12 GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1922 HOLIDAYRUSH ISOVER CJiristmas Season te B Uah , ered In Today With Music In the Churches. MANY LATE SHOPPERS : Th holiday rush li ovr. Insofar as shopping It concerned, and Chrlat- . , mi, with Hi train of sacred and Un der associations,' come tomorrow. I Creeasboro merchanta reported a moot successful uli of article and vrywhere In the city . Indication .' war that th Christmas shoppers pent inoro money, by far. thla yaar than lut Chriatmaa, -But whll th shopping Maaoa a, vr. th holiday season la Just bs . ginning, and th glorious Tuletlde will bo ushered In today In tho va rious churches of tho city, w-here p etal uie will b held at th morn ' Ing and evening ervleo. Many of tha churche will (It thalr Chriat maa mualc thia afternoon. Merchant i ysterday atated that Oraanaboro shopper, did thalr buying early thla yoar, bat thara wara many laat mlnnt ahoppar. aa waa evident by tha large crowd that wended their way into tha atorea yaaterday after noon and laat evening. Thar waa jostling of elbow, in tha rnah, bat the Chriatmaa aplrlt waa prevalent eyery where and people took every thing rood saturedly. Tha children, alwajre Inaplred by . tho approaching day of gladness, wara on tha etreeta early yeatarday morning, peaplnc Into window, and were thrilled at th electric engines, th shimmying doll and tha thousand. ' mora or learn, other toya that make th klddloa ayea water with Joy on Chriatmaa day. Bat th children wer not th only one Infested with the apfrlt tha trown-npa looked at Santa Claoa and wished again that they war ahlldren. Oraonaboro yeatarday afternoon and laat night might hav aptly bona called tha Nw Tork of North Caro lina." Th etreeta were lined with people and .Trywher clad tidings wer exchanged. Automobile form ' ad a ooatinuou line and tha police offtetsls kept trail moving at a lively clip. The altuatloa waa han dled well. Street ear traSle waa ex ceedingly larg and daring tha Utter . part of tha afternoon apodal care war placed Intb aarrloo for tha ac omiaodattoa of the riding pofblle. Th Brat real cheer of Chriatmaa waa noted yaaterday afternoon In the distribution of baskets by tha Salva tion army and the Guilford county ' board of public welfare by whom bundle of coed tldlnca la the form of food, clothlnc and toya were given to tha poor and aeedy throughout the county. - " Tha Brand Jury room on tha aecond floor of th county eosrthous waa nsad aa a workshop by Mrs. Blanche fcarr Sterne and her corps of able workers. In thla room the baskets were prepared. They wer loaded with 'foodstuffs of all variety, candy, iruita and auta. clothe and toya for tho children. Packages were aeatly wrapped, tied with th red and croon , 'ribbon. Tha creator amount of th ' grocer! and other provtalona which , Wer heaped Into tha baskets were lift of tho Greensboro public school students. In addition to thla. pros tata were pare based from tha money . kv.tln4 aa tha result of donations. Tho Salvation arm packed and distributed yesterday arterooon is baskets, varying la ante aa th occa sion .atatnanded. adjutant A. R. jBendejraaa atated thus these baskets fnntalnod more than enough tor a Stood maL Th toya, placed Into ho 10 stacking aa lifts of the JUwaala dub of thla city, wer neat ir wrapped Into tiaaua paper and Care given along' with tha baskets t aroTlaioaa . Checks at all da jiomlnatloaa war received by the Salvation army and this money will ho towards relv!n sadness la ome where aa Chriatmaa would otherwise be had. All tha Salvation amy kettles) hav boon removed , from tho streets and people of this city aad throukhout tha county con tributed generally. Children wishing to aether around a Chrtstmaawaree mta be invited t tha Salvation array headquarters on South Elm street Thursday afteraeoa at a o'clock. t Chriatmaa trees and holly branches wer sold with rapidity yeatarday. .th holly bejag of a prettier nnd smlkier slse than in a good number vpf years. Holly wreathe and the thriataiaa colors of a-reen and red paper, are th chief decoratlona In homes, while the mistletoe has not tbeen forgotten. . . Tho traffic oa tha trains waa ex- , ceedincly Inrg yesterday and laat night while many hundreda of peo ple, who were unable to let away last nia-bt. will travel today. The postoffloe had Its usual larca lay of busineas and tha post .loaded down with letters and pack ages, waa eaterly aoucht In all the homes. . 1 Tha wetting-ready part for Christ mas is over and both children and crowo-upa will anxiously await the arrival of Jhe day of gladness and ;ooa cneer. lligh Point Store Building ; Damaged By Fire Saturday , lawrlel t tvalir . ' Hlch Point. Dec. JJ. -Fire discov ered shortly after midnight this rhornlng did damage of $1,00 in the ' tup story of a store building on Main street owned by John A. Lindsay. Tha 1 Are department soon had the flames tinder control. The two upper rooms of tha 'building where the fire loas . occurred were occupied by H. Culler and son. v-ho were operating a shop , for vulcanising automobile tires. --Spontaneous combustion, which is ' believed to have originated in a bar rel .containing sutomoblle rubber supplies, is said to have caused the fire. The loss Is about equally r ' shared between the owner of the , building and the vulcanising con I eel n, and the loss in each Instance ! la said to be covered by Insurance, Italian Fasdsti Aligned i With the Hungarian Force Prague, Ciechoflovakla. Dec. 23. 