TAGEWO" TWO FORMER, STARS OF MAJOR LEAGUES SHOULD ADD STRENGTII TOTOJLEDOTEAJI .:; -Mv. . n I J 3 k -f 'I V 4 - - I t, V ' 'A '9 : ' ::V.RSi; ';?fW Wh. ;W',.''':.;; W-- : r r-m ' : . , .r-msmmMym'''" . ..... - :. ; .. . .. ... . . . u . It ll . : . - it i ..i You ba .Know right ofl that this talk is directed ',; Forget at you who can't can't enjoy a rolled cigarette ! For men who got away to a false start Prince Albert has a word or two for what ails -ler-smokeappetites I ' ' ' 'nV"''"'v' And it should be handed out here that digging joy from a jimmy pipe or.makin's cigarette is as easy as it is for us to tip you off to it All the training necessary is to get the right t Y'n flnJ Print Albwt mail ing yemr uorW in all corner of -ihm &tatmT-MndU- nvmp thm ' bafSti tUyr4tin$. 10c t pound nnd kmlf-pmnnd tin humidortmndthat caajr ' nryHul-mln pound humidor with apongu-moUtwnmr top that rmpj f ho rosacea in ouch fin (ottloulwaym t FEELS SURE ONE OF "r signed BENNY KAUFFS MOUTH HIS BIG ASSET - kor-z Bll kAKPf Wl-'LO cowe Ai " JZp! S?r- Vb to We At-uer' Vv ' 1 le ONLY rtOMAH WTH A .' 0 MOUTH glg6gft'A HIS KeAO Me6ftAw Jfir KE-S Got ) C-H '- 3 - vgirngfi-' ji-s& fmm D) Gk rv , ,. 0 .,., , .,. . mm '';-,; .'vW&:sW : smoke a pipe; who Prince packing and fire iwayl And P. A. is the tobacco you need! R J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO THAT JAR HEELS IS THE LEAGUE'S by the Xcw Yo-k C:&nts, is known Me 'ou ever tried to smnlre, for Albert is so different, so cool and cheerful and friendly, you 11 get a new,, idea of smoke joy I The patented process fixes that and cuts out bite and And this little preachment is also for men who think they're on the right track. All to be said is that the sooner -you lay out' a nickel or a dime for a supply of Prince Albert, the sooner you'll make a discovery that'll be worth a lot to your peace of mind and tongue 1 Get the idea of smoking all you want without a comeback that's P. A.! CO., Wimton-Salera, N. C. Twenly-Four Men. to Try- '':..-'-.; Year' :' LINE ON " .MEMBERS Tho Virginia League Mana v ice'r That Triumphed Last Fc:;5ori M a kc5T Plaiis'fof Factor Ball This Year. "Whilel jijipreeiate. Uie- f.'i-'t 1 1 1 :i t ftirv rkli in the Virginia league is striving to sign a .belter team and out? that will defeat' the best chili of 'the league tho iasryea'r,rl " t bat in that way v.e have live clubs against us, nev ertheless,, I aiir contident that Kocky Mount need have no fear that the club 1 ihave golf en together will ever lag iu the race," said Manager Hay Ityau ijf the Tar Heels, iu anmmnscing the list of the twenty-four bull plaveJs that he will have come here on April 1st for the tryotit sensjii. The Virgin ia league pennant winner of last year was .smiled upon in the fact that lie j has ipiite a large number if the play ers ot last year s team brought for ward on tho reserve list and though he has hoM or had drafted four members of the club he expresses a confidence that he lias ably' filled their ptures for the coining season. As. catcher Manager Ryan will con tinun to occupy the position ef dean rf thin department and has let it bo ! Mint '" U 1i do a rfi't ef f'-' BESTfMB national 'joy smoke is the real tobacco for jimmy pipes and makin's cigarettes I: ; On the reverie tide oF thin tMy red tin you .will rjd I "Process Pat- -enUd July 30S, 1907," which hbs made (free men smoke, pipes where, one sjhokud before 1 t Ii ree ; "months w it li Milwaukee and fur four 'years; . catcher with the Ohio Northwestern t ' ni versify. 1 ii-k Talhot, foriiio'rly of Ohio State league; fame but . last; ; seasun w ith Treiitnn,- I. ticiirje Hart insliv, a semi professional froth Whiting,- Indiana and has be,eu catching around t.'liitago. (ieorg Mul V.'iney, a Jrvnut of the iasf season that did not f'liti h file pace because of a hi k of experience' will return.' In the .pifi-hiug depart ineiit, Manager li' van lias drawn from the ast venr Mes-srs. Al 1.. like, A. :W Applegate, at) il" A-l'le.V Lojie, ni o n g. lh e . n ev siring men there-wUl be Clarence I'ift cnbergrr, a "iing high .srhool star I'miii .Manager li 's home town that d to In rr- rm l.ull:ei Hi Tt- i-nii'profes.si.irn:iV from. Teunessei I ml.- TTTTT rrr t mi piolessioual 1 rout fie llll.io, is i iMiienibered by - tleiH sfinif pait- lhat Wiiic'he.sli'T, 'a., n itt Toiiev along to seine years ago. ?ifil a SoTith f'arnlina col while Riw Koberts is h'te tM l t WH'I the mil v southpaw 'of the smmd. a college pitcher ( renown from Hill snp Cidlege, ,l:p ksim, Miss. Clnreace Teagiie of last vear's club is still, a holdout. - For the infield jobs there will return .litnmie Kdwards, for second. 1'armalee tor slioitstop. and Kd Ooosetree for third base. The new iatiidders si0,'eil bide J. II. M,-( 'elnnland, alirst base man tormerlv ot the Huckevp league iiiul for a -month with Cleveland last :ir. Kobeit t.