V i H' "Monday, March 27th, 1916 -fflMLJIBDERIO I Q Pf T T 1 ?'i VETERAMS CF llTHE'tlKKHDna H : : l -O F i l The 2litli Aniiiinl lic-iiiiimt nf tlii I n- IftVoilniMt i-toraiin will In- Ih-IiI in liir- Viiniriiam. Alii. Mav Hi. 17. IX, I'M. Vhiflli will iilTonl limit Iut iii( rt un 1 1 v y "Tor t lie old HlllllllTH t(l llll'ct, 111 1 11 ti lc mill swop tr.ri'8. uf fun and vnlor with their eomriiilcn.' i ' Tlim wil make tin- -lliinl timi' tin have the pleasure nf .-oiitcrtiiiniiii; tin men who wftrc tin' 'gray, distinuMiij-lic-d tlieriiu'lve on liiniiv battlefield, -.won. .renown nnd ropiitnt ion ns xuldii-rN wliicli jH-imtniti'iV to the .uttermost .'irt;', of the earth," The citizens nre. alive to the oi l iisinp jiinl arc (loin-; evervtlnnjx iPrheii7 iowcr to make till: old Ho- omfoitalile and linppv. Tin- railroad eompamos will awe Un usual rate of one cent tier mile, to all IWrsoiis; Whether veterans, or ntlicr.vi itors.,..wi(i mav attend the, ii'iin ion 1 IO: -al agents will liilvise us to the fure irom each statioB. V! "."Every cnnip i rcjiii icl t )-av tV-ir nnniia' dues liefore April 1, to Adj. Oeil'l iv- K. Miekle, 1 ( omiiion sr-eet; N iv Orleans. La. No (-:iiu that is in Rl mrs will lie .allowed to vote, or voice in' the: nii-4.in! at fhe. 'Anninil liciiii ion. '. It is earnestly 'desired that ' Siinvti will, lie, lirnhiHjtT'.l: finm t rt rt ici r-atmi; on that account a-id Hint tin ' Xorft Carolina veterans will ;o to the ijenion-4ii full fun c ami 'intni'ii t hei r-4 Meimtat'wn as in iil-H."i ea,.iTn dues (five cents London, Pittsii.iro, V ( . '. Tt is .1 irrent -rdrasnre to - iitmiHiiw tliaf. 'Mrs. 'Julia'. J.f. i'rcMrm; of Char "''ijtte, the urail'l d.'lil-rliter of nn'r illlis V to Cf.v, II. y ricns li-adi . ilneksoiitJia-! of Matron i i of I'a vette il lieoieral ( 1 oncwa 1 1 ) IV ! a "ecited the a ini;iticiit ! Honor: Miss'Aleia eiy . le. tiia't Tf- Snfini'r: Tis ! k- ...... i r:n... .. r i.' t. I -ViTT t r 1 1 1,1 jr i i i ;i f i 1 1 -. 1 1 1 1- u n i - f ATiss Augusta Little;' 'of Wailoslioto.'j .. . braids of .Honor for this division at the I v B.irn.iili:ii-i rciniioii." , -'..j i'niiinnii'lc'i' "nf i nniT . r ill- that ' a "' Pn .'-TV Tl O ''juiw i 1).(C ,.1 J, i iTi S iJ) . i - i .. - I f M Bu f II weam p 8 IS - fT3 nnonnr WILL START esaay a t ti 2 -.en'l W, K. M i. U ! -iml i lice ticail n , -t ffrtf-anil .lid v ise'r iinmi"diati-ly- nf any hanse. injt'lie ollicer'of their' cainps. that (iori-1-ct rosters of- the eHic and their addresses mav he made x'earlv, .-i . order that the ca injis can lie . het t er in - i'ormeiK ; - '" :'"..' :':. TllC. -various.' cniiiinitti'cs in H'miiim.-;-tiara will nd v'.ise us to the in ranai-meiits-. for free entertainment, 'hotels; Iuhm's. etc. later. . Hv order of ' " .TAMES I MOTTN. f 'y, ; " T .. . ' ATn !-, fi i'iii-r:i 1 r '-'' . r " f'ol. Henrv A. London.' - Adjt, fieiLl. and Chief of S'nlT, r INJURIES OF E. B. GARDNER ARE HECAnPEP AS CHITTCAI. I have just returneHlrom NewTorlc witH:$25,000 worth Tof "the " Latest 'Style, all "Brand new,. of Dfy Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Ladies and Children's Dresses and Hats, which will go on sale for 1 0 days only. These Goods Must be Seen to be-Appreciated. ti 1! 0 i 1 a 2 - Janvill1-,"Ma.rch .'.-.'