GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 17, 1922 V if 8 I K V M v 5 M 1 5 V s ! a. t ... I THE GUKSOF POUCE Chief Crutchfield Believes The Find Tabulation Will bt About Christmas MAKING GOOD PROGRESS Th census reports coming late the police station, beina; "takes by tlx -policemen en their beau, bar el- ready (an op to something ever l.XMu names registered. The , policemen taking thl census report sjr the are encountering (aw difficulties and that en the whole the taak la muck easier than they aa4 at flrat expected. Chief Crutchfield stated yeatarday afternoon that' ha hoped to (Ire the people of Greensboro a Christmas present of a city population of II. 101 Inhabitant. He declare that unless aoma wnforaasea happening takea place he will be through with the oeneue by December IS, and that ha faela fairly confident the total number of name win run close to, or even over. 11.001. 'The main difficulty encountered In taking the census la tabulating the carda after they eome Into the police atatton. The policemen o the beat take the name on a thin blank and they are copied from that oae W a curdboerd blank by policemen Jn the headquarter. This keep on man constantly on the job In the offloe and even then, nay the official, he 1 unable to keep uit with the re- anrta eamtne In. . - The, permanent carda are placed on file in the city hall and will be kept there for all-time reference. It la believed that by thla. complete eenaua there will be mighty little evading of tazea In the near future. Every policeman la taking the eenaua of hie beat and every policeman la la at? i T a If Gifts of China for the Home that combine beauty and utility. Thara ia no gift that'will ba mora appreciated and ft wUl ba enjoyed by all the family. , 100 Piece Nippon China Set Decorated and Plain y $80.00 TO 175.00 (.(..'' " 100 Piece American China Set ' ( ' " Decorated nd Main 117.50 TO I3S.00 " A Varied Assortmentof Gifts For The Home t Eectrie Lamps, Cat Glut, aotsiijverirare, Electric Curlers, 2 Aluminum Ware, Percolator and Electric Iron. if FOR THE UTTLE FOLKS Biding devkaa in dependable qualities, priced reasonably, WAGONS VELOCIPEDES g Guilford Hardware Company g y S2S Soatk Elan . 3",, Grssuboc more or lea familiar with that par ticular part ot th city. It la authen tically stated that there will not be a' single person In the eltr over looked. This eenaua cantos regarded a officially correct, sv the police. One of the moet amusing inatance In connection with the police oeneue la the way ao many women give their agee a "11 plus." When th first card cam In to that effect the man who waa making the oopy mistook th Indefinite figure for "111." He ran to Chief Crutchfield. saying that on woman aent her ace In a tie years, and he believed something waa wrong. ' -The old tale about women retuainr to tell their age has always been a standing Joke, but few persona really believed It was true. But when a policeman 1 un able to ret the eorreotvage, woman (a Raleigh. Dec ItThe fellow to Nortk Carolina who has been "down must have some aeiioacy aoout wm- BH out", owing to hie "orlp mlttlng themselves oa the question ot their are. Beautiful Catarat In Japan v Is Favorite Suicide Sector Aala Kagaaln,) Kegoln Fella. In, to Japanese River la aaa of the moat beautiful cataracts la the Island Empire, and with one of the moat aombr ooareo tore. 4, Its fall la III feet, and It waa originally only a beauty spot, a sort of side show to th treat snnn at Nikko. nearby. But 10 year ago a poet named lioroya accomplished the astonishing feat ot making Kegoln popular as a place ot suicide. Ho took hi owa life there, flrat carving eome verses In the bark of a tree, and ever alnoe th autoide have thrown themaalves Into the boiling waters In extraordinary num bers. . V .. The event tak plaoe at Kegoln at the rate of two or three a week. The practice has become ao common that It has ot lata been necessary for th government to keep a pollsemaa on constant duty near the falls, to prevent would-be -suicides from throwing thamtelvea over the rook. And. despite this official vigilance, enonnoua a umbers contrive to do It every year. NEW KIND OF LIGHT Invent os? Plata eia Way ef Ptodwetea Walter Light than Eleetise freaa ' atsrsseao 00 A new lamp has recently been In vented which burns common kerosene oil and produces a soft, white light said to be even batter than electric or gas. Testa by the Government and leading Universities prove thla new light Is superior to tea ordinary ell lamps. It burns without odor, smoks or noise. Is simple and economical, re quire! no pumping up and haa been approved by the Underwriters tor In surance. Than Inventor, P. X. Johnson, 141 N. Broad 8t Philadelphia, Is offering to send ana of these new lamps on ten days" tree trial, or even give one to the first user In each locality who will help him Introduce It Write him today for articular. Also ask him to explain hia agency proposition. ft Style For the Particular Value For the Thrifty . in Women's and Misses' N SMART XMAS JiajMllfE Vocational Rehabilitation Has Done Much For People Dur ing the Past Year. THE MAIMED NUMBER 476 APPAREL No matter which way you turn in our shop you are sure to catch attracting glimpse of the loTeliest Xmas wearable! Even to see them holds many a thrill, and when one slips them on their rich beauty is