GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1922 11 Ureaiaat Harvest U World. tvhat promises to be the greatest vent In the history of local music circles is to be staged In the con cert by the sensation ot the musical wefjd today ,the "Paganlnlot the Harp," Alberto StUvl t ' , Mr. Balvl Is a roung virtuoso not yet in his thirties, but his record ot achievements Is astounding. His phenomenal harp playing has been the - sensation of two continents, When a mere child be was playing for the Italian' court, and since then haa amaled the concert audiences of both Europe and America. Perhaps .. never has an artist been a greater revelation to his audiences than has Alberto Balvl, He has reV' nlutlonlied harp Maying and pro duces effects, and , accomplishes i power and brilliancy hitherto con sldered absolutely Impossible. Bo astounding have been these revela- "yJISS , HILDA WIDMAN, widely , .. knowm artist of Jetteer City, who, im a stntemeat to the auMIe, declares Taalae has restored both herself and mother to splendid health. . tlons that he has come by the name: "The Wlsard of the Harp.", ' It la certainly a rare opportunity for Greensboro, and those who have made the conoert possible are to be congratulated as well, as thanked, , 1 1 I , : I Oae Week of Love. Quite n'lot of 'nolse was made con cerning ."One Week vt. Love" before It reached th Nutlonal theater where It played for the first time yesteraay, It has, Ilka Barnum and Bailey's cir cus, everything; In fact, It has a great deal mora than the particular circus mentioned. Certainly, the tent-snow, has no such delectable person a Eiaine Hammersteln among Us per sonnel. To get down to the Juice of the matter, "One Week of Iove" is then sort of story you want to tell all your movie-madi friends about. It has a lovely heroine all dressed up for aeroplanlng: and when the plane falls like Humpty-Dumpty, the lovely luM-'ilne afore-mentioned ges the juiciest thrill In her life. The plane falls right Into the arms, so to speak, of Conway Tearle, the hero. Now what eould be nicer? Not that Con way Tearle Is a bit nice about It at first. You see he Is one of those vary mean men of the mountains, one of those men who cum beautifully and' drag heroines Into their thrilling caves, .The old a(ne used to be "Cave Man"; nowadyays it Is "Sheik. Elaine gets all fussed up about It she wants to be treated like a lday that stags out of a Rolls-Royce, and the Mountain Sheik treats her as if she lust stepped on his to. Thsre follows'the "One Week of Love." It's the thrill ot a life-time boiled down to an hour and three-quarters. Added attractions Include an Kdu catlonal comedy and the latest Paths News. Miss Illldd WWmun, SIC Hancock vp Jersey City, If. is now an enthusiastic witness- to jth merlta of Teniae. Miss Wlrtman is a talented unlet,- whose beautiful palntlnirs have won her an enviable reputa tion In New York and vicinity. "Knowing Tanlac as I do," said Miss Wldptan, 'I could not doubt anything good I reaS or hear about It.-' '.Jlffore I took this medicine had so little- energy that I dreaded to ten day come, for I Just dragged myself through my work, so to speak I Ailrly ' ached from tiredness and got up ' mornings - reeling Just as worn-out -as -wpeji 4 reureu i mum. Same daysrt could hot eat, and being right down lck couldn't be much worse than thla, miserable, run-down feeling I suffered from. "By (he help of Tanlac I have over come that condition and am feel ing just the way I like to feel. My appetite never falls me, my sleep is fcoundand restful, and I am Just as full of energy7 as I was listless and tired before taking Tanlac. The good Tanlao has done me Is also very noticeable In my Improved com plexion as well as In the ease with which I do my work. Tanlao also made a different person of my mothet nfter she had been 111 and complain ing for over four years, and I think such a medicine is deserving of the highest praise." Tanlac Is sold by all good druggists. tar Hisses Actor. During tho making of some, of the theater Scenes for "Received Pay munt," which will be shown again to day at the lmeperlal theater, Corlnne OrlfflthNlues a toe dance, and It was necessary for these scenes to