e GRKKiNSJtWKO DAJJT NEWS. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER I IT, 1921 i - , -r Woman's Realm Telephone 1001 Weddings, Club Meetings Card Parties, Personals , rerees-Pradea. ful surprise to thslr Biany friends 'cloak In Danville, Va, at the horn of Mr. and Mra. Joan n. rr, wm thair daughter, Mlaa Helta Fair, became tha bride of Sidney E. Pre den, of Greensboro. Only tha fam ilies of thaaa young people and a few 1 , (k.i iniimata finda witnessed tha ceremony, which waa performed Dy tna ev. nrwt Vernon Methodist church, tha paator of tha bride. Mra Fruden's only attendant waa her sister. Mlaa Anna Wollen Terree. who acted aa maid of honor, and , Gordon Pruden, tha groom brother, waa beat man. Following tha oaramony, Mr. and Mra. Pruden cam immediately to Greensboro., whers they spent yester day and last night, leaving today for a wedding trip to points In Florida. On their return they will make Greensboro their home, Mrs, Pruden waa educated at the Korth Carolina callage, graduating In tha clasa of 1918, and la well known In Greensboro, where she has vts Ited often. She la a cultured and delightful young woman, and will be charming addition to tna aooial life of th city. Mr. Pruden la tha sen at Mrs. U M. Pruden. formerly af thla city, but now at Atlanta, and la prominently connected both In the social and business life of tha elty. Ha waa educated at the University af North Carolina, and la now manager of the 8. E. Pruden company, cotton mer chants, of this elty. Both of these young people are e tremely popular throughout North Carolina and Virginia, and their marriage wtll be of. Interest to their large circle of friend. glrdCC-Grcea Weddlaa;. With a quiet and Impressive cer emony af t,he borne of tha brlde'a parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sledge, an Elm street on Saturday, Decem ber 21, at 4 o'clock p. m Kmry Green, e( Greensboro, and Mlaa Ida I .aura Sledge, of Weldon. were mar Vied, Rev. U .D. Dayman, of tha Jethodlst church , officiated, uslug the ring service.. . Tha marriage was a very quiet one. there being na attendants ascent Miss Narclasa Bruce Daniel, who en tered with tha brlda aa maid of hon- sr miiami II BJ uaTewa- VAfoRua Omt7tWmJmUiY V. 1! EYES 1LA 1BJUTATED V - ' ' SUN.WINHDUST 6-CINDERS krMMMiina a. tni ar esuaetm a opticians or. (ha wore king's blue panne velvet with accessories to match. Tha bride were a golng-away gown of navy marleen with grey fox trimming aad gray accessories. Tha parlors were decorated with pine, running cedar, large bowla of blooming aaralaaaa and candelabra with many white tapers, carrying out color schema of green and white. Mr. aad Mra. Green left Immedi ately after ta caramony for a visit to northern cities. After January 1 they will be at home In Greensboro. Maw Tray Haawred. Mlaa Lota Lea Troy waa the gueat of honor yesterday afternoon at a surprise birthday party given by her aunt. Miss A. B. Troy, at her spa oioue home OB South Mendenhall street. Tha home waa artistically decorated in tha Christmas colors, red and green. ' Rook waa played at three tables, and at the conclusion of the games. Mlssea Eleanor Barton and Maurine McMastera tied for high score, aad were presented with candy a a re ward for their efforts. The hostess served a delicious chicken aalad course, which waa fol lowed by tha birthday cake. Those enjoying the hospitality of Miss Troy warej-'the honor guast, Mlsa Tray, Misses Eleanor Barton, Maurine McMastera, Margaret Patter son, Carlotta Johnson. Helen Clapp, Elieabet Mann. Biisaoem rioogm. Rose Lambeth, Carmele Ferguson, and Bertha Ferree. Mr. and Mra. Clasa Glvea Dlaaer. I The children