' " .. .: --5 n . PAGE SIX." :r 77" FT'-' - ' . . "'-II - " T Monday, March 27th, 191fr H Time "" , "ft ' WOMEN'S ACTlVyiES . ' ' - V, . Determines Y O (m - Ir t1 ' f 'T " J jY Opportimip j " " 7 - j. ) WESTERN UNION - .... " "TelegraphrService : " 1 H- -P. -'?. v . . . II f- r I V M 1 ' " f'T " ' f vsJ5' 12- --- . , Li-! 1 n f-j- hi - : (LssifiSl Before the t 'Vf-S? hg How the Matron Company I f ,f VXS3t "F$4$eV V 111 -". A ! (Bu.ter Brown Shoe.) of Cedar l ; . ''JtOBS &JW&sfy&f Ml V" V r- 1 -11 1 - - . l!l III Ir. Matron and th Miirrouffhs ficurine lfirmne tht III , i IIHHI I1 III lllll I'llll f(--.v- ' " " P ' II A 11. i . II nr,ll,;, 'r-irihti,.. (----Knnt K.-hu-n III . nHhn m.m n h of gasomne the i x sa!e.s.in.T..iR;.sv i ;rB-u ' til- - " : ,-,,.., Hf,- . ,. TJr, ! . 1 TT'S (Wtonhinn whnt a hi.nrh of pairs fcBfcK. 10 -A- at0IWl - . -f in it-i.i i . -:-Tt- -.-.t r , i u ' i , : i . i .. ii l .. ' 1 1 ;r-cs27 irvm -frrtf in ! it . i&r.." rin - - t I I III HI I I ' ' KlHimoml, M.url. -27. Whcii a;.(,.il K""i' m!,I tn.r.llyrun the uvn- . : I II ftn thft-ffl(V, ,, hnok v-rk-of his. busi- , v."t ..work on it. ; . ; : J??gS iii;io.iniii;.L i-nc -prcafiii .-i.v-' ill nmwinihn.l hy ):.!() a. m. nrul has all . ill i our linircrs run over tho-kovs. lotine I aAif-B' ja"l:saW.tai c a ' I1 " I nil . . ( . : I - II II I Ill- I , r I! ' '!.! n . :J U F " 1 'rt '-1 1 ' . BW ' WTI I m.r ii .vn hi iiuom. mi kt .-.nn ... , III ., pfe wrd of vcsUt. av'8 trnnair-tions. ,. luiai ki;m. .. - . . Ill . .. B hMimA IS Bl fl - hrUgTnqTatfT . ... always available almost everywhere, gains time, restores time lost, over takes escaping opportunity. - Hundreds of vital situations are saved daily by timely use of Western Union Telegrams, Day Letters, Night Letters, Cablegrams and "money transferred by telegraph. Full Information at any Western Union Office. .' THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. ' 1 In nome Bcctioim In WiImoii oiuintv Janiieia-.aieiusiiiK llinr Ima In I lij ai'ore from the ravngos of Hiolcrn rid in every hiNtanve, ho fnr, onlv thcMi who remain in the old, tiine-licnti'ii TUta, are the Iorotb. Somo of tliom-'tle-" miunce the new way of treating the scourge anil say the "now fiinjjled way" ia 11 huinhuKV n ml tlmt vac cination for cholt-rn jh nil toinfooli'iv and that it ia only hcIiciiic to lilcoil . the farmer. But the in off inti'lli Rcut farmrra and they are greatly- in the majority in Wilson comity. nrc following: the advice of County Pcmnn ntration Agent O. O. Dukes, nod . are littving the vaccine virus shot ' inn their awine. . . On one plnntntion, n short wny out -tram thii city, forty. Ii in ';') ' died IrOftt The rtfuoaKo niiiipTv-" TTocniise hogngiiiiist cholera has pruned three m I'd throe nuainst Nan chimb and .lose scale. WILL NOT CHECK ULSE OF (IASOLINE THE PRESENT YEAR Ulchinniid, M inch 27.--When lulled fur mi iiiimon on the IfHtiunn juneess tor olitaininp coiisnlenildy niiue huso line from, crude oil tliuu is possilde lit present and which has . licea lulniil eil l'(l' U' ll IIK'TTT? Mrs. John Kerfoot Haywood. Mrs. John Kerfoot Haywood, wife of a well known Washington physi cian, is actively identified with the Concessional Union for Woman's JSuff rnge nnditirvnrious pcaco movements. She is prominent" In club work and in resident Washing ton society. tu I'll! . or 7'' deques. -Ijrrn rourti'iicti"'!, cull' t Motor l only- fun., .1 mi I he hiiWi; rnili'.