,-0 T1CT. 1 JLL i.waPiati tJisi J j - My:- VOL-VIII NO. 246 FAIR AND WARMER ROCKY MOUNTJIMONJAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 20TH, 1916 (HOME EDITION) PRICE: FIVE CENTS GREAT THREE-DAY CAMPAIGN FOR PSMAKES BORDE - mm TARTSJOUIIHA! MMUSiaVEfO: MElEfiyWHAMBMiraG ERYB 5EING RUSHEDIWTQz i AymiiyiML ifitiLL .- .- i . .. , 1 y irj "r r.r j " 1 t v 0 fi'' . I V -.. Score of Local Workers Start Tuesday Morning; on Biff Three Day .Campaign for30Q Additional Members of Chamber of Commerce; Rig- Membership Smoker to lie Given Friday Night ... Close; deneral Good Time Is Planned for All Who Attend This Meeting of A great threc-dav-,i nnipaign lor three " 1.,. (mil ed new members J or- tin Chamber of Commerce starts fiiinarrow morning Af9 JoVlock ninl with- a. aerire-nr. local citizens enlisted m the Wink it is pro posed that every citizen to a nmnlirr of twenty Jinve been- enlisted in the cause-rind tomorrow-it is purposed -that lore than a hundred new members sTiall lie added, and a like number tor Wed i, .i . . - ncsdav and Thursdav. The campaign is under the active di rectum of a Cominrtti'C tnon the ( li.'im- lif c-i oinmerce and on Wcdnesdav mj;ht at the supper hour the workers are to gather at the banonet hall of thn "rmrrr.r; ut ii::ui.nnil OIL STOVE IE- ARE CALLED An oil stove, upstairs in the i-tock umm. ox (iriflui Diuk CMinimriv,' becuuic unmanageable for a few niinutes this morning, and; sin ok in , t he. . nps'ta it s, i-niiseil some over-nnxious pn-ion to head in a i II for the depart ilieirt. f rum bus 1 L i 'i i.er of Su ii set M veil lie a nd hM :i in htreet. The stii e 'in sitiice ay blaed up, ami, HhmiIi it did not 'explode, it belehed fioili pii-at "-volumes of si'nnke th"a r sei'ined to indicate imieh iiioi e fire: in the small room in which it was e.m.liliod. "The- dispart incuts' ' I iislied to the s iiecdi tie, but -their' servii- not FIPEMEN ATCURHENTTOPICS - i-i THREE PERSONS INJURED WHEN AUTO TURNS TURTLE -. .'" "T; r'iiyett.eville, March -L't'i. Hicliard 'Vadc,' of Ibinn, inis seerely but not s.'riTiyslv in jured about the head, V. 1". Wadi', his father as bruised, and Sum Odom, .of tioldsbiuo, was cut in the ", bei.d, vvh' ii tin .automobile in vhi h the .t hree" men VweTc f til iii t tTiTied tiii'lle" on I'ei-soli sUcct Saturday afternoon. The breaking of the steering gear of the jnac-liiue caused the aecHlen!; The men . were rushed to the hospital, it beine; at - liist thought that Hfcllaj-il Wade's HltrfiT v.as fractured.' Hut it was stated at the hospital that such was iiot the ease and 1he youiiK mnij was doini; very well. ELKS OFFICIAL TO VISIT THIS CITY T T iinis floodmnn. rrf WilniiiiL't' district, depute, ti. t'.. It . of the I'.lks, will tomorrow, Tuesdav ni'ht. visit the local IoiIkc U. 1". t). K, No, Ulrf in Ins ollicinl capacity. There is called for that time a full meeting; of the membership ff" the' local lodtre; the meeting to be called at i":.'!i. o'clock-. COTTON MARKET (By Assocutod Press.) New .Vork, March t'otton futures opened steady. May, ll.ilsc; .Inly, U. ISc; Octidier," l-'.L'llc; 1 lecember,. t. le : 'January, l.ltic. .