flREENSBORO DAILY Nfcwwi. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1922 t Woman's Realm ' ' Telephone 1001 Weddings, Club Meeting, Card Parties and Personal (Continue from Page Six) II Jamestown, becam the bride of Clar dm U Bowmaa. of Randolph-count ty. 'Mr. Davt performed th cer monjt. Th bride la on of the most popular jroung women of Jameatown and the (room i prosperous farmer of Randolph. CkriunH Ceaeert Tealght ' Tha Christmas concerted the Flrat Moravian Sunday school will be riven this evening at T:0 o'clock. A aer- entitled "His Star" will be ren dered, following welch the pastor will dellxer an address. The, public bus been cordially Invited to attend the aervtc. i tilnlaurr Society t Sleet. The Missionary society of the Cen tenary Methodist church will hold Its regular meeting tomorrow afternoon at o'clock with Miss Mattle Elliott, as leader and Mrs. J. B. Pleasant as hostess. - ... . .' nUUORASA ' Mils Clarissa Rose, of Thomasville, was a Greensboro visitor leaterday. Miss Madeline Moor will leave Tuesday for Charlotte, where she will participate In a wedding. Mist Oladya Guard, of New Tork city, will spend the Christmas hell day In the city with Mlaa Mabel Kas. . .-''';'-. Allen Thomas, of Charlotte, la the guest of bis aunt Mrs. 1, W. Patter, ton. at her home on 81rnpon street Miss Margaret Ray Patterson, who Is a student tt Converse college, will trrlv In the city Wednesday to spend the Christmas holiday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Pat terson. Misses Helen and Marian Borea. students at Converse college, will ar rive Wednesday, to spend the 1'hrlst tnas season with their parents, at Pomona. , Miss Annette Wright who tt t student at Converse, will arrive In the city Wednesday for the holiday season. She will be accompanied by The Greensboro Da3y News Bible Distribution! COUPON !Tw eastinct style of til is wonderful Book of Book Have beimi 'adopted for this great newspaper Bible distribution. On is the! ' iar-ssmed Red Lefter Bible (Christ's sayings printed in red for im mediate identification), and the Plain Print Bible lot thaw Iwbo can spar bat nominal sum. ' ' Only Three Coupons jCHa ejus coupon and two others and present or mail them to thai j paper with the tarn set opposite either style, and com intat tpoeseeaioa of year Book of Books at one. .StrU A fUd tetter Bible. ut- aJaea Matter oovare. lanea huge, elesr prist. S 1 no I type, etreo sad statable. QQ aa ealy T I tarae coepono as u. vwv Style B Plain Print BiUe. flesh fries Mark eeal Simla taatue l.tb.f large Mail Orders i'. Send Style A er Style B. with three. 13 seats . sad tadaas addltleaal' NOTE: The Catholic Blbl (Douay Version), can be (applied to reader desiring same. It It praetically the tame tite and bound similar to Btyle A described above and tt offered on the same terms I coupons and tl.St. : . ' i . ' ' i' ' 1 A Chane for Every Reader to Get a New Bible i 1 I i Rev. J. H. Barnhardt i - will preach at - West Market Street ". "t - -.-- '. , . v ' Methodist Church . at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. today. At I those hours you will hear helpful ' ! sermons. . "1 ' Special Music At Both Services jj You'll Find a Cordial Welcome . 1 J f everal of her school mate, who wilt be her guests . J. R. Carson left yesterday for Baltimore to attend the annual meet Ing of the salesmen' convention of the McCormlck company,, which eon' vene Monday and last until Fri day. David Canon arrived In the city yesterday to spend the Christmas season with hit parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Carson, on Aeheboro street Mr. Canon hat been tn Rochester. N. T, tinea laat January? with th American Woodworking Machine company, preparing himself to repre sent this arm In this territory. x aV ' E. Robinson, of Jacksonville, Fie,, arrived In the city Friday for a vlalt of eeveral days. He wat ao compaaled by W. L. Stoddard, of New Tork. who spent yetterday In th city on business connected with th build ings In th couree of erection by th William Poor Hotels company, - Mrs Arthur C. Fairy left th city yesterday for Duncan, 8. C when aha wUl spend th holiday! with her parent Her husband. Arthur C. Fairy will follow later. Mist Cranford Jackson, of Guilford College: wat a shopping visitor In th city yeaterday. Miss