l' Monday, March 27th, 191b : THE EVENING TELEGRAM "v r"" r-r r "DENTIST CHARGED WITH MURDERTUKTP DUAL PERSONALITY, SAYS INVESTIGATOR, ' JL I) i;V5 iSlIlffilig Every Kind of Shoe for Every Kind of Foot ' A Style and a Shape ' to Satisfy Every Woman '' 1 77Pt , . 1 .. . , r I ' . ' " : 3 - WILLIAM FAENUM SHOWING TODAY (Hv ttic fiiaiid I'li'ss Ai;cMt.; iint vi'i v lfotrrr liuiti, is jiliivini; lit tho Oniiuh toilnv in n ilrnina of riutiaiicc nml ad vent ure, ."Tlie Hioken Lmv." ...It in a tlirillniK . Ktprv of Uvpsv life tompereil liv an iiiir('i'lvii( lovo sturv of' tin utmost I'liurm. llorothv Bcrnaril, Murv Mar tin nml li'linl.'iH Duiiiii'w nsKist Mr. Vanillin in tliiH ii ii t i no ami tliiiroiililv intrrestitnj )ilit(iilav. Tomorrow as tin- star in n siitnicnl ii il I liuinoi oiih live-net furcc, the must widclv known of Hinge ccleliritieN, An no Held, will be presented. Tlic picture "Muiluini! I. a I'lTHidcntc," nml wim ne viscil OKpeeiallv to suit tin' dashing nml f.iiH'iiiBting Ntar whose mime lias np prnreil ho coiiHpictiouslv in the hIii'i1 ' World., As for tlie picture it is saul to bo most (loUylit fill and eiitertiiiniiir, lieinir a review of incidents happening in France Anna Held wears hoiup vorv Htriklujj ni liaiiilsonie cost nines, 1(1111-liitiy..- .Ii' wanlrolio she lironylit from France upon her return a slim t time a?o, , . -Hw sent "Tire Hearts- iif Men" a pll.On1 piny beautiful for its laje of tlie stfoii' Inrndslnp of men, wlneli, t boilli lnnk I'll, is meniled and made a Ktronjjor than ever before. rredenck Lewm and l.thel (irav Tenv are tlie stars. STEIKLVO PHOTO FLAY AT ALMO-TODAY 'v1, v the Almo .Press Airrnt.) The fou.r part Hnii;r:ip.li su l (iwt , "The Gambler of the Wot," whieh nonipusfs the. hIiow at.the Almo for todav is prob-.,i,i,- mi. .,f n, o ..',(..' . ..i.i. ...'. ,. 4iu-- L la )- ...I V vi77 - ; - -i fr" : Anna Held who appears at the Grand I - f i ... . T tomorrow in "Madame La Presldente." I r A if , . g J 1 I Dorothy r Dodd SHOES $3.50 to$6,00 TO MAKE A SANATORIUM , , : OF "MOUNT WEATHER' Wiishiuton, March 7. "Mount WcatJjiT," on top of the lllue Kidse iiioiiiitains, 111 l.oildoun rounty, Yir giiiiii, has dropped out of the raiirfor a summer White House for tl-re l'l'csi- ut.- lieiuesentativt; ('arlin in tlie pl'CHent session nit mdiieed a oil) providing for the use of " Mount Wea ther" as a siinimiM lioiut' for the Tres iden, has olTered anot her measure, dh rerliiiK Ho" A; neult tiral I'epartment to turn the propeilv over to the Treatuirv T'epltrtnu'dil for a s.ni.t 1 m iiim to be i'ii 11 In vrrt the V'niti'd states imldie. Iit-iiltb-k.1 lor the heneht nr -yiek -tofrelin'M seanieti and ot In r eniiloves of jhe gov einmeut. "Mount Weather" is one of the most beautifully located homes aloii the lilue Kidjje rane. There is a Dorothy Dodd Shoe for every kind of foot. Fashionable Models; Conservative Styles; Comfortable Shapes; Every-Day ShoesT Shoes for Style followers, for the "home woman," for elderly women, for young women. - The Crossett Shoe For Men $4.00 to $6.00 CROSSETT , S HQ E.i You should see our assortment of Waistings in all the New Shades at 25 and Dflc. " A big assortment of Shirt Waists, worth $1.50( sizos 36 to. 40. For QQp only . - - - A complete assortment of Dress Goods in all tho New Shades 50c and up. fiui1 a4hiAlino -) --Hma-4i4WT-!ifixii. ia r prippinpf and tUornn(;hlv niterest ui H plot, beautiful scene, wonderful liliotogrnphv and a great oast of well known plnvrm headed - Ijy (iertiunp linbiiison and ( liarles est Tomorrow the tenth episode of Neal of the Navv, entitled, "The Kollini; Ter ror,'wilI head the show. Thorp will . only bp four niore.p! slides and Ihe" interest attached to this serial is in creasing in k'rent fashion each week. Al Rotomorrow ".lack Sprat t and the .Scales of I.ovp," an Pssanav coniedv of manv lug fun inonieiits lentui'liig Vic tor I'otel.