-.!' The census jriniiiii(; re-pyrt today indi cated a crop almost exaitly in line with expectations nifd had little or no inllu ence on the cotton market here. The opening was steady at um handed priees to an sudvanc-i! (if 2 points. There was some .scattering liquidation and Wal ijtrert selling riht after the call, but priees Crnied up with the at.'tive:niontfisN orkinn about to n points net higher w'bel'o-e the end of 'the first houn. .Inly ' sellin"; at 12.21 and October 12. :':. &t STOCK MARKET (Br Associated Press) Xcw York, March 20. The week in the stock market opened with some striking gains in those-speiTalt ies which recently claimed "Speculative Htt-untioii but elsewhere the undertone was ir regular. Industrial Alcohol made an initial gain of over 5 points and t'rii fibre Sf St udebiiker. West iiioliou.sc and tDis era' securities rose 1 to :i points. tals were fractionally liigh--ef aird epiipinon"f8 made si mi In r ad vances. United States Steel manifest ed further restraint and Canadian Paci fic fell a point. 1'niofl Pacific and Read ing wen the only rails to bIiow firm ness. "Recessions extending a point or two were recorded before the end of tlie first hour. . Will Bring the Campaign to Local Boosters. the first 'checking up" will occur. ()n Thursday night at the .same hour and place the campaign will be brought to a close mid work el s declare t ha t fi t t hat t i iik? the full number will have been realized, which is necessary if the chamber, is tu tuf jilal'cd on the-him tin aneial basis that we should expect. ""t)ir" Ftldavnight" in the municipal building there will be held' a member siiip'smoker at which' tinietheie will bp able addresses and boostoi ttlks. a rejiort (d' the roundup for members and the usual smoker accoutrement., I rrv member, whi'lher lmj stamlinj; or that has joiiKvl within the three (lavs cntiipaign is invited to'Tie'Tiresent and yx. W'.-A. Townes, a prominent mem her of the lefriif dppnrtiiient t the At lantic '( 'oast Line, arrived' in this vit.v this iniiniiiif t'roin his home in II miiitoii and is .spending the dav here and lie ill tciiiiyht aihii ess. the uu'et in:: of the (jirrcnt TojiiCs club. - . Mr. Tiiwnes' -siibjeet will be that ol .' Tie merce Aet" and s'iiuc his duties with the railroad as a leadiuix at.toineV has thrown hinr in quite close touch with Hie' eolntiiisslnn n-rrd he Jias had in abundant ipportnuity tool'Stirve .its working it is bi'lieeiT that he will be heard by a lare and represeiijative at tendance of the cljib niembeiihip this evening. Mr. Towne is a bright attor n i V of the Atlantic , Coast Lirte m yauizat ion, a jdeep thinker and a fluent speaker and his address tonight will iid another, to the list (if ably discussed- topics of t he- .spi'-i njt sea-soir at the eliib. . - TWO SMALL BOATS ARE SUNK; FEW LIVES LOST (By Associated Press) Loudon, Ma i' h 2o, Tlie sinking nf a neutral nnd'n Ilritish ste:i)n.-.hip. w it h the loss or one or, more liv-i., was sn no'uliee'1 t oday . .-The Norwegian steamer l.ati;eie, ,(!' I'M tons, vis siinkt- and io'l"' en ilieer f KiiTi'TT rxftTii hiiTvi wrrv . -Tin I'.rittMh stt;uiMir ;lm tin Port -rtnthonsftTr- ORPET GETS A CHANGE OF VENUE , (By Associated Press.) -aukap,cui Wis., March 2u. AVilliani A. Orji'et, I'niversity of W'rsciuisin st n dent accused of killing Marion praifcis Lambert, was raiiteil"n ehahge of veil ne tmlav from .ludm' rC. ('. Kdward.'of W'auk.