irresistible. " Authentic New Creations in COATS AND WRAPS Model that fulfill the exacting de mand of exclusive style, yet extremely naaonable in their price. $14.50 to $129.50 DRESSES That Portray Fashion's Smartness , A great part of ttleir attraction is originality of design avnd ornament,' but a very pleasant feature is their moderate price. $12.95 to $49.50 ' Exclusive High Character FUR TRIMMED SUITS Modela that disclose the dominant notes of 'distinction and exclusiveness in design at $24.50, $29.50,. $39 50, $49.50 AND WHAT SMART MILLINERY To complete the smart ensemble for Xmas a chic hat is nec essary. Whether it be a tiny turban, or a sailor, whether it have a wide brim or no brim at all, whatever you wish, wet have it and it's very smart indeed pled condition' ha had a wonderful opportunity to "come haok" and one. again take hla place In the whirling, fast moWng pace of the world during the past year, according to U. I Stanton, atate supervisor of Voca tional rehabilitation. . . During the past year. th. depart- ment haa been restoring to useful ness and self sufficiency a large num ber of eltlaens, who. either through accident, disease or deformity from birth, have been handicapped In earn ing a livelihood, said the supervisor. In completing his report. Mr. Btaa- ton la Including the latest results ot a cripple census his department and the bureau of ohlld welfare have been taking for th. past several weeks. Thla osnsus to date shows U crip ples In th state. Five hundred and twenty are whites and 111 negroes. There are 7 cripple males and 111 female, th report (howa. Of this number, SI are under-ll yean of age; 11 between 1 ana 0 si Be tween II and l fl between i and 50; l over 60,' and 4 whoa, ages are not known. Under the origin of disability head are found fl, unknown; II. accident; III dleease and II congenital. Thla eenaua will place the depart ment In connection with oaaea In which It mas be of assistance, and In a position to outline Its work. It was said. "Vocational rehabilitation involve no sentimental Ism and emotionalism." said Mr. Stanton. "It I not a charity, but the fulfillment ot an obligation of the state to 1U Injured Worker an obligation baaed oa aoonomle. In dustrial, social and humanitarian conalderatlons. "Statistic anew that each Indus trial employe In North Carolina an nually produced- on an average of approximately 14.000 worth ot ma terial wealth during the year lilt and moy Of course, that la a gen eral average. --- , .. "To make an extremely conserva tive estimate. If 10 out of the casss registered with the department of vo cational rehabilitation oa November IS, -IMS can be aided so as to produce during the remainder of their Uvea 11.000 more of material wealth each for the -oommon wealth than they would have done had they not been assisted by us. that additional future wealth for the stats may be consid ered approximately 1100,000. . "Thla estimated return 1 on an In vestment ot 140,000, the coat to the stats of maintaining the department for the first two years, from July 1, 111. to June 10, lilt. "To show how the department haa worked, let na take the esse of a boy whom; we shall call Leroy W., ot FHettevlua. While very young, Le roy was run over and one of bis legs cut off by a train. Upon the com pletion ot the sixth grade, ho waa forced to retire from school" and seek employment on account of his par ents being poor. Be picked up small Jobs here and there, but scarasly was abl t. earn enough to feed and clothe himself. "Unprepared for any vocations, he shifted from lob -to Job. At the age of II his case was reported to this department After as Investigation It was decided shoe repairing would be the most suitable occupation for htm. The depVrtment paid, his main tenance while he was -learning the htrade. At the end of It weeks, ths employsr Informed us hs desired to retain Leroy at an Increase over the amount the latter was receiving from the state. The boy now hae been following the trade six month, has nsvsr missed a day and la happy and contented well on ths road to eco nomic Independence.. Another man who received aid from na was a successful watchmak er until an accidental discharge of his shotgun resulted In the loss of one of his arms. For a year hs searched for employment. Owing to hi Inability to provide for hla fam ily, his wife left him to realde with her parents, taking the small child with bar. When ths department took up his case, he waa placed with a railroad agent and taught telegraphy and clerical work. Later he was trans 'erred to a commercial telegrapn of fice and now has been assursd ot a position with ths concern upon the completion of his training." hs said. Mr. Btanton'a report snow, 'nai during th 17 month of th depart ments activity, ! person nave oeen reported aa disabled. The department has msde a personal investigation oi 271 cases. Definite asaistanae na been rendered to 160 disabled persons. Vocational training has been given to 71 persona, while 71 crippled persons have been aided in oecoming seir supporting through assistance given In sscurlng suitable employment and necessary artificial appliances. 'Of those aldsd by ths aaparcmoni. said Mr. Stanton, "forty-three have been rehabilitated, and many more will be restored to eeonomio inae nendence within the next few months." Mrs. Robinson Entertains For Miss Simmons, a Bride-Elect ' ' - m m MTM! u t zi , .p I1 it Wiii ft i i k.T wirynm 1 m i re .