--::-'v-! X - '"--, , r . 47-TV-y-:-L-W , , . f, i..-. PAGE TWO " ' "-' '??;"-"T toiniE, ninwT LunW t - .'."''.' " - ' '.),.' ".'V'-A rj - ' y iyjamiNU xUKAjn . , . Monday, March 27th, 1916 J r- - jl TTi" r V i i 1 ..... .'. ..! ' ll.nm l.ovs.1 He. has aitiillirr v iiiii"-t. r. I t,,r "LJlijiliLiiai'U'ix-O -!ilmLutLnotlthc-t!Hn.I,llz(tr f.,ri.,,s wil ull rp, J " . Jili i3ViS JLZ ' . , : . -J"-.;, j---Sga veteran of. .the; sand lot herein his I Inr..,. 'sjrec . North . I. any, le :.. Bmili trncL:t0 thcirtii'st chief.-- . " '" .! 1 I1"--1 ' - - 'ZT1'" "' ;.-f;,Vv:; S , ! '-';- Iit;."7tl.i8 man' IV .In,.- .lohiiKtoh,' who ait,-.SiH-ah. tlM-;ko, gwn.li. otlk-r. of . (. , :-v;imV.; mirk - v:.- :-.. J,- i - j - -n i -"-- fl "S! -I , 1 1 , t. ...,, it t.th tM,t ,.,1 . ullt 1 h.r ,n,l ,.,, of th, N.ImmmI (.uml, J I ' :C r : ; e-Miil SI uIm'K arouiM tii. 't.'ari Iho Voiim. Ilr r'1"- ,!,.v 'n-. . - .j I ) -:-V- ?t-i air:siN MnnaK.-r.J.u.-;hox,-.,,flho I'.orts- s .s; ,. ; arris(111. AVfth tl-Eir : . . .- . ........ , rf ;- r.'f lI ... . . .n....M ... -,.,,,.,, m-mm.Mm !H !i Hinjiiisc'. ,. ()- :,'inirsc "nn did unj : cuiU-iv, lint was trying to ium)i , thf . " 'AFTERNOON WEAR'.- J I - - - . , " mil mM.j , , inui;iiip tlidt the lm-iil wonder vmdd . hla.-k away,- A evy from the idd wo- f J'1 ' ' I " 11 ' ' ' . 1 Inukf the. Itirmiuuliaiii i-luli his lirst niaii caused the- ne''io to release, "liis 1 n 11 . . LMIBERS OF TAR HEEL SQyAD ARE ARRIVING , An Even Dozen Are Expcct . cd Tonight on Early Train ajtd Practice ttart in Ear nest Tuesday Afternoon ; Ttya,n Has Great Squad .From Which to 'Make Up 'Club For 1916 Season. SLIGHT CHANGE II THE TUB EL; ill With the vanguard of tho Tar Heel quad already on the sct'iic, almost evury train from now .until . Tuiwlu.v bring to thin vity bull I'lavers unit erBtwliile amiirnntli who urB VarTjlie. practii'e season. Wonaiier Hay yan haa. ardered th twenty-four men ttixn fd to t6 here and in unifortir not later than Wednesday - afternoon of this Week, The practice aeuHon will Htm t in dead earnest on that day for with the "opening of the exhibition season on Monday, April 'A, with tho Boston Braves,' the Xar Heel will necessarily save to liOHten into condition for this cluli, while, throe days later they so journ to Wilmington to entrust' tlm 1'liil adtdphia Atliloti,'Bfrnn exhibition date. . X r" QAllLA-grxaUJ-iiart ol lua-p, iinnTTT win til Virginia league ciuii 01 te past aeason returning, Manager Ifyan has sought the best in tho amateur world and ho hits selreted. some N ball filayers that he has every reason to be leve are comers aud that will prove sensations in the lnguc nod valuable as pects to the Tar Heel camp. -"During the past week the season of exhibition dates with the Tar. 1 feels' has undergone, a alight change,'--while it is known 1 that, the Wake Forest management is malting an effort to have tho University, of North Caro lina and Wako Forest piny in' this city on April 6th. The Wake forest club ' o,ilin'"!"-.ESfn taken on ty tiio lar neeis lor a date ,V April inn, wiine tne secomi exiuuiliou scnoiHile Manager Kay Kyaii is a busv man to day netting ready tor-the. lniiiigui-.'itiiiii of the practice .season. I iiiiini-niw -'.nI to add .tn his troubles pu t now there is iuore - tlm the - liiH-iiiat .yliaiig,.