' I Va VV: I , ft',- Monday, March 27th", 1916 if ' . ... r t V Sntitrrlnv MofA OZiU late HmmT" n i i .. i ' " i I - i-'-2-- .; .r-i-.r-r 1,4 lis Evening Telegram I'ublished Kvery Afternoon, Kxeept imday, by J. h. HOENE, Jr., and J. II. PH0NENO.71. FADIES BPOOOOf0 SUBSCRIPTION BATES i Tear $5 20 - Monthi.. .....,.,... 2.00 oe Months WO eMonth...... .43 ne Week.. ... , , , , , . . i,.,,,1Q 1 TUT, z J No communication -will be published in ma EVENING TELEGRAM uuIv.br lerompanied by the name and nihrrosa of the writer, though the name will not necessarily be used.-- ;'. "Ent.ercc) as second-class matter Oct. 87, 1911, at the Poetoftic at Rocky Mount, North Carolina, under the Act of March 3, 1879." TEAIN8 LEAVING AND AKEIVINO. I..cv o:i Bin Train. NORTH No. H2 Now TorV JrVonvlllB - No. HO N.w Vork-JdohsonvlUe ..... 8:110 pin M. H8 Now York-.lckonvllle ,.r.. S:4Hiii No. 4 Norfolk-Wilmington VJ.IITum No. HO Norfolk Goldshnro . t:S m .-K Rocky Mount Fnyetteville . . . 1 0 : 10 pin No. 84 Kicbmond-Fsyctthville ... ,..: 15 am No. OH Rocky Mount-Hiirlnit Hop .H :&! No. 79 Rocky Mount -Spring Hoj .. . 6:40 pm " No. 23 Rocky Mount-Spring Hot ;.-.t:10 I"" No, 64 Rocky Mount riymoutli .... . 4:80 pm No. 42 Norfolk-Wilminirlon ........ fliiiOiira Train. SOUTH. '"' J .cava No. US Now York.Jackonvill ... ..10:05 pm No. KB Now Vork-.1ackonvil!n ..... 13:40 pin No. Kit Xow York .Ui k.unville ...... 4 : 14 am No4 NOrfolk-Wllniindlon . . ...... 12 : l5 pm Nrf! Bl Norfolk (lolunlioro . .1H:20 pm No. 8 Rocky Mount Kuycttovilla .. . 6:10 am No. 83 RicliinfMiil-raycttcTille pm No. 611 Rocky Mount -Spring Hope .. . 11:15 am No75 Rocky Mount-Spring Hope-.. . 4:00 pm INo. 81 Kocky Mount-Npring nop ... . pm -V No. 65 Kockv Mount-Plymouth . . . . .10 s35 am no. 41 AonutK-n uminKwo u. .w TUaily except Sunday, jsunaay oniy. Monday, March 27th, 1916 On that headline reversal of u few lay ago the News and Observer lias the following word of Sconsolatidn which are appreciated: "The Kocky Mount paper having appeared the other day. with the head of -the. paper lend.:, lug 'Telegram. The',' KycnliiK,' the puia grnphers ore rubbing it in liurd. lint if the Telegram will keep its eyes open it will be able to catch -the boys some day, for all of us slip up occasionally." Raleigh i wants the Atlantic Coast Liue to come to it, and would be glad to welcome an extension of the road from Spring. IIopo. The Coast Line ought not to have waited this long to extend 1t8 "liurtnTolierenplraTlirihe' State. Says the Ivews und ObNeiiVer, though wo are inclined to think that we have been a little inactive iu not pressing the matter beore. Quoting in , part, from ifai afternoon f contemporary thut ".part .within Hie. y'T lllt'at''t uiarkii the News and Ul. Server has tH following paiagiaphi- 'an reerence-xo tlietouteuipliiLi:- .'Vigh: " 'Jlopo springs eternal in the 1 -Jimimn breast,' niiil'we are iir favor of New Creations in Spring Millinery Wo are now showing ' quilu a luunber of New Pat terns together with Miss Shailer's own.iiroductions. We invite your inspection. llats of unusual style and smartness ai e beinir ai(t ed to our stock daily. - 0 : We do Alterations bf All Kinds. We make a Specialty of Remodeling Ladies' Suits to Newest Fashions. C ' l oeiect our BotmeLToclay hustling things to bring the-At Iantie Coast Liin to Ruleigh from Spring Hope." ; Editor Owen 0. liunii, of the New Horn Bun-Journal, whose mechanical turn of mind always causes him-to have something machine-like on which XH-E A:N-GH:0R -R:OCK-YaU)-U-N-Tr IWheFO-Your-Doltaf s-Cou n NORTH CAROLINA Men's Suits made on the premises. Also Men s Alterations. 