-..-,,. - ji i i - - ir in lira i a i h latmwih f 1 i r jhju i ,-i--J"tiiA. ; .-. . i v rw. hi e-fj ti rniut'iM i f sis sis t i -. u i:...j,"xn """"s "ss.j- ma i isi - , , WoBiderfiiiM V? ; $3.95 to $15.00 , 1 Now at this time when to much it needed for other Xmas gifts and remem brances ia the time to open up an account at this modern atyle center. Just say "Charge It" 4ts part of our service. , Ntal ts ntlS Dm) ' nnaehoro. Dec. II. Thursday night, December 14, Mrs. n. crosweu hod Inscn dellsrhtfully entertainea at no home on Clinton street quite a num ber of rounr people In honor of the approaching marriage of Miss Martha Simmons and B. Hau or aarooro. The guests were received at tne door by the hostess, asslsted'by her sister, Mrs. C. B. Tyson. As boon as the guests wers seated a brides con test waa used.. Ths prise wss won by Marlon Melvln and the bride-elect Mr. Melvln wasYlrst presented with a jack In the box; when opened he had the announcement In hla hands, which - announced - the approaching wedding which wll take place Decem ber 10, 1021, at I b'elock. Other con tests were engsged In after which the guests served a salad eourse fol lowed with black coffee and sandwiches. XXI . Tim St. 1 Ijl-IJBU flrsmnakn..- N C Greensboro, N. C. Caaaery Organised At Klatrtsa, (Spwtal te Dally Hen) Klnston, Deo, 16, The Klnston Canning company has been chartered by the secretary of state at Raleigh, with an authorised oaplta) of 1100,- 000. The chamber of commerce to day announoed that the Initial block ot llt.000 of the stock would be sold to Lenoir county residents. Shares will havs a nar valus of 160, Ths chamberot oommeroe Is the promot ing aa-encv. It stated that the en terprise would be owned by- and operated for Lenoir eonntlans, as Is practically every otner manuraciur Ing enterprise In Klnston and the county. The cannery will Tut up tomaloes, corn, okra, snap beans, Banners, eto. Greensboro Should Be Proud Of Such a Store Thousands of people visiting our new H om e - f urn is h ing Institution Thursday and Friday were liberal with their praise of our new building. Many were there who jcame out of mere curiosity and left filled with ad miration. ' .' Gifts For the . Home Our gift ot a three-piece Living Room Suite goes to Margaret Turner 332 N. Elm St whomvthe judges declare entitled to it For other Greensboro homes -there is a wealth of b e a u 1 1 f u, 1 Living Boom Suites fromjwia house "of Karpen. wny noi re-iur-nish your Living Room as a Chrisftmas Gift to . your family? " Why Not Make a Giftofa New Edison Phonograph? It is the only phonograph that will stand the direct comparison of the artist with the re-creation. The ear cannot distinguish the difference. And the records play longer than any other. Edison . -Phonographs $41 to $295 Your family will appreciate pne fully as much as Mrs. Joe Sergeant 545 Pearson St. to whom, the Judges have awarded the one we gave away at our opening. And No Wonder! It ia tmusual to find a store,of such pro portions and of Metropolitan complete ness in a city the size of Greensboro The building ": and. equipping of this . store was a big hazard with us. But" it s our expression of our faith in the ; future of Greensboro and the home-loving "instincts of Central ' Carolina lamiUes.;;-t..:X V.v. ' X ' ' 5 anta Claus nad IfS The husband of every wife who attend ed our opening would know exactly what to give her for Christinas. No-, doubt hundreds of hints Were passed . about the family dinner table' after ward. For-our store is a veritable treasure land of gifts dear to feminine hearts. . . No, We Are Not "High Priced" That was evidenced by the surprifle in hundreds of faces when, on inspecting our stocks, they were impressed with the reasonableness of our prices. The big difference between our stocks and the ordinary is the much better qual ity we offer. Talking About Gifts The judges in our contest have award ed the Gifts, and their declarations are found In other parts of this advertise ment Is your name mentioned? Only six more shopping days; till Christmas. "Have' you selected - your gifts of Furniture yet? . One of the luckiest women in the com munity will be Mrs. KT" A. Moore, 218 Ashe street, to whom the judges have awarded the 9x12 Wilton Velvet Rug. Sturdy. Health Building Toys for the Little Folks You should have seen the little "shavers" admire the Gift Auto, which the judges tell us to deliver to 'Johnny Ferguson t 922 Can St And tjfciero pre many other auws,-velocipedes, flivver cars," k'iddle-kars and oth$r out-door toys that children really want among the offering Eertv Time and Labor Saying Furniture For .Gifts Express Thoughtfulness There are so manv Uttla thinra and bier ohm. ton. that help women keep the nome tidy and relieve them of much or the annoyance of housekeeDinir. You'll find the duplicate of the Hojsler Kitchen Cabinet the judges have awarded td , , L. C. Huf fines 305 W.Washington Street Ornamental Pieces That Are Useful. Too Such-a host of pretty tables and novelty pieces await your selection here. They serve xo Deautuy your home and have usefulness, too. V HUNTLEY STOCKTON HILL CO. North Elm St Greensboro if nl ''W' : tM run " 1 laT mi i. ;.t ' . -.-if v' , ; n'iT!fT".TT':iryiTitwa mjif els;!e,jTirsssjsssy