of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Olaaa, of 401 Andrew street, gave their parents a delightful surprise dinner on Christmas day. Mr. and! Mra. Glaaa were the recipienta of many useful and beautiful presents I from their children, who also took possession of tha kitchen and dining j room, preparing a bountnui iraai. Those enioying the delightful day were: Mr. and Mra. TJ. M. Glass, Mr. an! Mra. C. W, Glaas and family. Mr and Mra. David Olaaa and son, Mr. and Mra. Bert Fogleman. Misa Eua Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Krneat Aired aad daughter, Mr. and Mra jeea Vaughn and children, and Mra. Eu genia. Woody. ;i Kew Secretary Named ' uim ijm ritrich. a a-raduate of 'the Battle Creek, Michigan, school of physical education, ana a rosineni Minerva. 0-. will arrive In thla elty January 1 to take charge of the health education department of the local T. W. C. A. tine wui succeeu uu. ifwviv whn reenetlv realgned to accept a position In Georgia. Miss Delirtcn comes 10 mw cur well recommended, and T. W. C A. nsMnila are lubllant In that they have secured her sarvtees, Bhe has had eonalderabla experience in pnyaicai education work. Mr. saNre. Harrlsee) Safer aim un H tlravSmith. of Nashville. Tenn, anaLFraak and Tom Har--i .i rk.it.nnnrt Tenn.. the guests of Mr. and Mra. J. B. Harrison, ware tha guests of nonor issi mam at a lovely bridge, party given by Mr. and Mra. Harrison, at their heme on Weet Market street. Tha spacious rooma ware beautiful In their Christmas deooratlona of red and green, holly and; red . roses pre. dominating. ' Bight tablea were arranged for the games, at they conclusion ef which a delicious aalad course and coffee were served. Y. W. C. A. Nates. Guests at, the Y. W. C. A.' residence during tha holiday aeaaon are Misses Henrietta Caudle, Randleman; Orrie Humbert, Norfolk, Va.; Lucy Hlggs, Charlotte; Alta Zachery, Graham; Nannie Smith, Sammle Smith. Clin ton; Hasel Melvln. Mary Melvln. Salemburg; Kllsabeth Poe, Fayette, vllle; Florence Qllraath, Moravian Falla;.Anna Baity, Cana; Ruth Par. ham, Henderaonvllle: Mat tie Straughn, Atlanta, Ga.. and Mra. B. E Vaughn and Kdward Vaughn, of Norfolk. Va. Planty of aetivltlea will take place In the girls' work department at the Y. W. C. A. thle week. The Lindsay street girla wtll hold a party this morning. West Lea street school g.rls this afternoon, Aaheboro street school girla Friday morning, and the Pomona high school girla Friday afternoon. The Peptomlst olub will hold their noonday luncheon at the hut on Thursday. This olub will furnish musle for the big tarkey dinner to be given to the girla away from home. Girla from the local high school wtll hold a tea In the club rooma Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. A large membership rally will be held around the Christmas tree at the Y. W. C A. Thursday with a dinner to be held at 1 o'clock. The Olkla olub will be hostess and girls living away from home are invited to at tend. These girls are asked to no tify tha T. W. C. A. secretary In or der that a space may be prepared for them. "-An Interesting program will be carried out at . I o'clock. Ministers and their wives are In vited to attend this membership rally. e. Craaor Hera ,Far Visit. ! Mr. and Mra John Marshall Cranor, of Huntington, West Virginia, spent Christmas with Mra. Cranor' a par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W, Carpenter, on Virginia street Mr. Cranor re turned to Huntington Monday after, noon, while Mra. Cranor will remain ior me remainder of tha wek. Mrs. Cranor waa befnra h men-i.T. last suJnmer. Miss Violet Carpenter, of mie ony. ana ene nas a great many frlenda here who Will