-- i;i.. the sipiad nud two in 1111 11 nu I 1 1 1 ail d e d while a cntel 1 1 'r Iiiih ad- -mei-l tli-ii he i-snilllt N''l'rl 'l"tll it Itm'-l -it ll. I .'ll 1 I. er Malloy of the Ohm 111 1 ln e- lei 11 University who is looked upon' ai fit tho most p'roiiiisiiig. vouiisters tlpit were to be recruited from' -tht'i'iiHi'giV,v and who during. tJie . winter signed a Tar -Heel cont i nct. Iiiih l elei-i,,.,! fi. ticket placed for Ins ti an:ipiii tal i in from Ada, Oliin, to tlm; cit v. and he de clares that ho-. finds thai' he cannot fin isli his law. course nu.t.il '.I line l.'i an I that he ibies ..not care -'to enter base ball Until 'that t inie. U'heii '-..Maii'iigiu;; H.vnn- was nuked' t.nltiv. ,w!iat-,U.-.:ii.).L. tioa would be made of the cullei;- rdaV.-' i to suspend him until he was rendv ri'l'ioct, June !",: and that, it' he was .Wntlted by the- lo.'.'ii.H" fir V-imlil be plac ed 'about that time he would be ordered lll'lo, or ele released. -. Maunder bvau has ailded two to Ins finding. ...tii.lT illiiing the j.ast .'severnf diiys and has ..signed Vorsley Iturft-:' hail, id' '. 'oalliehl, . W. 'n., w ho acioin iug tn his rci'omiueu.l;it.!uaN, was, one il'..l;i. s'iiiw of the eon I ditiii t league Inst year and he :ri the m.'tiii'st.'iy of the ot h l-'olU- -1 1 1 i . . 'i'm'ie , i!. si LTll - praeti PLA I3 J'))t C VTuC Tliiv I'lliT l:eae.i"-.,f'fci'ea:r 'siMl.'- I li." ' o'Uer.l h i pJ'iii.l Crit ma joe Ira..ie j.. i . t ... J it l'.-i'iem's Itau J hi-sui: I'-ei. j::.-,' ii; wt d i 1 1 h i i 1 ' a i.i i m a v:i ; ' V , t !,i -: ; 1 ; ) 1 - inn.: .W(W-Tiftv.1T i-.ivi:' a ii iii-lr il : Iris !'!i!;;il.-W i-ai-h - ,ii.i-i PRESfDEWT STANLY GETS YOiG in .i liMI'lel l ti 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 - i mil 111 eTi l-. i.i Ner-ed '1W'?taii(liiril the ' ' bitse-b-n 1 1 I tlie 'nit'i-itM it'- "uk, whiidi is feller, I I..- V i-t Says (-lie I'ortsinoiitli Star: . "In a receiit -publication the Liming liani Nevvs de-ott;H (1. large irceiitage of its sporting .page to Shortstop King, I he wiungster on wlioin .President Stan ley is willing' to stake his reputation as a picker.-Resides iiildishing King's picture the News says; ' . v ; " 'Shoi'tNtop King. d' th" Haroniai i'oiTi', has beui sold to the. I'drtsmonth club, in . the Virginia -league. This au iiou'ncenieiit - was . made by Manager Molesworth Thursday night. ' " 'King looks like a wonder in the liehi and has attrai ted the eye of Man ager .Molesworth.' lie played with tlie' Kllgo'wator i lllb in the T ' I ' I li.-i;,,!,. a veteran ot. the- sand lots here. 011 his list. ':. This man is" .loe .lolniston,' who played in the (,'ity league here two years ago. , '. 1 " ..King will continue working out with tlie Parous until tune to report to Manager .Inn I' ox. ot the Ports mouth club.. .'(..;: - " ' i-- " 'Tho-:Bdling--of - King i-Kine rather as a siirjirise. , Of jeourse 011 did aid iniagiiie that the local wonder Would Inake the Itiriniiighaiii club his first sen stm out as a professional, Juit it whs tli-ought tliat.Moley wMihl look him over to the fullest extent and then farm hiiii with some cluli.; ; lint the i nrtsnioiitli peopl," had already, heard ol" t In", boy 's prowess and President Stanley, of the 'Virginia 'nut lit, after louk-irrg the boy-liver, hesitated not 'it Mumeiit before he dug down into his bank roll and peeled- forth the reipiiied auToiiiit for tlie '.