. l.toctors at t W tending; H. II. (iariliicr, a" well kinnvn I . -ili.n and antoinnliile ih ulrr wiio v.ib i. luii't in jrrr.iicciili'iu iieni '. Ii Ti ('it i. i cati'iihre h'.i'.iiirMMl m : 7 - : ! ' r - ." -7T 1 1 rrrrmnt ; h rrrr MM'iuiiH Tin jiuHt's- ti his -inn 1 1 (tnhiiitrniilv jiinniictl oVrr liis c(Hj'li tion. Whrii 'lirmijjlit ; Iiiti1 lato lfint 'kiiifli-t- on tlu Noi f'ulk train ho m't'iiU'tl '.l IV' L V pinu chock due to h Lroki-il ri'lit .slioiihli-r !ut this monthly affer passing a had Iiijrht In-was found. to ha -esei inus in; .iuries to the head. M r, ( iai lin.L-r, win! is iireprietof'.. of .: t,ie llnnville Motor l"ar I eiii)'.-r.iv l.-N I i ;i- h-fst .fith ei'Mit, Vonn' men to In laud, eiyht - new inaHhiiie.s .from Nor folk, in order, to TivniiL a heai-v !"n i:;ht 111. Mr. C-.tdncr was far alien. 1 of t jySifticr 4lH-n,-vvhihero.Kitiii- :i--lu iil. Ihe rear wheel-i skidded r.--i j i t n t iii-fS' the machine upside down in a (;iilly, the Mteeriii'j ni'.lar ninniiiL- hini iIoum; The doctors ntti'iiilin.' Mr. (.'nnlinr cinteil last last niflit ,t4-i e was. litrl-' i-hance of their patient snr i i:i nut il pioriiin, Mr. (iar-lner hflvinv; taly il a turn for the worse ilnriini tin- evenine; TEDESAL TLAYEKS SEEM TO HAVE NO REDItKK.) ; I V" " New ork, March L'.i. As a -rin'ial iiiestioiv all .plovers having emit ijict :i with federal Li'j.'iio elnhs uhn have' . Leejireleasi-il have no matcriiil redr. -:-'. To -lie sure, they may hrinc; suit, hut , 'inosf of tin- Fedi-ial I.ea-'iie .eluhs are Itrtw ilcf urn t and scv era! 4t' tlieni wcri paid to he insolvent liefore the ImmIitiiI . Iii-attne, as an oi(,'anizat ion. went out of existence, writes (vcore M. Yniint; in ' the Philadelphia Ledger. It naturally .follows that if these players did not) make, cent racts with the ii-.li iduals of ; eliihs, rather than corpornliims, thc' ; have little or no chance of obtaining ; jieciiniarv redress. A ease in point is j 1 hat -of i 'liie 1 fender, who was- nncoo -ditionall v released hv th Haltiuuue ! eluh and is now suino; the Lcileral' i IjeiiKiie MHfhl-f alary, licniler signed n contrjubt with the lcain- and was as Dinned to the lialtimore cluh. A Lit; corporation which did Imsiness -with one of the Kedei al Lea Ion- clutis has been vainly trying to collei t a Lill, hut lias -no prospect of succe-ss. '' 1 n ii 1 -FREE-!- FREE! FItEEi The first 50 wdmen coming into our store on the opening day will receive a 50c broom free of charge. You need not spend a penny-but you get the broom just the same. .We will give a nice 50c tie to the first 50 men coming ' -in'our stcreolTtlirF6pening day free-of chargc.s early on opening day. " . " : :: Will Sell for 10 Days at Following Low Prices, Commencing Wednesday, March 29 X Now Boat Line? . New Bern, March, -'". s. T. Teatfiie, of (itftsboro, representing L. M. Will iams?jof-Baltitnore,-Md:r oroKleiit of t he'8altiinnre t 'ni'olina Steaailioat Com jivB, Wi-di.crday, confeircil with the JettiherH. of tin L'liainlier of ('oinincne ill regnri' th. Wishing of a hunt ;)ino to ofieratm lietweeii tins city and .Kai .ore 'le -' -liiiied out that the-lienefii!ni.;-ri vei? from theopi'inr tion of such a boat In.;- would lie very great, and declared that lie was of the 'Jt ojiinion that it would be nf iutere.sf to .... .ro.,, ...... rpiindinp section. . Forest 'Fires Last Year. Washington, March U-i.o-r.'orant Tires byrned over not quite .".