-ik'en to another judge of the ame -eirt-uit. The pi-tition atrFed that the ,Iude,e was Jirejiu liced. HALIFAX FARMER DIES FROM INJURIES With, his skull badlf-crushed as tne result of lieinu struck l v a falling tie,., Mr. I.. ltTrieniini;( a prosperous llali coiintv faruo-r was brought - to' the Parkview hospital' here Kriday by an temobile and lie died at an eajly hour Saturday night 'from the injuries, Mr. Kli'ming's injuries were regardeil as fatal from the liutt though several tijnes after reaching the hospital bo regained consciousness.' - Tbo injury,' which was a complete fracture of the skull on the right side, wi.s sustained in a rather peculiar manner and it was while he was directing the felling of some timber in the jvods near his home that one of tlie-trees being c ut fell but a part of the way and lodged in the branches of another where it was sup ported. 'As Mr. Fleming advanced near Ttr n ee a ettsI 1 1 om 71 VI a i c a tm -md caught the branches tree from which Mr.. extricate liiinmdf'i :ind felled 'the Kleming could -4 tif the limbs ut ruck him- w ith great force ujioii the head. . The deceased is survived by a be reaved widow and several children. He was 58 years old nml was one of the most respected 'citizens of the Ring wood section of llillifax eountv. it that tim..-.iti) participate in this meeting , , " - " " 1 ' J ' f ' v? "GT,NERALl?MROOPS"WORrCINrrFOR"VIIXATDESTRlJCTI() 1 i3sr. v :. - a , Amerieau troops in Mexico? General ObrVson; Oneral l'un.ston. ' Here are the forces thsit are working in unison to hunt, down and punish the bandit Villa. General Obregon, vht) leierttly lost an aim tn battle, is ( ariuna'd seen tai y of war He is o-opeidtinp with (Jeneml Funston, in charge of the American border forces. The American troops shown in the picture are receiving substantial help from Curraiusa'a scouts, who axe actios as guides in the uillicult Mexican country. ? i , ... ,:-t;:..i MnurlrB;liALyGilEHP!l kTO KNOW MER FATE CHASE FOR .VILLAS TUYMO (lovernor Craiff Listens to Appeals For and Against Her Commutation. CHRISTY'S APPEAL IS NOT HEARD TODAY -AlUn w - f oi - Dm JiMiiue J Man Is II! and the Plea for Clemency Is Notv, Taken Up This Morning, But Is Postponed Until a Later Date. , ' . " (Ev Assoclatod Prss.) ; Raleieh. March o. Mrs. Ida Hall Warren, 'tomorrow, w ill know w herlier ' , i, i- .i l . - i si( Will JHe in the eb'et ne- chair r 'T " '," . I..- . f i, - i. ... i .... i ... u . ... t 1 III' llltllilt l , in II 11 . ! .11 ' iii.-i.'ii Salem iri'l'.HI. 'Mivernoi t r.-tig. nt the eon'lnsi f a hour fearing of a p. - tit ion for comn.iitati..:. of the death seiitence..in l..-r . as, , annoiim-ed thni he would render his division T.uevlny morning. Hit jnay au'noiiuee it late to- dav. but did not l.ilieve he would be ill position to do '-st, juM-ause the que lion before him u as a sei ions' one. Petition for leinein y for Samuel Christ v was not presented, his counsel l,n,.-rrrrr-i ,,. :n ,.,,1 ,,,..,11, ,,. l, ,.r w , ' . ' . ! urged 1 toM.ivr of I is los. st advis. is t., I ... wa. appointed Pint, d States Hen ent. .I'ui-ers in lir.sty s ease Were. I ,,,.,. n ri.u ;l: (1 ,, Villu.--- 4., ,il-,i-va-anV v caused bv the however, left with ti e ;,nronr r.ud lit is understood the hearing will take ' ! lace liter . fiovernor Craig inf-.t'iied counselfor Mrs. Warren that he was sure the v.-r '"r 4"l w'",5' -ns4rne,t -( ew.icnce, nut whether lie wuukl permit the execution of the woman he liad not decided. : There has-been no intimation lis to what the Governor's decisnon will be. Miss Lillian, Ranch was a passenger J ou the morning train today for fmith field, returning home after a visit of several davs to relatives here. . ... - . - ' . ' - ..:..:.;,;. United States .Specifically Instructs Funston to Of-' copy No Cities. REWARD FOR LEADER Acting secretary oi hiate Polk Says Ail Agree Witlri j Carran.a, and That Chase j I - oCHandit Villa Is Pm- gressing- Nicely. ' . ; B . A- -..