121 Main Street Next to Levy's SalePostpjoned OvYinix) the fact that nov oral )artioa. intcrostel in the s;ilc of Ihf Avfnl Tntu 'rwlvfr. tisctllo take jila'cc -Thursday, Mn tt4i4l,- wl4 nu L reach, thy. 4osf - lonTVviihonr a rcnTivEZlJt. rte bend his efforts, is repiiilcd to lie engaged just now on Ye JLiuolvpe mid 'from.tho way he eoidinues at the task, lie must have found a steed tlilj is worthy of his foe, thiiiigh those wno Vow him best are wondering -wheiher or not the hiyh cost of .r.mnlinc .loesu t is up tn llic the Coriiithinn . lodge and not the plans of some of Manous ot whether or thcMaHvns ot tire citv to coinlnue ai bodies and make y-.f it a Maso uic i-liil in some way offer' an explunatiou. why jEditor Duun is finding siicl, an attract- . ive diversion at the ivories of the or the rcijuest ol the opera house man ngeutent for ;iu enlari'inent ami mi provement of the localt heat re totc made into an auditorium nud inerensing the seating "capacity "and . singe nioui j be filtv per cent, or that it will 1 lli-l.l,- illln -ini.t lii-l- kImii- r.'in'iiiK .. ,,i be no ilisareement or liaid t'l-eliiis c.iused- liy-V tlie selection of a lu,-;ituio that may nut suit; -one of a feu iti'li-viduals.'' lergenthaler. rRWh When the Durham and Southern road actoss from Dunn to Moimt Olive ami it A is, generally ugreed 1 hat that - is jus where it is going then its safe to bet' that the Atlantic. Coast Line -is goiug to make a desperate, effort to get into Durham, is the-Sound logic of t man who is versed in railroad con truetion and business principles, ami en rurtlier ho pointed - that such 'a st vokime' of shipping from thrttrrtt was for this reason that lie- rtexpressed the belief, that the Atlantic Coast Line would e more interested in building from Spring J I ope t.o Dur ham than to Raleigh. In the meantime local boosters arc at work on the lial eigh proposition. of the ipiestions that but few can an swer ami that none ciin-asiuit: with a (Utility and only the future will 'tell, f i st vokll "The fact that about the iinsafest farming at all is that which makes but one of two crops may be and that, for the money that is In them, was proven pretty conclusively in the- (South the past season. First of all the farmers seemed to have caught the idea .that sufficient fpod and reed was the first essential and as the result they are , ..J'eneriIin good shape at not having , jTiced a crop, of cotton", tobacco or .aunts at less than the real cost of -viroduction. The farmer that would in ject a little business into "his work of . ..farming might ask most wiyjiankcr us The" gift of a local citizen of a site hns almost put within the grasp (if tlie local -olored t-itieus'the much cuveteil working girls' honie, whU-h it is plall iifil shall be little else than a -olnreil V. W. C. .V. There-is a great nee?l of such'n liiune iu Kocky Mount; 'prob ably inoie so than in any city in the State On account of the shiftless, wan-d-'iing eleiHent of the pther sex that m:ike this city their liiune, but bricfly niie ar tneir wurk- Aim the transpor tation and other businesses. The iied of a home for the ''unprotected colored girl or woman that Xmics to this city or' that 'makes her living here and is away from the family ties became ap parent, so generally apparent, Hint worthy colored people set about t'ii pro cure it by their, own means, a step that is deserved of the stronges "com mendation and one that -would make for a "better race. 1 MUST HELP SUrrORT MOTHER OF MAN WHOM HE KILLED linstonia, March L'.T. -1'oliie Oliicers made a haul ye-t.