engage theater, vltagraph secured : th New Brighton theater at Brighton Beach for two- days, 'and put - on complete ehow-V The audience was engaged as- well as the actors, and during one of the scenes It was nec essary for Kenneth Harlan, leading man. to cross the stage. Miss Griffith was seated In a box out of camera range chatting with William David. "Let's have some fun at Mr. Har lan's expense." she exclaimed. And with, that the two commenced hiss ing the. leading mun as he crossed lteved the hero to be a vllllan, and thinking they would make an impres sion on the director took up the hiss and soon from -all parts of-the thea ter came hisses and cat-sails, which so annoyed tho hero that he spoiled the scene nnd exasperated Charles Malgne, the director. It was necessary iu ine a reiase, ana aeiay tne pro duction for several minutes while th director explained that Mr. Harlan was neither a real or screen vllllan, but one of the most likable fellows on the stage, and should be applauu ed.for his work and not hissed. ELON DEBATING TEAMS READY FOR OPPONENTS The First Debate Will Take Place With Emory And Henry Fri day Night, This Week. ISpMlsl t lull! Ntn.1 Elon College. Pec. 4. Klon's foren sic schedule for this year' includes debates with Emory and Henry. Pres byterian college, Lenoir, Maryvllle college, and others which' are pend ing, the first debate' to occur on tne schedule tielng with Emory and Henry en Friday night of this week. Three debutes are scheUu "d with Maryvllle, one to be at Elon for young men, and a dual debate lor young ladies of the respective lnstl tutlons. The others are all dual debates.. The faculty, debate committees have announced their schedule complete for Elon's teams to oppose trie above colleges, selection and appointment being made for all teams except lor the Emory and Henry debate who were selected last summer. H. L. Scott, Uoldsboro, .ind H. 8. Helms, Monroe, will represent K.lon at Emory and Henry, and L. J. Bray, etiarlotte, and L. J. Perry will debate the aame college at home. For the Presbyterian college team, Herbert Schols, Jr., Macon, and W. B. Terreht will go to South Carolina, while W. T. JBcott, Oreensboro, and O D. Colcloughly, Durham, will meet them bare. W. B. Wicker and G- A. Brown, It. 8. Helms and H. Lee Scott are the representatives to meet Ienoir col lege, the former debating at home and the latter at Hickory, tlusketh, Mlssea Spier, Farrebe, Judtl and Britt. ' , Prof, and Mrs. W. C. Harward. of Thomaaville, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Woody. Harry Dorsett, of Oreensboro, spent Sunday here with Mrs. Dorsett, who is 111 at ths home v o hie par ents, Mr. and Mrs. V. Mr -Dorsett. J. C. Oregson Is spending the first of this, week In Charlotte on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Bellng, of Bur lington, were recent guests in the home of J. N. Johnson'. ' Hampton Vestal. Ben Beaver, Les lie Duncan, Billy Brown, Dcwltt and Cly Perry, John and. Herbert Fox aro spending this week In Onslow county In quest of such game aa Is to be found In that seotlon. Work on the new 176,000 school building is now taking more definite form In that the brick are bUng rapidly placed in Uk walls. An other building is that of a modern filling station at the Intersection of the Pittsboro and Oreensboro high ways. Two attractive bungalow l-r be Ing erected by Dr. J. D. Edwards and E. M. Stone, the former being tn the eastern part of town, the Jatter on the highway In the western section. Two million tons of sand are used In the United Btatee each year In making glass. , MORRISON WON'T GIVE - OUT SHIP PLANS YET The Governor Will Make His Plana Known In Annual Message To . General Assembly. (Bj JUKcllUd hts.) Raleigh, Dec 4. Oov. Cameron Morrison will not reveal bis com pleted plans 'for a proposed ship line corporation for North Carolina until his annual message Is present ed to the general assembly In Janu ary, he told the Associated Press to day. The governor has been gatherlngn large amount of data from numerous sources and hss held several con ferences In connection with drawing up hlr plans to be Incorporated In his messsge. It was stated. The pro posal Is ssid to have met