat. Dootor (several days later) Well, did you do as I said? Patient Well, doctor, I didn't have a cheat, but I put it on an old trunk. Mis Alma aides, 101 MoAdoo Bldg., Greensboro, N. C. AMUSEMENTS . "The Passing Show." Although there seems at time to be the wldeat difference between the church and the atage. there is never theless a close affiliation between the people of each. The stage is full tf formen choir singers. Clergy men seeking' tha heights of oratory make good us of the dramatic in tonations and gestures that aire a part of. every actor'a training. Drama and music play important part In both church and atage. It la not so stranga, ' therefore, that the atage has Its Important associations with the church through Sons and daughters of religious lead ers. These thoughts are brought to tha mind through the announcement that Included In the big Winter Gar den company which will present "The Passing Show" at the Grand theater on Thursday night, December 7th, is Sam Howard, one of the Howard brothers of Winter Garden fame, sons of a contor and all of them former members of the choir which their father led. "Received Payment." Charles Maigne directed Corlnne Griffith in "Received Payment." which will be shown at tha Imperial heater today and tomorrow. The plotura Is based upon a story by John Lynch and Is novel in treat ment and plot. The screen version has been pre pared In such a manner that the spectator Is held in suspense uhtn the ollmax. Several of the scenes are taken In a theater and for this purpose the Brighton Beach Music flail near the more famous Coney Island was used. A huge oycla rama waa borrowed from a Broadway theater and hung in the seaside show house. The stage setting was the Idea of Miss Griffith who has won considerable reputation as an artist and' designer. It is one of tha most ploturesque stags Bettings ever used for a production and Miss Grif fith won muoh praise for her artist ry In designing this set. A Sennett comedy and Select News will also be seen In the same program. "One Week of Love." "In One Week of Love," which opens today at the National, film patrona of this city are in for a hilarious time of it. The picture Is quite the most exciting and impres slvo piece of work that has been threatening to explode upon us for weeks. Certainly Myron Selsnlck who produced the picture haa never sent us anything quite so enthralling. Here are the IngreCents that make the picture one of unusual appeal: A twin-starring combination, Elaine Hammerstein and Conway Tearle, playing together for tha nrat time; a story by Edward J. Montague that one may call really "big" without blushing in embarrassment; direction by George Arohainbaud that fuHllla all former promlaes made by this Im aginative Frenchman, and a support ing cast that is not dwarfed ev.en by the full-power starring combination. tTh story concerns a ' society girl who suddenly tires of the earth and worldly pleasures gnd decides to take a jaunt in an aeroplane. Unfortun ately, she flies in the same spirit that she dances; and when her plana ac cidentally cornea down to earth, a lot of her high-falutln y notions . come down with her. She lands right in a nest of outlaws, the chief of whom Is a sort of Captain Kldd of the mountains. , From this point on tha story is conclusively and totally absorbing so tKat' one wishes for an extra eye to view all tha goings-on. Added attractions include an Edu eatlonal comedy and Paths News. NEW COMMISSIONER IS TO TAKE SEAT MONDAY G. XA. Garrett, of Julian, to Be Sworn in aa Member of County Board of Commissioners. t . . The Guilford county board of com missioners will meat in regular sea aion at tha oaunty xourthouaa Mon day and Tueaday. O. A. Garrett, of Julian, who waa elected to the board during tha recent election, will take hla seat for the first time. Following his. oath