-rday ul't. r u-.-n u . they 1 arrested Zeli 'Harmon,' 11. T. Seiiiggs and Dave Williams for trans-, porting liipior into I lastnn from a near-' bV. eounlV. I liev liail the g t'n-eo fr sevon years ;uil show t!;:i eoiUilij'd with the firms of teueer- " '" . ; I'OKESTEKS IN EASTERN ui'l be t-t:.i"l.li-!io si tile opport tin it r. itfflllo' OVILSON CiREEKS TO GO . HOME" TO SERVE SECTION LOOK FOR LOCATION Now IU i it. Mud h Hyde,, 'i-ai';,. st,-,t.--iUili!!::f'of':t:ho!;.Vi:ti;i !fFsnHntrnrf'.''tTirit';1rrt;, I Cniti: j t lilent Is when gallons; I la ruion Slperat r a matter of extending credit which would be safer proposition from a bank credit standpoint. - It is agreed that the banks have it-pretty well hg- ed out: - ' - Where are the ladies of the Daugh ters of the 1'oiifederac y gniug "to lo cate the t nntedernte loonuiui-ut wlii.-n they have set about to have uuveiiet this "year if possible? That is a ip-.-s-tion and while there are no less than a half a rftcIrVi t es . sujrgestnt-i m-lnd i ng the ciitton yard, live YIMiuts. tlie Kdge niont property, near the iiiw graded school and Hraswell I'ark, nevertheless, it appears that il i going to be the ounlV. I'liev I' arrested. Wirtram" llariuuu, one gallon. a ".iitui'.v. I'he olli.-ers eoutis.-ale.d the 'jitney" and booze,-, put ' V illiaiu-s anil Scruggs beliiuil. tlie 'bars. and tel. "liar mon mil nu a sVJon - bond:.. I.'i-. i iii IV consiileralile " jitni y" li.pi.rr" I;:is In i n coming iu and the ollieers hm'e begun a. rigul .campaign .to stop it. t ' "Judge Carter, in siijiiMaiirijjurtyct J. .i i 1 1 i;i .ai i e i n i to u , -i in posei 1 a ratlier- u,u usual 'sentence on (leorge. 1 'ul tersoii, young white, man. .tried fur' the 'killing iu January of his friend . UiHsell 4l;i r wik The iurv found him 'eniltv :nol the .linlge reipiired lliat ' (icjiay all liar j wens -Hospital Trrrt runeral i-pi-r(sc-i. pay the dead man's mother one hall' of his weekly earnings for a term of seven years and give-a $."i(N) boml for his- api'iearaiK-e at court twice a vi-nr art bioiilll. I'm- ,1 -'.'! i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ..-!! S. ''11 I'-'l Stato 1'orestiv tli-uoois ra t ion t-:ioi who-h if i.- joopo..-il to c-t a 1 1 1 1 ll iu thi seel inn. ' . . . ' I'r. I 'i :i I r lias visi t ml in ("ra j e'n . an : i 1 . s i in iifj '"i n t i- s si irral Linu s, oii'i in the pnt t ' niont l:s a ii'l has bei-u mil, h impi-.i -..e, ilh Ihe forest ; in thi se. "troii," that ho I.. Hoses thai tin-, i till In st so, ri.ou of the Mate ill wlli. to fslalil'i'-l 1 1 , , rol'ltiJ'u'ljULtoiLr'MllJ. ie.Jllell ' w I i l ina U vi - i io,o aoo i I vono..,vel,.--,- lo ha liiiinliot: ot' -Nji s " an. I "j r: v eirs oi ioj--i!!v yo Vi-o'n'-.i-jil I t,.XsU city, the sale has been post "jiDju'd arid the-(lale6rtTale "will Ik; aiinuunced later. ; Watch This Space For the Announcement Planters Bank Building .11 il III le 1 :ll'll. ititH-" lapital and Surplus $125,000 "lioilo The g.,,1 to their .liudiilgs is i f the.v liiid a - suitabb nre.o 11 as poslhli P"f, the I as aju! a iu n t hoiii CurfsOlO Sores,-Other nomcdles Won't Cut. T.':p. r.ci -.t ciHfi, tio nirtfT of tiow touu st inilirnr, nrc ctiri-il hy th- woiuictlnl, ot-l ifli;ilc hi. porter's Antiseptic Hi'lini.' Cel. 1 It rehVvcr. i I'uiaati'l llcals Ht the snir.c litne. C-. 5"C, $1XJ ! Six Per Cent is 50 PerXent Better Than Four Per Gent .RECORD OF. THE PAST coimiiittt-e-of ten holies that are" going to decide, and six of- them have a!-' ready expressed a preference for Mras- well jiark. They de lare they wis't some place where the veterans and friends of the causr can gather, w.