- r ! THE ALMO Today, March 27th. :. ...A decided picture, treat 'THE GAMBLER of the WEST' A Four Fart Biograph Pieture, Gertrude Eopinson anu Charles West. Tomorrow, March 28th. "THE ROLLING TERROR" ,-i;rmn T t EplBOl8 pt NEAL OF THE NAVY Only Four More. Also Two Other Reels. . Dr. Arthur W. Waite. "Dr. Arthur Warren Watte, of New York, is Jruilty of the murder of John K. Feck, the millionaire drujj manufacturer of Grand Kapids, Mjch.", This is the statement of Francis . Mancuso, head of the homicide depart ment of the New York state's attorney's oflice. who has investigated tho -rase.' He says Waite has a dual personality; that he was at the same time a polished, educated gentleman, and one of tho worst criminals of tho ' ..age - ' Today, March 27th. William Fox Presents . The J100.000 star WILLIAM 1'AKN UM- In the romance of romances "THE BROKEN LAW" An adventurous story of love and conquest among the Gypsies. A Big Picture A Big Star A Big Producer. - - 'g Tomorrow, March 28th. ; Paramount Pictures Offers Hje.lehratedS3.tclii v lootugnts . f - ANNA HELD A X In a captivating farce ? "MADAM LA PRESIDENTE" Bub Ming over with refreshing V and satirical humor. i A . : : :: Whenever You Need a General Tonic :f ' Take Grove's TTie Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tcnic properties of QUININIi add IRON; It acta on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Knriches the Blood, and Bmlds np the Whole System. 50 cents. I, ! COINCIDENCES IN THE PECK DEATHS -Jlrs, Anna Maria Peek ol (iiaiid- Kapids, Mich., died at i' o'clock Sunday morning, Jnuu- ary ;;o, in tht hoiiie ol her sou-in-l.'iw, Ir.' Arthur W. Waite, Xo, -l.'!.") Riverside TJnve, New 'iiik-r- Her body :is eiuludiii-' ed at !' o'clock tliat 'morning . ,'llld lit X 0 'cliH'l; lll.lt .li lei muni Wits started for tiraiul h';i'flNJ on the New 'ovlt ('ciitral'l. un ited traiii, tlie Wolverine, l-'n-. ' ne'r;ii ,seL-vices -'lAVre .held at ('land Kanids Minida' after- . noon, ami on t ue.stiay lite ln.niy was cremated at IVtioit. '" John 10. Peek, iiiillionairi" husband of. MrscTi'-e'Iti died at L' o'cloik' Sunday lnoriiiej,', j-SLu-fh 2r in . tin-' liniiie oil Jys . son.-in-lavv, Dr.-Waite. I is re o'iiius u ei e. em lia liiicd at 11 a. in. and at .j o'clock tiiat at'tenioon was oir t vice tropos too, bo on the started for tlrand Kaiiids lie Wolverine, l-'iineial ser s were lie-Id at Grand Kap;- AljidivjiJ-'t-C-iuiuuii.--.biittiu: 1 that Mr. I cremated was receipt of a signed telegram topsy. . . lei in1 f u v Uev. lr. A or of tlie P k s boilv, Ijpiued 11 p- firtif iously ins; an an- J lie llctl'I'fu t1 in t iv it ii n-t W. Wisliart, pastor ol the 1'eck tamilv in . Hi-aeil Itajiiils, "brought . to the .iMe.itiou ot tlie New b orli au thorities the fad that Mrs. lUll Tcci; iiiijMi Hriyht 's disease ;i ii ,1 t hat arsenic covereil ill the Peck when the pe l-rorilled. A .syc performed for tin nntliorit res, continued tlic poison. . Ii:i v e . dreil ol us was said, had been dis l.odv of Mi-.1' iiiltupsy was ceiiiraiitopsv. N ew oi k pres- ol LADIES THE DOROTHY DOOD SHOES ARE HERE. COME EARLY. Agency for the C. & B. Corset, all guaranteed. $1.00 to $10.00. B. F. PROCTOR Tarboro Street :cursion That when you buy from us you are saving ."ill. per cent of your purchase price. The- largest, line of Trunks, .Suit Cases, Hand I iattff -Musical Instruments, Watches, .lewohy and Sportine; (looils in N'ort h ( 'aiolina. Tlie Famous t.. & M. .I.L''"i basel.alls, ijila'raiiteed aid. to rip; our pri'-e- to all, !IS ('cuts. Sooinj; is '-ftrjievinji. ' .vo take a look and be cou iined. l'ree liMti lviile Hook and (Score (.'aids. N, J,: EDWARDS' & CO. , . 