GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, tf&Jit gU.9 nmons Mvstftries 3-EQurfFS4iL THE World is sad and dreaRy The Fenaytou Affair Had It nut been for an anonymous latter nt to tlie police at Chaiou. . about nine mile northwest ot Paris, on of the moat remarkable crimes In the annals ot the Kronen police might atlll remain unsolved for, do pile the fact that pullce usually pay little attention to unsigned commu nication!, the totter in question was another landmark along the trail which Che authorities were already following and the Parisian police, be ' Ing somewhat more :emotlonal than their stolid r'lgllsh brothers, thought. It worth their while to .Investigate. . tfhe crime with which they were busy at the time was the murder ot a young1 man named Louis Aubert, a chemist with aji extremely pleasant personality, whose body had been found floating; In the Heine one. morn ing in April, iilesplte, the most elabor ate precautions against Its appear ance. - Some elRht yards nf gas pipe had been wound round and round the body and a thick gag had been forced Into the mouth that water might not enter. But the gag had worked loose and, tin spite nf the weight. of the. pipe, the body had mado lis. way to the surface. '. , , Examination jtt th morgue showed that death had bean due no the re peated blows of some heavy Instru ment over the head and the fact that the' heels of the- shoes dad been badly s scratched at the back Indicated that, the, body, had been dragged (or some distance before being dropped Into' Hi.I leaning, blocking, .ekaplag, repair- ins:. All kinds of bats rebaaded. JOHN BASSELL v JOT Sycamore HI. IMPERIAL r"" fODA. . rar iawatotatee-- ;..V .5 - Ji i sajsiiiiismiji 1 1 i.i answNacsj r BIO BOT WILLIAMS f ft"? . :-iLi J,',. THB COWBOT KIXO A tkrllll.g western ln at k sew re..try wltk a real rurnaae.. , O'rfce Altraetlona ..u HAROLD LLOYD la - BBBg .If Ml BOlfKET Coming Meadey KAHL WILLIAMS A ROUGH ROMAlfCB Aa awa-laaplrlag drama ( tke becks rounds of tke Yosesalte drama of tka uio eeaatrr. tt s. 1 6 ! I M l l . I 1 V w I NATIONAL I TODAY - Otfcei Attraetteas MILTON MONROE Tke foathlaad's Sweetest llaajer la POPULAR SELECTIONS ' Overture By National Orchestra Viacent Kay Conducting Aifg From .the Bohemian Girl ' By .Batfe , CHILDREN NOTE Every child brlaglag a pre seat 1m tke Hatleaal Prldar gatarday. will be admitted free. lour little kappy at tke Nerth tarallaa orpkaa name. Coming Monday ,La wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrt el asimiiiu c jff ) smoke ,' ; ? r: SEVERAL SHAPES- 10c AND UP Unaafaetared W. F. nt?5y the river. But tho further the po lice Investigated tin matter, the mora difficult It became to place definite suspicion upon anyone. Aubert ap peared to have been a very likeable chap, without enough money to make his taking off a matter of oonsequenue and, so far as rubbery wss concern ed, there was a fair sum of money In the pocket of tho coat when the buily was discovered. Nothing about the young chemist's past seemed to have been In the least suspicious and after more than" a .fortnight of In vestlgatlon which Included a detail ed questioning of the several faml Ilea with whom ha had Hoarded dur Ing the three years that he had been away front his home In Bordeaux, the police were Inclined? to docket the matter under the head of "unsolved mysteries." . Then arrived