with ap proval and encouragement In many sections of the state and a strong fight wilt be made to have the legis lature take action on the measure at the coming aesslon. "I do 'not consider It proper to dls olose the details ot the proposed measure or my message ufntil it has been presented to the assembly," said the governor when asked for an out line for publication. "I have been working on my message for a long time, but cannot tell you when It will be completed." ' STOP ITCHING ECZETvIA Penetrating, Antiseptic Zemo Will Help You Never mind how often you hare tried . and failed, you can stop burning, itch ing tcrema quickly by applying Zemo furnished by any druggist for 35c. Extra, large bottle, $1.00. Healing be gins the moment Zemo is applied. In a short time usually every tracecJaema, Tetter, Pimples, Rash, Blackheads and similar skin diseases will be removed. ' For-clearing the skin and making it vigorously healthy, always use Zemo, the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. When others fail h is the one dependable treat Bxnt for tkia troubles of all kind. tl Thomas Hanner, Ramseur, and w. L. W'oodie, Furches, meet the Mary vllle college men's team here. Misses Jennie Ounter. Sanford, and Non nle Bailey, Wadley, Ala., will go to Maryvllle. Tenn., to contest with the young ladles' team there. Also Miss Irene Goff, Falcon, and Mrs. H. S. Raliuiy, Oordonsville, Va., -will de bate the young women of Maryvllle college on the Elon platform. SILER CITY NEWS. Ben Carrlek, Wke Was Hart In Anto Wreck, la Getting Aloag Nicely. (SPKlll U Diily Ken.) Slier, Cityr Dec. 4. Ben Carrlek, whowas Injured In an automobile, wreck- some time ago, has returned to his home here from the hospital. He Is getting along nicely. . Berlon Cooper, Tom Dark, Pete and Chalmers Stout, of University ot North Carolina, spent the holiday season at home. Fred W. Hadley, of Swarthmore, Pa., Is spending several days hern with relatives. Miss Joyce Fox, who Is a student at Sanford, "-spent the Thanksgiving season with her mother, Mrs. Louis Fox. near here. Those of the school faculty who attended the teachers' assembly at Ralejgh Saturday ''were: Prof. S. J. "How Fresh It Is!" It u a pleasure to go to your cake-box when jrou hare baked with ROYAL Baking Powder because it it in the nature of a pure Cream of Tartar Baking Powder to keep baked foods fresh. This means a real economy and is just one of a hundred reasons why careful house keepers insist upon Royal Baking Powder. Some others are: It Contains No Atom txavtu No Bitter Taste N GRAND Thursday, Dec. 7th Seata at Greensboro Music Store Toiler ORCHESTRA 2.W HAI.COY $2.00 and II.SO (iALLBUY ....TSc aad Sl.vU Mighty Monarch of all Musical Spectacles NX WRITER GARDEN EIGHTH ANNUM REVUE MPE RIAL Last Showing Today Vitagraph Presents , CORINNE GRIFFITH Received Payment A Story of the Stage: She a Toe Dancer Alio a Sennett Comedy and Select News Com Ids Wednesday, Thuradny Elhel Clayton In "Her Own Maney" "-: : -i -- -a H3B9 a Kim i s r n THE WORLD'S ( J f JraO1 A COLOSSAL OBLATION PORftKMINO AIX THE OPrr.KNt 'K OK AN ORIENTAL PAGEANT . 2300 Gorgeous CftKtames. 26 Wonderful Scenes Galaxy of Super Stars and the World Faased Bewitching Beauties National Again Today- Lewis J. Selznick Presents "ONE WEEK OF LOVE" Co-Starring Elaine Hammerstein and Conway Tearle Really the Ideal Photoplay of the Year Combining Elegance, Thrills and Romance Otker Attractions "High Power" Educational Comedy AUn Pathe News Overture Graad Faatasta from Pagllarcl" National Orrhrstn Vlneeat Kay. eonduetlna; i .. A ' C el teg S f IaaioeeiMsi Hrs. Bellew Slants jf Olerla Iwaam Use News Want Ads for Best Results TWO WEDDINGS OCCUR IN ALAMANCE COUNtY The Best Cough Syrup is Home-made. Here's aa easy way is sere It, and yet hare the beet eoash remedy yea star tried. Mil Mae ia Beckom And ' MUs Brooks Brides Of th Past Week. , . You're probably heard of this well known plan of makinjr couch at heme. But have tou erer used lit: Thousands of families, the world over, feel that they could hardly keep house without it. It's simple and oheap, but the way it takes hold of couch will soon earn it a psnnioent place in your' home. ! I Into a pint bottle, pour