Almost Forgotten Language Is Restored By Dr. William Gates v.,,- v, , Charlottesville, Va, Scientist, Resurrects the Quiche' Tongue, Offshoot of the Ancient Mayas, Who Built Marvelous Cities - ' !iaKlill Charlotteavills, V.. Pec. IT. Restoration of n almost forgotten language with the aid Pf an unedu cated, nearly illiterate, full-blooded Indian from the highland of .Guatemala, hai been accomplished by Dr. William Gates, "of Charlottes, vllle, during the past month. The Indian la a. Quiche, and hla lan- l guage, whch heretofore never had been thoroughly studied, beara the ante name. The race and tongue are offshoot of the ancient Maya. , who high civilisation, tlje moat ad- PPl flourished before the Spanish, at rived In South and Central America. The Mayaa built marvelous ettlea. palaces and temples, the . ruins of which dot Yucatan and Guatemala, their deacendante are the Indiana and. a peon alas which Inhabit that region today. Only the mountain tribe have escaped tn aavanc oi Civtliaation, . - : Through the application of the Cleaning, blocking, shaping, repair, teg. All kind f hate reheated. , JOHN BASSELL ' ' 10f Syeam St, Mary Miles Minter South of Suva . Itw a thrilling faagte aery wf Ufa with tke Veedo Piiesta with ao ties. Rmaun and thrllle. Otter Attraelleaui Ben Turpin la . The Summer Girl Ceaatac Im ' " Florence Vidor 7 la Th Real Adventure HAT Today N alio in a! JPk . ZUKOIL PRMINTS j0J WTM Mmpj BEBE DANIELS lwJAu" 'C0NRAD NAGEL A Penrhyn 5taxnlaw Production OTHER ATTRACTIONS National Orchestra Vlaeeat Kay Dliwrtlag la Oaarany, By Comer ; Comirtg Soon Wesley Barry v With Aid of Illiterate Indian, acientine method, which reaches to "t oi language, Dr. Gate ex pects to restore the decadent decipher the hitherto unravelled se creta of the ancient Maya hierogly phic wrltlnge and Inacrlptlona which have baffled archeoiogiata for cen turlea, compile hooka for she instruc tion or the Indiana, and eventually reatoce the literature. In- hie experiment! the scientist haa been recording on a smoked paper cylinder the vlbratlona of a etylue "'"'s "r me moians words spolt en into a mouthpiece. Theae record! are preserved for study of the in tricate varlatlona of pronunciation ou,, wurmng wttn manu- wrmen in tne Indian tongu by the earliest Snanish Dr. Gates haa found, a remarkable vauon. ot tne ancient speech The Instrument ha need la .. th 'kymagrapli," or wava-wrlter, and was Invented by an;mlnent Freneb ethnologist for language study. Dr Gates was aided by John P. HarrlnrJ ton, otnnoioglst .'of the Smithsonian Institution, wno naa atudled praa tically all languages. North American Indian Probably the moat Interesting fea ture ot Dr. Gates' work la th t,h. Clnrlano Alvarado. whs .uiitH !.' Me never had, written or read a word umu na taught hlmaelf at the are of twenty-five. He lives In the al most InaceeailbU mountains of Cen tral America and Is one of the purest E.niin ironj tne Maya em plr builder. Dr. Oataa, who- is dlreotor-gsneral of the national museum of nnn.. mala, has been studying the Maya iieunimuns ana ruina lor more than IS years. As a result of his present atudiea, he expecta shortly to be able to translate the entire, writing ayatem and reveal the knowledge and nmenis oi tne Maya civillaation, Aireaay several of the cabalistic symbols have bean read, and ' It is expected tnat an announcement con cerning the deciphering of great Im portance xo entnnoiogiste and, arch- eoiogjsts will shortly be made. . The final success of hla extended Inveatlgatlon, Dr. Oatea said waa due not only to the use of the Kvmareanh in his research,, but to atudy of the grammar or the present tongues and application of the rules thus worked out to writing found in the Inscrip tions. The tongues' of the several tribes, descendants ot the Mayaa, he said, show syntax that differs wide ly from those of other languages. His familiarity wlth theae