Eatelle Brown, of Hlllsbor. was among th throng of Christ mss shoppers here yesterday, ' Mis Mildred . Morrison, who tt a student st Salem college, has arrived in th city to spend the Christmas holiday with her parents. Mlsa Helen Stone arrived last Bight from Bristol. Va to spend the Christmas vacation with her mother, Mrs. Loula Stone, til North Elm treet . ' Miss Lucy Martin, of Leaksvlll. Is th guest for the week-end of Miss Kate 'Burton, on Church street. . Mm J. w. Murray of Burlington, spent aevanl hours fa th city yes terday shopping. i i vt Mia Klltabeth Simpson, of Leaks vllle. wat a shopping visitor her yesterday. Miss Ruth Wtnslow. of Reldsvllle. was a shopping visitor hen yeater day. i ' .,. . Mist Myrtle Cavlneaa, of Mebane, was a Greensboro visitor yesterday. Mlsa Mary Cooper, of China Grove, pent yesterday In th city shopping. Mlsa Alice Fulford. of Burlington. Mrs. T. J. Gold of High Point wat among th crowd of Christmas ahop pen yesterday. , was a Greensboro shopper yesterday. ' Miss Laclle Thomas of High Point spent yesterday In the city shopping. Mrs. J. H. Sparger left yesterday for Wilson, when eh will spend, the holiday season with her daughter, Mrs. Wilbur Kochtttxky. U N. Ireland left last night for a visit to Norfolk, Vs. , George F. Newman will leave today en n business trip to New Tork. Mrs. H. 8. Harrison and little grandsonfl of Enfield, who have been vialtlng .Mr. Harrison' son In Ashe vllle. will pass through the city todsy eu rout to their home. They will be Joined hen by Mrs. rruik Shaw and little daughter, who have been pending th past ten days with Mr. and Mrs. C O. Harrison, . at their horn on Virginia street. Mis. Lncfl Mercer wll leave Wed nesday night for Atlanta, Qav to spend the, Christmas holldaya. . Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Springer and little daughter will leave th latter part of Next week for Charlotte to spend the Christmas holiday with Mrs. Springer's parents J. P. Williams left yesterday for a business trip to Memphis, Tenn. Sr. J. W. Long has returned from a professional trip to Memphis, Tenn. Mlsa Josephine Child will leave Wednetday for t Atlanta for the Christmas holidays - Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wolf left yes terday for New Tork. after a vlalt to their daughters. Mrs. Bernard Cons and Mn Herman Cone. Mist Annl Nsaly will leave Wed nesday for Atlanta, whsn sh will spend th holiday. FARMERS CONFERENCE ADJOURNS AFTER VERY SUCCESSFUL SESSIONS (Continued from Pace One.) tlont and agricultural co-operative credit associations. "1. That tbs federal lanu nans i .K -i v.. I. amv riifttrlnt of the .United Btatee to punhase production credits umiteo 10 sucn creoui the not of th Individual It Indorsed by th oo -operative credit associa tions or la secured by a chattel mort gage on Implements or animals or both and Indorsed by a local bank, or when the note on draft Itself it made by a co-operative credit asso ciation of producer. In recent conference held by Sen ators from a number of the agricul tural state, some apprehension was sxpressed lest th project legislation, such as contemplated, especially In section four, would prove Inadequate. Senator 81mmons wat among thos who took the position that th Len root and Capper bill would not meet Join The Eureka Christinas Club Become the Owner of a Grand Prize Eureka Vacuum Cleaner the situation. Differences of opinion trote among the Democrats, as tt had among th Republican senators Senator Pat Harrtaon, of Mississippi, hat ehowa an Inclination to tupport the Capper and Lenroot bill which, a before ststed. harmonise with th position taken by the national coun cil, Coadeea Harrises Bxpalatea. Some of th older memben et the North Carolina delegation In . the house aald th hlghett handed aot of grots partlaonshlp thy had vr witnessed lno coming to Congrosa waa committed In the' house yester day whsn by a strict party vote. Thomas W Harrison, Democrat, and repreasntlng the seventh. Virginia dis trict, waa unseated for John Paul, Republican., Repreeentatlve Bul wlnkle declared that T.000 voters In that district had been disfranchised In the election two yean ago, by th act He laid that Harrison had con clusively ehown by check stub drawn In favor ef Baaoom Slemn. and letters written by Blemp's eecretary that 