1H!I Tarboro St. -' T P. .1. KDWA HOS, Propr - POISONED MILLIONAIRE AND DEAD WIFE I TIME BUY Seed f to or Mour Garden ; . We have the most complete stock of seeds in the city. j . ' I In buyinseeds to )lant it is important :' that you buy only NEW seed." We were not ' in business last year, consequently we have none on hand left over to sell. All. our r I- seed are fresh from the seed houses. i I C?, ft ,; "V v . 1u&jlaAm 1 (lOLIISHUKO to CHAPKL II ILL 8TATIOM mid Ketmn MONDAY, APIilL .'IRD, 1010. .' " " via -- . ' HOI'THIOKN U AILWAY I'rcuncr Carrier" of tliii .South Account , .., . , . UASIOHAI.L OAME - and ' University of N. ('. vs. L'ni. of Virginia Dedication 'IOmerson Athletic Field . iSI'Kt 1AL TltA-tN 8. I.v, l,v. I.v, I.v. I ll". Ar. liednlc nnd'ltound Trii Fares as follows: JolilKhoro Princeton Pine ivcl . helina ilsoti ' k MiU ( la i ton Aiilnirn l .arucr H.llcigil I nrv Murri.-lille lliirham CIiiiimI Kill 7:45AM M: I0AM . iCMAM S:30AM :4!AM H :r,.-i AM !l:IIIAM Ii : ISAM !i:ar,AM II :.',.-, AM to :04AM 10:4.'iASf l t :40AM $2.t)0 1.75 1.75 1.75 i.r.o 1.50 r.so ' 1.50 125 1.01) J ll .75 J. J. BATTLE, D.D. Dentiat 120 North Main Street JOHN D. ODOM ATTORN KY-AT-LAW Office in DAUOIITRIUGE UUILDINO Tarboro Street. fPROFESS!0;Hn:A Phono No. 09 i Itt'hrrntns, Lchvc rimpil Hill Station :'i.iVM, ,N.w is your opportunity to vihit tlin Uni vrrwitv t a vry stnnU vohX, witiH'sA tin' : irrrI'st jiamo of the cft,soii. on the Hill mid ! )hr ileiratin of Kinerson AthUrtir FiHd, r1 utet; and st ttool girU and tioys will le then I liv the hitndri-'do. Mnny alumni will he tlieri i from alt over th Htate. For any other in i (nrmntioTi call on your utfent, or writp O. F. I York. TriivHinff pHKKpnger Agt'nt, Fay j ?tlevillo 8t., Ualeigh, N. C. - Seed-Potatoes, all kinds, Early Seed Corn. ' Full line Flower Seed, all kinds, Vegetable seedr etc. Make your selections early. " . Yours for business, 1". a e Kins (x T J 171Tw6 Phones4l71 T (X J eirreys 137 Sunt Ave., Mr. and Mrs. John E. Peck ' - ' . Fpliowintr the recent death by poisoninfr of John fi. reck, millionaire fc vt vj.M.... .......u.;, .'iiLii., oi. nvuft.i ami uvui.ii yji. 1110 HiiC) suspicion fastened upon a son-in-law, Dr. Arthur Warren Waite, of New York. Dr Waite is said to have admitted that he gave the poison to Peck,1 but did so at the request of the latter, who wished to commit suicide, '. . . , . . S! , . Timely Piece of Healtn Work The Sint, Hoard i't""tt-oatth-rs-bctB congratulated liv other State health de laitmeuts and by noted ynldie health workers on acquiring for her people the jnihlic health ' nursing service that has recently been effected by the Mate Board of Health and the Metropolitan LifeJnsnranee. -Company. In tie opin ion of these noted health experts, this arriia'nieiit to institute a nursing ser vice that will sooner or later be ex tended to all Jhe people of the State is the most timely pieee of public health work the State could have un dertaken at this time. " This public health nursing service tor the State was made possible Hr the - r.i'f nn Life Insurance f.