ha IntematMl tn know aha Is in tha city. who has alao returned to tha city, - Mra. W. S. Hannah, of Oastonla, Christmas with Mlsa Lena Llneberrv, has returned to her home after a visit of aeveral days to her brother, K. C Fairies. J Harry Suggs,- at Sanford. was vlaltor In the city during tha Chrlst maa halldaya. Mr. and Mrs, T. H. Wllllamaon are visiting t.hf former's parents at At lanta, w Mra, H. D. Blake, of Philadelphia Is the gueat of her daughter, Mra & L. Featrees, In the Justice apart ments. In Justall court , Lindsay W. Bain has returned to Canton, X. after epehding Chrlatmaa with his parenta, Mr. and Mra. J. W. Bain. Washington street. Mrs. R. B. Turner and daughter,' Florence, are apendlng the holiday aeaaon at Washington. Jsmes Fteklen, of Greenville, Is tha guest of Major and Mrs. B. W. Myara, Smith street Len W. Preston, of St. Louis. laJ Cimm man waa flnreed. and a iramhllnr .,.,.. i n cnjr rur sev. House, two-slorjr frame structure. srai aaya. . Mlaa Virginia Givlnra, of Mont vale, Va., la the gueat of Mlas lowel Preston, at T4I Park avenue, t John nd Rube WagoneY, of Wajk. ertown, were Oreensvoro visitors yesterday. ";' .... IRoyal Sands, of Reldavllle. was a Greensboro visitor yesterday. Mrs, Christina Adams will leave to day for Spartanaburg, S. C where alia will spend, several days ' visiting friends. Mra O, H. Reid, of Norfolk, Va. is tha guest of her mother, Mrs,'M. K. Callum, an Smith street. . Miss Bailie Thomas, of Statesvllle. waa a visitor In the city yestsrday. Miss Ella.B. Merrlmon, of Oak Bidgetapent several hours bar yes terday shopping, MVf and Mra, M. 8. Tounts and small son, Jack, spent yesterday In Burlington, guests of Mr, and Mra Ellis CrutchfleM. Philip Silver spent Christmas with relatives and friends .In High Point. Joseph P, Menetree, Ird, of wash ington. la spending the Christmas holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Oi U Orubbs. H. B. Uilliksn Is spending the Christmaa holidays with his mother in Meon. Ga. . LAmax I'immona leit last nignt xor Atlanta attar apendlng tNrlatmas with Mr. and Mra H. H. Felder. GOV. PARKER REQUESTS THE PHYSICIAN BE HELD ON CHARGE OF MURDER (Continued From Pw OnOv Store Closed Thursday it Taking Inventory On account of closing Thursday for Inventory, we will appreciate it very much if our patrons will anticipate their needs In ordering groceries today. ' '8 Store will be open all day today, and will re-open Fri- day morning after closing for the entire day Thursday. JOHN E. SOCKWELL 1 200 W. Market Phone 500-501 ICW)B9amWWmW)WIUa One Demea at O. Hearr. of the outstanding r.li aventa of tha week will be tha dance tonight at the Henry hotel given in honor of the Mfcring Picture Own ers convention. whVh Is In session here. There will be k Urge ifumber of out-of-town visitors here, and the sffair promises to be delightful. TROOPS F!ARCHTa FOR BVIDENCB ON OYKAMITERS Mr. aad Mrs. Gcavga Met. Mr, and Mra W. D. Oeorra h.v. returned from their wedding trip to points In Florida, and are vlalting Mrs. George's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 4. . aaaiionea, on Aaheboro street Tha Round Dosen eli.k hi.k "to have met on Thursdar of thla ween, aaa Been, poatponad until next weea. PEBJONAIA Pleasant are the ddighted comments of your guests vhen your coffeo is "Good to the last-drop" mm. U-S. fAT. rpr. 