the anony mous letter which led the authorities utt In a direction which they thought thry had previously covered. This lei ir was brief and to the point: Chergtiex la . famine." it read. "Madame Fenayrou." That was ail "Find the woman Madame' Kcnayrou" but M. Macf, then head of the detective department read into 4t a solution of the entire mystery, for the Fenayrous were one of tha families with whom Aubert had boarded for a time and, as Mace knew, Madame Fenayrou was a most attractive woman. Here, then, was the motive for the crime; always pro vided that tha author of . tha five word note was Influenced by some thing more than a desire to make trouble for Innocent cltisens. ' v V'pon calll'ns at the Fenayrou home. Mace found tha master of tha house in his dressing gown and, as was only to be expected, he denied any complicity in the murder most em phatically,, Out the detective, pre tending far more Information than h actually possessed," demanded to Bee Madame Kcnayrou and then, as' a man passed through the hall. Inquir ed who he,w"a. ' "My brother, Lucled," was B'enay- ou's reply. "He's a gas-fitter by l.rade" and then he bit his lip sharp- y. an action which Mace appeared to overlook but which he shrewdly titled together with the, length of gun ,ilpe which had been wound around Auberts body. - Accordingly, Lucien Fenayrou, together with his brother, Marin, and Madame Qabrielle Fenay rou, were bundled Into the" police van and hurried toward Paris. To Mace's amusement a confession was forthcoming before they arrived at police headquarters and from the member of the trio whom he had con sidered the most unapproachable of the thre'e, Madame Fenayspu herself. Calmly and quietly she toy ot the discovery by her husband of the relation between Aubert and herself, admitted that she had lured, the young chemist to their home for a final visit and that, while there. Be had been killed by Marin Fenayrou, and the body disposed of with the assistance of her brother-in-law and' herself. Both then and at the trtal which followed,- Madame - Fenayrou conducted herself ' In -such a cold blooded manner that the presiding ludge declared 'that he had never come in contact with "such a person ification of falsehood, depravity cowardice and treachery." Despite this, however, both she and her hue band escaped with a Ufa sentence, Rhlle Lucien Fenayrou was acquit ted at his second trial, after havlpg been found guilty at the first. But neither then nor later did the police discover the author of th anonymous letter which uncovered a crime, which, the Fenayrou trio thought they had hidden from the world. , , Blttes) By a Camel. Indo, Calif., Deo. 23. Miss Eleanor Boardman, the leading woman of a motion picture company working rmre was severely bitten yesterday by one of the camels being used In the pro duction. Physicians said the loss of her right arm was probable. saew eeaatry, Valley. 'It's lea tka gergeeaa aweeplag westersl Lloyde Hamilton Hickville Romeo Aa Kdaratloaal Comely Path Newa promt wm make swsae soar erpsusa Quincy Adam Sawyer CAT Co.. Oreraahae, R. O. wo ' WTSIWARfS DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED RATES Two Cents a Word (Thia Type) Bach Insertion. Tweaty.Mve Oeats Mlsilsam ;' ; , Ckatara. , . Double Size Type Double Price Blank . Ppmtt and Paeaeirapked Wast Ada. Per lack . OtnenMt la Alleweel Oa i XO !' rtre IsHertiassi. CASH MtlgT ACOOMPAdt ALL ORDBRS. All Ads. Shrae -Care Dally Hews" glrletiy CoaSdeeiHaL ClaaalleatlAa Wat Oaerasiteed Afle a. sa. WANTS FOR' ' SALE WOOD Far 8Me Flae steam foal dlrtrt from the mines to your address. J. H." Rofcorson, P. O. Box 112, Matte wan. W. Va. 1.