(lO.ufli) "A of uutionnl forest land in Ti'lo, aciliii); to official reports just compiled, or Vss 4 than two acres per thousand. Out Af A "total of fi,;!24 fires, ;t-t or 5 1 per i cent (lid damage to the amount of 1 00 or more. The timber loss was about .l.)(i.lHKI,(MMl board feet, valued at $H0,ll(IO. Although the Reason was regarded an one of un usual exposure, owing to delayed fall rains, the loss .was materially below the average of the last live years. - - 4 1 i ii i i 0 3 a n -WIKH'aiicrs of l'ins each......' .......... 10(111 Yards of liibbon a yard lc 1c 6c 500 Handkerchiefs . each . X C ."500 Yards of the Very Best Calico, v.orih S and i (Men Is, ..---' H - will s for : . O V 51)0 Pieces (lood Cotton Cloth 't will ko for . .. OC .KM) l'cs. Yd.-Wide Cotton Cloth will go for . : -j fii HWr44ef 1-Tt cU tip- will iro for . .. OC 500 Pieces Lawns of All Kinds and Colors, Op will go for ,. ,,. r J 200 Pieces :?G-inch Percale, worth' 1,T cents ayard Q will go for : . OC 500 Pieces 3fi-inrh (linghams, worth . 15 cents a yard ;Q wiil fjo for OC 100 Pieces Andrascotftfin Bleaching, Morthl21-2c, QXn will t:o for. . O 2 500 Pieces Cood Apron Ginghams, worth 8 cents a yard r . Mill go for ........ .. .:..r... OC. 1000 Men and Boys' Suits of All Kinds and Colors of the Latest Styles and Mhe-BestIa4e-uitslrf mmimutrcrmu ?Ngr will he sold at... 2 PRICE Durijh;? This Sale. Now is the Time to Cet Your Suit for Easter. All Our Suits are Hand Made and Better Made than the Ordering Tai-; lor Suits and just cost you One-Thirtf" as much. Come and sec our Suits be-. fore you buy elsewhere. 1000 Men and Boys' Pants 1 will go on sale for just Men's Pants will go for Boys' Pants 48c 2 PRICE 98c and up 1 c will go for X Ok and up 500 Men's Dress Shirts, worth $1.00 and $1.50 will go for. 1000 Men's Work Shirts, All Colors, worth from 50c to $1.00 OQ will go for. . 2.:.:0 C SHOES! SHOES! 500 Pairs All Kinds of Men, Ladies, and Children's Slippers 1 will be sold at.. ......... ....... 2 TRICE -250 largest Bed Sheets Made, worth $1.50 each tL will go for . 9UC 500 Best Pillow Cases, worth 25 cents -r eaclh 1 will go for............................ 1UC 50 Pieces Bleached 10 1-4 Sheeting, worth 35 cents a yard will go for 50 Pieces Unbleached 10 14 Sheeting, worth 35 cents a yard f)A wilLgoJor. .. .:.v..,.......,....vTtC,. 500 LadiestDresses, worthQ Xlr $2.50. will go for.. . .... UOC C7 7 24c 500 Misses' Dresses, worth $2.00, will go for...........:. . 500 Misses' Dresses, worth AO $1.50, will go for. .. 4 O C 500 Children's Dresses, A worth 50c, will go for... .. . iflC 1000 Ladies' Waists and Middie Blouses A Qr will go for ..4oC and up During this 10 Days' Grand Opening Sale 600 of the Finest and Latest Styles of Ladies and Children's Hats will be sold JL - at 2 PRICE Now is the time to get your Easter Hat. "7 All other goods willl be sold at half-price daring this Grand Opening Sale. Be on hand and get your broom or tie free of charge. It will pay you to come 500"miles to this Grand Opening Sale.- ... Remember Wednesday, tMarclt29th,1916, is the Day, 9 a. m. is the Hour n n 9 11 115 North Main StrvcU Look for 'the Greeri. Front With IS THE PLACE (On the Old Postoffice Block)' SCHULTZ'S- llocky Mount, N. C. -in Gilt I etters on the Windows V'