'Christmas Festivities Call For Evening Slippers Shown Here In a Wide Array of Correct Style For Ladies and Muses At Prices Lest SAMPLE SHOE STORE CO. 338 S. Elm We buy the best We tell for leg Phon. 2832-W Into office." he continued, "gangs that paraded tha streets fired shots around my house, I asked the sher iff to take matters In hand but noth. ing waa dona" , i To police officials who questioned him Dr. McKoln denied being Impli cated In tha murders (Daniels and Richards) and leclared further that ha was not In tha vicinity at the time of their occurrence. hla death the loulslsna-Arkaiisas law and order league waa formed to aa oura evidence In the case, but no arreeta were made. The league was said t have been made up of 6,000 dtlaeni of the two attes, and re cently disbanded. Kldmaplag Cases Cited ' Tha kidnaping of Ave prominent aier jiuuge oiuaene on a nigaway last 14 August is believed to have reaultedl f-f In the death of Daniels and RlohanM. 1 1 Two others were severely flogged, and J. U Pantela. 7ll.year.o3d rather of Watt Panlala. was at tha point of death for aavaral weeka beoauaa of the erueltlea Inflicted uplji him. xna tonaeaover invasion-, tna third event of the year, occurred laat month and resulted In the death pf i. O. Woods, it, a atlsslssipplan. Ha waa riddled with shot after he had fired on a party ol aeveral hundred maaked and white "sheeted" men who marched Into the new oil Held of south Ar kansas to clean out tha undesirables. torn down. An ezodui of mora than 1.000 people from the region resulted. Officials made no effort to learn the Identity of the mob, aa far aa known. s . , a- . Tha Worm Tanas.. (Engineering.) An engineer waa giving evidence In a case in which a farmer waa aulng a railway company for damagea re. aulting from the death ot a cow which had been run into by a train. The farmer's lawyer waa heckling the engineer, and kept Teverting to hla pet question, which waa: --"Now, tall me, waa tha aow on the track?" ' ' At laat tha engineer became angry, and answered the .question) "Well, If yu want ma ts tall tUa real truth, tha cow waa bathing in the stream tha other slda of tha track. But the angina saw, leaped off the rails, daahad over tha bank, and, landing right en top of tha cow; atrangled it to death without a word," ' Flowers Plant Floral Designs ( Phon 855 Duff y Greenhouses Oapaalte O, Henry Hotel LMl MADAME LEE fsl saw deal ihllssiU, - f hues! swim at stasis ,! seuj el ttfa H cm bus 100 as not se seel rm tn. He) san vast lew aaa. fw w mstn a. eas sm this snet eeams tad att few las est st aa Sat Take Any alt Ml Is flease. Nk rea ass M km SMeas sw- w all Ma. SneUI arias nv emu w stuns, sntm aetaMHa l Vat ismr siaai Tasa Vaj Cat Set lltmeae. hem lm 1 1 a It a sen titeu. rwaeaattr keahd U3$ trha) arsts Ittwl Tan Kaeet tr. !03SSsKsS!3RSSIEC DaBELtS MADAME ROSELIEA PALMIST and CLAIRVOYANT ' Tells you when and whom yon will marry and how to win the man or woman you love. Re unltea the separated, eausee speedy and happy marriage with the one of your choice. Sn gives you the full secret of hew to control, faaclaate and charm the ana you leva. Mo matter what troubles you may have with your self and others, aho will help you. Why be un lucky, unlevedt Learn how to control events ef life. Tour entire life Is revealed by thla gift ed woman. aiiefaeltSB Gaaraateed aag silea Reasonable 302 Vt South Elm Street Oppealle Mattaaal Theater. Hawrai S a. as. ta a a. . Mlsa Fannie Sua Donnell la at noma for the holidays. , Miss Mitt is Donnell haa returned from Flora MacDonal to spend the cnristmaa with her parenta. Hiss Dorothy Dean, of Nashville is spending the holidays with her atster. Mrs. rate. Roy Meador, of Tarboro, la apend lng tne noitaays here with his moth er. . Mr. sad Mrs. Carter Dalton and rsotlly, who spent Christmaa with xi. Dalton s parenta. Mr. and Mra R. V. Dalton, left yesterday for their home in High Point. Mrs. G. A. Sparrow, of Lowell. Is tne guest f Mrs, Frank Dalton, at nor home on Flshar