81emp had been trafficking for hie party In securing positions a postmasten to person! In Virginia who would put up the money. Slemp issued a statement denying Harrison's charge, and said th money he had collected had been turned over to th Republican national commute to Jielp cancel. Its deficit Mr. Bui winkle said Representative Slemp'a explanation failed to explain these check and letters, and that th (tarn sort of trafficking postmaster posi tions had been going on In South Carolina. North Carolina end Ten nessee within the last two yeara He pointed to th fact that a concres stonal committee wa now about to Inveatlgat Mr. Tolbert the 8outh Carolina dispenser of government Job la that Stat a Mr. Bulwlnkl said he personally knew of one In stance la Catawba county where a man had secured th position of postmaster by paying money. Today Major Stedman and uncle Joe Cannon went to the Whit House to urge th President to appoint Rep resentative sisson. or Mississippi, a member of the Supreme court of th United States. Major Stedman aald Uncle Jo did most of th talk ing to th President bu. naked th major to back htm up la Vhat ha said. They told th President that Mr. Sisson. I a vary able lawyer and man of th highest charaoter, a sterling Democrat and would be a fit representative ' of th south In th Supreme court Th major aald the President fairly beamed on unci Joe and himself, gava them cigars and smoked with them. Th Presi dent told the major how well and kindly he remembered him, and what a pleasure It was to see him again, but through It all the Prosldent waa non-committal aa to Judicial appointments. ObJeetiM te Mallea. Senator Overman received a letter from a prominent attorney at Lln- colnton asking him to have the con firmation of Clyde G. Mullen as post master at that point held np until after th holWaya Th writer think th appointment would be a serious mistake. The aenator replied that be would have it held up. Senator Simmon it urging th In terstate Commerce Commission to have the Norfolk Southern Railway company furnish a greater number of can to the J. B. Blade Lumber com pany of New Bern ao that as many possible or th people rendered Idle snd homeless by tha fin may be en.ployed The company needs It oajs a day. but has received only IS within th last three weeka The Bad condition growing out of the discontinuance of tha railway transfer clerk' offices at Rocky Mount and Goldsboro hav causal Senator Simmons t file complaint with th second assistant postmaster fft-uerei, nvr nfiwflnQB, 'jar, Hen derson has w.tten th aenator depre cating the conditions described and promising that Mr. Rlddell, th gen eral superintendent of the rsllwav mall service, will call on the senator and show him tha record pertaining to these two office and will confer with him on the situation. Mr. Hen derson feels aura the proper solution of th problem can be found at once. The general architect' oftlc of th treasury department stated to day that an architect sent to ex amine sites for public buildings at Greensboro and Aahevlll bad filed a report recommending that a build ing costing I6S0.OOO at Asheville be erected on a site costing 1200,000. HI recommendation for Greensboro is a building costing 1(00,000 on a sit costing 1100.000. Bnt the prospect of securing a new public building either at Greensboro or Asheville costing the above amounts is not vary bright, even If tn siuv.000,000 public building btll contemplated by the house committee on public buildings and grounds should pass Congrats and ba ap proved, by tha President Reoraten- tatlve Weaver, who 1 very anxious. to get a new building at Asheville. said thst North Carolina's than of the $100.004000 would not be more thAn 11.000.000 and It would have to be distributed among the needa of the 10 congresslonsl districts of the state. It would, he said, be sheer waste of money to erect building at Asheville coating Jest than th archi- Aimougn rresiaent Harding la re ported to be opposed at this time to spending money for what la called "pork barrel" legislation. It wat said at the office of Chairman Langley or the commute that the President had agreed to confer with Mr. Lang ley on the tubject during the holt days. cannot b 100 per cent American be cause you are a Catholic,' I dan aay he would say to me. Tbey never told m anything Ilk that when I stood In line with my gun, waiting to go over in top.