-.local product. King is ns" good' a' lli'lde'r as is in the-Kotit here, league today. If he can learn .to luff the old . .apple consistent ly he. has a bright future befi him an.l should eventually' feel, his way. to the 111a ,iors. ; die. is otHhe liiiild'tif llans W'11-g ner, has a pair of broad shoulders, and Moley liked has bioks brttur -than any amateur he has ever seen.' " Wit' rhis If; but iliT:i)ULLXUWm!: that th probable course 'would ! I horit v. aria 11 g i- ! iiilo T-i i distinct m! ' lil,-; I;cs it cspe i'iLixIi out. 111.11 1 f ri s ot ;-oi-;.i. - f'rolialily of ' v. : I ii .1 li e new . a I' ' Ti I nVIv" d. ; lillg with the base! .-ill-uni- am! "rrrmiror tie lasl ,i-ar and has Oeen practicing with the Harons since .Mar.i-h 10. ' ." 'lie is but. ' a .couugster, however, and Mok'swort h sends- him te-tlie. V-ir-ginia league with strings fled to: liiip. The deal a- loinpletcd yestel'ilu.v'l a I' trrrrnruii . . .. ,- ' - - -,- lONE-YEAB OLD GIRL-" '. ESCAPES NEGRO BRUTE . Hanvil less than Harris u, lock,., i! etteiinirii .Mav Coh e, Va.. Maruh 27.-Probably a dozen inen know Urat Itov a . negro, aged about is the .-ity .jail, charged with g a. criminal assault on Kdna man, tlie niiie-vear 0I1I daiigh- She failVil to answer, and Mrs. Clarke walking around the roaOvf the bouse s.vvs. she saw Harrison with .the7-girl beiieat Ii t he hack ! porch with his arm nrntmr her. The girl was" not iiuikiiig outcry, but was trying to push, the black awav, A Ty from the old wo man caused the negro to release, "his boh!.. - - - - leareil a four foot fence, and liiii, aiviiy, The girl's father, notilied by telephone, at once called the police, and motorcycle utlicers who knew the uegi-ir arrested' him as he was stealing to his house after dark. Jlarrison-was . taken to -the. fail ip.ietly, lie appears boorish -ot' - man ner,, and seemed not to realize his ill-. leged1 e.r.Hiie.;'.. in fact, his. general, .de meaiior struek; the '-.o dicers' as more'if a man not iOssessed of his right senses. This is thofnurth case (if a similar nature here in tine mouth. Two negroes already areiii jail awaiting a grand jury action, and one is -it lar GENERAL YOUNG SATISFIED WITH HAY ARMY MEASURE inlf'i;-h. ..tin hi :I I ard Gh ron ic Coush 1 niingharii 4 w oi k. r. Ii. StaffWUn, general 1 Seaboard Itailriuol the PortMiioui h cbil a.s 4-: St a 11 lev laim agent ami pii'si , is in lijr-- d,i.'d .oer King's thinks- itlitv local s;ty s : iu; JuJiiuuL. nis old shiblT j a big league '.Mr.- Stanlcv : : Made Well by Delicious Vinol t Tl-stlihe, ( lino. " ' I eouti' tianl -idn-ouie ,-eag'h, aud w'as weak, nervous and run down ha e ,-i sin.-ili ' aiuily .01' llil'ee, jing .it was hind t'jir me to do niv'woi k... .' I took d'itf. n ot ineili f rom ,'ushingtou, "VChere: lu: has. been as Mcuilter-of the cnim utive eoiumit tei' ej' !'t lie National ( i.iiard associatioi, Adjiitiint ileueral l.aiiicuee W. Young, ot'thc N'erth Carolina ( iuard, said the Kay army increase bill thai hasiu-t passed the House is, vei vfavorable amL .".eeejitabli'-.to. the at ion a) ..t.uard and wilj insure thj' steady improvement of the guiird as a" - State oi gainwit ion . in t'ime of .''ponce and as a general t'on-e I' urill' i l-i 1 li.-i i. I.