- .; IT-; . 1 : ". .'Wasliitiuton, Miit.ii -o. (leih'-ral far ja.:i - lias ' fin nial ly pruteste.l afjaiiisl AttlWS-lw iaail; '4-eiipyin !.as,-i T7Fa a 'T7:s"fir t heir 'iiiuit of Villa a'-id 111.' .Mlli'l'l. Illl yovei .lllieni, lias- leplletl 1 haf-The J-u4J4iah;i . ' been ordered spe j it'u nllv net "in nei'iiev 'aa I'ra n ! .. -' aHV idhel li'WUS el l ilie-fH -Mi'Aoo. I The -iii -!.--ts and i i lv werv inebi.led . j in an s.-hange ,, u..tc. tetw. -n del : iier .'leMirTr Polk. of the r-':il.- J le i ! ,i:,,tu.ei,t atiiMilise,, Aire bill ., Ambi i - . . . signnle to 1' I'Kited Sr..-ij, ! frm Mrn.. I After a ..lifer. ;.. - early i-dav be ',,. -lVideat.- ,l-..ii : ii i........',.,. I. ,,., titrti Polk, ' (,,, v, ;l , i,, M, xi, , terdav j u;, tl-.-it i list , ,;, s :el b en ., i ! to iiecil Pun -ton !. !. -ep his -tiooi i away in. in an h..ms. w.-uer.n ,.,.. from Mexico neie i.pliinist n-Ju -li:i i ; ter. M r. P.d'-' den'o d iiipliatii-ully i . pints tlg.t tin- government had any le liable jnfoi mat ion I' plots to biiie. ji ut anucl :et, i . i.i ion. i.encrui i ar Jinn:., ;,i . i s o. ..,,, I.....I1 i:.t - ...., ran:', v-:is o;i.;i.-u i..i.i mi. i : " - -. I JEWELRVROBBEFS STILL AT VT)RK IN WILMINGTON j Wilmington. Mai.-h 2d. Kobl.eiv ..f ; ) I 1....-L .,.... ne, I i.tl,,'.,- U -vol I I, . , ,Vl f n ,;.,,;..oii, rrrdttirtroin Mn; i.-i ,.;u. jrr..;iw,, .( i.-webv :iud otio-i- valuables from John It. Kenlv, pn -i dtftt of--A iit-H la-t Iti, Tio. i . ,dav night, came to light to.l.iv. No ,.lli rial report, of the matter was made. The robjvrs are -thought to be 'the same niakg a $nti raid here Wedttes- dav nielitl There is on clue to the burglars t they are thoio-hf to hi professionLls. ' Tri b I . c I I lit" . a, Vf.KofMxutKitisfA taxi "S?1. 3f,i v 1 v J ? V!-4 3 eiwpooT i Ti'12 MILLION BALES PRODUCED Nearly 'Eleven Million Two Hundred Thousand Rales Takes Cotton Crop. nNAL FIGURES ARE MADE PUBLIC TODAY y nL $t Produc- tion of thc 1915 Cotton Crop Are Announced - by Census Bureau; Crop Is Shorter. Than Previous Year's I'roduction. By.. Affiliated. Pr4M : Wa-hiiiyl..!!,- 'Maivh 'u. The final , ti,.i, jiiniiin ep.oaX the ei-tun l ... I -i v hows IO'i'I I'lO . l,.iu -ml lii'l.l snow . l ,..', IISIIS Iiii- llilli; bal. s or ii,i-:;,sl' e.lllivalellt ,"OII p mii.l bales ot' i-olti.n exclusive of lint . is, Cj ie ginned from the I'.il.". crop. ! Tl-,e tig.es r r.l.-d s t.l.e official te ginned liom tlie I'.ll.i crop.- -tat it I. of product i. oi for the crop. CililMiig l.v States and eipmalellt f.liil ,..iiii. I ;i!. Hiiiu,. -Ninth .'-at'clina.-.ti'.is,-s.'.J : .S.,iit h 'aroliiui. 1. !:!:',." 1. TMiGAET GETS THE SJIIVELY JOB (By AT'octatc.t Tresi.', n.iiiiii.iW March Thomas Tag- ';:), I '.- ih n- r. 1 1 le l.ll.ion.-ii eoni ill 1! I t-e- j ,, ;, . ;V ,,f S. -nut or Sl.ix elv bv-t'.overnor ili.il-t..,i todav. 'Hie' m-w Senator has . b. . ,.i . niui. ut in p.. lit ies f or jr, years and b:.s nia-f.tain.-.l the leadership of tie I'leioctatie party in Indiana, par- t : 1 1 j. I !'v nil of t liul t in.e. The onlv of ' t; e M i . T.i g gsH-rvrr-hHif -wa s amlitnr ' Maiioii c.mntv for two terms and t!ir"e times mayor of. Indianapolis, DANISH STEAMER SENT TO BOTTOM Ijiiidon, March 20. The Danish steaincr Sliodslnug has been stink. Sev.