'jOfflclal circle, here are surprised over the discovery of an alleged se cret military convention between the Italian and Hungarian (asciatl, "whereby the factions will lend mll itary aid to each other In the event tif war with Jugo-Hlavla. it is even .reported that the pact has been -sanctioned by the Hungarian ami Jtallan governments, anil to this is Added a rumor that the Italian gov ernment la supplying war material to the Hungarian esclnll. , Vaa beat Very III. Kan Francisco,. Dec. St. The con dition of Gone Van ient. former head roach of the Stanford univer sity football and basketball teams, who haa been HI at St. Francis hos pital here, was reported to be un changed tonight. It was said at 4n hospital that he Is not In- a aerl tMis rendition .snd probably will leave in four or five days He is a McUm ! sleeping sicks. GANNA WALSKA WILL APPEAR IN CHICAGO iWifa of Harold MeCarmkk WU1 Siaf "Zaaa" Just t Shaw That Sho Can ' Chicago, Deo. I oOanna Welsks. wlf of Harold McCormick. will re turn to Chicago la February to make her debut la a concert here, her hus band's horn town, Jules Dalber, her personal representative, announced to night M. Dalber arrived In Chicago today to lease Orchestra hall for the concert. To reporters he announced that Mme. Walska will yet sing "Zaia" possibly at a Parla opera house which she recently purchased juet to ahow Chicago that aha can do Justice to th role. - She hsd been engaged by tha Chi cago Opera company, under the back ing of Mr. McCormick. to alng "Zaaa" her two years ago, hat left the city auddenly on th eve of th scheduled performance. No explana tion of her audden departure waa ever offered, but gossip In the opera company said It followed a heated quarrel with the director. 11. Dalber's announcement that Mme. Walska will extend her Amer ican concert tour to Illinola revived th discussion aa to when and where Mr. McCormick will arrange for their second marriage. The present marriage, contracted in Parla, ia not recognised In Illinois as It waa sol emnised within le'sa than a year aft er Mr. McCormlck'a divorce by, Mrs.' Edith Rockefeller McCormick. daugh ter of the Standard Oil founder. The Illinois law forblda divorced persona marrying within a year. That year will have expired next Thursday, De cember It The Chicago, Dally News today printed a story saying "all society is asking tha question and confident ly awaiting the announcement' of when "Mrs. Edith Rockefeller Mo Cormick will announce her own ap proaching marriage to Edwin Krenn, th young Swiss architect, who ac companied her to America after her Ight years sojourn In Bwltaerland." Th Dally News continued that Mra. McCormick haa turned over the management of eome of her proper ty to Mr. Krenn and there are those that aay thia management ia part of a buslnssa training that will fit tha young architect to handle the Immense McCormick estate. PSYCHO-THERAPY FOR BUILDING ATHLETES Athletic Director At Harvard1 Adds T Coursa of Those Is) Train- ins For Taaaaa Cambridge, Mass., Dec IJ rPsyeho therapy aa an aid to th development of athletics along particular linea has been added to the athletic curriculum at Harvard by William H. Greer, ath letic director. Staring five weeka ago with If -patients" tha class haa In creased until now mora than las stu dents are at work endeavoring to de velop some particular part of the body In which ' a student requires greater strength In order that his athletic prowess may reach Us high est degree of perfection. Football player who have tried the new system ' have pronounced It a success. For example a linesman may wish to Increase th effectiveness of his charge or a baekfield man may wish to Increase tha apeed of his start. He applies to the experta In charge, who writes a prescription of certain exercises and goes to work to overcome his particular weakness. More Than 800 Families Are to Receive Christmas Checks Atlanta, Ga- Dec 13. More than 100 famines, mainly In the southeast. will receive Chriatmaa Checks from the auprems lodge of tha Masons An nuity, Fraternal Insurance associa tion which waa placed in tha hands of a receiver her several months ago. Thosa who will receive the checks are survivor of policyhold ers.