sf office, the board will re organise for. the year. J. A. Rankin, chairman of tha board; will probably be re-elected to that office. Such waa Intimated yeaterday by other members of tha board. Tha discussion of roads .throughout tha county aa pertain to mainten ance, to repairs and to tha building of new roads, will occupy the major portion of the commissioner' time on Tuesday when the county high way commission will also meet. Most of the time Monday will be given over to the reorganisation of tha board, the going over a batch of bllla and the selection of juror for tha two weeka of criminal court, which etarts on Monday, December 11. Radio Chamber Commerce. New York, Dec. I. Chicago has been selected, as the first city of the ninth radio district in which a radio chamber of commerce will be estab lished, It was announced today by the national chamber. Organisation of chambers In other cities, for the coalition of national and local radio interests, will follow, the- announce ment said. WANTS DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED RATES Two Cents a Word (Thl Type) Each Insertion. Tweaty-Fl,, csrta Minimum Char-. double Size Type Double Price r... Blnnh- grar, mm4 raragranbed Waat Ada. SIM Pa lawk 0 Oleeennt I Allowed Oa M (onaeeaftve Tnaartlena. CASH MtrST ACUOMFAJrf ALL ORDERS. All Ada. signed "Car Dairy Raws Strtatir ConSdanttaL Claestlcatlna w Oaurantead Afte S am. FOR SALE WOOD For Sale 300 truck loads of good pine heater blocks. D. C. Cobb, phone 1915. 12-5 AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES For qnlek etartlng cold daya try Winder-Rogera gasoline. ll-28tf WANTED BOARDERS Room and board close In. Twa bloeke from depot. Mra. Read, 415 Walker avenue. . 12-9 If there's a place at your table v for another boarder get the fact before the most people ": through a classified ad. in the Daily News. tf WANTED HOUSES- Wanted Yau to know that I have the '. best rental department in Greena boro. Let me collect your rents and atop your trouble and worry; C. A. Younts, 308 South Elm street, phone 2405. 12-1-tf NOTICE! DWELLING HOUSES FOR SALE. Under and by virtue of a resolu tion passed by the School Board In meeting 'assembled November 11,. 1922, the undersigned will offer FOR SALE ON THE PREMISES DECEMBER 21, 1922, AT 12:00 NOON FOR CASH TO THE LAST AND HIGHEST BIDDER the following described dwelling houses: HOUSE NO. 1. Two-story house at tha corner of Cedar and Union Streets near the West Lee Street School, aald house now standing on the southeast corner of tha Wast Iee Street School property. HOUSE NO. 2. Two-story house Immediately west of tha preaant West Lee Street School Building, fac ing on West Lee Street, said house being formerly owned by Mr. Cox. It Is the purpose of the School Board to aell these houses and have them removed, from the premises within thirty (30) days after the ale. TERMS: CASH. Parties interested should Inspect tha houaes and bid on tham aa tbey stand. (Signed) E. D. BROADHUR8T, Chairman, Building Committee, City School -Board. - It-lS-Mo. H AT CleamJaMr bUckla. fthaplnff, repair Job All iu of fcata rebaadea. JOHN BASSELL 107 Sjpcaaiora St B. B. TATUM Motor Trucks Teams Transfers and Livery We are equipped for all classes of hauling, heavy and light. Moving a specialty. Packing and storage. A big truck for long distance mov ing, picnic parties or any class of motor transfer. Phone 28, Depot St Norfolk Southern Railroad Trains arIve Raleigh No. 2 Norfolk 7:05 AM (Sleeping car) No. IT Belhaven 12:10 PM No. 10 Charlotte x 2:16 PM No. 1 Norfolk 7:60 PM Trains Depart from Ralolgh No, 1 Norfolk : AM No. 81 Charlotte x 7:40 AM No.lS Belhaven 1:46 PM No. 4 Norfolk 10:06 PM (Sleeping car) , Daily. xDally except Sunday. For tickets, reservations and Infor mation, call on or address 326 and 327 Fa.vcttevllle street. J. E. SINGLETON, D. T. A. Union Sta. B. R. ROBERTS. C. T. A. Ralefgh. N. C. fc GRAND Thursday, Dec. 7th Seal at Greewsbota Music Store Toriar ORCHKSTRA .S2.M BALIXIVV S2.UO nad S1.3W UALI.tOHY . 