- - Speaking of th appsal made by organltera of the klan along line of what they call 100 per cent Amerl oanlsm, he aald: ' "In many place th appeal to creed ha brought Into th organisa tion torn excellent meu who believe that they an addressing themselves to a reel problem when they draw lines ef religious prejudice." Sketching the progress of th klan, h continued: "It grow very rapidly when It atrlkea a community and tt require bout a year of experience to con vince It best member that th or sanitation haa 'no real place of use fulness In America. It arouse th Intense! bitterness. , "In om communities, whan t am acquainted with Its activities frtenda of a lit time hav become estranged, families have bsen divided, men be come suspicious of their neighbors, bigotry and Intolerance hav thrived. poisoned pens and serpent tongues have bun busy spreading scandals. Women and children have been taught to believe that their neigh bors of a different religions faith an plotting their destruction. "Th old American spirit of enter, prlss, co-operation and neighborly good will pass away under the blight of It bigoted teaching and th spirit of religious Intolerance, hatred and suspicion enters Into every clvlo ac tivity from th deliberations of th chamber of commerce to th politi cal primaries. Sermon of bat an thundered from pulpits, where. In other yeara was taught th doctrine of great commandment." After referring to pciflo Crimea of violence- alleged to hav been committed by memben of th klan tn th south and the far west he aid: . ' - - - ' "Th organisation I a dangerou to th Protestant aa It la to tha Catholic the Jew or th negro. It exists only when th authority of th government hss been broken down and destroyed. It brings chaos and hatred and menace to every law abid ing cltlsen who may fall victim of the private quarrels aad animosities of th men who hid their Identity be hind a mask." orrm or KLAr to stouts IS TTRKD DOWN BT BOARD St Louis, Dec 1. A donation of 115.000 offend by tha Ku Klux klan of this city to th Boy scout troops recently, during a drlv for a tri ennial tund, wa rejected by the com mittee in charge of th campaign without any explanations. This action caused Rev. uomoie ii. Smith, of this city, to defend the klan In a sermon. . Several days after de livering thla sermon. Rev. Mr. Smith announced he had received threats by mall and hy telephone. - Mrs. Blonnie Warren Tries to End Own Life At Wilson (gasfil te Oellr hesal - Wilson, Dec. 10. Mrs. Blonnie Warren, who kidnaped her 5-year old daughter from people to whom the Internationally Famous The Eureka Vacuum Cleaner is the winner of five international grand prizes and gold medate more than all other electric cleaners combined. It is used in more than 600,000 homes. It is. The Ideal Christmas Gift for Wife, Mother, Daugh ter and Sister Special Christmas Club Offer $3.50 down and balance five dol lars per month. We can accept only a limited number of orders un der this special club offer good only this week. Better see or phone us today., Daniel Drapery and Shade Co, 212 West Market Street Phone 3161 Greensboro, N. C. Clinard Electric Company. Winston-Salem. N. C. Distributors ' THE KANSAS EXECUTIVE TELLS GOVERNORS THE KU KLUX IS DOOMED (Continued From Page One) of securing klan to do Kansas. Agalaat a writ forbidding trie business heresftsr tn the Mask.' 'The essence of our opposition to this organisation Is not in the fact that it fights the Catholic church or expresses its antipathy to the' Jew or the negro, but In the fact that It does this under the protection of A mask and through the process of ter rorism and violence. "It Is Incredible that this country should have patted through Itt bap tism of heroic devotion .which wai called Into action four years ago only to sag uick now into this most lamentable species of disorder. Much human lire lias been sac rificed to the cause of Christian civll liatlon. as America interprets it. I could tske you to a place I know In France, where the crossea rise row on row, and after a while we would stand before a cross which msrkt the resting; place of Jamei Fltsslrrimons. The record Is thst he waa the first member of the American expedition ary