-24 NOTICE OF SALE Under and' by virtue of the power vested In the undersigned commln sloner. In an order signed by Honor able W. F. Harding, judge, holding courts In the Twelfth Judicial Dis trict. In an action- entitled North Carolina Public Service company at al. vs. Carolina tt Yadkin River Ball way company. I will sell at public auction on Tuesday, January II, 1123, in front of the U. 8. Post Office building, in the city of High-Point, North Carolina, all the aetata, right, title and Interest of the Carolina ft' Tadkln River Railway company of every nature whatsoever, except bills receivable, now owned by It, and all rights, privileges, franchises, heredl laments and appurtenances there unto appertaining and belonging, In cluding especially all that certain line of railway in and between the city of High Point in Guilford .county, airrNorth Carolina, and the towns or vil lages or wenion ana Hl(rn hock, in the county of Davidson, North Caro lina, Including such poreton, If any, of said road as Ilea in the county ot Randolph, North Carolina, and known as the Carolina & Yadkin River Rall-J way company, inciuaing an ana sin gular the tracks, roadbeds, lands, ways, rails, fixtures, switches, bridges, culverts, poles,' wires, ma chinery, boilers, engines, tools, sup plies, locomotives, rolling stock of all klads, wago- a, station housee, repair shops and all and singular real, per sonal and mixed property of every nature In law and in equity now owned by the Carolina . & Tadkln River Railway company. The terms of said aale are as fol lows: Two hundred thousand (121,0, 000.00) dollars Is fixed as the sum at or In excess of which the bidding shall commence and no bid for a less sum shall bs cried by the auctioneer conducting said sale. The last and highest bidder to whom said prjp erty, franchises, etc., shall be knocked down, shall pay In cash to the com missioner Immediately after attch sale and on account ot his bid the sum of twenty-five thousand it.lS, 000.00) dollars, and the balance of the purchase money shall be paid by the bidder or purchaser If luch stle h.ll be confirmed by the Superior .Court of Guilford county upon a report of the commissioner when and as the court may hereafter direct In the fur ther progress' of said cause. This, the ISth day of December, 1922. I H. HOLE, JTt 1-14. - Commissioner. Dr.D.F.Keel wishes te aaemaee 4 t.Se ra teeala the eawalasr of oltleea tot the exclusive practice ef Ortko. doatla. . Reaves laftrmary areeaabaro. Naith Oasvllaa Norfolk Southern Railroad Trains arrive Raletarh No. 4 Norfolk ... 7:0eAll (Bleeping ear) IT nalhavan 12:10 PM No. 30 Charlotte x n r No. 1 Norfolk 7:60 rat Trains Depart from R&Ulvh Ka. a Korfn Ik .... .. :it AM No. II cnariotte - t i:iu An K 1 Relhavea i:ti PM No. 4 Norfolk 10:06 PM (Bleeptns; earl , Dmllr. xDallv exoeot Sunday. Par tickets, reservations and Infor tratlon, call on or addreea III and li, I Fayottevnie street. J. B. SINGLETON, D. T. A. .Union Sta, & R. ROBERTS. C. T. A. Ralelgb, K. Or B. B. TATUM Motor Trucks Team Transfers and Livery We are equipped tor