rulea and vagaries enabled him to place sym bols In their proper relationship, and -finally to read. In part several of the symbols. . Dr. Oatea' atudiea have been di rected with the view not only of deciphering the Maya writing, but of making tba ruins of thls'emplre aa familiar to laymen aa weB, aa scien tists, aa la ancient Egypt. In fact, he declared, net only are the ruln atudded Yuoatah peninsula , and, Guatemala the "Egypt of America," but the Caribbean sea Is the Ameri can Mediterranean, and It la his hops to open the country to tourists, v. Sr. Gatea also will endeavor to aid the progres . the Guatemalans and their country, and to open the land to development. , In that connection the Indian, Alvarado, hat returned to his people to Introduce the simple primer Dr. Gatea is preparing for the education of the Indians, Electric Blue Printing -Field and Office Supplies Far Brlaeem a a Architect BlMprUt Departaaeat mt SPOON & LEWIS 407 Aaaerlraa Bank Blag. Oreeaabe-. M. C. TODAY Adoiph zukor The romance of Spanish dancer and the flaming lure of scarlet love. Filled with breathless climaxes and dai zling settings. Bebe Daniels in her most alluring role. Adolphe Menjou in the sup porting cast. Bdaeatloaal Co Lloyde Hamilton la Hickory Hick in Heroes of the Street GREENSBORO INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS IS New Menhaden Plant and Shrimp House Important Ventures Past Year NEW HIGH SCHOOL BUILT ISptrlll 10 Dally Nrwil Eoiithport, Dec. 17 The local de velopment and material advancement here during 1928, haa been the great est In any prevloua year In the his tory of thla place. There has been do "boom" or "booster" methods, and the ahowlng In money apent, a con alderable portion in Industrial move ment a which muat bring other de velopmenta along the same- lino, namely. In creating greater Interests In seafood tradethe situation of this city for such trade being more surely realised every year. The advancement in educational progress la remark able, from a local consideration. More home spirit lis to be found in the demand for residence property and the elimination of buildings that have long been not only Are traps, but un sightly objects. . The coming of a new menhaden plant, purchase of land, and building of Its structure with installation of machinery, marks one of the new important Osh Induatrlea, represent ing $60,000. A prawn (shrimp) house an entirely new enterprise, with Its plant stands for 1 10,000. An Ice plant, with Ita eatabliahment more strongly assured through purchase of a slseabla piece of land, upon which In the near future, a factory for the manufacture of boxes and barrela so Important In the fish and shrimp shipping, will be built, by the same people, whoae present plant etands for an Investment of I2S.000. A new dock on the city river front, has been built at a coat of 12.000. A small re pair shop with equipment for repair work, repreaenta It, 0(10. And some, thing new here, a wholesale war. house with ita supplies. Is another local business feature. The new high sohool, brick and sub stantial and impoalng looking, is the Dig feature, and a monument to the community, whoae citizena have car ried thla educational advance to suc cess. The splendid auditorium of this building, with its comfortable seat ing capacity of five hundred persons: the II modernly equipped claaa rooma; lavatorlea and toilets, all heated from a furnace in the basement, costs .the tax payers M00. And to fully com mand the school situation, the former school building haa been thoroughly refltted within, re-roofed and painted without, where the lower classes can b , taught, prior to their entry into the high achool. A public building which has long Heeded improvement, the county oourthouse, by an energetic and pro- preealva board of county commis sioners, haa been made to reflect credit upon the bounty. A modern pleasant