-e is Oanluer, N'. T., mi professienal ami K. P. Shellv is h'osedale, Aliss., . semi-prof eftsiiinal who has had three voars. of college i-V"ct .i l'f'e. ' ' ' " In the oui'hVI.I oy Kisel, ci;nterfielil ik ami Ciii! (Hoilv) (Iray, rightfield, are to cavort about the local gardeiu for .t.nother Mvison. Kof' the shoes of Hit tie in left- ther,. e i e two asjdrant I.lovd Burn; a semi-professional of" Ti Hi n Ohio, who eonies highly recom mended and .Walter t'astello' of the Buckeye ll.engne the past season. MRS. MELTON'S LETTER To Tired Worn-Out Mothers Jackso Miss. "I sliall feel repaid for writing' this letter if I can help any tired, worn-out mother or house- "I have a family of five, w cook and do my . houseWork and I became Very much run-doivn in health. A friend asked me td try Vinol. I did so and now I am ti-H and strong and mr old time energy ias been restored. Vinol has no aupertyr as ai'iio for : r'tn-down t I ' r er Mnilui pi-mi's, March lo. Tlic Ims iiu'mh ill hasrljiill has taken nil n niiiNt NTttiiis nHiiM't for. JaiiicN T1io'm'. Tin' l' .Stic and i'ox wnrrior taiii'H that it is thin vfar or nr-vi'r for him in tin1 !"K h'Hui'H, 'ami )io is wtii-kinj; r. (tti 4'ci-v (irrnre (ti rnrrv antl wircnth in his nngfhty liotlv t( win a regular lii'ith with th diuuts. ..Jim holds forth ill tho hatter's liox in Marlin whenuvr he ean get a uteii er to hurl them up for linn, Had indus tiv is reaping its reward. .Inn is slain iiiiiit the old leather with Kn'u,,'r torei? iiml uci'iirnvy than ever hefore in hiH iJifeT He alwavs eould murder the Tast ones, anif now he is ineetniL' the low curves with a vengeance. ?lii J'idar's practice he kiiockeiV a curve bfitl ... right -oiit of the; past ure, 'clriviiigvit over, the riijht-lield wall. I'lolialdv it is in Houston )v this time.. H'liovpe's fielding has improved on this trip, especially Ins work ojj ground ills. Heretofore hp could lie iTelienir- xiisi ..uu.ua JLti LJjujttiiieat a ciitical jno- meat, hut-that seems to lie a thing ot the past now. ' I ceitumlv want to make good inu year, ' said Thoipeyesteiday '1 nver Jiad any troulde in any game J ever tackled hefore, and I'm not guing to ht haseliall heat me.'. I'm- Miiii)'to In something to inakt the name ot Ihoipe live la liasiliall, lis ll "will ii v e tH tile, cinder path and grid iron, or I'lilireak every . bone in my body trying. Tliy seem to think that 1 will never he atile to tint. Well I'll -show them jfew tfiingtr' "before 1 re tire, to invjarrn. l,A vt p re't t y v e W-A h he - In t r n a -tio.nal li'agiie.lust year, getting an av ernge of ,,.:iO.'t , in ninety six games. 1 got thirteen doubles, seven triples and1 t wo. 'home uns, and stole twenty -t wo liases. Theypitehers over there threw nothinjj birt ei.irv es tit me- until 1 ), Mi-lie, I how In ""'I'll. what they believed to be a weak point, they were rwally doing me a tavor. I'll do the same thing with thediantti this year; , watch and see." John J. McQraw-: ceased to play trrrrrrrTn ana gPTT" a ii i1 T he' TflrTill t s nrffl"r in for lengthy individual instruction ill the art of 'hittin, 'em where they ain't and where -they can't get." The Little Napoleon watched each man take his regular turn nt the riln nt mul then proceeded to correct his faults: lilsh and Billy f.'ole, the young out fielders, were called on to correct their stand at', the plate, and while, the change bothered them for a while, at. the end they were shooting them over the infield on a line, (..'ole hail a ten di'Mcy to swing foo much with his body ami Hot enough with liis arms. This caused him to hit tpo late at the""b'a'Tn For a SPE All High-Cut Shoes for Ladies wil be Sold for 25 Per Gent Discount Now is your Shoes. Remember, we carry all widths, from AA to EE. Our New Spring line of Sliplperr are arriving daily. All the new styles. Call in and look them over, we will , Jie pleasedJto show you. ' , ' ' ' Watch Our Windows for Special Bargains Fare-Re funding Week., J. f '-.j-'-A f i, -if..' r h liresnahan (left) and Stovall. - George Stovall is not goinf? to M Idle the cominfr season. Accorrlini? to Roger Bresnuhan. the former Fed--crai-lea guemana per wtH play-fi rst team. In fact, Bresnahan has found work for six or seven players who were with the defunct league last season. Stovall and Bresnahan will add a lot of strength to. ..the Toledo team. Both should prove -excellent Bresnahan and Stovall are still stars In their respective positions. : , S " ' f v: .K -rv7 , : ' le7 - fifo -rrATe-Now-IristalledOuTew If you appreciate Pure Foods, Correct Weight, Sanitary Conditions and Prompt Service, place your orders with us. Tlirre niv mori'. Sea Foods eaten during Lenten Seuson 1 1 i7uTin"i7i Hi n know that you are getting the best of everything and ab solutely 1 rt'.sh. - We--want-yotr-tV inspect our You wiir then appreciate our efforts to serve you. ZEB B. BULLUCK PHONE NOS. 50-5152 C I A Few Days chance to purchase a H. 0anie Tarb oro , Street V 4 - nmrkefc mmm L Only pair of J. & K. . V - 4