75c and S1.00 Mighty Monarch of all Musical Spectacles . NY. WINTER L GARDEN EIGHTH ANNUM A COLOSSAL OBLATION POgSKXHI'Va ALL THE OPi:l,flCK OB" AN ORIENTAL PAGEANT 2300 Gorgeous Coalamea, 2S Wonderfnl Scene Galaxy of Super Stars and the World Famed , Bewitching Beauties THE WORLDS , Greatest bargain iiWs IN AMUSEMEHT rJSU AK IIm... ...! A Ur WANTS WANTED HELP (FemaU) WantedServant. Apply nltk refer- - en.ccs. 20ft KTandwood avenue. Wanted Three experienced Walt- resaea, for 6S-rnom American Plan Hotel. Belvedere Hotel. Reidavllla, . N- C. 18-4 Wanted Woman for cook and housework. Apply Monday 7 a. m. ready for work, 409 North Cedar street. WANTED HELP men, woman, kora, girls. IT to v, wuiing 10 accept government poaltlsna. SllT-IliO travallnir nr stationary), write Mr. Osmsnt, J7I, oy. ijuuh, immeqiaieiy. ls-JO Wanted Cisrar makers. Reea Mitchell Cigar Co., 314-Vfe South Elm street,' W. M. Troxler, Supt. 12-4 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Get Your want ad. in before 8 p. m. In order to insure classification in next morn ing's. Issue of the Daily News. No ads. can be classified after that hour. This is important. Don't wait till the last minute. Send In your ad. early for the Sunday paper. tf WANTED AGENTS Quick Money, Big Money, Cash Money every day selling rugs. Men or women. Devote all or part time. Write quick to P. B. R. Moas, Chaaa City, Va. u-t MISCELLANEOUS Where to find it? Where to find it? Look through this page, and then ask your self how many times In.the past you could have made use of the informations it contains when you need ed something special for yourself when you want ed a novel gift for a friend or when you were look ing for a particular service, but did not know where to find it. Then you will real ize tne value these adver tisements contain for you. Daily News want ads. pro duce results. tf. FOR RENT FARMS For Rent--We have two good tobac co ana grain farms, with buildings, for rent. Possession immediately. On la Ave mllea north, the other 13 mllea aouth of Oraenaboro. Brown Real Eatata company, 101 Weat Market atreet. 11-1-tf FOR RENT ror neat uelraile nfflen apace an cim ureal. Aaaress box h, city. - 10-lltf Par Rent Ona steam heated afflre, 112.60 per month;-ona atora room, Eaat Sycamore atreet, 160 per ' month; ona atoraga room, 120 per monin. u. v. uuriey, Realtor, phone 242. 12-2-tf For Rent Two new offices near depot. Apply 513 1-2 South Elm street, phone 2665. 12-Stf Close in offices for rent, one block from Jefferson Square. J. E. Latham Co., Phone 76. ll-22tf BUILDING MATERIALS lloelng and Sheet Metnl "Work Write ua for price on galvanized 1-v Crimp roonng. metal shingles: Klex-a-Tfle asphalt shingles and Roll Roofing; Richardson Wall Board for celllnca and side walla: Johns-Manvllle AsbeMos shingles and roll roofing. Rubberold atrip iMiiaiBB, bk7i,biii, veniuaiora, cornlcea. guttera and downnoitra. Immediate ahipmant of any quan tity, large or email, from Durham atock. Mail your building plan to our contracting department for bid on all roofing and sheet metal work rooted complete by our expert mechanle. Write u about your re-rooflng Job. Budd-Plper Roofing Company, distributors. Durham, N. C l-ll-U. WANTED HELP (Male) Waistrd Cropper 'vrtth areod force, Motslnger Bros., Guilford College, N. C, Route 2. 12-4 Wanted If yaw ar , ont of aaiploy- : ment or desire a change, wa can place you. Oraenaboro Business Agency, ill ft South Kim street. Qreenaboro. N. C. 11-5-tf Firemen, Brakrmen (white), begin ners ii&o-iz&o (which position?) "Railway," oara Dally News. 12-26-su.-mo.