court room, largely In creased In slse, walls, floors remade, steel ceiling, new bar and audience seats, with an easy and wide stair way leading up to thla court room. changes the entif-e Interior. Six ad ditional rooms for officials of the county, with waiting rooms, toilets, and lavatories, on two floors, with changes In hall ways and some of the other official rooms, theae Improve ments at the low coat of 116,000, when the great hnprovementa are considered, la a noted advance. To meet conditions calling for such an. addition, the city haa Installed with added room, In Its power plant, another unit for Ita water and eleo trio power Increase of efficiency. This costs 140,000. The Smith building, for stores and offices, is a modern brick structure of two atorles, with stores on the street floor and offices above. This represents an investment ot 16,000. In the residential sections there have been improvements represent tnar new butldlnira and lmnrovementa Of 19,000. Among the church organ sationa the Presbyteriana have built a inanae home, coating 16,000, while th Baptists have enlarged thai church edlflce, to provide for the In creased congregations, and repaired me rectory costing l,zoo. The material and permanent Im provement thus Indicate that over iou.'jim naa neon spent ana Invested In this place . durlnar the paat 12 months. Thla 'all har been quietly pushed forward because the local situation demanded such Improve menta and expenditures to meet the Increasing business, and there Is every indication that there will atlll be demands during the coming year. oalllnrtor further building and im provements. Already orders are placed for four new residences, a-nd the Bank ot Houthport will make an addition to ita present two-story brick building. The seafood Industry promise a continued growth during the next year, with the prospect that other Interests will also eome. BATTLE IS EXPECTED OVER SHIPPING -BILL Administration Lesdera Will Have Fight of Their Lives to Kpep It Before Senate. Washlngtejn, Deo. 17. AdmliMatra tion leadera In the senate tomorrow "ace a battle to keep the shipping Din before that body. Pending before the senate when it convenes after an over-Sunday recess, will be the motion made Saturday by Chairman Norrls, of the agriculture committee, to lay aalde the shipping measure and to take up hla bill de signed to relieve agricultural dla tress tnrough Creation of a government-capitalised corporation to buy and sell farm products. The motion will be opposed by Chairman Jones, of the commerce committee. In charge of the shipping Dili, and others who have been moat earneat In the support of. that meaa ure, and will be pressed by foes of f ship bill Including the almost solid Democratic membership, by the progressive Republican group, and by olhera who believe that action ahould be taken without delay in the mat ter ot agricultural relief. Both sides In the Impending battle said today that they were confident of -success. Those supporting the move to lay aside the shipping bill and begin consideration of the Norrls measure aaid they would have at leaat half a dosen more than a ma jority. Those opposing the move said they had made no poll but were cer tain of enough votok, to prevent substitution of any agricultural relief not having a considerable unanimity ot support which they assert the Nor rls bill doea not have. Meanwhile the acnate banking com mittee will continue with ita hearlnga and atudy of the various rural cred its bill. Its members 'hope to con clude the hearings Wednesday, W. McC Neale, M. E. t. 6. Mot SSI Phono 1481 vuHSTLTIWn MFCHA1UCAI. '. ; ENGINEERS Marhlae and Mill Design DAILY NEWS.' MONDAY. FIGHT AGAINST1VIINERS Four of the Five Men pn Trial Have Been Identified Aa Carrying Guns STORY OF THE BRUTALITY Marlon, Ills., Dec. 17, With four o the five defendants already pointed out as having been seen with