all classes of hauling, heavy, and light. Moving a ' specialty. Packing and storage. A big truck for long distance mov ing, picnic parties or any class of motor transier. Phone 28, Depot St " J V7 UmwTKVAs wnv oe v L V. 1 m-.. ' I ''' " ' ' Sound, uai. v-uy rvslrli 78. ny CO- f3 For rat Mf. JSi--re,',f- ptione e. """oili "oral "arvgt! housea Venue vf"i' Local ansflong ...... hi i hargea. k.iioy.".n terCo..P?jy J'4, Soner 1 p Toledo SaTr- -a"T Prloea are or -..iiit nd tn fou i p. r. Bostlck. iSi boro. m-nr Veiorlpeale.' twin for illti. ee for the Uff''- Priced from 2.5o and?tn-L-uriilture-Po.. Xv.l !2.60.-.ti?jH "er. cash ... rV-" .Mtnmohll. 'i 5. . v.. et best designs, antl f iA f'i lamp. f"opr"Wdl'c(,'?ulpP'!'Vl';,l snicinn, 'iis .""ee"",ir . r,0. delight any chl, mnmobl'2-r;i1 Kvery g'" -"U - moi-'t ' iy dolly's dresse. On, t finished rrlce iu'n. ,d; nltirre Co., W fcurti'0,u'lt'1,. "ash mi.r'-.j tha Southern, Nom'.'I towti,t' i and w railways Salem. tion or i"" -wjc, The fl ; covers-"" twTeek Henlm. Kt'.y.c word. ,f papejsword.'""! aopy tf.t2- Special Elgin . dials, gold J&ke. r9ff. $12.50. Bernard store. -r 'ZnJiii. Ten save mOhe. buy and sel't. tje .classified col, 'the J)aily News.. . Turkey dinnr Monday at. House, located .'"ect10'; of Alamance $gtfg slses and styles, h.J'' Vi 3 Hurtner ruiuiiu,,.' u.7S v-, All men 40, willing, to Jy, ;rl'rnrPSr POB 8t. bouls. unmeai, ir. Red Rider or "I fc-IJ 11 rre- ular, nanu-uie, lm v. The very t "Hrhed 'o1 re $2.5 to $S.0. g win iitore here casi, "arm.. trU . 1(1 .0.11 Empltiyhr5. classified i.5JIy need efficie,J . WhejJ fl0y VJnd use th. J5?lp Want ed" columns ofeP Itf. They produ-this Pltft muick ro n.rrV aettlraf- generai n",k,", tor 'in Ply Mrs Joe Hfpr coup'V ftnmtnlt. N. C; , "Mle. Jr Wa.ted tTeok Ztr but good cook hoitd.'j3lt,,n. Lu2!,,.dHv0r 4h,V. daP'rltorth .a-La baby rfti smallest sonef v 'a 't mother Ad a PI,, eonveolfv. 1 W for ..rtt tf. ral colors r" to b?' h ner Kurnlture 4 t .6' c counts wherVii'-i Apply in wn ha,McOnslder reference o su.writin'1.t st start with. B0J'fy exP thirty .dollars dJ;4 and r0T.o" T. P. Meador dr ' h0ntH, Jdl'Tj v' y Co., " '1 - W.ntco s i--U:(Vr.nS- best rental uepa (- Tbt i -0t'nl boro. Let me c"ent in JT r'ry. and stop your fllet you'o C. A. Yountg, lr,uhl ,, .V-tf treetoneJOIv, goUtVjli' phone II- M Mar j- SwInSlHS r?. WiVt- ls tn.o?wm'ifu' ..... r. wher. "' R,," . ture Co., w. mvisveowm sVl t ''-- ads. for UhH;,,evt gestlons. g ai- or liv- hickory woorr rd ered at 840 Vr ,beCrlcet j .4. "eat bookkeeping 0n "JJeji. J,'' ess 4 f;dlt a.?on- College, Salem. Use New8 yjtfil counts. ,V0-. whVui.. ..A r.atufe of th:" . e Wanted at grocery store. to, t Had experience ,r'er one ". -V,. ri. but woum"1' I Sw Si' I PI Wk... ALWAYS, A GOOD FlHSTMOVE a d.h7 ""a f the co"n III h''" .an. Pre "V hom, I"" . ii" ; i 1 (1,r -"'" ! ttll eaaom' I rut . to ll " " k,re lassK" ny r "r Ad m'-llT. a. 1""' l,k . "T ""- '"' " decided AU f y"r dim, "Ky "ay .a' 'actlna' Tondltlj"1,!. Five P0,ne - 250. . 12-23. 82r, r ''Chandler j; tirs',T' mod- l8Pn Gardner V r i:'eS:.lrecl. rr'" .mot.. "y ho, first l"foot lghb" 'lht -keepln MS h.."nt T""A W Use IS 06,1. Iy pape'! or . 