Park circle. Mrs. Lula Scott, is visiting her Us ter. Mrs. Cora RtrJiler. Mr. and Mrs. Verfcon Tow. of Ra lelgh, are snendlng a few days in the- city with Mra Tow's mother, Mrs. Pernell. ' Mrs. R. B. Turner and daughter, Miss Florence Turner, left Monday night fr Washington, D. C, where they will spend the holiday aeaaon. Miss' Kva Hlainback will loave to day for Weldon, where sha will spend the remainder of the week. gJdnay Allen and Carrol, are apend lng aeveral days In Fort Union, Va., where they are groomsmen In a wedding. Jullue Cohen haa returned from. Goldaboro. where he spent the Chirstmas holidays. Mrs. Cohan and daughters will return in a short time. ; , W. F. Ross is a business visitor to Raleigh. Mra. L. D Vjaiey, who has been quite sick with Influent. Is Im proving. . 1. BSach will spend today In Pocahontas. where he la attend ing a meeting of the director's of the Aracoma Coal mine. He was ac companied by his daughter, Miss Ma hal Baaclf. ' Miss Agnes Varner, of Olbaonvllle. was a Greensboro visitor yesterday. Mrs. P.. O. Browning, of Burling ton, spent yestsrday tn tha city shopping. Miss Haiel Montgomery, of High Point, was a Greensboro ahopper yesterday. Mrs. William Tate, of High Point, was a shopping visitor here yester day. Mrs. Hsrry Raymond, of High 1 Point, spent several hours here yes terday shopping. Mrs. C. M. Htuser, of High Point, wss a'flreenwhoro shopper yesterday. Mra. T. J. Gold, of High Point, was a Oreensboro visitor yesterday. Mrs. R. T. Joyce, Mrs. Alice Joyce Null, and little aon, John, who have been spending the past seversl months in Wtstfleld, are here for the holidays. I". D. Burkner has returned from Gaffney, 8. C, where ha spent Christ mas eve with Mrs. Bucknsr and baby, who are visaing Mrs. Buckner's par ents. Mr and Mrs. Tracy Cunningham are visitors to Athsvllle, where Mrs. Cun ningham will spend some time In the Interest of btr health. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Denny. Mlssea Virginia and Mary Danny, and Charlea Denny, are spending the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Kenneth Carter, it their home In Danville, Va. Marvin Crawley la spending Sev ern! daya In Washington, D. C. , Miss Minnie Trlbble haa returned , from'' Burlington, where aha spent Bastrop, La., Dec !(. The eeeond arrest In connection with the More house kidnaping of last August waa made lata today when Dr. B. M. Mc Koln, until a few months ago mayor of Mer Rouge, -waa tak,en la cuatody at Baltimore at tha raqueat of Qover. nor Parker, who charged him with murder. The physician waa taking a post graduate couraa at Johns Hop. kins university. The former mayor la expected to reach here within a few days to join a former deputy sheriff, who Is now being held n a similar eharga In tha Bastrop jail. wnue tne arreat was being made. a detachment of national guard waa reeennoitering along Lake La Fourche for evidence to lead to the arrest of dynamiters re sponsible far the blasting pf a ferry landing last week when tha bodies of two men, believed to have been tor tured and murdered by maaked and robed men. were blown from the bot tom of the lake. The company alao waa to act ai a body-guard for tha sheriff, who waa to make arrests In the event his sus picions Justified them. Ttwaaba la Recalled During the day Adjutant Oeneral Toombs, suddenly called back from Washington by the governor, ar rived in Morehouse to direct the operations of tha three eompanla's of state troops encamped hare and at Mer Rouge. It waa persistently, reported dur ing the day that all preparations hsd been made to call,' out two addi tional state companies If conditions warranted. . ' Soldiers