-,, Tha chocks will be. th first pay meat they have received since last December when they were notified by officers of tho association that the monthly payments would no Ion gar be available. Judga George BelU of Fulton county Supsrtor court, who appointed th receiver, ordered, the distribution, amounting - to more than KS.OeO. which haa accumulated Interest on tha resources of the organisation. Th receivership still Is In the courts, although the Georgia Supreme court has twice decided that a re ceivership is necessary. Dr. McAnaOy Ias Narrow Escape From Serious Hurt (astlal ta jOr 1ml High Point Dec. tl Dr. J. W. McAnally, a local physician, had a narrow escape from serious if not fatal injury when an automobile which he was driving waa struck by Southern passenger train No. I at the Main street erosetng her to night. Dr. McAnally hsd Just started to drive his machine across the tracks when the train approached. He immediately steered the auto to the left along the main Hacks, when his car waa sideswlped by the train, knocking the machine several yards The physlcan escaped Injury, but tha auto waa badly damaged. Chinese Bride-Elect Flees to Dodge Arranged Wedding Washington, Dec II. The police were aaked today to search for Mil dred Wen, a Chinese girl of It. daughter of Wenwh Wen. wealthy restaurant owner here. who. It la said, took 1100, her Jewelry and aome of her bridal presents and disap peared, from the city last night on the eve of her wedding to a youth of her race in New York city. . According to the police, Mildred protested against the marriage, which It waa aald had been arranged by her parenta. When aaked about hla daughter's disappearance Wen merely stated that she bad left last night, aaylrig nothing as her destin ation or when she would return. High Point-Man Struck By Auto and Is Slightly Hurt Struck by an automobile at the In tersection of Washington and Davie street about 12:30 o'clock 'this morn ing. Pip Harris, aged 20 years, of High Point, was removed to St. Leo's hospital, where 1 was ascertained that he received a aev e cut about the touth and slight bruises to his neck. Ills condition Is not serious. The owner of the automobile Is not known, although at police headquar ters It waa stated that the automobile license number had been aecured and that the owner resided In Winston Salem. I Diversity Teacher Killed. lluqhester. N. V., Dec. IJ. Dr. Elis abeth H. Denlo, 7"), emeritus pro fessor of history of art at .the Uni versity of Rochester, was almost In stantly killed late tonight when she wss struck by a skidding automobile and waa run over by a second rna-hln. ARBUCKLE AND POSTAL Movie Czar Spends Busy Time In Chicago; Wants Increase 1 InParcel Post Rate :- ' FAVORS FURLOWS PLAN Chicago, Deo. II. Poetolllce re forms, Roseo Arbuokl and Wallace Raid ooeupled several busy hours for Will H. Hays la Chlago today. Mr. Hays, former postmaster general and now head of the, moving platur as sociation, stepped definitely from cinema to government and back again while ha atopped her a few hour on his way tq Sullivan, InoU, for Chriatmaa , Commenting upon Brigadier Gen eral Charles O. Dawes" recent charge, concerning th "submersion of tha first balance sheet ana operating ex pense report of the pos toff Ice depart mentwhich let forth that th de partment Is operating at a loas of more than M0.000.000 a year Mr. Hay declared that "there must be aa Increase la tha parcel post rats." "There had been mada and there la being made,' he said, "a splendid effort to Improve conditions by Post, master General Work. General Dawes. General Lord, Comptroller McCarl, Mr. Furlow, president of the Otis Elevator company, and others. Everyone, of course, la Interested In tha success of what, aa General Dawes haa suggested, mast be a re formation. There 1 now and lone has been a deficit In -the operation of th pos tof fies department. "rirst-clasa mall Is .carried at- a substantial profit. Second-class mall, which Is newspaper and periodicals. never can be carried without a loas. Tha newspapers and magaslnaa are tha meana of promulgating thought, education, and national ideas and IdeaJa, and it always haa been the theory of the postal service that the circulation of the newspapers and periodicals should be encouraged by postal rates which would make the maximum clrculatlpn. "Th parcel post is losing a great deal of money and th rata will have to be Increased. The parcel post Is- entirely a commercial mat ter, and should carry Its own load." Ha added, without quoting figures. that tha parcel post laat year when he waa postmaster general had lost money, running Into a number of million dollars that. It fact, this loss la about (0 per cent of th en tire department' deficit, , PROHIBITION FORCES ' GOING TO HIGH POINT Headquarters For Fiftk Prohibition District to Be Moved r rom Norfolk. ' Clpsaal ta Dsllr Heat) Hlch Point, Dec 13. Headquar ters of th general prohibition agents fore for th fifth prohibi tion division, composed of North Car olina and all of Virginia, except the 10 most northerly counties of the last named atate, will be moved from Norfolk; Ta., to High Point, effec tive January 1. Thia Information Is contained in a letter received today by Postmaster O. R. Tork from R. R Sams, chief of th fifth division. Th letter states that th change In, headquarters has been duly au thorised by David H. Blair, commis sioner of Internal revenue. Two of fice rooms and a file room In the local postofflc buildlnc will be as algned to tha prohibition - forces. Arrangements with reference to quarters her were fully discuaaed on laat Saturday when Mr. Sams came to High. Point, and mad a survey of local conditions. . The headquar ter office ia being moved her from Norfolk Ins order that It may b lo cated nearer to the center of - th district It waa generally conceded here laat night that Greensboro waa not selected as headquartere for the fifth prohibition division because there is no room tn tha federal