7 " 1, ' Wei!. .Ph;,'lmen, 12-23 "Pfkr,.:!,! ' 4eer Beo Arcadetea- 1-13. l?.Mu.Ln nurV.. 12-2 ""re Vr. eashSijS..t h - ea. ' . ll l ' : - vt. T. ana. . . s- not" . a, nu" . itisa. Shhre vltfa very newa,,,tn SSA of "I'll dtfrercrrt . tyles Vrhara C ll-il e mom u "U-rfi ".hlckeS k 1 -"- lawn, f)renhnr' Onl r; ntah few office ifVaT.?, K '' from ' fd, elp ""' ',r' p.tkw., , Mis 1 xNEm tS IVrs. I'rv conv,ni."' desk, : ' : ."'.. Fn..,."" and ' Street . ' ' i - J3.3, tf, Nevra Classlded Ad! "'dest Inhabltaats" Had hl. t. OIlf of . .iv life la UrreaeH..... using one of roar onli ne problem" of business and Ihrmselves regularly thr leas yr vrorries aad lead j ..a use Ike Dan. x- Is somelklag you ft.., , " 1""P"M '"' that lerea last one best pkoae 1000 aa ad-t.ker will WANTS FOR SALE-HOUSES For galeNew buagalaw. .la roo"- hall " ," HardVood Iu'," t;ood section of the city. ' r' .1' ,4,760.- C. A. Younts. .01 M fu,t Elm street. Phone J405 U-3-.V' "For Bale aix-room, tvew&arf"0T!S on xava i Beautiful lot. rr riirht. Mlllikan ti..u.. tnsur nre Co., 120 North Elm. Phonf 3197. l!-2Ji vniir-rooin kouse a.. ... - salel ,60 down and monthly; also nine room house on car line. 170 and V nthlv. Nea , ' a """"'' - xownseii". Kor Sale home 7 Ilo yu want a 'ATa If so com , urn. have a Beautiful nl.c. we w'" trade. H. W. Clendenln and Son, Realtors, room lo flrst floor Bn' n,r building, phone 171 , i. V.r Sale Four-room a ...... .ad laic four-room ban... and 40 by lo. near Hi.h Daint roea- Good terms. South Oreensboro J": stance and Realty company. 2? South Elm street, phone 2260. Jj is-ztiL ror gale buagalow."" Broad vnue. This la good : ,lon. Will aell at bargain pr'0' ,600 cash, balance $60 per month. H. W. Cl.d.nln anJ " J ' Realtor room 10 first fi00r Bann.r build ing, phone jnsr iale aFfivetSSsaToae room new bungalows, near Ah boro street school, id one room near West Lee street school price and terms sttractlve. J-,,"' Moore, Realtor, .jji. Sout)1 Elm street; " ll-10-tf; r?rTi!!i"V",,,;;l?iVWgai'' on Douglas street. All modern con veniences and good terms. South QTn,?.or2 I.n.ure,nee and Realty Co.. til South Elra street, phon l iMtf. 417 Hlllalde drive. Weeterwood. Is beautiful. W w,nt to ,noW you H. w-,91enil,n'"nd Son, ReaUnV1. Forstle Brand new' nin" room house. Located be tween the colleges. Price Is right. Immediate posse- cinn. Phono T 12-23. Special bargain near cr line 10-room house, plastered, electric lights, bath, good size lot, garage and barn. Lot completely fenced. Priced for quick sale. Easy terms. J. E. Latham Co., Phone 7fi 12-10 tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Far gale Beajitlfui M jNorm .eet, eastern expo."" 0.1,1a varv n ' , .... T B, 6gburnphonV,4.u,c,, 11-JStf Banding J-s In .(l Swe"aW4l; of Oreensboro nd vlolnlty. Price .nd terms right. J a uJ... Real- tots ' 12-liii: If It's real estate or a ksaae ra ". .see our ad ou back page of today D'l'n,.?,! OullKS insurance ana "-, 101 Bast "- street, phone Ijl, ,-14-tf- For gala Two l.t, ,-lt ., t t.rae new West l. ,'.., ahool C'ty l "'I two dwellings or the. lots. Theee dwellings, rol d on our lots will make good hom' ,nd the totfcl cost of lot, dwolll" .nd movlnii will ia ...Mrnii v low when coripaied to ouylng a house ready built or buying a lot nd building. Brown Real Estate eorp-v pany, wesi Market etreet. --"' WANTED TEACHERS Wanted A teacher kotdlac high school certlflcat. to Stale tearn 1 .tin. one rmt... . . n a snu English, In th. AnaLviila h r,,,.,, ., ... .... nsonviii Brhpol.