are on guard duty at Hhe Jail here and anoampad In the heart of Mer Rouge, where the situation la such that the governor does not want to leave the townspeople to themselves In ths fear there will be bloodshed becauae of 'the friction among them following the August event. Many of the populaoe are armed. The military also was' at the dis posal of the civil authoritlea to take In custody many members of the hooded mob whose Identity Is known to tha state, according to department of luatlca men. Attorney Oeneral coco yesteraay announced that at least alz or seven more arresta will be made before the open hearing In connection with the case, which haa been sst for Jaouary 6 here. Mara Arreeta mpeetee It is reported the number of afrestn 111 be lnorsaasd In tha event tha Identities of the dynamiters are es tabllahed. Fsderal agents declare they have the name oft the -ringleader and hla arrest Is imminent- Attorney . General toco la expeciea to arrive at New Orleans tomorrow In preparation for the conference there Thursday, at which time plana tor the hearing will be outlined and tha report of the coroner- Jury that eon ducted the Inquest ovff ths headless bodies of Watt Pamela ana immtt Richards will be discussed. ntieena were gathering oa tha atreet corners tonight discussing tne arrest of two of their rormer taw officials. Ths arreat of the man wno had been their mayor until ne re signed last August came as a com- nlete- surprise. ' Dr. atcnvoin waa hnm and srraw to manhood In Mon roe, and later moved to user nouge, where he was a practicing pnysician. His friends Induced him to msks the race for mayor and during his In cumbency he fearlessly upheld the law and attempted to rid the com munlty of moonshiners and -other law breakers, It waa aaio. luaalu Fired At Merer On August i ne reported assas sins fired twoUoads of shot Into hla moving automobile aa - he was an swering alck call. He later re ceived peralatent warnings, to leave the community, and he did sn. This event led to the tragedy ot ths 24tn, in the theory of the state. T. J. Burnett, arrested last, Sat urday, la denied visitors except un der military surveillance. Today he grew suilsn and rsstlsss, and repeat, edly gripped the Iron bar In which he la enclosed. His battery of at torneys spent sevsral houra with him. It was recalled here tonight that four murders hav been charged to hooded men since laat May along the Arkansas-Louisiana border. At Wllmot. Ark., B. U Ollls, a farmer, waa lured frdm hla horns, shot to death and hla body burned. After Cuticura Heals Severe Eczema Over Face and Body "I had sever case of It broke entile pimples all over my lacs and body sad Itched ao badly that I em Id not rest at night. My clothing agfrevatod the bratUnf out and caused It ta bunt. I triad aavaral different remedies but did not gat relief. I read so advertise- mo)t for Cntkura Soap and Oint ment and sent for a free sample. The first night I used them I gat relief so purchased mora, and after uaiof one cake of Cuticura Soap end on bog 0 Cuticura Ointment I wss healed " (Signed) "Thames U WsHs, Kt, 1, Haitwall, Ge., Fsb. 4. 1M3. Cuticura Boas to deanss and pu rify, Cuticura Ointment to Booths and heal end Cuticura Talcum to Ewder and perfume are ideal far ily toOe. purposes. - WINTER ILLS The scientist was often puzzled to account for the efficacy of cod-liver oil. The discovery of vitamines has helped solve the riddle. Scotf s Emulsion is rich tohealtMjoMing vita- mines and is a helpful v factor in preventing Cij the so-called "winter ff ills." It helps keep -41 the vital forces of the body itrong to resist dka$e. Sxtsowe.Bleo.