AGE EIGHT Monday, March 27th, 1916 1 r't. 1 '. If you wera thoroly satisfied fttTurXoaMhiajRinterlJt-. you weren't why not try our fuel this Spring and be con-, vlnced that this IB the yard to place your orders. wlth7 Coal prices run about the same, but quality varies wide lyour Coal quality Is the best your money will buy. Your order will be PROMPT LY filled If placed with DOMESTIC FUEL CO. LL"j "Absolutely Removes InHigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. THE FAIR GROUNDS PEN BUS pBSJHBal 'i .I STOMACH OUT OF FIX? . rhone your grocer forli ozen pints of thia delicious dU tetiv tonic. Drink pint with each Zealand if you are not delighted with bwtant relief, tell him to charge the curat dozen to ue as authorized. SIHVAR GINGER ALE Nothing like it for renoreting old worn, out stomachal converting your food Into rich, red blood; adding eound fleah and 'I vigorous health. .-''..''. , JBottled only by the celebrated SiUVAl Ml NEXAl SPRING, SHBLTOOrc If your dealer has Dona in atock tell him to 'phono ----r v CEO. S. EDWARDS A CO. DUtrlbdtora lor Bockjr Mooal. . THOMAS PENCE (Continued from page one) BELGIAN WOMEN T HAVE-NO DECEN wuaon .waa.-decply, shocked vln n Im Has told of Mr. I'om-e'R ilontli mid ex pressed deep regret with 'ostmuster- Ucneral Uurloson und Heeretary Tiiimu ty, Mr. Penoo has directed all of t lie riot hi led politician work of the admin lstrallou since the 1,'rcsidont .took of lice. -.- - - Mr Tho Commission -for the Belief in Belgium announces that more than JM) Governors and mayors throughout, the country InHt week issued ofticinl proc lamations urging the pulilie. to cooper ate with the different (State committees of the commission to obtain elothinir and shoes for the three million desti tute.' in Belgium and Northern France. The concerted """ in the reniilt of the man casting the starvation, of millions of iioii-eomhntantH if vtliiv-commission s work should lie iiittrfniiiteil, - The ofll.feinln in-their aiiiical call at tention to the dire ..need of clothing existing fimpng nirl'i'liil urea nun net aside iliflerent (lavs, to he-known -hs-1-' Buy ir-Vni'd "of Cloth da.vsV in.ordef that the merchants and public, may concentrate .011 miles of cloth and. shoes for those- wind I v de pendent on tint commission. . Among the Cnveruors who have" is sued proclamations are Charles VV E- Matters are rapidly taking shape for Hocky-Mount's first nnnunl fair, which is To lie held the coining fall, and the dntes sct' apart by the association of fairs i' during .the latter part, of Sep-, feather. Already the attractive sixty eight acre sight 'alongside H drond has JiwnyisewnTd up and work )iBTrrMarted under-' the direction . e . of an engineer on the building of the hull' mile race track, which it is de clared, will be the- peer: of many and the equal of the best) since iit'no point in the entire stretch that a horse would be roipiircd to go up or town hill. On the other hand' the track is to be ex -drained over the entire course, while tho supply of sand and clay of which tho track will lie probably built lie n rofuw oil for surfacing is to be had almost for the asking f nun a local mauufiK'turijig plant "':': . :. ; tioiua : Kla nk iiJianuT (S(iiMh-4kota V. M.t Ferris If. II rence was i'i years old und native of Raleigh, North Curolinu. Ho wns a graduate of Wako Forest college and was unmarried. During tho WON Presidential rnmpaign Mr. Cone was in churgo of the publicity bureau of 'V-'UiCWtii; National committee and , in the IHuYampnigu he had charge of 3lo,Wr0 W-JS ilaau-tmhUnitv work. Hi fore being liunJe secretary of the emo cratic committee Mr retire, was assis tant to the chairman of the committee and later took charge of tho permanent jit'BUfpiartersA litre. 