-i and I lie IMtUl ! an ,'iiiioline would tin id ly; 11111 t he nvei ie liuif liiiii;., - The -present rlyle of -efi-;i n cs may even have to lie .. chniiK' d." '' This 'new )i"ocess .-:coii'M.ljds : (if ii'-at- Iiiif .crude oil to tiin - te inperaiuses, TTio ir - owner -of the rlt'funrt "yi uuleis agin new-fangled" treatment for the 3rie:XTI .Whe not retarded in his work, Mr. Dnken ig" doing much to relieve the nation., isesuies iiiiioculnting lnnny refining firms throughout theVctnjntrv u prominent uttsolinc initliontv ol this citv said that while the venture would prolmlilv lie a success, it could ijt no wny -an oct the gasoline prices i ir less than another vear and that the present skv limit quotations on gasoline w ill not onlv hold stenilv hut posyihlv rise. Tn ptirf. he said: "The onlv solve lion to the gasoline1 -problem that I can see is to increase the output, and it is claimed that the Kittnifin process can do this. It is estimated that there will be two nni) fl half million atitoino biles alone in operation this year, .which will consume l,l"0,OtMl,i)(llf ' gallon- of gasoline.. Then there are the farming tractors and other gasoline motors jo rnrrrm si rrrrrd- -ntrd -t h r-u( ( dr- -wi H-ttn lv leach the deinnnd if that. "Gasoline obtained .from the Kit t tnr n process is of comparatively .low gravi ty about iiO degrees, ; ludievc nitd. it is ptooned to meet this liy tnlvtn; tliils III1J '"JJWWrih'tl-ef but 1 lie '.conrpinii.eg "Which- liuve adopteil it are only using ir experiment nllv. 1 lie process is the invention of 111-. W, V. liittinni, of IN' I'nited States Hureaii of M iiies,-1 liich has .is siieil licenses-to- the. combined compan ies to use the method, but on conili- fi-oii that all pa ten table improvements developed by the licensed iirni.s irt its ejnploynienl lie assigned to tlie Cecre taiy of the I nti rior. 1 1 is .uiide rstood that the companies accepted- the use of the piocesB only on condition thiit they lie reimbursed to the .extent of their expenditures in developing it. ;Voii, .Mni-cli .- raft wit l.lMiil.lil'U feet of lumber, the -biggest ever on local waT.eis, will arrive Here, ludiig towed (liivvu the Xortheiint river f -' i" IVi iiurmiMii'ii nriil;;ii liy thl'i it with, higher grades, bringing the tugs..: .v : . 5 I ' . .V--'.'., 11 ' ! I ' I ! Jl Hi', M T - ' , ... . i ,i 1 1 ii : : n - - . ., . . , ys.. ,-i-r, -iif..,.u ;.r ,-i j,.. ,.. , .'-..ii. ...a. ? . ..i,.-..!,. ,,1. -y. m "A. TLMiSWSI:--J in a Pair of J. & K.i T I r WHAT do you think cf a retailor wh() takes tta-parly. hours before the rush of 'cus tomers the hours that look least..' valuable nnrl mnks . them t he most profitable of all? " V, liar ili'M'nTj'TrimJrcira moiTwhiT hfnr all the office and hook v -k of his .bnsi . .m'HA-fiiiishivl hv 0:.!0 a. m. find has all the rest of ttio day h niako friends and pile up profit:). What do you think of a -simple-art of books that Fhnws crrrv rhv n mm'- nlete record ol yesterday s transactions, including:; - - - u- o . Perpetifal inventory of inerehandise . on hand. ... Total ca.