ounces of Pincx; then a'ld plain granulated siuiar ivmp to fill up (he pint. Or, ' If desired, use clarified molatsea. honey, or corn symp, initead of su(tar syrup. Either way, it tastes eood. X COUld b its cos1 - It Is never moils, and aive vou a ot better cougn jremeay man you could buy ready -mado for three times cost. t ia reallr wonderful how quickly this home-made remedy oonquers s -t cough usually in 24 noun or less. It seems to penetrate through every ir passage, loosens a dry, hoarse or tight cough, lifts the phlegm, heals the membranes, and gives almost im mediate relief. Spleedid for throat tickle, hoarseness, croup, bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Tinex is a highly concentrated com pound of genuine Norway pine el- tract, and has been used ic (Bjrtl te Dtiir Mm 1 Burlington, Dec. 4. Two wedding's Vhich were solemnised durlns: the Thanksavlna; holiday season have Been announced. The nest was that of Miss Mae Brooke and Joseph O. Pat terson, both of Burllngtonvwhlch oc curred on Thursday morning at Front Street Methodist parsonage, Rev. W. B.' Nortfv D. P., officiating. The other marrlSKe was solemnised by Rec. B. C. Dean, pastor of Hocutt Memorial Baptist church, and the contracting parties were Miss Eelma Beckom and WJIlard' Boswell, both popular young- people of West Bur lington, Both couples were accom panied br a few of their frlenda dur Inr the ceremonies, Each couple will reside In Burlington. Rev.. H. P, Wyrlck, the new pas tor of the Lutheran church In this city, wss formally Installed as pas tor of the church yesterday morning. The sermon waa delivered by 11 sv J. L. Morgan, D. D., president of the United Kvangellcal Lutheran synod. The Installation was a very Im pressive one ana was attended by a large- congregation. Burlington I observing this week as clean-up week, Mrs. J. B. Cheek, chairman of the civic commit tee, has announced the plans of the authorities for gathering the trash tin cans, etc., from all the streets of the city. ; Rst. R. m. Andrews. JD. D.. of Oreensboro, who Is financial agent for th new Methodist , T'rotestant college at High. Point, presented an Illustrated lecture, at the Methodist Protestant church here last night tot a large congregalon. 8terlt!optlcon pictures were shown, first a aeriea of lrgloua .plcturea and followed by scenes of the new college and other educational Institutions of the de nomination.' Dr. Andrews delivered an address on the need of colleges after ehowlng the etereoptlcon pic tures. or genera tions for throat and chest ailments. Tn nvoid 'Hissnnointment 'ask druggist for 3V4 ounces of Pihex' your ruggut for i'i ounces 01 rinex itu directions, and don't accept any thing else. Ouaranjecd to give abso lute satisfaction or money refundod The Finex Co., Ft Wayne, lad. AppetiteKeen and Bowels Relieved ' Yon can relish your giealswlthout fear . of upsetting your liver or stomaca u you win put your faith in (Jarler'a Little Urer, fills. Foul accumu lations thst B olson ths ood are ex- polled from the bowels , dissioess sod sallow skin are relic 1 1 a rvr i" rV" 1 iiuri i r k .i sinii r.ssisvr-riV Test it in ' ; coffee. Rich, "creamy milk Dairymen's League Evaporated Brand blends perfectly with coffee, And the taste well, you know the taste of coffee "with cream." Ask your grocer for It. BARN'S Co sparer). AssnolsoW, Lw. Urise.N.Y. mm I Alberto Salvi, wThe World's Greatest Harpist." Claire Dux, Soprano, Chicago Opera Association NATIONAL THEATRE . Tomorrow, Wednesday, December 6, 8:45 P. M. Tickets On Sale At Greensboro Music Company Tickets for colored people on sale at Gilmer's Drug Store. The following are excerpts from New York critics regarding these two artists: New York Times, October 28 1 Genuine music of the moderns a far cry in deed from the old tinkling harp repertory. New York American, October 28: His achievements are remarkable. First, he is a master in every branch of the interpretive arts. Second, he is a program maker whose taste and judgment are pbove reproach. Third, he is a com poser who can well afford to match talents with any. And he knows how to DESTROY MONOTONY. From the first plucked note to the final phrase the audi ence's