1'resident tfavo out the 'fol- Wilson lowing statement: "The death of Tom I'ence has brought to all who kiuiw him and to all whom ho so loyally and earnestly thp-de epest grief, but a sense of irreparablo loss. Few liner spirits li avc ever con uec teiJLtlieuiheJxejJ- nTtaf wun puuuc service, lie, nau very great ability and ho devoted that-bility to the promotion of Jliejhings JieJhouglit wero right with a singular - devotion and self, forgetfulliessJ.J'eja that vwy man who desired the pul 'food bus lost a partner and that the Democratic party, in losing him as secretary of .its national committee has suffered a loss which it may not be possible to riv pair at all." - . - - TheT'rosident will accompany the body to the train when'tlie funeral party leaves for Raleigh. Funeral to Be Held Tomorrow .Washington, March 27. Funeral ser vices will be held in Raleigh at 11 .o'clock tomorrow. The body will be taken to Raleigh tonight. Hecretarv i Tumulty arid other otliciala will attend ?he funeral. - - i- -" - ' RULERS OF WORLD UYS BLONDES ARE in .' . -" hi blondes rule the world; ttre bru r5'tes trail along behind. I'racticall .( the huropean kings are light liVade -that is, their hair is light, or has lenuency toward lightness. The same bolus true of Presidents in this country, Lincoln was the last distinctively lru nette to occupy the ('residential chair -, t rom the rlay of the dreat Kmancipator liuwii 10 ine present time the lieuiW ' (be nation's I'reHidents have, bee crowned with a tuft showing a strong inclination toward the lighter colors H-pd or blonde. That, in substance, was the lino of arg iiuint advanced in the V. M. ('. A auditorium last night by Dr. KathcriHo M. H. Blackford, character analyst, and contended broncho-buster and globe trotter. Ir. Blackford is fro .11 A'ew York, and aims to teach the world a now science a science that will enable ev try man to figure out for himself wheth er he had best be a banker or a baker, a Idccksmith or a musician, an army Jfieral or a"patiljt orHtor. Philadel phia Becord. - Tzna itvrne B. Willis, Ohio; (California; O. ('.Curtis, Maine Hiialding,. New Hampshire; Diivid Walsh, Massachusetts;-. John .1. .Mori head, Nebraska; Locke. Craig, North Carolina; Arthur Capper, Kansas. : - Although the public, 's response tit 4li commission s winter nppoa.LforjH,OUU, i""T 111 cloth or money' to purchase chilli was geaerotrs, tlio results fell tar apart or the supply necessary to clothe the llnee million destitute iji the war stick en countries. The commission announce that it has purchased and shipped cloth 1 rom which, the eiiumission a textili experts estimate, the Belgians will be able to fashion about 777,Mfl garments. 1 111s niiiulier it is stated is eiitirelv 111 tplc'iuuie to meet the needs. The commission is continuing its ef- torts to 11 waken the business men and women of the country to a tinner reali zation or their duties as Americana to 4?ae for- thescf "innoeeiitrii-tims-nf the world's tragedy abroad. In Belgium and .Northern r ranee thousands of wo men accustomed to the refinements of the well-to-do have now reached a point wacre tnev are without, the decencu 11 liuv-. The Camp Tire llirls of . fldtl strong last .Saturday. TTTveck a campaign to obtain new clothes for the children. The irirls have undertaken a movement which is nation -wide tn its netipp- and inidiidi s other war reliefs, in honor of the fourth tiirthdnyif "ThfMi"i)iiTi'oiiaT"fir'g.'iiii:tt itm . If. ft. ' 1 1 1 ornt ui tor propaL'iiuda piiriiusea has been sent troin ( he girls. New York headiiiiarters to the ti.uim guardians 111 their organization. Bv their own ("Pet ox. effet ts the girls purpose to nlividiial bmntics tof new clothing ROOK PARTY TO BE HELD TUESDAY There has within the past week been complete) a broad avenue extension of Tfi'li'ii" strnet. wlii.-li fiffni'ilu u u fiv.i.iL- lent street, upwards of. thirty feet in width nlmtistrfrom-t-hp- hearf "nf-thTitjn and this recent opening liiuu the grounds unsi'ly within three (iiihr'teTs nt' the luisiness ci'itter of the lity. ''-There lire a large force of hands at; vvorh -:i the grounds cleaning the same up in 'preparation for the starling of the op, el.'UHilis ill nil 1 1 1 1 1 n - nir 1 :i iiosi ,- 11, halls, feiH-eHj-eti-rf-witltirt - the nn-xtRer-eral weeks; W'hile the riiilroitil authori ties will probably make their spur t rack con nect ions duri utl;is t ime. . PEACH CROP 13 cut .