".4- HI L-EVITNIN(i TELEGRAM- if- If - ." ' , ,. ' . 1 ' ... m ay, Marh 1 1J1() lrr -1 I ii I DAN1SHWESTIN0IES IS THUD I .... , .IPnrratnondtiic of Associate Press) St. ThoniBH, DmiiKh VVuHt ' lii'lici, March. IS. Tllf report tlint the IimnIi government mijjlit reopen the olil (iies tlon of -the sale of tho Danish Most Indies to the United BtoteH linn it traded attention to the inluti'iiil and economic conditions here at . the present .'time... In answer to iiKjuiiiex from tho United StateH.it tntiy Im said that the comlitioiiH are moMt . iiiiKiitiH factory hoth on thi.s island, ami tin) inland of Bt. Croix. There is a - r-iu. deiireHiun-Ja trad and scarcely any money in cir culation in Ht. TlionniH. Thin is chief ly duo to tho Knropean war and too cloning of the I 'u ii n in 11 canal. 'J' i i c ciiTefTnilTititry ot tlx; inland lnts al ways been tho Hiipplyiiig of coiil And water and other iieceHMticHto rflnp.s,' lint thin is now practically at a maud 8till, particularly Ixjouhhh of the huh pension of tho NtcaniNhip service of tho Hamburg-American line. Thin company jrnve employment to a. hirjjo .number of laborers and others, the inn ' jority of whom .liaO" had toomijrntn hrTSanrooiiiiil'o(ir(itlief" u(t"i Trull n r" al inlands in order to make u- liveli hood. In' fact, it is felt, now that tho Hamburg-American line has, "more than ., was heretofore realized, been the main support of tho isiiiid,--ilinhiii'Min a l"" "f iiinnw niniiii.lli- It it "Vaporize" Croup or Cold Troubles Vapnr Ironlmeiitd fur cold troubles aro Wtor than mternul iihvJioiii'h, an tb va pors curry tho inedieution diruct, to tho liinna ami air iasp.m; without Uiaturliiug the ftniniH'h. . When ick's "Vnp.O-11ul)' Bivlvo is ap plied ovor the throat nod chiwt, thmo 'va pors, rolnimod by tho bent of the. body, nro Inhaled with each breath. 2!o. to 1.00. I (IKTTINCi HEADY TOR MAY DAY PAGEANT State Normal College to Give Fete in Which 1,'JflO People Wiil Take Part. (fi'ent trade would develop liere,,-' Bui, the. slides in' Hie canal have prevented these hopes from lieing i. nl.. d. Tliere are no serious In Imr t roiibfes nor I'eiil sinus of dist reas, lioweX eiyrtml t he people, are- living : iii hopes t lint with the reopening of the canal and the ''cessation of the ..war,; fnfnlii ions .will rapidly improve. On the' inland of St...' 'roi tin strike which paralyzed the snyttr iiolustiv, lias lieenrpgeTloilH wnlU'i'.' The 'itlCTitit very lnucli more so t han '..St J. Thomiis; is UKrieultural, and this year's prodiii-t ion of suxar lilid rum pioiiiises.li) be' ex (eptionnt. l''oihiwiliL' the t'loiiaf imi. '"'of ' OrveiiHlioidi March 1 I.- The l.ikre :n!i-.tic .id. !. ration of a Mnv I'liy in the Slate .Normal CoU'eee th(H year is likely to draw i'le.uvjiy upon .Noi'tlr Carolina, .as Well as. other . part s Of J h ec.o ii ii i tr y: f oripnt roii a gii..;lVo.iiLt!i!l. vn i 1 1 nn-mrrref STitr-tTr.'il :i t e n're-rri; "w'o'i'tl's 'trMr'ir'ti'Wj'UiujjJi. fii.