-re a barbecue or diuner may be served rind a program of speech-making, the hand and the like can be e,njvciL-wkiidi-.are mighty soiwd reasons after all, and wherever the majority of the ladies hough it is generally agreed want it placed we are iu for just that o valuable property to bq site, and we hope thin will be shared remain idle, inactive and by every citizen and -that there may Vhat are they going to nse the old 'ice fort" is an interesting qaes ' at we have heard asked more e and which has gone utiano No Stronger; Evidence Cair Be" Had in Rocky Mount. .',,.. 1,00k -well to tin ii- ri.-iii,. W hat I tni'V liae ilone iiianv times iu voars gone by is the best giiaiantoe of fu tine results. Auvom- ith a bad back; any render suffering from uiiiiarv troubles, from kiibuy ills,, shouhl in, coiufoi t ing words . in the foil,,.. in,. statement:' w -. Airs. V.. C. Joyiier, Kasfern Ave., Ciiikv Mount, sa.vsi-t-Uliai -kai-hei iTea rl v a IT hi- tiiiijaioT theiTns a russ my - kidneys wer very seveie. In the morning, inv J.aek was ,i, laun- ,-,n, siie that"! eouh! Iiardly" "bond-oer to put oil hiy shoes. If I niaile J( ,i,i.-k move, sharp st itches-, -iiight me in 'my 0. 1ck. 1 lil 110 stieugt h oi-i',-rgv and liioruings felt completely woijiiiut. . I got a lies of -Dixie's Kidney I 'ills from the Jvyser Drug Co., and srrice using thfiii. 1 hate hail mi lmlt. hih-kinirs 01. pains' in my loins. Mv kiduevs ai t regularly, and the kidney secretions are natiir;il. I-iim very niu.-h stronger and 111. every viC'. Statement iriv- I. " - J J I I . THE UNIVERSAL CAR I IS ' jjj ..A Ford on the road for every car of another j i iJtI I T nmkp Mnrs limn OflO flOO nnur in 9 ILKl I I everywhere; This could not be if the Ford J 9 l i l car had not. and was not provinr-' ita suner- 11 a We have for lalo First ftortga'ge Real Estate Bondi In de nominations of $100. to f 1,000, netting the purchaser fix per cnt. J These bond3 are sccurerl.by good Nash or Edgecombe projertworth double the amount loaned in every case. Be Hides, W gTiarantetri)oth-pincipal and interest. , This makes An. ideal investment for savings. Interest, pair semi-annually. Phone 160, or drop ua a line and we will mail full particulars. A Ford on the road for every car of another 'make. More than 000.000 now in se'T.. everywhere; This could not be if the Ford car had not, and was not proving its super iorityevery dayrinall parts of the vorld7 "The sturdy, light-weight, economical Ford car, useful to everybody; saving money for everybody at a price within reach of every body. Runabout $390; Touring Car $440; Town Car $640, f. o.' b., Detroit. ' On sale at Burnette's Ford Garage, South Main Street' Rocky Mount, N. C. bettei en Jan. Steadfast Confidence. More than six yesrs later, Mrs. Joy' nor said: I at ill think well ulL-Doaa's Kidney I'ills, They are a splendid mi d cine for weak amldisorilerjcd kid ueysT - Crice "idc, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask fur a kidney remedy get Doan"8 Kidney rills the same that Mrs. Jnynet has twice publicly recom mended,' foster Milbnrn Co.. IVoim . liuffalo, X. V. F r- i - ROCKY MOUNT Insurance & Realty Co R. L. HUFFINES, Gendral Manager ORGANIZED 1871 Life-insurance Company of Virginia Eichmond, Virginia OLDEST LARGEST STRONGEST Southern Lif 8 Insurance Company Issues tho most 'liberal forms of Policies from - 51,000.00 to $50,000.00 , " F. M. BARNES, Special Agent, - i ARRINGTON BUILDING . V if Ci - v-' r . si.. I 1 ' Ii. y ...;V' v. - j . .'-it--- ... v - . --

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