guns during the Herrln riots, when 20 unarmed non-union miners were slain, the prosecution today prepared to continue the presentation of Its case at the opening of the, second week of the trial tomorrow. During the four days the court was In session last week, a score of wit nesses described the attack on the "strip" mine, where the trouble started, the death march through Herrin of several hundred flinging and shouting 'men and boys, -who drove before them six of- the blood stained prisoners, the shooting down of the captives and the finding of the mutilated bodies. "So agonised waa the expreaaion of despair on the faoes of yth prisoners that it blotted everything els from my mind," Delos Duty, slate's attor ney, quoted on of hla witnesses as saying to explain his inability to identify members of the mob, Haltingly from the lips of appar ently reluctant and sometimes pro testing witnesses, most of- them farmers or miners and all but one long residents of the community and irienas or neighbors of the accused, the state pieced together the story of the tragedy, never swerving from its announced determination to pre sent th cane simply as one of mur der and without any connection wit,h lauor aiapuie. Two witnesses, George H. Harrison and his son, Fred, a student at the University of Illinois, tsstlfied that they had seen a fleeing fugitive shot oown py aDout 25 men as he ran through the fields and that they had later found several bodies, ope of them hanging from a tree. Fred Harrison said he previously had seen Bert Grace, a defendant, with a gun In his hand and alao Otis Maynard ana lianas McKee, both of whom have been Indicted, but neither of wnora is a aeienoant in thla case, j Marshal Lents and his brother, I. N. Lents, testified they had found six dead and badly wounded men lying in tne miaaie ot tne road bound to gether by a rope about their necks near th Herrln cemetery. They said In a smU woods they had found 14 more dead and wounded men and later four more. They added that they met Herbert Walker, who is unaer indictment, but who is not on trial, with a gun. Donald M, Ewlng, a Chicago news paperman, testified he had seen the six dead and wounded men lying In the road In front of the cemetery, that three of tbem were still breath ing and that he was prevented from bringing them a drink of-water by Bert Grace, who pushed one of the victims with his foot and declared with a curse: "You'll get no water here." William Goodwin, a farmer living near Herrln, testified he had seen a crowd of some (OS persons bringing JO or 40 prisoners from the "strip" mine the morning of the ktlllnsrs. Ha said there were approximately a thousand or more epeotatora about the mine and he had recognised Otis Clark, who was carrying a gun, and heard him say: "We ought to kill them all and get rid of the breed." Later he said he heard another man supposed to be an officer ot the miners' union say: "If w kill them It will be the worst blow th unions here and In the country ever got." Other witnesses swore they had seen Leva Mann and Joseph Car naghl, both of whom are defendanta. carrying guna th morning of the riot. Attorneya for th defense led by A. W. Kerr, chief counsel for the Illinois mine workers, cross-examined most of th states witnesaea briefly and excuaed aeveral of them without asking a question. In his openinc statement to th jury Mr. Kerr declared thVt he would present evidence to show an ihmluK alibi for every on of th defendanta and that the killing of non-union men resulted from an "Invasion" of Wllllamaon county by armed ru.rrt. na many acta.ot brutality culmin ating in the ruthless murder of three union minora" Forestry Association to Meet At Pinehurst Jan. 23 Oimlil le Dan Ran) Chapel Hill, DSc. 17. The 11th an nual meeting of the North Carolina Foreatry association will be held in CO-nperation with the atat rn. logical and economlo