-uds !' the v.oljefje to attend. Tin . iirr-trij is the dt iimatie : t'elebratiriir which is stnyeil tin. Mny - 'Jll every foiiilli year, or will lie staked.Xliat .of ; ten in the future, ', Thiycelnliriit ion this v'eai' is to he: the second unit oil an .ev en larger scale thiiii liefTin . . Siiitie iilrii of the sie of tli'e affair may Vie jiidtfcd froni the fact that I. :.' persons will take j-art in the perform-anci-s, hut ..:jiieiaJ)iiiiuiDi. .tlo. not .include iiiinet'essi'iry ho per immoral" res a lid c:ei v. jicrson rleiiott" ..special J at tent ioii; to cu'efu! cMstiiie;. ' rlK' occasion, is niini oil the Niuinal t'olli'ye May. l'aeaat in .the I'niti'd States,' al.tlioiij;h there ni-e i''iM it of tfrer' la rger, womeit'ji . qol; lees..ih tlie. eouat i-y..n liich' liavi,f oi'Kii-' oi.eil soini'tliiiie;. of: t lie- kiilil yioi llie puttera of old ' liiylish cek'lii'a-Soiis, , ,MrA', K.' T',' ii.yM:;,-iH.-(ti-,i;lii')e.-; ox', tho phiyi am and she is conduct ill"; t lif xntuw'snU" "w4-le---tu)'-"enrrs,yl "''tiiiit ' li ril: ti'gswHs .).'tii.c')i .'!' '''iiit-rfc'.ibli,it ; .Wlt.n has-alri'iidy' selected the, principals for t lie various performance-. The irele brat ioii . is ;iiot. a letitliy oiiii. :lt le (;ins at : o'clock the al'tei'tiooii ' u fit! last.- thi'oiiirl) the ( vi.iiny..-Xlii:' pmt'ai)l carries-a, iiuinlier iif items aioH IVci'i oriiiiiiice.-i. alTe in dillereiit iiurl s t ti.,. .n.,,.,1 ........... ;.,.,i...i; I '...,1 t.r : (-''nrky but . M is.. Slini pii ' Til tors i a l.i' seeiilT'Triii' 'oliecje. aveinie. ''.'After, this the ers will be divided and vjiOcl i ve, pol.ni.ti. pfay- n. most siiiiniii mil- i rli'iirnl ion of its kind in tin: South nod p'ossililv itates t hat '-tpei. duct ions, i f ( hey follow the. direct ion 'of the,. guides in oing .front .iuiut:;-tiv point, that: n ftw-iiiioliv"","i''vf ." T : . ' , Tljj'i'e. will Jie t wo. Shalifiware jdays anil the director .feels that in ma kino; choice of What OneVholl luiss, ttie isi tor will -p-i:.;! l-!y ii"; i-h- to roreiro nl these unit see everything else. ).!l!i''nl!JJio.U!;i-M-ili v'. .t he; lirst ol' ' t lie 'di'iy''s'".iro) n.mai. ail pi.r- iiats iii (in', alfaii' aiipi'ariiio' in i), iua.utie pni'fiile. This iiarliile Will pass ( lie : reS-icw inn taud of I I;.. .-o lv:ia i.lie I'll. pa i t t icipl lift It' 1 1 Ijv TT TP mr m In their live; piiint. - i here will lie leu-. ilereil Johiis'oii's innsoiie "-The I I ue aiid C:i v After. ( 'nViid," t he- Kinging .ot' file Nlny '.soirys, : the May-pole dances, the ' V'l'iiw'ii'i n. iii '"( To'T.TiiieelT-oT STay, hTfe. p.-o.l.i.-i ion.of ."St. (ieoiye and tiie i'!i Jiiii," . the Shakespeare j.dtiys paiid the lu'esen !ati..:i of 'Uoi.in llon.t."-a ..Juv writ ten for the pageant ' by Mr. an-! Mis. It. ), I leaylas ,,f this city. . : rs-'. SharpW- a n i Ounces liei' . peine 1- 'juils as follow s:. F.jo'HtH': . Spi-i njj, ,M is.sex .Miirjjiierite: Wiley,.. Snie Hnunev -.lolni- "soii and " Tliereasa Vi iliains, Siiiiinier,. Masses Until:, If cade', la'y Wiliis and ll-'h-u nr.