building to accommodate additional offices. Dur Inc October Mr. Sams exchanged let' ters with Postmaster R. C. Chand ler with reference to making Greene- boro the prohibition headquartera At tha time It was mad known that both, Mr. Sams and Commissioner Blair favored Greensboro aa the lo cation and Mr. Chandley was also anxious for the office to be situated here. Mr. Sams formerly lived In Greensboro and Is widely known In this section. He haa been In gov ernment service for many years. President Sends Christmas Greetings to Wounded Vets Washington, Dec. 13. President Harding in a Christmas greeting to tha soldier patlenta at Walter Reed hospital here, made public CtSnlght, declared he hoped "the season may be marked by every opportunity of happiness and satisfaction which may come to them and by multi-filed teatlmonlnea of the Con tinuing gratitude of the nation they have served so well." Extensive preparations for Christ mas celebrations at the hospital have been going on for, the past fort night, tha first being held tonight with nurses and patients of the In stitution gathered about a large Christmas tree. The program of en tertainment, which will continue un til New Tear's. Includes motion pic tures, parties, dance and speclsl din ner. West Virginia Is Ready. San Diego, Cel.. Dec. 23. While a reception committee wa . making plans to welcome the West Virginia football squad which had sent word from Barstdw that It would arrive here 'late tonight, the Gonsaga uni versity bulldogs who will meet the easterners Christmas day, went through a hard work-out this after noon. Searching For Murderer Wlerton. W. Va.. Dec. 23. Armed possemen led by bloodhounds from the stste prison at Moundsvllle to night are patrolling the outskirts of a thickly wooded section In the hills near Steubenvllle, Ohio, - where they bel! .ve James "Pearson, alleged mur derer. Is hiding. Pearson I alleged to have shot and killed Roy Ledaon, farmer, near here yesterday. Organise gpaalah Baak. Madrid, Dec. 23. Negotiations for the formstlon of ,a Spanish bank In New Tork have been Virtually com pleted! according to the newspspsr Uconlmlsta. The new Institution, the paper says, will be named th Hpanlsh TranS-Atlantlc bank and will work under the American laws In connection with the federal reserve aysiem. Hanta Claa Drops Dead,- Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 23. Just as Everet Dahl, 44, playing Santa Clans his srms laden with Christmas presents, reached his ' doorstep and wss axeetcd by hla children tonight he drnpped dsl. The coroner said heart disease wae the csuss. E Promoters Secure Blanket Con cession On Practically All Federal Fields. IS GREAT TRANSACTION Los Angeles, Dm. II. Th Los Aa. geles Time today reported an an nouncement from th promoter that a group of Lo Angelee manufactur ers, bankers aad oil operator hav obtained from th Mexican govern ment ."what amount to a blanket concession on all government land In th oil dlatrlot ( th east ooaV "It Is by far th biggest oil trans action In . Maxloan hletory, th Time aald, "and probably th most important deal: of its kind In the world, for tt Involve U.OOO.OOO acre of land adjoining rich workings of tha oldeat established companies In th Tamploo-aad Tuxpam districts" Th paper further - declared "th transaction also haa Important poli tical significance, coming as tt doe after the extended controversy be tween th Obregon government and th American oil cempanlea. In which th United State government haa been as yet aa unauccesaful ar bitrator." .' . ; It Is announced th Los Angl Croup will co Into th Mexican oil dlatrlot and operate aeoordlnc to th Mexican article IT and under a fed eral concession on th am royalty bail which established cempanlea hav declared confiscatory. Th con ceealon. It la atated, permits them to drill on landa Immediately Joining; th rlcheet wells In Mexico. ' Th announcement cam after th return her from Mexico City of W. W. Wilson, O. E. Morclaad aad Osorc J. Boshmlller, who stated they ob tained tha concession after aa Inter view with President Oberegon, who personally want Into th details of tha enterprise. Th concession, ha stated, wa mad oat under th direct supervi sion of Alesrio Robles. secretary of Industry, commerce and labor In the Obregon cabinet- Mr. Wilson said th landa designated- comprise virtually all federal oil land extend ing along the Gulf coast from a point north of Tamplco to Tuxpam. doe to holdings of th Standard Oil com pany, th Doheny Intereets and ether prominent oil cempanlea The con cessions also include th Island of Juana Ram ires, aald to hav been long fought by American com pan lea because of Ita important location In geological surveys Th concession provides that 4 per cent of the gross production go to the Mexican government; th con cessionaries pay five peao a year tor tha landa they will exploit; that deposit of 400,004 pesos be mad, and that 100.000 pesos be Invested In works and exploration within a year. Two year are given for explora tion and the concession rnna for tt years with provision for renewal. The exploitation will b financed entirely by Los Angel capital. It 1 announced, and plana already are well advanced for th selection of center of th aotiv work of tha un dertaking Wilson and Moreland are manu facturers of oil drilling machinery and Bushmlller la an' oil operator. Other members of ths syndlcat. which I described aa a closed cor poration. Include Harry Lee Martin, capitalist; Austin O. Martin, banker; John O. Coverly. capitalist: - Fer dinand J. Bushmlller, oil operator, and Dr. L. D. Jones, physician and capitalist.'