survey uf Pinehurst, on Tuesday and Wednes day, January II and 14. Through the courtesy of the management of the finehurat estate the Berkshire hotel Is being opened slightly In advance of the regular time so that th dele gate to the convention can be ac commodated. It must be admitted that forestry Is now rapidly Dasslna- out of the publicity atage Into th realm of practicable application. President Harding, in his relent measure tn the Congress has emphasised the Impor tance oi lorest fire prevention and foreat planting by urging more ex tended federal co-operation with the stutcs In their work. In North Oaro- Una 15 counties are now co-operating- un me state geological and eco nomic survey for the prevention of foreat fires within their bordera; It would undoubtedly pay all the other counties to do the same. The owner ship of areaa of forest land by the counties ana tne slats as well as the federal government for experiment demonstration and the production of timber Is being strongly advocated. Cleveland Cotton Crop May Reach As High As 36,000 Bales 'Special t Dally h& Shelby, Dec. 17. The gin report on cotton ginned up to December 1 hewed that Cleveland had rlnnarf J6.015 balra which la fully 4,000 bales more than the county's highest record established, two years ago. It Is felt ure that the crop (his year will reach 11.000 which Is quite a aurprlae nu wie tear oi me doii weevil dam- In view of the late planting season age. The damage from boll weevil waa right considerable but nnthln. Ilk what was expected. Th fact that farm labor was plentiful was on thing responsible for the record crop, over 1,000 negroes having come to Cleveland county last year from th boll weevil sections of Georgia. Bom looked with a grsat deal of skepti cism on th coming of these Georgia lamuiea, nut tney nave, Been peace- nie ana nave caught th spirit and ustle of th whit farmer of Cleve land county with the reault that the tave been a great asset to the am. cultural Ills ot th' county, ' J DECEMBER 18. 1922 "Nuptfc of lava" at The Imperial. The Imperial management has gone a step in advance when It offers a great atar with an all star cast In a feature picture that is one of the best of the season. During the making of "South of Suva." the Mary Miles Minter Real art picture now at tbe Imperial thea ter, author Ewart Adamaon had to train two doaen to operate the odd outrigger canoes of the South Seas; to explain the operation of .turning cocoanuts into "c6pra" and to make up one hundred of them -la the weird tribal "war paint" of Fiji Island sav ages. With this great attraction la to be found Ben Turpin In "Ti e Summer Girl." and coming aoon la Florence Vidor in "Th Great Adventure." Bebe Daniels la "Singed Wlaga," The National Is offering one of the few great programs of the year in Bebe Daniels in "Singed Wings," a production In which another of those splendid casta that are characteris tic of Paramount pictures, haa been assembled for "Singed Wings," Pen rhyn Stanlaws' new Paramount pro duction In.) which Bebe Daniels and Conrad Nagel are featured, and which aomea to the National theater The Greensboro Daily News Buyers' Guide and Shoppers' Directory Greensboro and High Point The Daily News, ever awake to the interest of its readers and wishing to give them the highest quality service has inaugurated this shoppers' department. Here will be found everything of interest to the average family or business man in JGreensboro and High Point and surrounding territory. Use it, as it has been carefully selected Fraudulent or objectionable advertising will not be found in this list. Mail and telephone orders are especially solicited. . v . , . Important Notice to Readers:- Your name and address may be among this list of advertisers for FREE National Theater tickets. Look through these ads, as there are several pairs to be given away FREE each week. ARMY AJfP WAVr