-h sales. ". -, ( (ist of ea.sh a leu. " Total charge salrs. ( ost of elnirne sales. Profit, for the (lav. MonevTn.romers owe: vmrtfii'coatif " reeeivuble). Money received on account. . Money that you owe (accounts pav : aide). ;: ' Total cheeks paid for goods bough t. Numlierof pairspold during tlie day. Total of discounts on invoices. Total of expenses. Total bank deposits. . Merchandise jeliiffied.lo.ma-mifafe .-. turcr. ... . . Nurhl.ier of pair? added to stock. . ; Number of pairs rcrjiaiuiug in. store. Amount of sales fry each cleric - - Trofit on each clerk's sales. . " our limrcrs run over the kevs, list ing tlv 1 1 ems - vou press the 1 olal Kev, pul l a lever, and vou ve printed vour total caf h sales for the day. t'liargesalescoine just nseosilv then total s.ticii. That's tlio lntormation wlurh F, D. Mntsoti nas about his business every day. Matson anil many other retailors are getting this complete information, easily, niiicklv, bv the u?e of a Hurrouubs" lirain tif the Bnrrotighs is r-rriial-to tin; - wnole job in two hours or less each day. Total cost, pf sales takes only, a tew 'minurtM nioro-- for the code figures are on tiie slips. . - It is not so trr.icli work to add up sales bv clerks either and know which makes the most sales and the most profit. Perpctij.il Book Inventory rT1HK machine enables Matson to keen : a perpetual book inventory, which ai ls in buying and results in bigger profits and p.iicker turn-overs. besides that the Burrounhs enables him to take an actual stock inventory often. Comparison of 'book and actual inventories puts a rheck on leaks.. : Hrv-remar4ry--fiirile--and- 'Jatson nets nil tho farts alxi'it Iris hiiHiuess is typical'. of what the itiii-rouirhs will 'do for cny business. Whatever your kin: 1 of business there's" a Hurroughs to handle the -figures.' Vntf to our ncirest nfTiee viinr I ele phoi-f l.iook or your banker will iv e you tl;o .idilri'Ss and simply nay that vini nre interested in t ho figures which a Ifurroughs.wili enable you to. get aliout, -If .Vol! -prefer -to v. ritf Hi- -the-fT5rton,1 r.ddress iiurroughspUctroit, .Muiiigaii. In ttn Hla-k time of the day the Mntunn .Store nets tha lijjvire facta od wliicb 10 build tur bigger protiM. .i lib . The. ISurrouKhit rnakrti it ranv Jo. im 'ntfvry every item . 4n-tiork ia runrii'OT rhort. time. ' . ' ' I H (JKOWN SHOt CC' i4fMt, . n'"Jl'v ' . JVJC-----'.i JUL f- ;aat2a;-t.i r; The moment You Set Foot Pumps for Women You Are Taking a Step in Advance in Foot-Wear, . Quality, Fit and Satisfaction. A step tharvvnrteacl you iri tlTcrrightrl ireictioTrtir Fo otHnptri-" v ness and Style-fulness. v'.. - . . ' J.jS K. Pumps are designed with special attention to -A III -V Til . -a SSSSBN ' FIGURING AND DOOKKEEPIN'G t-iACHtXtS f PRTCED A3 C-kr'ifSSeaii 1 7; - ''-" - (HrB1 'P'-T COSTLY ER.VORS-SAVE VUATiLE TIME Jfl UWAS 123 ' WJSlM ; '- permanent uncial ion clai.'sc in the bifl. " . . . " 'I'lo.'' sli-oi'iv -is. '.Ii (tyt long, 0 foot .;; ," . . 1 ',.-:- ril U 111 J I P bcvm i,.,.! ii' : , clHiiilvd - she Will make -..,.' FRENCH' APPEAL" TO :-'-' H H .ri i J'i iii.l.--r lioo'r.: The distance fro.m, -;: -.-'... I . I - SPAIN FOR PRISONERS I U 1 1 I UULIU U.-fhau-ii totli;- t-uurMiig statioi. is re-.; : , . ; 4 -- - . . ... puled tn In- nl'ioi-ri.'" iTnles. rlic boat , y ; ; I'aris, l-nucerMan-ul:.-H .i. coni -"';"..'' 11(111110 ' l.c...rnr.ed m.d.ihe j,.amiement . ' potedthat over l,omil-',-, ..h faunlo-s V : R U S : " r U-e A,:v hnlW 1, ..il i.rm - :., - ., ,, , ., .. ... . , . - -. - Illlnllll 1 iiiui'iii. -.a' . d'lt tamiiskeet bake. Al- it have sought the eel,, ol K,,ig Air.0-0 . IIUHUU ; ,,, ,, , ,; s. ,,...,,,; .