- "'ate salsry sehednl' Ap" n"" 'Ik"; "" ountv S"r'r. intendtnt, Wadesboro, N. C U"2' WANTS WANTED HELP (MJe) PJ! yon ' Greened Bu.ln..", """oy, , 8oUtn "treet, Wanta". - at oaee One rxtra aod sutomnKn. "mT.nlf who Is v, f'1 ttn'1 nber and can be den,,,,,,,, wii, r 1J! i ni JU Propoaltlon. " i ' h en ! fl'"1 k man that me well und Is made 0f f .c r ' ght kind of -aiut, ?. "'ihll demands'"!1". "n- haven't I'"1 , T' von to ""in,. )tn.. stick """tan.-,.. irfdress mechanic -JKU.lly News. 12J4 Wanted ZR l i b 1 Voung J10 to help around dairy. Address "Dairyman," Care Dailyj lgj4. Wanteds Linotyp Prtor for mnrioi 11 ad machino- $45.00 week. Address Pore. t.inan, Daily NeWB' ureens Poro, N. C. ' tf JOR RENT--HJOUSES For rUl Seve-ro" hoa.c. av.... ..a per month .,,m ."20-tf. - v, .nna r '"i. tlral J?7' or 2Jt4 Also six-room house close h, '"' A" 12-1 H-tr '"I. xeatBe.utlful " la "'rwood Kvery convenience. In'!' H?n'g "bflfMn kfe P?rmonth. Konejii , Jt-lstf Fo" RerTrZIYrioht room houa: 312 South Ash street, re- paired and an conven lences. John A. Barringer. 12-2K FORRENL t'litneslr.ble Pae. Eln "tree" Addrei Box f, Clt; tO-li,f t ,?J"'ncs"-1It Mtci; ttV... Pr montn- r .'uriey, "?ltor. nh...,. 442. , 12-20. tf rrRwitsrtorcrcm b. s!oom F-bruary 1, .fj Pfr ,nnth. O. V. ouriey. Realtor, phone 542 . 12-2.1 if For RaatZTwo new offic. 2ear depot. .Apply 513 1-2 South F.lm street, phono. 2665. 12-3tf WANTED OPPORTUNITIES, .TrTiraga""' k.f. "c wh..i. .- rubber. tires. fry boy wanta a coaster wagon and VkrTrnad. up very sturdy .S "uranis. ,6.00 to urtner Furnltur, C0rrhrec"h coum -- ... .ln AUCTION SALES co'unt"- '''' JLiQST AND FUND b.T;rriaIeiitk "" No. Sprlng Oarten Vl'-'i ? wr't. vvuruen i' Lo.t s 1 1 - - '""T..r. ....e oa i.. .treat within"1"'" V A. T nine'" . A T Return to 6a,,y i.a.. Reward. I .i Til I i , ellyn setter, female. Lib eral reward, none 2083. 12-24. U,t W.dB.dr night--Pj. jnum and saPPhire brace- let- H found return to Mar Wet Gold, pnP"e 1593. tTtSi or baa arsi reg0, Win'n" '"V tun wlthU,";,lr thiL hv lo' 'sire huotl ' L?.",s- 16.76 to '" Burtn.r "rnlture Co., h, ,r ,,c..h "U'.ts. 12-2J ex. Tu. Tu t - on foi . carria... Fmitur. Co. where cash counti ' u. Th t stkjSt vkr; collie pups, five months old, with long sUm heads price 15 to ?25. 4 Wlll,8h on 8nrt notice; Weal Christ mas present. or wire Thos. D. Hardin, phone 835-J. 12-24. BUILDING MATERIALS Rot RoS..P b Richardson vvii "5 Ingles: ekylln,,,. S5nt"ktora. 2? roofing and sheet : met.l work pitn1iompX,;; y- 3v.ry little girl win wailt ? of the,, to takj llles out a rM. Hnlkles 11-76 to Ijt. UK. h. an. Pi""" '. IOr tlta er WANTS FOR SALE tiood cooking range for sale cfcea ' 7 46(1 Arlington street. n-i-y Kor nice Scallops and Oysters call H J. II. ticeves at t;tiy Market, vuvw 2571 . ' ' ' . ' Kor Hale One new illrtsgra traaalt. immediate delivery. 407 American I Hank bulltlltiK. W-n For al Mnkncaay cabinet Vie- trola, practically new. Priced at a bargain for quick sale. Address, . "Vlctrola." euro liallv News. ' 11-14 lahbnge plonis. leading varieties, aw, . 85c: t.non. $1.R0; delivered. Maple drove Kami, ThomasviUe, N. C. 1-1 gee our Has of toys, dolls, tricycle". , wagons, coasters everything for tho children. Out Rate Furniture CO.. 30 South Greene street!