OOODf invr in HAVT STORES I0B 8. Elm Bt. Phon I1TI United States Armv and Navy Slur- plus Materials, Among Which . Are Armv and Navv SuDnlles Clothing, ons. Officers Foot Lockers and K AUTOMOBILE DATTRRT MHYICH STATIONS PICKETT STORAGE BATTERY CO. IS Summit Ave., Greensboro, N. Phone 1117 lit W. Main St., Durham, N. C. Phone 4S Prest-O-LIt Storage Battery, Sales and service. niTTT.irrtRn BTflRAnE BATTERY CO. K. Market St. I-non " Exld Storage Batteries, Sales and Service We Renalr and Recharge Any Make or Rtoraar Baiiery ree Water and Testing. AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ' ARMFTEI.T) MOTOR CO. tlS W. Market fit. Phon 1111 General Repairs on ah cars ana Trucks Storage a Specialty All Night Service, PORT.B RTARR MOTOR CO. SIS S. Elm St. Phon 7I Chalmers and Dort Automobiles, galea and Ssrvlre: Service Interna tlonal Trucks. Parts. Accessories Gasoline, Oil tnd Greases. OREENSBORO MOTOR CAR CO. til W. Market St. Phon 2103-2601 Bulrk Motor Cars. Sales and Kerv lee: Complete Lin of Parts and Ac oossorles. MOf,AMERY AUTO CO. MO . Ash. St. Phon lilt Ford Automobiles and Trucks; Lin coln Automobile, Sales and service; Fordson Tractor. AUTOMOBILE OARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BOREN BWAIM 110 flreene St.. enr. ftaston. Phon 11 General Repairing on Any Make of car; Tire, oaeoime, areaaaa, Accessories-, Prompt and Efficient Service KRINER MOTOR CAR CO. Ill S. Elm St. Phones: Office 441: Residence 1II4-W General Auto Repairing, Storage and Auto Laundry, Service and Sat isfaction. AUTOMOBILB TIRES AUTO TIRE ACCESSORY CO. 112 E. Washington St. Phon lit! Flak. Brunswick. Goodrich and Old- field Fabrlo and Cord Tires Our Service Car ! Is at Your Service. AWNINGS, TENTS AND CANVA1 COVERS CANVAS PRODUCTS CO. H Walker Ave. Phon ISCJ Manufacturer Awnlnas. Tents and Canvas Covers. BAGGAGE TRANSFER REID a CO. Buchanan St. Phone 2166 Baggage Transfer Draytng of All Kinds and Long Dlatanc Hauling a Specialty. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES McCLAMROCH BUILDERS' SUPPLY COMPANY Walker Ave. Phon 491 Ivory Plaster. Tiger Lime, Brick, Lime. Royal Cement and Builders' Supplies. If W. R. Oordon, 404 S. Eugene street, will call at the Dally News office he will be given a pair of theater tickets. BAKERS CAROLINA BAKING COMPANY 711 W. Le St. Phones: Office, 171; Residence 14SS-J. Try Crispy Top Bread, It' Better. Cakea, Plee and Roll. BEAUTY PARLOR MILADY'S BEAUTY PARLOR N. Elm St., Southern Land Bldg. Phone 2021 Manicuring, Shampooing, Hair Dressing. Facial and scalp Treat ment and Violet Ray. 1 BUILDING MATERIAL. PIEDMONT BUILDINO MATERIAL COMPANY 710 8. Elm St P. O. Box 111 Phon 1411 Manufacturers and Distributors of AH jvinoe or BUiioing Material. CONTRACTORS. BUILDINO 8. W. INMON CONSTRUCTION CO. 710 S. Elm St., P. O, Box lit Phon 1411 Builders of Better Building. -today. Mies Daniels haa th role of Bonita della Ouerda, a beautiful Spanlah cafe dancer, while Mr, Nagel Is regaded aa one of th screen's best young actors and hi role hi "Singed Wings" gives him ample opportun ity to dlaplay hla talent to the beat advantage. The heavy role is played by Adolphe Menjou, one .of the best players of ballroom and polished villain roles. Don Jose della Ouerda. grandfather of Bonita, is played by Robert Brower. An old man, hardly able to walk with' the aid of hla cane and teaaed to exasperation by Kmlllo. a simple minded clown, Mr. Brower haa created a character of great Btrength. With the entertaining attraction are to be found the extra attractions. The National orotieatra with Vincent Kay directing, a 'clever overture, "In Guarauy," by Gomer. Lloyd Hamil ton In "Hlekory Hick," an Education al comedy and the I'ath'e News. And coming on Wednesday Is Waaley Barry in "Heroes of the Street.' Child Scalded Death, iiwdal u Mir am Klnatnn, Dec. 17. Becton, Jr., two-year-old son of Becton Herring, CHIROPRACTORS