. Mr. Martin and Mr. Moreland are expected to return to Mexico - City to pot the plan Into operation a soon as possible, it' I said. ' THOMAS POLLARD HELD FOR GRAND JURY 'WHILE I. M. WEST IS CLEARED (Continued from Pag On.) would prove valuable In th trial of th case. Mra. Regeiter live In the down stairs apartment of th building where th shooting occurred, whll Pollard occupies a suit on th sec ond floor. - Announcement that Mrs. Regestsr bad mad ah affidavit to the com monwealth s attorney cam as ' a aenaatlon. Her nam. had not pre- vlouily been mentioned In connection with the (hooting. Robert N. Pollard, brother - of Thomas Pollard, testified "at the hearing. ' He said he was summoned from his horn and. upon arriving at the residence of his brother, found Mrs. Richardson lying - upon the lawn. Thomas. waa standing nearby. he said, and told him "that worn came up her after me with this pis tol." . ' ' . "My brother told m that aha had phoned htm aha waa coming to his house," he continued. "Whan . ahe arrived he said she entered th vestibule, closed th door and point ed the pistol at him.- He-eald he took the pistol away from her and sh ran out on th lawn. He said he follow ed her down - the step, when she turned and attempted to regain pos session of the pistol and In tha strug gle she wss shot," Pollard also stated that his broth er on Friday preceding th killing had discussed Mrs. Richardson with him, saying that he was afraid of her. He said he suggested that a warrant be sworn out tor hr and that sh be placed under a peace bond. Witnesses for the state at thy hearing were police officers who have Investigated th killing aad several neighbors who heard the shot. i . . . . ; . . WOMAN IS ARRESTED ON HOMICIDE CHARGE Mr. Bssi Karswell Said To Hav Given Guests Poison Whisky Ta Drink New Tork, Dec tt. Detectives to night arrested Mrs. Bessie Karswell, of Brooklyn, on a charg of homi cide, alleging aher made and sold moonshine whisky which, according to police surgeon,, caused th death last night of Mrs. Florence Steven. James Donathey, also of Brook lyn, was taken tn custody as a ma terial witness. He reported finding the body of Mr. Stevers In a bed at his home, after a drinking party In which he, Mrs. Donathey and the dead woman participated laat night. After a visit with the Donatheys, according to the police, Mr. Stevers went out to Mrs. Kurswell's and re turned with a quart of whisky, whloh the trio consumed, When Donathey and his wlfs awoke this morning their visitor was found to have died during the night. " Stolen Money la Being Spent ' Lincoln, Neb., Dec 21. State Sheriff Ous Huyers announced tonight he had received Information that two 15 blllr, corresponding In serial number with those stolen In the robbery at the door of the Denver mint, were expended Friday, one at Hastings, jNebr., the other at Aurora. Nebr. HAYS STANDS FIRM " ; ; ON HIS STATEMENT ) t , ! . ' Telle MlaUtar to Reman br Taexh lag f Htta WU Tataskt . . tm Frglv. ; . La Angel. Deo. II. Flat refusal t reconsider hi deelelon granting Roko Arbuokl a ohano to rat urn to th film waa contained In a mes sage' today from Will H. Hays, ohlaf of th moving plotur Industry, to th aesalon of th West Lake Pres byterian church and varlou Lo An geles pastors who have protested again! any further screening of Ar buckle's comedies. Mr, Hay aald: "Everything I ld hi reiterated and emphaalad. . , - "About ntn month ago I auggeat ed to tho who owned Arbuokl pic ture that they do not releae them. Thl resulted In holding up of th pictures already mad and th elim ination of Arbuokl from work in his profaton.- 1 waa ur then that tn action waa right, and th only doubt at that time wa whether w might be doing an Injuatlc to th Individual,' Ar buckle. I was sura, however, that the action waa beet for him. "Thl haa provd correct. : "Thl I no relnatatement of Ar buokl nor any attempt to reinstate him. Thl I simply a declaration that I ahall not stand In the way of thl man having hi chance to go to work and mak good If he can. "I am aura that In yoar considera tion of th matter yon will not be unmindful of th word of Him who firt taught us to forglv." Broken Motor Halts Flight Of Hinton, American Flier Pemambuco, Bras!!, Dec' tl. (By Associated Press.) Th mishap . to th seaplane Bampato Correla II yes terday whll th .plane was proceed ing from natal to Cabedello In the Right from New Tork to Rio de Ja neiro occurred when it waa flying at aa altltuda of 1.000 feet. Th star board motor (topped when 40 miles from Cabedello, and It was'dectded by Lieutenant Hinton and hi fellow filer to com down, as th air our rents were too strong. , An examination upon landing showed that four time gears of the motor wer broken. Mechanic Wll- shushe concluded that to continue th flight, new parte would bay lo b