-;"! Ilrd Iroa riprrs. wagnaa' from 83 4a'i. A sturdy little red wagon that l selling like hot cakes. rio these today, lltirtner Furniture Co., where cash eiiinn.., Ij.ja ex. Tu Th Royal Society packages, haad kalt snd orocheted Infants' aacqucs. sweaters, caps, boottees, mittens; u mi bus 1 oolis at unusual prieea. Hats at greatly reduced prioea. Tke Ladles' Bmporlnm. 12-1 2 -tf . Christinas t.lft Snaae.tlo.a- awect Singing canary and cage, Ilo to ii. Also prettiest gold fish ever shown1 In CJreeneboro. Plenty of cages and - bowls. Wilson's Bird Bhnp,, 301 North Davlo street, phone 2041. l.-le-tf. I,e cedar ckcst.i wade nf Ike fra grant .cedar wood Cushioned. It : ra b used as an nttractlve seat at the foot of the bed. All different ITIces. . Runner Vurnlture Co,,- where cash counts. 12-23 ex.jru.Th. ; Nolle. I.e.. than half price. To tke first i0 customers today we will soil two pairs of best quality la-.' rtles' silk and wool hose, valued at 22.60. for only 1na a pair. Two ' pairs to on person. We specialise ' In hosiery, handling all styles, col ors of silks, lisles, cottons and wools for men, women and chil dren. Hoping to have you come to sen us today and save money for t:hrlBttnss presents, hosiery ,1s serviceable and desirable. With best wishes and thanks for past kind orders, I nwalt your orders, "Tho InVHlld." Thomas Tt. Inmun, Manager Comfort Hosiery Co., 8111 Hotlth Hjviodjitreej60aJ. Milk For Sale-ny quantity, 40c per gallon; cream' $1.75 at North Carolina' Coljegevdairy. , 12-24. We have feft i few veloc. pedes, wagons and dolls also a few smoke stands we will close out at one-fourth off all day Saturday; Cut Rate Furniture Co., 309 South Ureene street. . . r . Firework For Sale 1813 Spring Garden, street. 12-23 FOR RENT ROOMS For Beat Four .1 nf nfaralabcd 5 per week. Can all at 1012 Asne-' boro street, S " 1S-22 tf For Beat Four Month Uavle street, ll D, (Jurley. Itcaltor, phone 212. 12-21 tf. For Real Two uafarai.hed rooms with modern conveniences. i05 West l,ea street. 12-25 For Hc Two f.r.Uaed rema fer light hoisckeeplng. 101 Keogh' Phone 30D0-W, For Heat Nicely furnished dowaj stulrs bedroom, close In, all con-, venlences. Phone 1114-L-l. .13-24 For Heel Karnlsked ap.rtme.t. De sirably located. Conveniently are ranged fprtwo. Phone t0. For ncnt FoaV-room farnl.ked apartment, In good neighborhood. Possession Immediately. Address P. o. ito 33, City. 12-l-tf. ttoom for rent to gentlem.a la pri vate horns, with all convenience, Phone 4. 10-ll-tf. For neat Four nnfar'aisked Vooma. bath, also furnished room, S00 West Fisher avenue, phone 29. a 12-20-tf. For lUint 1'krcc.rooin steam bcatcd uufurnlshod apartment, flrst floor, private entrance anil garage at 912 Keogh street, phone 3257-J. t IMIlf An unused room it a luxury. ' The thing to do is to secure a desirable tenant for that spare room by placing a small "For Rent" ad in these columns, and thereby help reduce the high cost of living. tf WANTED SITUATIONS W .atMl PaaltUa by .radical aurae. several years' experience,, chronic cases preferred. Apply 206 Elam avenue. Oreensboro, N. C. Reliable colored cbaaffcar deslrce permanent work. Can furnish ref erences. Addrees "Chauffeur," care Dally News. 12-24 Bookkeeper-Accountant antl all around office man, open -for poitjon. Can handle correspondence, compile corporation income tax re-.; turns,. Eight years experi ence. 'Address "Bookkeep- er," P. O. Box 1381, Win- -ston-Salem, N. C. 12-25. UTOMOFILE SUPPUES Fere'k startlag a eold dsrs trr Winder-Rogers gasoline. 11-Mtf