-. i ...iijmiii, M is-cs Hessie 'Winter.';;-; Misws ; Tidnn.. Woli, Hisie Brown and Mattha Hinkeiiev. . : In "As Von Like. It,"-Tii "tie' prcsOn'! .; ed- .iil I'eiiliody; I'ai k this is part of the .a-t: liosnliiiil, Miss: Winifred tieckwilh; Drlaado, Miss ;l;iy Hi;iggs;: Tom-!. -.ton, ,l iss ' Frances VVa Iki't'.. Si litters, in tliis cast will incbide-Miss ( eiieyfeV(ruM tiore, ;rt'lorini-r ; Hit w litis, Maggie; ..Slatoii i.lowelland . iiniio U)- ;;., -';--'':?;. ; .'':;'..- '::.';'-.'-.. I n " M iilsiiiiiiner .'N'jj'.it-' nreani." will appeai':iTiesi'iirXrii.-is yfosie Mc.l 'uT, W.rm 1 iii;ppoi,ii!i,"-M.i l-'uiry s Ud '' i ' duet Mc yuiiice, Miss, Annie Beam ; :siu;e-.s Misses Kate Join Hi ide Alexiuider.. - In the 'Hue and 'rv'rAft(;V; Cupid; Venus, V-Mixs T'enipe Buddie.'; Uiji,il j K.l'irh li..;..i,t- Ti.c... (iviiccs. M i .t- I j cue 'IVmplet on r - H r n I 'ifi i T'y and -Alic I'ool Byntjiu, Miss I' ruiices Morris 'Viilrn.ii,. .Miss Sarah , II ;' i 'oiint and t-'oiiutess "of : .1 (nddiiit on, .Misses "XaoitTHfa-fc-iu'iL'iiniso Muddivy. In )). ihin llo.i.l." Kobin Hood, Miss I- riineOs V Siinituoroll ; - .Maul Miss : KUalieth Alosesj". VV.il) 'I'h-a T,iu".ix-. AVi.ll o'thi is i r. xt v v- o i t v ir v. ft V, R.S : NEEDSWvtMP-ROOTi . Thoiisaiids 'tl!iisn-.f vvomen . ( ha Jiiiliiev mjoI bla.lder troiuiie j .Marian, ..Svcarlef,. ti'-ell. M) Ifllth Kel'iiodle; Little JoliH,. .1 iss Nell Kennel!. " .;-'' -. ' In "St. (leorfje anil the J)iaton".: Kiif Alfred,, .Miss Siliyl I'i'iiny ; Queen, "Mis-Mxiry; I!. I'aris ;. I ii ;fl";o;ii, Nl is Bes sie Atiinair.St. (JeiiriiC, Miss Anuii Mav Fallot j;o i t- suspect Tit. "'....: ,; . ,; -; ', ." Women's complaints ; often prove to be notliiiiji elsr l.iif Jtiidiiey t rouble, or;. the result of .kidiiw 'or blnddel; disease. , ' If the kidneys are no! iu'a healthy: ,: ,.,ol':iian, t!:ey mav'cau-e the other or-. ' ' TTTTn t.i l,o..ione diseased; : ' . -.'X :..':""",:'-. .'' "' ' - :-' " I'.hillietlKt i.tyi X;"'''11 v'l:'.' AeiUiei nf.; tlie 'ties'roe"?s. w;liii oii VVediiesdav did v ,',,'. ' UiJ.v.:-.-sii(re.r ' ;i. . eteat tleiil -.w-ITH ipaiii-inj; ,- aniliitToii, nerv'oiisuess iind way Im'I-- spotu'li'iif and irritable. ,;;;.: .:''' -'' J)oii't,,adelay: stutlyje;. treatiiienr. ii... f , V-' .to . death (Mcerii , White, a respect. 'tide iiejrni lira vnia n, has -up to this ,t inie been apprehended. A, ..report . ri-ached here, at one time that .Syk. iMie if tlo; nieii wa nted, liiiil -beeii taken at I eep t .'i'ei-k,. Vn.., but ; iii vi'stiyatiiiii l.proATil. tlie. feportiSerr,iilieoiis,. A m'tito tiained Ijliiirlio Sykes Was t ak eit tit 1 ieep . 