-, ..i ,-,n ; ,;! ;i' i-vu 1 the whole country. ' . : (eneriil Voiing lurs bei-ir in Wash i 'gton wrikiiig .in the iutciesf of tlie passage .0!' the ;bil and is di-eply. ap pi c ,-i.at ;i .0!' t he hole hearle.p inanUer in . w hii-lr the iiu-iabers Hi' tLo-' 01tl1 .IjwLl cines.tt illinin li'irelit. ;-'iii 1 1 and, it has reslo t i-eugi h, ni- i-oi n-,-1, line. ' '-M, about X'inol, hcajth and gimit and : Carl d. :IVl r at-atitee: -V'trTt 1011 tonic I a 1 oh ha d'b'gat iioi in Coiigri'SH stood I'o'i- Die Hay lull and the -interest of the Vat omul.. iw.-,ri. liencial '.'Young be-ITi-Ces that the. possibilrty of 'the a I ioual -linari'l I icing Willed- on for -.erv' he in . : M i-.vii-ii . 1 Ii -1 i' ii Is on whether or ndiilg of -a relief .expedition ral Pershing 's probability of on M1ctl1cr or it lil to .le, led to I'olees, is Pecos llii.i i 1111 1 gene i (ien , the This sport skirt of green and whito block paberdine with large , white pearl buttons adorning thfl. belt and pockets, will be popular for afternoon wear this spring: The waist is of georgette -crepe, and the pretty collar gives freedom to the neck" and-suggests"n ncgligeeetfect. belie Hiriniu" weak, nei C11UT17" .irilliu Drag Co. Tua-dov, ii -cViiidit 1 STOP! O nn Our Salesmen are in Rocky Mount Today Proving by Actual Burning Test the PURITY of " date dw "Idilitiou to ts tne exliiuitiou scheiHiie is that of a gniie with A. and M. college ou Saturday, ' April 8th. These dates for the first week, and for next week Will start the exhibition season with a will be coming fast and furious here abouts ' until September, unless some plans miscarry. Messrs. Pope; Gray and EmjoI, who hav been making L'llUIJ-'iUlgJiei edji''- We Carry the Followinfir Grain and Feed- Stuff in Stock: H. ' Com, Foci Oats, Mill Feed. B,iler Hoi so and Mule Feed, Cotton Seed Meal and and Hulls, Full Pail Dairy-Feed. Beet ' Pulp, Peanut Feed Meal, Chicken Feed, etc. You 1 ouleis "'ill be appi eciated MATTHEWS-WEXKS&CO: Wholesale Grocers -- - - - 1 8 1 Phorres46 Ing the winter, this moniing reported to Manager Ryan that they were rendv -for the training whiie-thore has already arrived leo, an infielder, from' Harden,' NT. D., while Applngate is expected by the afternoon trains t odn y. -The a4 vice to UranageTltynii is fliuittfere will be an even, do.cu mumbers of'tiie TaT .. Heel, .squad aboard train No. 8.1 to night bringing to this city from the regulars of last year, Goosetrec, l'nrmn less, Jimmie Edwards, wife and child, and quite a number of nicii whu Tire -trying out-f er -posit ions with thr Heels. The practice will start in dead earnest tomorrow. GEORGE SUGGS GOES WITH RICHMOND IfJTEiTIOiLS A eorge nuggs tlie ulol 01 tniulom in astern Carolina and the ball pitclrr has done more than one man' snare 111 writing jvortii Carolina s 11 nine .. in. the ball uf fame in mn jor ' league baseball, will this season play with Richmond in the International, league . Suggs sprang' into fame as a play with Dak-Kidge, Ia4r-tris career with Jleinphis in the Southern league caused attention from tho majors and he whs j taken up by Uugb.it' Jennings of his Detroit Tigers. After several years in the American league, Huggs Was one of those who found it to his advantage to I receive some of the funds of the Fed erals and for two. seasons he was a premier pitcher of the Baltimore club. ouggs is a Jinton'boy in winter makes his home there, ahd, though even