obtained, with two other mem bers of th party he proceeded at one to thl city, arriving her today. iney will remain -for tnree days. Lieutenant Hinton stayed with the machine in , the city of Penha. Zebulon Judd Named Head of Floating School Department Atlanta. Oa, Deo. II. Zebulon Judd, dean of th Alabama Polytech nic institute school of educatlsn, ha been named head of the -'education department for th "floating school" under organisation by a croup of Atlanta cltixena Application for a charter for the school has been made In Fulton county Superior court "Th Logan," rormeny a united states army trans port, was purchased sometime ago from tha government to ba used as 'home" for tha achooL Pupils will be taught. It has been atated, while th vessel sail to all part of th world. Tag Last ta Lake,' . Erl, Pa.,- De. S3 Th tug Cor nell of Cleveland, missing for three day. Is believed to hav been - loet loa Lake Erl with' her crew of nine men. Two tugs, tha Lata from Cleveland, and tha -Tennessee, from Burraio, came into the harbor here tonight aad .reported they found no trace of the Cornell, which was bound rrom Cleveland to New Tork. He Who CYLINDER What It hand Why It Will Help , Your Car , It used to he. "How cut w get It to runT Now w ask, "How can w make It run better?" CYLINDER GRINDING, In a word, Is a scientific method of mak ing old motors run Hks new usually better then new and -making some new motors run better. It Is guaranteed to In crease the efficiency end cut down the operating costs of the motor, naturally bringing greater motoring pleasure', and comfort, . What Cylinder Grinding Qoes The process of cylinder grinding Imparts - a smooth, highly fiollshed, mirror-IIke surface to 'the Inside of the cylinder, leav ng no high or low spots. Tha cylinder bore Is cut perfectly round and true, and square with the crank shaft, thus providing Ideal, working conditions for the pistons which are traveling' rapidly pp and down In the motor, thousands of times to the minute.- Perfect motor operation can only follow from a per fectly aliened and trued-up motor. t . .. This Piston and cylinder, are unquestionably the moat Important part of the motor. Because their duty and importance is not always understood, a brief survey will not be amiss. It is the duty of pistons to "gather" or receive the power created by the gaaoltn explosion, transmitting It down and through the crank shaft Into usabls power and speed. The force of the explosion sends the piston hurling down, through the cylinder to complete a revolution of the flywheel and re- , turn. Just at this point the available power la either fully used or wasted. If pistons or cylinders are untrue or out-of-round. It la Hks stopping a square hols with a round plug a futll as going; for water and wltli a sieve. ' , Why Regrinding Becomes Necessary ifany mptorlsts ar Inclined to assume that the Inner work ings or me motor win something cracka or falla alon until It I ready tor Thl I not th cass. Here is what actually happens. Th continual traveling up and down at high speed of the pistons laJhe cylinders gradually wears cut both pistons and cylinders through friction or rubbing of metal on metal. This Thl wear Is not uniform. remedied -by using overslse The pistons, bsinc fastened running from aide to side, Itswill pay you to ship your cylinders and crank shafts here. It is well w.orth the differente it will cost you in transportation to get a better piston than the ordinary. .Your work will be done in the best equipped shop In the state of its kind, turning out nothing less than the best workmanship and material. We do all kinds of automobile repairing from the smallest job to the complete rebuilding of motor cars and trucks. ',( ; r , :.. ', ... We do all kinds of electrical repair work, magnetos, generators, starters and ignition. Bring or ship your work here. ; : ' : ' ' ' ' P. Bi COMER 306 East Market With Three Holidays England Expects Merry Old Christinas 1 - -' ' v,;-"' . i: ; . Two Englishmen Planning Trip Into India's Wildnernesa to Get Wild Game for American Museum. Americana In Lon-J don Worrying Over a Gustatory Christmas Dinner London, Dm. II. (By Aasoolatsd Press). England's Christmas will be Ideal this year, for It tall op Mon day, thus flvluc nearly every on three uooeaslv holiday. ' - Th day after Christmas boxing day Is obsorvsd a a holiday a strictly a Chrlitmaa itself, Th day gets lis nam from th custom where- by landowners' wer expected to hand out boxes of Christmas gifts 'to their tensnts, retainers and servants, oat men and milkmen, at well aa news paper carriers. Canvassed their -route religiously for annual tips, whll even the patrolmen on the heat seldom refused a largesse. The postmen now hav g union which thl year opposes tips.'