C. H. CREDEMAN, PH.tJ. Ill X Pavl Phon till Th X-Ray Chiropractor. Office Hour 1:10 to 11:10, I to 6, and 7 to 1 p. m. DRUG STORES. HOWERTOW'S DRUG STORE 111 B. Market St. Th Careful Apothecary. Prescrip tion Called For and Delivered Prompt, Reliable Service At All Time. Phon 47 DECORATING J. N. LEAK ft CO. Ill W. Washlrgton St. Phon 104 Decorating, Wall Paper and House Furnishings. BWOINBHRg MECHANICAL. W. M. MoNBALE, M.' E. 710 S. Elm t. P. O. Box 351 ,'onsuiiing Mechanical Engineer. Member American Society of Mechan ical Engineers. unuHAVIltQ STEEL. DIE AND lurrKIl ri. ATM CAROLINA ENGRAVING CO. 214 N. Elm St. Phone 121 Manufacturers if triH wMa...UA Stationery, Wedding Invitations and Announcements. At Kome rarHa via. JJJIS crd!i Monogram Letterhead. Billheads, Envelope Checks, Etc ENGINEERS CIVIL GRADY L. BAIN 111 W. Market St. Civil Englnrlng. Maklna- i an.. olaltv of Highways, Bridges and Hard-Surfaced Road Work. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR AND . A. LONO ELECTRIC CO. 100 S. Elm St. Then HI Electrical ADnaram. , b...ii.. of All Kinds. Estlmatea and Bids Cheerfully Given On Any Kind of Electrical Work. R. H. MILTON ELECTRIC CO. Ill West Market phon H7 Wiring Fixture and General n. pairs. FUNERAL DIRECTORS awn KM. BAbHBRS (COLORED) ADK1NS and JONES 1001 X. Market St. Phone- Offle 1I2S: Ra. 14 1 1 -TV meaning colored" Undertakers r,i Guilford County, Up-to-Date Auto service. FLORISTS ARTHUR O'CONNER S. Elm St. Phnn. 5i Cut Flower and Floral Dealgna. Prompt Service. JEWELERS ft OPTICIANS GREENSBORO JEWELRY AND OPTICAL CO. Isis Building Office Tel. t Res. Tel. 175I-L2 Jewelry and Watches, diamonds. Lenses Greund. Lense Duplicated. INSURANCE GENERAL MERRIMON INSURANCE AGENCY Dixie Fir Ins. Bldg. Offle Tel. 177, Insurano In all Ita branches. INSURANCE LIFE. COLUMBIAN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Geo. T. Cochrane. Oen. Agent. 101 8. L. ft Truat Bldg, . Office Tel. 111! Low Guaranteed Rates IGNITION REPAIR ELLER IGNITION REPAIR CO. 107 E. Market St. Office Tel. 210 When the Starter Won't Start and th Generator Won't Generate See Eller of 11 Years' Experience Free Electrical Inspection. INVESTMENT BONDS STACY ft BRAUN American Bank Bldg. Phon nil W buy munlclDal honda. eountv. elty and school dlstrlcu prominent farmer of the Falling Creek section, waa dead today from sealdtng. The chid fell Into a tub of hot water In which he was about to be bathed late Friday. Reports said th baby with other children was left In the room while the per ptb& VaMiAlt utot Lmvad Playing LAUNDRIES COLUMBIA LAUNDRY- 114 Fayettevllle St. Phone 181 "W Do It Better." NEW METHOD LAUNDRY CO. Lewis St. Phone 712 Wet Wash Quality Service and Sat Isfactlon. Work Called for and De livered Promptly. 1 ' MATTRESSES, 111. LOWS AND BED ROOM SUPPLIES MERRELL and CO. Ill E. Washington St. Phone 1071 Manufacturers of Federal Brand Mattreaaes, Pillow Bolsters and Bed Room Supplies. Retailers of Floor Coverings, Window Coverings and Draperies. If Mrs. P. A. Hayes, 101 Hendrlx street, will call at the Dally News office she will be given a pair of theater tickets. MEAT MARKET EVERHART MARKET City Market. Offl.ce Phones 1171-1277. Residence Phone 108-J. The Beat Meats and County Produe. GREENE STREET MEAT MARKET Corner of Greene and Keogh. Phone 2742. Native and Western Meats. Fresh Eggs and Butter, Pure Pasteurised Milk and Double Whipped Cream. Prompt and Reliable Service, WEST SIDE MARKET 544 MVndanhall St. Phone ill Native and Weatern Mrata. Live and Dreasad Poultry and Freah But ter and Egga. NURSERY AND STOCK FARMS GREENSBORO NURSERY ft STOCK FARMS John A. Young and Sons. 1 1-2 miles East of City Onrretl Street Extension. Oorrell St. textcnalon Office Tel. 846 Specials: Fruit, shade and ornamental trees and plapta, regiptered Hereford cattle, Shetland ponies. Black Mam moth Hogs and Poland China Hogs. PLUMBING AND HE ATI KG W. P. DONALDSON 225 E. Sycamore St. Phone 1132 lumhlng and Heating work of All Kinna none by huperlencei and competent workmen. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES GREENSBORO COMMERCIAL SCHOOL CII 8. Elm Office Tel. 1019 Carolina's Best Commercial School TAILOR MKHCII A NTS HARRY POEZOLT 222 1-1 S. Elm St. Office Tel. 1155 ureenaooro, N. c Merchant Tailor Builder of Suits A Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed. High Point ART AND POCORATIVE GLASS HIGH POINT GLASS AND DECORATIVE CO. A. W. Klemms. Mgr. lis Hamilton St. Phones: Office 2228. Residence 2101 Art Glaas, Memorial Windows and Stained and Beveled Plate Glass, All Klnda or Colored Glaus. AUTOMOBILE DE LF.RS H. ft M. MOTOR CO. D. H. Hayworth. Oen. Mar. East Commerce St.. High Point, N. C. Phones: Office 2271. Night 655 First -Class Repair Work On All Klnda of Motor Vehicles. Our Work Must Please. KEPHART MOTOR CO. Chaa. M. Kephart. Mgr. 202 K. Waahlngton St.. City Phonoa: Office 2729. Residence 2621 Dealers In Dodge Bros. Motor vehicles. General renalra on all ears We sell (1111 Batteries. Full line accessories. auto Garages 80UTHERN MOTOR CO. J. W. Reavla S. Main St. Ext.. High Point, N. C. Phon 7141 General Repairing on All Cars. Ford Magnetos Recharged Whll You Walt. Batteries Charged. Vul canising. Ford Blocks Rebored. Oaao line. Oils. Creases. son who waa to administer the bath went for cold water with which to temper that In the tub. The little victim was taken from the tub still conscious but fearluly injured, H waa brought to Parrott Memorial hospital here, where he died. Jwwet in OVwujnount Qtctw at th National Monday aad Taeaday AUTO -TILLING STATION CECIL SERVICE NO. 1. 1 P- T. Ooolsby ' : English St. , Phones: Office 7210. Residence 74H Service la Our Motto . Oaaollne. Oil, and rS-..:.. If Mra. I. a o. .. th, n.u T Kincor win can at tne Dally N,w, ottl . h ... h a pair of theater tickets. BANKS ATLANTIC BANK AND TRUST CO a Greensboro, N, C High Point J. A. Moselle, Cashier. 201 N. Main St. Office Tl, 4 JO COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK -High Point 'ntru'steTtru'r " A"M, DRUGS. MATTON DRUG CO. Geo, A. Matton, Mgr. 107 N. Main St" Office Tel. 101. ., . Prescriptions, csrefullyndTe'd. RING DRi-o COMPANY Ill N. Ma n fl. ELECTRIC L comr .CTORB SUPPLIES. BR'TT JHf.BCTRTO CO. W. B. Brltt. Mr ' AND 111 S. Main Bt. Office Tel. 21)0 Rrlr".' ruouon. i Kus. . ,'noustriai wiring of A I Kinds. Full Lin of Blsacrlcal l amps'" " Surpl""- 'on Masda FURNITURE DEALERS , - PEOPLES HOUSE FURNISHING CO R -A. Hatcher, Mgr. S. Main St., City hxcellent Line of Furnltur. Robes Draperies. Rug,, etc., 0J ifi md Service, If Mr John Hlnshaw will call at the Dally New, ofrlc, ,n, , given a pair of theater ticket CLCIL ft KENNEDY, OROCEnS W. T. Kennedy, Mgr. . 600 English St. ' Ph"n: offl T17I Full line of and Fancy rroc.rl.s. Notions. Sundries. CoW r rinks, 4,r. Country Produc. . 8pe claltq. order. Delivered. Le" u. Supply Your Table. PAINT MANUFACTURERS MARIETTA PAINT'ft COLOR COMPANY w, i. ?,,Itnr'' Branch Faetnry High Point. N. c. 127 K r.. office t.i $7T i-ommere urric Tel. 2775, 8upt, 0frlc Houae P.lnts, Flat Wall fa In "a etc. Mad In Carolina." rilOTOGRAPHEr I ALDERMAN' SON M. Q. Alderman. Mrr. 215 Wlllowbrook St. nn.. t.i Commercial Photngranhv asti-nit.. - Photographlo Work Our Specialty. I-1INTINO. COMMERCIAL AND BOOK WOBK. PRINTING A OFFICE 8UPPLT CO. ," C. C. Deal, Mgr. 101 N. Main St. Office T.l sua All Kinds of Commercial Work, Book Printing, Office Supplies, etc On Us." MILLS FLOUR AND GRAINS HIGH POINT MILLING CO. . A. B. Homey, Mgr. 109 Hamilton St Office TeL 1160. Res. TK 14 All Kinds of Flour and Meal; Self Rising, Plain, Straight Ground, eta Ship Stuff, Chicken Feed, Hors reed. Hog reea, Dairy Feed a Specialty. w Sell ta Retailer and - Lars Ultra, ... . .. . . I

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