-ld,H.J. xM II TooH he eur prised at the l able fnalMaa oi thle genuine eed vrop of pnets honey. It kooseaa v hard-packed phlegm, acta aa a heenm tee ea opre,anwat Me M.ttope eaagha eke ,Se sejeaeat tattle aad hemlete. h Is. law fc ehlldraa's aa well ea adshV awha, . , Ask year draggtst We Or. eB's. Full-Fruited Raisin Breacl The reel, uold-fsh!oned" kind that mikes you like riiaia breed it back again. ' , Baker everywhere ar mak ing it fresh every week tome ; every day, . Ark your grocer er order (rem s neighborhood hake shop. Get it ready-baked. No need ts bsk st home. Ordir now. Made with Sun-Maid Seeded Raisins the best rsisine far bread, and all borne cooking use. rVsVWWwVwVWNrVVVwwVVWVS ElliivStone's' a m . r mi n l Atter-thristmas dale of Women's and Misses' READY-TO-WEAR ( i- - Offers you our entire stock of SUITS, COATS, DRESSES, FURS, SEPARATE SKIRTS, BATH . ROBES AND CHILDREN'S COATS f at - Greatly Reduced Prices I ', Perhaps the very garment you want is still here and offered at a mere fraction of Its reftl worth. . . ' j Greensboro's Boit Stor IX9KSKiaMKe3 "Harmony untangles, pacifies, regu v lates and uplifts. It sweet ens the task and mel lows the day's work." Theie is HARMONY in oar business .V ED. NOWELL'S PHARMACY "ttaed read the Cheapest War" 5 J We are cutting another ! K vyc vy vu. y ;g jjji fJMifitSU XfBWWtiHWWWSt M 'it, 1MH ! J big" cheese If yOU ' like ' fmimmmmmmmmmm I SSI III i good cheese try ij W?4 ! Pure .Georgia Cane eyrue as !" l I l 5s"' Ji fine aa can b" made 16-J0-56S Ji II J m Jm X" g Fresh- Strawberries . . I IH 1 aQjv ij Patterson Bros.,mc ij jUJjj Dept. Food Store , . grgyjg Zemo, the Clean, Antiseptic, liquid, Just What Yoa Need Dant worry about Ecgenaa or other sjun troables, You can have a dear, healthy skin by using Zemo obtained tt any drug store for 35c, or extra lar bottle at $1.00. Zemo generally removes Pbnp)ea, Blackheads, Blotches, Ecaema and Ring, worm and makes tbe aldn clear and healthy. Zend J clean, penetratinc, antiseptic liquid. It is easily applied and cost a mere trifle for each applies Opo. UisaJwaesdependaWe." NOTioa to tub CRXorroaa or TUB CAROLINA YADKIlf RAILWAY CO. NORTH CAROLINA. GUILFORD COUNTY. North Carolina Publlo Service Co. va Carolina and Yadkin Riven Railway Co. You and each of you are hereby notified to present your claims asalnst tha Carolina ft Yadkin River Railway company, to the under signed referee, st hi offioe, 101 North Sim atreet, Oreensbroro, N. C, orf er before the 12th day ot January. 1921, or this notloe wilt be pleaded is bar of their recovery., Thla notice la given pursuant to en order of the Superior court In above entitled mat-hr. THOMAS C. HOYLE, Referee. This the lath day of December, 1922. .- 1-11 HO TICK OF RECEIVER'S SALE, This la to advls ths publlo that by and under the .authority of tha County Superior Court, the under lined will sell at public auction, to the highest responsible bidder, for cash, on the premlete In the City Market bnlldlng on Sycamore St., In the City 'of Oreensboro, County of Guilford. State of North Carolina, all the property, good , and merchan dise of the Co-opertllv Dairy ft produota Company at I o'clock P. If., on December til, HS1. Dated this 1st day of December, im. K, K, KENNEDY, Receiver. - . ll-M CHRISTMAS WEEK REDUCTION ON Suits-CoatsrDresses Our entire stock Including many new arrivals, A group of garmejita that represent the very beat styles and" fabrics of the season. The original price was at a low margin pf profit this offered reduction presents a great saving opportunity. 4 ' DISCOUNTS Coine in Today and Inspect the Offerings The Quality Shop Frej Livermore, Prop. W. F. Fraser, Mgr. 222 S. ElmSt . i ,yjB.trt: ... .'j J i