- - .irecu inembors of the rew were sav- e l, three bein;' lost. D TAKE PART II RAID A 1 1 ien Reply- to Activity of Zeppelins and Bombard Aviation Field. ALLIES CLAIM MUCH ' DAMAGE WAS DONE Aircraft Carried Six and a Half Tons of Explosives; French Are Renewing At tacks in Greece and About Border, Retaking Towns Which Had Been Lost. A )tl;"rry1Arlj'i:'Ct''tiiftv'I fairirii out nearlv todav on the Gorman avia tion field at lloustuve, near Zeebrugge, li"igium, .a Sfpiadron of i.' allied nia: clnne-i jiiaking the attack. The liritish oilicinl annoiincenient declares that eon hideralde ilatuiige nppinrK to have been dune by tile bombs dropped. ' The ma chines carried an aggregate of aliout six it ii i i a half tons of explosives. i'ighting about. Yet dun has Egain Hmeluutlr eaya-. a I 'ariS.tt'tu4itiv. dav; the' only attack, being an iinsuc cen.-ifiil one by the Oeriiiaiis on .the trench poRifion' on I'eppcr Hill, north at - I be-: fortrw-T4i--a-i't-Uh'railiiutL-hiiM been .Intermittent," reaching eon -siilerable violence in the vicinity of Mn? -tmtr-wwt , on . Iho vtenl bank, uf-r-th-Meiise. V There is renewed activity in the linl liaiifSTToTTIi of Hnlonikt,' n' Frrnrlrcrrl mil if liavine; occupied villatfCH near thi 1 1 reek horde r, which 1 cuToiiieTtTIi eariau forces had entered, liecording t Hewn agency advices from Kaloniki, Thf neutral frontier . .one hns now bee eliininated, it appears, and the forcee of the Kntente ami the Central Power, are face to face along' thin part of tUe front. - ' - - - A war (;oiifetetici of (irobablo- trio nientiis iiiiportance is about to open in Paris, where military and political rep ;-'s'iit nti vea of the Allies are (fatheriaj; rl he joint iiolicics to be enjoined, by I lie Kntente are to be decided upon at the conference which will bo preside'.' over bv the Premier of Vranee. LIVELY SESSION OF CITY COURT TODAY There was a lively session of tho city Keeonler's court this niorning and the l:ni:ct number of defendants arraigned for a liefiring in nuiny miuins.- "-T H..1.I.SUM1 el,!ilfre,l u'lll. violnt- iug t I'fe't ralCc ordtiialice blip lit'-SaTts" tied "Ye Honor" that he a strangei here-and did not know IlieT law', t'oi this reason he W as released. I.acey ( liorf os-, a Croat an Indian, was arraigned to anHwef the two-ply charge of being drunk and 'disorderly and of Inrcenv. The. facts in the larceny case were not forthcoming and for this charge the State took a nol pros, while tor the charge of being drunk and m orderly, lie was- required to leave $10 with the clerk. "- .laiui". Parker and Kfer Leach, two young negroes, were ossessed of a tt I.e.- Stat.ui, another negro and so tbev set aliout to take, it rin the grounds oi might was 'right. The Itecorder did in -t agree with this doctrine, however, and each of the negroes, will for ihe en suing three months, receive their mail, Uural I'eliverv fliis citv, care CUirri lti.se. A. K. Cooper, a Nash county planter, ivas nrrested' at th station Sunday, charged with, having too much lionor and. when his luggage was taken- it. was found that he did have six (piarts. There was no evidence to point that he had it for- sale and so the court re leased him. . - '.I.' M. Tunnel, another planter noirt jxasll eouiliv, nii'i WHS iiriesieu o,u. , ihe same time and Who had a total of eight gallons in his eare, did not ge off so Iigiit7"iwewrmi.l he was lined fi) He noted'an appeal and his bond f.,r fl,M.nrnii.