enthusiasm, did not diminish. His arrange ments of Chopin's Fantasy Impromptu began with s whirlwind of notes so brilliantly played that both the eyes and ears were daxaled. ' New York Tribune, October 28 i Generally it would be doubtful if a harp recital would be sufficiently varied but there Is no danger of monotony ia SALVI'S performance. Vigorous, res onant forte passages and pianissimos that approached the vanishing point , New York Globe, October 28i Mr. Salvi once mere proved the variety, quality, and quantity of tone that can be coaxed from the harp. REMARKABLE SKILL. New York Journal, October 28 1 MADE ONE SIT UP at the way he played. More dashingly deft and fiery than ever. New York Sun, October 28i Unaccompanied save by the various instruments which he suggested on his harp, but the variety of color which the young Venetian proceeded to evoke from his strings sufficed. Peculiarly successful in exploiting the fluidity of his instrument. New York Mail, October 28 Masterful exhibition of virtuosity ASTONISH ING VARIETY of tonal effects including that of . bells. To judge from the way they aire sought after, New York appearances by an artist may be taken as an index of their popularity. Alberto Salvi, here tomorrow evening, had four New York appearances last season. They consisted of a recital at Aeolian Hall, a joint recital with Lucrezia Borl in Carnegie Hall for a fashionable New York charity, s concert' at the Metropolitan Opera House as soloist with the Metropolitan Opera House orchestra end an ap pearance at Mr. Bagby's exclusive Morning Muii calts at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. . e . "Her 'singing marks the pinnacle of ths art of song" writes a famous European critic of Claire Dux. The chroniclers are unanimous in their admiration for this celebrated singer. Pester Lloyd, the great English critic says: "The artist held us spellbound by the entrancing tono and seemingly unlimited range of the incomparable voice." And .Oscar Bis wrote: "The audience was overcome with sws by the beauty of this voice." GREENSBORO CONCERT COURSE E. P. Wharton, Guarantor Mrs. Lessie L. Wharton, Manager , x Box 641, Greensboro, N.C. 7f IMbMsW They Entered Courtroom At Outs; Left It Good Friends (Sptdil to Dill; Km) , Kim ton, Ilea. 4. Nathan Byrd and J. C. Tyndall were enemies, t would seem, when they met In a magis trate's court here, Tyndall charging Byrd with larcency ot an automobile license. The prosecuting witness and defendant came here from Pink Hill for the trial. They had been on good terms until, ehortly before ths trial. Evidence Introduced at .the hearing eonvlhoed the , magistral, that the license was pnt stolen. Byrd claimed he had, borrowed It from his aceuaer. Some difference had arisen and the larceny- charge was pre ferred. The Justice stated that the lend ing and borrowmg ot the license made both guilty ot a .violation ot a state statute. He assessed costs against both. Then human Interest entered the case. The accused waa able to sat isfy the court. Tyndall was wltbjut funds. Byrd paid Tyndall's teee and the couple walked out ot ths court room arm tn arm. -MORE THAN- In Christ, mas 'hV HU Tl UUD LMCRS HAT Cleaalac, kleeklnc, akapUff, repair leg. All klaea ( eats rekaaaea. JOHN BASSELL . '! 1ST Srcaatere It, Made Out By the Institution To Over 3,000 Members This Year, The Result of Systematic Saving We are pleased to pay to the good folks of this section the compliment of being thrifty people and that com pliment is backed up by the above facts. If you are not one to receive one of our CHRISTMAS CLUB CHECKS this year you should make it a point to be" a member of our club next year next year's club opens December 11, 1922. Start early and stay with it. We are prepared to start you right now. Come in and get information of how you can have more money to spend next Christmas. To the old members we only need to say that we are ready, for you start now or without fail December 11th. ' GREEN AND T B ORG RUST 'CO K BAN MPANY Really a Friendly Institution Just South of the National Theater ' Greensboro, N. C. 7 Ml "1 .11 j iirm ssBsjiDssa Saunrrte mn'illa fl JrCTejua

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