'reek'. lint I lie mail want i d Ii i I Iii riptiiiii,. ohiaincdjii;:' any.dwi, store, Testoresateiiltii-to 'tlie- kidheys aiidVis just :the -remedy :';iiee,Jed ;to' overcome such c'o.iidil ioits.. ' ', tict.u itf'T'.r,rttV nf'.'K" t''f')l"'ri'irtt-'i' iniiiieiiiately ifro'iii 'any: Hriitr stm-e. ' : Jlowever( rf' yoii wh to -;test this.. ,vi,h't oi-eiinratiriil; send fen cents to Kllnier & (,'o.. BirniiiiLr'litiMi. ;; Y'.i.'"f'r." ,,1,. I.ottle Wheti writintf be Sure only recently that there was coinplet imI here-an extensive, avslem if liur- bor works, with an mi todnte dink find nil mrwlerii ftiiiiliniu.t.a mio.1i nu ..I..... trical coal cranes, warehouses and oil tanks, and with the opening of the I'nnama canal it was expected that u a Inlior iiuioii, the - laborers on the . su K'ar estates eimtendeil that with t lie inereased jificen for stlnar they, should be paid more. w'iii;es, but 'this .w.'is re. fused by the planters. When the -t i ike bean, tltousnnds :of the workers were turned I - tiff tliP- estato,;ainl Hocked,, with K't'so)ial bebiugiiigs totlie towns of Fredericksted and (Tiristiniisted, where, for the .ptist niontlitliey have Im'cii-.- li.v ing. .- iflTeifl'ST nun--, iiiiiiVlieil. ho.uHe:.s,,amr scliool lniildii)i;s.': ...."'. XotvvitlistaiidiilK the. unsettled con ditioiiH, there;: have. .bci,;ii few. disor ilers,;e.vcept for a small auioiiiit of sus pected ii ndarism. ; ,".'; -." ' - fll" rr..i-..cn ikiVii i has reeoiitly .rissei.l several bills Tookiuy to. the iiuprove-. tlieiit if the laborers 'of tint Ii - iidiiiids tit iv ;n I'J'i'l I i n out mn ittu tlienit!j,v small lots of laud Under . cer tain eoiiditiol).s. . If these Tneiistires liTe enrried nut tliey should improve the situation" greatly. , 1 . . f cunnn M7k W 11 Lil ! is more than Shoe Polish It is composed of wax and oils so combined as to give a brilliant, lasting shine and to soften and preserve the leather. The ShinoiA Home Set The handiest, most efficient shoe shining set you can Buy hi any price. ' Sold at a nominal cost to ShukmA users. FOR HOME, GRIP OR AUTOMOBILE BUtCK TN WHITE ;At all Dealer 8-no-substitute Lli"i THE HOME SH :-- "rt!h ii'1" : lit ion the I'U'i;.' T. ,;n,i:i. Mill II 1 1 II U'll , a W'l". ad ill Hi ist rat ion bin Id in a ;unl ui-rnss Hottom, M iss .Sadie .Mi-Bra ver V-. I eter, . Jic'ro is. r led Sviii'S. . , , : v.U - .' 1 s m I Why Pay Others More? Can't We Convince You That The Sayings Here Are More? FREE 1916 D. &--M. Base Ball Rule Books Ask For One - --i FREE D. & M. Score Cards and Catalogues Ask For Them We have just received our complete line of Trunks,. Suit Cases, Hand Bags,s Musical Instruments Watches, Jewelry, and Base Ball Goods for Spring and Summer; which is the largest in North Carolina. We wll sellyou the famous D. & fllofficial League $1.25 Base Ball for 98c. Guaranteed not to rin or tpar Akn Bats Mitts, Gloves, Masks, .JShoes, and everything in the Sporting Goods line at Half the Price you pay elsewhere. When it comes to Trunks, Suit Cases and Hand Bags, we rule Rocky Mount on Prices. See for yourself. Below You Will Find a Few Bargains in Unredeemed Pledges .One-Minute Picture Taking Machine, value $40.00, Reduced. to '.; $14.98 One Edison Graphone with 15 Records, value $30.00, r - r-rBedttced 7to--- -. .