-tu. Linotype operator for Ka. 14, one with general printing experience preferred. Htate salary and rx , perlenca. No telegrams. Start work Dec. U. Beaufort News. Brsu. fnrt. N. C. 12-7 Wanted at Once Druiririata. registered in North Caro lina, also unregistered first- ciass iront man for retail drug store. Owen Drug Co., Winston-salem, N. C. 12-8 Wanted We want three or four hustling boys to sell the GREENSBORO DAILY , NEWS early in the morn ing. Apply at once to the City Circulation Manager. ll-30tf , Wanted Boy or young man, office work, experience un necessary and chance for advancement. Answer in own handwriting, giving two references. P. O. Lock Box 12, City. 12-4 FOR SALE LIVE STOCK For Sale Pair black mare mules, seven years old, about 1,100 pounds. Apply ' to C. H. Fields, Greensboro Hardware Co. 12-4 WANTED OPPORTUNITIES Wanted Location for drng bualneee in stata of North- Carolina: prefcr small growing town in Clermont tectton. Address "Location," care iaHy Km. U-io WANTS SPECIAL NOTICES Lei na engrave yoar Christmas eards. Wills Booji nd Stationery "ol2lli Coroanut and Peanut Brittle, 35c Jound. Gate City Candy Co., phone 7i. . Il-ttf Por rat flawera aa Soral tfealgna phone It. Summit Avenua Graen- houses. s-litf Local and long distance hauling. Hra- snnanla charites. Wagoner Trana fer Co., phone 1746. 11-10 Toledo Sralca for sale or exchange. Prices are low. You know the quality and iney have no springs. P. I Bostlck, Distributor, Greens boro. ll-7tf Uur Business la high class shoe re pairing. All work guaranteed. Best leather used. Service Shoe Shop, .1. R. Vaughn. Manager, 116 East Wi ahlngton street, tick of Isis Theatre, phone 8457. 11-8 All klnda of phonograph repairing In our dayMght ahop; also atrlnged In struments and violin bows rehalred. Greensboro Music Co. 12-2-tf Tile rircnlation t Ike Tvrla City Dally Sentinel blanketa Winston Salem and the small towns along tha Southern, Norfolk and Western and Winston-Salem Southbound railways leading out of Winston Salem. Rate 2c word. The circula tion of the twlce-e-week Sentinel covers well the rural territory In rv.Bjiu am, anjncenxr counues. Rate Ic word. Sams sopy In both papers. 1c word. S-31-tf. Dr. Hfmlhln. Hindu Aatraioglat of East India, the world's noler! me dium. Clairvoyant and SKtrnlnirint sitting In his great supreme power reading human life, tells your life story from the stars. Remember, the stsr will guide you through life. If you're worried, troubled or discouraged on ally afTalr of life, send the date of your birth. 26 cents to cover mailing expense. I will send -horoscope of Importance to you. Must send self-addressed envelope. Address Dr. W. R. Hlmlhla, Lock Box 1011, Savannah. Oa. 12-s Special Elgin watches, fancy dials, gold filled cases, $12.50. Bernau's Jewelrv store. 10-31tf You save money when you buy and sell through the classified columns of the Daily News. tf Royal Society stamoed foods Hand crocneted and knit infants' sacques, sweaters, dolls, Xmas novelties. Bar gains in hats. Ladies' Em porium. 12-3tf Ornamental Planting For a real planting for moderate . price see corner Bessemer avenue and Magnolia street by John A. Young & Sons. ll-23tf FOR RENT HOUSES For Rent Four-room honae. Sll Broad avenue. Apply 803 Aaheboro street. 12-5 Por Rent Furnished or nnfnrnlaked . six-room bungalow. 104 Lakevlew street, woatcrwooa, Phon j4li2I Far Rant Five-room apartment, all conveniences. Terrace Apartments. Ill Walker avenue. ll-ltf For Rent Modern seven-room home. . close In, furnished or unfurnished. Mllllkan Realty and Insurance Co., 120 North Rim. phone 1117. 11-4 For Rent Apartment. Dixie A Dart mants, one. block west of O. Henry Hotel: heat, all modern improve ments inciuoing ouut-in Kitcnen snd dining room equipment and built-in bed; Janitor servlcs; SHE per month. Phone 136, ll-19tf For Rent FMght-room honae, nicely arrangan ror two email families bath oh both floors, located 422 North Bdgeworth street. Also nice six-room nouse corner, Rdgeworth and Schenck streets. R. I,. Michael, phone 1377 or 234. 