-'... '.r. BY WEATHER 1By Assoclatod Prossr Raleigh, March W. N. Ilutt, State Horticulturist, announced today that the State peach crop this season will be about" -" per cent of normal. He has just returned to Raleigh after a tour of the State. Mr. Ilutt said that weather conditions this winter an;,( spring was' responsible for the'decrease. We have just received about 25 New Dresses and 50 New Coat Suits, which we are going to run at and $16.50 There are about 20 Suits and 15 Dresses in the $14.05 lot; and 10 Dresses and 30 Suits in the $16.50 lot. If you are going to buy a Suit or Dress this Spring it will, surely pay you to look over our.linej5-Rmember that by Jbjjy TELEGRAM WANT ADS For This Week Only Your Executor He may bo fi keen, successful rhan-in his own line. If so, his personal affairs engross his time fully. Even if he had the time, can his specialized training serve In the particular work of administering your estate? -If he hasn't time or experience he cannot do justice to your affairs. - ' . This company goes straight to essentials, knows what to do. when and how to do it. - The Rocky Mount Savings ; & Trust Co. THE EXECUTOR THAT NEVER DIES . v "A Word to the Wise is Sufficient" Be guided in your business methods by the experience of the most successful business men. It is next to impossible nowadays to find one who is not an earnest advocatejofci ! ,- - ,FivcCenls a Line, Six Words to Line. Phone 71 and Have a Messenger Call for Your Want Ad. FOR RENT EIGHT ROOMS AND BATH ovpr Iyion-nn(l Tm-kcr iilorcs on Main Klroct; inn rt'iit im whole or mi two apart icntH. Ajiply Vitkinoii, ltulluik & I'oin luny. : , : 2-21-tt WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED ROOMS, wtcl! ii'htcd KiitL --onv.o-iH-fy knnlfil jmtt Millaliltv for IikIiI housekci'iiin. Apjily to July Kyun, 11111 iiael- Koi k v -M ount . Ilnsn hall flub. r Iron Fence -CHEAPER THAU WOOD 5a III March 1L '", Usa&mr Uiiw"' WE REPRESENT The Stewart Iron Works Company CINCINNATI, OHIO - "The World's Crcatwt Iron Fcn-e Work" THAT is the reason we can scl you a neat and substantial Iron I'cncc so cheap you can't afford to put up a wood, wire or any other kind of Fence. Can Tafre Votir Choice of 300 De- J i l. H . J K. signs at All Range of Prices COI W. W. JONES Or ASIIEVILLE DEAD (Bjr Afioclatad Press) Ashcville, March W. W. Jones, widely known, attorney aud-for nier ftate Senator, died here after a lengthy illness. Col. Jones was a Confederate veteran and was with Gen eral Lee at the surrender at Appomat-tos. TRENCH TRANSPORT REPORTED SUNK (Br Auoclttad Prass.) -tlin, -March 7. Beiwrts have' received from Athena that a . ; transport with troops on ''mm (Saloniki had struck a 1 sunk, 7;( persons Iw'iiig r's t!ie OiciM'Sfl News Contrary to the announcement of sev eral davs ago that. 'i rcle No. : .of the Haughtcrs lif "the Confederacy would hold a rook party jn the parlors of the Ricks hotel, it has been decided that the part y- should be held ill the parlors of the Sagamore club on Tues day night of this week. The party is being given for a most worthy cause and attendance upon the jiurt of the members of the, society sot us urged. The proceeds-are for the benefit of the monument building fund. THE SOVEREIGN CIGARETTE The -city is being thoronghly-ran-vassed just now concluding this een ing by ilessrs. ('. I.. Postou. V, lley, II. Stepp, II. S. l,eilbetter, .1. j. Hedrick and ('. K. Wood who are iIimii onstratiug the purity of the imported French rice paper and of the tobacco used in Sovereign cigarettes, a popular a nj JViUJuiU:iLJu4, ' W. S. FRANCE ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. BOSTON ears nn't 'Milie," a-'J I (It LOST SMALL SCREW TAIL hull; Hiwly wtiitc. ' Im'h'I tirinitle tiiil froiie(l. Aio-wi'rs to liHiiic I'lionc P. ,1. Mcmie. Alio LOSTSUNDAY. BETWEEN ROCKY MT. Mini Tnrhoro or rn v il M irliclni -C'as-niff and Kim. si.i. ,I44. Jiward for return to l lin Tnli'flriiin ofSi'i'. . .ll-gll 'II LOST BUNCH OF KEYS BETWEEN THE Jiouclas I'rtii; Store ami loi.tofhi'e. r'nulcr return sani.' to. J,, b. battle. a -5 Jt TRY US WE FURNISH LABOR OF ALL tsjn.l t'ook, niii'e.i mother, nurses, . car . peiiti-ri., puiutcrs, ijltt-t'erers ; we fiirnisll . Versotl-. hauling, elou-inir and all eoiuoinn talmr. Apply to Ro.-ky Mount Hinploy incut bureau. Raleigh Kaud. l'hone ls;l. i:.", ,", WANTED A FEW MORE Mrs. M . A. V..t. l I 1 Arliiu -BOARDERS 'on St '.'