-r"r njrreejnn; to pay nn y local linldii in part the-alary of health nurse in ratio to the iinniber-bf poIiev-hoTders The e o m pa n y Tuts Tn tT7ii if 6 vv ho f (iiiuiTn u-" ity. in other ivimls, jthe company agrees to jiay the niirse 50 cents per visit for every viit made to their policy-holders. The company, it is said, lias 112,t"l(i policy-liolderir iu North "t are lina at this time. This proposed nursing service as 'ex plained by the State Board of Health will combine the district or visiting nurse service, the tuberculosis nurse and the child welfare or mother nurs ing service, and the nurse is io be knihwn as the public health nurse.. Ac cording to Miss Ella Phillips Crandall of view York City, authority on public health nnrsing, this systematized meth ij of public health nursing !i" proven r icicnt in. the North and Vv where ii has been more perernlly ri..ployeil i public lieri'.th'i1 The Company writing the j poicy.that Supreme Court j Justice Chas. E. Hughes, the ! life-insurance expert, out lined as fair to the policy holder and company is the Equitable Life Assurance Society ofNewYork. " Represented by, J. R. BENNETT, Special Agent. Attractive Low Round Trip Fares . via " Bouthsrn Ballwar $'Jfi.75 KcJma. N. C. to New Arlennn. La., mid rf.irn, Hcrounl ti'atiotinl AHnoetatinn of Itcal Kfitatc Krhn(Rn. Tl'-Wfts on sale Mch. 'ih and Jli. Final limit April 3. ' . $Js.fi5 Hclroa, N. ' to Npw OrUann. T.a.; and return, amount Honthern Soctolosiral ConrcM, and SoulUeriV Conforonc for Kdu ctttion and Industry. Ticketn on jiale April 11. 1'.', 15, 18 and 17. Final limit April 80, 10.35 Hcinia, N. C, to Vash.ittlon. I). C. and return, account li.ltti Cnntiiipntal ('oli irrwts Daughter of tho American Revolution. Ticket on hale April '12, 14 and 10, Final limit May 1'J. - 9J0 Sclioa, N. C. to AslicvillB, N. C, and rclurn, " acconul Southern Baptist Oonvou tion. Tickets on xalc May i:i to 17 inclu rivc. Kintil limit Mav 31. Final limit mav tm nutendcd to Juno 15 by depositing tickt rV ,t ....,.., ,.t ci nn .i AvU-niu : $1'.25 Hrlma. N. C., to IliraiinKtiain. K and rrturii. mrouitt Annunl Reunion Lh i:t to 17 inrluaive. Final limit May BS. Final limit may ht '.tfndfd to unp 14 by deposit ing tick'-t and payment of 50 cents at Bir mmffhnni. $1,H0 Rfllma, N. f? to Lytl.- (ia., (near rhfttUnrM)(,' , ami return, arrount National Military Training C'ani at Fort (Elpthorjf Tukpts on (Juring Anril, May, .Jim, July anrl AuKt. Hpp tirkct Bgcat for liraiti and otttfr information. Low round trip far fiom all other Minta on aarnc laia. The Southern Kerves th Moutb. O. YOitK. T. P. A., : Raleigh, X. C. Hardwood Floors, Screen ad We Strips.. Estimates Cheorfulljr Subnu InstaJled r-omplct In uliti:n? Hlgb grad work, Uranti. R. E. SHEAKI2I ;v,y PHONE 255-B. ,f Undertaking: Embalmir.'j Parlor oa Third Floor Everything Strictljr first class oa the most reason able teams : t ' ' : Day Thone 312; Night, 436, 236, 517-F nJ 635-F. IS YOUR LIFE INSURED " LIKE YOU WANT IT? Representing the Equita ble Life Assurance Society of New York, One pf the Big Three, I am in a position to write you a pplicy that will exactly embody what YOU desire in a policy. . J. R. BENNETT, ' Special Aent. FLOWERS Many of our patrons de sire flowers or floral de signs for special occa sions One-of-the feat ures of our policy of efficient ""service' is the prompt filling of orders for flowers for any oc casion : : : : Phone 15 .1. W. Rose Drug Co. E. W.PETTET . f First . Class Concrete Wont, Don r - ''...' I i'romitl at Reusonublo Prices. ' Artistic Fronts a Bnecialty. Phons No. B46-r. . THOMAS W, S'QTXIZQX Dental Surgery Arrington Building Phona 499 Min-8unet Atenne ' Railways ' Lsnd Surrejinq; Water Power Municipal LnprovetnoaU . JNO. J. WELL3 Civil Engineer Office 12? Phones - Eesidenet 171-F . Bocky Mount, IT. O. , ' i SAMUEL E. ------- Afehitecl - ' Offic Orr Five-Poinl Dr r ' Phone 751 ' , oAZAAsscrci: Undertaker Embslmer and Disiaf,- Our Line la Complete. Libe nent anaTrompf r-t Phone: Day, 180; Kigl t, '. ' ' p.-e. azt. OJtU Eagtaafr and t oSce ia , Planten Back X - Phone No. ( Municipal Desi truer, I Conwet V. s.s ct j TJ YOU X7A - Anj-whcre p Call on in. vr r r i Day ri s