12-4 For Rent ta Small Family t'pprr apartment. 400 South Kugene eireei; lour rooms, spacious hall and porchea. rear norch screened. with outside entrance. Prlco 136 per monin in aavance. am mnuern conveniences; on meters at renter's expense, Anrly to O. Will Arm- field, 350 South Ashe street, phone 136. 1J.4 For Rent or Sale Eight-room house, 518 Park avenue, all modern conveniences. Phone 1904-W. 12-4 For Rent Residence. 120 College Place, nine rooms, steam heat, modern con veniences. Immediate pos session. Phone 1728 or 737. 12-4 FOR SALE HOUSES A Bargain In Two Modern Bungalows, complete with steam heat and tile baths. Apply Lannlng and Coe, phone 172. 12-1-tf. Per Mle Six-room' now hnngalow on uougias street. All modern con veniences and good terms. South Greensboro Insurance and Realty Co.. (27 South Elm atreet, rhon. zzm. 10--tf. For gale Three new hnngalowa near Ashebnro street city school; aiso a rew vncani lots. j. a. Moore, realtor. phnne234S-W. 11-30-tf For Sale Aix room house at 718 West I,ee street, corner of Went I, en and Hick streets. Will give terms to reliable party" Apply .1. W. .lohnson, Box 371, High Point, N. C. 12-12 For Rale New six-room bungalow, 417 Hillside drive. Weaterwond. It Is beautiful. We want to show vou. H. W. Clendrnin and Son, Realtors, room 106, first floor Banner build ing, phone 171.-" 1 1 -18tf For Sale fleaullfnl home. 032 North Kim street; wonderful location overlooking Fisher Park. You don't nficn find a home like this as reasonable 'price. H. W. Clendenln and Son, Realtors, room 101 first floor Banner building, phone 171. ll-2tf For Sale It has been said that one cannot buy a good home on easy terms without paying for the terms. We have the home and can give good terms wlthont extra rn,t Five-room modern brick bungalow In Fisher Park section. MIMIkan Realty A Insurance Co., Dhone ll-23tf For Sale Brand new house near North Carolina col lege. Priced right with terms. Phone 2152-J. 12-6 FOR SALE FARMS Two farms. Par gale One tig ipn, practically all In timber and wood, three miles from Guilford College; other 80 acres, two mllea from Jamestown. Address Ilox 82, jihone 6!tlS, Jamestown. N. C. 12-4 For Sale Three good farms; two houses and lot at Guil ford College. Good prices. Kendall Realty Compdny, Greensboro, N. C. 11-29-tf SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Learn at home or erhoal, shorthand, bookkeeping nn credit. rre!(i"ns guaranteed. Kdwarda Business College, High Point and Winston Salem. 12-1-tf . V WANTS FOR S ALE--AUTO M OB iLE S For Sale White M, ton dnmp truck, in excellent condition. Price 11,80'). See at Greensburu Motor Car t'o. 12-4 For Sale Auhurn R lonrlna ear, In 'good condition, at bargain. See Mr. Boneuell at Five Polnls Drug Co., phone 327K. l!-30tf Save 2ti to DO per cent aautn parts. New and used parts for all cars and trucks. Mall orders given prompt attention. Whltton Auto Wrecking Co.. Columbia. S. C. 13-6 Por Sah- Chevrolet louring car In tirst-claBS condition. Price 1190. Phone ,279. 12-2-tf For Sale Seven passenger Mitchell cnr. winter and summer top, at a sacrifice. Army and Navy Store. Burlington. N. C. 12-fi Por Hale Seven-pasaenger Cadillac, in perrect condition. H. W. Clen denln and Son, Realtors, room 10 first floor Banner Building, phone in. 2-2-tf For Sale Practically new Ford coupe at a big bar gain. R. G. Sloan Motor Co., 104-106 North Davie street, Phone 93. 12-4 For Sale Chandler sport model, repainted and re built, at a bargain. R. G. Sloan Motor Co., phone 93. 12-4 For Sale Chevrolet Sun. rior, practically new, at an attractive price. K. (i. Sloan Motor Co., phone 93. 