-e nt iih ,iirt was fixed nt FUHTHEE INCEEASE-nf s IXTY AEHOPLAWES 0 01 ARMY IS DEFEATEI)Jol'v(vn,IOI, ,s ta eome P-f'r a .lis fBy-Ainu tmit Washington, March Hepresenta- tive Kahn s proprjsat io put, the regular arniv at 0,()00 men, an increase of f S0,0(.lll over the administration bill was lost In tlie Hoiisiv today by a vote of is.', to 10.1. The House t lieu proceeded to other amendments. i SAID TO HAVE LED S! Bandit Chieftain Is Said to Have Served Notice of . No War on Mexico. CARRANZ A SOLDIERS MASSED AT BORDER Censorship Is Believed to Be . r Retarding Reports,. That May Attack Sincerity of (rarranza; Shift of Mexi- tuiLTrcxjpy CauyuConctni, in Arrhy Quarters. (By Associated Press) - - EI Paso, Texas, March 20. Carranza troops stationed at Casas Grandes and other points of that section at "the time General - Pershing be gan his march into Mexico are now located at Juarez, opposite El Paso, and in the rear of General Pershing's columns, it was authorita tively stated today. - No reason has been as signed for the transfer of Croo)5Tfrom points InlancTto" ihe border. ... v "FTprrrreliablersourcea it Is- tachrnent allowed Villa to pass southward on receipt of a message from the bandit eader that he was not war ring against Mexico. ?T : More Troops to Border, - Columbus, X. II., March 20. Increas ed activity on, the part of tha troop stationed here and the arrival during f the niht of a number of troopa and supply traiim indicated that additional, troopn and nuppIicR will be ou their vay to augment the puuative Aincricun expeditionary force now in tho field in Northern Mexico. In addition to the troopn which detrained here, a large part of which were cavalry, many passed through, bound, apparently, for some point westward along the border, ioldiem. were kept busy throughout the irntnn and Tarrying" equipment to tho :ield force. . r . Ask Prmlsalon to Use Railroads Washington, March 20. -Oenerai ia ranza today replied to tlio American scoveinment'8 request for use of Mexi an railroad lines for movement of sup plies to the 'puuative expedition With a request for mora eotnplcte informa tion with exactly what the War Iepart ment wwnts. Oeheral C'arranza'a reply was sent to President Wilson, the in formation will be furnished. Ula; Eeported toDouble'Back El I'aso, March 20. Villa has dou bled east aud south, to Namiquipa, according to a telegram received by General (lavira at Juarez today. He reports that Carranza troops are ad vancing from, .the south, while the Americans are' continuing their march from the north in the effort to elose the net about the bandit.' , ; - REPUBLICANS PLANN FOR BIG CONVENTION (Bv AssocUtad Press) Chicago, March (. The sub-eomniit-tee of the Republican National commit-. .. .. , aasemoiea nere umay ir tornp' u , arrangements for the naUonal eo jtlon ne Jun. trf'tUn of oi 1 nu1 the details conueeted with the ,.u i vention hall arrangements, it is rxi-vt ed, will occupy the time of the couiu.. tee for two days. The fjuestion ef a leinporarv cliiiimian f-t he um iee-. Tsion tint the prediction wns ma -n- fpre they wf.Ttt-Jptri,.euaventiij t a man to preside will not be i-hos. tu pril. Mr. and Mrs.' tteorg. ed iu the city recent burg, Va and are vi- : cif their daughter V K. CARRAWZATROOPS BANDIT VILLA PASS profession L! 'd X