.' r'-i ' k ',' For many st tha city workers In faotories, (hop and offices, there will really be tour day of rest, because a large proportion ot these estab lishments oloasd befor lunoh today and will not reopen until Wednesday afternoon. . No newspaper appoar Monday and Tuesday. Tradesmen report that th Vuletlde haa been tha moat prosperous sinu lone befor th wsr. They glv th timely rise In sterling and the gen eral feeling that EncUwd'ts on tha verge of better time as th rea on tor tho large' volume to trad. Tha Christmas spirit has also been reflected tn the larca number ot Lon doners Who hav left tor tn coun try and th continent, and the rail way companlea hav carried mora passenger than In several year. Al most aa astonishing lias been th inf lug ot country folk who always take th Xmas season as tn occa sion for seeing th sight ot th city. These visitors, dressed In their best. pay tneir respects to an in noiets. restaurants and theaters. The theaters are booked to capae Ity. Particularly popular ar such perennials a , "Peter Pan" "Th Private Secretary," and , 'Charley'e Aunt." 'v 'VV. v.,. A :: Contrasting with ' th holiday gaiety. Is ths great number ot un employed, th greatest, in fact, that the city haa seen In many yeara. These unfortunates attempt to mak a few pence by singing and playing In the streets, while the curbs of the downtown shopping centers are al most lined with men the majority of whom wear war medals wesrliy holding out a handful of matches or shoestring to th passer-by.-' Th expedition organised By two Englishmen, which will collect mam mals, reptile and birds In India as a gift to the American Museum of Natural History In New Tork -city In recognition of . th hospitality shown by Americans to British offi cers daring th war, Is going Into th Indian w ft d tries, In January. The party 1 being organised by Colonel Paunthorpe, British commissioner at Lucknow, who was In tha United State on a British war mission, and Arthur 8, Verney, an art connolssuer who lived In America for years. Mr. Verney sailed, for India this week where he will be Joined by Colonel Faunthorpe, a clnamatographer and a taxiaermisi. - xne jaiter nas oeen sent by the museum, .. The expedition will first go to Nepal to hunt a horned rhinoceros Reads May Drive a Better Car Is Important taxe care ot tnemseives tnat nniess apart the motor can ba safely let the lunk heap. Wear Uneven Hence rings, th trouble cannot be to the piston arms by "wrist Dins" have a tendency to rock on these Street Phone 931 Wishing You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New and a tiger; It will then travel to th United Provlnoe In aearoh of swamp deer and later to Bhophal for black buck and to Mysore and Sambur for gaur. Tha specimens wyi be placed la Roosevelt memorial hall ot ths museum. , . . .. . , Mr. Verney said that as a result ot th expedition American would that "thl country appreciate th almost Incredible things America did during the war for every Englishman whose duty took him to that coun try ' V ... ... -. With Christmas at hand, Americans llvlnga broad r faced with th an nual problem of obtaining Christmas dinner whloh, at least la gustatory comfort", will carry them back to the distant homeland for. one of tha few Issues upon which Uhere Is no Inter national dltpuu I "hat th national dishes of one country rarely can be prepared satisfactorily by a foisgnsr. It seems sat ta say that fw of th eager anticipation ot tha Tala tld feast, a It . 1 prepared In any country or ero road town from Nw Tork to Ban ' Francisco will b re alised by Amrlen whom Christ mas finds abroad. . Thy only ar fortunate who have permanent homes In trsng lands, where wives and mothers can prepare th traditional delicacies. : j'.--. .- - , American! resident ft London Hav, not forgotten that at th - recent Thanksgiving dinner glvan her by th American society, th pumpkin pi appeared a a tasteless and spice less concoction with a lupef-lmpoi-ed lattice work ot pastry. . v Mis Olady Cooper, on of Eng land's leading actresses and reputed to. be ths country's most beautiful woman, will sail for the United State oa January It aboard th Olympic ' Ml Cooper, upon th In vitation of th king and queen, re cently visited Buckingham . Palace wlter, she received th royal eon aratulatlona for her performance In Plonero'i "Th Second Mistress" and "Th Second Mrs, Tanquerey" which' th royal family .attended , several times. - . ' . . . ' Th sal eT postcard portralta ot Mis Cooper run Into the hundred thousand and many thousands - f girl throughout th United King dom copy her tyl of clothes and halrdresslng. -a Carpenters and Painters ' , . Secure Increase In Wages - .'' i - e' Cincinnati, Ohio. Dec. , 21. Union carpenters and painters of the Cin cinnati district reached an agreement with the maeter builders, assoc.latlen lata today, wheretry , th - worker will reeelv an increase of li sent an hour, computed on the "step up" plan, covering a perfbd of 11 month. Under the agreement wag will be Increased five cents an hour th first fours months, five oents the second four month arid five cent th re maining fiv months of th period. Under the present scale carpntr receive I1.0S an hour and the painter 87 t-i cent an hour. Signing of tho agreement . marks the end ot a Jurisdictional strike ot carpenters whloh started her, last week over the .Installation of metal window frames by sheet racial work rs,.., ...... :v ' . .' ... GRINDING pins, which means that the cylinder ar worn more In the direction of the' rocking motion than otherwise worn oval or egc-shsped: Round rings wllknot fit oval or egg-shaped cylinders. NIthr will round