12-4 For Sale Dnd ire Inunne lmt model, Firestone cord tires, runs like new. Oat flitv Motor Co. 12-4 For Sale Overland 4 sedan, useo only a short while Gate City Motor Co. 12-4 For Sale Ford touring carj jate model, with starter Gate City Motor Co. 12-4 For Sale Dodge sedan, new tires: Used by careful driver. Splendid appear ance. Gate City Motor Co 12-4 For Sale Cole 8 roadster re nnisnea, completely xgone over. Gate City Motor Co 12-4 For Sale 1921 Studebaker light six sedan. Just been completely overhauled. Ex cellent condition. J. M Dodd, phone 734. J2-4-tf For Sale Two 1920 model Buick roadsters, good snape. T. & H. Motor Co., Ill South Davie street, phone 2472. ' 12-4 For Sale One 1921 Ford roadster at a bargain. T. & H. Motor Co.. nrtnnp 247 m ' i Z. 12-4 For Sale 1921 Cole 8 seven passenger at a big saving. T. & H. Motor Co., phone 2472. ' i:M For Sale 1920 Dort five-'paT-senger, cheap. T. & II. Mo- JorCo:' Phone 2472, 12-4 For Sale Big six Studebakeri seven-passenger. Driven about 3,000 miles. Can be seen at Gate City Motor Co., Monday after 9 a. m. 12-4 Sell that old automobile of yours the quickest way by placing a small ad in the "Automobiles For Sale" column of the Daily News. There arc plenty of people who might be wanting just the car you are contemplat ing disposing of in order to buy another. Try a want ad. tf For Sale One 59 model, seven-passenger Cadillac touring car. This car is in perfect condition and would make an ideal fam ily or public service car. Terms to responsible par ties. Hares Motors of the Carolines, 317 West Mar ket street, phone 2836. . 12-4 For Sale Franklin coupe, slightly used, late model, will pass for new. This Franklin can be bought for less than a new cheap car, and is the kind that never freezes, seldom skids, or is seen at a gasoline pump. We also have a good refin ished Franklin touring car. Guilford Motor Car Co., phone 166. 12-4 We have listed with us for sale and on our floor these cars, all in excellent condi tion, at very low prices, on which terms may be obtain ed One Chalmers light 6 touring, one Essex touring, one Lexington touring, one Chandler sedan. If you want a good car at a price so small that you will al most feel like Santa Claus brought it, see us early this week. Guilford Motor Car Co., phone 166. 12-4 WANTED SITUATIONS Cx-lenchrri vrnnls work anything reasonable, llest references. U HI. Urown. Tavloravllle. Route 5, N. (' Wanted Position In office by aurae wun zu momns' nnspnal Iralnlng. Address "Nurse," care Lially News. 12-S Tonng man. aa aeeonntant, wishes to connect himself with a reliable concern In N. C. Open for employ ment Jan. 1, 1923. Address "Re liable." care Dally News. - Wanted Situation na aaleaman and window trimmer. In men's clothing furnishings store, 12 years' experl once, married, age 27, sm now em ployed, but desire to make a change, references. Address "Trim mar," cars Ialy Ksws. . 12-4 WANTS FOR SALE 'or Mnle One gaa stove, cheap. Lei na engrnve year Chrl--aae cards. ,uw tmus mm omul) ,,ry o. 1,'ia ahhage Plant, delivered, Sl.OO thon- sand. w. B. Lee, Benson, N. C- 12-4 Ten thousand pounds fauey bright cnunK comn noney jo pound buck- ., eta parcel post, 11.09 poatpald, K. - W. Crabtree, P. O. box No. 182, Illllsboio. N. C. H-I t'ahhage plants, leading varletlea, (UKk. i.wvu, fi.ou; aenvereu. mnpin Grove Karm, Thomasvllle, N. C. , 1-1 Christmas Gift Suggestions Sweet singing csnary and cage, S10 to $15. Also prettiest gold fish ever shown -In Greensboro. Wilson's Bird Shop, 303 North Davie street, phono 2041. . ii-sutr Oflfee Chairs Wa have several offleej ialre in mahogany and oak, re clining, revolving and straight chairs, all sites, at a special price. Cut Rate Furniture Co., 30 South Greene street. ll-9tf See the ornamental planting stone ouiiding corner Bes-, semer avenue and , Mag-. nolia street. John A. Young and Sons. ll-23tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE For gale lleautlful residence