- , ,. a,,,, ha, not ' ' . U of .Spina tur the ilisi-ovfi'v- id ch'Ws as . . , ,. , ... . f I 1 .. n,,,'l " i-i.M -"''i-. I 1 , f :.''' opiiiii.ii i-. thi'l tli.- ainer will make 'I JS' ." . '" 'I'll,. Asif.. ille Hoard of 'Trade ur-,.-r' 'd.iU.v- cui,'::. -.' ' :"H v.'lli the 'll:lO Nor- "".' .. . . 1 - ...1 1-..11, .,,( I.. ,, I,:,',., C.r Miickev. nn.l I. llie li-iiliC III II'-hio ll'l HI Cil HO I'l.H e ' ,- " -. lin-biiTi'iioii da .this ini.oii;,nt matfer. v ill oitIc t !.. n I on, -trip -after the ar- . Hoard cites. licnrgia us gn:i'!v pn.lif ing rival of the N.n folk Southern Marker . I , by" wirking ' Stale eon if ts 'on public train in the lU'teruoou. U meat cause qf r - Die ttrtMitT iu;i inti'fin 1 (' t!i- Slntr K H .Vn . M I IIi'''ions. roid the - . I r the ; . . - . . I 1 NOT OPPOSED TO SHIPPING BILL Washington, M:neh 117. Majority Eeader. 'Jaude Kitchin denies that he. has given out an' intervi"v say iijgth.'it he ioidd not support tin' adntinisf ra tion 'k shipping bill. Mr. Kitchin sai l tii.lt wjiii" of the State papers had 'fiiotc'lAhiin as-saying he would oppose the -measure and that the same s'oiv Had been picked up and published over Hm I 'l'ittlTv- : iim op " tint, " -said- Mr. Kitchin, "I otdKiscd to ijerniani'iit ginernment elation of nieifhaiit marine for gencial Irade." Mft 'iiiTornuitioii is that- the cjii iiiitt on Meif liaut Marine, and Fisheries will piit in -a .r( ision elim inating -til-! periiuinenl operation . feat ure and make the 'ojieratiou by the government lis it should' be,ail emer gency act. With the elimination of the permanent operation feat lire 1 will support the' bill. This was my posi tion on the measure in the last Con gress' and . I see no 'reason to change now.-- I tieliet ed hrrom m 1 1 tec wti .rtr rhat-att -or- us can hug the ankle. Qualities and Every Pair Guaranteed to "Fit the Arch." . . J. I-! Dasiie THE DEPENDABLE STORE STAR FISH MARKET - Bef ore you buy your Fish, call at Star Fish Market. We carry a full line of Fresh and Salt Water Fish. -We dress them to order. lk to the whi'realioul s id lelativi have either not been heard months or have been reported a ing on the -official list-;, special oiliies have been lifted, up in the royal palace at .ladi;d and a regular stall', under the direct iiiodf the Kind's pnate sec. retarv, Ihui 1'iniilioTorfes, is-emplorcd in Mirtiug and tiling the l.-tters receiv ed, la talking (o n "reprcM-ntative nf the I'ctit .Iniirnal recently,' lion' liiuil ioj'i.irii's.sai.t that a great imniber of yi" letters received were read by the KiiTg' hiniself, who- directed all par ticulars available to be sent to the Spairisli Ambassador in Berlin, in ordec thnt lie migh make the necessary re plication to the (leiinan government. Onlv the other dav, said Don Einilio Torres, the information, was . received that two French 'soldier reported as missing were safe and well in Cier iiinny. The news was impiedintely tele graphed to their families. Of. late a number of appeals for he'p with regard to lost relatives have. . bom -received friu linJili pujopbf. BEAUFORT LADY IS HEIRESS TO MILLIONS I'.elhavcn, Manh -7. Mr. A. Muir, fnrinerlv of this town, is-ine STAR FISH MARKET F. T. Fulcher, mgr. Phone 101 Across' street from New PostofFice ten heirs to the estate of her grand father,..Iohii i '('. Trice, who emigrated tn Colorado years ago .and there made a fortune. The estate is estimated to be worth from . I OO.tiOOH id to .i:(iMMi,iioo. Mrs. Muir has four rRildrep, two of whom reside at Relhaven. Thev are MrwiV'.. C.'