piston. Regrinding- Remedies This What grinding doe for the cylinder ha been described In the second paragraph; It Is plain that regrinding restores the ' cylinder to .a perfect condition. And only In a smooth, round cylinder can thl proper and eerre-at fit of pistons, so necessary for efficient operation, be obtained. The clearance between pis ton and cylinder walls mu,t be scientifically and accurately calculated, directly In proportion to th amount ot tnotal and expansion of the pistons the proverbial paper on the wall . being a loose fit by comparison. . . , Good Pistons Absolutely Essential Therefore It Is clesr that regrinding ot Itself I not enough to Ineure perfect motor operation. Th pistons are actually the most Important essential for It Is they that do the acual work. Grinding only properly prepares th cylinders for the pistons. It follows then, that the best pistons obtainable should be used. New pistons are. ot course, necessary, and tor thla purpose we use and strongly recommend DELUXE pistons No other pistons so completely fulfill the essentials necessary for proper, efficient operation In reground cylinders. DELUXE pistons ars exiremely light In weight. Made of cast Iron they are much stronger than necessary, achieved By a sclentlllo system of reinforcing ribs. They have minimum expansion, run cooler snd save ga and oil, a well aa completely eliminate vibration. With a good regrinding job and DELUXE pistons, properly Installed, partect motor operation 1 assured. , Briefly Stated, Here Is What Cylinder Grinding and DE LUXE Pistons Will Do For Your Car Create iwn aad ss-eed. No lew of eaaapreseleau - More Mlleaar n gas aad eil. No carbon trouble, missing, skipping spark plugs, etc, If piston alap, vibration, aolses la the motor. N all panning. Increases egleleaey aad Ufa f ear. Mean greater all areaad comfort aad satlafactloa la - sntrlaT, We absolutely guarante these results. Our high standard, finished type of cylinder grinding, with DKLUXE pistons, makes an unbeatable combination, and assures the above results In the highest degree. ' Tour car needs oylfnder grinding and DELUXE pistons. Let us restore Its efficiency and show you new motor satisfaction by our sclentlflo methods. AMERICAN REUEFJEN : EXONERATED BY S0VIE1 Says No Charge Against Or ganization Has Been Made By the Government. WORKERS WANT RIGHTS Moscow, Deo, tl. (By Associated Press) A sUtsment signed by a 0Tlt liaison officer published In th Isvestla, with reference to th artlcl recently printed In th Jour nal charging that in embers of th American relief administration wsr smuggling contraband article out ot Russia, declared that th artlcl was. misleading and that ha felt It necessary to. explain. After presenting certain facts which are supposed to hav led. to th publication of th article, the of ficer's statement says; "It; waa quite olear that In this eaa we are oompelled to deal with tha action of Individuals, but to accuse tha American relief adminis tration a a whol 1 quit impossi ble. .'.-. "Ob th contrary, th higher offi cial of th administration, particu larly Captain Cyril KQulnn. (It act ing director) met all th soviet dc manda regarding th opening of mall and the Identifying of persons re sponsible for misuse of their trust. Tha Individuals who violated the agreement and tha customs regula tion will be called to trial and will b deprived of the right to continue th American relief administration work In Russia or elsewhere. "I consider It my duty once more to emphasise the raadlnass of the higher American relief officials tq come forward to meet all our de mands la connection with th Inci dent." ' . '- - Th ovUt official dally newspaper Laboring Moscow, calling attention to tha position of th Russian employe ot th American organisation, says they ar working seven hour dally stipulated by th labor cod. Th ar tide aay th mptbys are not paid for the extra hour, and furthermore, they work on holiday and sometimes on Sunday without additional com pensation. Th newspaper aaserta th American relief administration disregards the regulation of th union of the government employe In various ways, and that It th dis satisfaction continues, a general strike may result. Th Journal adds that the relief work Is thoroughly sppreclated but that 'the Russian workers must In sist upon compliance of the labor laws, disregarding tntlmatlons tlfat the American relief administration officials might ba compelled to ceaae operation altogether If Interference from the union continues. Officials of th American relief ad ministration, commenting on these allegations, explained that from time to time they had had misunder standings with the unions but that the differences now had been ad Justed. They denied they had threatened to withdraw from Russia Fremont .High Quint Wins From New Hanover Outfit (Spetlll to Dll New. I 'Frenioit. Dc. St. In the third annual Christmas bnsketbull game Fremont highs made It three atralght win from New Hanover highs, ot Wilmington, tonight defeating them In a fait and close game by a score of SI to 19. The Wilmington team a d whole showed good team work, but couldn't stop Uooks and Ellis, who led th offensive for the locals. Of 1 a sr Greensboro, N. C. Year