.'l ift I I- T h e n u m b e r MODERN BANKING FACILITIES ' . T.ifA Is ton arinrt flnrl st.rnniia to nnttftr swnf alonrr nld-fashioneol. wlines . Seek an alliance with a bank of established reputation, no matter whether your business be housekeeping, farming, manufacture ing or selling merchandise. ' ' " We modestly but canfidently solicit' your accounts, feeling posi tive you will be pleased with the service we render. Four Per Cent Interest Compounded Quarterly on Savings Deposits, The National Bank of Rocky Mount THOS. H. BATTLE, President R. H. RICKS, V-Pres. - S. L. ARRINOTON, V-Pres. -FRANK F. FAGAN, Cashier W. d. ROBBINS,' Asst-Cash. MONEY short TO t line. LOAN SMALL l-l. Sadler. SUMS ON FOR RENT- lulu iion"i k FOUND ON Vj'.tri, m rl ies' t.'irs.. I'll FURNISHED eeini;. 1'hiine -I. ROOMS FOR ,1 I .J ., FRANKLIN .ST.. BETWEEN . nut Nttsh ;si:r Sijii.laVV a hi Owni'f )HI- pet' S.1HU' bv i'l'-U WANTEL-TABLE BOARDERfi. BREAK- , 1'nsl, fiStH tn lljfKI; .fllincr, l'';f)0 to '.::'H); Mil'itcr. (i:Ou to h:Ou." Mrs. M. A., West, ill Arlington - trfi t. . :'j j', (t : TTffh fa r: ml : YVlion nick, TTT OF TTir PAl-T- one wiiKes "wit li stiff I pains in muscles, aches in joints, or rheumatic, twinges, ( he cannot do his best. If you feel out of the race, tired, languid, 'or '"luive "symptoms of kidney trouble, net 'promptly. Foley Kidney Fills help the kidneys get rid of pois onous waste matter that causes. trouble. Five I'oiuts I'rug Store, May yt (ior haiu, Flops. ; Hed Cram IbugCo. incn who buy here and continue lo buy here .season a ft e r season confirms this opinion ! That the clothes we The demonstration is being various drug stores and cigar the lity, and when yon have tests exhibited whether v smoker or, not you are that the "Xovereign" made at stores in seen the m lie- nt least sati'slied is all right. I soil Iron Safes for tho Debold Safe & Lock Co.. also the Victor Safe and Lock Co. Those people make the best safes on the market. I will exchange safes with you, or buy your old safe foX-jalft. at a Inw price, Thot.o have been ovor hauled and will do the servico of a new safe for years to come. Write for a diagram and price. . S. FRANCE, Agent ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. ?s - ' - ' .A FOR SALE 1 I . " ; v I Wehave for sale a Judgment against F. Wilson, engaged' in business at South Rocky Mount, in the sum of ,$12.90. Please make us an offer. EVENING TELEGRAM MARCH 1, 1!)13 JVIARCH 1, 1916 In celebration of my Third an niversary In Rocky Mouat, dur ing the entire, month of March I will offor a "Free" examination of the eye, should glasses be need ed tho moderate charge of $3.oa only will be made for either style desired, framed, framoless or nose glasses, with ujfcio-date - fiUKor piece mounting. All work guar anteed.. L. G. SHAFFER, -. Eyo-Sight Specialist. Phono No. 662" Office in Philips Building. - are selling' are the highest possible de velopment in worth while tailoring at the prices. .. Suciety Brand, Grif fon and Style Plus Clotnes are the makes that we feature. Come and let us show you. "Safety First" Be on the safe side and deposit your money in THE PLANTERS NATIONAL BANK. ---No better time to start than today. Every account is given Very careful attention. The small ones as well as the large ones are wel come.- The Planters National Bank Rocky Mount Shoe & Clothing Co The Men and Boys Store J. C. Braswell, Pres. Millard F. Jones, Cashier. J. M;, Sherrfjd, Vice-Pres. W. W. A vera, Asst. Cashier. " Some Things That You Will Want WHY NOT DO SO? Now is the time to put a jwrtioh of your earifings aside f or theday , udnenujire "not earningrYou won't miss $1 or $2 a week-you may need it some day and need it badly.Ifit is hereJn a Savings Account you will have it. You can start that ac count with $1.00. . Why not do it while you have the dollar? FIRST NATIONAL BANK Safest Fpr Savings" if I E ! Our line of PORCH FURNITURE is not equaled in any store, and our prices arc right at the bottom. - : You get our GREEN PORCH SUIT of 3-4 or fine piecesand place them in your porch and you will be more than pleasant with the effect of neatness: and coolness that they express. REFRIGERATORS. Well, we can't: describe them, we have so many to pick from. COME AND SEE Bulluck, Philips & Co. Corner Washington and Tarboro Stsj SB- -si'fl : -As ejitiiw,fffis s f to