forces to give hi life In the com bat area of Toul. If I had the power to reincarnate him, I could aay: 'James Klttslmmont, you think you are 100 per cent American,' and 1 imagine he would look at me with tome surprise and say; 'I never thought much abotiT that: I waa born In America and when they told me this war Wat for th defense of our Ideals and our civilisation I didn't wait for selective draft. I hurried on to offer my life for th defena of the principle which ' America had adopted as her own.' t "If I should say, 'You an not a 100 per cent American, there Is an emperor of an Invisible government at Atlanta. Oa., who declare you "Money All Gone" Will .be the season ablesubject tonight at 7:30 of Dr.Chas. F.Myers at the First Presbyterian Church The subject of the morning sermon will be "The Face" Special Music v Will include, at the - evening service, a quartet Mrs. C. A. Mebane, Mrs. E. C. Caldwell, Mr. Chas. Troxell and Mr. J. Foster Barnes and a Gospel solo by Miss Katherine' Johnson. The morning music will feature an an them by the choir assisted by the Sun day school choir; mixed quartet; and a baritone solo by Mr. Barnes. Everyone Invited If you are a stran x ger spending Sun- day in the city the invitation is made especially 'urgent. Please feel, while you are here, that the First Presbyte rian is your Church Home. One Block East of O. Henry had given the child, , attempted ulclde hen today by taking bichlor ide. Sh li 1i i local hospital In a critical condition, Sh toot th child and fled to Rich mond laat Monday and wat brought back later on a warrant charging kidnaping. Th Indictment agalnat her wat quashed and It It laid that ah will consent 'to the legal adop tion of the child by her aunt Mrs. Tlllmaa I 111. Greenwood, 8. C. Deo. II Hra Benjamin H. TUIman, widow of the late United States Senator Tlllmaa, la critically 111 at her horn In Tren ton, a C, ilt was learned her today. Major Henry C. . Tlllmsn, her son, who lives here, ha been summoned to ner seaside, MADAME ROSELIEA PALMIST and CLAIRVOYANT ' Tsll you whsn and whom you will marry tnn , how to win th man or woman you love.' Re i unite I he separated, eautet speedy and happy , marriage , with the en of your choice. Shi Rive you the full seoret of how to control, aolnate and charm th on you love, No matter what troubles you may have with your- , self and others, ah will help you. Why bs un lucky, unlovsdf Learn how to control events of Ufa Tour entire lit 1 revealed by this gift ed woman, latUfaetlea Gaaraateed aa Prlesi BaaMaakl 302 Vt South Elm Street O'ppaatt Jtatlsaal Theater, H oarer a. sa. ts FOR HER CHRISTMAS I WHATEVER ELSE FANCY DICTATES BE SURE SHE HAS ' "JJ' if lit 5f it If 9. A BOX OF or ( ...... , . , v '.' THE.VERY LAST WORD IN FINE CANDIES ; t Christmas Shipments the always appropriate Gift From the viewpoint of "the recipient , of these delicious candies-they i are a perfect gift ? Their rich, smooth ; flavor is more than pleasant , We ourselves are proud of them -for the pure, sugar . and syrups from which they ; are made have been 7 1 cooked to a real candy . perfection. You, too, will be pleas ednot only with the candy but with the easonabie t rices at - hich we are selling if ' , Drrtor enrlvf ' t .-Hitl r ..',,..(-' ' ' ' St Phbnes'294 . 2 and 295 A 4 f t i i vs. - d. r A , r m -ft Henry Drug Store ! . Mtn .iiiimiiim li II I I ' Ml -Nianna , TM I LIT T tt.lT.riJ.rt.ll.l.Tll.ri.l.l.l.l-T.l-T.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.IJ.TXO.T.T.TJ.TJ.I.UJ.11 fcnjoy Yourself This , Christmas Buy yourself and your family real Christ mas r present a Hupmobile Sedan or Coupe! Here is what is literally a fine car at a low price. You can establish the truth of that easily to your own satisfaction by asking any independent garage mechanic what he thinks of Hupmobile engineering and the way the Hupmobile i9 built Their ask any Hupmobile,- owner; about the car. Learn how amazingly little it costs for upkeep and operation; and how thoroughly reliable and consistent it is in service throughout the year. Perhaps you have a car which you desire jo trade in. Why not bring i around new. and get our trade-in allowance on it? Resolve to enjoy a new car this Christ mas, instead of waiting until months later. KIRKMAN & COBB 113 E. Washington Phone 3232 i I