lot nn North Elm street, eastern exposure. Trice very low for quick sale. T. B. Ogburn, phone 1842 ll-26t( I It's real eatata ar haaae yen want, aaa our ad on back page of today's rsjly News. Guilford Insurance -and Realty Co., 10 East Market atreet, phone III. l-14-tf. For Sale Three small farms. $25 to $60 per acre; one seven-room house and lot; two brick store houses. See me for price and terms. C. O. Stuart, Guilford, N. C.' . ; 12-4 FOR RENT ROOMS Por Rent One furnished hedreom. close In. 607 Walker avenua, phono J202-J. ' a- Por Rent Three nice nnfnrnlahmi rooma and hallway, with all con.' venlences. See mo at Southslda Hardware Co. R E. Suits. 12-1 Por Hen t Four-room fnmlahed apartment, cloaa in, good neighbor hood. Possession December 1st, AddfesggJXJiox: 3t, city. ll-22tf ' Fnrniahed room to couple, furnace heat, use of dining room and kltch sn if dslred. Phona 1816-J. 12-S Room for rent t ladtea or couple, board if dealred. Phona 1224-W. 12-4 . Room for rent to gentleman In pri vate home, with all conveniences, Phone S4. 10-ll-tf. Par " Rent Two furnished steam heated rooms, Phone 2576-J. 12-S Pnr Rent Two large reams fnr i nlshed for light housekeeping. No ' 1 children. 407 South Edgewortli street, phone 1704. 13-4 Por Rent Two-room ,i,ri.kl apartment, 415 South Edgeworth street. Phone 1469-J. 12-2-tf . wo nicely furnished bedrooma with board, cloae In, on Market street. none U97-W. ij-i Foe ll , Ti. ,. i.k-j n. " keeping rooms. 71S Keogh streetr phone ltM-w, , 12-2-tf For Rent Furnished apartment, near o. Ilenry. 353 North Kim street, phone 1609-.?. 12-J-tf Por Ren t Furnish ed room In private home, suitable for one or two. 423 ' Ksst Mcralloch street. ' 12-4 For Rent Poar connecting unfur nished rooms and bath. 311 Lind say street. i ij.g For Rent Two" nf,.rnl.H,drnie, all modern conveniences. 305 West street. I nfurnlahrd spsrineiitforret7"twn rooms, kltchenetts and hsth, all conveniences f,0. Apply 20 eft wlch street, phone 2674-J. 12-4 For Rent Two fnrniahed roowT fan light housekeeping. Modern con veniences. Apply 113 Wilson street., ' " 13-4 Por Rent Three unfurni.hed" rooma upstairs, all conveniences except bent: also one room and k lichen -etic downstairs. Apply 2U7 Lyndon street. Board and room for one or two settled business wom en. Apply 228 N. Cedar' street or phone 2109-W. , ll-9tf An unused room is a luxury. The thing to do is to secure , a desirable tenant for that spare room by placing a small "For Rent" ad in. these columns, and thereby help reduce the high cost of living. tf , LOST AND FOUND Last Hlark. leather pocket hunk. containing some money and passes on Southern Railroad Finder re turn to News office and receive re- ward. Lost Large while srtver dog. My name on collar when left homo, flood reward for Information and recovery, c. w. Tcague, W est t)uf hani, X. C. Phone 11!94. 12-7 If that needle in the haystack ever turns up it'll be through a Daily News want ad. Read for profit use for results. Phone 1000. tf WHI party wiui exchanged -overcoats at the press box, University of Virgina, re turn coat to me? Norman H. Johnson, Richmond, Va. Lost Red female hound, named Vic, very friendly. Return to C. O. Stewart's store, Guilford College, and receivereward. 12-5 Lost Tan handbag, between ' Graham .and Saxapahaw, containing gent's clothing and 'other articles. Finder returri to W. E. Pickard; Y. M. C. A., Greensboro. Re gard. . 12-4 Lost Bird dog, English set ter, white and tan, one tan spot over each ear, several tan spots on his body. Please notify A. L. Briles, Cedar Falls, N. C, and re-. ' ceive reward. 12-4 Lost iBig black" and white spotted pointer dog. Wore collar with chain attached.' Finder please call phone 779-J or return to R. L. i. Simpson, 128 Eaat Fisher , avenue and receive reward. . 1

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