-Jnir,- Chrisheld, '.lib;Mrs. Leslie Kiev. Norfo'k", V'a- and Messrs. Oscar dm! Russell. Muir, of lielhaven. AVhenMisr"Mnir w ill enuio into posses sion of her part of the estate is not known. . prison a,t Kaleigli. ;.m eipial iliAisinn of. tlie Made bet v. eon I he ( VeliiVa! Mid riedlliout 'estern or Miuintainoiis lie'rion State, taking into consideration, course, the jfx.'lte I i ft i -1 1 1 v of buih ing" loads in the inijiintains than in the level count ry: t - The people re" a isji iirgcd to call on fli" candidates for the legislature and. Senate to declare themselves on this important subj.'ct before tin election in Xoi -ember, and demand that such Jegis- I:it iiin tie enacted. Pile Cured In 6 to 14 Day Vonr rtrcrirint will refund money it PAZO OINTMKNT Ullf to cure ny c ol Itchinr. tieorgia h:oibeen building roads ..ith her State convicts for about three vears, and the. talk of motorists coming through (ieorgia to Ashcville indicates the enormous value of this policy of road-lmilding! Motorists state that thev can drive from fnrtv to sixtv miles through (ieorgia without changing the gears on their machines. Everyone admits that' good roads at tract much capital. - Virginia is now adopting the system of working State convicts on their pnlilic roa4.' North Carolina should not tie behind in-this important movement. BOAT LINE FROM. BELIIAVEN, PLAN Helhaven, March 27. A daily steam boat line between New Holland, Mattn- niuskeet Lake, illvde eountv, and Bel haven will be I established, it is aid, I within the next few weeks. The boat Tnke 9, Cln'is of -Salts If Your Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers . ' Moat Tnrms Uric Acid. If you must have your meat every day, eat it, but flush your kidneys with sails occasionally, s:iys.n noted author-, ity. who tells us that meat forms uric acbl which almost paralvzesthe kidneys in. their i ITorts to expel it from th blond. . They become sluggish mid weaken, 1 1 1 - -1 you suffer with, a dull- misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in tue luick or sick headache-, dizziness your, stoaiai-h sours, tongue is .coated' and w hen the weather -is bad you have twinges. The- urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get jiore and irritated, obliging you tit seek relief two or three times during the night. '- To neutralize these irritating acids, to cleanse the kidneys and, flush off the bodv's urinous waste get four ounces of Jud Salts from any pharmacy here; take a tablespoonftil in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with lithia, and has been used for generations to Hush and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize the acids in urine, so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder -weakness. dad .Salts is inexpensive; rantiot in- ftTO 9t Iton, Mass., k jure and makes a delightful efferves; tMtrtpplicUoBireiid'rt- 4oc I to make the ruYaiid she is expected Scent lithia-w .iter drink. - X

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