$9.98 One Brass Slide Horn, value $25,00, Reduced to $12.50 OncNickle Slide Horn, value $18.00, Reduced to $3.50 One Cornet, value $20.00, Reduced to.....ilJ $9.75 One Clarinet with Leather XJase -value $35.00, - : Reduced to , 1.-$11.93 100 Pairs of Ball-Bearing Skates for Boys and Girls, -.value $2.00, Reduced to $148 MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE KDoccrTTBffirrere" . . ' ... ' ' 0 " AT HOLL ISTEK , (F0SBURG CAMP) N. C. Fourteen -Miles fromtittletonrN.Gr 1 : 80 Lots or More in theJBearJr-this'Growing Known as the Sidney Williams Tract, Will Be Offered For Sale to the Highest Bidder. Sale Will-Start-Promptly at 10:30 A. M , SATURDAY, MARCH 18th, 1916. V HISTORY - ' FosburgI Ainiher Co.'s Immense Mills; ; Norfolk, ', ere Destroyed by Fire some months past, all except about one mill. Today tliey are building their plants hack at Fosbur Camp ( Hollister) imd now hae tlfem abourlTatf comjilefeTi1, anltTTTltiTn six months wilFhe empio in irom 500 to 700 men. Tins means a citv of 1,500 to 2,000 people..' There are now only about 15.0 people bv ing there, There is also a big new mill being built about a mile from Fosburg Gimp! which will employ a large number of men. Electric Lights and Water are 'already assured for the city, and work has already commenced on same. A new big Hotel is being built and will be completed in the near future. Anew School for white children has just been completed. Fosburg Gimp (Hollister) is on the Main Line of the Fosburg Lumber Company's Railroad, which is a standard gauge railroad leading out of Yaughan, N. G, which is on the.Seaboard R.ft. This Land is to be Sold to 'hita.Pe.ople Only.. It lieson the .Main Road leading from Fosburg :Gimj,rto-Essex-ahd-starts-rihout-one"and-one--half hlocks from the-Mttin Street. This is-thu most desirable. property to be had for -Bui Id ing Lots. 3 ii n This is absolutely. the First Sale to be put on at Fosburg Camp. Get iii oirthe ground floor,". This Property is Bound to Increase in - Value. Rapidly. Remember. Hopewell, Va., and be at the Sale, FEATURES OF SALE The Newbury-Realty & Auction Company, Premier Auctioneers, will he on hand to sell the property; Free Transportation-willbe allowed from Littleton, N. G, to the Grounds; Big Free Barbecue Dinner to All; an All-Star Band will be on handlo enliven occasion; Free Cash Prizes. TERMSOFSALR - One-Tjiird Cash, Balance in Two Pavments.Six and Twelve. Months with Six Per Cent Inter est; 5 Per Cent Discount will be allowed on deferred payments for Cash. REMEMBER THE DAY. REMEMBER THE TIME. REMEMBER-HOPEWELfe VIRGINIA COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS ON SATURDAY, 10:30 A. M., MARCH 18, 1916 P WE SELL RAIN OR SHINE n. j. edwards & co: i Newboryj Meal try - Ainctrofeii Cojp -ect D. J. EDV7ATID3,, Prep.

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