Manager Billy fcSmith of the Richmond Internationals reirnrds the signing- of I the piarrr as iieiidinfl neverthlcss it is 'learned on good authoritv that tjugKs nis received an offer from Smith eently,' which he regards as acceptable and that eo will on Tuesday or Wed nesday of this week journev to Rich mond for 'a teMonaL eonfereneiaudJ liual signing up. Since the Virginians are, now whipping into trim for the league opening, it is expected that f Kugrs will no -doubt be in the sipiad at Inroad-street pari in Richmond be fore the end of the present week. Dinner, Benefit Baseball ClulK .On Wednesday, 7 March, 9,Tn the ftnre next to the old postoffice there -1 i.'l be served dinner and supper by iad ies to help raise money tobuy 4 ifnrmsi for nor ball team. 1 ii-cue, potatoes slaw, bread, eof im and cake, 50 cents. . "i ea!ad, celery, pickle, bread, -"tt ajij cake 45"cents. k f'ew, bread, coffee, cream r . ! n't be hcne-mnde. ' - c " and help r iaisfeSl - ' . VI -, mmmmmm i -XX;- -v:- -.1 y TtkrW -h. y r I Z 1 o w r ! ( '.c.-ii ,rr- wi . v ' I a I -mwu iii"i'ii 11 i..ii.i.ili..wy'.J: - tr- t-t i- - - ilT : '''-"-' '' ' ' yjF'mw i('7 ' ' " ' ''"' 1'' S '"'''' ' IT ' '' W ' ' ' i '' '"'' ' ':v'' ' v '''''' ' ' jYA&'''Vm ' ''-"' E v bS. ' ( lustration shows how ! jjj . '.i . ' -: ' ' iN-BKw..- ' ' . '-:-''f'7:v,.;'V.".'l : Wf V'-.'. SOVEREIGN bums if J iH - ; ' - .'".' . . . r ll vAfc.ij.. .v',( i .. T- IT-.:-"." '.''. il.'v-'-l , - ' i-nmhnrrA with n rinn. I III :,-:"-- tl r.."'.7". -.-.--.-. '.VU JW M ... .. . . . . . ' . - - ! 1 1 m - - 00 . Announeement! - -1 - . m teW f'-- ; :V: i" . : J our line before placing vour Order for 11 . p- i rj H - - .I n vSi.-aiv .-'' - 1 .0., ' , LcOVESHl SWKKnGMsEniireiiDmr- - imported . French.- cigarette'- 1 ilQsK "1.1 ent in every vomt of Quality. paper, tasteless, odorless, ab- . 0 iUvJfl ' Tastes better, smokes better, . ' solutely pure.' ' : jj Uf Mt$r& treats uour throatbQtter.'Whv?. , i-iTe.- IS n 1 i f. tJI?v7l s " - just juiuivc ouvJiK-ivJiM to- m . III .' KVrAl Becau-thes . rv. . rr rt ri . 1 Southern-frrown Old Rplt tn. rnni 1,0 -fi0 SfZV- foremost L I : ..,-rv I hfjvno 10 mil J.. . x. t(r. -'i... rw ..N 1 lUI ' . V 1----1' Coupons also good for Valuable Presents '" l4 " .'' -r" " - . J THE XMERTCAli tor rrn rnuDinv ' - fill I V " . I I - w a w v w "W S iu T A JM X i 1 1 I 1 the best cigarette the South has ever Imown and Southern smokeris ought to Show they the world's besttobacco iudtres. rf . .... W e lia e the most com plete line of exclusive woolens from the best for inmdd omejitic-niil Is 1 ' v r shown in Rock v Mount. Now on dispIayOy thel only practical designer and tailor in the citv. See our specials atpopular -prices . 1 $25.00 $27,50 $30.00 !ii" rn S 0 VERE IGN is Entirely Differ- imported French cigarette ent in every point of Quality. . paper, tasteless, odorless, ab Tastes better, smokes better, solutely pure. treatsyGroath:miy?,J smoke" SOVEREIGN to-J3ecause-the -lest-blend 'of dav all . -- - - - v v Av r - Southern-grown Old Belt to- cool your throat feels to-night baccos, isrolled in the best -"Qualitv Tells!" . Coupons also good for Valuable Presents 1UK AMERICAN TOBCCO COMPiSV Difficult Alterations a Specialty. Rufus R. Womble ;ner. and Tailor 109 Tarbora Street J t I 71 (V

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